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Power Days - Quantum - 08-22-2010

Ra Wrote:64.9 Questioner: In a previous session you mentioned the gateway of magic for the adept occurring in eighteen-day cycles. Could you expand on that information please?
Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex is born under a series of influences, both lunar, planetary, cosmic, and in some cases, karmic. The moment of the birthing into this illusion begins the cycles we have mentioned.

The spiritual or adept’s cycle is an eighteen-day cycle and operates with the qualities of the sine wave. Thus there are a few excellent days on the positive side of the curve, that being the first nine days of the cycle—precisely the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth—when workings are most appropriately undertaken, given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality.

The most interesting portion of this information, like that of each cycle, is the noting of the critical point wherein passing from the ninth to the tenth and from the eighteenth to the first days the adept will experience some difficulty especially when there is a transition occurring in another cycle at the same time. At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.

Greetings Fellow Seekers,

I've missed engaging with many of you. I've been traveling extensively, from the US to Europe, and now possibly China, and have been blessed with too many wonderful happenings to count as a result. To that end, I am seeking a general inquiry as relates to my above activities and wonder if we as seekers have been directed towards hints of more powerful tools that might also aid us towards our more transient goals as much as our loftier and spiritual ones. I have retreated privately into the LOO material for quite some time during my B4th sabbatical, as well as occasionally lurking on for interesting tidbits. Upon doing so I recently came across the above quote and wonder if this may be read in more ways than one, or if indeed all ways in fact might apply as ONE. Your assistance and contributed thought processes of 'banging heads together' with me to create the all too familiar "hollow clunks" first heard before a "Ka-Ching!" is registered will be most welcomed and received. I am on a mission.

Case in point, "The Gateway of Magic" as referenced in the above quote and throughout the LOO is certainly more largely understood to be that of, shall we say, the inner workings towards facilitating growth. Do we however as seekers imagine the above quote to be relegated strictly to the inner arena for purposes of increasing polarity as relates only to the spiritual path, or might "The Gateway of Magic" also be understood to facilitate manifestations towards what we seek in the physical realm as well? I have long espoused that our physical lives are in fact no less imbued with the very self same magical properties in the here-and-now of little ol' 3d as much as in any 6d-8d or the next 21,000 Octaves after that. In other words, life is good! No need wishing you were somewhere else (as more magical) when in fact this (magic) is where you chose to be. Much like assuming the deeper end of the pool might be so much more peaceful and enjoyable than is the shallow end we're in might be presumptuous at best, and this before having learned to float much less swim, we may as well revel in our proficiency training here first, as Gods in the making. There are no shortcuts or skipping of steps. I've written entire treatises to this subject in the past as to what might be perceive as the wish by self -perceived wanderers who seemingly scream for the desire to get the hellll outtttta here before his contract and journey for which he begged for is completed. It seems unseemly, and less than noble at best to wish not to be here when so much nobility to be here has in fact been granted us. Where is the wanderer wisdom in this? Feeling different and alien is one thing, but wishing not to be here, or that the end can't come soon enough is quite another matter, and perhaps the antithesis of 6d wanderer wisdom. But I digress.

To my point as a lesson, assume one were desirous of a more favorable outcome in business, romance, health, etc, might one also interpret the above quote to apply to more favorable outcomes as regards same were one to be cognizant of the eighteen day diurnal cycle stated? For example as in my case, might one interpret that the negotiating and/or signing of contracts would be least suited for favorable outcomes during the first nine days, and far worse on the 4th, 5th, and 6th day? To the converse, might one assume that the 2nd nine days 13-18 (with 13,14,15, as most excellent) may be best to request if possible? Given there are 6 sets of three in eighteen: 1,2,3, and 4,5,6, and 7,8,9 on the positive up curve, with 10,11,12, and 13,14,15, and 16,17,18 on the negative down curve. The first three days (1,2,3) and last three days (16,17,18) of both as nadirs are weakest work, with the middle three 4,5,6 days presumably as the strongest for internal work, whereas the converse may be true for earthly work as strongest on 1,2,3 and 16,17,18.

Last sentence of the quote: "At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties (best for earthly work) in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times."

This might be open to more than one interpretation.
1. At the nadirs, when we as adepts are at our least powerful, we are also subject to least difficulties. As such, it seems it may also be our best time to engage in earthly activities on 1 and 18, as it may be best for signing contracts or undergoing surgeries
(same thingTongue), whereas at our most powerful at the zenith of 4,5,6 may be our most powerful and best time to engage in internal work and as such perhaps our worst time and difficult to engage in important earthly matters such as signing contracts, surgeries etc? Does the logic hold?
2. Nadirs and Zeniths as relates to the Ra quote may have converse relationships: i.e. internal "Magical" work - increasing polarity at Zeniths, versus external "Magical Work" - Nadirs for Earthly work (such as contracts, surgeries, marriages, important dates, et al.)

I am further curious to those of you versed in Astrology if the 18 day cycle is present in astrological terms, or if as I suspect this is uniquely Ra Material?

Curious if my inferences and logic of converse relationships might apply.


RE: Power Days - Peregrinus - 08-23-2010

Thank you for touching base Quantum. It is our honor and pleasure to have you among us again.

I will respond to your post at length later, as I have worked with this cycle. I suppose, and I will now I think about it, have to begin this in a journal, to correlate my high and low days with this and astrological cycles. I made and use MS Excel workbook for knowing the cycle days since my birth, but haven't looked at it lately. An ideal would be to have biorhythm cycles and this cycle superimposed, though I am unsure as to the accuracy of biorhythm cycles as pertaining to astrology.

Just a quick note is that I found the nadirs to be actual lows when I would not do anything such as surgery or sign contracts, and the zenith building to a peak on the 6th to be the best times to do anything, as though in a charmed state. When I say lows, what I mean is that it was almost like everything was blah, without emotion, without clarity, as though in a fog. I would suspect this cycle relates in the magical sense to the mind/body/spirit complexes ability to function at a higher level in this plane, not in the actual amount of catalyst being offered.

As for manifestation during this cycle... I really see no difference between the magical and the manifest plane in which we work, though having points in time when interaction strength is more or less. Therefore this cycle would appear to simply give us an understanding as to when we are able to interact between metaphysical and physical more easily.

RE: Power Days - 3D Sunset - 08-23-2010

Hello Q, and welcome back from your hiatus!

An interesting question you pose, and one that as you say, there is no clear direction on within the Law of One. It would seem to me that there are a series of questions you pose:

1. Is the work of the adept applicable to more mundane, 3D, activities(as opposed to only spiritually related activities)?
2. If so, then is work such as the negotiation and/or execution of a contract or legal agreement perhaps an event that may lend itself to magical influence?
3. If so, then are these types of activities governed or influenced by the adept's cycle?
4. If so, then when would be the most opportune time within the cycle for one to perform the aforementioned activities?

Assuming that the above questions are an accurate dissection of your query, please let me start by saying that the crux of your question is dependent upon a significant number of prerequisites. Even so, let us dive in:

Quote:1. Is the work of the adept applicable to more mundane, 3D, activities (as opposed to only spiritually related activities)?

