Polarizing toward harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Printable Version

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Polarizing toward harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-07-2009

Ra, Book III, Session 65 Wrote:...We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices, that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

The essence of the above quote has been my signature on this and other forums related to the Law of One for several years. From the moment that I originally read it, I embraced it, not as a dream, but as a true, potential, and palpable reality. A reality wherein the entire Earth and all its inhabitants harmonize and graduate STO, en mass.

I would like to devote this thread to a more detailed consideration of this quote, and what, if anything, it speaks to each of us to do, think or feel. I have had some off-line discussions of late regarding it, and the following comment was made:

Quote:While it could indeed mean exactly as you suppose, that being that every single soul on this planet would, in this moment of inspiration, polarize towards the positive to a harvestable degree, I think it could just as well mean a critical mass of souls, or the vast majority of souls.

Although I will readily grant this possibility, my tendency is to set the bar higher (if you are shooting for the moon, why settle for a cloud). What think all of you? Is it possible to achieve a harmonized STO graduation of the planet? And what are the implications of just such a fine moment of inspiration.

All contribution are welcomed,

3D Sunset

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - ayadew - 07-07-2009

Hello 3D Sunset. I hope you are well in life.

A truly great catalyst that would be required for this change, I believe, is for everyone to experience the polarity of what science, schools and general intellectual activities we like to amuse ourselves with teaches in western society.
They essentially teach us that the world is something alien and unknown, a great sea of information to be studied and understood. That we are but temporary visitors here, on a futile quest. This breeds much disharmony, hate, confusion. It has done for the longest time!
But we are not temporary visitors here, we are not 'placed' here by some strange fate.
We are born out from nature, from the world. Thus every individual is an expression of the whole realm of nature, a unique action of the total universe!
This we are taught to never believe.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-07-2009

Ra, Book III, Session 65 Wrote:...We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices, that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

Quote:While it could indeed mean exactly as you suppose, that being that every single soul on this planet would, in this moment of inspiration, polarize towards the positive to a harvestable degree, I think it could just as well mean a critical mass of souls, or the vast majority of souls.

I think the key term of what Ra said here is One moment, what is considered by the quote below is a totally different possability. Just as probably and ever present as a complete harvest of STO.

Breaking the ideas down presented by Ra could be rather merely a Quantum posability. To unfortunately make the contrast; Could your planet polarize towards disharmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.

All 3 possabilities have the same probabilities, what is determied is where the 'tipping point' is, and what event would make this tipping occur, would vary to which possability you prescribe to. Breaking down to the lowest levels of the universe 10 to the 33 of a cm. Everything breaks down to potential. It is becuase of this layer of potential which is indescriminte and is waiting for our minds to decide what potential we want, is what makes these oppurtunities equal.

Today I practiced with the thought for the first time that this world and everybody in it is going to move on to something great really soon. Just looking at people while walking past and really knowing they will be expanding thier conciousness just as much as mine will. I found myself really filling up with joy and love for the people around I had never met. To me this was me placing my intent on the ever present possability that we are all going to 4D for a good reason. And appropriately the universe responded in making me feel that way, which would certainly be what is required to provide the catalyst for an event to occur.

It would be until today that I did face the future in a way that only a percentage of people would transition to 4D, by holding this thought, I held myself back from helping at every given oppurtunity. Save myself from a lost cause so to speak. It is the undescriminate way in which we use our intent to help others into joining us on this journey which can ONLY stem from holding the intent of a singular polarising moment.

What we have here is a scale of possabilities, just say for the sake of analysis this scale is purely 0%~100% of people making this transition. Given the way we think about the situation, Ra makes us think that a small number of people would make it and help was required for the masses to make it. This statement really knocks us down a couple of nothches from this One strong moment. This was hopefuly Ra's intent to make us realize the equal probabilities of it happening before proclaiming everybody each will experience a great ascension.

Just an off the bat thought;
Our adding into the mix as Exo-Terran Wanderers(oo i made that one up BigSmile) may purely have been an act of diffusion our firm convicions of what we are here to do purely makes it happen.

I would say in short, if you do not subscribe to the One moment possability, you are selling yourself short. The line should be drawn at perfection, and never before.

I hope I put my thoughts down well Smile

Love and Light
Quote:The opposite of love is fear, but what is all encompassing can have no opposite. This means 1. Nothing real can be threatened 2. Nothing unreal exists.

To apply this to the above would make some interesting results. Unconditional Love is representative of 100% of people making the transition. To let any percentage of people behind is a sign of conditional love, and technically conditional love is merely an illusion. Weather Ra explains this to be a distortion of TLOO I don't know, but I sincerely hope he has.

To achieve a greater reality, one must become more aware of thier reality, that is all that is actually implied by the different densities. They are all there simultaneuosly and represent different levels of understand our conciousness. However the goal of it al is to be 100% realized of our non separation from the creator. 100% of the people. In this state there is no lack, so therefore there cannot be any individual left behind. I'm not too sure where this would apply however in the metaphysics of TLOO, ie the perfection being something for the awareness of 6D/7D beaings. Whereas our polarisation needs of STO are merely 51% this percetage would stedily increase for each density to represent the greater understanding of reality with each definitive Density step.

