
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 18, 2001:

The question today has to do with why human beings in the third density, especially here on Earth, seem to be so war-like. In this particular system we have had the experience of Mars, which was apparently so war-like that they destroyed their atmosphere. Maldek exploded its planet. Earth has had thousands of years of war. We are wondering what it is about the third density that seems to lend itself to entities in it moving in the direction of war-like actions. Is it the nature of our consciousness interacting in social groups? Is it our free will choice? Is it our opposable thumb? Our ability to make and use tools and, therefore, weapons? We would appreciate anything Q’uo could tell us about what it is that gives us this propensity for war and what it is we need to do as individuals, groups, and nations to move in the direction of cooperation and working together instead of against each other?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of the Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you. We thank you for coming together to seek the truth and for joining in this circle of seeking. We thank you for calling for us, for we greatly appreciate the opportunity to share our thoughts with you. We ask only that you use your discrimination in listening to our words and set aside any words that trouble you, for we would not be a stumbling block but, rather, a resource for your seeking. We ask you to trust your discrimination and no outside authority. For you know what is comfortable and what is good within for you, and you may trust that instinct within you.

The question that you ask this day is an interesting one, one in which there is indeed a great deal to say but not as concise and crystalline a pattern as in some matters. The causes of war within third density in one way are unified into one cause, and in another way there are threads of cause. It simply depends upon the level at which you wish to attack the question. We will start with the threads, we think, because perhaps that is more where each of your minds are at this time.

One thread, having to do with third density and war, is the nature of the physical vehicle which you as a species enjoy and which others upon other planets have somewhat closely approximated in the sense of the basic structure of the two arms, two legs, one head, one torso makeup of the body. When you gaze at the instincts of the stock from which your species developed you may see that your instincts, those deep-seated predilections for response in certain situations, are those of a territorial animal. Your great apes occupy a certain area in which they are upon their home territory for hunting food and protecting their source of water. The nature of this species is such that for the most part entities remain within various small groupings, each with its own territory, and with each territory being allowed its own way in what this instrument would call a laissez faire structure, each group being independent from each other group, no attempt being made to work together in larger groups.

This is the instinct basis which feeds into the mind’s working, for a portion of the mind is involved with prioritizing messages from the body which have a tag which says, “Urgent.” Therefore, even though these instincts are unthinking they represent a substantial bias that prejudices third-density entities in the direction of what is perceived as their territory or their possession. If you will gaze upon the tangle of reasons surrounding your bellicose actions you will find that territorial considerations almost always play a significant role. This is the energy of red ray, of survival, being expressed. When the territory is threatened the territory must be defended. When other territory is seen as necessary and it must be gotten, then aggression is considered reasonable. This remains a substantial portion of the reason for war in third density.

Another thread of this tapestry of third-density situations and areas of conflict is the nature of the third-density mind. This third-density mind, without the benefit of the consciousness that is you as an eternal being, is a choice-maker mind. It is designed to make one choice after another. It assumes, as a way of working, that there is always a right choice and, therefore, sees the process of living as a sequence of choices. Faced with a situation, the third-density mind will attempt to solve the situation—not necessarily to appreciate it, to understand it, to analyze it, or to plumb its subtleties. The first mental reflex is to solve it, to make it go away. The tendency to see black and white, yes and no, feeds into that ability to be belligerent which is indeed a hallmark of your density. The very nature of the mind is such that it tends to suggest to the most rational thinker that decisions must be made, that plans must be made, that all must be chosen and then whipped into order along the lines of choice.

Another thread that moves into the war-making ability of humankind and of third-density in general is as the one known as Jim suggested: the challenge of working with groups. The great question in any group is “What is the character of that group?” A group shows its character as it chooses its leaders. Those who attempt to be leaders within large groups tend to have personality structures in which the use of aggression seems fair; the use of influence just; the use of all advantages necessary. The tendency therefore is for leadership not to be as idealistic as the spoken ideal philosophy that is given respect in polite company, while at the same time, as the one known as Jim pointed out, ignores those same ideals when it seems to be of some advantage.

All of these threads feed into the situation where entities, feeling threatened, respond to their insecurity by aggression. You may see the fight for territory; you may see the greed for advantage, influence and power. You may see the tendency to do something as opposed to resting and gathering for extended periods of time, that impatience of leadership, that impulsivity. And a final thread that we would mention is that tendency of the stronger to bully the weaker. And by this we mean to indicate not nations against nations but rather, as the one known as C pointed out, male against female, one kind of energy over against its dynamic opposite, instead of coming into cooperation with that dynamic opposite. We have found that in populations of third-density entities who have chosen to seek the face of the Creator in a feminine face, the values of the culture include far less impulsivity and far more kindness than in cultures dominated by a Creator who is seen as a powerful male figure. The tendency to find positions of power held by male entities, the tendency of the very workings of the law and certainly the traditional underpinnings of your cultures upon your Earth at this time favor the values of strength, power, and force—the virtues of a strong male figure.

The group question for this session was: “We are wondering what it is about the third density that seems to lend itself to entities in it moving in the direction of war-like actions. Is it the nature of our consciousness interacting in social groups? Is it our free will choice? Is it our opposable thumb? Our ability to make and use tools and, therefore, weapons? We would appreciate anything Q’uo could tell us about what it is that gives us this propensity for war and what it is we need to do as individuals, groups, and nations to move in the direction of cooperation and working together instead of against each other?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the causes of war in the third density are many, but they are unified into one cause which Q’uo wanted to focus on as the nature of the physical body having come from the ape which is a territorial animal that functions in small groups, and each group has the instinct to defend its territory, and this prejudices third density entities to defend their territories which often causes wars to break out since this activates the red ray of survival, and the same could be said for the aggressive desire to gain more territory. Q’uo went on to say that another reason for warlike actions was that the third-density mind is a problem solver that sees situations in a black and white nature that must be solved so that the problem goes away. Then Q’uo said that another thread which can lead to war is working with groups where the one who is the leader of the group is likely to have the personality of feeling that being aggressive is acceptable while giving lip service to the higher ideals of living in harmony. Q’uo continued by saying that the last thread of the cause of warlike behavior was seen to be the nature of the male being more dominant than its female counterpart which tends towards cooperation with others, and the majority of groups was the male figure that values power and force. On January 18, 2020, Q’uo spoke of the natures of the male principle as being dominant and the female principle being more nurturing:

This type of expression of power, or energy, or intention, is that which is based upon the male principle of the reaching. This type of principle is that, when used in a cooperative fashion, and a sensitive fashion, is that which may be inspirational to those entities existing within the patriarchy. However, it is also a principle which is easily misused and may be used to the detriment of many within its sphere of influence, when the reaching becomes the grasping and the holding into position so that certain entities are not allowed a free expression of their own free will. This type of patriarchy then, demands that there be compliance with a certain set of values and intentions that are often not universal in expression or desire by those within the higher realms of the patriarchy.

Thus, entities who wish to reform the patriarchal situation that may be predominantly of a male nature but also contain those of the female gender as well, are attempting at this time to enhance the type of expression that is more matriarchal, that which is feminine, that which awaits the reaching, that which does not have the temptation or the desire or the ability to be aggressive.

The awaiting the reaching is that which is comforting, that which is cooperative, that which is generative of the expression of love that accepts all that are within the realm of influence and nurtures each within that realm of influence.

Thus, the matriarchal type of expression of energies, is that which is seeing the entire picture, the, shall we say, grander view, the overview, and is patiently awaiting the discovery of each entity within the illusion, be the entity biological male or female, that the old ways of patriarchy have served their purpose and have, perhaps, been in dominance overlong, needing to be balanced by the nurturing nature of the feminine principle that awaits the reaching.

The very roots of your thinking, shall we say, from childhood have been saturated with testosterone-rich heroic deeds. This entity has a fondness for reading, and we find in this entity’s mind many, many a story which involves the waving of the sword, the brandishing of the firearm, the assumption that weaponry and armament are natural concomitants of policy. And indeed, we do not disparage war in and of itself. It is part of the almost inevitable confusion of third density. We do not suggest strict ways of thinking about conflict, for a case can be made for war as a game, as an excellent game, rich in glory and honor. Like many other things which from a wider point of view seem insane, going to war is a part of the expression of third density as most third-density planets experience the density.

Beyond all these reasons, the heart of war and the heart of the reason for war in third density is the nature of Love. All things that you experience come to you as distortions of Love. There is no other substance but Love from which to draw life. So, all of life, including murder, pillage, and rape is act after act of love: Love distorted, Love blocked, Love asked to go where it would not go. Nevertheless, no matter how many times the stock seems to be hybridized and ruined, the basic root stock of all experience is Love. Third density is a very focused, very intense density, the density of choice. The choice is not between love and hate. The choice is between two ways of seeking love: loving others as a way of choosing to love, or loving the self as a way of choosing to love.

Needless to say, the service-to-others path is not a war-like path. It is allegedly service-to-self entities that would move themselves into fighting against their own kind. And yet the struggle to see clearly the roots of Love within the self is a tremendous one. As the one known as Jim has said, it is not that anyone knows not how to love. There are many examples of unconditional love. There are very simple words to indicate the qualities of forgiveness, compassion, and love. However, all of these words are only within the mind until an energetic attempt begins to be made to translate these ideals into that which can be manifested in physical life. So, the question becomes, “What is each seeker’s response to the call of Love?” And this is not a simple thing.

It is easy for us to ask each to go into meditation each day and seek the silence. The answers are there within the silence, not within our words. However, when it comes to attempting to step into your shoes as third-density entities we find that we are simply glad that each of you has the energy and the will for this great task of seeing the truth amidst the confusion. Love calls powerfully and pulls each entity forward. Third density is carefully designed to pull entities forward according to their desires and their thirst. The challenge of selfhood is to find out what you truly desire. What shall you desire? Truth? Love? Peace? Where is the substance to those words? Where is the reality beneath your feet? What is your understanding of your journey? If you understand that you are here to pursue spiritual evolution, that you are here to answer the call of Love, then you will want to shape your questions to the infinite Creator in such a way that you are seeking your own essence and the essence of Love itself.

It is thought by some that if people would stop shooting at each other that we would have peace. And yet we say to you that it is not as simple as that. For as the one known as C said, if one stops doing that, then what does one do instead? At least aggression against a certain and very specific nation-state or group of entities is a limited and achievable battle, and at the end of it one can say such and such has been achieved, and now there is peace. And yet we say to you, like Love itself, peace is beyond all condition. Peace does not originate within conditions. Peace is a quality that is waiting for each third-density entity to take it and claim it as his own, his very own, a wonderful, blessed possession. Yet how many entities truly seek the peace within their own hearts which comes from stopping the striving and encouraging the resting in what is? How many entities truly embrace peace if peace involves releasing many other things which are dear?

Then Q’uo said that in the third density confusion going to war is an almost inevitable experience that can be seen as an excellent game but, when seen from a wider point of view, can be seen as insane. Q’uo continued by saying that in the third density the nature of war is a distortion of Love, and as the third density is the density of choice this manifests as a choice that is between two ways of seeking love: loving others as a way of choosing to love, or loving the self as a way of choosing to love. Q’uo went on to say that it is difficult to see the roots of Love within ourselves although many people can express examples of unconditional love through forgiveness, compassion, and love, but then Q’uo said that these are only mental concepts until we can energetically manifest them in our physical life, so we should ask ourselves:  “What is each seeker’s response to the call of Love?” Q’uo said that the answer to this question could be found within the silence of meditation, and the purpose of third density is to pull us forward on our spiritual path by asking ourselves what we desire: Truth? Love? Peace? Because if we understand that we are here to pursue spiritual evolution and the call of Love, then we will ask our questions of the infinite Creator in a way that we are seeking our essence and the essence of Love as well. Then Q’uo went on to say that peace is not just stopping shooting at people, but we need to be able to find peace within our own hearts and stopping our striving and resting in what is. On July 21, 1991, Q’uo described our essence:

Let your intuitions, your intentions, and especially those intentions about which you are persistent form within you an ever more tangible I AM. How can we know the Creator? I AM. I AM. You are. We know the Creator partially in our essence and to a great extent in the essences of the I AMs that we perceive as other than ourselves due to our continuing distortions of understanding. How can you know the Creator? Precisely that way, my children. Learn yourself, love yourself, for you are Love. What other appropriate response is there to Love but Love? As circumstances befall you, see them as Love, for all things are the I AM, that one great idea, Love. It may be very distorted, the branches may have gotten twisted, seared, burned, ruined. Then you must look to the roots, for I AM is the root system. You have a good deal to do with the branches, but gaze at your roots.

The one known as Jesus answered the man who said, “I follow all of the commandments. What else shall I do to enter the kingdom of heaven?” by suggesting that he sell all that he had and give the money that he received to the poor. And the young man went away very unhappy because he did not wish to do this, even if it meant entering the kingdom of heaven. Pride, vanity, the need to be better than someone else: all of these are energies within the human heart that are natural to the instinctual, second-density body and third-density brain. Yet you as a consciousness, as an eternal being, are resting within these biases for an incarnational experience in which you are attempting to follow the inexorable pressure of seeking for the truth, and your question each day to yourself is always the same. “Where in this moment is the Love? Where in this moment is the Creator?”

So, we do not suggest that it is an evil thing to go to war in and of itself. We do suggest that it is not a productive way to seek spiritually compared to the ways of peace. Yet in many ways your third density will express conflict because that is the basic nature of people who see themselves as separate from and over against others. This is a part of the catalyst of third density. It is a part of the hard lessons of Love. And indeed, it does move through not just third density but also to some extent, fourth density. For there are those within fourth density who choose to continue as children of light or as children of darkness and continue the clash of polarities. As fourth density wears on, this great love of being a warrior begins to evaporate, as love is better learned. Each has had crystalline, shining moments in his life, when Love has become real, not just a word, not just a concept, but amazingly, vividly, powerfully real. Think about those times and the gift that those times have given you. Allow the consciousness that filled you at those moments to come back to you, just to remember how it feels.

We encourage each to ponder deeply her own essence and the nature of her own heart. The heart of one entity and the heart of the world upon which you live are the microcosm and the macrocosm of the same thing. And actually, each of you is of an higher order than the world itself. As you choose to seek, to think and to act, so shall the reflections manifest in the macrocosm that is your globe. Work with the essence of self to find ways to choose not to promote conflict, ways to express the truths that do not do damage to those who think differently. But above all, seek that Presence within that is as the ray of Light that is a fuller Light, a Light that blesses the darkness, a Light that is not afraid. Open the self to that gentle, lambent flame that is the presence of the infinite Creator. Let that Light take up and enlarge its home within your heart. As you seek the ways of peace within yourself, as you find ways to solve conflict within yourself, you are learning a little bit more for the planetary mind.

There is a fairly quickly growing group of those who are attempting to speak peace upon your planet, not in ways of public policy, but in ways of working within to become beings of peace. We see this body of energy enlarging upon your planet, and we feel very hopeful that, against all of the apparent news to the contrary in your Earth world, the lessons of Love are more and more being seen, sometimes for the first time. Entities are awakening and doing some of this inner choosing of essence that we suggest. As more individual lives are transformed, so, we believe, shall your planet be transformed.

We would encourage each not to take to heart the appearance of things. It is said in your holy works that there will be wars and rumors of wars. There will be this, and there will be that, but the time is not yet. And we say to you that we believe this to be true. The true war for each of you is the struggle that the one known as Jim called the jihad, the internal struggle of the pilgrim to discipline the earthly self in order to make of the earthly self a vessel for the Spirit within. In this jihad, in this holy conflict, your choices are not clear, and yet there is always a Light that shines from within. And so, we ask you simply to seek that Light, to seek the face of Love, and when you see that sunshine radiantly that is Love, to learn from it and to offer yourself to it. For you, too, can be an agent of Love within the confusion. You, too, can be a part of the eventual peace upon planet Earth. It begins with each individual seeker seeking the ideals within herself that she hopes to see in the world.

Now Q’uo said that pride, vanity, and the need to be better than others are energies within our heart that are natural to our second-density body and third-density brain, but since we are an eternal being, and are resting within these biases for our incarnational experience, we are attempting to follow the pressure of seeking the truth, and our question each day to ourself is always the same: “Where in this moment is the Love? Where in this moment is the Creator?” Q’uo went on by saying that war was not evil because in our third density conflicts will occur when people see themselves as separate from others, and this is a part of the catalyst of third density, one of the hard lessons of Love. Q’uo continued by saying that we are the world, and what we do affects the whole world, so we should find ways to live our lives that don’t create conflict by opening ourself to that gentle flame that is the presence of the infinite Creator and then: “Let that Light take up and enlarge its home within your heart. As you seek the ways of peace within yourself, as you find ways to solve conflict within yourself, you are learning a little bit more for the planetary mind.” Then Q’uo said that we should not be discouraged by the wars and rumors of wars that are spoken of in the Bible because the true war for each of us was our internal struggle to discipline our earthly self in order to make our earthly self a vessel for the Spirit within. Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that in this inner conflict our choices are not clear, so Q’uo asked us to seek our inner Light and the face of Love because we can be a part of the eventual peace upon planet Earth that begins with each one of us seeking the ideals within ourself that we hope to see in the world. On April 15, 1990, Q’uo spoke of the face of Love that is within us:

We may say specifically only that the intentness of the entity which is Christ is a consciousness which has used channels which have given over their lives to servanthood. Gaze clearly upon the face of love. There is no pride, there is no judgment, there is always love, forgiveness and healing. That which is of Christ-consciousness dares the entity to look at itself, to accept itself, and by that impossibility of self acceptance and blind faith, be healed.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, leaving this instrument with thanks, and love and light. We are those known to you as Q’uo. We transfer now.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and am with this instrument. We greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there might be any further queries upon the minds of those present to which we may give our response. Is there another query at this time?

S: I’ll start off. Recently I got a book from Carla called The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. It was interesting reading. The fellow seemed to ascend during his lifetime, and I was wondering if you could tell me what he is doing now and what kind of service he is performing?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this entity is one who has become that which you would call a source of channeled information. However, the contact which this entity has made is with a group of entities who seek in what may be called a solitary fashion, shall we say; that is, they seek specifically the kind of information which is contained within this volume and are a portion of this entity’s larger family of seekers. Thus, the work of this entity continues in another form, always seeking to give information which is of service to those who are interested in the kinds of mysteries and riddles that the secret or occult endeavors produce. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: There is another book which I got from Carla, The Hathor Material. I guess these were fourth-density beings who came either before or after Ra, in Egyptian times. Maybe you could tell me something of the service of this group?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, the information that you seek in this area is as broad ranging as a race of entities can produce through their experience, their seeking and their service. We could only give a brief description without moving into many areas of interest which would consume a great portion of your time. The entities of the Hathor race were those who, as did those of Ra, make contact with various cultures of this planet’s history, most notably those of the Egyptian culture, and this contact was not just one period or point in your past but has been that of a continual nature. Some aspects of this contact became more noteworthy or widespread than others. These entities were most helpful in planting the seeds of the concept of unity and infinity within the Egyptian culture which allowed those of this culture to be readied for consideration of the Law of One. Thus, the entities of the Hathor race worked in conjunction with those of Ra in order to allow an expansion of the concepts in the philosophical or spiritual realms of the Egyptian culture so that there was seen to be not just many gods or powerful forces at work in the universe about these entities, but that there was truly one Creator from which all else sprang. This was a revolutionary concept, shall we say, for those of the Egyptian culture. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: The last question would be do you have any suggestions on different meditation groups that have reached out to each other? How can they share information and service?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Truly, that which you do is that which is helpful: to communicate with each other, to share the information which you find of value with others who have such to share with you as well. The ability of each entity that is desirous of serving others actually to do so is dependent only upon the passion that each has within the heart, within the mind, within the will to be of such service. For as the will is set upon a course, so is a way made that the will may manifest as it is formed within the heart, mind, and soul, the very essence of the entity. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: Not from me. Thank you.

T: I have a question. A couple of weeks ago N noticed white light coming from my knee when I twisted it in bed. J had a dream about that a few nights later and got the message that this was piezo-electric energy that was coming from the crystallized arthritis in my knee. It has to do with crystals having pressure exerted on them. Could you tell me anything else about this? How can I use this energy, if indeed I am supposed to use it?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As you are aware, the crystalline formation is that which is composed of Light in a certain field or form. As one applies energy, or force, to a crystal this Light energy expresses itself, or, quite literally, moves from the crystalline form in a fashion that may be perceived by those who are sensitive to the movement of subtle energies. That this occurred when you applied pressure to your knee is the result of the various secondary and tertiary energy center formations contained within the knee, the wrist, the elbow and the ankle that correspond to the primary energy centers or chakras that are located within the finer formation of the physical body, from the base chakra to the crown chakra. The energy which expressed from your knee location was that which has a relationship to the health of that portion of your physical vehicle, there being some imbalance in that area at this time in the form of what you may call the arthritis or bursitis. These are not absolutely correct terms but will suffice for the nonce.

The use of such energies is, to our knowledge, not specific to the physical vehicle itself but to the regaining of the health or balance of energies within this portion of your physical vehicle. Thus, to utilize this energy most effectively one would need to engage in a program of meditative visualization that would allow you to see with your inner eye the overall experience of catalyst that has led to this particular imbalance in your knee. This is a product of the process of ageing and is a primary source of the catalyst with which you now deal. Is there a further query, my brother?

T: No. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo. We thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

C: I have one from B. He asks “What do wanderers expect of the Earth?” And the second question is “What is the society and cultures of the wanderers like?”

 I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Those who have entered the Earth environments from those realms of higher densities are those who have left experiences which are far more harmonious and in touch with the unity of all creation than the Earth environment is found to be at this time. Therefore, the entities whom you may describe as wanderers are oftentimes, upon the discovery of their own nature, quite discouraged when viewing the environment which they now find themselves incarnated within in order to serve and to learn, for your third-density experience at this time, near harvest, is that which is quite confused in its overall orientation. There is found within most cultures of this planetary sphere a great deal of disharmony and even the bellicose nature being expressed upon a daily basis, not only between those entities you call the nation states but also within each entity in its relationship to other individuals within its daily round of activities. Thus, the experience many wanderers find, when they have discovered that which they have come to do, is one of bewilderment, of confusion…

[Tape is changed.]

I am Q’uo, and am once again with this instrument. Is there another query at this time?

N: Could I personally thank them for the inspiration and devotion that they have given us?

I am Q’uo, and we are grateful to be able to do so, my sister. Is there another query, my sister?

Carla: Thinking about the question of joining with other groups and sharing, and thinking about the work I do each week writing people with these kinds of concerns, I feel that since this is an illusion we are connecting on the inner planes, and we are together on the inner planes ,and we don’t have to worry about that. I have this sense when I am writing the people that I work with through the mail that it is like I am doing two things. I am doing the individual sharing, and listening, and communion, and communication. I feel an energy exchange being co-created with the other person and me, whatever we have to teach each other and whatever we have to learn from each other. At the same time that it is helping me or the other person it seems like it is creating the channels of communication for fourth-density positive. We are doing work at this time on the soul level, and we don’t even know that we are doing it on a conscious level. Could you speak to that?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, as each entity engages in such communication it is as though a muscle that has not been used previously is now being exercised. As one gains in the strength of sharing what is in one’s heart then there is brought forth from that heart more and more information, inspiration, and direction, not only for the entities with whom you communicate but a great deal more in the sense of the numbers of entities who share these concerns. As you are able to open yourself in communication with others you allow these others to share that energy and to move the energy in a spiral fashion, much as the Light of the one Creator seeks to return to its source in the upward spiraling line of Light. So, as you are able to share the inspiration that is drawn from you by the questions of others this is as a seed. It is planted not only within the heart of those with whom you communicate but within the inner sense of self of humanity. As one learns, so do all have the potential to learn that which one has learned. Indeed, all are portions of the one Creator, cells within the body of the one Creator. And as one is enriched, so are all. Is there another query, my sister?

Carla: What is the Merkaba? M wants to know more about the Matrix of the Spirit, the Potentiator of the Spirit and how to use the Potentiator of the Spirit to work with these energies that have been archetypally jump-started with 9-11. I can refer her to the works of Drunvalo Melchizadek if you want to focus on the latter portion of the question.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. It would indeed be our recommendation that the reference to the one known as Drunvalo Melchizadek be made for the one known as M in this area, for it is indeed a large area of study and we would not be able to do it justice with the energy that begins to dwindle within this instrument’s vehicle.

As far as the second and third queries, we also feel that this is a large area of study in which there needs to be a further refining of the query, for there is a great deal of information that could be given here as well. We shall satisfy ourselves and hopefully begin to satisfy the one known as M by suggesting that the nature of the spirit itself is that which is immobile in that it does not move in the same fashion as does the physical vehicle or the mental vehicle but is that which is. The spirit of each entity which moves within the third-density illusion is that which is drawn from infinity. There is the body of the one Creator which may be seen as the creation itself. There is that from which the body is made, that which we find the ones known as Ra referred to as the unpotentiated intelligent infinity. This is the infinite source which each of your entities is able to make contact with, when the higher self is realized at any time within the third-density experience.

We realize that this does not speak specifically to various portions of the spirit archetypes that are described in the system of study called the tarot which the one known as M has queried concerning. However, we feel it is well to begin this study with a basic foundation of information that is able to include the nature of infinity as being that which is the basic source for each finite expression of the one Creator known as a mind/body/spirit complex. We apologize for being short of information in this regard, but we find that the energies and the concentration of this instrument are less than adequate at this time for giving further specific information. Thus, we would recommend that there be one final query before the ending of this session of working.

Carla: In truth, Q’uo, I would suggest that we end the session now because we have gained so much, and I wasn’t able actually to read M’s question as she wrote it. I think the energy of that question and the thirst that she had for that question really wasn’t there, so I will refocus for next time. A flashlight would help I believe. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we are most grateful to you as well, my sister. At this time, we would take this opportunity to express our gratitude to each present for inviting our presence this day in your circle of seeking. It is a great privilege for us to be able to join you here, in your hearts, in your minds, and in your seeking for that which is known as the truth. We truly enjoy these gatherings and are unable to express adequately our gratitude to you, but we are most thrilled to be able to join you at any time. At this time, we would take our leave of this instrument and this group, leaving each, as always, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop being the PNC Bank to make a cash withdrawal. My second stop was at Kroger’s to buy some Pepsi-Zero and some Sharp Shredded Cheese. My third stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some canned fish for Bosco.

This afternoon I went outside and used my backpack blower to blow the remaining leaves in the front yard and side yard into a pile in the driveway, and then I filled one garbage can with them.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 30

Drop The Rags Of Everyday

I am of the Spirit of that principle of Love which was in Jesus the Christ. I greet you in that full consciousness of Divine Love.

How this instrument wrestles with its seeming imperfections!

How reluctant is this instrument to bathe in the clean waters of forgiveness and move, then, cleanly and clad in white, into the sanctuary of the Spirit’s meeting with self, body and spirit. How many words it takes to deny the clear and shining perfection, the result of one moment of dreaming, to the cleansing, the whitening, the purification of the channel which is your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self!

Shall you now let go of woe?

For this instant, see yourself as you are seen by the Christlight, as a holy, perfect and acceptable infinite portion of an infinite creation that is, nevertheless, all one being.

We say to you in meditation, “Drop the rags of everyday. Dip in the pool of returning. Clad yourselves in robes of sufficiency and perfect Love, and then, my children, wait. For that which comes to you may come in an instant, in an hour, or in a lifetime.”

Move yourself to the clean body, the cleanly desire and the focusedLove of Creator with child and of child with most beloved parent. These things you do, you do for yourself. Each turn to holiness you do as a celebration of Love.