It would seem that the answer to this question is "yes". I feel that there are several reasons that this is true, and will offer one quote for now, which brings with it a note of caution. Recall that Card number VI in the Major Arcana, the Transformation of the Mind, deals with the use of the use of conscious and unconscious to affect change in the life of the individual:

Law of One, Book, IV, Session 99 Wrote:Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind, seeing it in the guise of the maiden, go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.

The point being, that using the mind to help accomplish goals is well, good and natural, but is best undertaken, at least for those biased toward STO, as a long courtship leading to a committed relationship with the result.

Quote:2. If so, then is work such as the negotiation and/or execution of a contract or legal agreement perhaps an event that may lend itself to magical influence

For this I have no quote, but would profess my intuitive belief that this is so.

Quote:3. If so, then are these types of activities governed or influenced by the adept's cycle?

Here, I am reminded of this exchange with Ra regarding the cycles in general.

Law of One, Book III, Session 64 Wrote:Questioner: Am I correct in assuming that whatever magic the adept would perform at this time would be more successful or, shall we say, more to his design than that performed at less opportune times in the cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. This cycle is an helpful tool to the adept but as we said, as the adept becomes more balanced the workings designed will be dependent less and less upon these cycles of opportunity and more and more even in their efficacy.

Questioner: I have no ability to judge at what point the level of abilities of the adept would be reached to be independent of this cyclical action. Can you give me an indication of what level of “adeptness” that would be necessary in order to be so independent?

Ra: I am Ra. We are fettered from speaking specifically due to this group’s work, for to speak would seem to be to judge. However, we may say that you may consider this cycle in the same light as the so-called astrological balances within your group; that is, they are interesting but not critical.

This is to say, that the more balanced individual is less affected by the cycles. So, to the extent that one is doing ones balancing exercises fully and appropriately, it would seem that the position within the cycle when one seeks to perform magic, becomes much less important.

Quote:4. If so, then when would be the most opportune time within the cycle for one to perform the aforementioned activities?

Here then, we get to the crux of your question. First, I would point out that, having been involved in a number of contracts and negotiations - as, I know you have too, my friend - the "magic" is in the negotiation, not so much the execution. Next, it would seem to me that the most opportune time for accomplishing this magic would be during days 4-6 of the cycle. Based upon Ra's description, I would avoid attempting this "magic" during days 9-1 of the cycle (that is to say the first nadir at day 9-10, and then all through the negative phase and the second nadir at day 18-1). This may be difficult to pull off, but again, in my experience, such activities generally do ebb and flow in a similar fashion. In a perfect world, I would attempt to execute the agreement on a day that included as many simultaneous biorythmic "highs" as possible (as well as any other astrological charts you may deem significant), but pragmatically, would probably bow to consummating the agreement on a date and time that was both convenient to all parties and "felt right". I for one, tend to put far more weight into my intuitive powers than my astrological alignments.

If nothing else, this should provide us great fodder for further discussion.

Love and Light, my friend, and Godspeed in your endeavors.

3D Sunset

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 08-23-2010

Hello Quantum!
Quote:Your assistance and contributed thought processes of 'banging heads together' with me to create the all too familiar "hollow clunks" first heard before a "Ka-Ching!" is registered will be most welcomed and received.
Well put and that's what we're here for, isn't it. Smile

I am glad for your topic, and also for your digressions. Thank you for bringing forth some fruits of your pondering in solitude, so that we may share the bounty and help you find recipes to use them. Wink

I completely missed the 18 day cycle material from Ra. Thank you for bringing it up for discussions.

This material reminds me quite a bit of the Biorhythms concept. I don't know if they had been explored by scientists before the Ra contact. The idea is that several aspects of human life, such as physical stamina and mental alertness, each have their own sine wave cycle of a particular number of days. Just as Ra described, the rising part of the upward curve is the most powerfully positive. The bottom of the curve is the weakest time. And the most potentially difficult time is actually not the bottom of the curve, but the zero crossing.

I learned about biorhythms before learning about Ra. Putting them together, it seems to me that either positive or negative polarity can be catalyst. But when there is the flipover between polarities, it is hard to draw any power into the circuit.

I know some about astrology, and don't think of any 18 day cycles off the top of my head. There may be others here more expert in that system of archetypal correspondences.

If you want to study cycles, you may find that Elliott Wave theory (from financial markets) is also an interesting perspective on human behavior.

With the widespread dissatisfaction among Wanderers about having to live in these primitive conditions, you provide a vivid call to not miss out on the learning and growth that is available for us, amid this dense life. Thank you.

RE: Power Days - Ali Quadir - 08-23-2010

I have no philosophical or particularly intelligent notions to add to this discussion other than that I've been aware of an energy cycle in my own being. It's pretty steady with the moon. At first I thought of some esoteric connection since the lowest energy is the week before full, and the best energy is the week after full, the rest is pretty normal. I've discovered that men do have their own hormone cycles. It's just a lot more subtle than for females. I think what I'm feeling is just that, nothing esoteric.

So any thoughts in this direction should check that we're not dealing with the normal human monthly cycle.

Obviously this cycle cannot be the 18 day cycle Ra speaks about.

RE: Power Days - Quantum - 08-23-2010

(08-23-2010, 01:18 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: Thank you for touching base Quantum. It is our honor and pleasure to have you among us again.
I will respond to your post at length later, as I have worked with this cycle.
(08-23-2010, 01:28 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Hello Q, and welcome back from your hiatus!
An interesting question you pose, and one that as you say, there is no clear direction on within the Law of One. It would seem to me that there are a series of questions you pose:
(08-23-2010, 03:18 PM)Questioner Wrote: Hello Quantum!
Quote:Your assistance and contributed thought processes of 'banging heads together' with me to create the all too familiar "hollow clunks" first heard before a "Ka-Ching!" is registered will be most welcomed and received.
Well put and that's what we're here for, isn't it. Smile
I am glad for your topic, and also for your digressions. Thank you for bringing forth some fruits of your pondering in solitude, so that we may share the bounty and help you find recipes to use them. Wink

Thank you 3D for your PM's and staying in touch during my sabbatical, as well as your ever thoughtful and analytical approach as demonstrated in your responses, this one included.Thank you as well Perigrinus. I shall be looking forward and awaiting more of your response to the query after your deliberation and time as stated. Thank you as well Questioner and hello again Ali,

I have intuitively drawn a distinction between the Nadirs and Zeniths directly as a result of Ra seemingly drawing a distinction between the two as though a hint. For example, allow me if you will:Ra states that the Nadir points are the points, which although are weakest, are also the ones that as a consequence offer the least amount of difficulties (challenges?) to the adept during these periods. This being stated, might we assume that at the lowest Nadir points, being those of the least amount of difficulties, that we might as a result also have the advantage for the adept encountering less challenges, and as a result offer more advantage for doing Earthly work for this very reason?