Let's take a step back. The Law of One. could also mean the law of 100% or the Law of Perfection. Ra describes distorsions of TLOO, but to count these distorions out and stab directly to the oneness. would this not neccerseraly circumvent the need to go through any other densities? Obviusly it is hard to do here, and presumably gets easier for each higher density, until the actual goal of 7D is Oneness. Learning the lessons of all 7 densities in one lifetime, all within 3D. All within the apparant current reality. Almost like the long way home and the short way home?

Again, I hope my thoughts are clear

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Steppingfeet - 07-09-2009

Quote:Ra, Book III, Session 65:
“We may note at this point while you ponder the possibility/probability vortices, that although you have many, many items which cause distress and thus offer seeking and service opportunities, there is always one container in that store of peace, love, light, and joy. This vortex may be very small, but to turn one’s back upon it is to forget the infinite possibilities of the present moment. Could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration? Yes, my friends. It is not probable; but it is ever possible.”

3D Sunset
The essence of the above quote has been my signature on this and other forums related to the Law of One for several years. From the moment that I originally read it, I embraced it, not as a dream, but as a true, potential, and palpable reality. A reality wherein the entire Earth and all its inhabitants harmonize and graduate STO, en mass.

In contemplating your post, 3D, I began first by asking myself, “What sort of catalytic event in time could so unify and stir the souls of this world that we would all be on the same page, all with a single hope, a single desire, a single wish of love and cooperation, peace and truth?”

I look for a moment at the scale of tragedies that have already transpired on this planet – e.g., genocides, ethnic cleansings, wars, dislocations of people, autocratic regimes subjugating millions, natural disasters, corporate and political acquisition of power and resources from the theft of the innocent – and I review the great panoply of reactions to these events as they have occurred and been reported in real time.

There are those whose heart is pained by such realities and respond accordingly, in a concerted effort with other like-minded individuals to aid the situation, whether through prayer, financial assistance, volunteering, etc.

There are those who feel pain and compassion in response but who, for one reason or another, take no action.

There are those who are indifferent and oblivious to the large-scale suffering of others; those who become disheartened; those who seek to blame something or become inflamed with righteous anger; those who would respond with that which initiated the tragedy, unwittingly perpetuating the situation; those who respond to the moment with cynicism or denial; those who see the tragedy and convert it into humor; those who forsake their faith; those who have a spiritual awakening; those who respond with fear in their hearts of future tragedy, etc. The reactions of course are as many as there are people, and as diverse.

Point being: we never seem to be on the same page. The energies of division and confusion are too deeply rooted here. While I second Ra that there is always that single container, probably hidden on the top shelf behind more attractive and distracting looking containers; while I agree that there is always the possibility that a catalyst so global, so powerful, and so profound could affect everyone across the board and reach down into the roots of mind to such an extent that hatred, fear, and even the energies of conscious service to self are momentarily abandoned or transformed such that love and only love shines through in a moment of infinite possibility, I just don’t know what that catalyst could be.

One might think that the phenomenon of global warming might act as the catalyst to unite us as a planetary people. While of course there is confusion surrounding the issue, and agents actively propagating disinformation, one might think that a planet in peril would be sufficient to shake and rattle us into working together in shared hope and shared service towards a harmonious relationship with the ground underneath our feet and, analogously, the ground of our beings.

Yet, this does not seem to be the case. As I heard clips of Obama’s speech at the G8 summit today, there appears to be further evidence that governments are gaining some momentum for cooperation on this issue, perhaps reading the writing on the wall, but it seems not the catalyst of the type of which Ra spoke.

Given the apparent histories of Mars and “Maldek”, destruction of the atmosphere and of the planet itself seems insufficient to unite people behind the common positive cause of averting planetary annihilation!

Perhaps the first manned mission to the moon could have been a crowning moment for humanity as a whole, each individual on this planet feeling a pride and sense of achievement, the fulfilling of a yearning experiencing by humankind for millennia, yet that moment, as far as I’m aware, was mostly a thing of national pride, mostly an American moment.

I am no historian buff, but there is one catalyst of which I am aware which more effectively than anything, and on a scale never before seen, pierced directly through the heart of darkness on the awesome and powerful rays of love. That was the moment when Muslims and Hindus were mutually involved in wholescale slaughter shortly after India gained its independence from Britain. At that moment in time, Mahatma Gandhi – unable to bear witness to his countrymen who had fought so hard for their independence murder one another – initiated a fast which was to last either until the fighting ended or he died.

After fasting for many days and coming ever more closely to his deathbed, the fighting that had erupted and been sustained throughout India came to an end. Of their own volition, both sides across the board laid down their weapons and stopped the downward spiral of bloodshed and retaliation for a single reason: their mutual love for this one man who they wished to see continue living.