We leave you in the peace which lies beneath the struggle to see the sun. In sure knowledge that this peace shall come upon you as you turn to the Light of Christ, we leave you in the light of that peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 4, 2001:

The question today, once again, is focused around the events of September 11th. We are wondering if you could give us some information about the people who were directly involved and who gave their lives in this event might have been the catalyst for all of us to become what you might call a “nation of priests,” people who are desirous of being of service to others and following the way of the peaceful warrior, of discovering love in the life, in the heart and sharing it with others. Could you elaborate on how this kind of catalyst can work in all of our lives and how we can become a “nation of priests”?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. May we say what a privilege and a blessing it is to be called to this meeting. We greet entities we have not enjoyed in this group for some time. We greet those who are new. We greet those who have some small experience with this group. We greet each of you and thank each of you, for each of you brings beauty and grace to the circle. Each is a gem through which the light of the Creator shines in a unique and beautiful way. And we greatly appreciate the flavor of each of you and the coloration of your vibrations. We would ask of you that you employ your powers of discrimination in listening to what we have to say, for we are not without error, but are as you: pilgrims seeking along a path that sometimes is broad and pleasant and at other times seems to be a path in the desert that is difficult and dark.

We greet you at a time within your year when the celebration is made for those who have departed the physical incarnation in faith and are considered among the faithful departed. The time of all saints is celebrated in this instrument’s church at this time, the time when all of those who have experienced incarnation in this world and have moved on are remembered. You ask this day about some few of those who have departed from the incarnation recently because of the events of the eleventh of September, and it is an interesting question that you ask and certainly one that moves into deeper material.

Your question has to do with how a death can be more than a death, how a tragedy can be more than a tragedy. And we say to you not only that this is so but that it is so again and again in large occasions that acquire global notice and in the very small tragedies that occur within the purview of one small life. And yet within that life is all of creation. The nature of mortality is such that the incarnational experience as a whole can be seen as that which is sacrificed. The breath moves in, and the breath moves out of the body just so many times, and then that body again becomes dust. The heart beats so many heartbeats, and then that heart is stilled. The physical body of each entity has written within it its future history, and one finds in those who have gained a great deal of peace that there is no concern left when the question of dying is looked at. It is simply that which is known as part of the future history of that body. It is no longer, therefore, catalyst for distress or discomfort.

The nature of destiny is such that we cannot say to you that your future is fixed. What we can say to you is that you have made arrangements with a specific group of entities to be in the position of companion and minister to them, just as they are companion and minister to you. And you have agreements set in place to look at certain incarnational questions. For most entities those questions have to do with the giving and receiving of love. For many entities these lessons revolve around how to serve, how to give freely without expectation of return, how to be a healing presence without being an aura infringer, how to express the self without becoming a perceived negative in the lives of others. These and many other issues come up within the life repeatedly, and it is not to be amazed at that this would occur because there are careful arrangements in place so that no matter which way that you move, no matter which choices that you make in a given situation, the path somehow winds around to meet again those issues and to work with those people that you have made agreements with.

This is by way of saying that all of those souls whose lives ended on the eleventh of September in the World Trade Center or elsewhere did in a way have dates with destiny, and in another way they were completely free up until the moment until that possibility/probability vortex turned into an actuality. The future is very much a creature of each of you and what you think and what you do. It is not fixed. We cannot look at the future and tell you what you shall experience because each of you is a co-Creator, capable potentially of generating tremendous Light and tremendous Love, not from within yourself but through the crystal of your being. Many there were who met their death that day in such a way as to embrace the Light. Many there were that day who were as the unsung heroes whose stories shall never be known, who in helping others lost their own lives.

No death is ever a loss without a gain. There was for some of your time an issue which we were concerned with having to do with those souls who were not yet able to leave the inner-planes version of that locale in the New York City area. However, we are happy to say that over the two or two and a half weeks after that event there were those of what you would call your native American population—not those within this density, but those within the inner planes—which were able to work with those entities who were confused at that time so that at this time all of those souls which were involved in that tragedy have moved on into the realms of healing and are receiving the balm of Gilead.

The group question today was: “The question today, once again, is focused around the events of September 11th. We are wondering if you could give us some information about the people who were directly involved and who gave their lives in this event might have been the catalyst for all of us to become what you might call a “nation of priests,” people who are desirous of being of service to others and following the way of the peaceful warrior, of discovering love in the life, in the heart and sharing it with others. Could you elaborate on how this kind of catalyst can work in all of our lives and how we can become a “nation of priests”?” Q’uo began their reply by referring to All Saints Day, celebrated by Carla’s Episcopal Church, as being this time of year when souls who have left their incarnations in faith are remembered much as the souls who departed in the September 11 attacks will be remembered. Then Q’uo moved into the deeper nature of the ending of our incarnation as being seen as a sacrifice of our body that occurs after we have made arrangements with a number of entities to be a companion and to work with them just as they are a companion and work with us, and we agree to help each other to learn the lessons of giving and receiving love. Q’uo continued by saying that those who met their death when the World Trade Center was destroyed were meeting their destiny which could have changed at any time before the event occurred because: “each of you is a co-Creator, capable potentially of generating tremendous Light and tremendous Love, not from within yourself but through the crystal of your being.” Q’uo went on by saying that no death is ever a loss without a gain, but Q’uo was concerned that some who died that day were confused and unable to leave the inner planes of Earth until a group of Native Americans from those inner planes was able to work with these souls to help them move on to the inner realms of healing and receive the balm of Gilead. On February 2, 2003, Q’uo described the healing nature of the balm of Gilead:

If one can envision, as the one known as V was discussing, diving down that cliff of ocean from the relative shallows of the conscious experience into the abyss of infinite awareness, that infinite awareness has a coherence that is full of information that, in its very transmission, is as the Balm of Gilead, that healing energy that can move into a situation within as those healing waters, as that medicament without description heals by its energy alone, not needing rhyme and reason, not needing logic and possibility, not needing the human acceptance; needing, rather, the acceptance of a state of mind that is other than that which your culture understands, or accepts.

Each of you, however, in living through this experience has, as several within this circle have said in the conversation preceding this talk, experienced emotional catalyst having to do with a change in the way the surrounding world is perceived because of that which occurred. Most of the surface events which come before your view are those pieces of information almost scientifically designed to reduce hope and faith and increase doubt and fear. As the one known as H has noted, the object of so-called terrorism is simply to instill terror, to instill fear and discomfort in the minds of those who were formerly smug and uncaring of the rest of the world. This has indeed occurred. There is a profound feeling of having been awakened from a sleep, a pleasant sleep that now is at an end.

The creation is made in such a way that balance is the strongest single force operating in situations that are unbalanced. And in the darkness of aggression lies the call to the Light, and we do see that this call has, to an increasing extent, been heard by many among your peoples. The concept of unity is very simple. And, indeed, the name of the country in which each of you abides is called the United States, and yet may we observe that your states are more united at this point than before the events of the eleventh of September. The shock of such a general attack created the catalyst for many who had formerly thought of themselves as Americans with distinctions as to race, or creed, or color, and who now have found themselves as Americans without regard to anything but citizenship, feeling perhaps for the first time a fellow-feeling and a complete sympathy and solidarity with the man on the street of your towns and your cities and your countryside of America. Not because another looks like you or sounds like you but because that entity is part of that experiment that those known as the fathers of your country started so long ago.

You asked about the quote, “and ye shall be a nation of priests” and how one might focus on that quotation from your holy scriptures which this instrument’s guidance which she calls the Holy Spirit offered to her when she was troubled and asking for guidance in this matter. If each of you will take a moment to think of the thoughts that you have thought today, the concerns that have been upon your mind, and then think of yourself as a priest and ask yourself, “Were I a priest would I have been content with these thoughts, these actions? Would I have been content with my day, with my service, with my walk? Would I have felt that I had touched into the presence of the one infinite Creator?” The sense of this particular quote at this particular time is that each of you is as a flower that is opening, and the awakening process is very much like a rose opening its petals to the sun. As the entity awakens, and seeks, and thirsts for the truth, that entity learns, and each of you in this circle is a veteran campaigner and has learned a great deal. There is much more to learn. There is always more to learn, yet there is a point at which the pilgrim soul can see itself not only as a student but also as a teacher, not only as a member of the congregation, but as a minister, not only as one who comes to the table asking to be fed, but as one who moves into the kitchen and makes sure that the feast is prepared.

This instrument has been saying lately that if ever there was a time to be steadfast it is now, and this thought, that you are a nation of priests, that you are a holy people, is along those lines. When you seek, when you learn, you develop a responsibility to share what you know, to live what you know, to express what you know in your daily life. Perhaps it is nothing more than a smile, a positive reaction to a negative situation, a word dropped at the right time, a thought that helps. At a time when it is easy to give negative thoughts, finding that one positive thought is to work magic.

When people realize their power they become much more effective. And so, we would ask each of you to realize the tremendous potential within you. Realize that you are already exerting a great deal of power, so the question becomes, “What is the right use of power?” Where is the love in the situation in front of your eyes? That is the question that brings the most resonance and affords the most magic in terms of being able to effect change. More and more, allow yourself to come into the priesthood that you have so long studied for. Accept the mantle and vow to do your best to run the straight race, to be steadfast with what you believe, to find ways to share those things that only you can share, for they lie within the folds of your personality, and they are your gifts to give. Love one another. That is the heart of priesthood: to love, to bless, to witness to the Light.

Then Q’uo said that the events of terrorism of September 11 have awakened many from a peaceful sleep so that their hope and faith have been reduced, and their doubt and fear have been increased, but Q’uo also said that there was a positive side to this traumatic event that tended to unite people of various races, creeds, or colors into a feeling of sympathy and solidarity with each other. Then Q’uo suggested that we should take a moment and consider the thoughts that we have had for this day and then ask ourselves: “Were I a priest would I have been content with these thoughts, these actions? Would I have been content with my day, with my service, with my walk? Would I have felt that I had touched into the presence of the one infinite Creator?” because as we awaken and seek the truth, we discover that there is always more to learn as we evolve from a student to a teacher, to a minister, and that which could be called a priest that joins with others to form a nation of priests. Q’uo went on to say that as we are part of a nation of priests that we have a responsibility to share what we know with others in whatever way presents itself to us because we have access to a great deal of power that can work magic in negative situations. Q’uo completed their response by saying that since we have this power we need to consider the right use of power that would recognize that every moment contains Love that we can use in a magical way to join the priesthood to share our gifts and to love each other because that is the way of the priest: to love, to bless, and to witness to the Light. On September 18, 2005, Q’uo spoke of how we have come to bear witness to the Light:

You did not come to add to the sorrow and the distress of this environment. Rather, you entered incarnation with a firm intention of being a part of the lightening of planet Earth at this time. You came to offer a local habitation to the ineffable and illimitable values of compassion, wisdom and unconditional love.

It could be said in a way that you came to save the world, and yet you did not in any way say to yourself, “I have to come to save the world.” What you said to yourself, was, “I come to bear witness to the Light and the Love of the One whom I follow, that Logos that is the Creator.” What is it to bear witness to the light? What is it to follow the embodiment of Love? It is certainly no tangible thing. It is, however, more real to you than your body and closer to you than your breath.

Energy expenditure is only possible, in terms of your present illusion, when there is a local habitation for that energy. Thusly, have you come into manifestation as a mind, body, and spirit which serves the Creator. To move to the depth of such energy expenditure and to investigate its Source, one must apply to the Creator Itself.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We leave this instrument in love and in light and in thanks. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and am with this instrument. We greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there might be any further queries upon the minds of those present to which we may give our response. Is there another query at this time?

S: I’ll start off. Recently I got a book from Carla called The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean. It was interesting reading. The fellow seemed to ascend during his lifetime, and I was wondering if you could tell me what he is doing now and what kind of service he is performing?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that this entity is one who has become that which you would call a source of channeled information. However, the contact which this entity has made is with a group of entities who seek in what may be called a solitary fashion, shall we say; that is, they seek specifically the kind of information which is contained within this volume and are a portion of this entity’s larger family of seekers. Thus, the work of this entity continues in another form, always seeking to give information which is of service to those who are interested in the kinds of mysteries and riddles that the secret or occult endeavors produce. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: There is another book which I got from Carla, The Hathor Material. I guess these were fourth-density beings who came either before or after Ra, in Egyptian times. Maybe you could tell me something of the service of this group?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again ,the information that you seek in this area is as broad ranging as a race of entities can produce through their experience, their seeking, and their service. We could only give a brief description without moving into many areas of interest which would consume a great portion of your time. The entities of the Hathor race were those who, as did those of Ra, make contact with various cultures of this planet’s history, most notably those of the Egyptian culture, and this contact was not just one period or point in your past but has been that of a continual nature. Some aspects of this contact became more noteworthy or widespread than others. These entities were most helpful in planting the seeds of the concept of unity and infinity within the Egyptian culture which allowed those of this culture to be readied for consideration of the Law of One. Thus, the entities of the Hathor race worked in conjunction with those of Ra in order to allow an expansion of the concepts in the philosophical or spiritual realms of the Egyptian culture so that there was seen to be not just many gods or powerful forces at work in the universe about these entities, but that there was truly one Creator from which all else sprang. This was a revolutionary concept, shall we say, for those of the Egyptian culture. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: The last question would be do you have any suggestions on different meditation groups that have reached out to each other? How can they share information and service?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Truly, that which you do is that which is helpful: to communicate with each other, to share the information which you find of value with others who have such to share with you as well. The ability of each entity that is desirous of serving others actually to do so is dependent only upon the passion that each has within the heart, within the mind, within the will to be of such service. For as the will is set upon a course, so is a way made that the will may manifest as it is formed within the heart, mind, and soul, the very essence of the entity. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: Not from me. Thank you.

T: I have a question. A couple of weeks ago N noticed white light coming from my knee when I twisted it in bed. J had a dream about that a few nights later and got the message that this was piezo-electric energy that was coming from the crystallized arthritis in my knee. It has to do with crystals having pressure exerted on them. Could you tell me anything else about this? How can I use this energy, if indeed I am supposed to use it?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As you are aware, the crystalline formation is that which is composed of Light in a certain field or form. As one applies energy, or force, to a crystal this

Light energy expresses itself, or, quite literally, moves from the crystalline form in a fashion that may be perceived by those who are sensitive to the movement of subtle energies. That this occurred when you applied pressure to your knee is the result of the various secondary and tertiary energy center formations contained within the knee, the wrist, the elbow and the ankle that correspond to the primary energy centers or chakras that are located within the finer formation of the physical body, from the base chakra to the crown chakra. The energy which expressed from your knee location was that which has a relationship to the health of that portion of your physical vehicle, there being some imbalance in that area at this time in the form of what you may call the arthritis or bursitis. These are not absolutely correct terms but will suffice for the nonce.

The use of such energies is, to our knowledge, not specific to the physical vehicle itself but to the regaining of the health or balance of energies within this portion of your physical vehicle. Thus, to utilize this energy most effectively one would need to engage in a program of meditative visualization that would allow you to see with your inner eye the overall experience of catalyst that has led to this particular imbalance in your knee. This is a product of the process of ageing and is a primary source of the catalyst with which you now deal. Is there a further query, my brother?

T: No. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo. We thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

C: I have one from B. He asks “What do wanderers expect of the Earth?” And the second question is “What is the society and cultures of the wanderers like?”

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Those who have entered the Earth environments from those realms of higher densities are those who have left experiences which are far more harmonious and in touch with the unity of all creation than the Earth environment is found to be at this time. Therefore, the entities whom you may describe as wanderers are oftentimes, upon the discovery of their own nature, quite discouraged when viewing the environment which they now find themselves incarnated within in order to serve and to learn, for your third-density experience at this time, near harvest, is that which is quite confused in its overall orientation. There is found within most cultures of this planetary sphere a great deal of disharmony and even the bellicose nature being expressed upon a daily basis, not only between those entities you call the nation states but also within each entity in its relationship to other individuals within its daily round of activities. Thus, the experience many wanderers find, when they have discovered that which they have come to do, is one of bewilderment, of confusion…

[Tape is changed.]

I am Q’uo, and am once again with this instrument. Is there another query at this time?

N: Could I personally thank them for the inspiration and devotion that they have given us?

I am Q’uo, and we are grateful to be able to do so, my sister. Is there another query, my sister?

Carla: Thinking about the question of joining with other groups and sharing, and thinking about the work I do each week writing people with these kinds of concerns, I feel that since this is an illusion we are connecting on the inner planes, and we are together on the inner planes, and we don’t have to worry about that. I have this sense when I am writing the people that I work with through the mail that it is like I am doing two things. I am doing the individual sharing, and listening, and communion, and communication. I feel an energy exchange being co-created with the other person and me, whatever we have to teach each other and whatever we have to learn from each other. At the same time that it is helping me or the other person it seems like it is creating the channels of communication for fourth-density positive. We are doing work at this time on the soul level, and we don’t even know that we are doing it on a conscious level. Could you speak to that?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Indeed, as each entity engages in such communication it is as though a muscle that has not been used previously is now being exercised. As one gains in the strength of sharing what is in one’s heart then there is brought forth from that heart more and more information, inspiration, and direction, not only for the entities with whom you communicate but a great deal more in the sense of the numbers of entities who share these concerns. As you are able to open yourself in communication with others you allow these others to share that energy and to move the energy in a spiral fashion, much as the Light of the one Creator seeks to return to its source in the upward spiraling line of light. So, as you are able to share the inspiration that is drawn from you by the questions of others this is as a seed. It is planted not only within the heart of those with whom you communicate but within the inner sense of the self of humanity. As one learns, so do all have the potential to learn that which one has learned. Indeed, all are portions of the one Creator, cells within the body of the one Creator. And as one is enriched, so are all. Is there another query, my sister?

Carla: What is the Merkaba? M wants to know more about the Matrix of the Spirit, the Potentiator of the Spirit and how to use the Potentiator of the Spirit to work with these energies that have been archetypally jump-started with 9-11. I can refer her to the works of Drunvalo Melchizadek if you want to focus on the latter portion of the question.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. It would indeed be our recommendation that the reference to the one known as Drunvalo Melchizadek be made for the one known as M in this area, for it is indeed a large area of study and we would not be able to do it justice with the energy that begins to dwindle within this instrument’s vehicle.

As far as the second and third queries, we also feel that this is a large area of study in which there needs to be a further refining of the query, for there is a great deal of information that could be given here as well. We shall satisfy ourselves and hopefully begin to satisfy the one known as M by suggesting that the nature of the spirit itself is that which is immobile in that it does not move in the same fashion as does the physical vehicle or the mental vehicle but is that which is. The spirit of each entity which moves within the third-density illusion is that which is drawn from infinity. There is the body of the one Creator which may be seen as the creation itself. There is that from which the body is made, that which we find the ones known as Ra referred to as the unpotentiated intelligent infinity. This is the infinite source which each of your entities is able to make contact with, when the higher self is realized at any time within the third-density experience.

We realize that this does not speak specifically to various portions of the spirit archetypes that are described in the system of study called the tarot which the one known as M has queried concerning. However, we feel it is well to begin this study with a basic foundation of information that is able to include the nature of infinity as being that which is the basic source for each finite expression of the one Creator known as a mind/body/spirit complex. We apologize for being short of information in this regard, but we find that the energies and the concentration of this instrument are less than adequate at this time for giving further specific information. Thus, we would recommend that there be one final query before the ending of this session of working.

Carla: In truth, Q’uo, I would suggest that we end the session now because we have gained so much, and I wasn’t able actually to read M’s question as she wrote it. I think the energy of that question and the thirst that she had for that question really wasn’t there, so I will refocus for next time. A flashlight would help I believe. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we are most grateful to you as well, my sister. At this time, we would take this opportunity to express our gratitude to each present for inviting our presence this day in your circle of seeking. It is a great privilege for us to be able to join you here, in your hearts, in your minds, and in your seeking for that which is known as the truth. We truly enjoy these gatherings and are unable to express adequately our gratitude to you, but we are most thrilled to be able to join you at any time. At this time, we would take our leave of this instrument and this group, leaving each, as always, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I re-recorded Chapter 15 of The Crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater, and while I was upstairs I cleaned Benny’s apartment by using the carpet sweeper on the rug in the hall. Then I swept up the kitty litter in the room where Benny has two litters boxes. Then I used the dust mop in all three rooms and the hall.

This afternoon I went back upstairs and re-recorded Chapter 16 of The Crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater. Then I went outside and picked up a lot of small tree limbs that have blown down from the rain overnight and the strong winds today. I was able to fill another garbage can with them.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 29


We of the principle of Love are with you and we greet you in the name of Love: Love unconditional; Love divine; Love infinite.

It is sometimes difficult in the daily round to perceive the glory of the creation. Take time this day to touch in mind and heart the beauties of scenery, character, grace, and wit which refresh the weary soul.

Indeed, there are naught but blessings for the faithful. And all those things which seem difficult are blessings, much as the life experience itself, though difficult, is indeed a time of blessing, learning and achieving for the spirit within.

Let not those things which are below lose the reflection of that which is divine. For all things are instinct with the divine life of unconditional and perfect Love.

We leave you in the name of Jesus Christ, in that Love and peace, to create your experience this day as one of blessing and affirmation, now and forever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Mediation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from October 21, 2001:

Our question today has to do with fear. Before September 11th, everybody had the normal fears of having enough money, food, friendships, harmonious work relationships, and so forth. Now there seems to be a general tenor for many people of a foreboding, a fear, that there might be more attacks, that we are not safe, that we are losing our freedoms, that something is going to get us. We are wondering if Q’uo could give us some information concerning how we can handle our fears? How can fear best be handled by the sincere spiritual seeker? Is there a way of changing our attitudes, our behavior, our thinking? We would appreciate whatever Q’uo has to say.

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as the Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. We want to thank you for gathering this afternoon and for calling us to your circle. We want to thank you for your seeking hearts ,and your thirst for truth, and for creating the atmosphere for such thoughtful comments as we are able to make about the interesting subject of fear. We are very happy to share these thoughts with you with the one request, as always, that each use her own discrimination and select those thoughts which may have value for you, leaving aside the rest.

Fear is a four-letter word, as this instrument would term it. The conversation before this meditation brought up the question of how fear could possibly be love, and perhaps that is where we shall start. Often it is helpful to move back to material that seems very simple and very obvious, yet within it lies the end of a string that can get very tangled. Yet if you tug at it from the end of its origin it unravels far more easily than if the attempt is made to tug on the string of fear past the tangle-point in the present moment, where the fear is living. So let us move back to the beginning of this particular string of reason and concept and gaze at love itself and what we think about love.

Love is another four-letter word. It is a very difficult word to deny knowledge of by anyone in any density, yet certainly within your density the word has so many overtones and undertones because of constant usage to mean several quite different kinds of affection that it is a difficult word to use precisely. When we speak of Love, we are speaking of that which is the essence of the Creator. The Love of which we speak is far more powerful, far more coherent, shall we say, far more crystallized than the love of family or mates or even the overriding love of brotherhood and humankind. Love, as we speak of it, is not simply an emotion but, rather, an utterly coherent Thought. It is a Thought that is so powerful that it has created all that there is. This Logos which we call Love, this living entity that is the Creator and includes the created, is an infinite concept. Indeed, one word for Love is intelligent infinity. The essence of Love lies in this infinity and in its intelligence which is the intelligence of the Creator.

This creative Thought, by the action of Free Will, by the indwelling of possibility, has chosen to create Light. Using this building block, which is the very fabric of space and time, the Creator has builded a universe. All that therein is, is made of Light. All that is Light was created by Love. Consequently, all that is experienced in the creation is one thing, and that is Love. No matter how distorted that energy, its substance is the same energy, the same ancestry as the lightest and brightest of energies. All positive and negative-seeming appearances, no matter how far from Love and Light they seem to be, are still made up of Love. Just as that which is new can become old quickly, just as that which is whole can become broken in a heartbeat, the creations of the Father within your experience all have a great deal of plasticity. Each of you is an agent of this Creator with a certain degree of latitude in creating the sub-universe which is your personal reality. Each of you, then, is a creature compounded of Love, moving and having your being within an energy field that is made of Love and shaped by your distortions of that Love. Each of you comes into contact with a varying number of other energy fields, whether people, groups of people or societies. All of these energy fields have their being within the larger energy field which is the Creator. And this is true whether gazed at from the perspective of third density or from a perspective of higher densities. Because of our experiences within higher densities, certainly we experience a different universe in terms of what we sense and see. And yet we too see the interplay of fields of energy and know that all truly is one.

To move a little further into the question of fear, if you will think for a moment of your energy body, you may see that each center of energy within your body is vulnerable to distortion in a particular way, and we use that term, distortion, to indicate fear. For fear is a very common distortion of love. Within the red-ray the energy tends to be blocked if there is a fear of survival. Within the orange ray in the lower belly the natural distortion of that energy comes with the experience of attempting to relate to other energy fields, to other people. When there is a difficulty and there seems to be a threat from the personal relationship, this lower belly energy can be blocked or otherwise uncomfortably distorted. In the upper part of the belly, in the solar plexus, the yellow-ray energy center can easily be blocked by fears having to do with the family, the society, one’s place within that family or society; in short, one’s dealings with the larger groups that go beyond personal relationships and move into the roots of being, the family, the mated relationship, and so forth. And a great deal of that which many are experiencing during this particular autumn season among your peoples has to do with the energies that became manifest on the 11th of September of this year. These are basically yellow-ray fears, and the solar plexus of many, many entities within your culture has been punched, shall we say, hard and given the opportunity to choose fear, not just once but many times.

The group question for this session was: “We are wondering if Q’uo could give us some information concerning how we can handle our fears? How can fear best be handled by the sincere spiritual seeker? Is there a way of changing our attitudes, our behavior, our thinking? We would appreciate whatever Q’uo has to say.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that fear and love were four letter words, and they said that the word love has many meanings in the third density, and they wanted to define the Love that they were talking about as the Love of the Logos, the infinite Thought of Creator which has created all things. Q’uo went on to say that the Thought of the Creator has used the power of Love to create the universe out of Light so that all that is experienced is Love whether it appears to be positive or negative. Q’uo continued by saying that each of us is an energy field made out of Love that is distorted by our perceptions of Love, and we are constantly coming into contact with other energy fields of individuals or groups which have their being within the energy field of the Creator, and this is true whether in the third density or any of the higher densities. Then Q’uo returned to their discussion of fear and said that each of our energy centers is subject to the distortion of fear that can be seen as catalyst causing us to fear for our survival in the red ray, the orange ray fear arising from a personal relationship, or the yellow ray fear arising from the fear of larger groups. On April 2, 1995, Q’uo described how our energy field works:

These various fields seem very real, yet scientists can explain that there is no mass involved, just an arrangement of energies. Each self-conscious person is an energy field, then, which vibrates at a certain complex of levels in a characteristic way. The metaphysical identity of each person is this complex of vibrations which is the signature of each evolving self-conscious entity. So, within your density it is impossible to see that there is no separation between the clothes and the body, the body and the seat, the seat and the chair, the chair and the floor, and so forth. All these things appear separate. However, in any sense beyond energy fields there is no separation.

When fear closes or even partially blocks the energy that is flowing through the energetic body, energy moving into the heart becomes less and less, depending upon how bad the blockage is. Consequently, the natural effect of allowing fear into the energy body in any settled way is to close the heart. When the heart center is not receiving very much energy, then it is that there is not sufficient energy to do work in consciousness. It may be said that one cannot hear when one is screaming, and in a way that is what fear does: it deafens the ears of the heart.

Yet this fear is a creature of love. And the patient seeker does have resources to bring to bear when a blockage is perceived in the energy body due to fear. These resources are generally not expressible in linear terms. When one sees fire, one has a perfect right to fear the fire. It is hot. It will burn. And it threatens the survival of the physical body. There is no linear way to suggest to someone that he not fear fire or that he not at least be cautious and careful when using fire. The feeling of being invaded, being encroached upon, being terrorized is a powerful kind of fear that moves both in red ray and in yellow ray, two primary rays that are most powerful. And we have no right to suggest to anyone that she not fear a terrorist attack. Yet in a non-linear sense if one can move back in thought, bringing the energy of the mind beyond the present moment and the present catalyst and into the realm of personal essence and consciousness, the resources are powerful and ready to help.