Ra directly seems to be inferring that we look twice at the distinctions between Nadirs and Zenith's by his first sentence of the last paragraph "The most interesting portion of this information..." (see above the Ra quote). I deduce (correctly/incorrectly) that there may be an unspoken distinction between the Nadir points and Zenith points as regards the time for Inner Magic (spiritual) vs Outer Magic (earthly). Those times for doing "Earthly Work" would seem best served when and where there are less challenges, versus at the Zenith points when "the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality", which would seem to be of significant disadvantage to do Earthy work vs an advantage? One would seemingly require control of ones mind/body/spirit distortion/reality to do earthly work, whereas the displacing of control of ones mind/body/spirit distortion/reality is without reservation (according to Ra) of significant advantage to open, albeit the same gateway of magic, perhaps a differing one in service to it. Magical Gateways seemingly might flow up as well down, i.e. the 1-9 flowing up (earth connecting to spirit) and the 10-18 flowing down (spirit connecting to earth)?

At the Zenith days of 4,5,6 "the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality" and is precisely when he is at an advantage to engage in the Magic of the inner work, i.e. spirit/increasing polarity.

Now, assuming I were on the correct track (even assuming I can stay on track), we might be able to break down these days as 4,5,6, as best for inner magic (as Ra specifically states) vs 17,18,1, as best for outer work ( as what might be inferred by Ra as "what is most interesting"?). Assuming this as possibly true, we may then go so far as to infer that the upward curve of days 1-9 generally are best for inner magic, when "the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality", versus days 10-18 when the entity is with total (or greater) conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality." Days 1 and 18 are the Nadirs and lowest points which seem to be the strongest for the least amount of difficulties/challenges?

Any thoughts to the convolutions of either clear or twisted logic? Be forewarned that I am as capable of seeing bunny rabbits in cloud formations that otherwise appear as dragons as well.


RE: Power Days - Peregrinus - 08-23-2010

I'd like to design a web page where one could put in their birth date and view various cycles, but I don't have the chops to know how to get all the calculations to work. Anyone? I have the site, just need the implementation.

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 08-24-2010

I don't have time to implement this, but I can give some tips that might help you.

The first part you'll need is a data entry form for date of birth. A web form using HTML will work fine. I point out some ways that client-side Javascript in the browser could be used for data entry validation.

For month, you could either have a drop-down list of month names, or you could just have a text box.

If you have a text box, you also need script code to validate that the entry was numeric, at least 1, and no greater than 12.

For day of month, you could have a drop-down list that automatically adjusts its length when a month is chosen. Or you could just have a text box. If you have a text box, you need script code to validate "30 days hath September..." for the numeric entry. If you have a drop-down, you need code that responds to a change of month by updating the day menu.

For year, you could have a drop-down list going back what you consider a reasonable maximum age for likely users. Or you could just have a text box. If you have a text box, you need to warn if the year of birth entered is in the future, or so far back in the past that the arithmetic could overflow.

All of this points out one huge limitation of the way software is currently made on the Web. You should be able to get a ready-made "pick a date" script that does all the validation for you, and just drag&drop it into your site. So much for the idea of "component software."

This is a huge advantage of a software framework like .Net or Java. They include components to provide a graphical interface for selecting a date, with all the validation built in. But they require that the user have a particular type of runtime library or browser plugin installed, which brings security and performance risks. All the fun of being a system administrator, brought right to your lap! Huh

The Bring4th Dashboard/Edit Your Profile includes an optional area for a user to enter date of birth. I just checked what happens when February 31 is entered. When the Submit button is clicked, the form is redisplayed with an error message that says "The birthday you entered is invalid. Please enter a valid birthday or leave the field empty." So there is minimal validation, but not much in the way of slick data entry functionality.

Once you have a date of birth to work with, calculating today's level is easy. Just use a date math library to find how many days between today and the given birth date. Divide by 18 and take the remainder.

Now this value needs to be reported to the user. The number could be shown on a new page that is loaded once the user submits the date of birth. The cool AJAX way of doing things is to let the server update a portion of the page, without a full page load. From the user's point of view, when they enter their date, the date entry area disappears and is replaced by a cool factoid about their current "power days" level.

The more sophisticated way to report is to show a chart. This means you need some software running on the server to generate a chart. In the Windows world, the server might run Excel. The date of birth is passed in to the Excel file, which calculates power levels going back, say, 30 days, and generates the chart. In the PHP world, probably some open source chart generator would be used, for example libchart:

At a corporate job, I worked on a website that provided statistical reports to managers. Data was retrieved from the database, and passed to the user along with a chart generation plugin. The graphics work happened on the client side. The client had tools to switch between different types of charts such as line or bar charts, to zoom in and out and so forth. Obviously something like that would be irrelevant overkill for your project.

Now, to put it all together in php I found this article with complete sample code.

I am very quick at analysis but not that speedy at coding. I guess I just prefer writing in English for people to read. Unlike computers, my human readers can often guess correctly at what I really meant to say. BigSmile

RE: Power Days - Quantum - 08-24-2010

(08-23-2010, 11:15 PM)Peregrinus Wrote: I'd like to design a web page where one could put in their birth date and view various cycles, but I don't have the chops to know how to get all the calculations to work. Anyone? I have the site, just need the implementation.
(08-24-2010, 10:12 AM)Questioner Wrote: I don't have time to implement this, but I can give some tips that might help you.

What a very interesting idea and undertaking. It might serve as a wonderful means for a standalone website, which if incorporated with a link to the Ra Material specifically, the L/L Material in general, the Study Guide as a quick intro, and ultimately the B4th Forum, might be offered as a service and beacon to attract a greater segment of the general public.

I am still however left to wonder which interpretation as regards the 18 day cycle might be the more correct with respect to Nadirs vs Zenith points, with Zenith points being the more advantageous, not only for inner work as is resolved by the Ra quote, and as 3D and Peregrinus interpret as same for Earthly work, or as I point out in my previous posts that perhaps in fact may be the Nadir points for Earthly work as Ra may have been alluding to?


RE: Power Days - 3D Sunset - 08-24-2010

(08-23-2010, 06:00 PM)Quantum Wrote: I have intuitively drawn a distinction between the Nadirs and Zeniths directly as a result of Ra seemingly drawing a distinction between the two as though a hint. For example, allow me if you will:Ra states that the Nadir points are the points, which although are weakest, are also the ones that as a consequence offer the least amount of difficulties (challenges?) to the adept during these periods. This being stated, might we assume that at the lowest Nadir points, being those of the least amount of difficulties, that we might as a result also have the advantage for the adept encountering less challenges, and as a result offer more advantage for doing Earthly work for this very reason?

Hi again Q,

Hmmmm, here are a few other thoughts for you mull over.

As I read it, Ra is describing the opportunities for "difficulties" (in this case especially psychic attack, recall that this is greater context of the discussion regarding the adept's cycle) at the very moments of the nadirs.

What I find most interesting is that Ra does not describe the significance of the negative zenith (or indeed, the entire negative cycle) at all. That is to say, if the positive zenith of days 4-6 are the optimum days for work of the adept, and the nadirs are days of weakest energy, then what do days 13-15 represent? It seems more likely to me that these would be the best days for outer work if such days are reflected in the cycle at all.