When I learned of this, I had one of the most convulsive fit of tears I’ve ever had. Knowing that such a thing happened affected my soul in ways few things can. It shook me and riveted my core with Beauty, with a transcendent meaning which can only be articulated in the language of tears. Here was a moment of purity and light that had spoken through a crisis of ever-deepening fear, hatred, and darkness.

There are a great variety of factors that stop bellicosity, including the victory of one party over the other, the entry of a stronger third party, the extinguishment of resources for those waging the war, etc., but never has LOVE so deeply and purely felt been the agent responsible for the laying down of weapons. Never before was LOVE more important than exacting revenge or winning the battle or destroying the enemy.

I cannot fathom that another individual could emerge who could win the love of everyone in this world on that level. I cannot imagine an individual or a group of individuals who could not only be known to the world entire, (a feat improbable enough as it is), but could also embody the hopes of the entire world.

I am optimistic by nature also, 3D, but I attempt to balance idealism with realism. I will and do live my ideals – I believe and attempt to see the Creator in all; I attempt to live in the faith that the ultimate outcome is never in doubt; but I do not expect that this particular 3rd density experience will see a unification of its peoples.

The seeds of division, fear, indifference, cynicism, apathy, and the desire for sleep are planted too deeply within the planetary mind and are watered too frequently. We are a planet of 3rd density repeaters, ya know… : )

Yet… that one container does exist…

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-10-2009

Hi everyone,

Thank you for participating. Wonderful thoughts. I agree with you Gary, that harmonization is a very small container, and that it is dusty and largely forgotten on a back shelf. And that is why I wanted a thread to celebrate this almost forgotten possibility/probability vortex. I want to dust it off, bring it forward and down to a shelf that is at least at eye level. I think your example of Gandhi points in the right direction of the necessary catalyst, but even that could not become universal easily.

Let's consider for a moment the relative probabilities of types of harvests.

Ra, Book III, Session 65 Wrote:Questioner: How common in the universe is a mixed harvest from a planet of both positively and negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complexes?

Ra: I am Ra. Among planetary harvests which yield an harvest of mind/body/spirit complexes approximately 10% are negative; approximately 60% are positive; and approximately 30% are mixed with nearly all harvest being positive. In the event of mixed harvest it is almost unknown for the majority of the harvest to be negative. When a planet moves strongly towards the negative there is almost no opportunity for harvestable positive polarization.

So we see that mixed harvests, although not unusual, are also not the norm. Now, this is not to say that most harmonious harvests are planet-wide, Ra never gives us any insight into how often that happens. And it should also be noted that even when those of Ra graduated to 4D during the second 25,000 year cycle on Venus, it was only with about 6M souls out of about 30M or roughly 20% of the planet - so even Venus did not have a planet-wide harvest. So on the one hand, you could say that if the massively more harmonious planet of Ra's Venus couldn't achieve a universal positive harvest, then what hope do we have?

On the other hand, it would seem to me that simply by giving this container a little attention, dusting it off, so to speak, we are inherently giving it room to grow... and grow it has. I'm sure that if Confederation sources were asked about this container, they would readily confirm that it is significantly larger than it was when Ra originally mentioned it in 1981.

As to the catalyst that would be necessary to allow the fine strong moment of inspiration, I am less concerned about imagining it, than I am about simply creating for it the space that it needs in which to manifest. From a personal perspective, I see it not so much as a single catalyst, but rather a chain of catalysts, each tailored to needs of an individual group that then act as a catalyst to bring a neighboring group along. Sort of like dominos falling over.

Or perhaps wild-fire is a better analogy (you know how fond I am of analogies, GaryWink) for how I see things possibly unfolding. As you point out, we are a planet inhabited largely by souls repeating 3D. But is this not actually to our benefit? Following the wildfire analogy, are not these souls easily combustible? Having incarnated numerous times and and lived through the same mistakes on numerous planets, are they not filled with the experiences that can turn to spiritual insight when the appropriate spark lites near them? Are they not here, now, because they have the highest chance of awakening and polarizing? And just as wildfires breakout simultaneously in drought stricken areas, I can easily visualize those caught in spiritual droughts quickly catching fire as the sparks appropriate to their local environment land near them. And even as the aged, stately old-growth tree seems immovable and immortal in the times before a fire, so too can even the deepest sleepers be instantaneously transformed into burning beacons when touched with the right spark. Perhaps the Judaeo/ Christian tradition of our world being destroyed by fire is really a metaphor for this spiritual conflagration.

But I digress. For now, I am content merely discussing the possibility, for in so doing we are creating a reality wherein it occurs. All we need to do is steer our collective consciousness to choose that time-thread when it comes along. Piece of cake... huh?

3D Sunset

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Richard - 07-10-2009

Interesting topic. Perhaps I’m too bound by our earthly heritage, but as much as I try to imagine the catalyst that might engender such a mass polarization, I have to admit that I cannot. Or, at least, as the human race stands now. There is far too much ignorance and hatred on a planet-wide basis. Far too many people simply struggling to live yet another single day. Far too many people who worry if they will have enough to eat tomorrow…or if their children will. Too many people willing to kill over the slightest suggestion of spiritual differences.

