Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Printable Version

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RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 05-23-2011

(05-23-2011, 12:04 PM)hogey11 Wrote:
(05-23-2011, 11:52 AM)unity100 Wrote: if Ra had splitted in two, they would say it. rather than referring to the south american group as other members of the same confederation.

there is nothing to hint any 'splitting' at any point in the material.

We all get that. It still doesn't matter. That's the point; you are fighting for something that has no catalytic value to anybody. There is nothing to learn from the correction.

this is a place in which people study advanced information, for learning. if you are looking for catalytic action, pursuing advanced information of wisdom, is not the way to to do it.

it is contradictory to set out to learn advanced information, but then not learn it, saying that it is not of 'catalytic value'.

it is not related to anything catalytic from the start. and it cant be at any point. the information itself is of value, because, the whole point of blue ray, is learning the dance of existence. and, whether a society complex which refers to itself as 'Ra', and 'I' at EVERY point in a material can divide itself into two and call itself we at one point, is something that pertains to this kind of learning.

if one doesnt want to delve into these, then s/he should just not do it. engaging in charity work or similar activities would serve those who need 'catalytic action' much better than such advanced information in the first place.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - hogey11 - 05-23-2011

you are forcing others to participate in arguments they have no interest in. end of story.

we're not denying you the ability to be right, unity. you are right. now lets resume with the thread. Smile

Love and light, brother

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 05-23-2011

(05-23-2011, 12:26 PM)hogey11 Wrote: you are forcing others to participate in arguments they have no interest in. end of story.

i am not 'forcing' anyone. i had had asked the rationalization for a far-off, and erroneous proposition someone else has made. it is only natural to do as such in a discussion, especially if the proposition involves totally neglecting that the source which is cited as 'we' never refers to itself as 'we', but instead, i :

there is no place in the material in which Ra refers to themselves as 'we'. all the answers start with 'i am Ra'. not 'we are Ra'. we is used whenever Ra refers to confederation.

Quote:we're not denying you the ability to be right, unity. you are right. now lets resume with the thread. Smile

it is not about my 'rightness', it is about what is true in regard to material that is being studied. and, that is important, since we are studying this material.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Spectrum - 05-23-2011

unity Wrote:there is no place in the material in which Ra refers to themselves as 'we'.

You have got to be kidding. They jump between 'I' and 'We' all throughout.

Ra Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. We communicate now.

Ra Wrote:We found that the technology was reserved largely for those with the effectual mind/body distortion of power. This was not intended by the Law of One. We left your peoples.

Ra Wrote:May we further inform you in any fairly brief way upon this or another

Ra Wrote:Two, we wished then to carefully guide the initiates in developing a healing of the people whom they sought to aid, and of the planet itself.

Ra Wrote:The fourth-density being is that which we intended to say,

Ra Wrote:Therefore, we may continue even when energy is low. This is why we usually speak to the ending of the session due to our estimation of the instrument’s levels of vital energy.

Ra Wrote:We find much material in this query which would constitute repetition.

Ra Wrote:We shall repeat our opinion that there are several concepts which, in each image, are astrologically based.

Ra Wrote:We are not messengers of the complex. We bring the message of unity.

I can find lots and lots more, but I think this should suffice. It's quite easy to understand from the Ra material that a social memory complex is comprised of different entities, yet operating as a unit with the same goal and same polarity.

And with regard to the dead horse you keep beating.

Ra Wrote:Questioner: You mentioned working with one other group other than the Egyptians. Who were they?
Ra: I am Ra. These entities were those of South America We divided our

forces to work within these two cultures.

Not to mention that they once again refer to themselves as we. This is getting old.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Edinburgh - 05-23-2011

(05-23-2011, 12:29 PM)unity100 Wrote: there is no place in the material in which Ra refers to themselves as 'we'. all the answers start with 'i am Ra'. not 'we are Ra'. we is used whenever Ra refers to confederation.

Actually Ra states that he (them) are a collective, not a singlular entity.