Given this interpretation, the power for outer vs inner would be waxing from days 6-14, when it reaches a zenith, and then would be waning from days 15-5. The opposite would be happening for inner vs outer. What then becomes most interesting about the nadirs, is that they represent essentially zero potential for work (and hence protection) of either form. I have always been intrigued by the process of "flipping polarities" as it were, it seems to me that the moments of the nadirs represent just such discontinuities.

Lastly, the way I read Ra's statement "given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality", is another way of Ra reminding us that the more balanced an entity (e.g., the more in control of their own reality), the less the cycle holds sway.

Love and Light,

3D Sunset

RE: Power Days - Peregrinus - 08-24-2010

I think once implementation of such was/is completed, I would in loving service offer it to B4 as an addition for this website.

Thanks Questioner for the ideas. This may take some time, but what the heart desires, the heart shall have.

RE: Power Days - Quantum - 08-24-2010

(08-23-2010, 06:00 PM)Quantum Wrote: I have intuitively drawn a distinction between the Nadirs and Zeniths directly as a result of Ra seemingly drawing a distinction between the two as though a hint.

3D Wrote:Hi again Q,
As I read it, Ra is describing the opportunities for "difficulties" (in this case especially psychic attack, recall that this is greater context of the discussion regarding the adept's cycle) at the very moments of the nadirs.

Hello to you dear 3D. Thank you as always for staying with it, as much as directly on top of it. I agree that Ra is wholly speaking to the Gateway of Magic in entirety as regards that of inner work (spiritual work) vs anything as transient as what we might consider outer work (earthly work), i.e. defined broadly as a very good day for choosing numbers for the power ball. But it seems he may be hinting at it. It further seems I'm as much on the right track as the wrong when re-reading my first post (paragraph 3/5th line) wherein I state as you do that days 13,14,15 of the negative curve (which I intuit as earthly - but is it?) must consequently be the converse to the positive curve of days 4,5,6.

I go on to contradictorily muse in the same 3rd paragraph of the last line by wondering if days 1,2,3 and 16,17,18 may be Nadirs and as such might be best for earthly work (I was also visualizing a bell shaped curve rather than a circle given Ra speaks to the positive curve vs the negative). You've helped me to further resolve this musing to re-evaluate what a Nadir truly is. The Nadir, as mused, is not the crossing/transition point of days 9 to 10 and days 18 to 1, but is the literal definition simply of the bottom or ground point as opposite ends of the circle (vs the curve) as defined by the word Nadir vis-a-vis the astrological term as "the point on the celestial sphere directly beneath a given position or observer and diametrically opposite the zenith"; Synonyms: bottom, floor, foot, depths; ( (I wondered if Nadir might instead be interpreted as days 1,2,3 as the positive bottom of the curve and 16,17,18 as the negative bottom of the other end of this curve).

If George Bernard Shaw quipped that Britain and America were two nations divided by a common language, I wonder what the resident satirist sitting in Council at the Confederation might have quipped with regard to Ra in 6D and man in 3D attempting communication with one another. Thank goodness a m/b/s complex in 3D communicating with another m/b/s complex in 3D has far less difficulty...huh........(tongue dug squarely into cheek).

3D Wrote:What I find most interesting is that Ra does not describe the significance of the negative zenith (or indeed, the entire negative cycle) at all. That is to say, if the positive zenith of days 4-6 are the optimum days for work of the adept, and the nadirs are days of weakest energy, then what do days 13-15 represent? It seems more likely to me that these would be the best days for outer work if such days are reflected in the cycle at all.
It is exactly for this that I intuited the 13-15 days as potentially representing a converse relationship to days 4-6 in my first post.

So, we've established that Zeniths are 4-6, and 13-15 respectively and that at the crossing points of 9/10 and 18/1 are where difficulties lie. Might we assume these difficulties only lie as regards inner work only, or for outer as well?

3D Wrote:Given this interpretation, the power for outer vs inner would be waxing from days 6-14, when it reaches a zenith, and then would be waning from days 15-5. The opposite would be happening for inner vs outer. What then becomes most interesting about the nadirs, is that they represent essentially zero potential for work (and hence protection) of either form. I have always been intrigued by the process of "flipping polarities" as it were, it seems to me that the moments of the nadirs represent just such discontinuities.
Help me to understand if we are saying the same thing when I say that it might be argued that days 1-9 in total are more reserved for inner work given days 4,5,6 (Zenith positive) are most powerful for same, and for which we may infer that days 10-18 are best for outer work, and for which we have determined that days 13-15 (Zenith negative )are most powerful for said outer work? Therefore 1-3 are waxing for inner with 4,5,6 as Zenith and whereas waning from 7-9; and for the positive curve they would seem to be waxing 10,11,12 with 13,14,15 as most powerful and waning from 16,17,18.
3D Wrote:Lastly, the way I read Ra's statement "given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality", is another way of Ra reminding us that the more balanced an entity (e.g., the more in control of their own reality), the less the cycle holds sway.
Agreed once again. But until we can fly we must avail ourselves to all the instruments at our disposal whist walking as pilgrims on dusty paths through the shadows we came here for.

Here again I return to the spiritually pragmatists path of not wishing too soon to depart into the deep end of the pool until readily called by forces higher than my petty will of wishing to speedily depart out of 3D, and this before having learned to adeptly swim first, and although inadvertently not thinking it through, nonetheless wishing everyone else mayhem in the process, i.e. by default hoping for the flood, fire, quake or shift of 2012 as not coming soon enough. I humorously continue to see this as antithetical thinking with respect to beings in aspiration towards STO love. I rather like my coffee and tea to brew slowly (gradualist camp) versus out of a jar as instant (instantaneous camp). Earthly food as much as Spiritual food is also best served as gourmet requiring the time to prepare as much as savor, versus fast food for instant consumption.


RE: Power Days - 3D Sunset - 08-24-2010

(08-24-2010, 01:55 PM)Quantum Wrote: Might we assume these difficulties only lie as regards inner work only, or for outer as well?

It would seem to me that they would represent difficulties not so much for performing work, but rather potential kinks in the armor, so to speak, of the m/b/s complex that could be exploited by a nefarious entity at the instants of transition from negative to positive or positive to negative.

(08-24-2010, 01:55 PM)Quantum Wrote: Help me to understand if we are saying the same thing when I say that it might be argued that days 1-9 in total are more reserved for inner work given days 4,5,6 (Zenith positive) are most powerful for same, and for which we may infer that days 10-18 are best for outer work, and for which we have determined that days 13-15 (Zenith negative )are most powerful for said outer work? Therefore 1-3 are waxing for inner with 4,5,6 as Zenith and whereas waning from 7-9; and for the positive curve they would seem to be waxing 10,11,12 with 13,14,15 as most powerful and waning from 16,17,18.