That said…I can imagine a catalyst such as that in the future. Perhaps somewhere in the 300-700 year transitional period between actual 3rd and 4th density. Perhaps after disclosure….when humanity realizes that we are not alone in the universe. That we are truly…only one world among many.

I think, as a race, we need to mature a bit. It is still a personal journey…and will be for some time to come.


RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-11-2009

It may be interesting to note that although such a catalyst may exist, it would have to still abide by the law of free will.

It does make it even harder to think of something to fill that gap, but not impossible.

Nobody could have predicted 9/11 besides those that actually knew about it, and moreover nobody could have predicted the outcomes of it. So such a catalyst may be staring us in the faces, but until such an event happens we shall remain oblivius to how in our faces it is, regardless.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Steppingfeet - 07-11-2009

Quote: 3D Sunset
I'm sure that if Confederation sources were asked about this container, they would readily confirm that it is significantly larger than it was when Ra originally mentioned it in 1981.

This seems likely to me as well, in no small part thanks to the influx of wanderers in the past few decades. [Author pats himself on back]

Also, I think technology must be given credit as a significant means for increasing the information available to more of the world’s citizens and making mass deception slightly more difficult. While of course technology such as the internet can be used to spread falsity, it also is an efficient means to expose it.

Quote:3D Sunset
From a personal perspective, I see it not so much as a single catalyst, but rather a chain of catalysts, each tailored to needs of an individual group that then act as a catalyst to bring a neighboring group along. Sort of like dominos falling over.

I like this thought, but I think it acceptable to say that this goes without saying. : )

To the best of my understanding, no single catalyst ever happens in a vacuum. Everything, everything in the dualistic, relative realm which we occupy is contextual. While the tipping point for something as large-scale as a planetary-wide opening to love might happen in a moment in response to a single catalyst, that moment and that catalyst would be couched within an extremely complex and intricate web of context. In your analogy, it would be a culmination of many different lines of dominoes from many different corners of the globe all falling down and converging at one point in space/time, opening the gate to time/space.

Quote:3D Sunset
Or perhaps wild-fire is a better analogy (you know how fond I am of analogies, Gary)

You and me both!

Quote:3D Sunset
As you point out, we are a planet inhabited largely by souls repeating 3D. But is this not actually to our benefit? Following the wildfire analogy, are not these souls easily combustible? Having incarnated numerous times and lived through the same mistakes on numerous planets, are they not filled with the experiences that can turn to spiritual insight when the appropriate spark lites near them? Are they not here, now, because they have the highest chance of awakening and polarizing? And just as wildfires breakout simultaneously in drought stricken areas, I can easily visualize those caught in spiritual droughts quickly catching fire as the sparks appropriate to their local environment land near them.

I love the idea of a configuration of circumstance that, due to time spanned in a state of imbalance, is on the brink of transformation, awaiting a spark provided by an external trigger.

You could have gone with the seeds planted in the ground awaiting only the condition of rain before growing. Yet, your analogy is more interesting because it implies that our lack of spiritual understanding (the draught) has withered us and created intense amounts of stress and suffering. Our usually healthy forms (the green grass, the hardy stalks, the moist landscape) which protected us have withered and dried under the heat and draught, thus rendering us vulnerable to a form of transformational destruction (fire) before a new cycle of creation (growth) blooms forth. In other words, the old forms must be burnt away before the new can reach for the sun in better, wetter conditions.

(Sorry if that is an over-analysis of intuitive imagery!)

All that to say, I get and enjoy your contrast of our planet of 3rd density repeaters to Ra’s hippie planet of free love. Our mixed group, having spent so long in the confines of this illusion, may grow increasingly weary of being smacked upside with the head with proverbial two by four and may instead desire to use the two by four for constructive purposes.

Quote:3D Sunset
But I digress. For now, I am content merely discussing the possibility, for in so doing we are creating a reality wherein it occurs.

Agreed! We vote our creation into existence through our focus and desires. It might be helpful to get a can from the store, tear away the label, and in it’s place attach a new label which reads, “Peace, love, and harmony”. Then set the can on the shelf within view to help set the intentions in prayer and remind us of, as Ra says, infinite possibilities.

That said…I can imagine a catalyst such as that in the future. … Perhaps after disclosure….when humanity realizes that we are not alone in the universe. That we are truly…only one world among many.

Now THAT would be one colossal way to shake everyone on this planet out of sleep! I hadn’t anticipated this type of catalyst in my imaginings. This could be the spark in 3D Sunset’s analogy.

Great thought, Richard!

I think, as a race, we need to mature a bit. It is still a personal journey…and will be for some time to come.

That’s largely how I see it too. I mean, our fates in many ways are linked together, cooperation and communion would be a must for the continuation of 3rd density were it not on its last legs on this particular planet, but I think that our primary work is upon ourselves. A basic understanding I’m sure many of you would agree with: self-work IS world work.