Also, the confederation if seen as one (unity) entity, could quite easily be construed as splitting off into two, in the way Spectrum described. That's actually how I felt about it too.

Unity, you are someone I totally respect. You are wise and smart, plus you know the LOO material very well. But are you not also human? May it bee that your ego needs to take a back seat sometimes, and let some green ray shine? Angel

Maybe this forum is offering you some catalyst. Heart

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Spectrum - 05-23-2011

Ra Wrote:Questioner: When I am communicating with you as Ra, are you at times
individualized as an entity or am I speaking to an entire social memory
Ra: I am Ra. You speak with Ra. There is no separation. You would call it
social memory complex thus indicating many-ness.
To our understanding,
you are speaking to an individualized portion of consciousness.

Book I, Session 11, January 28, 1981 Wrote:Ra: I am Ra. A mind/body/spirit social complex becomes a social memory complex when its entire group of entities are of one orientation or seeking.

Don (intro) Wrote:Ra is a sixth-density social memory complex.

unity Wrote:we is used whenever Ra refers to confederation.

No, when they refer to the confederation, they say 'confederation'. Not that it's actually that important, which is what I tried to convey earlier. But here we are once again in a petty little argument.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Ankh - 05-23-2011

(05-23-2011, 12:29 PM)unity100 Wrote: there is no place in the material in which Ra refers to themselves as 'we'. all the answers start with 'i am Ra'. not 'we are Ra'. we is used whenever Ra refers to confederation.

I find this whole concept intriguing, unity :idea: I have not been thinking in these terms before! I always thought that when Ra said "we" he meant his social memory complex. But look at that:

Quote:7.1 Questioner: You mentioned that there were a number of members of the Confederation of Planets. What avenues of service, or types of service, are available to the members of the Confederation?

Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend the service which we of the Confederation can offer, rather than the service which is available to our use.

Quote:7.6 Questioner: About how many entities at present on planet Earth are calling for your services?

Ra: I am Ra. I am called personally by 352,000. The Confederation, in its entire spectrum of entity-complexes, is called by 632,000,000 of your mind/body/spirit complexes. These numbers have been simplified.

Unity, do you think that Ra sometimes uses "we" term refering to the Confederation and sometimes refering to his own social memory complex? Or do you think that he always refers to the Confederation when he uses "we" term?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 05-23-2011

(05-23-2011, 04:12 PM)Ankh Wrote:
(05-23-2011, 12:29 PM)unity100 Wrote: there is no place in the material in which Ra refers to themselves as 'we'. all the answers start with 'i am Ra'. not 'we are Ra'. we is used whenever Ra refers to confederation.

I find this whole concept intriguing, unity :idea: I have not been thinking in these terms before! I always thought that when Ra said "we" he meant his social memory complex. But look at that:

Quote:7.1 Questioner: You mentioned that there were a number of members of the Confederation of Planets. What avenues of service, or types of service, are available to the members of the Confederation?

Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend the service which we of the Confederation can offer, rather than the service which is available to our use.

Quote:7.6 Questioner: About how many entities at present on planet Earth are calling for your services?

Ra: I am Ra. I am called personally by 352,000. The Confederation, in its entire spectrum of entity-complexes, is called by 632,000,000 of your mind/body/spirit complexes. These numbers have been simplified.

ankh's above excerpts and points are enough to answer all the points some of you have raised before this post. all of them.

however i am sure anyone who had unfortunately or inattentively misperceived that, i am going to expand on what ankh has said, and this should clear up all the points raised by inattentive readers :

Quote:Unity, do you think that Ra sometimes uses "we" term refering to the Confederation and sometimes refering to his own social memory complex? Or do you think that he always refers to the Confederation when he uses "we" term?

ra contact was not something that happened singularly. ra contact ensued in a group which was already doing hatonn, latwii contacts, and, not coincidentally, with the same group. moreover, ra, hatonn, and latwii are operating as 'quo' since a while. therefore they are another 'we' now, including Ra, latwii and hatonn.

it seems apparently at any point Ra was using 'we', they were meaning any greater group/collective they were part of. most frequent of these, is the confederation.

at any point Ra refers to themselves, they use either the word Ra, or 'I'.

it cant go any explicit than that :

Quote:7.6 Questioner: About how many entities at present on planet Earth are calling for your services?