We are almost entirely in agreement. My main point (and our slight discontinuity) is that the positive is rising (waxing) up until the zenith at day 5. Even though it is still high on day 6, it has now begun it's decent (and is waning). In mathematics, statistics, the stock market, etc., what is sometimes less important than the magnitude of a value, is its direction. So, just as you have a nadir representing a moment in time, so to do the zeniths. In the case of the zeniths, the moments are the instants where the waxing energy begins waning and waning energy begins waxing. I'm not sure how/when or even if this distinction is significant, but since I was using the terms waxing and waning, I wanted to be exact in my definitions.

(08-24-2010, 01:55 PM)Quantum Wrote: Here again I return to the spiritually pragmatists path of not wishing too soon to depart into the deep end of the pool until readily called by forces higher than my petty will of wishing to speedily depart out of 3D, and this before having learned to adeptly swim first, and although inadvertently not thinking it through, nonetheless wishing everyone else mayhem in the process, i.e. by default hoping for the flood, fire, quake or shift of 2012 as not coming soon enough. I humorously continue to see this as antithetical thinking with respect to beings in aspiration towards STO love. I rather like my coffee and tea to brew slowly (gradualist camp) versus out of a jar as instant (instantaneous camp). Earthly food as much as Spiritual food is also best served as gourmet requiring the time to prepare as much as savor, versus fast food for instant consumption.

I agree, and, as we have discussed before, have long since concluded that what happens, when, and to whom, with respect to the Harvest is actually transient information. I know not whether it all will end tomorrow, on 11/11/11, 12/21/12, some day in between, some day 700 years from now, or not until the sun becomes a red dwarf and swallows the Earth in a fiery flash, and neither do I care. I do not wish for an early departure, but neither do I wish for a protracted engagement. I simply wish it to end, when the time is right. And I try to work daily to ensure that, when I do eventually exit this stage, I have left a positive vibration upon its distortion.

As I like to say, I ensure daily that the last words my wife and daughters hear when they go to sleep at night, and the first words they hear when they awake each morning is my soft whisper of "I love you". Of what better service can we be than that?

Love and Light, my dear friend,

3D Sunset

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 08-24-2010

(08-24-2010, 10:42 AM)Quantum Wrote: What a very interesting idea and undertaking. It might serve as a wonderful means for a standalone website, which if incorporated with a link to the Ra Material specifically, the L/L Material in general, the Study Guide as a quick intro, and ultimately the B4th Forum, might be offered as a service and beacon to attract a greater segment of the general public.
It could also be a module attached to this site, or made available for any site that wished to include it.

Quote:I am still however left to wonder which interpretation...
Hmm, maybe it would be a better draw to the curious if there were some answers or conclusions to share.
(08-24-2010, 11:53 AM)Peregrinus Wrote: This may take some time, but what the heart desires, the heart shall have.
Is it something your heart desires, or just an idea to play around with at this point?

RE: Power Days - Peregrinus - 08-24-2010

I want to implement it yes as it would be of benefit to the spiritual seeker. Do you desire to help?

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 08-24-2010

Sure, but my time to work on this project will be extremely limited and haphazard. Let's start by you going through the outline I already posted. Are you familiar with all of the technology I mentioned? If not, let's break things down piece by piece until that makes sense to you. Then we'll work on a way to implement the plan.

RE: Power Days - Peregrinus - 08-24-2010

Lets go pm from this point brother so that we aren't going off in a tangent and derailing this thread Smile

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 08-24-2010


(Here I was proud of having my shortest message ever, and the forum software complained: "Your post is too short.")

RE: Power Days - Lavazza - 08-26-2010

(08-22-2010, 10:43 PM)Quantum Wrote: Case in point, "The Gateway of Magic" as referenced in the above quote and throughout the LOO is certainly more largely understood to be that of, shall we say, the inner workings towards facilitating growth. Do we however as seekers imagine the above quote to be relegated strictly to the inner arena for purposes of increasing polarity as relates only to the spiritual path, or might "The Gateway of Magic" also be understood to facilitate manifestations towards what we seek in the physical realm as well? I have long espoused that our physical lives are in fact no less imbued with the very self same magical properties in the here-and-now of little ol' 3d as much as in any 6d-8d or the next 21,000 Octaves after that. In other words, life is good! No need wishing you were somewhere else (as more magical) when in fact this (magic) is where you chose to be. Much like assuming the deeper end of the pool might be so much more peaceful and enjoyable than is the shallow end we're in might be presumptuous at best, and this before having learned to float much less swim, we may as well revel in our proficiency training here first, as Gods in the making. There are no shortcuts or skipping of steps. I've written entire treatises to this subject in the past as to what might be perceive as the wish by self -perceived wanderers who seemingly scream for the desire to get the hellll outtttta here before his contract and journey for which he begged for is completed. It seems unseemly, and less than noble at best to wish not to be here when so much nobility to be here has in fact been granted us. Where is the wanderer wisdom in this? Feeling different and alien is one thing, but wishing not to be here, or that the end can't come soon enough is quite another matter, and perhaps the antithesis of 6d wanderer wisdom. But I digress.

Hey Quantum, welcome back!

It's been a while, I'm glad to hear your time away has been fruitful. I don't have much to add on your larger topic per se, although I wanted to express how directly on the head you have hit the nail in the above quoted text. I have often wondered if I have not just been lucky in this incarnation in that I love and enjoy so much that is around me. The world of nature, the people I meet, the work that I do, and the humor that shows itself in the oddest places. I say lucky because so often I hear people complaining about their lives, the world around them, and other people especially. Maybe we are unique in this perspective among the population of earth in general, maybe we aren't, I can't say for sure. But I must say, this is a pretty special place in which we live, in good ol' third density. As below, so above? I will presume so.

Love and light,

RE: Power Days - Quantum - 08-30-2010

(08-24-2010, 03:08 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: As I like to say, I ensure daily that the last words my wife and daughters hear when they go to sleep at night, and the first words they hear when they awake each morning is my soft whisper of "I love you". Of what better service can we be than that?
Spoken as the intellectual-romantic-poet-seeker you've impressed me to be. Indeed, what better words may be offered to any and the world at large than the simple words "I love you?"

Without the intent of meaning to be pedantic by what follows, but more to the point of how words may divide as much as unite, I hope the following may serve two purposes if patient and followed as a point of interest. Language is amazing. An entire thread may be opened to the distortion and confusion of language as regards seeing, reading, speaking, and understanding more than one interpretation to a single sentence meant to otherwise state a single meaning. Watch this below as an example of attempting to illustrate seemingly two threads in one with respect to not only further clarifying "Power Days" but also the above point of "understanding one sentence with more than a single interpretation."