In other words, 3D, I think you, myself, Richard, and everyone else seeking spiritually and opening their hearts to love is doing their part to increase the probability that humanity as a whole will select that one container from the store.

Nobody could have predicted 9/11 besides those that actually knew about it, and moreover nobody could have predicted the outcomes of it. So such a catalyst may be staring us in the faces, but until such an event happens we shall remain oblivious to how in our faces it is, regardless.

Agreed, Sirius. All the conditions which would precipitate this catalyst may indeed exist in the very structural fabric of our societies and culture. In fact, this is 3D’s contention, I believe. If we are a draught-stricken landscape, mad with an unconscious compulsion to find water but looking in all the wrong places, then our transformation is staring us in the face… we must die and be reborn.

Great thoughts everyone.

Much love,

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-11-2009

That was the point I was trying to make Taha, sorry if I didn't get he message across.

Of course there is the knowing of 'something' this is intuition which we are all gifted with. But it is the form of which it takes.

Sirius Wrote:So such a catalyst may be staring us in the faces, but until such an event happens we shall remain oblivius to how in our faces it is, regardless.

ie a terrorist attack on 9/11 on the Twin Towers was ever possible to use Ra's wording for it.

Maybe the ever possable catalyst to create a polarising moment is all ready there. As in the Twin Towers had stood for X many years.

Just as we are on the subject, I met one of my closest friends today the day after 9/11 becuase of conversations between the 2 of us about 9/11.

Anything is a catalyst if we use it I guess.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - spiritplay - 07-12-2009

Beautifully put, Taha: "For me it's not a case of the world polarising to some ideal which we carry around in our heads, but a great number of people letting go of the old ways, and of fears, which will lead to a new way of being without having to 'do' anything to cause it. Harmony and oneness are already there underneath everything we do, and think, and see. We just have to realise it."

What comes to consciousness for me is that unconditional love is precisely the freedom to choose. To wish for, expect or hope for a homogenous harvest of a positive nature, is to desire conditional love, in this one's thinking. It is in embracing that which appears to be negative that I find that which is without polarity.

I wonder, too, if the most likely catalyst that remains, is that which is almost unheard of thus far in our planet's history. That of a positive, worldwide experience of the Oneness. I can see that as a potential that would rock the socks off many. And then the opportunity following that to re-experience the world as it has always been, or, otherwise. How many would reconstitute the world just as it had been, versus allowing it to become an ongoing experience of Oneness, in potential.

I have long been away from the Law of One. I was once steeped in it to my detriment, with some distortion by those I associated with toward confusing other with self. It is good to be back with greater experience and personal insight, allowing for greater understanding and appreciation.

Thanks be to all who help to make this website possible and to all that participate in it.

There is one more thought that is wanting to be expressed. That is that the very blocks that seem to impede our way, at times, are the self same blocks that were chosen in gratitude in order to allow a glorious breaking through to occur. We are not a world waiting for resolution. We are All That Is gloriously experiencing a dance of it's own making. One can call it an experiment or an experience. But it is over, done and through, as we speak/wriite/seem to live. The harvest has occurred. It is glorious. We are rejoicing and giggling in great delight at the play of it. That is the one and only true purpose of such a fantastic drama. Delight and humor. There can truly be no better purpose.

Please forgive me if I do not follow whatever conventions might be normal within this forum. As I say, I am quite new to being back within the framework of The Law of One, and truly determined to disallow myself to feel confined within it ever again. My intent is to delight and play within it, with joy and gratitude.

Again, many thanks, All.


RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Hkelukka - 07-13-2009

A sci-fi story i wrote when i saw a flash of a world "polarizing towards harmony in one fine strong moment of inspiration". Feel free to comment, when i saw it and wrote about it it felt as real as any psychic vision and almost made me cry it was so beautiful.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Richard - 07-14-2009

A mass polarization infers a…a unity of thought that doesn’t exist now. Whole modern populations are literally cut off from contact from the outside world. The internet…if it is allowed to…could be the beginning of a trend towards that unity. Recent events in Iran and China have opened otherwise closed societies and governmental systems to world opinion. The Mass Mind in larval form? But it is still a basically mechanical / electronic communication system that is subject to tampering.

I’ve been thinking all weekend of what kind of catalyst could spur a mass polarization. Disclosure…on a worldwide scale, perhaps. But it would depend upon the spin the various governments used to inform (or not) their populations. But I wonder if a better impetus or catalyst might be a re-awakening of latent telepathic / empathic abilities in coming generations. This is the only feasible (as things stand now) way to approach the unity consciousness needed for a mass polarization that I could think of.


RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - βαθμιαίος - 07-14-2009

I think it can come from within, without obvious external catalyst. Think of a flock of birds all turning at the same instant.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-15-2009

You have heard that if you put a frog in a pan with cold water and slowly turn up the heat it wont move and it will get cooked, then putting it into immediately hot water it will jump out. I think the same applies, too much of a sudden change can cause great shock to the system.

