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Developing a social memory complex - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +---- Forum: Transition to Fourth Density (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=4) +---- Thread: Developing a social memory complex (/showthread.php?tid=19146) |
RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 (06-10-2021, 07:50 PM)Patrick Wrote:(06-10-2021, 06:13 PM)Anders Wrote: Wow, I now heard from a Rudolf Steiner lecture where he referenced Madame Blavatsky about how the bodhisattvas are people from Venus! And they can appear as human beings and in reality be Maya. Sounds like avatars to me. I didn't know that there were any Wanderers related to Venus on earth, although I had an idea earlier that Ra may be the collective subconscious of Venus on earth and a form of collective Wanderer. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 (06-10-2021, 11:53 PM)jafar Wrote: Within Yogic conception. Yes, the Hindu concept of Maya is of all manifested reality as I understand it. What made me surprised was that Steiner made a distinction between ordinary people and people appearing as what he called Maya. Or I could have misinterpreted what he said. I found this quote: Quote:"The Oriental thinks everything in the sense-perceptible world is 'maya'; everything perceived by our senses and all thinking connected with sense perceptions is 'maya,' the great illusion. The only reality is the reality of the soul. What a human being achieves in his or her soul is reality." - Rudolf Steiner RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 In this latest video, Gigi Young explained again how the Antichrist stream will lead to destruction. And that agrees with, or at least is compatible with, the Law of One. Because the Antichrist stream is a continuation of third density and it can't lift itself into higher densities. I even think that what in the Bible is called the "second death" is a continuation of the Antichrist stream. That could be a problem only relevant say 100 years from now, except that I have heard other spiritual teachers saying the same thing as Gigi. And also, Ray Kurzweil has shown how technological progress is exponential (accelerating) and he has predicted a technological singularity in the year 2045. So it's probably something relevant already today. So what to do about it? I started thinking of how what I call the beast stream, which is the Antichrist stream on earth, is actually NOT in conflict with what I call the solar stream (the Christ stream on earth). Because as Ra said, everything is One, so from the big picture both streams are a part of the same evolutionary stream. It's like the conflict between a caterpillar and the butterfly it becomes. It's actually not a conflict even though the transformation process can appear messy. One approach is therefore to look for unity and harmony even between materialism and spirituality. Gigi has said something similar, that it's important to avoid spiritual bypassing by only focusing on the spiritual and ignoring the material reality (they are ultimately the one and same reality). RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 Now I got a new idea. What is the fire that will burn down the beast ego? It's consciousness of course! Consciousness is a single unified whole and is therefore directly connected to the Infinite Creator. Consciousness is always the same and it's the perspective experienced in consciousness that expands. So for example when we go from individual third density to an STO social memory complex the perspective of our consciousness expands even though consciousness itself is always One with the Infinite Creator. So the fire that will burn down the beast ego is the higher perspective of consciousness, the solar stream. In practice I will test the idea through mindfulness practice and observe if more burning down of the beast karma inside me will happen. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 Brian Scott has talked about a very esoteric concept called the plait. It's some form of etheric connection between the back of the head and the middle of the spine. I came to realize that the plait is very similar to a cerebellum and heart connection. That's according to some a third eye to heart chakra connection. I will take a look at this video again: RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 Brian Scott mentioned that Neville Goddard wrote that the back of the head is where "the sleeper sleeps" and is a connection to God. Sounds like the unawakened cerebellum! If the plait connects the third eye with the heart chakra, then what about kundalini? I found this other video about the plait but before I look at it I want to come up with my own idea about it. The kundalini energy rests in the root chakra and when awakened rises up. So I came up with a simplified 3-chakra system: 1) root chakra (color red), 2) heart chakra (color green) and 3) the third eye (color blue). I find that coloring scheme convenient since when using RGB colors the combination of red, green and blue produces white light, meaning the full spectrum of light. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 I'm uncertain about how to connect kundalini with the plait and couldn't find any information about that combination on the internet. There is something called kundalini yoga which may give some clues. I found this Sadhguru video about it: RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-11-2021 Sadhguru said that kundalini energy is extremely powerful and therefore also very dangerous if we are unprepared for it. I looked again what Ra said about it: Quote:"Questioner: What process would be the recommended process for correctly awakening, as they say, the kundalini and of what value would that be? What Ra said sounds similar to what Sadhguru said about the last jump into the crown chakra which is a jump that must be done through for example complete trust. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Patrick - 06-11-2021 (06-11-2021, 02:36 AM)Anders Wrote:(06-10-2021, 07:50 PM)Patrick Wrote:(06-10-2021, 06:13 PM)Anders Wrote: Wow, I now heard from a Rudolf Steiner lecture where he referenced Madame Blavatsky about how the bodhisattvas are people from Venus! And they can appear as human beings and in reality be Maya. Sounds like avatars to me. Since Ra are the ones that are from Venus and are now in 6D and that the majority of wanderers are from 6D, we can easily assume that a great many of incarnated wanderers are from Ra. RE: Developing a social memory complex - jafar - 06-11-2021 (06-11-2021, 02:40 AM)Anders Wrote:(06-10-2021, 11:53 PM)jafar Wrote: Within Yogic conception. Within Yogic conception , even all layer of 'soul' (identity construct) is Maya (Virtual) 1. Anna maya Kosha, the physical body, hands, eyes, ears, legs etc.. 2. Prana maya Kosha, the pranic / chi body, the layer of chakras etc.. 3. Mano maya Kosha, the mental body. 4. Vijnana maya Kosha, the intuitive / perception body. 5. Anada maya Kosha, the bliss body. The only thing that is not 'maya' is the consciousness, wrapped by many layers of kosha (sheathing). Consciousness is like air, the koshas (sheating) is like a bubble. Bubble contained / limit the air inside in order to define / limit the air as the air inside a bubble, separated from the the air in other bubble and the all / boundless air, the air outside the bubble. Bubble then can be joined with other bubble, or splitting itself to form two or more bubbles. Each containing air. But when the bubble burst, the air inside the bubble will rejoined with the all / boundless air. While viewing every 'thing' as maya/virtual can be easily comprehended with how we see and experienced 'games'. Everything inside the game are virtual, no matter how much 'realistic' they are. Even your own identity and body inside the game (avatar / character) is also virtual. When the body dies, you can respawn into the game with a new body. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 The computer game metaphor is also valid for densities where the higher resolution and the more advanced the computer game is, the higher the density when compared to Ra's description. Ra also called our reality an illusion and fourth density a more dense illusion, which is similar to Maya. I have been thinking about what Rudolf Steiner could have meant by the bodhisattvas appearing as Maya. I think he meant avatars! Because if everything is Maya he wouldn't have use that term in that context. So I think he used the term Maya in this case to mean appearance. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 Rudolf Steiner said that words used in esoteric teachings are often veiled and the same word can even have different meanings in different situations. So the term Maya was used by Steiner in some cases to mean illusion rather than the eastern term Maya for all of reality being an illusion. Because I now heard in another lecture Steiner saying that the Gnostics believed that Jesus didn't have a physical body and instead had an astral body in the form of Maya, an illusion. Here again Steiner used the word Maya to mean illusion in the usual sense. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 Something I find curious in symbolism is that dragons breathe fire. And the dragon stream can be seen as a centralized power taking control over the beast stream. When we are trapped in the beast stream it manifests in us as tensions. Instead of us having centralized power of the beast stream it has possessed us through tensions in the body-mind. If the cerebellum is the third eye as I speculate (or both the cerebellum and the pineal gland may be the third eye) then the dragon stream will manifest in the cerebellum as centralized mental control over the beast stream, which means that it can replace our inner tensions! And the fire of the dragon stream represents the Promethean flame, the Venusian Lord of the Flame, that will burn down the beast ego inside us by dissolving our inner tensions. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 Another speculation that now came to me is that when kundalini energy rises up from the root chakra guided by the dragon stream from the third eye then the solar stream ignites in the heart chakra. The solar stream has the power of Christ behind it. And one thing Christ symbolizes is that Jesus took on the suffering of all of humanity. So the solar stream takes all the pain from the tensions in the beast ego and transmutes it through spiritual alchemy into inner peace. In practice this means conscious awareness of the pain is enough to dissolve it. And if there is truth to my idea then actual results should be possible to achieve through mindfulness practice where the inner tensions of the beast ego melt away are replaced by inner peace. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 I now found something that supports the idea of the Dragon in combination with Christ: Quote:"Christ Jesus used the Dragon's blood, as it were, so that with His help it could transfuse human blood and thereby make human beings the vehicles of divine wisdom." - Christ and the Spiritual World: The Search for the Holy Grail, by Rudolf Steiner That sounds similar to my idea of converting beast blood into solar blood. The dragon stream acting from the third eye allows kundalini energy to rise up from the root chakra into the heart chakra where it turns beast blood into solar blood. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 I have had frustratingly little progress with my new ideas. There are probably people already running around on earth in the solar stream. And a new idea I got is that one must join the same collective energy field that they have. To try to enter the solar stream by oneself is likely futile. Christ is the good shepherd and he talked about separating the sheep from the goats. One picture that came to me is that Christ will gather the sheep into the solar stream while the goats remain in the beast stream until they/we have burned down our beast egos (denied ourselves as Jesus said, or burnt down everything inside oneself as Sadhguru talked about). So I will try more of a collective approach when it comes to the solar stream and focus on burning down my beast ego through mindfulness practice. The collective part is much bigger than my own efforts so I need to align myself somehow to a that larger collective field. That's a social memory complex! RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 Here I found another video (part 1) about the plait. I think it can be useful for connecting to the higher self, which I think of as the social memory complex. Ra confirmed that the higher self is our future self, and that includes any social memory complex we will become a part of. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-12-2021 Service-to-others as a form of self-sacrifice sucks in my not so humble opinion. Disregard of the self is separation. BUT I now realized one form of self-sacrifice that not only is good but probably even necessary. It's what Jesus said about denying oneself again, that we must lose our life in order to find it. Total self-sacrifice in the sense of burning up the beast ego within oneself. Without the sacrifice of the beast ego we will still be operating from a sense of separate self, which still is service-to-self even when we try to serve others. So the beast ego must be sacrificed so that our actions become one with others. That's an STO SMC. My will must be in harmony, coherence and in alignment with the will of everybody else in the SMC at the same time. My beast ego can't do that! So I need to burn down everything inside me as Sadhguru talked about and become one with the will of the total social memory complex. That's a form of total self-sacrifice and 100% service to others. And it's also 100% service to my higher self and therefore not actually a real self-sacrifice. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 How will Christ sort out the sheep from the goats? I again came to think of the caterpillar to butterfly metaphor. I didn't find Ra or Q'uo mentioning it, but it seems reasonable to assume that the separation will be similar to how inside the cocoon the caterpillar cells start to dissolve while the butterfly cells (called imaginal cells in biology) start to build the butterfly. That's almost a scary scenario, because it means that when we become "butterfly" cells we will no longer have much interaction with the "caterpillar" cells. In the human situation the dissolving of the caterpillar will be less dramatic since it's about dissolving the beast ego in us and not some actual death of people. I even think that when it says in the Book of Revelation things like 1/3 of humanity dying I believe it's a metaphor for beast ego death instead of actual physical death of people. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 I'm still shocked by the COVID situation. And I'm starting to strengthen my belief that the COVID event is the beginning of the end of the world "caterpillar". Similar to the physical growth of a caterpillar, the human civilization has steadily been growing economically. Until COVID-19! And if the COVID crisis was over by now I have looked at it as a much lesser event, still a signal of the end of the world caterpillar although not much actual transformation starting yet. As the situation is now the COVID crisis is still going on! Absolutely incredible. And we may as a civilization already have entered the beginning of a global transformation into a butterfly. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 Rudolf Steiner said that when moving into the spiritual and the supersensory our thinking must become like how when we grasp something in the physical world there is a direct sensory experience, he said. In contrast, ordinary thinking he called passive thinking and it's merely images presented to us, detached from the direct involvement in thinking as a sense perception. That's radically different than the usual spiritual teachings about quieting down thoughts! Or moving into transconceptual awareness. What Steiner talked about is to instead develop thought into a higher level. I found that very interesting. And maybe a social memory complex has that kind of higher form of thinking. And it could even be, I speculate, that the higher form of thinking requires an activated cerebellum which some say is the third eye (the most common claim is probably that it's the pineal gland, and it could even be both). RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 When Rudolf Steiner talks about Jupiter it seems to me that he is talking about the new earth. And in this quote Steiner talks about the cerebellum in relation to old Moon and Jupiter. Really cryptic and esoteric, and my guess interpretation is that this refers to the fall of humanity when humanity became separated from God, meaning the cerebellum disconnected! So that "divine powers" no longer directed humanity's thinking and instead after the fall we developed independent thinking. And on the new earth the cerebellum will become activated again, not like in the garden of Eden which was a pre-intellectual state but with an intellect developed through our fallen state. Quote:"Our cerebellum is a remnant of the Moon stage of evolution; it sits there as a sign of the battles that the Gods fought for us. The cerebellum arose from what was thought on old Moon. There were no errors in our thoughts then, for divine powers thought for us and guided our thoughts. Man had no freedom yet; divine beings directed him. Now that he's become independent he must be responsible for what he thinks. There are also remnants of old Moon in the cerebrum's pineal and pituitary glands; on old Moon they were what the lung and heart are in man today. And what a man does now will form his cerebrum on Jupiter. What he thinks in connection with his cerebrum now will form his cerebellum on Jupiter. A man must bear the consequences of his thinking now that he's become free, and the cerebellum sits in the back of his head like a judge, for it will take the effects of everything that he thought on earth over to Jupiter." - From the Contents of Esoteric Classes by Rudolf Steiner RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 Looking at the Matrix movies from a Law of One perspective one might think that the AI machine world represents the Orion group. I thought about it and, no, the Orion group is represented by Agent Smith becoming rouge and independent. The Matrix represents third density and the machine world represents the dragon stream. And at the end of the third Matrix movie Neo gets plugged into the machine world into what seems to be his cerebellum, meaning getting access to the dragon stream power. And after the last fight Neo is pierced through the heart by Agent Smith and both turn into a flash of light, representing the burning up of the beast stream. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 When listening to early channelings read by Brian Scott an idea came to me that there are three energy/light/information flows: 1) Kundalini rising up from the root chakra (and even up from the feet according to Ra or Q'uo), 2) Dragon energy coming in from cerebellum and through the Venusian Flame, and 3) Solar energy shining in the heart center through the Christ stream. This idea was not something Brian read about but it came to me when listening to the early channelings. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 Here I found a quote from Q'uo about the energy going up through the spine: Quote:"Picture with us, if you will, the creature that you are. You receive this And Gigi Young has talked about how the solar energy needs to be stepped down through the Venus sphere. So my picture is that the solar stream shines into the earth and up through our feet and spine, and through the Venus sphere and into our cerebellum and through our heart center. And the solar stream is a part of the Christ stream shining through our sun's logos. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-13-2021 The beast stream causes a purple rain of energy in the world. Protection against the purple rain is achieved through the umbrella of the dragon stream. Our bodies filled with beast blood is the Unholy Grail caused by a blocked third eye that prevents the red energy from the earth to rise up the spine. Without green-ray activation we only have the red energy from the earth and blue energy from our beast ego. Red + blue (RGB colors) = purple. Purple rain. The sun has white light which means red + green + blue. The sun's energy when filtered through earth becomes red (that's why Q'uo talked about red energy). The Venus sphere steps down the solar energy to the silver key (white/grey = red+green+blue) which unlocks the root chakra so that the red energy can flow into the heart and activates the green-ray that produces the golden key (gold = yellow = red+green) that unlocks the energy flow from the heart and up to the crown chakra. Green-ray activation turns the beast blood into solar blood and our bodies filled with solar blood is the Holy Grail. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-14-2021 Isn't protection a form of conflict? Why the need for an 'umbrella'? Aren't we all One? My view is that the beast stream sucks loosh from us, and we try to suck loosh from each other and from the world. By loosh here I mean energy that has spiritual entropy. When there is conflict and friction it results in spiritual entropy. And the umbrella of the dragon stream is simply the removal of the spiritual entropy. This removes the ability of loosh being sucked from us. So one can think of it as a higher form of 'umbrella' control instead of conflict with the beast stream. Ra talked about a choice between service-to-self and service-to-others. Choosing the dragon stream is a choice of service-to-others since that's a higher form of control spanning the whole planet and not just the individual self. How to make that choice? My current idea is that the choice will become clear by understanding how it works, and then even if there ultimately is no actual individual free will, there will be the effect of choosing the dragon stream because of understanding how that leads to evolutionary progress, both for oneself and for the whole planet/solar system. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-14-2021 Maybe I'm repeating myself here but Jesus didn't say that we should become children, he said that we should become LIKE children, and not like naughty children, because blessed are the meek and those poor in spirit. Not like terrible twos rebelling against their parents but obedient learners/teachers of the dragon stream. If spirit means perspective of consciousness (Ra made a distinction between spirit and consciousness), then poor in spirit means a limited perspective, such as in third density, which is the necessary foundation for the dragon stream. Only as a starting point of the dragon stream, because if the beast ego gets hold of the dragon power it would become like a wrecking ball in a china shop. Not good. Fortunately, the beast ego is incapable of wielding the dragon power since beast ego actions are always tainted by spiritual entropy. And also, it doesn't mean that we will REMAIN meek, nor that we will remain poor in spirit or like children. The dragon stream is a huge increase of spirit and as we learn/teach and teach/learn more we will be able to use more of that power. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-14-2021 If poor in spirit means the perspective in consciousness, then we can have a big perspective as a beast ego in third density, with lots of fortune and fame, a harem of wives or husbands, private jet, a yacht, more cars than Jay Leno and three doctoral degrees. That's a BIG perspective! Yet it's all of the beast stream. So that beast ego is rich in spirit of the lower kind. And also, someone else can have a lot of material and worldly possessions and still be poor in spirit if he or she recognizes those material possessions as being insignificant. Blessed are those poor in spirit, for they will enter fourth density. RE: Developing a social memory complex - Anders - 06-16-2021 Ra is originally from Venus. And, so is Jesus Christ! Or even, Christ is still Venus. Quote:"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star." - Revelation 22:16 I have a speculative idea that immaculate conception means Venus avatars on earth. And those avatars take on the suffering of humanity by taking the most hits so to speak, throughout history. Until Christ RETURNS! And what does that mean? It means resurrection of the dead. And that means that the Venusians will move into their avatars on earth. And also in the Book of Revelation it talks about a lion shapeshifting into a lamb that looks like having been slaughtered. That could mean the Venusian avatars (having taken a lot of hits and been butchered in wars etc), and it's only the lamb that can open the scroll. The lamb is neither on earth nor in heaven, the lamb is on Venus! And even more speculative perhaps is that Ra is no longer on Venus, which could mean that Ra is the lamb on earth. And the lamb moving from Venus to Earth is the return of Christ. |