Ra: I am Ra. I am called personally by 352,000.
The Confederation, in its entire spectrum of entity-complexes, is called by 632,000,000 of your mind/body/spirit complexes. These numbers have been simplified.

Quote:1.0 Ra: I am Ra. I have not spoken through this instrument before. We had to wait until she was precisely tuned, as we send a narrow-band vibration. We greet you in the love and in the light of our Infinite Creator.

We have watched your group. We have been called to your group, for you have a need for the diversity of experiences in channeling which go with a more intensive, or as you might call it, advanced approach to the system of studying the patterns of the illusions of your body, your mind, and your spirit, which you call seeking the truth. We hope to offer you a somewhat different slant upon the information which is always and ever the same.

The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has only one important statement. That statement, my friends, as you know, is “All things, all of life, all of the creation is part of one original thought.”

We will exercise each channel if we are able to. The reception of our beam is a somewhat more advanced feat than some of the more broad vibration channels opened by other members for more introductory and intermediate work.

Let us for a moment consider thought. What is it, my friends, to take thought? Took you then thought today? What thoughts did you think today? What thoughts were part of the original thought today? In how many of your thoughts did the creation abide? Was love contained? And was service freely given? You are not part of a material universe. You are part of a thought. You are dancing in a ballroom in which there is no material. You are dancing thoughts. You move your body, your mind, and your spirit in somewhat eccentric patterns for you have not completely grasped the concept that you are part of the original thought.

We would at this time transfer to an instrument known as Don. I am Ra.

Quote:1.8 Questioner: Can you comment on the coming planetary changes in our physical reality? [Noise of cassette tape being flipped.]

Ra: I am Ra. I preferred to wait till this instrument had again reached the proper state of depth of singleness or one-pointedness before we spoke.

The changes are very, very trivial. We do not concern ourselves with the conditions which bring about harvest.

Quote:1.12 Questioner: Not completely.

Ra: I am Ra. We search your mind to find the vibration (nickname). It is this vibration from you which contains the largest amount of what you would call love. Others would call this entity (first name). The charging of the water is done by those present placing their hands over the glass and visualizing the power of love entering the water. This will charge that very effective medium with those vibrations.

This instrument is, at this time, quite fatigued. However, her heart is such that she continues to remain open to us and useful as a channel. This is why we have spent the time/space explaining how the distortions of what you may call fatigue may be ameliorated.

Under no circumstances should this instrument be touched until she has responded to her name. I do not wish to take this instrument beyond her capacity for physical energy. It grows low. Therefore, I must leave this instrument. I leave you in the glory and peace of unity. Go forth in peace, rejoicing in the power of the One Creator. I am Ra.

Quote:2.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of our Infinite Creator. I am with this mind/body/spirit complex which has offered itself for a channel. I communicate with you.

Queries are in order in your projections of mind distortion at this time/space. Thusly would I assure this group that my own social memory complex has one particular method of communicating with those few who may be able to harmonize their distortions with ours, and that is to respond to queries for information. We are comfortable with this format. May the queries now begin.

Quote:2.5 Questioner: You might mention that originally there was a capstone on the pyramid at the top, what was it made of and how you moved the heavy blocks to build the pyramid. What technique was used for that?

Ra: I am Ra. I request that we be asked this question in our next worktime, as you would term the distortion-sharing that our energies produce.

If you have any questions about the proper use of this mind/body/spirit, we would appreciate your asking them now.

Quote:3.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. I communicate with you now.