Maybe to know you flock of birds analogy, they do split up and go awary and then come to follow a predominant bird who knows the new direction?

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - βαθμιαίος - 07-15-2009

Well, we're talking about the infinite possibilities of the present moment, ie miracles. Certainly the moment of change will be a big surprise, indeed a shock, to many, but that doesn't mean it can't or shouldn't happen.

It gets into the gradual/quantum discussion. There is and has been a gradual evolution towards such a moment, but the moment itself, if it happens, will, I believe, be a quantum shift, a miraculous opening of the heart on the part of our peoples in "one fine, strong moment of inspiration."

And from above or from outside, I think, it may look very much like a flock of birds or a school of fish changing direction. No obvious leader, no obvious catalyst -- one moment we earthlings are squabbling as we have done for millennia, the next we have miraculously polarized towards harmony. The Guardians, guides, and watchers will scratch their heads (if they have heads) and say, "wow! what just happened?" (Or possibly, "Yay! We knew you could do it!" Or maybe "Thank goodness we don't have to spend another third density with these bozos.")

A Scenario: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-17-2009

I propose that Love is contagious.

Suppose there were an event, somehow such that the only way to save a large group of people was for someone to volunteer to martyr themselves. These stories have been played out on smaller scales throughout history, but suppose that now, the situation were worldwide, and required each volunteer to represent (to die for) 99 other people whom they did not even know. So the only way for your friends and family to be saved was for a perfect stranger to sacrifice themselves.

Would you do it? Would you volunteer? By our nature, we are here to serve. We cannot continue serving (at least in the same capacity) if we remove ourselves from this sphere. But perhaps this is the greatest possible service. Teaching love and service in the ultimate setting.

At first blush it would appear that this situation is a huge catalyst of fear, and anxiety and loss. One can see the groups being established to "draft" candidates or locate the "best" people to serve in this capacity. Recall that this was the original use of a "lottery".

It may be easy for us to say that we would volunteer, but stop and think about it for a minute. Really image yourself saying goodbye to your friends and family, parents, siblings, and children... explaining to them that you are the best choice to die so that 99 strangers can live. Think about their screams for you to reconsider and their feelings of loss and pride as you kiss them goodbye and march happily to your ultimate demise. Is it easier to be the one who dies in this scenario?

Now consider the possibility that as more and more people come forward, that well... still more and more people come forward. Like I said, love is contagious. It pulls everyone along, and especially seeing others proudly make the ultimate selfless act for 99 strangers would have a profound effect on everyone else. No full disclosure. No UFO's in the sky. No clouds parting... Just selfless acts of love. Could not this cause even those that are sleeping to awaken and say... Hmmm, why do I deserve to be privileged and live while he/she dies. Why are they so willing to knowingly die for strangers? Like the Grinch overlooking the town below, would not their hearts grow three sizes that day?

I can see this scenario resulting in everyone volunteering to give their all, for the benefit of all others. Not out of shame, but out of love. Here I suggest, is a palpable example of a world polarizing towards harmony in a fine strong moment of inspiration. Each must make his/her own decision, but no such decision to serve for another's benefit can be unmade. Imagine the feelings of joy that would ripple through all of Earth's life force at that fine, strong moment.

I am not suggesting that this scenario would plausibly occur. I'm just describing a scenario where the wanderers of the world could grasp an opportunity to more visibly lead by example, but also one which challenges all the thoughts, fears, and emotions inherent in this 3D existence behind the veil. Ponder the scenario for a moment and then tell me if you think it would play out to love and unification or fear, hate and separation.

3D Sunset

RE: A Scenario: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - xlsander - 07-21-2009

i believe most are familiar with his even, right?

RE: A Scenario: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-21-2009

(07-21-2009, 05:19 AM)xlsander Wrote: i believe most are familiar with his even, right?

Funny you should bring that up. I feel that these mass meditations are one of the best, if not the best ways to bring about a positive change. It is a large number of people dedicating thier energy to live in a better world.
This is unfringed upon by free will. Just for interesting note, Many scientists would say we have come leaps and bounds ahead in science these last 10~15 years than any other time. It may be completely unrelated but I feel this may have something to do with the mass meditations from the past.

So would these moments correlate towards a strong moment of polarity? of which if you want to take part you are welcome and if not, burrying your head in the sand is also acceptable.

We have a 3 ways split in regards to the harvest. Making the entire populace follow one path and leaving the other 2 empty, would proove to be a lack of 'experience'? Arguably one of the reasons we are here is to experience all that we can. So this would mean that some people co0nciously/unconciouslyt want to polarise STS or not at all. They are just different paths which all lead to oneness anyway.

RE: A Scenario: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-23-2009

(07-21-2009, 06:28 AM)Sirius Wrote: We have a 3 ways split in regards to the harvest. Making the entire populace follow one path and leaving the other 2 empty, would proove to be a lack of 'experience'? Arguably one of the reasons we are here is to experience all that we can. So this would mean that some people co0nciously/unconciouslyt want to polarise STS or not at all. They are just different paths which all lead to oneness anyway.