“For He shall give His angels charge over you to guide you in all your ways, lest you hurt your foot upon the stone.” [Holy Bible, Psalm 91:1.] This is a quotation from the holy works of this instrument, and it is true. Each entity has angelic beings attempting at all times to help and serve, to save and protect, to bless and to nurture. “Behold, I bring you good tidings.” [Holy Bible, Luke 2:10.] That is part of the Christmas story of this instrument’s Bible. An angelic being speaks to those who are afraid and says, “This is the unknown, yet it is the birth of Spirit, and this Spirit is coming into the world. And this is the Spirit of Light. So have great joy.”

In the beginning, dealing with fears, it may be necessary to move slowly to allow the fear to be with you, uncomfortably so. Sitting with that, feeling that discomfort, creates within the seeker a growing awareness of the nature of this fear. As the one known as R said, sitting at the campfire with this fear, sharing a story, enjoying the night together, allowing this situation within to be what it is, is a helpful beginning. It may seem like nothing, but simply becoming quiet and still and accepting of the feelings that are in the heart is very helpful. One thing fear greatly needs is a lack of ridicule and an honest respect. That which is fear is that which is contracting within the energy body, that which is battening down the hatches, armoring and defending. Becoming able to sit quietly and with acceptance with this fear creates within the seeker the eventual feeling that it may be acceptable to somewhat allow this contracted state to melt away. The angelic help that moves towards the seeker at a time of fear is looking for ways to help the seeker expand, and disperse, and diffuse that concentration or tangle of energy that has been created by the fear. It is attempting to send you the energies of radiated Love, that which, according to your holy works and according to us, does cast out fear.

One may look at various elements of fear in order gradually to emerge from that contracted feeling. Certainly, one energy that is prevalent in fear is the desire to control that which cannot be controlled. The issue of control is very difficult. Almost never does one have control over that which is the object of fear. That which can be controlled is generally not feared. It is precisely the inability to affect changes in something that seems desirable or undesirable that has created the fear. It is in this situation that archetypal images may help more than words, for images are not linear. Thus, when we speak of the leap of faith we speak specifically of leaping into a void, putting oneself in a situation where there is no control. But, indeed, the straightest road from fear to Love is faith, the ability to move beyond the tangle in the stream of energy, back to the source, and it is done not by moving to anything but only from the position of fear. The classic paralyzing Buddhist description of fear is a seeker hanging onto a rapidly decaying branch of a tree, on the side of a cliff, with a tiger above and a tiger below, and a chasm beneath. And the answer to that image is to let go of the branch, wave bye-bye to the tigers and welcome the abyss. There is, in faith, that realization that in no way, shape, or form can we know in a linear sense that all is well or that all will be well. And yet that is what we claim. That is what we believe, and on that we base our security and our confidence.

Then Q’uo said that when fear blocks the energy flowing through our energetic body then there is less energy available to our heart which stops our work in consciousness, but since fear is a creature of love, we have resources to work with fear that expresses mostly in the red and yellow energy centers. So Q’uo suggested that if we can move back in thought and bring the energy of our mind beyond the present catalyst and into the realm of our personal essence and consciousness the resources are powerful and ready to help us such as the angelic beings mentioned in the Holy Bible. Q’uo continued by saying that to begin to deal with the fear it is helpful if we sit quietly with the fear so that we can increase our understanding of the nature of our fear, and by giving it respect we may be able to experience it beginning to leave our energy body which has been defending against it. Q’uo went on to say that one of the causes of fear is our not being able to control what caused it, so they suggested that we use the concept of the faith of the Fool in the archetypical mind and simply take a leap of faith into Love that will unblock the energy body, and then we can know that all is well which becomes the source of our security and our confidence. On June 14, 2002, Q’uo spoke of the nature of our taking a leap of faith:

The viewpoint of the self standing upon a prominent precipice and making the self ready to take a leap of faith into that which is your destiny is the basic situation with which you deal. There is the eagerness and the anticipation of the adventure that awaits, for it is that soul’s destiny which you have created before this incarnation as the pattern for the incarnation which you feel is now ready to unfurl before you, as the marker, the guide post, the beginning of the great work.

This energy of faith seems to come to those in the darkest of hours and in the most pressing of circumstances. And it is in this sense that the tragedies of your September 11th attack may be seen to be beacons of light as well as fires of disaster. For in unsettling the smugness of perceived safety these attacks at once made it very shiningly clear to all of those who speak the word, freedom, within your cultures that a free and unfearing way of life was indeed a precious and wonderful thing, something dear and valuable and worth preserving. And this opened the energy systems of many as compassion for those who were victimized poured through half of your planetary population at once.

Times of trial and trouble such as the one you experience now are those times when fear can be most crippling and when that leap of faith can be most powerfully effective. What thoughts are you thinking at this moment? What thoughts have crossed your mind this day? What are your patterns of thought? Where do you put the value in your thinking time? And how would you choose to change those patterns of thought? Work in consciousness can be dazzlingly fast and brilliant. Instantaneous changes and transformations can occur, but in an incarnational experience the great majority of time is spent not in the flashes of illumination but in those times between, in those valleys between the mountaintop experiences. And yet those valleys can be your heaven or your hell or anything in between. Each thought that you think is at once an accident and a creation.

The challenge for the seeker is to become more and more conscious of the patterns of recurring thoughts, looking at those patterns of thought, asking the self, “Are these radiant or contracting thoughts that I am repeating? And if I would rather radiate than contract, how shall I affect the processes of this recurring thought?” It is patient and slow work to gaze at the self and yet allow the self to function naturally and fully. But there is an interplay constantly going on between the accidents of creation and that which you bring to creation that transforms those accidents. You are part of what happens to you. The thoughts which you habitually think create an atmosphere in which you may see something completely differently than someone else may see the same thing. To another person that sight may be frightening. To you, that sight may be quite tolerable. The difference is in the attitude, and work can be done on that attitude, not in a weekend, not because of one book, not because of one teacher, not because of one idea, but over a period of time in which the seeker has been thoughtful persistently.

At the heart of fear is a situation which at once defines your experience and is irrelevant to your experience, and that is your physical life. The root fear, the fear that closes red ray, is the fear of survival. Within your physical incarnation you shall never be free of the fear of death, for death is inevitable. From dust was the body created, and to dust shall the body return. Once it is seen clearly and at a basic level that this physical death is an illusion, then there is much less distortion and contraction possible. But it is seldom given to the seeker to come into full knowledge of her true nature. Seldom is it that he can see the inevitability of this revival of consciousness through the death of the body. Insofar as it is possible we recommend daily immersion in silence because it is in that region of the self alone that the truths of the metaphysical reality can flower in such a way as to fortify the vagrant imagination and strengthen the ability to have patience with the self and with circumstances that are other than you would wish them to be. To see all of these elements of your personal story as simply what they are is a powerful resource. To know that faith can change that story is a powerful resource also.

Now Q’uo said that it is often in the darkest hours such as the September 11 bombing of the World Trade Center that the concept of faith that a way of life without fear is a wonderful thing and worth preserving, and it opened the hearts of half of our planet’s population in compassion for those who were victimized. Q’uo went on to say that dealing with this type of situation is a time when fear can be most crippling, and when that leap of faith can be most powerfully effective as we entertain thoughts such as: “What thoughts have crossed your mind this day? What are your patterns of thought? Where do you put the value in your thinking time? And how would you choose to change those patterns of thought?” Q’uo said that these questions can create mountaintop transformations or valleys of despair, and we are part of what happens to us because the thoughts which we habitually think create an atmosphere in which we may see something differently than someone else so that the difference is in our attitude, and we can work on that attitude over a period of time in which we have been thoughtful and persistent. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that at the heart of fear is our red ray concern of the death of our body because it is not always apparent to us that this physical death of our body is an illusion, so Q’uo suggested that we use daily meditation to enhance this metaphysical truth and give us more patience with ourself and difficult circumstances, and know that they are a powerful resource which we have, and that our faith can change that story is also a powerful resource. On August 9, 2002, Q’uo described how the physical death of our body is an illusion:

The learning within third density does not stop until the breath is removed from the body, and the consciousness moves on from the physical body to that which this instrument would call Etheria through the processes of the death of the body.

It is as though there were a certain amount of food that is on the table, and the food will continue to be brought to the table until the meal is over. When the meal of life is over, the Creator calls the soul out of incarnation and into the beginning of its next experience. Once this incarnative process has been accomplished, once the plan has been completed, the spirit moves on, freely, easily, indeed effortlessly.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We are those of Q’uo, and we thank this instrument as we transfer. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time we would ask if there might be any further queries to which we might speak.

T: I believe I have asked this before, but it has got a little more intense. Basically, how do you go about helping someone when there are other people involved and possibly you will hurt them by helping the other person? I would appreciate whatever comments you might be able to make.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that it is often helpful, in a situation in which there are many considerations affecting the service that one wishes to offer, to spend as much time as possible in meditation, not just to find the center of self and to make that kind of renewing connection which is always helpful, but, while in meditation, to explore the avenues available. Imagine one course of action that is perhaps to help as you are hoping to be able to help, to carry this out in your mind as far as you may, and to attempt to examine the repercussions of one’s assistance. For a few periods of meditation, perhaps for as long as a week, each day, consider this possible avenue to be that course which you shall follow. In each meditation perform the service as you imagine it. Imagine how it will be received, and continue in this fashion until you feel that you are aware of this course of action and its ramifications. Then perhaps for another week, each day, take the opposite course of action, which perhaps shall be inaction. Imagine the repercussions. Be as thorough as you can. Experience this course as fully as the first. Then, after you have completed both courses of action and inaction, look within your heart to that to which you feel most committed. Is there a further query, my brother?

T: No. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I’d like to ask two questions from Dr. C. E. One is, “Is there a sizeable asteroid called the Death Rock or Mynra on its way to Earth on a collision course?”

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. At some point in the future of this sphere perhaps there shall be such an event. We are currently unaware of such. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: Yes. What effort, method or means could be employed by humans or others that would result in the U.S. government bringing to light all their secret agreements with all non-human sentient beings, including channeled sources, groups, or agencies which the government has listened to?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that the probabilities of both queries are almost identical. Is there another query?

Carla: No. I think that is enough of that kind of question. I don’t want to detune the contact. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we are grateful for your efforts on this entity’s behalf. We apologize for our lack of information in these areas. We do not necessarily dismiss such inquiries as those of small value but can see little possibility for either occurring. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I would just follow up by asking if you would like to comment on this kind of specific question and how it affects a channeling group and a channel such as this one, with Jim and me as instruments and you on the other end? I would welcome any thoughts that you would have on that since all of Dr. E’s questions are specific.

I am Q’uo and we appreciate your query, my sister, for it gives us the opportunity to comment on the nature of queries which are offered to us. We are, as you are aware, happy to give our opinions in those areas of our expertise which are primarily those of the metaphysical nature, the process and proceedings of the rate of spiritual evolution, the ability to open the heart in love, for this is the primary reason and activity for which each took incarnation. While in the physical vehicle operating within third density it is often easy to become interested in areas which are of momentary interest. And we say momentary realizing that for many of your peoples there are years spent pursuing such specific information. It is our hope that entities that are engaged in such activity will at some point realize the futility of seeking this kind of information. For even if one had each answer there would be little value to the personal or general evolution. The information which we seek for ourselves and which we seek to share with others is information of a lasting value: that which is important to one’s spiritual journey now and ever. There is a great deal of information which seems important for the moment, for it is full of the drama of your third-density illusion. Who did what to whom and why? And how? Yet how much more important is how can one love in this situation or that situation? We are always appreciative of those entities who seek beyond the illusion, beyond the seeming importance of trivial events that so congest your days and minds. For it is those who can penetrate beyond the veil and the illusion that shall eventually find the heart of their journey.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. Thank you, Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

[No further queries.]

I am Q’uo and we would like to take this opportunity to thank each for inviting us to join your circle of seeking this day. It is always a great privilege to be able to do so. We would again remind each that we do not wish to present any stumbling block for any seeker’s spiritual journey. Any word we have spoken that does not ring of truth to you, please disregard it immediately, saving only those which do have that special ring of truth. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. We shall take our leave at this time of this instrument and this group. We leave you in the love and the light, the peace and the power of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop at Feeder’s Supply to buy some cat food for Bosco. My next stop was at the vet’s to pick up some meds for Bosco. My third stop was at Speedway to buy five gallons of regular gasoline for my lawnmower. My fourth stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself. My last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store to buy some non-food items.

This afternoon I walked around the yard to pick up some small tree limbs that came down in recent rains and filled a garbage can with them.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 28

Let Jesus’ Heart Be Yours

I am of the principle of Love, and I greet you in the consciousness of Jesus the Christ.

All praise and glory be to the Lord of creation! Imagine the immensity of the galaxies, the infinity of the reaches of orderly, free-wheeling space and see in this immensity the great glory of the Holy One.

Know that you are part of that glory, for you, too, are a creation of the holy Father and a child of the Creator of all things.

Let Jesus’ heart be yours, then, and let the glory of the Father come upon you like the fire of the spirit of Jesus; move along your limbs like fire; move along your lips like fire, that you may utter those things which may be of service and that you may reach your hands in that same service, therefore adding to that great glory which daily grows, the glory of God in Christ.

May you be today a servant of Love itself. And may Love change the face of the earth.

In Love, joy and peace, we leave you. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. The Q’uo quote today comes from October 7, 2001:

The question today has to do with the healing meditations that you recommended a couple of weeks ago in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and various other places on the planet which are full of anger, and war, and hatred, famine, poverty, disease, and so forth. We would like to know a couple of more ways that a person could use to send love and light to all the areas, the people, the places that need it.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle Q’uo. Greetings, love and light to you. The love and the light of the infinite Creator to you this beautiful autumn evening. What a pleasure it is to rest in meditation with each of you and to join your circle of seeking. We greatly thank you for the privilege of being called to your group, and, as always, we would simply ask that as we offer our ideas, that each be confident in her own powers of discrimination. If an idea or thought seems resonant to you, by all means, we offer it as our opinion and our best answer but not as authority. If it does not interest you, then by all means lay it aside and move on. We thank you for that discrimination because that allows us to express ourselves with the most accuracy that we can through this instrument without abridging the Law of Confusion.

It is a pleasure to speak with you concerning the question of how to be instruments for the Love and the Light of the one infinite Creator. It is a most central and key question for us as well as for you. We have long hoped to offer our part in positively affecting the process of the birth of fourth density positive upon your planet and among its peoples, so we, too, are focused in our own ways on the questions of how to offer Love and Light to the planet and to its peoples. Obviously, our current solution is communication within the rather narrow confines of a meditation which has a trained channel of the type such as this instrument and the one known as Jim are. This enables us to offer impressions and to tell stories as the one known as S suggested, to weave tapestries and structures of words that may constitute resources for you, as you think about these questions that are infinite in their possibilities for fruitful contemplation and further realization and understanding, if we may use that term.

This communication of ours is bound in silence. It is silence that fuels the channel, silence that fuels the desire of those present, and silence that enables that desire to be honed. It is silence that enables the self to be known to itself. It is in silence that trust and faith abound. It is in the shared silence of prayer that miracles happen. Prayer is a word that has emotional overtones for many, and yet we use prayer not only for formal orison and for words beseeching the Almighty in the traditional sense of prayer, but also prayer as entering the silence, prayer as practicing the presence of the one infinite Creator. It is easy to open to the self an empty room by silence. It is more fruitful to visualize or to realize that room within that is the room of prayer, shall we say, or the room of silence as a room that has atmosphere and person, in that it has location within that person that you are most deeply are. It is like the sanctuary that is in the very heart of the temple that the priest may enter for private moments, those moments which fuel that ministry that serves others. For each of you is a temple and a priest within the temple. The temple is that body, and that personality, and those gifts. The priest is the consciousness within that directs that building and its stewardship, the disposition of the talents and treasures of the temple and the use and aid of those faculties of being that fuel the ministry.

Eachpriest needs to spend time in that sanctuary that has to do with no one but the self and that connection that is sacred between the self and the infinite Creator, between the loved and the lover, between the spark and the source of that spark, that great fire, that great Light, that great Love, that great Thought that is the one infinite Creator. It is helpful to picture entering, not that empty room of impersonal prayer, but a very personal room that is the heart of self and in which there waits the figure of the Creator as the Creator would appear to you. Many see the Creator as Father. Many see the Creator as Mother. Some see the Creator as the Christ, as does this instrument. Whatever that image is, realize that the Creator is waiting for you there, and that you go to be with your true self when you enter the sanctuary of silence.

This enables the basic lining up of the energy body so that the silence may be offered and may be used to the Creator and for the use of the Creator. For meditation itself is something that feeds upon itself. There is the intention to meditate which becomes the meditation, which becomes the intention to meditate, which becomes the meditation. The one known as T was quite correct in stating that it matters not the perceived degree of efficacy achieved by the meditator or the one who prays. What matters is that the entity remembers that the entity come into remembrance of that sanctuary, that infinite Creator, that presence that touches the life and in so touching the life creates the life for it.

Wewill speak to some extent about various techniques, but first we would like to say that beyond any technique of meditating, visualizing, and sending light to a certain concern, there is the simple truth that as this instrument’s Psalm says, “Send forth your Spirit, and I shall be created, and you shall renew the face of the Earth.” As each of you comes to that sanctuary, comes to that door of spirit, enters through it and practices the presence of the infinite Creator each of you is coming into his own higher self and is filling out and fleshing out a nature that is already there, that has been there before the world was. Each of you is a spark of the Creator. Each of you has within you that Spirit which has the genius to know what is needed in a particular moment. The greatest and most courageous feat of faith is a surrender to that Spirit and to that Spirit’s will for you. And that in itself is a prayer. “Send me forth. Create me. Play on me as you play on the face of the deep and create that which is a new world, that which is a new me. Let me be, for the first time, fully my true self. And let that true self become full enough of the higher aspect of self that it irresistibly begins to radiate.”

The group question for this session was: “The question today has to do with the healing meditations that you recommended a couple of weeks ago in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11 and various other places on the planet which are full of anger, and war, and hatred, famine, poverty, disease, and so forth. We would like to know a couple of more ways that a person could use to send love and light to all the areas, the people, the places that need it.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that they too were seeking how to be of service to our planet and its people and have chosen to communicate their thoughts that might give us resources to use on our spiritual journey, and they also said that their service utilized the silence because: “It is silence that enables the self to be known to itself. It is in silence that trust and faith abound. It is in the shared silence of prayer that miracles happen.” They went on to say that their prayers used words to ask God for assistance, and they also suggested that we could use the silence of the temple within us that is our body, our personality, and our gifts to practice the presence of the Creator because we are priests that can use our temple within us to serve others. Q’uo continued by saying that we need to experience that sacred connection between our self and that great Light, that great Love, that great Thought that is the one infinite Creator. Then Q’uo said that meditation uses the energy body to contact the Creator, and what matters is that we remember that in that sanctuary of the infinite Creator the Creator’s presence touches our life, and by touching it creates life for us. Q’uo said that as we enter that sanctuary and practice the presence of the infinite Creator we are coming into our higher self, and we are fleshing out the nature of our being that has existed before the world was, and we should surrender to the will of the Spirit with the prayer: “Send me forth. Create me. Play on me as you play on the face of the deep and create that which is a new world, that which is a new me. Let me be, for the first time, fully my true self. And let that true self become full enough of the higher aspect of self that it irresistibly begins to radiate.” On January 14, 1996, Q’uo spoke of the nature of our true self:

There are many words among your peoples to describe this basic inalterable reality from which all things spring. Among those words we choose Love. The Love of the one infinite Creator is a vibration, a Logos, if you will, and that pure Love has generated that which you call Light in order to create a manifested world. You are made of Light which has been regularized and built upon. Within your essence, unchanged and unchangeable, resides this vibration, this Logos. This is your true self. That true self peeks up into the passing days like the tip of a great iceberg, barely clearing the water, yet being a mighty mass below the surface. Indeed, all that your people’s tend to think of as their identity, all were created and will cease to be.

As the one known as T noted, even a tiny bit of doing this, of allowing the heart to become open, and golden, and flowing, creates a joy and a blessing that is often startling. It is not that you are going in search of joy. It is not that you are attempting to create bliss. It is simply that you are attempting to line up the energy body, balance it, open it and ask it to work. Ask, shall we say, the Holy Spirit, the one infinite Creator, your guidance, however you frame your processes of communication with the divine, to make you an instrument of His peace. Each of you is a crystal instrument and truly it is not necessary to know precisely how you are creating the melody of love, how you are shaping that instrument which is your crystal being so that it is able to transmute, intensify, and anchor into the planetary vibration the infinite Light and Love of the one Creator. It is only necessary that you surrender to that intention. The remaining details are useful, but they are more useful for the linear mind than they are in terms of the metaphysical.

In terms of the metaphysical, the clumsy and awkward attempts of sincere people are far more persuasive than the sophisticated, easily spoken and roundly shaped phrases of faith that do not come from the heart. It is not necessary to be clever, articulate, or even to have words. What is necessary is that there be a process that is passionately being pursued whereby the seeker is seeking along the path of spiritual evolution. The desire to serve creates the opportunity to serve. The opportunity to serve creates the means to serve. The means to serve flow through the instrument and out into the world. Thusly, the main focus of the crystal is to be a good crystal, to open the self as a crystal, to give the intention of service, to give the intention of placing time in the silence for this service and to be persistent about offering this service in a way that speaks more and more to the question of how high an amperage is this light? How high in amperage are you as a crystal? How committed are you to this process of patient, dogged persistence, no matter what your self-concept is: to that which is most effective metaphysically. Those intentions are powerful. They are your strength, not any self-perceived skill or lack of it with entering the silence, maintaining the silence, holding a visualization and so forth. These are linear details that some are quite effective at dealing with and some not so effective. This instrument, for instance, is not a skillful visualizer and, in fact, is often blocked from visualizing.

The secret to visualization is finding an image that brings forth the passion and the desire to serve and opens the heart in a certain way. We speak now not of visualizations in the white magical sense but visualizations in the sense of taking an image and sending energy into that image, attempting to build an image of light and healing. Perhaps the simplest image is the globe itself. The book cover of this instrument’s book [A Wanderer’s Handbook], which shows the globe with the sun rising behind it in that dawn of the new age that is breaking over the Earth, is perhaps a good object to take visualization from, for in that visualization there is both Light shining from the dawning of the new age upon the entire planet and the colored lights streaming into the planet which are all of the souls entering the Earth plane that wish to help the Earth at this time.

Realize that much Light is being sent to this planet at this time, and when the visualization of this globe is done it is not a visualization that you have alone. For many, many entities visualize the basic globe and send Light to that globe until it is bright all over. There are ways to embroider this basic image of the globe in space and the Light coming to it and dawning over it that, perhaps, are more personal. One may picture oneself as one of many beings which are weaving a net of Love and Light just like a fisherman’s seine or a butterfly net, something that moves across the entire stream, that wraps around the planet like a great, full skirt from an angel so that all of the planet is wrapped in this shining mesh that is made of individuals’ Love and Light, woven energy upon energy, sent from so many instruments of Love and Light, from so many light workers, shall we call them, into this web or net of Love

One great problem is simply convincing your planet that you truly care. There has been a substantial amount of uncaring, neglectful and even destructive action of entities upon the Earth in ways that the one known as Jim was commenting upon earlier, creating ever-increasing lack of good environment in which various species may thrive. The sheer passion and persistence of this effort is that which the Earth will hear. If visualization is a problem, it is possible simply to speak with, to give words to, the Earth, to explain to the Earth how much She is loved by you, how much you appreciate the Earth, how much you feel in unity with the Earth, and how much you want to help Her come through this tremendously exhausting and difficult period of birth.

Then Q’uo said that we can open our heart by asking our energy body to connect with the Holy Spirit, the Creator, or our guidance system to help us become an instrument of peace as we are crystal instruments that can intensify and anchor into the planetary vibration the infinite Light and Love of the one Creator. Q’uo continued by saying that the most important thing for us to be of service to the planet is to set our intention to be of service; to set our intention of placing time in the silence of meditation for this service; and to determine how committed we are to the process of patient, dogged persistence no matter what our self-concept is to that which is most effective metaphysically because these intentions are powerful. Q’uo went on to say that another way of being of service to our planet was visualization that would create an image and send light and healing into it much like Carla’s book cover for A Wanderer’s Handbook which shows the Light of the dawning of a new age and the colored lights of the wanderers incarnating to be of service to the planet. Q’uo said that there are many unseen forces of Light that are also joining us in this process of visualization in whatever form we would like to create that would include being made of our Love and Light: “woven energy upon energy, sent from so many instruments of Love and Light, from so many light workers, shall we call them, into this web or net of Love.” Q’uo completed their response by saying that the challenge is to convince our Mother Earth that we really care about healing Her because there have been so many destructive wars and harmful actions that have negatively impacted the environment of plants and animals, so we need to be passionate in our visualizations and words to let Mother Earth know how much She is loved by us; how much we feel unity with the Earth; and how much we want to help Her come through this tremendously exhausting and difficult period of birth. In 26.30-.31, Ra spoke of planetary healing:

Questioner: And then, can you describe the mechanism of the planetary healing?

Ra: I am Ra. Healing is a process of acceptance, forgiveness, and, if possible, restitution. The restitution not being available in time/space, there are many among your peoples now attempting restitution while in the physical.

Questioner: How do these people attempt this restitution in [the] physical?

Ra: I am Ra. These attempt feelings of love towards the planetary sphere and comfort and healing of the scars and the imbalances of these actions.

We find that we need to move on to speak through the instrument known as Jim. We are watching this instrument’s energy level this day, and we feel that this is sufficient through this instrument. We thank this instrument and would transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each once again in love and in light through this instrument. We would ask if we may speak to any other portion of this query if those present would examine that which we have given and put forth any refining queries at this time. Is there such a query at this time?

Carla: Would you like to discuss any other methods of meditation and sending the light that would be options for people to use?

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my sister. We are grateful that you have asked this portion of the query again, for there is indeed a variety of ways that those who wish to aid the healing of this planet and its peoples may do so. We have often mentioned the technique of visualization, as we did previously today, so we shall at this time discuss a technique which may be more helpful to those who are less skilled at the inner visualization.

When in the meditative state look at the feeling that one connects to the anguish of the world, of various locations, peoples, experiences, and so forth. This ability to perceive the difficulties which others upon this planet are experiencing is yet another means by which those who meditate with the desire to heal may connect their experience with those who need light. Indeed, all are a portion of the one Creator, and the connections that bind each together with each other entity are those which are, shall we say, submerged within the subconscious experience. It is helpful to imagine one’s own being within a certain set of circumstances, perhaps of having no home, being hungry, cold, alone, or with a great mass of other entities in similar circumstances such as is now the case in the area of the world which you call Afghanistan. Imagine what your experience would be like to be without a home, hungry, to be fearful, to be uncertain of what the next day would bring. Allow your feelings to move into those areas of your being which can appreciate this experience. These are the subconscious levels of the mind.

Experience for as long as you are able the feelings of anguish, of pain, of loss, of confusion. See with new eyes how an entity such as yourself would respond to these severe circumstances. Allow that feeling to grow within yourself until it is truly palpable. Then, from within the center of your heart, allow that quality of love/light to emanate until the previous feelings of the stress have been, shall we say, engulfed, surrounded by the love and light emanations from within not only your heart but from within the hearts of all others who meditate with you as well. Experience the outpouring of these small streams of love and light until there is a great river of love and light that completely engulfs the feeling of distress. See these feelings of the distress begin to lighten as there is sent to them those streams of hope, of faith, of support, of unity. See these threads of light weaving together, feel them joining, experience this blending of the concerns of many such as yourself for those who are experiencing extreme difficulties. Allow this feeling to remain with you for an equally long period of your meditation. Then give praise and thanksgiving to the one Creator who made all that there is the opportunity to serve the One in this manner.