Quote:3.6 Questioner: At the last session we had two questions that we were saving for this session: one having to do with the possible capstone on top of the Great Pyramid at Giza; the other having to do with how you moved the heavy blocks that make up the pyramid. I know these questions are of no importance with respect to the Law of One, but it was my judgment—and please correct me if I am wrong, and make the necessary suggestions—that this would provide an easy entry for those who would read the material that will eventually become a book. We are very grateful for your contact and will certainly take any suggestions as to how we should receive this information.

Ra: I am Ra. I will not suggest the proper series of questions. This is your prerogative as free agent of the Law of One having learned/understood that our social memory complex cannot effectually discern the distortions of the societal mind/body/spirit complex of your peoples. We wish now to fulfill our teach/learning honor/responsibility by answering what is asked. This only will suffice for we cannot plumb the depths of the distortion complexes which infect your peoples. .......

Quote:4.0 Ra: I am Ra. I greet you in the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. I communicate now.

Quote:Category: Healing

4.10 Questioner: I would very much like to continue investigation into the possibility of this healing process, but I’m a little lost as to where to begin. Can you tell me what my first step would be?

Ra: I am Ra. I cannot tell you what to ask. I may suggest that you consider the somewhat complex information just given and thus discover several avenues of inquiry. There is one “health,” as you call it, in your polarized environment, but there are several significantly various distortions of types of mind/body/spirit complexes. Each type must pursue its own learn/teaching in this area.

Quote:4.14 Questioner: I’m a little confused. I partially understand you, but I’m not sure that I fully understand you. Could you restate that in another way?

Ra: I can restate that in many ways, given this instrument’s knowledge of your vibratory sound complexes. I will strive for a shorter distortion at this time.........

ra does not refer to themselves, as 'we', at any point.

it is possible to argue that, the individualized portion of Ra, conducting the sessions, refers to itself as i, and Ra as a social memory complex.

YET, the only point when Ra refers to Ra as a 'we' is when Ra dissects the concept of social memory complex as a concept while explaining their background, in one session here :

here in this session, opening stages are the only points where Ra refers to themselves as Ra.

WHENEVER something involving Ra as a memory complex is discussed, it turns into this :

Quote:6.24 Questioner: Do any of the UFOs presently reported at this time come from other planets, or do you have this knowledge?

Ra: I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator.

it is either Ra, or I.

ra refers to the south american contact group as OTHERS. member of your society complex, cannot be named OTHERS. there is no explanation or justification for it.

ra at no point refers to any entity among themselves,

Quote:4 Questioner: Could you give me a little more detail about your role with the Egyptians?

Ra: I am Ra. The identity of the vibration Ra is our identity. We as a group, or what you would call a social memory complex, made contact with a race of your planetary kind which you call Egyptians. Others from our density made contact at the same time in South America, and the so-called “lost cities” were their attempts to contribute to the Law of One.

for anyone who is less vested in precision or Ra material or linguistically confused, 'we' as in 'we may continue the session' refers NOT to 'ra', but the whole outfit participating in the session, including the scribe, questioner, and whatever disincarnate entities/groups helping the session.

i dont know what we are even discussing :

Quote:23.16 Questioner: I understand, if I am correct, that a South American contact was also made. Can you tell me of the nature of your contact with respect to the attitude about the contact, its ramifications, the plan for the contact, and why the people were contacted in South America?

Ra: I am Ra. This will be the final full question of this session. The entities who walked among those in your South American continent were called by a similar desire upon the part of the entities therein to learn of the manifestations of the sun. They worshipped this source of light and life.

Thus, these entities were visited by light beings not unlike ourselves. Instructions were given and they were more accepted and less distorted than ours. The entities themselves began to construct a series of underground and hidden cities including pyramid structures.

These pyramids were somewhat at variance from the design that we had promulgated. However, the original ideas were the same with the addition of a desire or intention of creating places of meditation and rest, a feeling of the presence of the One Creator; these pyramids then being for all people, not only initiates and those to be healed.