Given we agree that 4,5,6, are Zenith days, you interpret the Nadirs days to be 9,10 and 18,1.
3D would seem to me that the most opportune time for accomplishing this magic would be during days 4-6 of the cycle. Based upon Ra's description, I would avoid attempting this "magic" during days 9-1 of the cycle (that is to say the first nadir at day 9-10, and then all through the negative phase and the second nadir at day 18-1).
I ask as a result of understanding that a Nadir is opposite of a Zenith? (refer to sine-wave picture at bottom attached) If a Zenith is 4,5,6, then it seems reasonable that a Nadir would, if visualized as 18 points on a circle, be opposite of 4,5,6 as 13,14,15?
Ra Wrote:The most interesting portion of this information, like that of each cycle, is the noting of the critical point wherein passing from the ninth to the tenth and from the eighteenth to the first days the adept will experience some difficulty especially when there is a transition occurring in another cycle at the same time. At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.
Now as to more than one meaning: breaking the sentences here at the first period and instead inserting as the first words to Ra's 2nd sentence "On the other hand" (see below):
Ra Wrote:..."On the other hand" at the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.
Perhaps this may add clarity or perhaps back to confusion if I see what I see.
Case in Point: Help me, with your wonderful engineering mind to muddle my way through what surely is otherwise a simple interpretation for you when you state that days "6-14 are the waxing outer magic days" (to which I agree), and that days "15-5 are the negative waning inner magic days" (to which I also agree), but then that if the Zenith as we also agree are 4,5,6 then how does this reconcile days 9-10 and 18-1 as the Nadir? Allow me to implore you to stay with what may seem pedantics to not only illuminate a better understanding of 'Power Days' but to also illustrate for a moment more what language may provide to sensible seekers as a means to unite vs to drive the more distorted even more mad to divide:
3D Wrote:What I find most interesting is that Ra does not describe the significance of the negative zenith (or indeed, the entire negative cycle) at all. That is to say, if the positive zenith of days 4-6 are the optimum days for work of the adept, and the nadirs are days of weakest energy, then what do days 13-15 represent? It seems more likely to me that these would be the best days for outer work if such days are reflected in the cycle at all.
Once again I agree. But another interpretation may be: If a Nadir is the bottom and opposite of a Zenith as days 4,5,6, then days 13,14,15 may perhaps instead be seen as the Nadir days? This would fit in rather nicely to your question "then what do days 13-15 represent?" In this context days 9-10 and 18-1 are simply the most difficult as the transitional days, but perhaps not defined as Nadir days? Wrote:Nadir: the point on the celestial sphere directly beneath a given position or observer and diametrically opposite the zenith, e.g. 4,5,6 is below and opposite to 13,14,15.

A-h-h-h-h...but if that weren't enough, even will not let a single meaning lie unperturbed without also distorting it to two meanings as it goes on to also define Nadir as the point of greatest adversity or despair.
So, which is it? Is a Nadir directly opposite of a Zenith (as in a sine wave with 18 points representing 18 days with 4,5,6 on top, whereas 13,14,15 are on bottom as its opposite and as its Nadir, or is the Nadir the time and point of greatest adversity as seen in days 9-10 and 18-1?
If the Nadir is the difficult time of transition, then 18-1 and 9-10 are Nadirs. But if a Nadir is opposite a Zenith then 4-6 are Zenith and 13-15 are Nadirs. It is the first Ra sentence that almost seems to lend itself as though 18-1 and 9-10 are Nadirs. A simple single period at the end of the first sentence makes all the difference in the world as relates to contracts or wars versus peace and understanding, as much as would an insertion "on the other hand" after said period. Perhaps rather than joining the two sentences of Ra in logic as though a continuation of one to the other, it might be best to distinguish them "one from the other?" See my point?

Here is the exercise attached below in picture (scroll all the way down) of a sine wave bifurcated into two separate halves with 1-9 as the top half semi-circle of the positive curve with 4,5,6 at its zenith/apex, and with the the negative curve as the lower half of 10-18 with 13,14,15 as its bottom/Nadirs. Points 9-10 intersect the lines on the down curve as do 18-1 on the up curve of the bifurcation line as most difficult days of transitions, but in this context perhaps not as Nadirs?

Once again, please forgive the pedantics, but I find it amazing as much as magically humorous how such a Ra quote, much less words by ones neighbor,friend, family, co-worker or organization (think politics) may be so understood/misunderstood with ears in two different lights and as an entirely separate exercise than just the thread of "Power Days" alone. Now imagine what STS can do with this as a power play as wolves in sheep's clothing utilized towards the effort of disguising words to mean one thing while in fact deftly disenfranchising the world from their freedoms and/or possessions.This is us (sto) doing it for illustration and knowledge in the effort of bringing more light to be shared. They (sts) do the same in the effort of usurping more light for power and gain for self. Like a knife to butter, language may be spread to cast light or utilized to divide and cut.

As in my previous post, George Bernard Shaw quipped, we truly are separated by a common language.

.....and as the equally renowned philosopher Johnny Cash wrote: "I Walk The Line."


RE: Power Days - 3D Sunset - 08-30-2010

Hi Q,

My short answer to your question is that I would normally have interpreted the nadir of a sine wave to be the lowest point. What I offered is my interpretation based upon the fact that Ra seemed to be using the term to indicate the "critical points" of interest.

Upon further re-reading the quote, I now feel that he was referring to the traditional nadir (which is opposite the zenith, and hence represents the lowest point), and was distinguishing it from the "critical points" when the values change from + to - and - to +.

This would also change my interpretation as indicating that, if both inner and outer work are indicated by different phases of the cycle (a fact which I am still not ready to concede), then likely, outer work is indicated by the negative phase of the cycle.

In reading it earlier, I thought that Ra was referring to the "critical points" when he later used the term nadir. This was strange to me, based upon the definition of nadir, but I went with it, and thus was forced to create the oxymoronic term "negative zenith", to represent the lowest point. On reading it again now, it makes much more sense that he's simply moving on to discuss how things work at the nadir (lowest energy), as distinct from the zenith and critical points.

Hope that makes sense,

3D Sunset

RE: Power Days - Quantum - 08-30-2010

(08-30-2010, 12:03 PM)3D Sunset Wrote: Hi Q,
My short answer to your question is that I would normally have interpreted the nadir of a sine wave to be the lowest point.....Upon further re-reading the quote, I now feel that he was referring to the traditional nadir (which is opposite the zenith, and hence represents the lowest point), and was distinguishing it from the "critical points" when the values change from + to - and - to +. This would also change my interpretation as indicating that, if both inner and outer work are indicated by different phases of the cycle (a fact which I am still not ready to concede), then likely, outer work is indicated by the negative phase of the cycle.
In reading it earlier, I thought that Ra was referring to the "critical points" when he later used the term nadir. This was strange to me, based upon the definition of nadir, but I went with it, and thus was forced to create the oxymoronic term "negative zenith", to represent the lowest point. On reading it again now, it makes much more sense that he's simply moving on to discuss how things work at the nadir (lowest energy), as distinct from the zenith and critical points. Hope that makes sense,
3D Sunset

Hola back at ya 3D,
It makes abundant sense. We have provided a wonderful service as a result to Peregrinus and Questioner with respect to their 18 day web-chart which hopefully seems imminent. The chart would make little sense were we not first able to establish base-lines to determine what a Zenith is versus more importantly a Nadir, much less it distinguished from difficult transitional days of 9-10 and 18-1. I find it comedic that I am still as capable of seeing it your original way as as much as both ways. Like an optical illusion, meanings are capable of being flipped in a microsecond. Thank you for your response and assistance. I confess that I do get a giggle out of the ease with which misinterpretation is seemingly in as much abundance when dealing with language and words, as even with ourselves and one another. Even a gesture may be misinterpreted as much as a word. The euphemism of "a nod is as good as a wink to a blind man" comes to mind. Is it any wonder then that we are in fact in the thick of it in 3D to the extent we are when even well meaning individuals, or even Ra, can be so misunderstood? There is a richness in the exercise of this if seen with a comparative eye as an analogue to life itself. We are so very very separated from one another, but not meant as a statement of sadness as much as a statement of wonder by its very design, this for the sole purposes of catalyzing us in one direction or the other.