It would seem to me that, at this point ignoring future major catalysts, essentially everyone that will be harvested is already harvestable. So, I don't think there is any experience to be "lost" by rearranging the slots, as it were. As a matter of fact, I would propose that turning this mixed harvest into a STO harvest would be an amazing and possibly unique experience for us to all offer back to the one infinite creator.

I agree that all paths lead to the same oneness, and that in all likelihood this will be a mixed harvest with the vast majority of those incarnate going on to another 3D planet to play the game yet again. The purpose behind this thread though, is to explore the possibility of a harmonized STO harvest and what part we may all play in increasing the size of this remote, dusty, largely forgotten, possibility/probability vortex on the back shelf of the cosmic cereal aisle.

3D Sunset

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-24-2009

Interesting aspect, I approach the idea with set your sights as high as possible, so even if you do flop and not get as high as you aimed, you are higher than if you aimed lower.

I hope that knot of a sentence makes sence hahaha

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-24-2009

(07-24-2009, 02:20 PM)Sirius Wrote: Interesting aspect, I approach the idea with set your sights as high as possible, so even if you do flop and not get as high as you aimed, you are higher than if you aimed lower.

I think it lost something in translation, or more likely in interpretation by me. Are you saying that working toward an harmonious harvest is setting my sights too low? Or are you saying that exploring the possibilities of the harmonious harvest is too low a target for this thread? Or something else entirely.

Please elucidate,

3D Sunset

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-24-2009

aiming for the complete STO harvest is setting your sights at thier limit. aiming as high as you can. Following and using the concept of the complete STO harvest would, in my opinion, spur anybody to take more actions towards such an event, therefore resulting in an increased harvest anyway. However 'knowing' that not all will make it would maybe make somebody not take action when it indeed could be recieved well by that very moment.

elucidated enough? :p

Love and Light

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-24-2009

(07-24-2009, 04:18 PM)Sirius Wrote: aiming for the complete STO harvest is setting your sights at thier limit. aiming as high as you can. Following and using the concept of the complete STO harvest would, in my opinion, spur anybody to take more actions towards such an event, therefore resulting in an increased harvest anyway. However 'knowing' that not all will make it would maybe make somebody not take action when it indeed could be recieved well by that very moment.

So people should suspend disbelief that such a thing is possible and act according to their desire for it. By doing so, even if the complete STO harvest is not achieved, then their energies would have provided maximum leverage, as it were. Is this what you're saying, or have I still missed the point.

Sorry to be dense today.

3D Sunset

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-24-2009

You've got it BigSmile

So what do you think of it? hahaha

This concept can be used for anything you 'aim' for IMO

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Monica - 07-24-2009

(07-24-2009, 04:18 PM)Sirius Wrote: aiming for the complete STO harvest is setting your sights at thier limit. aiming as high as you can. Following and using the concept of the complete STO harvest would, in my opinion, spur anybody to take more actions towards such an event, therefore resulting in an increased harvest anyway. However 'knowing' that not all will make it would maybe make somebody not take action when it indeed could be recieved well by that very moment.

I think that sounds like a great idea!

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Sirius - 07-24-2009

Having had to come back to this thought a few times today, it has made me really think, is this not what we all really should believe anyway?

There is so much speak of the mental conditioning of the mind that needs to be broken down, the 'learnt' bad bits causing blockages to new learning. The deep fears of the unconcious mind, etc etc etc... a Vision of Sorrow

My thought is simply; by not believing or aiming that could your planet polarize towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration is a sign of incomplete learning. Until this is ones only thought when it comes to such matters. Appyling the principle of this message into everyday life.

I cannot remember where, but at one point Ra says that even if only the 4 of the people involved where ever to know of Ra and the LOO then his mission is a complete sucsess.

This quote holds the same message I feel.

Book 1 Session 23 Wrote:Questioner: What can you tell me about the overall success of the pyramid?
I understand that the pyramids were not successful in producing a rise in
consciousness that was hoped for, but there must have been some success
that came from them.

Ra: I am Ra. We ask you to remember that we are of the Brothers and
Sisters of Sorrow. When one has been rescued from that sorrow to a vision
of the one Creator, then there is no concept of failure.

Love and Light Smile

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Hkelukka - 07-26-2009

Passing by here.

Acting towards complete STO harvest would, as i see it, be an STS act as it would necceserily involve changing entities who's desire is STS oriented against their will at the present moment. SO by saying we want everyone to turn to loving others we will destroy the choice of those who wish to only love self and we will polarize, by the virtue of our desire to change their polarization against their will to a controlling polarization.