Is there another query, my sister?

Carla: That was very interesting. It seems like it is similar to the personal balancing technique but for the planet. I guess another question that comes to my mind is one that I was talking to C about because she and S have a great number of crystals. I had imagined them sorted into colors and used like a mosaic to create a glyph, some kind of shape that would help to intensify the self as a crystal and become a larger crystal and do better light work. I had thought of the Star of David with a cross inside of it or some such symbol that had a lot of energy to it that would be helpful. What do you think of this idea to use crystals or water as a kind of accelerator to help?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The use of the crystals for enhancing the meditative practice of sending love and light where it is needed is a practice which, indeed, can be most efficacious. However, there is some skill in the use of such accoutrement for the purpose of healing. It would be our recommendation that one or more crystals be chosen for their specific feeling or vibratory nature. There are many kinds of crystals which are each unique in their qualities of being able to enhance the imaging of light. For, indeed, the crystals themselves are often referred to as frozen light. To use a great number of crystals for such an endeavor would be, in our opinion, counterproductive, for this quality of uniqueness that each possesses would work against the unified acceleration or intensification of the light which is being sent as a healing device.

We would recommend that the crystals be examined for the appropriate feeling-tones, shall we say, and those possibilities for utilization be used one after the other separately in order that the most efficacious crystal be finally chosen and used in a manner which may be likened to a resonance chamber. The crystal may be held in the hand while the meditation is undertaken. The inner visualization would need to see the crystal and the heart and the third eye working in harmony in a synchronized fashion, the thought of the need for healing being held foremost in the mind. Then the crystal may be imaged as being the medium through which the thought would be sent. And the visualization of the recipient of this light, whether it be a planet, a country, or a person, would then be seen to be bathed in this light. Thus, the thought or the image would be sent forth and enhanced by the use of the crystal in this fashion. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: I would like to ask a couple of questions from Dr. E Are there cultures of sentient third- and fourth-density, service-to-self nature of reptilian and gray beings located in subterranean facilities or cities located in the southwest of the USA that are busy herding humans as slaves, guinea pigs, and labor?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. As you are aware, we are hesitant to speak in specific terms concerning such a query, for indeed there has been a good deal of interaction between various extraterrestrial races and those of your governmental structures, both within this country and many others. The activities of such interactions and the entities involved are those which we feel are, shall we say, subsidiary to the primary effort of those entities who seek to serve the Creator in the positive sense by the opening of the heart chakra and the shining of the light of love to all who are encountered and seen as the same as self, the same as the one Creator. Thus, it would be our recommendation in this instance that the focus be removed from the fringe areas of concern and placed once again in the heart of the incarnation. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: His next question is, if so, if there are beings here which are service-to-self, what is the best way to thwart or greet their efforts?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We, again, would recommend the meditative state for any such effort to be of service to those who may be seen to be of a service-to-self nature. Those who are seen as such may also be seen as the same as those who were seen in distress; that is, there may be engendered this quality of love/light which may then be seen to be sent to these entities who are of the negative polarity so that they also are engulfed in the radiance of the noonday sun. Then this quality of love and light may also be seen to be surrounding and protecting those areas or persons that are felt to be endangered by such entities. Thus, the quality of love and light may be utilized both as a healing and as protection. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: I think I will hold it to two questions from Dr. E. I know he will appreciate what you have said. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

S: A minor question. Carla just sent me the transcription of the first session of this fall’s meetings, and side two didn’t record. Do you ever change your mind and have the tape recorder not record, or is it just mechanical? Is there something else operating here that keeps the tape recorder from recording?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We give information and our opinions with a free and open heart. We do not change our hearts or our minds. Your recording devices are usually accurate in their functioning. However, there is occasionally the misdirection, shall we say, in the operation of such machinery. We find that this instrument is often unable to handle all the buttons and dials. However, he is diligent in his perseverance. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: We hate to lose any of your words. If there is any way that you could let us know if there is a problem with the recording devices we would appreciate that.

I am Q’uo and we are aware of your query. We are able to utilize an instrument such as this one and the one known as Carla with some difficulty, but we find that we are out of our league, shall we say, with the mechanical devices that are utilized in these sessions. We must apologize for our lack of ability to communicate with such entities. Is there another query at this time?

S: No, I guess I won’t ask you to program a VCR then. Thank you.

I am Q’uo. We thank you once again, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

C: I would like to ask about a dream that V had, that she has had repeatedly at various times in her life. She has a dream of seeing a shore and darkness upon the water, infinite sea, and then above the sea there becomes one moon, and then a second, then a third, then a fourth, all full. And then she looks and sees the moon that is creating these four moons and these four moons are reflections of it. Then the fifth moon smiles and she realizes that it is the Creator and that the Creator loves her and that everything is perfect. Then that Creator’s moon splinters into a million pieces of all different colors. She wonders if you could comment on this dream?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. In this instance we find that we may speak in a limited sense, pointing the way rather than leading. The concept of the moon is one which is, of course, central in this dream. The moon for this entity is a quality which is partaking of the feminine nature, that which is somewhat hidden and mysterious, illuminated by another source. The one known as V may look within her own experience for the recollection of the primary quality of the moon. The shattering of the Creator in the form of the moon into many colors may be seen as the many peoples and experiences which the one known as V has met or shall meet in her life pattern. The number of four also is significant. Moving from the lower to the higher in energy centers one finds that the heart is the fourth center which may be seen as a means by which the Creator may be apprehended or known by the one known as V. Each previous center or moon having distinct vibratory signatures that this entity would profit from examining. We would recommend that she be given basic information concerning these centers so that she may further contemplate the message of this dream experience.

We find that this is the extent of the information which we are able to give at this time without infringement. Is there a further query, my sister?

C: No. Thank you from V.

I am Q’uo, and again we thank you my sister. May we ask if there is a final query at this time?

[No further queries.]

I am Q’uo, and as we have apparently exhausted the queries for this session of working, we would again thank each for inviting us to your meeting this day. It is a privilege for us to be able to join you, and we commend each for the great desire of each to be of service in the healing of this planet which has brought each to this circle of seeking this day. We would encourage each to continue in these efforts, for indeed your thoughts of healing are things which are seen and felt and which have their effect upon the levels of the spirit which, indeed, is that place within each of us that enlivens our very vehicles of experience, our hearts, our minds, and our desires to learn, and to serve, and to grow from the seed of Spirit that is firmly placed within each entity’s heart. As you send love and light to any, you send it to all, and there is a kind of reverberation that feeds this process and moves it in the metaphysical sense.

We are known to you as those of Q’uo, and we would take our leave of this instrument and this group at this time. We leave each, as always, in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I began my day by cleaning the sinks and shower door in my bathroom, and then I used a feather duster to dust the lower shelves in my bedroom. Later in the morning I used the vacuum cleaner to vacuum the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I went outside and went over to my neighbor’s home across the street and filled her two bird feeders with birdseed. When I got back home I got two empty garbage cans from the garage and put about three bags full of wet leaves in each garbage can to lighten the load of the large garbage can which was full of these bags of leaves after the gutters on my home were cleaned yesterday by a gutter cleaning service.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 27

Where Christ Awaits You

I am of that principle known to you as Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of Love divine.

We find this instrument’s mind this day a muddle of year-end business: things to be done, things to finish up for the old year, things to begin for the new. Her mind is not resting in the past, or the future, or the present but footling between them, attempting to make perfect that which has already been imperfectly perceived, while the attempt goes on in the future also to shape and position each prop and piece of business, that the stage of the future may be set well and performed upon perfectly. The present moment hardly exists in such a frame of mind.

Truly we grasp that in the darkness of your winter cycle it is well to put the old to rest and to welcome the new. But this day we ask you, in the Spirit of Divine Love, to seat yourself first upon the holy ground of the present moment where Christ awaits you, meekly, humbly, and without noise, silently, in the depths of your heart, in the inner room of the present moment. This is Christ the King, kneeling patiently and waiting for you to open the door.

May this feeling of presence be with you in Love and in peace everlasting. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from September 23, 2001:

The question today has to do with the concept of the “light-bringer,” the knowledge-bringer, whether this is Lucifer that was the knowledge-bringer or the light-bringer, or Eve who gave Adam the apple from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, we are wondering if Q’uo could give us some information about the nature of these entities, or these qualities that bring knowledge. Are these entities themselves either good or evil? How does the concept that they deliver to us give us the ability to pursue that which is good or evil, service-to-self or service-to-others? Last week Q’uo gave us some information concerning the Lightning Struck Tower which is also a concept or an image that shows light in its sudden and fiery form causing what seems to be destruction. We are wondering if there is other fruit from this destruction? Can something positive come out of the Lightning Struck Tower and, literally, the towers in New York City that were destroyed?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we are. It is a great privilege to be called to your group this week, and we thank you for the privilege of sharing our thoughts with you and for sharing this time of meditation. Each of your vibrations are beautiful to us, and we thank you for the gift of yourselves, the gift of your time, and your seeking.

We are most grateful to be able to speak with you and ask of you only that you be very careful in listening to what we have to say, for we are error-prone, those of opinion rather than of authority, seekers upon the path just as are you. And we do not want to constitute in any way a stumbling block to your seeking. Take those thoughts that appeal to you and leave the rest behind. This is the way of truth. All truth is not for all entities. There is a resonance to that truth that speaks to your own seeking and to your own situation. We ask you to trust your own powers of discrimination. For truly you have a very keen radar for truth and for falsity.

You ask this day concerning the Matrix of the Spirit and the Potentiator of the Spirit. And may we say that this is a very interesting subject and certainly one that challenges our ability to use this instrument to create a structure of sense and truth. For this is a mazed subject. The construction of archetypal images in a certain system is a tool, a resource of learning about the architecture of the deeps roots of your mind. It describes things that are impossible to put into words in terms of imagery and combinations of images. These are subjective images that are intended to act as triggers as much as patent images. They are not necessarily to be literally interpreted but to be felt, to be sensed, and to be entered into.

In the system of the images which we of the Confederation have often spoken to your group concerning, the archetypal images are divided into three groups: those that pertain to the body, those that pertain to the mind, and those that pertain to the spirit. In each of the three systems there is a matrix which is a still and unmoving structure that is a receptor web that has only very limited ability to act. What it can do is desire. It can reach. This is the nature of the matrix. It is essentially a structure into which catalyst will come and through which catalyst will be processed into experience. In these three systems the potentiator is that which is able to fertilize or to make fruitful the matrix. There is a dynamic between matrix and potentiator then. The basic dynamic is that, in the mind, the reacher and the reached; in the body, the body in constant motion, and the controller of that body; and in the spirit, the unreaching, unhasting darkness of spirit waiting for, hoping for, yearning for, and desiring information about itself. And out of the dynamic of that dark yearning comes the Potentiator of the Spirit, which is Light.

Let us take a moment to gaze at the power and the peace of this situation, of the empires of mind, and body, and spirit, of the supple and lithe connections between body and mind, mind and spirit, spirit and body. The spirit, the soul, the entity that each of you is, is a crystalline shape, a snowflake, shall we say, a beautiful crystal. Each of you is unique. Each of you has your own beauty. Each of you has your own symmetry. And within your crystal each of you is working with those perceived flaws, those clinging barnacles of matter that are not the gem. Each of you seeks the Light of Spirit to inform and advise. Each of you, then, has laid before you a tremendous range of resources upon which you can rely with your linear, intellectual mind, with all the powers of ratiocination that you have at your command, with the grace and rhythm of the pulsing body that in its instinct and in its essence is so completely aware as a second-density creature is of the Love and the Light, of the harmony and the unity of the creation and the infinite Creator. And of the tremendous strength of that creature which is the Spirit.

Thekingdom of the Spirit is a dark one. And we say this not because darkness is evil, for darkness is not evil. We say this because it is the nature of Spirit within third density to be largely impossible to see. It is dark because it must be dark, and the Light that is the Lightning Struck Tower, though it may seem radiant to the physical eyes when seen as a symbol in your World Trade Center bombing, in terms of metaphysics it is a frail and flickering candle of a lightning bolt that is all too quickly extinguished and shows all too little of the hidden landscape of the Spirit.

Each of you will spend the incarnational time that you have in this estate of peering into darkness using seemingly the dimmest of lights, occasionally receiving that Lightning, that bolt of epiphany that speaks, that is as the star that guides, that brings that moment of clarity and spiritual truth that is so blessed. Thusly the Matrix of the Spirit is called, in the tarot system, the Devil simply because the spirit seems, in its form, to be antithetical to the body. It seems that there is a tremendous sacrifice involved in moving from things of the body to things of the spirit. It seems as if one must give up the life, in a way, when one chooses the life of the Spirit because the life of the world no longer fits, no longer applies. When Light has been brought to the Spirit there is tremendous change and transformation that takes place. And there is a death process that goes on as the allegiance and the thinking of the seeker moves from one system, or realm, or kingdom to another.

The group question today was: “Last week Q’uo gave us some information concerning the Lightning Struck Tower which is also a concept or an image that shows light in its sudden and fiery form causing what seems to be destruction. We are wondering if there is other fruit from this destruction? Can something positive come out of the Lightning Struck Tower and, literally, the towers in New York City that were destroyed?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the Matrix of the Spirit and the Potentiator of the Spirit are archetypal images that describe the structure of the deep mind, and they should not be literally interpreted but should be felt and be experienced. Q’uo went on to say that the archetypal images are divided into those for the mind, the body, and the spirit, and they have little ability to act, but they can reach, and there is a dynamic between the matrix and the potentiator is that: “in the mind, the reacher and the reached; in the body, the body in constant motion, and the controller of that body; and in the spirit, the unreaching, unhasting darkness of spirit waiting for, hoping for, yearning for, and desiring information about itself. And out of the dynamic of that dark yearning comes the Potentiator of the Spirit, which is Light.” Q’uo continued by saying that each of us is a unique soul, a crystal with our own shape and beauty, and as we are working on flaws within our being we can be aided in this process by our rational mind, the Light of the Spirit, the rhythm of our body’s instincts, and the harmony and unity of the creation and the Creator. Then Q’uo said that the nature of the Spirit must be dark because the Light of the Lightning Struck Tower is dim and flickering in metaphysical terms and quickly goes out so that it shows little of the landscape of the
Spirit. So, Q’uo said that we will spend our lifetime peering into the darkness with a small candle, and occasionally we will have an experience of epiphany that brings us spiritual clarity and truth. Q’uo said that the Matrix of the Spirit is called the Devil because when Light has been brought to the Spirit there is a tremendous transformation that takes place, and there is the seeming death of the body that occurs as the thinking of the seeker moves from one realm to another. In 80.10, Ra told us why the Matrix of the Spirit is called the Devil:

Questioner: Now, the fifteenth archetype, which is the Matrix of the Spirit, has been called the Devil. Can you tell me why that is so?

I am Ra. We do not wish to be facile in such a central query, but we may note that the nature of the spirit is so infinitely subtle that the fructifying influence of light upon the great darkness of the spirit is very often not as apparent as the darkness itself.

The progress chosen by many adepts becomes a confused path as each adept attempts to use the Catalyst of the Spirit. Few there are which are successful in grasping the light of the sun. By far, the majority of adepts remain groping in the moonlight and, as we have said, this light can deceive as well as uncover hidden mystery.

Is this an evil Matrix? Is there something evil about the Spirit that has brought the energy of Lucifer and Satan into identification with it? We would say, no, absolutely without hesitation there is no evil whatever in the Spirit, nor is there good. But, rather, there is simply essence. There is that which is. This is how you are made. This is the way your vibrations are structured within the energy pattern or the energy field of your being. This is the way the Creator is articulated at this point in the Creator’s progress. And what you are looking at is, as this group has mentioned several times during the conversation, somewhat abstract and hard to get hold of because it is not the familiar. It is not the everyday. But, rather, it is what is moving below the surface of self in very deep portions of the self that help to shape the options that are available to each of you within the incarnation. The more that you can see into these relationships of Matrix and Potentiator of Spirit, the more hardy you may be in terms of being able to withstand and to be able to use the Light which there is because it is so precious and so rare.

Those who bring Light are, shall we say, a way or a symbol of the same thing as saying those who bring polarity. It is not precisely knowledge that the tree involved in the Garden of Eden story was bearing as its fruit. That is not it, precisely. It is not simply a body of knowledge that was forbidden. Rather, it is the essence of third density that is being talked about in this story. The creatures of Eden were basically second-density entities. They did not have free will. They did not have self-awareness. They were the created opportunities for spirit growth without the indwelling spirit. The story of the one known as Satan offering this fruit of good and evil to the one known as Eve is, as the one known as Eric points out, a delightful way of shifting the blame for the entire fall of human nature to women and that, shall we say, incorrect solution has entranced and delighted men in many different religious systems of those of your planet and has led many into sweeping generalizations concerning biases towards the feminine gender and their unworthiness which have been quite stubborn in balances within your peoples as a race.

Each of you, we find, within this circle is fully aware that this is not a correct solution. It is neither a masculine or a feminine quality, good and evil, but rather each of these genders is opportunities to learn certain lessons, and the souls that inhabit these bodies of gender are both sexes and neither sex; in other words, simply souls. But the reason, the logic behind the woman giving to the man this fruit of the tree of good and evil, this polarity, this third-density essence, is simply that in the system of archetypes the Matrix of the Mind is the unfed spirit, the unfed seeker and the Potentiator of the Mind is a deeply feminine character, the High Priestess, which represents, shall we say, the fructifying influence of the subconscious, so that the unfed mind is reaching into the subconscious for its knowledge, for its truth, for its beginning of experience. This is the only reason for this attribution of so-called evil to the feminine character. It is well, when looking at stories such as the Adam and Eve Story, to look at them in symbolic terms, in general terms, in terms that would suggest and would provoke contemplation of deeper issues.

The darkness of the spirit is like unto the darkness, the apparent darkness, of the starry heavens. As you gaze from the side of your planet out into your outer space, that thick velvet of infinite space is as are you in your spiritual aspect: an undiscovered country of hills and valleys unknown. And every place is sacred. And every place is full of information. And every place looks to be that which it is not. There is thick darkness and great depth of unknowingness to the spirit within third density. The veil of forgetting is very deep. And the life-giving Light, when it falls, yet does it not always disclose truth. And so there is a great peering into what Light there is to see beyond the falsity of the complex and intricate patterns of spirit.

Even when the veil of forgetting is lifted, even when you ascend into densities which are full of Light, yet still that Spirit is stubbornly unknown, and layers of misinformation and false patterning will fall away as the densities roll, and we find this still to be true with our selves. We find we still peel away another layer and another layer of that deception of Spirit which is part and parcel of the situation which we all enjoy as part of the Creator. It is not that the Creator intends to deceive. It is not that the Light means to be false. It is that there is so much of untold riches to the infinite Creator that It is not all articulated. There is much still for the Creator to know about Itself. And yet that seeking is a slow, slow process. For all that the Creator finds out about Itself, It finds out from you, each of you, each of us, each of all of those entities that live and move and have their being within the creation of the Father.

We find great beauty in this pattern. We do not understand it completely. As each of you works with your own spiritual journey, we ask simply that you not fear the Light-bringer who brings seeming destruction. For there must be that taken down as a preparation for that which is builded anew. There needs to be the removal of false concepts before the building of a fresh and vital concept.

Now Q’uo said that there is nothing evil or good about the Matrix of the Spirit, rather there was an essence of that which is, and this is how we are made and how our vibrations are formed within the energy field of our being and the way that the Creator is articulated at this time. Q’uo went on to say that what we are looking at in this process is difficult to describe, but it is what is moving in very deep portions of ourself that give us choices within our incarnation, and the more we can see into these relationships of Matrix and Potentiator of Spirit, the more we may be able to use the Light that is so precious and rare. Q’uo continued by saying that it was not the knowledge of good and evil that was talked about in the story of the Garden of Eden, but it was the essence of third density that was talked about as the creatures in the story were of the second density, without free will, and they had the opportunity for the growth of their spirit without the spirit being in them then, so when Satan offered the knowledge of good and evil to Eve this was a way of shifting the blame for the fall of human nature to women, and this incorrect assumption has been the reason why men of all religions have considered women as inferior to them. Then Q’uo said that this was an incorrect assumption as each soul is both male and female, and either sex as the concept of sexuality is utilized in the third density as a means of learning certain lessons that would aid in the polarization of seekers symbolized by the concepts of good and evil and the system of archetypes is the analogy for this as: “the Matrix of the Mind is the unfed spirit, the unfed seeker and the Potentiator of the Mind is a deeply feminine character, the High Priestess, which represents, shall we say, the fructifying influence of the subconscious, so that the unfed mind is reaching into the subconscious for its knowledge, for its truth, for its beginning of experience.” So, Q’uo said that this is the only reason why women are considered evil or inferior, and they suggested that when we look at stories like the Adam and Eve Story, to look at them in symbolic terms and consider looking for deeper issues. Q’uo said that our spirit is like the darkness of the starry heavens, and every place is sacred; every place is full of information; every place looks to be that which it is not. They said that the veil of forgetting is very deep, and so we look into what Light there is to see beyond the falsity of the intricate patterns of Spirit, and even when we move into the higher densities, the Light of the Spirit peels away various layers of misperception that are not meant to be false, but are means for the Creator to know Itself since there is so much rich knowledge that has yet to be revealed within each of our experiences that are part of the creation of the Father. Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that: “We find great beauty in this pattern. We do not understand it completely. As each of you works with your own spiritual journey, we ask simply that you not fear the Light-bringer who brings seeming destruction. For there must be that taken down as a preparation for that which is builded anew. There needs to be the removal of false concepts before the building of a fresh and vital concept.” In 77.17, Ra spoke of the role of the light-bringer in helping third density entities to polarize their consciousness:

Let us illustrate by observing the relative harmony and unchanging quality of existence in one of your, as you call it, primitive tribes. The entities have the concepts of lawful and taboo, but the law is inexorable and all events occur as predestined. There is no concept of right and wrong, good or bad. It is a culture in monochrome. In this context you may see the one you call Lucifer as the true light-bringer in that the knowledge of good and evil both precipitated the mind/body/spirits of this Logos from the Edenic conditions of constant contentment but also provided the impetus to move, to work, and to learn.

Those Logoi whose creations have been set up without free will have not, in the feeling of those Logoi, given the Creator the quality and variety of experience of Itself as have those Logoi which have incorporated free will as paramount. Thusly you find those Logoi moving through the timeless states at what you would see as a later space/time to choose the free will character when elucidating the foundations of each Logos.  

We would, at this time, transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, pausing only to offer to the one known as M the comment that we see the wanderers among your peoples because of the overlay of the vibratory patterns of their home density. Those who are wanderers can only feel this, as you have said, rather indirectly and by inference. However, it is our feeling that all those who are awakened upon this planet are wanderers at this time and functioning as such. We would now leave this instrument in love and in light and transfer to the one known as Jim. We are those known to you as Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time it is our privilege to ask if there might be further queries on the minds of those present. Is there another query at this time?

M: I’d like to know how the patterns of the matrix of the souls looks to you. Does it look geometric? What is it made of? What is its purpose?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The pattern of the matrix of souls who have taken incarnation and who have moved into the physical third-density for their incarnation is a pattern which is formed of Light, formed by Love, in a fashion which is useable by the mind complex for the purpose of pursuing information-gathering and decision-making, shall we say. For the Matrix of the Mind, in the system of images which you call the tarot, is a quality which allows for a nurturing of experience and the utilization of this experience in a useful manner. We would ask the questioner to query further as to more specific information.

M: I’d like to know how we can make use of it, for example. Can we visualize its form or its flow to help us learn better, or see more and make better informed choices, or heal ourselves? Things like that.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. All of which you have mentioned are possible for any seeking entity by the fruits of the seeking process. The Matrix of the Mind is a concept complex which is a tool for the seeker of truth, as are all the images of the Major Arcana of your system of tarot. For each one forms a kind of library, shall we say, that allows access to various portions of the mind itself. If we look at the mind as a jewel, each concept complex of the tarot is as a facet of this jewel. The jewel, the mind itself, is brilliant in its appearance to us, for there is light in each entity which is emanating from this jewel in such and such a fashion according to the proclivity or tendency of each seeker to seek in its own way. Thus some facets of the jewel of the mind are brighter than others and the overall balance of brilliance is that which reflects or measures the seeking intensity and efficiency of each seeker. We would see the Matrix and the other facets of the mind as avenues which a seeker may pursue in any manner chosen by free will, including each of those which you listed. Is there another query, my sister?

M: That’s all at this time.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I received a letter yesterday from Bruce Peret, and he said that the Earth had once again accepted us and wanderers in general as those whom it would accept love from and accept healing from. Can you comment on this situation with our planet and its feelings and experience right now?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The entity which you call Earth, or Gaia, is one which is in the process of its own evolution as is each entity upon it. The Earth entity at this time, realizing that it is preparing to move into a more intense portion of the birthing of a new Earth is, as we have mentioned previously, particularly vulnerable as is any woman who is about to give birth to new life. The experience of many thousands of years of difficulties between the populations of this planet has caused the entity of Earth to be, shall we say, infected with a great deal of anger and hostility, the vibrations of the bellicose actions of your peoples over a great portion of your time. This heat of anger has caused the entity of Earth to release the excess heat in various places in various manners. Those geophysical eruptions of your volcanoes, the earthquakes, and so forth have been able to release some of this buildup of heat so that the mantle of the Earth, in some places, is rearranged in a fashion which causes a great deal of physical destruction. Yet the alignment possible after such rearrangements is that which welcomes the newer vibrations of love and compassion which are now moving more fully into expression within some portions of, not only the Earth entity, but large portions of the Earth’s populations. Thus the entity of Earth has begun to vibrate more fully in harmony with both the newer vibrations of Love and compassion and those of the population of this planet which has also sought to harmonize with these vibrations as well. Thus there is, within the Earth entity, a feeling of excitement at this opportunity, of distress at the difficulty of the birth, of compassion for those who suffer, and a kind of maternal disapproval of those who yet linger in the ways of war. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: Yes, Q’uo. I would just like to ask then: is our daily meditation practice the best shot that we have at reassuring Mother Earth that we do love her and wish to help her through this birth?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would respond by suggesting that the regular meditations, focused upon the healing of this planet and the possibility of peace for its populations, is most helpful at this time and at any time. For as one is able to see light entering into the darkened world awaiting war, there is a balancing that is given yet another avenue to enter into the Earth vibrations. There is a point of balance, a fulcrum, which you may see created by your efforts to visualize peace and healing. This fulcrum is within the mass mind, or the planetary mind, of the population of this planet. It is that new mind, shall we say, which is being born at this time as the fourth-density positive population which shall remain as the remnant in its path of evolution at some point in your future, in all probability. When groups such as this one, and many, many others around this planet, meet for the purpose of visualizing peace and healing it is as a level moving through this fulcrum, lightening the vibratory pattern that has been prevalent for a great portion of your time. We recommend that such meditative experiences be regular and include not only this country but all those who are engaged in the pursuit of war, or the destruction of fellow humans. For each entity is quite closely connected to each other entity. The concept of unity is that which eludes most peoples of your planet at this time. That concept of linkage of one to another is most important to enhance at this time so that the vibrations of healing, acceptance, compassion, forgiveness, mercy, understanding, and so forth may be injected into the peoples of the various geographical vicinities of this planet, thus strengthening the bond that each is aware of at some level of the life experience. Thus the vibrations of light sent forth in meditation move where they are needed most, into those areas of the planet and the population which are engaged in the destructive effects of separation and the thinking which brings it about. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No, thank you. That was plenty. Thanks.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

C: Could you say something further about the remnant that will remain here for fourth-density work?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The so-called remnant, that portion of this planetary population which shall remain with this planet, is labeled as such by many for there is in all likelihood a far greater portion of the population which shall need to find further experience within the third density in order to balance the difficult vibrations which have not allowed the graduation into the density of compassion. Thus, those who do remain and who seek in the positive sense are from various locations, shall we say, not just this third-density planet which you call Earth. For the population from this planet that will be able to welcome and enjoy the vibrations of Love and compassion is small in comparison to what this planet could comfortably welcome and stably house.