They left this density when it was discovered that their plans were solidly in motion and, in fact, had been recorded. During the next approximately 3,500 years these plans became, though somewhat distorted, in a state of near-completion in many aspects.

Therefore, as is the case of the breakings of the quarantine, the entity who was helping the South American entities along the South American ways you call in part the Amazon River went before the Council of Saturn to request a second attempt to correct in person the distortions which had occurred in their plans. This having been granted, this entity or social memory complex returned and the entity chosen as messenger came among the peoples once more to correct the errors.

Again, all was recorded and the entity rejoined its social memory complex and left your skies.

As in our experience the teachings were, for the most part, greatly and grossly perverted to the extent in later times of actual human sacrifice rather than healing of humans. Thus, this social memory complex is also given the honor/duty of remaining until those distortions are worked out of the distortion complexes of your peoples.

May we ask if there are any questions of a brief nature before we close?

above is the summary of the south american contact. there is nothing pertaining to Ra in it, apart from the contactee being of the same confederation, or, at least an entity from 6th density, however, NOT Ra :

Quote:As in our experience the teachings were, for the most part, greatly and grossly perverted to the extent in later times of actual human sacrifice rather than healing of humans. Thus, this social memory complex is also given the honor/duty of remaining until those distortions are worked out of the distortion complexes of your peoples.

ra refers to this group as ANOTHER SOCIAL MEMORY COMPLEX.

there is no way to conclude 'ra has split their forces' into two. since 'splitting forces' would not end up with ANOTHER social memory complex, which, then Ra would mention regarding them and Ra social memory complex, when asked. they had hinted or said nothing of the sort.

in short, misperceiving 'we divided our forces' as 'ra has split "their forces"', is basically what it is - a misperception.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 05-27-2011

Some posts are still missing

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 05-27-2011

yep. sure are

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 05-28-2011

(05-27-2011, 08:35 PM)Raman Wrote: Some posts are still missing

thats what happens when you dont have your own daily offsite backup scheme.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Confused - 05-28-2011

(05-28-2011, 06:18 AM)unity100 Wrote:
(05-27-2011, 08:35 PM)Raman Wrote: Some posts are still missing

thats what happens when you dont have your own daily offsite backup scheme.

Lol, unity100. You sound so much like a stern corporate IT security expert!

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 05-28-2011

i've been doing this since 2002 dec. so i racked up experience.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Confused - 05-28-2011

(05-28-2011, 06:42 AM)unity100 Wrote: i've been doing this since 2002 dec. so i racked up experience.

Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself in terms of this incarnation, unity100. Many regards. Smile

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 06-01-2011

considering how 'opening the gateway to intelligent infinity is ticket to next octave of experience', and how only negative harvestees had had 'harvested themselves' by doing as such up to this point, and how the 150 entities which were harvestable at the end of second cycle had waited for harvest time, not at all opening the gateway to intelligent infinity - despite they chose not to get harvested -, im inclined to think that the harvest event is an event in which a gateway to intelligent infinity gets opened.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 06-01-2011

Interesting. This is however the last cycle and in this last cycle there are significant changes to the planet environment and therefore "All are harvested regardless of their progress".

Quote:9.3 Questioner: The way that I understand the process of evolution is that our planetary population has a certain amount of time to progress. This is generally divided into three 25,000-year cycles. At the end of 75,000 years the planet progresses itself. What caused this situation to come about with the preciseness of the years in each cycle?
Ra: I am Ra. Visualize, if you will, the particular energy which, outward flowing and inward coagulating, formed the tiny realm of the creation governed by your Council of Saturn. Continue seeing the rhythm of this process. The living flow creates a rhythm which is as inevitable as one of your timepieces. Each of your planetary entities began the first cycle when the energy nexus was able in that environment to support such mind/body experiences. Thus, each of your planetary entities is on a different cyclical schedule as you might call it. The timing of these cycles is a measurement equal to a portion of intelligent energy.

