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Will the whole world really wake up? - Printable Version +- Bring4th (https://www.bring4th.org/forums) +-- Forum: Bring4th Studies (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=1) +--- Forum: Spiritual Development & Metaphysical Matters (https://www.bring4th.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Thread: Will the whole world really wake up? (/showthread.php?tid=3781) Pages:
Will the whole world really wake up? - zack231 - 12-23-2011 When I look around yes there is an awakening happening the largest seen in history. But I am also taken over by the fact that so many are lost and have no idea of any of this and completely oblivious to what is going on. I look at my friends and all they care about is getting drunk "Wasted" they call it, as if that is all life is about getting "wasted" they go out just about every weekend and drink till they cannot stand... It is very sad, they always ask me why am I not getting drunk, I and I always say there are far more important things in the world than getting drunk, well really I mostly just think it and say I don't really feel like it but hey. Anyway I ask myself how are these individuals my friends and many many other ever going to awaken, they are so lost within this illusion, their only release being getting drunk. I wish I had a group of friends who understood the world, that I could have a real conversation with... My friends right now just seem so lost and silly.. I sometimes wonder why I picked to have so friends, perhaps find acceptance.. Anyway do you think all of humanity will awaken in some way? I hope that something society changing does happen in 2012, not something that will kill a lot of people, I would never wish for that, but something that changes the world forever.. I cannot stand this crazy lost world much longer.. It is really starting to get to me, I really hope something happens to end this crazyness for I fear if nothing happens the world will just continue on it's way, most of humanity staying within the trance that they are in wasting their lives thinking getting drunk is the only fun thing... I hope I find people I can relate with some day.. RE: Will the whole world wake up? - highpriestess - 12-23-2011 Hello zack231, I understand your frustration completely. I too used to have a group of acquaintances/friends who's sole purpose seemed to be getting wasted, stoned, f*ed up, etc. Funny about that, I don't have to 'deal' with that problem anymore as I no longer have too many friends, but I'm fine with that. I was tired of dealing with that mentality (and being the sober babysitter) and over time have distanced myself. At a certain point in our lives, we have the conscious ability to choose who we have relationships with. I love them all, but it is your choice as to whether or not you love them in your personal vicinity. I also share your hope regarding the world-wide awakening. I often ask myself, what will it take for true change to happen? I find it depressing that it seems in some cases the only way true change and awakening occur is with a high level catalyst. I do not wish harm to anyone, nor this planet, but at the same time it really makes me wonder how far things must go before the light can be seen and embraced. Perhaps it's a poor example, but it makes me think of the proverbial drug addict. An old friend's sister was addicted to meth and kept continually using and using. Tried to get sober only to get dragged back. DUIs and arrests, still didn't take. It made me so sad for her and her family, because the whole time I'm wracking my brain asking What will it take for her to attain freedom from this? And it makes me sad, because the only thing that stopped her was being near death. I think a byproduct of the veil is such that those who are not yet awakened, who are so asleep, need a veritable shaking to the core to finally grasp that which lies beyond (or truly, within) themselves. RE: Will the whole world wake up? - zenmaster - 12-23-2011 You could perhaps find some new friends and relieve your frustration. Also, being 'awakened' is becoming commercialized - the new, cheap buzzword like 'eXtreme'. "I saw 'the Secret', and now am awakened". There are different levels of consciousness and what it is to be 'awake' to one person is being quite 'asleep' (or even being socially destructive) to another's perception. Many who are saying 'wake up' do not know their own nature, and they just succumb to a different set of personal distractions while finger-pointing at another's use of catalyst. RE: Will the whole world wake up? - Tyler Durden Maybe - 12-23-2011 Q. "Will the whole world wake up?" A. No RE: Will the whole world wake up? - zack231 - 12-23-2011 (12-23-2011, 01:30 PM)zenmaster Wrote: You could perhaps find some new friends and relieve your frustration. Also, being 'awakened' is becoming commercialized - the new, cheap buzzword like 'eXtreme'. "I saw 'the Secret', and now am awakened". There are different levels of consciousness and what it is to be 'awake' to one person is being quite 'asleep' (or even being socially destructive) to another's perception. Many who are saying 'wake up' do not know their own nature, and they just succumb to a different set of personal distractions while finger-pointing at another's use of catalyst. It is not normally as easy as you say to just find new friends, I can't just leave my previous friends who have been friends throughout my whole life and just "find new friends" it is not simply that easy. Although when I go to University next year I more than likely