There are many entities coming from other third-density planets who have made the graduation at this time, who are incarnating early within the fourth-density experience of this planet in order to help it in its birth process. This is considered a great honor, for there is much catalyst at this time which these entities seek to utilize in a positive or magical sense; that is, the transmutation of the vibrations of separation into that which enhances the unity between all the peoples and the creation itself. This population of the new Earth is that which is like unto the vanguard that moves first into the difficult areas of conflict and seeks to combat the difficulties with the vibrations of Love. There is no direct conflict, as you are undoubtedly aware, for those who move under the banner of Love are those which welcome the opportunity to transmute the dark and heavy vibrations into those which are Light and full of Love by the effort that they make in these latter days of your third density.

Is there another query?

C: Not at this time. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

M: How will we physically clean up the Earth? Will there be magical means? Will we be able to clean it up?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. One of the primary qualities of the fourth-density experience is that which may be seen to be the ability to utilize the frontal lobes of the human brain in a manner which is able to participate as a co-Creator. The ability to create with the mind those tools and resources necessary for the revitalization of this planetary entity which you call Earth is the primary means whereby the healing of this planet may be achieved.

Is there a further query, my sister?

M: I am concerned about the loss of species of animals. I wonder if they can be restored?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. And we can assure you that through both the processes which we have just mentioned and the natural regeneration of the Earth itself will make it possible for this planet to become inhabited by those species which have previously been present upon and within its being. This is correct.

Is there a further query?

M: No. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

C: I would like to ask about working with frustration. I seem to have a great deal of it these days. A lot of people are dealing with it now and struggling against daily things as well as larger things. Do you have any recommendation other than meditation?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would suggest the further use of meditation in a specific fashion in order to deal with the increased stress and frustration which the daily round of activities for each of your peoples has brought in this time of turmoil for most of your population.

When the end of the day has come, or at some portion just prior to retiring for the day, we would recommend the sitting in meditation and the reviewing of the portions of the day which were perceived as frustrating. Look again at each situation. Relive the experience of frustration and observe the components of this experience: each entity, each event, thought, response, each detail which you can remember, so that the experience is once again alive in the mind. Then when this frustration is felt in this particular type of meditation, allow the balancing emotions of peace, of understanding, of acceptance, of tolerance, of humor to begin to surface as well within the mind until there is an equality of power between the frustration and the peace. This is a kind of short course, shall we say, in experiencing the incarnation. If one is able to accept the self, both for having the frustration as an experience and for being able to find within the self the ability to balance that with the feelings of acceptance, compassion, mercy and so forth, then you are able to move in a more balanced fashion within your daily round of activities, having laid the foundation within both the subconscious and conscious portions of the mind for being able to deal with various other frustrating experiences in succeeding days and rounds of activities.

Is there a further query, my sister?

C: No. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my sister. Is there a final query at this time?

E: I would like to know if it is possible for us to straighten out the situation on this planet without straightening out the situation between the sexes?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The situation, as you have described it, is one which has many, many facets, being rooted first in the concept of separation. What is the first separation? Self from self. As each individual entity views portions of itself as needing punishment, as being less than valuable, as being unworthy, then is born the concept of the separation of self from others as well. So that which you have described as the difficulty between male and female sexes upon your planet and the subjugation of the latter by the former, then, this kind of separation is also possible between groups of peoples, one state and another, one country and another, one religion and another, and so forth.

Thus, it would be helpful to begin the healing, not only between the female and male portions of the populations, but between those portions of the self which have been rejected for one reason or another and have made the possibility of rejecting other entities a reality. The healing of this planet and its peoples is a healing which begins with each self and moves outward to include all other selves.

Is there a further query, my brother?

E: Then, if I have you right, then, it basically starts with the self? Straightening out my relationship with my self is where I need to begin rather than worrying about gender relations. Is that correct?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would recommend that indeed the effort at healing begin with the self but at the same time include all other relationships of self with other self, the male and female relationship being primary among all relationships. Thus the healing process may be far reaching in its overall scope but indeed begins with the self.

Is there another query?

E: No. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my brother. At this time we feel that we have spoken as fully as this particular instrument is able to, for there is some distraction and fatigue. We thank each once again for inviting our presence this day. It is a great honor to be invited to join your circle of seeking, and we can assure each that the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator has many emissaries present at this time observing the movement of your peoples from one concept of love and acceptance to another. As this concept begins to spread from one grouping of peoples to another we see a great deal of light being generated so that your planet at this time is a combination of the light and the dark in many different patchwork places so that the light very slowly but surely begins to burn brighter in those areas where there are hearts to open to the concept of love more and more fully as the catalyst becomes greater and greater. You are not alone, my friends. There is a great company of the heavenly host which moves at this time to send its Light where it is most needed according to the difficulties that various portions of your planet now experience. As your meditation groups meet and send their light it is joined by the light of many, many others and moves into those areas at this time that are in difficulty.

We are those of Q’uo and we add our light to yours, and at this time we would take our leave of this instrument and this group. We leave each, as always, in the love and in the light of the one Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I went on an errand run with my first stop at Feeder’s Supply to buy some birdseed for my neighbor across the street. My second stop was at PetCo to buy some treats for Bosco and more cat caps for his rear claws. My third stop was at Kroger’s to buy some Pepsi-Zero. My fourth stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself. My Fifth stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store to buy various non-food items. My last stop was at the vet’s to pick up some meds for Bosco.

This afternoon I signed a number of Thank You letters for contributions that have been made to L/L Research.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 26

Christ’s Divine Care

I am the Spirit of the full consciousness of Love. I greet you in the divine Love of Jesus the Christ.

It is considered desirable by you to retain your spiritual point of view as you go through the experiences of your daily rounds of activity. And, indeed, we have always encouraged this attempt.

It may perhaps be seen that the reciprocal needs also the attention. That is, it is well to bring the seemingly mundane, everyday experiences of daily life into the holy atmosphere of divine meeting and contemplation.

For if life can be lifted up by thought, then its means of lifting comes not only from the higher idea to the lower manifestation but from manifestation gazing back upon that which is unmanifest and perfect.

In this way, those things which do not feel blessed may be brought into the circle of Christ’s divine care. And raveled and frayed though things may be, yet still all is comforted within that divine purview of Love.

May we offer and leave you in the peace and the joy of the Love of Jesus Christ, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from September 16, 2001:

The question today, Q’uo, as I am sure that you already know, concerns the recent acts of terrorism that have come to the United States. Many people have died, and much property has been destroyed, and there is a lot of talk about retribution, about war, and a lot of fear and anger, a lot of confusion. And we are wondering what this situation looks like from Q’uo’s point of view. We are told that this world is an illusion. It is a place where we come to learn to love. From our point of view, right here, right now, it is a very difficult place to learn to love. We are wondering what Q’uo can add to our knowledge of just exactly what has occurred, what does it mean to us in the spiritual sense, and what can we as individuals do to help the situation?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings, love and light to you each, the light and the love of the infinite Creator and the infinite unity of all that is. We thank each of you for joining our group this afternoon. We thank you for calling to us with your thirst for truth. We thank you for your sacrifice of time and your attention. We thank you for a great privilege, for it is a great privilege to be allowed to share our thoughts with you.

It has been asked of us this day that we tell you what our point of view is upon the events taking place within your earth world at this time. May we say, first of all, that we greatly appreciated the comments that were made in the sharing of thoughts and reflections that preceded this meditation. We are aware, to some extent, of the distress and the discomfort of the normal tenor of life your peoples have greatly suffered, and it is a particular kind of suffering which is not only the suffering of particular nation but a suffering which goes beyond your nation states and into the overriding ethos of your culture.

What it looks like to us is somewhat different because we see in a wider range of things that are visible. We are not limited by physical limitations in what we see, what we hear, shall we say, what we are aware of, but rather are limited only by our distortions which to us is limit enough. Because of being able to see into the finer planes of your planet’s ongoing developing nature and essence we are able to report both that there is genuine suffering going on within your Earth world in the finer planes, and that there is at this time, as this instrument and as the one known as Steve has mentioned, a tremendous outpouring of love, light, and energy.

To express our point of view is to ask all of you to come from a standpoint of looking within the parameters garnered by physical limitations to the realm of concepts. For in the metaphysical creation, which is the counterpart of the physical creation, concepts are that which is, shall we say, real, and form is a matter of choice. Consequently, it is the color and structure of thoughts that creates meaning. It is a creation in which what this instrument would call ideals are geography, and these ideas, these concepts, these thoughts are of an order which your peoples have studied in various ways as mythology, as religion, as philosophy of a certain kind, always attempting to express truths that are too fine for the physical senses to comprehend.

Onesystem, which this instrument is somewhat familiar with, of studying this creation of concepts is that system which predated the tarot deck as used for divination and consisted of the twenty-two archetypal images which this instrument and this group have previously questioned about. One of these images is called, in the system offered by those of Ra, the Tower or the Lightning Struck Tower, and it is at this level of meaning that we would look at your planetary situation from a metaphysical point of view. Your planet as an entity, as well as each of you as a part of the human family of Earth, is moving through a tremendously transformative period. We speak now not in terms of physical transformation, although physical transformation is, to some extent, likely. We have no idea to what extent. That will be determined by people such as you and the thoughts that they think within your next fairly finite period of time.

We speak of the metaphysical aspect of intense transformation as this planet changes densities, changes the very nature of its core particles, changes the nature of its Light, changes the way that Light is able to come into the planetary aura or grid of energies. It has been transforming for approximately two thousand of your years to some extent. It has been beginning to accelerate for the last, say, two hundred years to a marked degree. And as each of you is aware, it is profoundly accelerating in exponentially shorter amounts of physical time/space as the cusp of transformation is reached. As far as we are aware, that cusp will be reached within the next decade. At that point your planet will have awakened its fourth-density nature. That indicates magnetic change, electrical change, change of a profound nature that has already been showing up for some of your years in newly discovered, very quirky, sub-density particles. It will continue to be a situation where the finer energies keep showing up for brief periods of time within the physical universe as these transformative processes continue.

The group question for this session was: “The question today, Q’uo, as I am sure that you already know, concerns the recent acts of terrorism that have come to the United States. Many people have died, and much property has been destroyed, and there is a lot of talk about retribution, about war, and a lot of fear and anger, a lot of confusion. And we are wondering what this situation looks like from Q’uo’s point of view.” Q’uo began their reply by referring to the destruction of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001, as a suffering which went beyond all of our nations and the spirit of our culture, and there is a suffering going on within the finer planes of our Earth, but there is also a tremendous outpouring of love, light, and energy as well. Q’uo went on to say that looking beyond the physical reality and into the metaphysical creation concepts are real, and form is a matter of choice; ideals are geography; and these concepts which people have studied in various ways as mythology, religion, and philosophy attempt to express truths that are too fine for the physical senses to comprehend. Q’uo continued by saying that one metaphysical system of studying these concepts was the archetypes of the Major Arcana, specifically the Lightning Struck Tower [Arcanum Number Sixteen—The Potentiator of the Spirit] ,and Q’uo said that both our Earth and its population were going through a metaphysical transformation into the fourth density where the nature of the core particles changes the way that Light is able to come into the planetary grid of energies, and this transformation has been going on for approximately two thousand years, and it has begun to accelerate for the last two hundred years to a marked degree. Then Q’uo said that the point of transition into the fourth density would occur within the next ten years, and it has already been showing up as a magnetic change of very quirky, sub-density particles which will continue to be a situation where the finer energies keep showing up for brief periods of time within the physical universe as these transformative processes continue. On November 24, 1985, Hatonn spoke of the nature of planetary transformation:

How we encourage you to continue in your meditations and prayers, and then we encourage you to open the eyes and see within each day, each experience, not only the good that can come from that but the clues towards your own centering and your own greatest depth of being.

We realize that we speak to those who already meditate, but if anything, this makes our emphasis upon meditation the stronger, for there is the possibility of constant transformation. Guide your will, my friends, and witness the growing consciousness of the oneness of all entities, for, indeed, this consciousness is growing among your peoples, and it will have its harvest of Love, Light, and planetary transformation. With all the vibrant energy that lies within your soul, my friends, love one another within the illusion and through the illusion by turning your will to the Creator and that great original Thought of Love.

In this climate of change, the Earth is as vulnerable as a pregnant mother that is giving birth to a child. It is vulnerable in a way that it has not been vulnerable, as entities are always vulnerable in times of change. And from the standpoint of the entity Earth, which this instrument is fond of calling Gaia, it has been given an unending amount of negative emotional catalyst by those entities who are attempting to polarize towards service-to-self and by the careless actions of those who are not attempting to polarize in either direction, and who occasionally create suffering almost casually. The thoughts entities have habitually thought over a long period of time have created difficulties in the health and the welfare of Gaia. And as the physical parameters of the Earth are nudged into change or catapulted into change—and this is your choice—there is the possibility for natural global catastrophe, not simply the catastrophe of mankind against mankind. It has happened frequently enough in other third-density graduations where the process of maturation of the species upon a planet was not able to endure through the lessons of love. We are grateful to the one known as Jim who witnessed to the lack of love upon your planet. Truly, no truer words, no truer thought has been spoken than this one. Your people and Gaia desperately need to be loved; to be seen, to be apprehended for the first time as part of the self.

Many times we have said in response to your questions about this transformative time that we prefer not to give specific information. For one thing, at best we would be approximating the largest probability/possibility vortexes. We would be telling you what is likely to occur, for the future is not fixed. It is liquid. It is a creature of thought, and it will be the fruit of the seeds that you are planting now. It is said in your holy works that others have planted, and you have reaped, that which you have planted others shall reap, and this is deeply so. Many are the painful, angry, furious, negative emotions that have been sprayed across this planet by the self to the self. For my friends, that is what the situation truly is. All of you are sparks of one flame. All of you are one thing. You may choose at this time a direction of how to think, and we simply encourage you to focus the mind, the heart and the commitment upon Love.

Let us go back to that Lightning Struck Tower and look at its significance again. Within your next decade or two this transformation will have taken place. This is the time to acknowledge fully the need to learn the ways of the self, to become more and more familiar with the thoughts of the heart with an eye to working with these thoughts, to accentuating the tendency towards positivity, towards compassion, towards tolerance, towards creativity, towards hope and faith. For that which has crashed your tower of the physical world and brought it down is a very literal symbol of an archetypal process. The Matrix of the Spirit in this tarot system is called the Devil. And the Lightning-Struck Tower is the Potentiator of the Spirit. The Matrix of the Spirit is called this because those who bring light have always had a bad reputation. Lucifer is one of the names that is most telling that is used for the Devil in your culture. The roots of this word mean “light-bringer.”

The lie of your metaphysical dynamic is concerned with the value of wisdom in spiritual seeking within third density. Knowledge and wisdom, in the spiritual sense, can be seen to be highly negative when unlit, unillumined, by Love. That is why love is learned before wisdom. That is why love must be learned before wisdom. For when wisdom is learned first it is fair to the taste and so smooth within the intellectual digestion, and so handy and useful in the intellectual display of personality and intelligence that it is often not clear, for lifetimes at a time, that without love, wisdom is utterly devoid of content. No matter how many fine thoughts roll around inside of an intellectual system, if it does not come into the heart and become grounded by what this instrument would call good works, good living, it will not abide in the sense of being spiritually useful for the evolution and the maturity of the soul.

The Lightning Struck Tower is a kind of signal at this time that great catalyst is now available for the spirit. In the tarot system, which this instrument is somewhat familiar with, the Catalyst of the Spirit is Hope. You could also call this entity Faith. We think you will find that honing the faculties of faith, hope, and love will be an agenda that will keep you profitably busy for the rest of your incarnation doing what you came to do, serving as you came to serve. We hope you will realize that you have already begun, that you have already done much work. We appreciate the sentiments of the one known as Cindy who, like so many, feels that she may be the least among the assembled. Each is the least among the assembled, for each is one with all that are assembled. Each has done great work in this lifetime and in previous lifetimes. Each comes to this moment with some sense of awareness that this time is special, and we hope that each of you will believe yourselves and will take courage, and become ever more faithful simply in being creatures of Light. This is your nature. We do see the inconveniences, the suffering that has occurred. We see the possibilities that continue to open, not simply from this vortex, but from others. And we say to you, in the words of the Holy Bible, “Let not your heart be moved. In quietness and in confidence shall be your strength.”

You are now those who bear a kind of light to Earth. In a way, you are Lucifer now, but you are not evil, nor was Lucifer intending towards evil. Indeed, much in this story is mis-told, but archetypically speaking we see your situation as one that is much more blessed and much more hopeful, because of the change in the last ten years, the last twenty years, the last thirty years. We see an acceleration of the Light on this planet as well as an acceleration of the dark. To us, it is very clear that the forces of light are gaining strength.

Then Q’uo said that in these times of change that our Mother Earth, Gaia, is vulnerable to the emotional thoughts of negative entities who have caused Gaia to experience difficulties in her health and welfare that could lead to global catastrophe which has happened on other third-density planets that were not able to learn the lessons of love, so the people and Gaia desperately need to be loved, to be seen, to be apprehended for the first time as part of the self. Q’uo went on to say that they were not able to predict the outcome of these difficult times and energies because the future is not fixed but is the product of the seeds of thought that are being planted at this time, and they encouraged us to focus our mind and heart to the commitment to Love. Q’uo continued by saying that within another decade or two our transformation will take place, so this is the time for us to learn the ways of our heart to focus on positivity, tolerance, and faith because that which brought the Twin Towers down is a literal symbol of an archetypal process which Q’uo described as: “The Matrix of the Spirit in this tarot system is called the Devil. And the Lightning-Struck Tower is the Potentiator of the Spirit. The Matrix of the Spirit is called this because those who bring light have always had a bad reputation. Lucifer is one of the names that is most telling that is used for the Devil in your culture. The roots of this word mean “light-bringer.” Then Q’uo went on to say that within the third density love must be learned before wisdom because if wisdom is learned before love, it is devoid of content and can result in negative thoughts and actions, so wisdom must be grounded by good works and good living or it will not provide a sense of being spiritually useful for the evolution and the maturity of our soul. Now Q’uo said that the Lightning Struck Tower is a symbol of the catalyst that is now available for our spirits, and they suggested that we utilize the Faith of the Catalyst of the Spirit to exercise our faculties of faith, hope, and love as they will keep us busy on our spiritual path for the rest of our lives as we realize our destiny of what we came to do; serving as we came to serve; believing in ourselves; and becoming more faithful by being creatures of Light. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that we are light-bringers much like Lucifer, but not at all evil, and Q’uo said that over the last ten to twenty years that they have seen an acceleration of the Light and dark on this planet, and they believe that the forces of Light are gaining strength. On September 15, 2018, Q’uo described one way to call upon the forces of light to be enhanced upon our planet:

This is an interesting query, in that the answer is both a yes and a perhaps. The yes is given to those entities who are able to use the meditative state in a more specific sense. That is, in the ability to create visualizations of various portions of Gaia that are in need of healing, and to see them with clarity for a number of what you would call your minutes. These visions, held in the conscious mind, then in the meditative state, may provide an ability for the forces of Light to send to Gaia those imaged experiences of healing and wholeness that she so desperately needs. The perhaps is given to those entities who are able to utilize their catalyst in the sense by which we just spoke in the previous query, to enhance their own process of seeking so that they are able to open their hearts more and more in the Love vibration, and this vibration is that which then adds its healing energy to that of Gaia and her needs, for as you grow, so does she grow. As more and more seek the Love and the Light of the One Creator within their own hearts and experiences, so then is further healing offered to your Mother Earth.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We leave this instrument in love and in light. We are those known to you as the Q’uo.

[Pause for a few moments.]

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. We are aware that there are many questions upon the minds yet remaining, and in hopes of speaking to some of these we would now open this session to those questions. Is there another query at this time?

T: I am sure it was probably covered, but I did my usual thing and went away for a while and didn’t hear the whole channeling. In everything that I read there is always a need for balance and while I don’t use the word evil too often, this would make one think of that word for sure. But this is a thing that has happened that is on a very big scale. Is this something at this time that is a polarity balancing sort of thing? I mean, in order for us to see the good and finally start pulling together as a people everywhere, do we have to see something so terrible that it is called evil or is called bad but is the opposite of the good that we try to do if we would all try to pull together? I hope that that made sense.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. That this event would be seen and experienced as that which is catastrophic is as you have correctly surmised, a necessary culmination of those energies which have, for many of your millennia, been in motion upon your planet, and this present expression of anger and hatred is that which can be seen in one of two ways: as that which demands retribution and a continuation of those energies of which it was born, or it can be seen as the alarm which rings the alert to those observing that there is something tremendously dislocated, shall we say, in the relationship between the various members of the family of humanity upon your planet and which needs attention, which needs understanding, which needs love and compassion. So difficult is it to look beneath the surface of events to see the genesis of such that most of your peoples do not make this effort. It is far easier to rest upon the simple and quick assessment of things.

Thus, this experience of the loss of life and love can be that which ignites many hearts to love, to light, and to service. For each entity upon this planet can be of service in this event, for each has those with whom difficulties have arisen in the daily round of activities. Each experiences this same loss of love, and each has the power within the heart to open in love to those with whom one is in relationship. Each time that love is given instead of hate, instead of confusion, instead of reprimand, instead of ignoring, instead of walking away, then there is the magical transformation that is possible when faith and will work together in each life. Then it is possible that such an event such as this great tragedy can bring more of the peoples of this planet into an awareness of the heart of their heart, of that which wishes to be awakened, of that which each took incarnation to awaken.

There have been tragedies aplenty throughout the many millennia of human inhabitation of this planet. None before have brought this awareness of the need of love to the consciousness in a strong enough way that there was a general response of love. It may be that this event also does not draw this response. It may be that this event does indeed draw that response. As we have said, the future is liquid. It is determined moment by moment by each of the many billions of entities upon this planet. Each entity can love. Each entity can heal. Each entity can have an effect upon how this scenario plays its course.

Is there another query, my brother?

T: No. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

S: Could you tell us what role, if any, of the Orion, service-to-self group, and their agents of influence had on this issue?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We can begin by stating that the influence of those of negative polarity, those of the so-called Orion group, has been great for many thousands of your years upon this planet. Their endeavor to create the concept of the elite has been seeded throughout the many cultures and religions of this planet so that there is seen by all of the various religions, in their narrower or, as it is called upon your planet, fundamental, sense that there is reason to act as they act. It is for those within all cultures and religions who have the deep desire to truly serve the one Creator in all that may see beyond and behind the illusion of the elite, the illusion of separation, to that which binds all entities into one. This is the great geste, my friend: to see love where there is little reason to see it, to find unity where separation seems the only logical path, to see a brother or a sister instead of an enemy. It is not easy, my friends. But you did not incarnate with an easy plan for learning and for service. For this is the culmination of your planet’s great Master Cycle of third-density evolution. It is at this time that those great swings of power over people can be balanced by love for people.

Is there another query at this time?

S: Any particular suggestions as to how we may be of service in this situation, for others, not only current needs but as further events unfold, to help them balance things?

I am Q’uo. We are aware of your query, my brother. Our recommendation is to love. When each situation, whether large or small, whether global or familial, or simply pointed towards the self, arises, ask yourself, “How can I love? Who can I love? Where can I love?” To love is enough, for to love is the reason for which each took incarnation. Is there another query, my brother?

S: Not from me right now. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I would like to follow up on S’s question by noting that we started doing an additional meditation at 9 o’clock at night to balance the one at 9 o’clock in the morning, with the thought that maybe others would like to join in spirit from around our global family and wondered if you would comment on this method of expressing love and any other concrete suggestions for ways that we could come together as a group to make a difference?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. We heartily endorse the efforts of joining together in group meditation in order to heal the rupture in the garment, shall we say, of this country, this planet, this family of humans. For to focus upon the inner world of spirit is to take refuge in that which is real. This world, the one which you inhabit now, the one which suffers mightily, is but an illusion born of the truth of spirit. Here, you are offered the opportunity to serve under adverse conditions, and so you shall.

[Tape is turned.]

I am Q’uo and am once again with this instrument. We greet you again in love and in light. May we ask if there is another query at this time?

S: Carla had mentioned earlier that she had many people contacting her for assurance that everything is OK. Are there any briefer words of wit or wisdom for those looking for that type of assurances? What would our best response be?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother, We, again, as we are wont to do in many situations, recommend that each utilize the tool of meditation upon a daily basis, utilizing the opportunity to commune with the one Creator and to find the strength of that unifying connection that leaves one with the conclusion that truly all are one, and that whatever occurs to a brother or sister, occurs to you. So that when one loves those who have not been loved previously that one is loving all beings, that when one can heal any misunderstanding or wound in a relationship that one aids the healing and the loving of this planet and its population.

We would recommend to each entity that within the meditative state one see the ruptures in this planet’s beingness. Perhaps you can locate them geographically within your mind, seeing them as dark and hurting, in pain and confusion. And then, begin to bring the light and the love of the one Creator into the image. See that rupture of hurt and pain lightened by this love of the one Creator, shining forth through the eyes of all. Focus upon the injury, the hurt, and the pain until it is also as bright as the noonday sun.

Though one may feel that such an image is a small thing compared to the immensity of the agony in your world today, we can assure you that when your inner world of spirit is illumined by your free will choice with love and light these thoughts are things, and this is more and more truly so as your planet moves into fourth density at this time, and this light and love goes where it is needed. And there is healing. And there is hope. And there is a direction that leads each into that unity with each other self upon this planet. The process may not be short. It may not be easy, but it is ever possible to those who have the faith and the will to persevere. All things are possible when entered into with love, acceptance, compassion, humility, tolerance, and the light touch. These are your allies, my friends, and each other heart in love who is joined with you in this great quest which you are upon ever more fully at this time in your planet’s history.

Is there another query, my brother?

S: No. Thanks.

C: I’d like to ask if the same method can be applied to healing the Earth as you recommend for the healing of humanity?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister, and this is indeed so. This technique of visualization may be used for any kind of healing, whether of the self, of another self, of a people, of a country, of a planet. Wherever there is that which is broken, that which is hurt, that which is injured, healing is possible for mind, for body, for spirit and for the ability to continue where there seems to be little reason. The imagining, the imaging is that which calls for from the deeper levels of the subconscious mind the connection with the one Creator, with the Logos of Love, that enables that Love to move through your being to wherever it is needed. This is a means by which each may avail the self of that ability to open to Love, to give Love, to direct Love, to feel Love, to be Love.

Is there another query, my sister?

C: In addition to meditation is there anything that we can do with crystals to aid in the healing process?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. There are various aids, shall we say, that one may employ in the persistent meditation. By persistent meditation we recommend that a time and a place for meditation be set aside on a daily basis so that when one retires to that place at that time that these become signals, prompts, if you will, to the subconscious mind that it is time for a working; it is time for a healing. If one wishes also to utilize crystals, incense, any type of sensory deprivation, such are means of refining this type of visualization in meditation which may be utilized as the meditator desires. Each entity will find a slightly different means by which to accomplish this healing meditation. And whatever rings of truth to the entity is that which we would heartily suggest and encourage. For each entity has come into this incarnation with the ability to do this kind of work. Indeed, each has come with many abilities which can be brought forth in times of heavy catalyst, shall we say. Each will feel a certain kind of awakening, a certain kind of enlivening of the spirit within as this kind of daily meditation and visualization is undertaken. For as you retire to the world of spirit you retire to that which is real, which powers you through this world of illusion. We cannot recommend meditation enough, my friends, for this is your link with the infinite. This is your link with truth. This is your link with Love. This is your link with your true self and all other selves on your planet.