RE: Power Days - 3D Sunset - 08-30-2010

(08-30-2010, 01:17 PM)Quantum Wrote: The euphemism of "a nod is as good as a wink to a blind man" comes to mind.

This reminds me of one of my favorite aphorisms: "In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king". A suitable metaphor for our opportunity here on the forum. So as we continue to fumble, squint, trip, fall and gather ourselves back up, recall that we do have at least some minute modicum of sight, that places in a completely different position, as it were, in this land of the blind. Our challenge then, being to recognize the honor/duty that comes with this budding new sensory perception.

Love and Light,

3D Sunset

RE: Power Days - Quantum - 08-30-2010

Lavazza Wrote:Hey Quantum, welcome back!
It's been a while, I'm glad to hear your time away has been fruitful.... I wanted to express how directly on the head you have hit the nail in (your) quoted text. I have often wondered if I have not just been lucky in this incarnation in that I love and enjoy so much that is around me. The world of nature, the people I meet, the work that I do, and the humor that shows itself in the oddest places. I say lucky because so often I hear people complaining about their lives, the world around them, and other people especially. Maybe we are unique in this perspective among the population of earth in general, maybe we aren't, I can't say for sure. But I must say, this is a pretty special place in which we live, in good ol' third density. As below, so above? I will presume so.

Hello dear Lavazza. It is nice to hear from you. Thank you for the warm welcome. I needed to pull back for more than one reason, namely involving business, but as well for a personal stick-point wherein I encountered "flypaper" so to speak. I have been lurking from time to time though and have been following your posts which are interesting as always.

Its nice to be understood with respect to my quote that you cited above in your previous post in which I mean no judgment as much as an observation with respect to the humorous conflict I see in claiming oneself/hoping oneself to be STO, yet while in the same breath proclaiming adamantly, if not wishing dearly, for a quick end to the entire planet and all of its inhabitants with it?

Given we may have presumably exhausted all that may be said with respect to the "Power Days" thread (unless others have more to add) I will as a result purposely derail my thread to respond to your wonderful response. Life is indeed good. I want to believe that we are not so much the lucky ones or even the oddballs, but that the vast majority of those that feel the same are more inclined to simply live than to report how wonderful they feel. Much as the Ra quote suggests that the planet only appears negative more as a result of the overly positive populace looking on in quiet horror, I believe that the same logic may hold as regards the happy ones as well. Yes we are lucky indeed. So too are many others.

Recently while visiting the Philippines I read an article in Newsweek on my flight as if by divine providence. It was entitled "The Happiness Quotient." Oddly it was a very old edition of several years, and yet there it was for me on my way to the very country that was its star as the report. In it was the evidence I sought as though lead to it. The Philippines and India were cited as two of the very poorest countries in the world with average annual incomes of only $2,000 per year for the Philippines, and less than $1,000 per year in India. Yet they rank as the happiest in the world. And guess where the United States as the wealthiest nation in the world stood? A very sad ranking indeed. What do you suppose this says about Americans in general? I was charmed every single morning by the fact that the children literally woke the roosters with their laughter in the streets of the barrios.

I have attempted before to suggest much the same in my commentaries of the past as a means of perhaps gently shining a mirror onto the subject that statements of wishing for a quick demise of the planet seem to be the antithesis of STO love. Children and roosters go the same way as do grandmothers and grandfathers with this inverted thinking. "I love the LOO so much that I can hardly wait for 2012 and the end of all life" is surely inverted thinking that says more about its believers than it does the truth or falsity of such 2012 beliefs. Notions such as these are in many ways the quintessence and epitome of ones own selfish desire towards the hope to be rid of all the problematic trifles such as money, politics and the what nots of STS we came here to polarize against in the first place. Although it surely lurks there and thrives there, many are too quick to name money and politic as STS too often. Sometimes not being able to make a buck is more a problem of the individual than it is the STS who certainly will not feed you. This inverted thinking is in many ways more than sweet irony. Mind you, it hurts as much as it causes a satirical wry smile to note in posts elsewhere as here. There are even self proclaimed gurus of the LOO who tragically are followed closely on this very point proclaiming the end of life is near.

Life is indeed good and is indeed for the living. "Let the dead bury the dead" as a wiser soul once shared 2000 years ago. Life is for the living. It seems to me that the LOO path is one more in keeping with hoping and believing for the gentler road for the benefit of all than is one hoping for such travesty? What in the world might one argue as an LOO approach where mayhem, destruction and death for all on the planet is supported as the path to peace, love, and transition? I have in the past, as you know, been befuddled with this from the beginning in various posts. I see a looming conflict in support of love and care for ones brother while yet awaiting and even hoping for such wide spread destruction for all in the same breath. Mind you, I believe this is done as a result of blind spots and naivete for most without thinking it all the way through. But for widely written authors to proclaim this while professing to be LOO authorities is another matter.

So yes brother, I believe we are not alone in our happiness, and that indeed there are many. Keep on believing Lavazza, and perhaps also send out gentle reminders here and there to those that are still new (or old) to the information and who have yet to sort out the horror of what I perceive to be a one sided 2012 information promulgated as perhaps an antithesis to the STO path. There is indeed another side to all this. Sadly many were led to the LOO, and even Bring 4th as a result of the fear message some have spread. Perhaps we may allay this message and give hope by mitigating it in degrees?

Be well my friend. As 3D stated in his previous post, the last words spoken each evening and morning are "I love you." Indeed, what more may be offered to the world at large than this? As you said, "I must say, this is a pretty special place in which we live, in good ol' third density. As below, so above? I will presume so."

What a wonderful presumption to live a life by...


RE: Power Days - Lavazza - 09-02-2010

Hello Quantum,

Well written my friend. I enjoyed your narrative from start to finish, and were we conversing together over coffee, you would see me nodding vigorously at times and joining you in lighthearted chuckles at others. Well spoken indeed! Due to my vast agreement I have but only a few areas to comment upon:

Quote:Its nice to be understood with respect to my quote that you cited above in your previous post in which I mean no judgment as much as an observation with respect to the humorous conflict I see in claiming oneself/hoping oneself to be STO, yet while in the same breath proclaiming adamantly, if not wishing dearly, for a quick end to the entire planet and all of its inhabitants with it?