By not loving the STS and the choice that it makes to be STS we will in effect become STS by not loving their choice for them. Instead, i would simply urge that we work towards everyone polarizing harmonioisly in as large numbers as possible and then departing in peace to our prospective sides of STS and STO. That is, perhaps the way "Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration" is reasoable. That not all polarize on earth towards STS or STO but all polarize in harmony and realise the next step we must part ways, when even families are split along the middle and everyone, in love, realise the next step must be taken apart from one another. When we as a whole planet agree that polarization is the next step. Of course it is possible that all suddenly polarize STO or STS but working towards either requires the "conversion" of the opposite and conversion of those not wanting to convert is not the STO way and leads down to a different path.

My caveat on this.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-27-2009

(07-26-2009, 07:05 AM)Hkelukka Wrote: SO by saying we want everyone to turn to loving others we will destroy the choice of those who wish to only love self and we will polarize, by the virtue of our desire to change their polarization against their will to a controlling polarization.

Hi Hkelukka, and thank you for stopping by. I understand your sentiment. As with most things in life, I think intent is key. From my personal perspective, I am simply creating the mental space, if you will, for a unified STO harvest to happen, recognizing that each individual's free will must and will ultimately prevail. As such, I would not propose, nor do I support, any actions that would force any such outcome. I do believe, however, that given a world that is increasingly polarizing toward love and harmony, some that have polarized toward separation could, and would likely reconsider their choice. If one could do it, then all could do it, and I can easily envision a world in which that occurs. Choices made not out of force, but out of love and free will.

That said, I also understand that this vision is not for everyone, so I wholeheartedly encourage you to follow your own calling and leave this by the wayside, if it does not resonate with you.

Love and Light,

3D Sunset

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - Hkelukka - 07-28-2009

Love of self is also love, choice to love self is a free will choice. The choice to choose an STO path, to help others is inherantly no better than a choice to choose an STS path, all being essentially one and polarization being a tool for the greater whole to study itself more efficiently. Thus the very reason for an entire planet to polarize towards STO or STS needs to be, as far as i see, in the desire of the people on the planet. As i see it, a High-Score isnt the goal, that our entire planet turns to STO is not a goal in on itself as much as the greatest amount of harvestable souls, both STO and STS.

I understand that the vision of an entirely STO harvest is a beautiful one and I am not contesting that. I am pointing out that harvest, any harvest, is a beautiful event and the desire for the whole planet to harvest into STO is certainly against the will of those who wish to harvest to an STS, for example, the Illuminati. If the Illuminati has a desire to harvest to STS out of love of self and we love the image of the completely STO harvest more than we love their image of self then we can, by the virtue of our own love attempt to "convert" their love. It is however a struggle of love versus love.

For me this brings to mind the image of the crusades, preaching pastors and the story of the 2 individuals who thought they were STO oriented who were on venus according to Ra. The idea that I know what is a better choice for someone else, that i should deliberately work towards conditions that encourage them to make the choice i like to make seems to me lead me back to the age of the crusades. As such i try to help almost everyone who desires to polarize towards STO. I've even helped individuals who desires to polarize towards STS but that requires considerably more time, patience and awareness.

It is a beautiful vision, i cant talk for anyone else, but for me, it appears as a vision that would lead many STO wanderers astray. I can explain more of this if you wish but if you desire i will not speak of it any more. I do not wish to infringe upon your vision.

RE: Polarizing towards harmony in one fine, strong, moment of inspiration - 3D Sunset - 07-28-2009

(07-28-2009, 05:56 AM)Hkelukka Wrote: It is a beautiful vision, i cant talk for anyone else, but for me, it appears as a vision that would lead many STO wanderers astray. I can explain more of this if you wish but if you desire i will not speak of it any more. I do not wish to infringe upon your vision.

I certainly welcome everyone's input on the subject, but I must say that am not concerned about this, of all possible topics, leading STO wanders astray. To your point about infringement of other's free will though, let me put to you this way. Do you feel that it is possible for someone that is harvestable in one polarity to freely choose to switch polarities? Do you think that having made this choice freely, that such individual can then achieve harvestability in the new polarity? Now, do you further think that it is possible for every harvestable entity to freely choose to switch polarities in this manner?

Even a cursory reading of the Law of One would clearly provide affirmative answers to all of these questions. So, going the next step, one could certainly agree that nonharvestable entities still have opportunity to polarize to a harvestable degree, so it is straightforward to conclude that it is possible (perhaps not probable, but nonetheless possible) for everyone on this plant to, of their own free will, choose to polarize in harmony (either STO or STS by the way, nothing that we've said above is dependent upon STO polarization).

I am confident that the STO version of this possibility is the container of "peace, love, light, and joy" that Ra describes in my original post, and this is the container that I visualize. And with this thread I am hoping to enlist the support of anyone who agrees that the vision is possible to give it a moment's thought, a tip of the hat, so to speak, every day, just to wink at the possibility and bolster it ever so slightly. I believe that such thoughts and attention, if properly framed, can cause no harm, but can, over time cause great benefit. And, as Sirius points out, if the effort ultimately falls short of the vision, it was an effort worth doing, and will undoubtedly have other tangible benefits that lessen the planetary load and further aid the harvest.

Love and Light

3D Sunset