make some new friends there. Also I am not just throwing the word awakened in as a cheap buzzword. When I think of being awakened I think of the fact that I now understand that we are all one and have chosen to be of service to other selves. I have read the Law of One material all five books over 5 times lol plus lots of other book and videos. I understand that the way the world truly works, such as the monetary system etc, this for most being what they call awaken, and is the highest level of consciousness most people reach, with most stuck at this so called level of awakening, which still has forms of fear in it as well as hate for those who have "despised us". I myself have gone beyond this I no longer get angry at those who have oppressed us, for I see them as my self, and that they have the free will to do so. I no longer have hate just love for all entities. I believe this to be a rarer type of awakening, with as I said most getting stuck at understanding how the world works and still keeping that fear and anger. Most of us at these forums would be classified in the rarer type of awakening because we have stumbled upon something, most people never find in their lifetime. So I believe I am quite awakened, of course no where near fully if it is even possible, there are much higher levels of consciousness than this. I also share the humour in those who believe to be awakened for knowing the way the world really works, I am happy they have got to this stage, but it is only the very very beginning as I have found out. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - ThatZenGuy - 12-23-2011 Having friends that do not share your understanding is tough. I don't drink and I'm a Vegan. It makes going out and being social with people a little tough. I recently took a trip to Las Vegas with a group of friends and family. They party really hard and get F*cked up. I on the other hand party and spend time with them to experience it all awhile still keeping a level head. Since I accept my friends and family as the ones I love and grew up with, I accept who they are as the creator also and let them have their free will. They have said on several occasions of partying with me that they love me being around them and just showing them how much fun someone could have just being sober. They also appreciate me being there despite me not drinking at all, just so I can spend time with them. I try to be the light in the darkest of places and it's always good to have someone around that can think clearly to protect them if something does happen. I use to be in the same shoes as them and had the same understanding level, I can not judge any of them. Since I won't leave them just because I've found spiritual understanding that is different from what they know, I accept who they are and try to be the beacon of light and love for them to lean on if needed. They don't invite me to their weekly outings because they know I won't just go out drinking with them every weekend. I will go out if there is a special occasion though. As for your question if the if all of humanity will wake up? Yes. Will they wake up all at the same time? No. Every single soul has a different level of spiritual development. The thing you have to remember is, every soul will make the journey back home no matter what and one day we will all be one again. If you take time out of the equation, then they have all woken up already. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Tyler Durden Maybe - 12-23-2011 Boy, my Yes or No Answer to your question now seems a little out of place, ha. But I took it as a Yes or No question. To expand: I say "No" because in my view there is absolutely no need what so ever to be "Awake" in order to #1. Graduate into 4D+ Positive STO (or go back to wherever you Wandered from) and #2. Learn the Lessons set by the Higher Self. Isn't this what we are here for? Example: I know many, many Mormons that I've known since childhood who will never believe anything but Mormonism, and would think the LOO was a Fiction Novel. Yet they are some of the most kind, compassionate, charitable and service to others oriented people I have ever met. I have no doubts whatsoever they are learning or have learned the lessons of Love and other lessons their Higher Selves have set and will definitively without a doubt attain 51% service to others and graduate into 4D+ Positive STO. No need to ever "Wake Up" as we would call it. Plus, to some people I know, "Waking Up" was much less fun than being "Asleep" was. So I don't think it's for everyone. As Cypher in the Matrix says "Why, oh why, didn't I take the Blue Pill." RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Oceania - 12-23-2011 you don't have to leave them. just get new friends and talk with them. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Parsons - 12-24-2011 Tyler Durden Wrote:Plus, to some people I know, "Waking Up" was much less fun than being "Asleep" was. So I don't think it's for everyone. As Cypher in the Matrix says "Why, oh why, didn't I take the Blue Pill."Yes but don't you remember what happened as a result of that and before that? The sheeple are very easy for STS to shepard into doing negatively oriented actions. You should be careful about encouraging others to stay asleep as there is already plenty of wet-blanketry going on in our society as it is. I know its hard... But think of what you may have been convinced to do had you not woke up (just as I could have had I not woken up). ![]() (12-23-2011, 11:17 PM)Oceania Wrote: you don't have to leave them. just get new friends and talk with them. I share the opinion that it isn't just that easy. I have a part / place in my heart reserved for certain very close friends. To make these new friends is very difficult, because its hard to find others line me (for instance, according to the results of the MBTI personality test, I am among only 3% of the US population). Also its draining for me to the extreme in some instances. It takes quite a bit of adjusting to try to adjust to other's energy patterns so it doesn't cause a sort of interference / friction which drains me. Taking my previous example, only 3 out of a hundred people I might meet fit "my" description/way of thinking. In reality its even less than that since my type of person typically doesn't hang around my area of the city. Or even if I knew someone that lived in my apartment complex could be a STO wanderer that was awake or partially awake. I'm not a small talk kind of person, its just not my thing. How do you get to know some random neighbor or acquaintance if you're not good at shooting the proverbial s***? You can't just walk up to some random person (in this society), and ask them "hey, what do you think about how long it takes to get through 4th density service to others path?". You can use your imagination on what the response would be. Where do "we" congregate? My closest idea would be a college/university... but then you have all those pompus-know-it-alls mixed in with maybe the odd STO wanderer trying to get by with all the criticism from their peers, or keeping their head low. Someone recently brought up that has always been at the back of my mind but avoided because of the can of worms it opens (such as finances, not to mention the chance of being labeled a "cult" since that what the masses have been programmed to do. (12-23-2011, 01:26 AM)ajfletcherseeking Wrote: After being directed to this forum by a kind soul, I am reposting here. I am from New Hampshire(Manchester area). I feel a very strong need to meet like minded people to fellowship and grow with. Wether it is a church of some kind that understands the Law of One or a group that meets up to help each other grow. I am relatively new to understanding all this as I have discovered this in my journey in the last two years. I feel so awakened and am yearning to learn and grow more. I dont know where to start looking and was guided by the creator here!Not knocking it nor endorsing it, just bringing it up for discussion. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Tyler Durden Maybe - 12-24-2011 Q. "But think of what you may have been convinced to do had you not woke up" A. That's an easy answer. I'd be chasing Girls and Money. The Above is definetly a fact. The rest listed below is just my opinion, and has become my opinion after much experience. I only write this because I wanted to expand on the reasoning for my statements. "You should be careful about encouraging others to stay asleep as there is already plenty of wet-blanketry going on in our society as it is." I don't encourage any one to do either, only to follow their joy and excitement, no matter what my opinion on it may be. Whether that be mediating under a tree to gain enlightenment, or going to Bars wearing Drakkar Noir with a white shirt and black slacks so floozies will like them. To me that is their Free Will to decide to stay Asleep or Wake Up, and trying to negate their Free Will and make them choose, even if some would say "It's for the better" is no different then the STS/NWO/Illuminati trying to negate their Free Will. It's their choice. I want them to make it, I'm always happy to answer any of their questions or give my advice or tell them what I believe and why, but I usually always say, "If you're asking me, you're asking the wrong person." To get them to understand to look within for their path. As Morpheus says, going back to the Matrix "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged." I've seen a few people "unplugged" before they were ready and it was not a pretty picture. Ex. Many people I know have had information and philosophies forced upon them against their free will and choice (by friends) before they were ready, and there was not a positive outcome. Ex. Mental Breakdowns, Clinical Depression, etc (Compared to a more positive outcome that could have been reached had they been ready first and made the decision using their own Free Will to seek out the information & philosophies.) That's why I made those particular comments. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - _X7 - 12-24-2011 Ah - so.... Why are humans herded into cities? As in better days ahead, sought in a college town, or another control city? I was headed there at age 18, with that hope of better days ahead! I dared seek the better vision than the status-quo versions, ah yes. :idea: A savvy, boundless, adventuresome, seat-of-the-pants youth crossed my path, (instant friends). Soon we were both on our way to a real city to brush up on the latest and greatest movements there. All about: transitioning to higher planes of betterment and whatnot. I missed absolutely nothing of value, in swerving away from college. And jobbing around, learning the trades, to get all my bearings read. Strife and wake up calls were vital. Yet my real life focus didn't happen until finding a place and means to settle on the land. Escaping from the city after a couple years or so. My trunk packed full of many findings. Hitched my way onto some land with dependable well water, yet not an industrializ-able region. Besides a real home site was where great women are to be found. Somehow, someway she found me