It doesn't make much sense to me either, although I suppose to some there is likely the excitement factor that goes along with this idea that is found to be attractive. Yet perhaps not fully thought through? Many more may feel this also coupled with the "get out of jail free" card for their lives which they deem difficult. Though I may be too presumptuous. At any rate I have wondered what will be the response from these individuals on Dec 22nd 2012, the day after "the day". I sincerely hope that it won't be taken too hard when the sun rises and people go about their work a day life much like any other day. And I especially sincerely hope that none are so desperate to then voluntarily end their own lives for fear that they have somehow missed the harvest, done something wrong, or some other such thing (by no means do I have anyone on this forum in mind). Were that to happen it would be a great loss of that individual, and I might theorize that TLOO works might fall in to the category of cult material in the mainstream public's view should a news agency decide that it, the LOO, was the cause of the suicide. In itself this is not detrimental but that it might turn others away from the material in the future. (Now of course- no discussion about 2012 would be complete without my disclaimer that I do not know for certain that the world will not implode on the magic 2012 date- it's just my hunch that it will not)

Quote:Although it surely lurks there and thrives there, many are too quick to name money and politic as STS too often. Sometimes not being able to make a buck is more a problem of the individual than it is the STS who certainly will not feed you. This inverted thinking is in many ways more than sweet irony.

I feel this is so, definitely. A similar conversation arose a while back in what thread I cannot remember nor with which forum user, but the dialog came to money and how it was this persons' conviction that the whole of our financial system was STS in design and of disadvantage to your common person. My response at the time, and still is today, is that money in and of itself is a completely neutral device. Any action which comes as a result of it's use is not because of the money, or because of our financial landscape. It is completely due to the person or persons behind that money. It can be put to works of pure charity, loving compassion and goodwill. Yet this is never focused upon? To call out money as evil would necessitate also calling out rocks as evil. For you see, they were the enabler for primitive human kind to murder one another easily. Or how about fire? How many more entities need to be roasted alive before we call out this villainous traitor who seems to delight in consuming all it can touch? Nay, nay my friend, they are but tools and are inherently inert from a polarity point of view. It's what you do with the rock (bash a head, or build a house?), or do with the fire (roast a friend, or roast some food?). At any rate, to make a long paragraph short, I agree.

L&L, ~Lavazza

RE: Power Days - Seeking One - 09-04-2010

(08-24-2010, 10:12 AM)Questioner Wrote: I don't have time to implement this, but I can give some tips that might help you.


I am very quick at analysis but not that speedy at coding. I guess I just prefer writing in English for people to read. Unlike computers, my human readers can often guess correctly at what I really meant to say. BigSmile

I'm willing to help with this coding endeavor if like. I too am generally more comfortable with analysis, but have been itching to get my hands dirty with some coding again for a while. I just need fun projects to focus on. Smile

Not sure if you've heard David Wilcock and friends talk about this topic also:

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 09-04-2010

Bluyck, the more the merrier. I know about the Divine Cosmos forums but I am not active on there at all, so I appreciate the cross-reference.

As you know, every computer program can be thought of in terms of input -> processing -> output. Input is simple: date of birth entry with "30 days hath September" validation. The only question is how to get a data entry form in front of the user. Processing is trivial, one modulo division. Output is a bit tricky, how to generate a graph and display it? If the program runs on a web server, some kind of graphics library would need to be called to generate the chart image. If the graphics are generated by the client, then there needs to be a version for each type of operating system, or the use of a cross-platform library.

Thinking out loud here, maybe a Flash file would be a useful type of implementation. It could be added to any website with no server load beyond hosting and transferring the swf file, and run on any type of computer except the latest iPhone/iPad. (Their lack of Flash support is a whole other can of worms. I declare that issue is deferred to version 2.0 of the Ra Power Days Chart Drawing Utility.)

Here is an example of an open source chart component for Flash: With a component like this, a competent Flash hacker should be able to wire up the date entry to the chart display in short order. Unfortunately, I'm not a competent Flash hacker. Care to give it a shot?

RE: Power Days - Eddie - 09-06-2010

Man, we had some power days at Homecoming. I was so charged up with psychic energy that I didn't get a wink of sleep all weekend.:exclamation:

Much light was generated!Heart

RE: Power Days - Seeking One - 09-09-2010

(09-04-2010, 08:15 PM)Questioner Wrote: As you know, every computer program can be thought of in terms of input -> processing -> output. Input is simple: date of birth entry with "30 days hath September" validation. The only question is how to get a data entry form in front of the user. Processing is trivial, one modulo division. Output is a bit tricky, how to generate a graph and display it? If the program runs on a web server, some kind of graphics library would need to be called to generate the chart image. If the graphics are generated by the client, then there needs to be a version for each type of operating system, or the use of a cross-platform library.

Thinking out loud here, maybe a Flash file would be a useful type of implementation. It could be added to any website with no server load beyond hosting and transferring the swf file, and run on any type of computer except the latest iPhone/iPad. (Their lack of Flash support is a whole other can of worms. I declare that issue is deferred to version 2.0 of the Ra Power Days Chart Drawing Utility.)

Here is an example of an open source chart component for Flash: With a component like this, a competent Flash hacker should be able to wire up the date entry to the chart display in short order. Unfortunately, I'm not a competent Flash hacker. Care to give it a shot?

I'm in step with you all the way! (including the Apple/Flash SNAFU Tongue )

I'm glad you suggested Flash, as I'm familiar with Flex (a rich framework built to run in the Flash Player), which will greatly simplify much of the functional requirements. Date validation, calculations and chart generation would all be done client side using built-in components from the Flex Framework (the charts look very similar to those that you linked to, and can be customized out the wazoo)

I've attached a quick screenshot of some sample code I threw together in 10 mins to give you an idea of how quick this is to work with.

.jpg   Flex Power Chart.JPG (Size: 20.12 KB / Downloads: 6)

So I see my next steps as (let me know if you see a different priority):

- create the form to accept and validate someones birth date
- run the math to figure which Power Day they're on (and other stats?)
- switch to a function that generates a proper sine wave graph and mark today's date on the graph

Later we could/should:

- figure out exactly where this is to be hosted and how I should embed the Flex app into a web page
- add some styling and graphics to spice things up (not my forte, but I can reach out for help)
- add some background info around what this thing does and how it could be useful (including any take aways from the zenith vs. nadir discussion)
- add an "Add to my calendar" export feature (guessing this would require a round trip to the server)
- add a feature to recall someone's last entered birth date upon their return from the same computer
- add additional chart views that might allow for cycle comparisons (to some past or future date, to another individual's birth date, ?)

Shall we take the rest of this to PM's?

PS. I <3 Electro house music and have been bouncing in my seat listening to this just now. Thought I'd share to see if I can give a fellow music lover the shivers... Smile

RE: Power Days - Questioner - 09-11-2010

blucyk, you perfectly understand the three points I see as necessary to a first version of this program. If you have a standalone swf, it can be hosted at any web site, the same way the Tetris app is linked here. Other than some graphics for the app itself, I think the other features you mentioned don't really need to be added. The background info can simply be a link to this forum thread for now.

By the way, how do you pronounce your user name here?