This intelligent energy offers a type of clock. The cycles move as precisely as a clock strikes your hour. Thus, the gateway from intelligent energy to intelligent infinity opens regardless of circumstance on the striking of the hour.

However, it is worth noting that the planet then ceases to be useful to the lower portions of the current density?

Quote:6.15 Questioner: What is the length, in our years, of one of these cycles?
Ra: One major cycle is approximately 25,000 of your years. There are three cycles of this nature during which those who have progressed may be harvested at the end of three major cycles. That is, approximately between 75 and 76,000 of your years. All are harvested regardless of their progress, for during that time the planet itself has moved through the useful part of that dimension and begins to cease being useful for the lower levels of vibration within that density.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 06-01-2011

this is what we all look like, trying to open the gateway to intelligent infinity

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 06-01-2011

(06-01-2011, 09:54 AM)Raman Wrote: This intelligent energy offers a type of clock. The cycles move as precisely as a clock strikes your hour. Thus, the gateway from intelligent energy to intelligent infinity opens regardless of circumstance on the striking of the hour.

i forgot that quote. that basically says there is indeed an opening of the gateway, and there is indeed a precise clock governing it.

moreover, it will open, regardless of the circumstance. this tells a lot.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Oceania - 06-01-2011

like if you're in the head when it happens that's ok, you'll be harvested.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 06-01-2011

In the head?? I don't think it is opened until the 'head' Is in the right 'place'.

Head. Head. Head. (a weird word right now)

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Oceania - 06-01-2011

lol not that kind.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Confused - 06-01-2011

Intelligent infinity is a clock -- that sort of makes me think that the universe is a whole lot impersonal place.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 06-01-2011

(06-01-2011, 07:38 PM)Confused Wrote: Intelligent infinity is a clock -- that sort of makes me think that the universe is a whole lot impersonal place.

Considering the conditions on this planet, i cannot thank the Creator enough...

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Confused - 06-01-2011

(06-01-2011, 09:18 PM)Raman Wrote:
(06-01-2011, 07:38 PM)Confused Wrote: Intelligent infinity is a clock -- that sort of makes me think that the universe is a whole lot impersonal place.

Considering the conditions on this planet, i cannot thank the Creator enough...

I understand what you mean, RamanHeart

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Ens Entium - 06-02-2011

I don't know about intelligent infinity being like a clock.

I interpret that quote to mean that as intelligent energy streams out from the sun, it finds nexi about which to aggregate in structure, differentiatedness and intensity or fidelity in which it captures and expresses that energy and 'directive'. This is the 'coagulation' referered to. It is this process that has periodicity akin to a clock.

One of those nexi is the planet earth. And it was formed by this gradual and periodic formation of light. In the same way that a person may forge themselves through regularizing their energy centres (coagulating) under the streamings of intelligent energy within their own system.

Intelligent infinity is a potential with respect to the processes that draw off of it. The parallel here is the pendulum. It is periodic it its action, this is because it draws upon the gravitational potential in periodic fashion. We wouldn't say that gravitational potential is periodic. It is this way that intelligent infinity is a potential that is draw upon by a focus (the (sub) logos), yielding a kinetic in the form of intelligent energy- which has the outward streaming and inward coagulating periods, which determine the passing of cycles and ages so exactly. So the gateway is opened also in periodic fashion, however, the gateway as is spoken about in the quote is the domain of the sub-logos. The exact frequency/length of these seems to be decided by the sub logos in the same way it decides it's local laws of physics. I don't see this as refering to sub-sub logoi.

Now, major nodes along the periods such as the end of the last 25 000 year cycle do seems to come with unique potentials such as rapid evolution within one generation and even closer to baseline physicality we see significant disturbances. This could also include metaphysical streamings which some people report they experience. I don't know so much about automatic penetrating intelligent infinity though..

Are there any other reasons why you suspect this? I'm curious.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Ankh - 06-02-2011

(06-01-2011, 07:38 PM)Confused Wrote: Intelligent infinity is a clock -- that sort of makes me think that the universe is a whole lot impersonal place.