living free. It sort of seems that the planetary life we have here and now is heavily sated with human slumberings. The fox is raiding the chicken house. The wolf is herding sheep. A strange STS rivalry is unfolding, mounting high up afoot. Is something yet hidden away, driving so much of our chaos? Can there exist strife greater than the hustle and bustle levels? Ya-ahhhhhh ...Look agin. In addition to those 'S'-polarizations, most people are supportives here or supportives there. It is their innate energy to energize life with support. (Supporting that which they choose). Other, smaller sets of people will specialize in asserting or forcing their energies. A tiny fraction beyond those two, will truly wield visionary, creative energies. The cards are dealt to human hands. Ra uses the card game metaphor, so very aptly, methinks. The given cards are, freely gifted as genetic suits and circumstances. I expect that those energies above are the life-type- and life- bag choices. We largely implement these before birth. Look up game in the LOO search box. We must review our own life experiences as well, then make our most appropriate choices. Let those bearing proper thresholds of awareness--Wake into the new paradigms and perceptive productive walks ahoy. Let the slumberers sleep on as in free choices made. (If they didn't even stir, if you did your part and finished with that). The game is real, the causes and effects, free will executed by commission or by omission. Despair not, find that fitting niche as a result of actively building it! Find the parameters, only as thought moves forward, creating new thought, (which jives very deep). RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Cyan - 12-24-2011 Most likely: About 95-97% of those alive at about 2030 will be awoken. That is just my opinion based on my observations which means that it will probably take significantly longer than that due to my higher vibration as observed against the bacjkdrop. So, methinks that we'll see a majorly STO world in at about 2070. Assuming we live that long. STS as a Ra oriented concept coudl only win if the planet and the race on it specifically eliminates itself down to the the last individual. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Oceania - 12-25-2011 Tyler i agree. i want to take the bluepill. but i guess you can't do what Cypher did, it isn't that easy. but he was my hero in that movie. he basically said f*** this s***! who wants to eat oatmeal and worry about depressing crap like this when they can be in the illusion eating yummies and not worrying? and i don't wanna hear anyone's moral high ground. i'm just being honest. Duncan, i meant online. my few IRL friends were all met in school, but most of my friends i have online. doesn't drain as much. and you can always block them. ![]() sides, if we create our own reality, wouldn't Cypher be the one person who knows how to play the game? RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Cyan - 12-25-2011 Oceania. Exactly, the illusion is WHY WE ARE HERE! ![]() ![]() RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - norral - 12-25-2011 dear zack i understand your frustration my brother. i would say its all about conciousness . as peoples conciousness increases their actions change. the only real conciousness we have control over is our own. i look at it as what can i do to be more conscious. if im more conscious i am doing my part. each one has to do that for themselves. what u are experiencing i believe is homesickness which is quite common among wanderers. there are times when i just dont want to be here. but i am here as long as i am here. and i fully intend to utilize the time to raise my consciousness while i am here . if that affects someone or not is really not up to me. but being kind and thoughtful to others does have its effect. so its a long journey and it requires patience. can i recommend the bach essences the ones called impatiens and gentian. they will help i think your brother norral RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Oldern - 12-25-2011 If you want to be "positive", you cannot allow yourself to see the world and see your friends in such light that you described in the OP. Love yourself. Love them. Allow yourself to "get wasted" once, as that allows you to connect deeper with them. Yeah, you might be doing something bad to your body, but you can correct that. It is alright to be flawed sometimes, I think. Also, yes. The whole world will wake up. Not everyone will at the same time, though. That should not bother you at all. Just be thankful if you feel that you are awakened - but if you TRULY are awakened, or close to it, the only thing you would give to those friends is pure love, not concerns and definitely not a judgement over how they choose to waste their shells. But: at the end of the day even that does not matter. Since time is just an illusion, we have already awakened. Yes, each and every one of us. We are just too caught up in our own nets to realize it. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Cyan - 12-25-2011 This, this i do not understand, and i dont think i ever will. why do you seek pleasure in trying to force your friends to conform to your view of good and evil. This, this always gets me on STS-candidate worlds. This thought that normal STO oriented people accept so blindly that there is "something out there" that has a moral stake on how your friends live out their lives. That there even is such a concept as a "wasted shell" by god people. ![]() Dont worry, be chilly =) RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Parsons - 12-25-2011 (12-25-2011, 10:26 AM)Oldern Wrote: If you want to be "positive", you cannot allow yourself to see the world and see your friends in such light that you described in the OP. I think you may be correct... It probably won't do any permanent damage to your vehicle if you indulge every once in awhile when friends want you to. BUT, what if said friends/family try to get you to do it as often as them? As I write this from my phone, I am sitting with my wife/her family, all practically sleeping, all unknowing and unwilling slaves to $. That part doesn't bother me since there is no reasoning behind worrying about it because they are no where near ready: it's the part where it encourages me to fall back asleep with them. Also, I was miserable / depressed before I awoken. I pretty much always felt like that until I awoke. I knew something was "wrong" with this world as young as 10. I know that I would have have been miserable and probably wouldn't have made it through 2012 if I hadn't awoken by this point. If someone would have offered it sooner, there would have been less damage done by the perpetuators of the veil/ planetary game. Thus, less damage to undo for me while awakening. I'm not condoning forcing the LOO on anyone. But what about the others that are like I was? I had to really google/ search through quite a bit before I found the Ra Material... I would have REALLY appreciated it if it were more widely known or if someone would have sent me a link or a trail of breadcrumbs or SOMETHING. There must be quite a few slumbering wanderers out there like I was. There must be some way to find them and help them awaken escape the trap they are caught in without impeding on free will; We just haven't been smart enough to figure that out yet. Love and Light; Happy Holidays if that's your thing =O) RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - SomaticDreams - 12-25-2011 (12-23-2011, 10:09 AM)zack231 Wrote: When I look around yes there is an awakening happening the largest seen in history. But I am also taken over by the fact that so many are lost and have no idea of any of this and completely oblivious to what is going on. I look at my friends and all they care about is getting drunk "Wasted" they call it, as if that is all life is about getting "wasted" they go out just about every weekend and drink till they cannot stand... It is very sad, they always ask me why am I not getting drunk, I and I always say there are far more important things in the world than getting drunk, well really I mostly just think it and say I don't really feel like it but hey. Anyway I ask myself how are these individuals my friends and many many other ever going to awaken, they are so lost within this illusion, their only release being getting drunk. I wish I had a group of friends who understood the world, that I could have a real conversation with... My friends right now just seem so lost and silly.. I sometimes wonder why I picked to have so friends, perhaps find acceptance.. Evening my friend, I have been in this perspective before. It is a reflection of our attachment to a particular epistemology- do not attach to it. As others have mentioned, grasping at the wrong 'time' can be catastrophic. When you read all of these books, you think there is much work to be done, but really, there is nothing to do. I mean that living by example is what you can do, and most effectively. Do not be afraid to scare away friends with how you see the world, for indeed that is what you are here to do. To give inspiration and varying perspectives on the world. If you think that is the 'truth' then, speak it, but do not attach to it. Listen to others with love, with a sense of real understanding, not just 'hearing them'. Understand their argument and where they are coming from. You do not need to be anywhere else- all you must be is your highest understanding. Meditation has been a very useful tool through out my life- I suggest you find a meditation group, a teacher, or practice simple calming meditation (shamata). I frequently am among people who are racist, hateful, despising, petty and what one might call 'negative'. I have been kicked out of 'social groups' for expressing myself (against racist comments or against hate). I've been called a 'fag' for being a Buddhist or a 'chink' (I am half Japanese), but I send these people my love, because all beings deserve love. They were expressing their uncomfortable feelings to shield themselves from the perspective I offered. I used to be so attached to the truths I knew were 'true', but how I came to them was through my own path. Everyone is on a different level- some closer to others. What you must understand is that trying to exert yourself over others is not what will change people. Serving as an example is the best way- you don't need to change anyone through force or argument. You don't even need to express your beliefs unless you are asked, but you will realize that more often than not, a radiant, peaceful, happy, joyous, calm being will be asked questions pertaining to how such a state is achieved. All you must do, is turn inwards, for truly all of your friends are reflections of yourself. Do not push them away. Greet them as your friends, as they are. Love them, accept them. Be an example by just being your highest understanding. You will grow exponentially this way- and through meditation. I offer you this advice as a reflection of my own path. I hope it is of use to you. Much love, and light to you my friend. Namaste -Somatic Dreams RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - zack231 - 12-25-2011 (12-25-2011, 10:26 AM)Oldern Wrote: If you want to be "positive", you cannot allow yourself to see the world and see your friends in such light that you described in the OP. Perhaps I wrote my post in a wrong way because I totally agree with what you just said. I am not judging my friends for I to was the same before I woke up. Since discovering the Law of One I accept the way people are and want to behave and I still love them. I am in no way condoning what my friends ends are doing although as I read over the post it does seem that way. But yes I have come to the point where I have love for all individuals and respect their free will to choose their path and what to do with their life, thus it is completely up to them if they want to be behave the way they do. What I was saying was will they ever awaken, because I do feel sorry for them, for not knowing this information. I think it would change their lives forever as it did mine. Again I am not judging my friends it is their free will and I respect that, I was just simply asking do people think that people even like this, will awaken at some point in their lives. Peace RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - AnthroHeart - 12-26-2011 (12-25-2011, 08:09 AM)norral Wrote: what u are experiencing i believe is homesickness which is quite common among wanderers. there are times when i just dont want to be here. but i am here as long as i am here. and i fully intend to utilize the time to raise my consciousness while i am here . if that affects someone or not is really not up to me. but being kind and thoughtful to others does have its effect. so its a long journey and it requires patience. can i recommend the bach essences the ones called impatiens and gentian. they will help i think I agree about the homesickness. What keeps me motivated to stay here is the fact that I'm holding a positive vibration just being here, and that helps the whole of humanity. Those bach essences sound great. I see they are also on Amazon. I do have some lavender which helps relax me. Which essence would be good for anxiety and mild depression (I feel uneasy being here sometimes)? RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Oldern - 12-26-2011 (12-25-2011, 09:33 PM)zack231 Wrote:(12-25-2011, 10:26 AM)Oldern Wrote: If you want to be "positive", you cannot allow yourself to see the world and see your friends in such light that you described in the OP. Alright, then. The first post really was a bit confusing to me -as it sounded quite the opposite as what you are saying ![]() About that information that changes lifes...I can honestly say now, without any doubt that every single friend of mine was able to completely ignore everything that I have told them about how my life has changed in the last few months if they wanted to. Great inner changes are of a nature that is simply underwhelms the intensity of the illusion we create as an "outside". Every one of us will only get this once we are calling for it, as in really wanting to experience something different. Now I am up for my next challenge. Which is: those who speak, do not know. Those who know do not speak. Time for me to shut up, especially when I am amongst friends. ![]() RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Oceania - 12-26-2011 yeah i should shut up too. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Parsons - 12-26-2011 (12-26-2011, 08:26 PM)Oceania Wrote: yeah i should shut up too. hahaha I guess I should do the same and be a bit less nitpitcky or at least take a break from it it. I keep feeling that same "vibe" the past couple of days as well to at least be "extremely careful not to say something you will regret". I will continue to try to break other's theory's apart and try to make sure everything make sense(sometimes leading to challenging their theory) if I think there is a viable alternative view, though; with the most integrity and compassion in an STO manner I can muster. I like to think of this as sort of being a "spiritual beta tester"(aka software beta tester in the computer realm) or like tempering steel so the end result might be better/stronger. This is my is my overriding intention for being here on these forums, as well as to learn-teach. ![]() RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Diana - 12-28-2011 This is how I deal with the situation: I consciously decide how much time I will allot to "socializing." Socializing includes for me any interaction with people (family, friends, acquaintances, business). It is a small portion of my life (for me). I gladly give my time to this, as I have already agreed to do it. So I don't worry that I'm wasting my time talking about inane things like TV shows I've never heard of, and if I can, I turn conversations to things that really matter to me (but if I don't, again, I have already agreed to spend the time). I also know that as I interact with others, I share a little of my out-of-the-box thinking. I also engage with others and their passions as much as possible to heighten the joy factor, even if they are things I don't agree with (unless it's sport hunting or something like that, and then I will express my own opinion). My advice is to set boundaries for how much time you will spend with friends/family, and then allow them to just be themselves during these times. But allow yourself to stand in your truth as well. I don't "party" anymore, and I am a vegetarian. I will be in a group and politely refuse to partake, or politely explain that I don't eat meat. I get all kinds of flack and rude comments, but I endeavor not to be personally affronted. It's not always easy, but it is what it is, and I endeavor to be true to my intentions while not shutting out the world. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - AnthroHeart - 12-28-2011 Good points Diana. Sometimes we just need to chill with the mundane. It's so easy to get burned out if one is seeking too much. I try to keep a balance between a level of boredom, and staying active. Not too much of one or the other. When I'm bored, it's a good reminder of being in 3D. I can't see being in 4D would cause boredom. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Shin'Ar - 12-28-2011 What we must always remember is that this world is one tiny point in this great creation, and those here just one small portion of a vast consciousness. One would not judge the apple seedling expecting it to produce fruit before its time and so should not expect anything different with the human Tree. All exists by the Sacred Fire within and grows based upon its own unique experience and interaction with the All. There is a beginning and an end that are bound together in a circle that we cannot fathom at this stage of understanding, but we can understand that throughout that circle of development and growth there will be many levels of being. And this experience that we relate to in these forms is merely one tiny part of the great Whole of experiences that we have long past experienced, and will long into the future. Would we expect to compare ourselves with the state of being we will experience ten thousand years from now? No, of course not. So why do we compare our present state of being with others around us as though we should all be in the same experience? Are we not aware that there are beings among us at this very moment who far surpass us us in experience, understanding and ability, that have been worshipped as gods in the past and are daily called upon now to assist us in our learning and understanding? There is one Tree, many seeds, and many stages of growth. As for a judgment day or day of changing, that should be how we percieve each and every day regardless of what may be marked on a prophetic calendar. Live in the moment, and see each day as your last, because one can never know their final moment in this temporary form. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - zenmaster - 12-28-2011 (12-28-2011, 02:50 PM)ShinAr Wrote: So why do we compare our present state of being with others around us as though we should all be in the same experience? Comparison is necessary in order to create yet another reflection of a lost aspect of self in another. It's necessary after the self has been rejected due to hope or fear, for example. It's what perpetuates a cycle of identification, a complimentary neurotic structure, a burden. Comparison basically forces or demands that someone else has the responsibility of informing one about who they are. Social change comes from individuals being more who they are, not from vague suggestions from hope-attached intuition, prognostications, waiting and seeing what others may or may not do, depicting mind-control mechanisms, etc. Creating attachments to certain expectations (i.e. 'hope'), incipient new ways of thinking (memes), to a certain idea of positive development that may occur in the future actually stifles progress. Why? "Spiritually", the future or what may possibly be (and then, only if I like the idea) does not actually play a role in one's development. What does then? Acceptance. As Ra said, "...each witness sees what it desires to see..." RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - Shin'Ar - 12-28-2011 I have only very recently become aware of Ra's informtaion, so I cannot equate my own to his, although from what I have read of him briefly we seem to be in exceptional agreement. However in response to your reply, It seems that what you are suggesting is that without a blackboard to apply previous experiences we have no basis upon which to grow from that previous experience. Correct me if I mistake your process of thought. To that I say that regardless of what you or I do in any life that we are in at any time, we are acting in one accord and therefore cannot compare our experiences as separate entities. We are One, so how can anything that you do be a lesson for me to learn from outside of my experience? We act as One and learn as One, and this is the harmony that we must come to realize in order to transcend. To contrinue to see ourselves as individual identities experiencing individual lives is the barrier that stands between our present state of darkness and our opportunity to transcend to our higher being. It is equivalent to being trapped in the flesh, and this is why we continue to relive the things of the flesh. I believe that Ra has spoken to this continuing trap. Jesus spoke of the need to walk in the spirit and you will not fulfil the lusts of the flesh. The becoming and continuing in flesh is not our priority, but rather the experiencing it to learn why we need to escape from it. we are spirit, One Consciousness, and this form is but one of many experiences that we shall partake in on our universal journey. To suggest that our entire experience should be based upon the time spent in one vehicle, in ignorance of the many other vehicles that we have and will use on this grand journey is simply wrong. Yes, we can learn from our past, but our future depends on understanding that we do that as a Whole and not as individuals. RE: Will the whole world really wake up? - zenmaster - 12-28-2011 Shin'Ar I'm in agreement with everything you have said. |