Is there another query, my sister?

C: No. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

M: I have one. Is there a particular time of day or of year that is most conducive to meditation?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that indeed for some who have a great deal of time to meditate that there are times that are more opportune than others. For some the dawning hours are most helpful for they signify the beginning of a new day, a day fresh with opportunity, a day ready to be painted, shall we say, by the heart, by the creative and curious mind, by the passion for living and sharing, for learning and loving. For others, the time nearest the sleep is helpful, for some feel more desire to heal that which has occurred, to experience again the difficulties of the day that then, as the day ends, there may be an effort to heal them.

For some there is much of strength and empowering that occurs with meditation at the noonday when the sun is at its zenith and the light of your day is its strongest and brightest. Thus, you see there is a great variety of times which might be helpful to each entity. We recommend that each consider for itself the daily round of activities and their requirements and to look at those times when one would feel the most comfortable and ready to enter into the meditative state and to do work upon consciousness for the whole planet. Regularity of the time chosen is that which is most helpful, whether it be the beginning, the middle or the end of the day is really not as important as that the time be regular and be done each day at the same time.

Is there a further query, my brother?

M: Not from me. Thank you.

I am Q’uo and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

[Pause for thirty seconds.]

I am Q’uo. As it appears that we have exhausted the queries for this session of working we would once again thank each for inviting our presence this day in your seeking in your circle of working. It is a great honor for us to be here. We may say that we feel the great desire for truth, the desire for healing, the desire for serving that is present in this circle this day. We can say to each present that you are not alone. There are many more circles of seeking upon this planet that are shining most brightly at this time, for it is apparent to many more entities upon this planet at this time that there is the need for such healing, for such seeking and for such serving. Know that you walk with a goodly company of lighted souls who see and seek beyond the illusion and who walk with you each step and who encourage you through their own meditations, their own circles of working. For each of you is likened to the other. Moreover each of you is the other, and when this truth can be seen, and known, and felt, and experienced, and lived in the daily round of activities more and more fully upon your planet, then will the difficulties that you experience at this time and for so long in the history and culture of every country be eased, then will you be more fully able to channel that Love and that Light in your everyday activities and to heal the wounds that have long festered in the population of all countries and all hearts. Then will it be more possible to know the love of the Creator and to see it expressed about one. Know that you are joined by those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator upon a daily basis, and when you do meditate or think upon these things a simple request is all that is necessary for various entities from this Confederation of Planets to join you in your meditations, in your thoughts, in your love and in your healing.

We are known to you as those of Q’uo. We would take our leave at this time of this instrument and of this group, leaving each as always in the love and in the light of the one Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I put the dishes from the dish washer back on the shelves on the east side of the kitchen. Then I put the dishes from above the microwave oven into the dish washer, and then I cleaned the shelves with pledge.

This afternoon I took the dishes out of the dishwasher and put them back on the shelves above the microwave oven. Then I went around the living room, the office, and my bathroom and put the plates and pots of various sizes and shapes into the dishwasher. When I take them out of the dishwasher tonight all I will have left to do to remember Carla’s love of Christmas and sharing it with her family will be to clean the silver items with Tarnish. Carla loved Christmas because she had a special relationship with Jesus from a very early age, and cleaning the crystal ware, China plates and cups, and the silver plates and cups is my way of enjoying the Christmas season in remembrance of Carla.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 25

The Folly Of Christmas

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Love that is in Christ Jesus, and I greet you in the full consciousness of our common divinity.

You have experienced the ritual bringing forth, into the world of sense and shadow, the unchangeable Light which the darkness cannot quench. And to many who feel saddened this day, we say that it is acceptable to rejoice when the time is at hand and the ceremony of deity and man is celebrated.

But my children, know you this: faced with your humanhood and your clear perception of deity, it is a natural tendency for the Spirit within you to be impatient that all days might be those birthdays wherein the Spirit is born anew in every conscious being.

Beware of the folly of Christmas, and rest your joy not only upon an occasion but upon a continuing and sometimes difficult to fathom stream of events and occasions within which the full Spirit and caring of Jesus the Christ shines through. Be you those channels who do not need the occasion to rally themselves to the Love of Jesus the Christ.

We leave you in the discipline and the freedom of Christ’s own peace, now and always.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from September 2, 2001:

The question today has to do with the situation concerning our planet and all of us who inhabit it. We would like for Q’uo to give us some information concerning the quality of consciousness on our planet when you consider the various wars, diseases, famines and crises that occur on a daily basis as each of us as individuals go about our daily lives, dealing with the various levels of stress of family, work, community, and so forth. We are wondering how we as individuals find a centering point, the joy in the moment? How can we really be of service to each other and to ourselves?

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We come to you as a voice of Love. To this planet we speak the ways of One, the ways of unity. We have a very simple tale to tell, and we thank you for bringing us to you to be able to share this simple philosophy, a philosophy truly too simple to be easily understood. We are most grateful to you for your infinite genius that looks at that subject, which is always and ever the same, in ever-new ways, giving us new opportunities to work with the words of your language and the biases of this instrument in order to share our heart through the heart of this instrument and the one known as Jim.

We are extremely gratified to share our thoughts and would only ask in return that each of you is extremely careful about what you choose to listen to in what we have to say. For what we have to say is a truth to us, but it may not be so to you. That which resonates within your heart, by all means, consider. For we hope to offer interesting and helpful thoughts. But those things which do not resonate we ask that you leave behind without a second thought. Some thoughts are for you. Some thoughts are not. That power of discrimination which each of you has is golden, as this instrument would say. Treasure it and trust it. No one else can tell you what is right for you. You are the authority for yourself. You are the teacher for yourself. You are the guru in a very important way, for those things which you desire to know lie within you now. It is a matter of remembering and coming again into awarenesses of that you have had many times, not necessarily within incarnation.

One great goal of each of you within this incarnation is to become aware that you are dreaming and to become able to make the dream of incarnation a lucid and a conscious dream, one that is, in some ways and to some extent, a matter of your choices and your control. For these skills much is required of time, and attention, and discipline. And each of you is well aware of these things as are we, for we too seek, unendingly driven by the desire to be truly one with the Creator and yet still aware in many ways of our own biases and our group biases. Always, it seems, the spiritual path has another turn and another, and the road leads ever onward. We rejoice in this endless journey that truly is not endless but cyclical. For in the fullness of the time and space that you now enjoy within this creation of yours and ours we all will come to the octave. We all will coalesce once again into the one infinite Creator and become an unpotentiated unity. And in that beating of the great heart of creation, one creation shall end, and another begin. We share this walk with you, this walk from Source to Source, from Light to Light.

Wegreatly enjoyed your conversation and thank each of you for all that you laid aside in order to attend and place time and attention on things of the spirit. How precious that desire and thirst for truth is, my friends! We can never thank you enough for your desire, for it is your desire that calls us to you, your desire and your sorrow. For we do hear the sorrow of Earth. We hear the sorrow of its people, and we want to respond, hopefully, in ways that are of service. That is one of the questions that is on your minds today.

But we shall not start with that. We shall focus briefly on the state of the planet, for that is one thread of your questioning: is there a gain or a decrease in love upon planet Earth? Indeed, there are a number of ways to answer that question, but we shall choose two. Firstly, as the one known as R has said, the surface of life has a spurious and shallow reality that is nonetheless undeniable. It is a world of complete illusion, and in that world the dragon thrashes its tail. And angels in flesh quiver, defend, worry and hope to respond in ways that add Love to the illusion. A little positive, a little negative, and the illusion wags on, doing the job it was meant to do, thoroughly confusing, baffling, and frustrating. All efforts of the linear and conscious intellect to control it bring each inevitably, surely, if each is honest, to the realization that the self knows nothing. That the life of the surface has nothing. That all is “vanity and striving after wind,” as this instrument would quote from her Bible.

Such is the surface of life. Such is the design that was intended for that illusion, and at the same time may we say that there is tremendous growth in the metaphysical sense among the peoples of your planet. It is abundantly, richly clear on the metaphysical planes of your planet that a tremendous outpouring of love and concern has streamed into the Earth plane. Many Earth native individuals, and by that we mean those who have been within the planetary influence as souls since pre-history, in your terms, have come through the many waters of many, many incarnations over thousands of years and have slowly but surely come to the point where the alarm clock has gone off. The awakening of the spirit within flesh has taken place, and there is now the realization within many, many individual Earth native souls that they are citizens of eternity, that they are infinite beings, and that the surface of life, while due great honor and attention, is not all that there is but is only the gateway to the present moment, which is infinite. And these voices have become a great choir asking, and seeking, and knocking at the door of truth.

The group question for this session was: “The question today has to do with the situation concerning our planet and all of us who inhabit it. We would like for Q’uo to give us some information concerning the quality of consciousness on our planet when you consider the various wars, diseases, famines and crises that occur on a daily basis as each of us as individuals go about our daily lives, dealing with the various levels of stress of family, work, community, and so forth. We are wondering how we as individuals find a centering point, the joy in the moment? How can we really be of service to each other and to ourselves? Q’uo began their reply by saying that we are living in a dream, and our goal is to become conscious of that dream and to affect it with our choices and realize our desire to become one with the Creator and eventually: “we all will coalesce once again into the one infinite Creator and become an unpotentiated unity. And in that beating of the great heart of creation, one creation shall end, and another begin. We share this walk with you, this walk from Source to Source, from Light to Light.” Q’uo continued by saying that they have heard the sorrows of Earth and her people, and that is what they want to address whether there is a gain or loss of love upon the Earth, and the first way of looking at this question is to say that there is some love and some loss of love which causes a confusing and baffling situation. But then Q’uo said that there was also a spiritual awakening on the Earth where souls who have gone through thousands of years of growth have discovered that they are citizens of eternity and that the surface of life is but the gateway to the present moment which is infinite. On September 26, 1999, Q’uo spoke of what it means to be a citizen of eternity:

However, when entities such as yourselves commit themselves to living a life of service and seek it, they are working as citizens of eternity rather than citizens of space and time. For the world of the seeker who has become consciously aware of the desire to seek further and who is consciously attempting to live such a life, the terrain shifts from the world of physical objects and activities to a world of thoughts, ideas and intentions. These two worlds merge within the seeker, for the seeker is living in two worlds at the same time.

There is a call going out from your planet at this time that has been going out from your planet for a considerable number of years now, that has activated and doubled and redoubled the Light energy upon your planet. Further, as many within this room are intimately aware, many entities have chosen to travel to the earth plane from other planetary influences for the purpose of entering into the experience of being an Earth native, plunging the self into the third-density atmosphere once again in hopes of serving the planet and its people but also in hopes of doing work upon the self: a reevaluating of that all-important choice of third density: the choice of whether to love by radiation and unconditional love or to love by control and magnetic attraction and the overriding sense that people need to be managed for their own good or for the greater good of the whole. This is work that is common to all at this time, all who are awakened, all who have begun that transforming opening of the heart and the spirit for which each took birth.

We hope that you feel very good about the work that you have done so far, and we hope that you will redouble your efforts, not to do, but to be. For the work of consciousness is the work of asking the self to be the self most truly and most deeply. What is the self? Upon the surface of the incarnation the self is a personality, a collection of biases, opinions, beliefs and suppositions, an amalgam of gifts and quirks and challenges. The interesting thing about personality is that each of you chose both your gifts and your limitations, your abundances and your lacks, for very good reasons. The challenge is to come into some fuller realization as time goes on as to what the pattern is behind those challenges and those gifts. What was hoped for by the higher self that is you when you and your higher self planned the big points, as this instrument would say, the plot points of this incarnation? Why did you put that blockage there? That remarkable gift there? That incredible stupidity over there? These things were placed there for a reason. Why did you choose relationships with this, this, and this entity that delight you and aggravate you and make you angry? In each connection there is a fullness of goodness, if one can but see the plan. As the one known as C has said, that is the challenge, and one seldom sees the plan until the pattern is complete and one has the blessed advantage of hindsight.

How to be one’s self? This is a question we still seek the answer to ourselves. We know that our direction lies along the trail that leads to the Creator, along that ever seemingly darkening trail that rounds curve after curve until, at last, that creature that eats its own tail that is the Creator has found its tail again and the self is swallowed up once again in absolute divinity. Light shines within that direction, yet in a way that is hidden from the outer eye and from the eye of circumstance. Most often the spiritual riches are found when life is at its darkest and most challenging. For it is then that the little hammers and chisels and acid water etch, and smooth, and craft, and sculpt, and find the gems within the ore that is the personality shell. So, the learning to be the self is a geste of tremendous patience and persistence. And yet, at the same time, advances are often made in blinding steps forward that seem like the dawning of a sudden sunrise, the turning of a corner which opens into a new world, the epiphany of the senses and the soul.

Then Q’uo said that there is a call going out at this time from our planet that is being answered by those from other planets who have come to Earth to increase the Light and to reconsider their choice of being of service to others or service to self, and this is the work of all who have awakened to opening the heart and fulfilling the reason that they incarnated at this time. Q’uo continued by saying that it was more important to be than to do good works, and to seek to be our truest self that goes beyond our personality shell of biases, opinions, and challenges. They went on to say that we chose our gifts, limitations, and difficult relationships, and now it is our challenge to discover the lessons that we hoped to learn by these choices, but we will probably not see the plan until our incarnation is over and we look back to see how the plan played out. Then Q’uo said that the way that we can discover our true self was during the times when our life is the most challenging so that we can refine the nature of our being that is within our personality shell or by: “taking blinding steps forward that seem like the dawning of a sudden sunrise, the turning of a corner which opens into a new world, the epiphany of the senses and the soul.” On October 31, 1976, Hatonn described the nature of our true self:

First, each of you who is in this plane of existence has one purpose which is of a primary nature. That purpose is to become aware of your true self and in so doing you begin to vibrate in harmony with that true self; that is, to vibrate within the harmonies of Love. This one vibratory Thought created all that there is, and as you come into harmony with this Thought you become a beacon of Light that lights all those about you. This is your primary service. Whatever else there is for you to do it is best served by you becoming more and more able to be who you truly are. Being is always more important than doing, for one acts from the heart, for one acts very [inaudible].

Be prepared for sudden and stupendous moments of awareness because, you see, you are a being. You are not an activity or a process. And you surprise yourself being yourself sometimes. And in those moments when you have hit a resonance that strikes deep down into the self, suddenly the moment opens up, and you become aware of all that you are, of the tremendous unity that you have with everything that is. This state of mind is an actual opening into one of the inner planes or perhaps more than one of the inner planes, depending upon the experience, so that you simply are seeing more into your self, more into the reaches of your true nature, which is inclusive, universal, timeless, and divine. You have to remember that you are the product of the Creator’s thirst for knowing Itself, and your seeking to know yourself is part of the Creator’s seeking for Its own identity. And what fascinates the Creator endlessly is how that identity is the same, and yet it continues to grow because of the fecund and fertile nature of spirit.

You seem to stand upon the Earth, sticking out into space, upon this ball that is revolving, day/night, day/night, day/night around a minor sun at the edge of a rather small galaxy. And yet you are standing upon holy ground within the creation of the Father, and you are the womb of stars, the grave of dreams, all emotions, all feelings, all thoughts, all possible processes. Out of all these things you have chosen a certain eccentric pattern of personality and experiencing, a certain set of filters to further confuse the already illusory data of the incarnation. You have set yourself within a situation where you are at once universal and unique. You are living a life and at the same time you are living forever, never stationary and yet unified. This is the key to grasping the nature of the spiritual journey. It is truly a journey because the Creator is never still. The Creator’s nature is extremely strong in freedom. This freedom of will creates a state of cyclical discovery, the desire to know more, the desire to seek. It is your nature because it is the Creator’s nature.

And what the Creator actually is evaluating and, shall we say, feeding upon is the essence of those emotions which have been brought up in various muddied states again and again until there has begun to be more and more clarity within that particular emotion. In a way, you are a refiner of emotions and one way to look at the work of spiritual seeking is to use some discipline in evaluating your thoughts and your emotions on a daily basis, if possible, certainly as often as possible. For there is always the temptation to let the good and the bad slide by with the oil of time and to seek the doing, and to seek the rest, and keep busy or unconscious, thereby removing oneself from some of the less comfortable aspects of those thoughts and feelings which you have had during a day’s time. Yet these responses you have had to catalyst are grist for the mill. These are the clues that you have, the harvest of the day at the end of each day that will help you to investigate your own nature.

Wewould suggest time spent perhaps just as you are drifting off to sleep wherein these emotions are looked at one by one as you remember your day. And there may be seen in each memory and in each cluster of emotions the opportunity to revisit those feelings, to see into the dynamic of those particular feelings. If it is a feeling of impatience, for instance, that you are investigating, you may accentuate the impatience and really give permission to the self to feel very impatient and then give permission to the self to allow the opposite of that emotion to come into and flood the senses so that you ask, “Show me patience. Let me feel what it is like to sense true patience.” This flexing of the emotional muscle in a very meditative and contemplative way is most helpful to the unconscious mind and will, to some extent, clarify those dreams that are also hints and inklings that help one upon the spiritual path.

One of the threads of inquiry this week was having to do with service to others and how to evaluate such service. Truly this is a question that moves to the very heart of spiritual work in third density and beyond. It is a question that we answer when we come and speak with you through this instrument rather than landing on the lawn, impressing you with our looks and our differentness and then attempting to persuade you to our point of view. We attempted service in such direct manner at one time, and we found that it was not acceptable in terms of the infringement of free will that we caused. We now are perfectly content in ways that can never be proven as real because we feel that the information will speak to those for whom it is helpful. There is a law of attraction in seeking so that we know that, one way or another, the thoughts that are needed will come to those who truly are asking. And so, we add our voice to those voices that are available if someone seeks such a voice.

Now Q’uo said that we can have moments of greatly expanded awareness of the true nature of our being in unity with all that is which is an experience of our being universal, timeless, and divine, and this is a product of the Creator’s desire to know Itself and our seeking to know ourself is part of the Creator’s seeking for Its own identity. Q’uo went on to say that we are standing upon a seemingly ordinary planet, but we are actually standing upon the holy ground of the creation of the Father, and we have chosen a unique pattern of personality and experience to further confuse the illusory data of our incarnation where we are at once universal and unique. Then Q’uo said that we are living a life of a certain length, and at the same time we are living forever, never stationary and yet unified, and this is the nature of our spiritual journey. Q’uo continued by saying that we aid the Creator in knowing Itself by working with the catalyst of our confusing emotions as often as possible to balance and refine them because they will help us to know our true nature as they continue to come around in a cyclical way. Q’uo said that a good way to balance our emotions would be to use meditation or contemplation at the end of the day to relive the emotions such as patience where we experience it more fully than we did during that day and then ask to see impatience in the same fashion. Side one of the tape ended with this last paragraph, and side two did not record, so Q’uo’s last thoughts were regarding how to evaluate being of service to others, and they said that it was the heart of spiritual work and the higher densities as well and that there is a law of attraction for seekers of truth so that in one way or another, the thoughts that are needed will come to those who are truly seeking. In 5.2, Ra gave us the basics of the balancing of our emotions:

To begin to master the concept of mental discipline it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be internalized. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought that a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself.

Much of service to others is wrapped up in the study of polarity. However…

[Side one of tape ends here; side two did not record.]

This morning I continued washing the dishes on the south wall of the kitchen. Then I used Pledge to clean their shelves, and after a couple of hours the dishes were ready to be put back on their shelves.

This afternoon I put most of the dishes from the east wall of the kitchen into the dish washer, and then I used Pledge to clean their shelves. After their wash cycle was completed I took them out of the dish washer and put them on the counter below their shelves and put the rest of the dishes from their shelves into the dishwasher.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 24

The Manger Within

I am of the principle of divine Love, and I greet you in the full consciousness of that Love.

We find this instrument’s mind revolving not about things of the Spirit but about the processes the day shall bring, each item more wonderful and precious than the next, for this day is the eve of the Mass of the Christ Child, the Mass welcoming the new Child to birth, the new soul to its walk in the valley of death from which death alone may free Him or any which dwell in this body of dust and clay.

May you truly rejoice to know that within yourselves lies a manger. Most of your mangers are poor. Most of them are humble. Most of you have not prepared a way and so must improvise when the Son of Man comes, when the gates of your heart are opened.

This is a time of coming into being. This is a time for you to make anew the welcome of the self towards that tiny, delicate, precious, new spiritual being which shall indwell each spiritual womb.

May you find the peace of Jesus’ Mother and know that your spirit follows not the commands of the world but the commands of that consciousness in which He and all of your spirits partake.

May you wend your way in peace and the hope of glory within, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from August 29, 2001:

Question from R: This first question concerns a in my life that has to do with feelings about my work. My criticism of myself is that my work should be more service-to-others oriented. I then proceed to find a different type of work or employment that has energy in it that grabs me and that I start working with it but that passion or that energy dissipates quickly once that new work begins. I am looking for suggestions or different points of view that would help me get deeper into this pattern that I am seeing.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We are a slightly different voice than the Q’uo that normally speaks through this instrument because the vibrational characteristics of this particular question and group seem to be better met if the brothers and sisters of Hatonn take the position of speaking for the principle which includes those of Hatonn, those of Latwii, and those of Ra. Normally, we speak with this group through the brothers and sisters of Latwii. However, each session of working has its own dynamics, and this particular group seems to call forth the strengths of the brothers and sisters of Hatonn. If there are any differences, they are probably due to this unique voice.

We greet each of you in the love and in the light of the infinite Creator. As always, it is a great joy to speak with this group, with whom we have not spoken for some of your time. Truly, it is a blessing and a privilege for us to be with you and to share in your meditation and your seeking. We thank each of you for this special occasion which we are heartily enjoying. As always, we ask each of you to ponder our words with your hearts, keeping those thoughts which seem helpful and resonate within your being as true and leaving aside all other thoughts as not applicable to you at this time.

The challenge of right occupation is not a challenge that is entirely that which it seems on the surface, any more than an activity at which one spends a substantial portion of one’s waking hours can be simply a job, simply that which it appears on the surface. The concept of an occupation has been distorted by the needs of your peoples for money. In a world where there was no need to earn money in order to live a life that was comfortable to a minimal extent, it is likely that many, many of those that work at the jobs at which they now work would immediately cease to report for their hours spent at the job because they would no longer need the money that the job offers.

However, there would still be an incarnation with lessons to learn and gifts to share. And even those who come into incarnation with absolutely no need to earn money usually find themselves at least tempted to choose to occupy a substantial portion of their waking hours pursuing an activity which could be said to help the seeker learn its lessons and share its gifts. It is easy to see the materialism of the world and its ways. It is less easy to see how the materialism in which the seeker lives may have penetrated into areas of the metaphysical and caused elements of the work ethic to become elements of spiritual materialism. This is a subtle area of contemplation, but we recommend it to the one known as R.

For the rules and the ways of the world and the spirit are genuinely, from the core outward, different. And when evaluating the spiritual work of issues such as this—which have so many elements in the physical and so many elements in the metaphysical world—it is well to ponder how to frame that great and genuine desire of the heart to serve in a way that allows the seeker to see into, to penetrate into the deeper workings of desire, and to sift out those elements which have to do with the world and its ways, in order that the real form, the real skeleton, the real muscles and sinews that underlie the flesh of spiritual seeking may be viewed. For there is a structure to right occupation in the spiritual sense. And that has to do with those things that are of worth in the spirit rather than in the world, in the heart rather than in the mind, and in the intuition and the resonances of feeling rather than in the logic and reason that characterize intellection and ratiocinated thought.

The group question for this session was: “Question from R: This first question concerns a pattern in my life that has to do with feelings about my work. My criticism of myself is that my work should be more service-to-others oriented. I then proceed to find a different type of work or employment that has energy in it that grabs me and that I start working with it but that passion or that energy dissipates quickly once that new work begins. I am looking for suggestions or different points of view that would help me get deeper into this pattern that I am seeing.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the concept of right occupation is not what it seems to be on the surface because it has been distorted by people’s need for money, and if there were no need for money many people would not work at their present job. Q’uo went on to say that there would still be a life to be lived for those who came into incarnation with no need to earn money who would spend time working at a job that could help the seeker to learn its lessons and share its gifts which could be seen as spiritual materialism, so Q’uo suggested that R contemplate this possibility. Q’uo went on to say that the ways of the world and of the spirit are different at their core, so the seeker needs to discover the desire of its heart and look into the deeper working of what has to do with the world and what has to do with the real muscles that are the foundation of spiritual seeking so that one’s right occupation might be found in the spiritual sense. Then Q’uo said that these things: “are of worth in the spirit rather than in the world, in the heart rather than in the mind, and in the intuition and the resonances of feeling rather than in the logic and reason that characterize intellection and ratiocinated thought.” On February 11, 2007, Q’uo described the nature of spiritual materialism:

When entities do awaken and do realize that it is an urgent matter for them to shift their consciousness, they can feel that it is needed for others also to shift their consciousness. There comes into play a tendency towards what we might call spiritual materialism, in which you want everyone to form up and live in a new way. In this regard we would suggest that the skillful choice is always to work on the self without regard for working with other entities. Service to others, working upon what you perceive needs to be done in the world, begins and ends within yourself. Until the point at which you are asked specific questions that you may answer in what you hope is a spiritually helpful manner, the work you do on yourself is sufficient and more than adequate in terms of how you may affect the consciousness of planet Earth. Change yourself and you change the world. That is how powerful you really are.

One thing we would suggest in pondering this issue is a review of the gifts which have been brought through into the personality shell available to the seeker in this incarnation and to ask the self how best these gifts might be shared. We are aware that the one known as R wishes, for instance, to investigate the possibilities of working with the younger entities among your people, feeling that perhaps working with these young entities may be of more service than working with the adult versions of the entities which are all the Creator. We suggest to the one known as R that this may well be a reasonable concept. The one known as R may well have gifts that would feed into these relationships with younger entities. This can be investigated in several ways: by thought, by research, and to an extent by experience.

We would point out that the job, the career, is, in form, connected more with money than with the gifts that one shares, whereas activity that can be chosen of oneself offers a clear and far more elastic form of inquiry. In other words, it is possible to place oneself in certain organizations through what this instrument would call volunteering time and attention in certain ways, and to allow oneself to come into contact with and interact with entities of that younger age so that many questions upon the seeker’s mind might be explored. Is there indeed a special gift that seems to be called for by younger entities who may have greater needs than the simple need to learn? Is there a resonance when actual experience replaces theoretical thought?

We suggest this for the simple reason that interaction with another self or other selves, while often very confusing, contains within it a tremendous potential for learning. When one is confined within the privacy of one’s thoughts, suppositions that may or may not be true cannot be at all examined with the same efficiency as when these suppositions are placed cheek by jowl with actual experience. In the process of following relationships begun with such younger entities among your peoples, much data may be taken in, much, certainly, of linear information but far more than that, much of the visceral, the gut reaction. In this way there may be more of a rounded and full shape to the thinking.

Then Q’uo suggested that in thinking about the issue of right livelihood as a way of making a living would be to review the gifts which we have brought through into our personality shell for this incarnation and ask ourself how we might best share these gifts. Q’uo continued by saying that having a job has more connection to making money than to the use of our gifts, so they said that there were organizations which would give us the opportunity to volunteer our time and attention in certain ways, and they would help us to come into contact with people and situations that would allow us to use our gifts. Q’uo went on to say that when we interact with other people—even in confusing situations—that our potential for learning is much greater than it would be without the interaction, and we would not only learn in a linear fashion but in an emotional and spiritual sense as well. On March 13, 1988, Q’uo spoke of the nature of using our right livelihood as a means of being of service to others:

How can one best share with others? How can one find what this instrument has called right livelihood? We wish that we could move within the experiential nexus of your culture and find some persuasive way to express the extreme biases and distortions among your peoples concerning those ways of living which are of most service.