You can either think that, or transform your mind and think on contrariwise. When death/Harvest occurs, there are Beings from next octave, this octave, lots of Confederations, angelic beings, inner planes beings, and they all assist us during this process. Nobody is forgotten, and everybody is served. When you graduate/not graduate you get all the help, assistence and service that you need, for as long as you will need it. (Till you get up from your knees and join them serving others, doing what has been done for you.) I think that universe is a very personal place. Heart

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - unity100 - 06-02-2011

underground cities are a curious case. what was the reason they were built ?

to keep a portion of south american population continue the work they are doing, at the wake of the future invasion and conquest by spanish or others ?

to be a place for the soon-to-start 4d civilization to live while the 3d population fades out ?

to be a place for the harvested and dual activated to live out their life and start the 4d society when the surface gets uninhabitable ?

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - 3DMonkey - 06-02-2011

(06-02-2011, 07:19 AM)unity100 Wrote: underground cities are a curious case. what was the reason they were built ?

to keep a portion of south american population continue the work they are doing, at the wake of the future invasion and conquest by spanish or others ?

to be a place for the soon-to-start 4d civilization to live while the 3d population fades out ?

to be a place for the harvested and dual activated to live out their life and start the 4d society when the surface gets uninhabitable ?

It doesn't need to be a geocentric reason.

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Raman - 06-02-2011

(06-02-2011, 03:22 AM)Ens Entium Wrote: I don't know about intelligent infinity being like a clock.

I interpret that quote to mean that as intelligent energy streams out from the sun, it finds nexi about which to aggregate in structure, differentiatedness and intensity or fidelity in which it captures and expresses that energy and 'directive'. This is the 'coagulation' referered to. It is this process that has periodicity akin to a clock.

One of those nexi is the planet earth. And it was formed by this gradual and periodic formation of light. In the same way that a person may forge themselves through regularizing their energy centres (coagulating) under the streamings of intelligent energy within their own system.

Intelligent infinity is a potential with respect to the processes that draw off of it. The parallel here is the pendulum. It is periodic it its action, this is because it draws upon the gravitational potential in periodic fashion. We wouldn't say that gravitational potential is periodic. It is this way that intelligent infinity is a potential that is draw upon by a focus (the (sub) logos), yielding a kinetic in the form of intelligent energy- which has the outward streaming and inward coagulating periods, which determine the passing of cycles and ages so exactly. So the gateway is opened also in periodic fashion, however, the gateway as is spoken about in the quote is the domain of the sub-logos. The exact frequency/length of these seems to be decided by the sub logos in the same way it decides it's local laws of physics. I don't see this as refering to sub-sub logoi.

Now, major nodes along the periods such as the end of the last 25 000 year cycle do seems to come with unique potentials such as rapid evolution within one generation and even closer to baseline physicality we see significant disturbances. This could also include metaphysical streamings which some people report they experience. I don't know so much about automatic penetrating intelligent infinity though..

Are there any other reasons why you suspect this? I'm curious.

I did not take Confused meant that in a literal sense as "All of Intelligent Infinity is a clock"--- just in cases like this the clock is part of II. And these are very important cases...

RE: Quite interesting - Mayan day/nights and earth periods - Confused - 06-02-2011

(06-02-2011, 07:19 AM)unity100 Wrote: underground cities are a curious case. what was the reason they were built ?

to keep a portion of south american population continue the work they are doing, at the wake of the future invasion and conquest by spanish or others ?

to be a place for the soon-to-start 4d civilization to live while the 3d population fades out ?

to be a place for the harvested and dual activated to live out their life and start the 4d society when the surface gets uninhabitable ?

I just searched on those terms and found this random page --

Ancient cities under the sands of Giza
(06-02-2011, 04:34 AM)Ankh Wrote: I think that universe is a very personal place.

Your presence makes me think so too many times, despite my deep seated cynicism and skepticism.Heart