Perhaps the key to what we would say concerning service and livelihood that is what you may call righteous is this. The consciousness of the Creator, unique parts of which manifest as yourselves in a highly distorted form, is completely unified. You may love one and serve one, and give as clearly and beautifully and fully as the entity who shares that same light and love and passion for light and love with ten million. The service is the same, for the service is in the preparation of consciousness that it may do the work before it in such a way that that work becomes positively polarized, serving in gladness, so that those about one who is serving in any capacity whatsoever may witness the light, the joy, and the peace which cannot come from one within an illusion in which so much is distressing. That which you call human faculties fail. The love of the one infinite Creator is infinite.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We are those of Q’uo. We leave this instrument in love and in light.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. In addition to that which we have spoken through the one known as Carla, we would add through this instrument the utilization of one’s passion in determining that occupation into which one places one’s desires and dreams as a means by which to serve others. As one looks at the skills which have been brought forth into this present incarnation and evaluates that level of expertise, shall we say, added to this, we would heartily recommend the investigation of any area in which one finds excitement, interest, passion—a desire to serve increased by the pleasure of serving.

In truth, there are truly no mistakes, for all entities are the Creator. One can only serve the Creator. All expenditures of energy are a service to the one Creator. Therefore, in order to serve in a most fulfilling manner and to achieve that brilliance and vividness of the variety of colors of service, shall we say, it is well, whatever choices one makes, that there be a passion for the choice made to propel one, in a day-by-day manner, into the service and through the service to those whom you serve.

In this way the lessening of excitement which the one known as R has observed occurring in his patterns may be ameliorated and the most full expression of the heart of the desire to serve might be achieved wherever passion is found. For passion is a kind of a pre-incarnative gift. It is a continuance of that which has previously opened one’s heart which again finds resonance in the present incarnation by the expression of a passionate desire to be of service in a certain manner.

Q’uo continued their response to R’s question by saying that it is well to feel a strong passion for the occupation that one wishes to offer in service to others. Then Q’uo said that there are no mistakes because everyone is the Creator, so we can always be of service to the Creator, and that R could see that using his pre-incarnative gift of feeling passion as a way of dealing with the lessening of enjoyment of his current situation as he has been able in the past to open his heart and find a love of what he is offering as his service. On March 21, 1999, Q’uo spoke of the value of passion:

If in the observation of the experiences which are yours over a period of time it is discovered that there is a passion for this or for that avenue of expression, then it is well to follow such a passion and trust that such a passion is the will of the Creator for you at this time. For this feeling of passion is, indeed, one of the most effective ways for the subconscious mind, or the will of the Creator to move through the subconscious mind, and to move the conscious entity in such and such a fashion.

At this time we would suggest asking the second query.

R: The second question I have concerns a pattern of looking for a mated relationship in my life, finding one, and then the relationship ending soon after. I wonder if there is a spiritual structure to such a relationship and if I am putting expectations in such a relationship from the beginning and therefore not allowing the passion or the true love to flow. If you can comment on it, I appreciate it. I am once again looking for suggestions on how to explore this pattern deeper.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The mated relationship is a specific kind of service, an experience of mutual desire for seeking the one Creator, for serving the one Creator, and for sharing the life pattern out of which seeking and service are born. Thusly, you may consider the words which we have spoken concerning the occupation and its service as being applicable to the mated relationship as well.

There is the need to love and to be loved which is as normal and natural a function of the human being as is the sleeping, the eating, the breathing, and the moving about within your illusion. The experience of being of service with the mate is one which has a great deal of joy and direction in that each in the mated relationship feels a kind of wholeness which is not present outside the mated relationship when one is alone. Although it is quite possible for each entity to be of great service and to seek with great purity in a solitary fashion, the yoke of such honor/duty/experience is more easily borne when shared.

In opening oneself to such a relationship there is the need to become truly open, to prepare the self for change and to be willing to accept the changing currents and depths of the river of life. For once there is an expectation to which one holds strictly or dearly, then that expectation can become an obstacle to this opening of the self to that which the potential mated relationship brings to the self. Thusly, it is well, when considering the possibilities of the mated relationship, to truly examine the heart’s desires. For when allowed to express truly, these desires may move far past the boundaries of mental contemplation. Thusly, the romantic involvement within your illusion has oftentimes been seen to originate in the stars, shall we say, so that forces outside of the self are given the opportunity to move the self as the wind and the weather move a sailboat upon your sea.

Now R wanted to know: “The second question I have concerns a pattern of looking for a mated relationship in my life, finding one, and then the relationship ending soon after. I wonder if there is a spiritual structure to such a relationship and if I am putting expectations in such a relationship from the beginning and therefore not allowing the passion or the true love to flow. If you can comment on it, I appreciate it. I am once again looking for suggestions on how to explore this pattern deeper.” Q’uo began by saying that the mated relationship was a special kind of service of seeking and serving the Creator, and within the mated relationship there is the need to love and be loved and to be of service to others with the mate. Then Q’uo said that in the mated relationship it is necessary to be truly open and without any expectations so that the expectations don’t hinder the relationship, and Q’uo suggested examining the heart’s desires to allow the forces outside of the self are given the opportunity to move the self as the wind and the weather move a sailboat upon your sea. On September 21, 2003, Q’uo spoke of the nature and purpose of the mated relationship:

Mated relationships are a triad. They are not two partners against the world. Rather they are a temple that has been enlarged so that two entities’ lives may be dedicated to that which is larger than themselves, larger than their worldly hopes, constituting that ark which contains those things that one couple wishes to save from the flood of the everyday. Into this ark of mating each may pour their ideals, their hopes, their dreams, their desires, their intentions, and every precious truth and spark of beauty that they have found, and loved, and made their own. Two entities offering these gifts to each other and to the Creator create a temple with a dome of light that, as that mated couple works through time and through circumstances which try every nerve and every part of the self, becomes stronger and stronger. Every time there is a situation met together, and energies are allowed to move between the two and the Creator is included in all discussions, no matter what the outcome of such a situation is, no matter how difficult the catalyst or how long the journey towards a solution seems, the dome of Light is being strengthened because the journey is being made heart to heart, hand to hand. And always with the realization that the Creator and the Creator’s Love is a huge part of the relationship.

At this time we would transfer this contact to the one known as Carla. We are those of Q’uo.

(Carla channeling)

We are again with this instrument. We are those of Q’uo. For you see, my brother, the entire self is here to love and to be loved, not simply the conscious self, the self with expectations, but the entire self, the whole, utter, real, complete, universal self. And one cannot approach that which is a consuming fire, that which changes the life, that to which one must surrender at one level, as if it were hiring someone to fill a position. One cannot choose a mate. That is, one can choose a mate, but one shall get what one has chosen. The product of rational thought may or may not be that emblem of love which so speaks to your own whole self.

There is that element in that other person that is the face of the Creator that allows you to see into the Creator through that person. There needs to be something within the choice that must be made, that cannot be denied, that is felt passionately to be sufficient cause of the discomfort, suffering and pain of surrender to a relationship. For any relationship, while it will not change you, precisely, will change so much about your experience! It is as though you will have set into motion the wheels of transformation in such a way that they are never under your control in any substance or sense. Nor are they in the hands of the other involved in a mated relationship. For that entity, too, will be challenged to so love you as the face of the Creator that she can see more of the Creator in herself because she has you as her mirror.

Certainly, a relationship can be made; a home can be created with any chosen mate. But to move beyond pattern into spontaneous energy which creates its own patterns, there is the need to find that focus that is worth the sacrifice of the old self and that inspires the faith and the trust of the self to release the protective layers around the heart, that the self may offer itself its life and its service to another. Each in a mated relationship does this and it is not an “I” or a “she” but a “we” and an “us” to which each surrenders; that oversoul or higher self that the two become in union when mated. So, there is not simply the self and the other self, but there is that divine union which contains the Creator to which both have surrendered. This is the glory of the committed or mated relationship. This is the beginning for great potential for learning and for an expansion of service depending upon that creature that both have become as a “we” and an “us.”

Then Q’uo said the eternal self is here to love and be loved, but if a mate is chosen by rational thought, the mate that was meant to be will probably not be gotten by the eternal self. Q’uo went on to say that there needs to be something within the choosing of the mate that is felt to be sufficient cause of the suffering and pain of surrender to a relationship because all relationships will transform both mates in a way which neither can control so that each can see the face of the Creator in each other. Q’uo continued by saying that: “there is the need to find that focus that is worth the sacrifice of the old self and that inspires the faith and the trust of the self to release the protective layers around the heart, that the self may offer itself its life and its service to another” because this is the beginning for learning and for more service that depends upon that both mates having become a “we” and an “us.” On October 30, 1994, Q’uo spoke of the nature of relationships to transform each in the relationship:

As this movement continues for each entity, other areas of the self and of the relationship become available to the light of shared consciousness. As these other areas are explored and are added to the catalyst-producing process, the relationship is continually altered, and there are changes in the perception of the other self for each entity, and in the relationship itself as well. As this process continues, it is the question of the strength of the original attraction, those areas of commonality, that will determine whether there is the continuing growth of that acceptance of common ground, shall we say, within each entity.

As this process continues there develops the quality of harmony or the quality of disharmony depending upon the basic areas of agreement and the primary desire of each entity to be able to open the self enough to each other so that each entity is offered the opportunity to accept not only one’s own self but the other’s self as well as a part of the growing self of the relationship and the growing desire of each entity to place that relationship self before the smaller self.

As you can surmise from this model of relationship that we have constructed, there are numerous opportunities for each entity to reject either a portion of the self that is one’s own or a portion of the self belonging to the other or a portion of the greater self being created by both.

Again, to move from the head to the heart is to find reasons for what this instrument would call sacrifice. In any new choice there is, as the one known as R has said, the initial joy, the initial thrill of something new, and something perhaps better. But then, no matter how good that new choice is, there comes the moment when the new job or the new relationship is more fully seen and something akin to despair can crop up, for it is now seen, as the one known as R has said, that here lie feet of clay; here lie, in a job, tasks that ring hollow and do not resonate.

This instrument has been working at the occupation which she now enjoys for some stretch of time and from this instrument’s experience there seems to be, even for the most fully fulfilled worker, still those times when the job seems sterile and without true appeal. And we find that in this instrument’s mind that this instrument has often said to herself at such times that this is not about the job, this is about the process. It is not the fault of those situations that define a job description. It is about what cycles and what patterns through which the entity, as a personality and as a deeper spiritual seeker, is going and which can be expected to continue throughout the incarnation that is full of its cycles and will always be so as long as third-density conditions exist which encourage cyclical patterns: waking and sleeping, eating and being hungry, being happy, and being unhappy.

These cycles are very stubborn within the human personality and are built into that constant pulse of spirit in order that the illusion may be what the illusion is intended to be: a disquieted, confusing, distracting and ultimately successfully humbling experience that brings one out of oneself and down upon one’s knees in many ways, and ready to open the self to that which is desired. For all things that are desired will create the new patterns of change and change is always difficult. All new choices will seem wrong at a certain point, at many points in a cyclically repeating pattern.

What shores up the confidence of one who is moving from the heart is that feeling of being true to the self, right or wrong, and that feeling of being able, if one is wrong, to accept that and move forward, bolstered by the passion that moved the seeker in the first place to make a change so that the self may see into these cycles and yet may still, by following the heart and following desire, locate those precious elements that need to be within the life—be it the job or the people. Identifying not by sight but by the eyes of the heart, not by reason, but by confidence in those memories of desire that the heart speaks.

[Side one of tape ends.]

For the Creator wishes each child to fulfill every desire, to ask every question, to knock at all the doors that call to him.

Now Q’uo said that as new relationships are seen more fully as a movement from the head to the heart, there will come a time when new aspects of the relationship will be seen, and despair and a feeling of personal failure will be felt, but then Q’uo said that these feelings of failure could be part of the spiritual cycle that includes waking and sleeping, eating and being hungry, being happy, and being unhappy. Then Q’uo said that these cycles are part of the third density illusion that are meant to be confusing and distracting and will eventually open the self to that which is desired and will create new patterns of change, and change is always difficult. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that when the seeker is moving from the head to the heart what gives it confidence in this movement is the feeling that it is being true to the self, whether it is right or wrong, and it should continue making those choices by using the eyes of the heart, not by reason, but by confidence in those memories of desire that the heart speaks. On December 15, 1996, Q’uo described the journey from the head to the heart:

We have often said that your third-density incarnation may be seen as a school in which the illusion’s purpose is to drive the third-density seeker from the head to the heart. Whereas intellectual thoughts have light energy, shall we say, it may be said that emotions have heart energy, and because of this, the emotions contain more profound information than any wisdom which the brain can encompass and speak concerning. For emotions move in waters too deep to contain words, and it is at this depth that the changes that you desired to make prior to this incarnation may be affected. Thusly, even though it seems as though reflecting upon one’s emotions is the work of analysis and intellect, indeed it is actually exercising that muscle of faith and allowing that opening between conscious and subconscious mind to be kept open while you do what you can to open the self to a wider and deeper grasp of the situation in which the emotions were concerned.

We are aware that the one known as R wished that we keep this session brief, and we are aware too that the sound of the tape recorder means that we have not fulfilled his expectations. However, we can fulfill it at this time by relinquishing our hold upon this instrument and this group and thanking the one known as R for these very heartfelt and genuine questions.

It is a mark of spiritual maturity to see the patterns of one’s life. It is a mark of even more maturity, spiritually speaking, to look not only for ways to solve the puzzle but for ways to love and to know the self ever more deeply, and knowing it more deeply, to find ways again to love. Truly, every difficulty can be untangled by persistently turning to those gentle fingers of love that, through time, will untangle every knot and remove every obstacle.

We leave you glorying in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We leave each of you with our thanks and our true, true gratitude for our relationships with you and your invitation to share our thoughts with you. Adonai. Adonai vasu borragus. We are those known to you as Q’uo.

This morning I took Bosco to the vet to replace some of the claw caps on his rear paws that reduce the injury to the area below both ears that he frequently scratches because he seems to be allergic to the appetite enhancer that I give him every day.

This afternoon I washed the glasses, cups, and saucers on the shelves above the cabinets on the south wall of the kitchen. This is a process I use to remember Carla’s love of Christmas that I did every year that her two brothers and their children joined us for Christmas. I also cleaned the shelves that the glasses, cups, and saucers are displayed on and the cupboards below the countertop. Then I went outside and used my backpack blower to help the guy from David’s Lawn Service suck up the leaves that I had blown into three piles along the driveway.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 23

To Smile Or To Frown

I am of the principle of divine Love. I greet you in the consciousness of Jesus the Christ.

What have we to say about the world as you gaze at it this day? Perhaps today we would wish you to see that which is behind the daily matters which shall parade this day before your eyes.

Many things shall occur within this day, and you shall have many opportunities to smile or to frown; to speak the kind word or the harsh one; to react impulsively or to take it easy and gaze at a situation long enough to gauge its total nature.

Perhaps, this day of all rushing Christmas days, we would suggest to each to take the time to slow down and to consider, in all the hustle and bustle, in all the choices that are made, that the great choice is always for merriment and for the expressions of love and sharing. All other considerations of preparation and business have not the priority of offering and manifesting the Love of Christ in God.

May you stop and sense that abiding, deep, magical, and peaceful presence. And in each choice that you make this day, may that feeling of peace empower and strengthen your ability to choose well your manifestation to the outer world.

You are children of the Most High. May you experience your birthright this day.

We leave you in Love, joy and peace, both now and evermore. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from May 20, 2001:

The question today has to do with the process of growth that the spiritual seeker seems to go through. We would like for Q’uo to give us some idea about the nature of this process. Most of the time, when something happens internally, we may or may not feel the repercussions externally in our life. We are wondering if Q’uo could give us an idea of how this process of change occurs, the various types of change, the stages of change, the ways the seeker can use to survive the change. And could Q’uo give us an idea of how the process and practice of meditation enhance this change?

(Carla channeling)

We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is, as always, a great joy to be called to this group, and we are most blessed by being asked to speak with you this afternoon on the subject of spiritual growth and how to survive it with some degree of comfort. Certainly, that is an endless topic. We are still learning how to enjoy the natural, inevitable processes of evolution. We are most happy to speak to you and are gratified by the opportunity, but as always, we ask each of you to listen with a discriminating ear and retain only those ideas which seem helpful to you, leaving the rest behind.

As we consider how to speak about this process of evolution we rest within each of your vibrations and experience the beauty of each of you as if you were flowers, each of you with its own scent and shape, each blossom at a different stage of unfolding, some personalities with more thorns than others, some hardier plants than others, but all blooming beautifully according to each soul’s nature. Perhaps this is the place of starting in considering the processes of growth, that realization that nothing can truly harm this process. Maturation and evolution are protected processes. They cannot, in fact, be halted, not for long, although certainly some entities attempt to escape change. The mills of destiny grind fine and that which has been rough has been refined. This is the nature of your experience. You are those who have chosen an environment which is a spiritual refinery, what your Holy Bible called the refining fire.

It may be said that experience is a refining fire, and in the ways of the world this is so. There is a certain amount of maturation and evolution that occurs because of the outer events of a life. However, we believe that the question was directed from the standpoint of the inner landscape rather than the landscape of the world. There is a level at which the feeling associated with outer events percolates and distills during the refining process, and it is this inner portion of this process which has attracted the interest of the questioner. For no matter what the vagaries of the outer world are, generally in the emotional part of the self there is a different density or feeling to the material that is processed. The outer events may be large or small, but what they bring up for the seeking soul is as the attention-getter that pulls the feeling, the focus, and the arena, or work away from the literal and mundane details of a situation into those areas of sensitive feeling and fragile vulnerability that seem to limn the treasure box of the unconscious.

The irony of spiritual catalyst is that the more material, emotionally and spiritually speaking, that catalyst offers, the less articulate and simple will be the words that will satisfactorily encompass the feelings, the emotions, and the processes of suffering that take place during the burning of that refining fire. When the seeker stays on the surface level it is very easy to explain to others what is happening. When there is a situation, when there is an illness, a death, a change in employment, or some other large and obvious catalyst, the entities about one are able without any effort to grasp and sympathize with the situation. When the difficulties arise because of tender feelings and the inner winces and shudders that accompany difficult experiences emotionally, new experiences, times of risk, and times of fear, it is far more difficult to frame a simple conversation with a friend and describe what is going on. And, indeed, once one begins plumbing one’s emotions, the opportunity to obtain a larger point of view is, for the moment, lost. Consequently, while it is seemingly helpful and, in a bittersweet way, even pleasant to probe, and press, and explore into those areas of difficult experience or feeling, in another sense it is more skillful simply to accept the feelings that are sweeping through the energetic being.

The great trick of the intellectual mind is to consider itself capable of understanding situations and, again, for outer situations the intellectual mind generally has the promise of being able to assess a situation adequately. When it comes to matters where there is fear and a desire to be comforted in the processes of growing spiritually it is more helpful to move into that portion of the being which has no words. For those feelings do not need words in order to move through the various filters of each chakra, working like the energetic brooms that they are, cleaning, purifying, and moving through the system like weather. Begin to see yourself as a far sturdier being than you feel as though you are. See yourself as much a solid being as a planet or a star. Lift away from the thought of self as body and move into the concept of self as an energetic being, and you may see a model of yourself as this fantastically complex flower that blooms in good weather and bad and that enjoys both the rain and the sun in their seasons.

When there is the experience of the flower of the rain, the flower simply accepts the rain. When the sun is shining the flower gratefully accepts the sunshine. Both of these states of weather are necessary for the health and the evolution of this bloom, and both perceived times of halcyon days and perceived times of terrible internal weather are times that are good for you as a growing being. We cannot say to you that suffering is not truly suffering because each of you is fully aware of the depths of suffering of which you are capable and which you have experienced. Each of you has undergone great difficulty. We would be fools to try to tell you that you have not suffered. What we are saying is that this suffering is a tremendously helpful force that is powerful to offer those refining energies that you came to experience, not because you wanted to suffer but because you wanted to investigate and see if you could remake with even more purity that choice to serve the light with which you came into this incarnation.

The group question for this session was: “The question today has to do with the process of growth that the spiritual seeker seems to go through. We would like for Q’uo to give us some idea about the nature of this process. Most of the time, when something happens internally, we may or may not feel the repercussions externally in our life. We are wondering if Q’uo could give us an idea of how this process of change occurs, the various types of change, the stages of change, the ways the seeker can use to survive the change. And could Q’uo give us an idea of how the process and practice of meditation enhance this change?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that nothing can harm our process of growth because evolution is a protected process, and it cannot be stopped for long—even if we try to escape change—because the mills of our destiny grind that which is rough within us until it is finely ground because we have chosen an environment which is a spiritual refinery. Q’uo continued by saying that it does not matter what the situation of the outer world is that in the emotional part of our self the catalyst that we process is of a higher density, and our experiences may be large or small but they take our attention away from the mundane nature of our situation to a place within us that we can feel a fragile vulnerability to describe the treasures of our unconscious mind. Q’uo went on to say that when we stay on the surface of our catalyst it is easy to describe our experience to someone else, but when we speak of the spiritual nature of an emotional or spiritual catalyst the more difficulty that we will have in trying to describe our emotions and the process of suffering within us while we are experiencing the burning of that refining fire within us. Then Q’uo said that when we try to describe our difficult times of risk and fear with a friend it may seem helpful and pleasant to explore those difficult experiences for a while, but it may also be more skillful for us to simply accept these feelings that are sweeping through our energetic being. Q’uo said that our intellectual mind is usually able to understand our outer experiences adequately, but when: “it comes to matters where there is fear and a desire to be comforted in the processes of growing spiritually it is more helpful to move into that portion of the being which has no words. For those feelings do not need words in order to move through the various filters of each chakra, working like the energetic brooms that they are, cleaning, purifying, and moving through the system like weather.” So, Q’uo said that we should see ourself as a solid being such as a planet or a star, an energetic being like a complex flower that blooms in good weather and bad weather and is able to enjoy both the rain and the sun. Then Q’uo continued by saying that they knew that our times of suffering were very real because we had been through great times of difficulty, but they wanted to let us know that suffering is very helpful in offering us the refining energies that we have come to experience—not because we wanted to suffer—but because we wanted to see if we could remake the choice to serve the Light with more purity than we did when we came into this incarnation. On November 29, 1998, Q’uo spoke of the opportunity that our incarnations offer us as a means to serve the Light with more purity than we did when we came into this incarnation:

Those who now move into incarnation within this planetary sphere’s third-density illusion are aware that this is the time of graduation, that this particular planet is having somewhat of a difficult birthing for the fourth-density population that is to inhabit this planetary sphere. The difficulties of blending vibrations, of seeking in unity, and of recognizing the Creator in all are significant enough that there are, as you are well aware, many wars, misunderstandings, miscommunications and other difficulties that make this illusion one filled with confusion and that which seems to be a turmoil of significant degree. This is seen as a kind of chaotic expression of energy by those awaiting incarnation. Yet it is not seen as that which deters the desire to move into the third-density illusion in this planetary influence and to experience the opportunities that await those who seek their own graduation and the graduation of those of their vibration. Rather, the difficulties that are perceived are seen as further opportunities for service as those challenges which enhance the incarnational abilities to learn the lessons of love and to serve the Light of the one Creator. The chaotic expression of energy is seen as that which offers the opportunity to enhance one’s own expression of energy as one is able to move in harmony through the difficult times and experiences that lie ahead. For previous to incarnation each entity is far more aware that it is a portion of the one Creator and all those about it are the same, as are those with whom it shall spend its third-density days. Thus, the entity awaiting the incarnation sees with clearer eyes that which lies ahead and is far less liable to shy away from such difficulties but is far more likely to embrace them as the opportunities to serve and to learn.

You had very carefully thought-out hopes for this incarnation before it began. What this instrument calls the Holy Spirit, what many call guidance, what those known as the Ra group have called the higher self, took counsel with you before this incarnation and considered just what goals you would hope to place for service and for learning within one lifetime. With great thought and care you chose those people that are in your life: mates, parents, children, friends, and enemies, each carefully positioned to rub against you this way and that and knock off the sharp edges. Each is as the refining fire to others around you, and those around you are as the refining fire to you. And yet the fire is not of the person, but rather, it is of the Spirit. This entire refining process is powered by spiritual energy. It is the energy of the Creator to know Itself, and you mirror this by your desire to know yourself.

What we encourage for each of you is a mixture of high ideals and utter down-to-earth practicality. It is a wonderful thing to be awake to the reality of Spirit. Yet this awareness is seated in a life of flesh, and blood, and dust. You came into incarnation to experience the grit and the friction of a very real physical illusion. This is the chosen arena for this season of your bloom. We suggest that there is great survival value in trusting that the soil in which you were planted and the blooms that you see around you are the correct ones for your best growth and learning at this time. We suggest that the very nearest things to you can provide you a tremendous opportunity for service. We suggest that there is an enormous value in realizing the permanent in the ever-changing world of your heart.

Where does the world’s reality leave off and metaphysical reality begin? We suggest to you that they are both centered in your heart. If you dwell within your mind and think many thoughts and skitter across the surface of ideas, you may make a great noise, but you may not make a great deal of sense. If you move into the silence and reality of the heart, you may say nothing, but you will be resting in the peace that lies within the precinct of that heart. We have described you as energy beings, and when we speak about moving into the heart, we speak about moving into the very center of that energetic being where body and soul come together. Realize that while your brain and your personality shell are pumping out one idea after another, your heart is serenely beating, moving in rhythm with the creation of the Father. The instinctive wisdom that you as a living being possess is incredible, and the challenge is to tap into what you already have within you.

The one known as R asked about meditation and what enhancement it might offer to those in the process of growth and as this entity is well aware we very much agree that the one most powerful method of enhancing the processes of evolution is meditation. Moving into the silence in any way that one feels comfortable is always a powerful helper, for it is within the silence that Love may abide most comfortably and may express most fully. We do not know what realms may open up to you in the silence, but within that room to which silence opens the door lie many mansions. We simply suggest that the habit of silence is helpful, profoundly and continuingly so. It is, to our knowledge, the single most attainable way of moving from the level of the outer world into the levels of that inner world where the feelings and the processes of being revolve.

To hear us speak you would think we never laughed. You would think that we never cried, but that we were always calm and wise and dispensing of words. In fact, this is not so. We struggle to find ways to share our experiences with you, and we do not feel that we are tremendously successful. But what we have to share, more than anything else, is an awareness of and a certainty in Love itself and the power and rightness of that Love—that is your very being and is our very being. We encourage each to be lifted up by whatever Light comes into the heart to comfort it, that it reaches hands willingly up to the angels that hope to help. We ask each to know that you are not alone and that there is comfort for the asking, for prayers are answered, and when help is requested, presences are with you that love you and wish to safeguard you in every way. The Creator is not far off. The Creator is very, very near. This is good to remember.

We hope you find many moments of peace, but we assure each that the unrest and the disquiet have a purpose too. The more serenely that you can look at the troubles in your life the more trust you can develop that these are not simply difficulties that seem to challenge but are also helpers whose purpose will be seen much more easily from hindsight when the process is through. And we encourage each of you to use each other as lifelines. If there is a hard time, find someone you trust and talk it over. It does not make the process of refinement any easier, but it makes it much more bearable because the sharing lightens the load.

Then Q’uo said that before our incarnations we met with our guidance systems and our higher self to see what lessons that we wished to learn, and we chose those entities who would be our friends, family, and enemies and: “each is as the refining fire to others around you, and those around you are as the refining fire to you. And yet the fire is not of the person, but rather, it is of the Spirit. This entire refining process is powered by spiritual energy. It is the energy of the Creator to know Itself, and you mirror this by your desire to know yourself.” Q’uo suggested that we mix high ideals and down-to-earth practicality to help us awaken to the nature of the Spirit, the difficulties of the physical illusion, and the soil into which we were planted because these will give us the opportunity to be of service and to realize what is permanent in the ever-changing world of our heart. Q’uo went on to say that the metaphysical reality of our heart that is beating in rhythm with the Father, and the world’s reality of our brain and personality shell are both centered in our heart, and the instinctive wisdom that we have is incredible, and it is our challenge to tap into what we already have within us. Q’uo continued by saying that meditation is the most powerful way to enhance our spiritual evolution by moving from the outer world into the silence of our heart where Love may abide with us most comfortably and may express most fully. Now Q’uo said that Love is our very being, so they encouraged us to be lifted up by the Light that comes into our heart to comfort it, and they asked us to know that we are not alone, to know that there is comfort if we ask for it because prayers are answered, and to remember that the Creator is not far off. Q’uo completed their thoughts by saying that our difficult times have a purpose which we will see by looking back at them when their catalyst has been processed, but in the meantime if we experience hard times we should find someone that we trust and talk it over with them because it makes the hard times much more bearable as it lightens our loan to share it with another person. On October 11, 1987, Carla and Latwii agreed that we are not alone:

Carla: When you said we are not alone, did you have in mind invisible presences or did you have in mind friends, visible ones, other seekers?

I am Latwii. My sister, you are joined on your journey by those both seen and unseen, and even though there may be times on the journey that seem quite lonely, we assure you that many marching feet and loving hearts move with you.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We thank this instrument and leave it in love and in light. We are known to you as the Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

We are those of Q’uo, and we greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time we would offer ourselves in the attempt to speak to any further queries which those present may have for us. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: S phoned one in and he asked about light centers around the world such as Mt. Shasta, Sedona, Machu Picchu, etc., and what their significance might be.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. These areas which have been described as centers of light have an influence upon those who are sensitive or psychically aware, shall we say, in that these centers or areas are both located at points of intelligent energy ingress and have the advantage of attracting seekers for many of your years. These centers then are steeped in those energies which are transformational in nature. For the intelligent energy that is sent by your sub-Logos, the sun, makes its way into the Earth sphere through various vortices that are distributors, shall we say, of this energy that the entire population of the planet shall eventually be able to partake of their transforming nature. These vortices are in a regularized grid—we search for the word within this instrument’s mind and complex is the closest we can come. Where there is an intersection of these lines of force there is formed a vortex that is an opening for such energies to be easily assimilated into the Earth’s mantle. Entities who are sensitive to such energies oftentimes gravitate to these areas in order to feel more of the pulse of life, shall we say. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. Not from me. S may want to follow it up when he returns. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you and the one known as S. Is there another query at this time?

M: To follow up on Steve’s question, what is the closest vortex of energy in our area, Indiana and Kentucky?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. Within this particular geographical region there is a vortex of energy that is very close to this location, that is, the city of Louisville, and there are other vortices located within a radius of five to six of your miles, both east and west of the center location that is congruent with this population center. There is a map which this instrument may be able to locate that could be of help in the determination of these locations. Is there another query, my sister?

M: No. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: We had a visit from a Toltec magician this week, and listening to his descriptions of his inner landscape I wondered if he was working on one of the inner planes, the astral or devachanic and so forth, if I could frame his reality in terms of thinking of it that way. How would you suggest that I think of it? What level is he seeing what he sees on?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We must be general in our response in this instance, and would suggest that this entity is one who is partaking in both the space/time illusion which each here inhabits and in the time/space illusion as well which is that which is more metaphysical or invisible to the third-density eye. That which is approached in meditation, in prayer, in contemplation reflects the milieu in which this entity has a richly populated interior landscape, shall we say. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. Thank you.

I am Quo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

R: You usually are not able to speak in much detail about things such as the location of the vortices in our area. Is it because we already knew about it that the Law of Confusion did not apply? I am curious about why you were able to be more specific than you usually are?

I am Quo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In the case of the query concerning the centers of energy influx we are able to give that which this instrument can transmit without any fear of infringing upon any entity’s spiritual growth, for these centers of energy are available to all entities and do not affect one’s future, shall we say. Is there another query, my brother?

R: No. Not from me. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

M: Will you be coming to watch over our group for the summer until next fall when we get together again?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The period of time between the gatherings of this group…

[Tape ends. The answer was basically in the affirmative, although no channeling would be attempted, only the aiding of the meditation.]

This morning I recorded the section on Patterns of Choice-The Initial Choice from Chapter 8 of 102.

This afternoon I recorded the section on Repetitions of Choice from Chapter 8 and completed the audio book for 102. Then I ran some errands with my first stop being at Feeder’s Supply to buy some cat food and kitty litter. My second stop was at the Rainbow Blossom Health Food Store to buy some Vitamin B Complex. My third stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself. My last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store where I bought some non-food items.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 22

Celebrate The Mass Of Christ

I am that inflow of divine Love which is called the Spirit of Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of Christ’s Love.

The days grow short and because of the season you scurry about, arranging and rearranging the symbols of joy and peace so that you may come to the celebration day, the birthday, of Jesus the Christ. You move about, make and carry out many plans, and before the season itself is upon you, already you are foot-weary, heart-sore, and feeling that the true spirit of Christ’s Mass has disappeared.

Yet have you asked for the Spirit to move within your thoughts of consciousness to show a different panoramic view of this season?

May you do so more and more frequently, turning always to the infinite Love that is consciousness in Christ. Then all feet shall no longer be weary. Hearts shall no longer burn with anxiety, and those candles which are lit shall be lit with limitless Love.

Bow your heads, my children, so that when next you look up you may see the grace of infinite Love and you shall be comforted.

 Now and ever, we leave you in peace. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from May 6, 2001:

The question today has to do with the eternal spiritual principles that each seeker of truth pursues. At some point in the spiritual journey a seeker will lose some of the original passion that propelled the seeking to begin with, and we would like Q’uo to give us information about how the seeker can find again that passion in the seeking. How can we as seekers of truth keep our passion high, or is it necessary to have periods of rest?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of the Q’uo. We greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is our privilege and our blessing to be called to your group this afternoon, and we thank each who is a part of this circle, those present and those who are joining this circle from a distant location. The dedication and desire for truth that each of you expresses creates the vibration that has called us to you. And we thank you very much, for it is our chosen service to offer our thoughts to those who would seek to hear a slightly different slant on that story which is always and ever the same. That story that is always the same is a story about Love.

Your question to us this day is also, in an important way, about Love. For when you are in a passionate stage of seeking your heart is on fire with that which is Love. The story of Love is a very simple story. The Creator loves each and every spark and atom of creation with a Love that is beyond all that can be imagined. This Love is as the energy which drives the infinite universe, and it is the spark within the heart of each of the Creator’s children. The Love of the Creator is as a unified, infinitely intelligent Thought that we have often called the Logos. Logos is the word which the one known as St. Paul the Apostle used and the one known as St. John when they wrote those books of your Bible in which the Love of the Creator was discussed. The one known as John, who wrote the Gospel of John in your Bible, also used this word when this entity wrote, “In the beginning was the Word.” In the beginning was the Logos. And each of you is made of that same Thought that is the Creator and the created. And each of you, having received this infinite gift of life, and spirit, and being, has created through the winding trail of experiences and thoughts many, many shadows and variations on that original Thought of Love so that each of you vibrates in Love, and yet with many unique characteristics of your own which mark each of you with a signature which is unmistakable. We would know each of you in any density and in any form of body which you would take, for each of your souls is unique.

The question this day concerns the cycles of seeking that you experience, the ups and downs of being very excited about a certain body of material that seems to hold true and then being not so excited about that material and perhaps, then, being drawn to another body of material and becoming excited about that. As this instrument was saying earlier in the discussion that preceded the mediation, there is only one truth. There is nothing new under the sun. And we would be the first to agree with this instrument. We have often said to this group that our story is too simple to be told in an understandable fashion. We work through channels such as this one because each channel has a personality and an attitude which enrich our simple story with words and images that we are able to use to find a new way to share our hearts with you. And this is what the thousand thousand entities who are inspired with the Love of the Creator offer. Some of these sources have been codified as holy works. Some of these sources have never written their words down at all. And many are somewhere in between.

Each entity that you may meet as a seeker, each book that has been offered, is one of the thousand thousand faces of the Creator, one of the million stories about the Creator, one of the myriad of structures in thought for happening upon the Creator. Within the incarnational cycle of living there are numerous cycles. The day revolves light and dark. The year in its seasons brings about the warmth and the chill of summer and winter. Each cell of the body is renewed every so many years of your physical vehicle, and each has experienced daily, monthly, yearly and multi-year cycles of growth within the emotional, mental and spiritual parts of yourself. It is natural indeed that even the most devoted student of the very best story would find after a certain period of time that there was enough of that source within the being, that the self is full and sated with that story, with that truth, with that face of the Creator. This does not necessarily mean that it is time to move on, as this instrument has experienced within her walk within the Christian faith. She has found that walking through the desert of unbelief, walking through the difficult and bleak times when there is no spontaneous inspiration has its own very powerful effect upon faith.

And those who choose a religious path or a philosophical path as a life path are very wise to remain upon that path in good times and in bad. But there are many entities, many sparks of the one infinite Creator who are not able, for one reason or another, to resonate and respond to the story, the truth, and the face of the Creator that lie within that religion or philosophy that is offered. These are entities that will make their own paths, and these are entities that may well find themselves not simply moving in and out of a passionate love of one body of material but in and out of respect for and devotion to and learning from several or even many different sources of inspiration and guidance as the path moves through years of living and experience. We do not in any sense recommend one way of pursuing truth over another. For entities such as this instrument we find one path to be extremely helpful and the sticking to that one path extremely wise. For those who do not resonate to one path but who find their food from this, and then another, and then another source we simply commend to those seekers all that is old and all that is new in their experience.

Even if the seeker attempts to stick with one body of material she will be cycling each time she reads through the same holy words into another period of her own learning and, therefore, she will come to that material as a new person, so that spiritual words are never actually old, for each time that you come to them you are a new entity with a new and more informed mind and heart. Sometimes it may seem to you that you are actually moving backwards and regressing, and this is expressed well by the one known as T who was somewhat disappointed in himself because his passion for the particular material that he had previously loved so much was no longer running so hot. And yet we say to those who may feel this way that even were you to move back into that same material and be kindled anew for that material, it would not be coming back to the same material. Rather, it would be looking at it with new eyes and finding a new level of learning and inspiration within those pages.

The group question for this session was: “The question today has to do with the eternal spiritual principles that each seeker of truth pursues. At some point in the spiritual journey a seeker will lose some of the original passion that propelled the seeking to begin with, and we would like Q’uo to give us information about how the seeker can find again that passion in the seeking. How can we as seekers of truth keep our passion high, or is it necessary to have periods of rest?”Q’uo began their reply by saying that as each of us becomes spiritual seekers of truth we are made of the Love of the Logos that has made the entire creation, and the Creator loves each of us and has given us the infinite gift of life and spirit which we have used through many incarnations to create many variations of that original Thought of Love which creates a unique signature for us that can be used to identify us in any density or body, for our soul is unique. Q’uo continued by referring to the question of how we may find inspiration for our spiritual journeys from one source of information for a while and then find another source to follow for a while, and Q’uo said this is totally acceptable because each source speaks of the same basic information. Q’uo went on to say that each seeker, or book, or source of information describes various aspects of the nature of the spiritual path that we may follow, and at some point we may feel that we have absorbed all of the concepts that we wish to from our path, and we want to move on to another path, but Q’uo recommended that we remain with our path in good times and bad.  Then Q’uo said that sometimes we cannot find a resonance with any particular religion or philosophy so we may move in and out of various ways of describing the nature of the Creator and our spiritual paths, and Q’uo said that this was acceptable as a means of traveling our spiritual path. Q’uo also said that sometimes when we feel that we have gotten all of the information on our spiritual path that resonates with us that we can reread the material and discover information that we missed the first few times through it because in our own process of spiritual evolution we have become a new being that sees with new eyes, and we are finding a new level of learning. On November 15, 1987, Q’uo spoke of how we can go through the process of spiritual evolution that allows us to see with new eyes:

Thus as you learn and as you serve, you become yourselves transformed by that which is your awareness, and as your awareness and as yourselves become transformed, the illusion about you is seen with new eyes and is itself transformed by your perception of it as yet a greater portion of the one Creator knowing Itself through each other portion of Itself.

That which the seeker seeks may seem to be within the words of holy works or inspirational works, but in fact the truth lies beyond the words of those books. For truth cannot be written down. Truth lies within the heart. Truth lies within essence. Within your illusion, within the poor words which we offer through this instrument, within all words, lie nothing more substantial than dreams. The world as you experience it is a very thick illusion made up of atoms and molecules and a great deal of space and energy fields. Those energy fields are thoughts. You as an entity are a kind of thought. And what you hope to do, what you seek to do, what you yearn to do when you are seeking for truth, is bring your thought, your energy field, your light, if you will, more and more into tune, into harmony and eventually into unison with the Thought that is the one great original Logos of Love.

This desire is what calls you through all of your seeking, and whatever reading or studying that it may call you to, you will find, as you move more into a particular study, that this study is not bringing you to truth, but, rather, is bringing you to a place from which you can begin to think about truth in a way that resonates to you. And this is why it is very important for those who are not inspired by a certain book or a certain source any more to move forward, to keep the eyes open and the heart open to receive a new story, a new image, a new way to think about the Divine. Whatever inspiration comes to you, the truth within it lies beyond it. The truth of all words, philosophy and religion lies in the silence that is invoked when the seeker comes to the end of the words, releases all from the mind, and allows the heart to open to the silence that is the true essence of the ether or fluid within which true learning takes place, within your spirit or soul.

Religious and philosophical seeking brings the student to the place where finally all the stories fall away. The heart is opened, and at last the soul can rest and tabernacle with the one infinite Creator in power, in peace, and in love. The comfort, the joy, the bliss of that companionship of the one infinite Creator is not out there somewhere, but, rather, within the heart, that same heart that beats so strongly within the body. This heart has a metaphysical component that is just as powerful a pump as the physical heart. And the Creator waits for each of us within that heart energy.

We wish that our words were not so poor. And yet at the same time we are grateful that we are able to share them. We wish we could share truth instead of the story about truth. But as long as we use words, we will be telling a story. We will be dreaming dreams. Yet know that within the dream of each of your lives, within the seeming illusion of everyday, the reality of truth and Love abides. There is nothing unreal about your illusion. It is very real. It is just not what it seems. The Creator is everywhere. Your heaven is everywhere: within you, without you, in every speck of the creation of the Father. Teachers are everywhere: the frog upon the rock, the iris blooming in the garden, the raven out the window. All the familiar images of this particular day, in this particular year, within this particular life experience, are divine as well as mundane, enspirited as well as illusion.

In many ways we have nothing to say. There is nothing to teach and nothing to learn. For that which is truly within each of you is already perfect. It is a matter, always, of finding those resonances, those special words, those special people, those special images that bring the Creator alive to you that you must value and be on the alert to look for. They are everywhere, and the Creator is extremely redundant about being sure that you have many messengers to keep you on the track that you hoped to be on within your incarnational experience.

Then Q’uo said that when we study books to aid our spiritual seeking that we should realize that words cannot truly describe spiritual truth because truth is within the essence of our heart, and when we are seeking for truth, we are bringing our thought and our light into unison with the Logos that is the one great original Thought of Love. Q’uo went on to say that it is our desire to grow spiritually that causes us to read books about the spiritual journey, but these books will not bring us spiritual truth, so we need to think about the thoughts that we read that feel right to us and that allow our heart to open to the silence where true learning takes place within our soul. Q’uo continued by saying that our spiritual journeys eventually bring us into our heart where we can tabernacle with the one infinite Creator where It waits for us in power, peace, and love. Q’uo said that their words could only tell the story of our spiritual journey, but within the illusion of our lives the reality of truth abides because the Creator is in every person, place, and experience that we have. Now Q’uo said that they really didn’t have anything to teach because the experience of people, words, and feelings that are within our lives are perfect because they bring the Creator in us alive as messengers to keep us on the track that we hoped to be on within our incarnational experience. On September 4, 1978, Hatonn spoke of how the Creator is in all things:

Each of you has been through many cycles, becoming more and more a true reflection of the Creator. It is for this reason that we are. We are here to realize the Creator, to see, and to reflect, and to share the Creator with each other, and thus we are the Creator. Whenever you realize that great force of love in your dealings with others, you have given love to the Creator. For the Creator is in all that you see. Now how, my friends, can you be expected to know what love is and how to give it? This, my friends, is the question which you bring to the troubles of your life, as you experience it day by day in this physical density that you now enjoy. Each seeming difficulty is, shall we say, a quiz, a test, perhaps even, if it is a very difficult situation, the equivalent of a midterm, as this instrument would call it. What you are is being brought to the catalyst of a situation in which you must then discover the best way of showing love. It is not an easy vibration, the one in which you now live. But it is one in which the learning is greatly intensified.

You asked whether it was a good idea to attempt to be on fire for the Creator all of the time. And we would say to you that it is not a state of mind that on the surface is passionate, that we would encourage seeking as a steady state. In terms of the surface experience, we would encourage experiencing as truly and really as possible what is being felt at each moment, for you are not attempting to direct the way you experience the Creator. Rather, you are simply attempting to know more of the Creator. And so, we ask you to release from any judgment your view of yourself as being good when you have passion and being not so good when you are less passionate about a way of seeking. Rather, we would encourage in terms of the steady state the remembrance of the Divine, the remembrance of who you are and whose you are. It does not matter how you feel about that. What matters most is the persistent and heart-felt orientation of the self with the Creator. Simply to remember the Creator is what we would recommend as the request made by the self of the self for every day. Attempt, if you can, to remember every day that you are the Creator’s child and that the Creator loves you more than you can ever imagine.

Try to remember every day to find a thankfulness for the opportunity of life and being. If you can but remain faithful to the remembrance of your true essence the flow and the stream of life will bring you every lesson you need, every inspiration, every truth, every opportunity for service. It may not seem at times as though this were true. It may seem at times as though there was nothing but confusion and chaos and not much comfort. And yet we say to you simply remember in good times and in woe that you are the child of Love and that you are here to love and to be loved.

If you can but enter the silence for five minutes within each day and tabernacle with that Love that created you, that would be a tremendous achievement, and certainly all that you need to ask of yourself as a seeker. Of course, each of you will be inspired to many more than five minutes in the silence in many days. There will be times of excitement, and they will cycle predictably. Realize that when you see yourself going through the cycles that it is a natural phenomenon, not born of your shallowness or your unworthiness but, rather, of the seasons of your soul, that come and go, that blow hot and cold with the warmth and the chill of a close or a distant Creator. These are the ways things will feel to you, and this is part of the experience of life. It is acceptable to us, each shade of that cycle. For no matter where you are on that cycle, you still are vibrating with that unique signature of self. You still are a creature made of Love and expressing Love.

Every moment of your life will not be inspired. But every moment of your life will be filled with Love. For that is all that there is, the Love that created you and the Light from which the Creator made your body and all of the creation. We always greet you in Love and in Light because that is all that there is. All that there is, is the one infinite Logos.

Now Q’uo said that it is not as important to be consciously on fire with love for the Creator as it is to engage with the events of the day to help us know more of the Creator and within our deeper mind to keep our steady devotion to knowing the Creator and knowing we are the Creator’s child and that the Creator loves us more than we can ever imagine. Q’uo went on to say that we should try to remember every day to be thankful for our life and remain faithful to our essence the stream of life will bring us every opportunity for every lesson that we need and every opportunity to be of service, and in the good times and the bad times we should see that we are a child of Love and that we are here to love and to be loved. Q’uo continued by suggesting that we tabernacle with the Creator each day for five minutes to begin with and then to meditate more according to the seasons of our soul that comes and goes, but wherever we are in the seasons of our soul that we remember that we are a unique creature made of Love and expressing Love. Q’uo completed their response by saying that every moment of our life will not be inspired, but every moment of our life will still be filled with Love because that is all that there is: the Love that created us and the Light from which the Creator made our body and all of the creation. On June 5, 1983, Hatonn spoke of the Love that is in every moment:

As we speak to you, the moments tumble by, numberless, limitless, thousands and thousands of moments. Can you reach out and grasp even the tiniest moment filled with Love? Ah, you can feel that about which we speak because you are becoming tuned to Love, you are resonating with Love, you are being filled with Love at this moment, and you become thereby a powerful person. But it is now another moment. And when you are not sitting in meditation, you are often in the situation of manifesting the Love that is in the moment. Now you know why we urge meditation. Now you can feel the Love of the moment, be taken by the rush of the wind of Love, be stormed and overcome and be in the moment. And there are those who are in that moment for a short period of your time, and there are those who find that moment and do not leave it for hours or weeks or years as you measure time. But you choose to come out of meditation and go about your daily life. Now you see how the choice of what you decide affects so many other choices in your life’s experience.

We would at this time leave this instrument and transfer the contact to the one known as Jim. We leave this instrument in love and in light. We are known to you as Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if we might be of service to those present by attempting to answer further queries which may be upon the mind. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I have a question (from M) that asks, “I am a follower of Rael and it was revealed to him in 1973 and 1975 that all life on Earth was created scientifically by extraterrestrial Elohim as it was described to him in religious texts. What is the role of Rael in the spiritual evolution of humanity?”

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of the query, my sister, but we find that there is a concern that you are well aware of, that we are not willing to infringe upon the free will of what this entity has to share. We are aware that there has been a great deal of, shall we say, assistance from sources of extraterrestrial, as you would call them, visitation from your days of old in which there was interaction between the population of your Earth at that time and many who came from elsewhere with the intention of assisting in the evolution of not only this planet’s population but this planet itself as well. This we can confirm. However, we would not suggest that the entire population of this planetary sphere was so seeded by extraterrestrial sources. There have been much, shall we say, later additions by more normal means to this planet’s population. The entity, Rael, is one who works in this area with a desire to be of service. However, we find that our ability to speak upon this entity any further must be bated by our concern for the first distortion. Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: As a follow up I was wondering if you would identify this group Rael is talking about as the entities Sitchin is talking about in his books as the Anunnaki who came to the Sumerian and Egyptian regions allegedly about 11,000 years ago?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There is a connection that is related to this entity from those called Anak, the Anunnaki. However, there is much distortion as well within the writings of the one known as Sitchen so that there is more emphasis in these writings given to the influence from elsewhere. There is also the difficulty of the time frame. We do not choose to correct this difficulty, for there is some infringement possible there as well. Is there a further question?

Carla: No, Q’uo. I would just say that those are two more stories about the infinite Creator. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you as well, my sister. Again, we apologize for our lack of information in this area. As you have correctly noted, all such stories are stories of the one Creator and Its movement within the one creation. However, some of the entities of your peoples are enough swayed by this kind of information that we must take care that we do not influence such beliefs overly much. Is there another question at this time?

T: Yes. I have a grandson named D, and I have a very strong feeling that he and I are connected, more so than we all are part of the Creator. I feel that there is some connection to my former wife, E, and I don’t know if you can comment, but I would appreciate some elucidation on your part.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As you have yourself realized there is indeed a connection that is karmic and is one which has connections to other entities as well as the one which you have mentioned. As is often the case in the reincarnative pattern of entities upon this third-density sphere there has been interaction between you and this entity, the one known as D, in many previous experiences. However, we are not able to give more specific information at this time because of our desire to maintain the free will of both the one known as D and yourself. Again, we must apologize for being shy of information. Is there another query, my brother?

T: No. Thank you. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you for your sincerity, your compassion and your dedication to seeking the truth. Is there another query at this time?

S: I have a question. My wife has many times fallen back into the patterns that cause her a great deal of stress. Is there anything that I can do or provide to alleviate this stress that she feels?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. When an entity such as your wife has repeated experiences of a similar nature, in this case the carrying of the load of stress, it is difficult to share such a load until this entity has been able to fathom the depths of the lesson to be learned. There is the matter of the feeling of responsibility which is felt by this entity that is connected to the feeling of the stress. The responsibility itself is also added unto by the entity’s feelings regarding sustenance, abundance, plenty. This entity explores these areas of its own nature in order that it might more fully experience the presence of the one Creator in its daily round of activities. This exploration of the connection to unity, to power, to peace is one which this entity has long pursued and which this entity wishes to balance by its current experience of that which you call stress. There is much which can be done to support such efforts and lessons in that there is the need to value both upon your part and hers the amount of work that is truly necessary for this entity’s learning of that which she has set before herself. The basic questions in this series of lessons concern the amount of effort necessary to secure the feelings of abundance, self-worth and the providing for those in this entity’s care. There is a boundary now that we find beyond which we do not wish to go, for again there is only so much of the setting of the table that is possible before infringement occurs. Perhaps at a future time further queries may be appropriate and further response given. Is there another query, my brother?

S: It gives me plenty to share and think about myself. Thank you. I guess my last question is again, our unseen visitors seem to be bashful, and I was wondering if you could tell us anything about our unseen friends here today?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Those of the goodly company, shall we say, are what you may call somewhat boring in that their constant aim is to assist each by offering the vibrations of love and light to all those within the circle of seeking to be used as each sees fit. This unspoken offering of assistance is one which is offered to many of the inhabitants of this planetary sphere, indeed to each by some entities, for this is their work, as you would call it, in regards to this planet’s current position in the harvest of souls. For the population of this planet at this time is seeded according to those whose likelihood of attaining harvest is greatest. Oftentimes it is not possible to do any more than send this unseen love and light, for many entities are not open to any other kind of communication or assistance from those of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the one Creator. Those within this circle of seeking, however, are more familiar with such entities and the concepts which are shared in these sessions of working. Thus, the assistance can frequently be altered into more perceptible offerings, that being the hunches or intuitions which each feels when considering certain options or actions, paths to pursue in future endeavors. Thus it is well for each seeker to not only seek with persistence and sincerity but to take careful note of those feelings or flashes of inspiration, of intuition, of purpose, of direction that come in the silent and sacred times of meditation, contemplation, and prayer. Here, within the inner room, is the opportunity to meet more closely those who stand in the shadows behind the curtains of light, shall we say, to offer what is possible to offer. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: So, is it appropriate to not only appreciate the efforts that they have given, to also ask for that assistance from them to help others when the opportunity arises?

I am Q’uo, and this is most appropriate, my brother, for the request for intercession on behalf of other entities is one selfless means of service that is always appreciated by the goodly company, or the heavenly host. Is there another query, my brother?

S: I just want to say that it is greatly appreciated from this side, too. I have no other queries. Thank you.

I am Q’uo. And again ,we thank you. Is there a final query at this time?


I am Q’uo, and as we feel that there is no further query at this time, we shall thank each present for inviting us to join your circle of seeking this day. As always it is a great privilege and honor for us to do so. We would remind each that we do not seek to be authorities and would ask that each use the personal discrimination to take those words which we have offered that ring of truth and to leave all others behind. At this time, we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group, leaving each in the love and in the light of the one Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I took a towel down to the basement to dry out the freezer that was turned off Wednesday so that there would not be any chance of mold forming in it.

This afternoon I went outside and used my backpack blower to blow the leaves behind the garage into a pile, and then I put them into two garbage cans. Then I used my trimmer and went around the yard to trim off the dead stalks in the various flower gardens. Then I used my backpack blower to blow the stalks into the piles of leaves in two locations along the side of the driveway.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 21

Seeds Of Light

I am of the consciousness of the Love of Jesus Christ. I greet you in that Love and wish you the joy of the Feast of the Nativity.

Feast it is, as Light comes into the world, ever-darkened, ever pregnant with that which is to be. For darkness is the perfect home of future things. So, the inside of your heart’s nature lies, black and fecund, awaiting the insertion of seeds of Light that only you may acknowledge and nurture through the grace of your own calling upon the consciousness of Love. By that call, great things have been accomplished.

Yet we are not bearers of the seed, but you. Therefore, carry your darkness proudly and bewail it not. But rather be ye perfect farmers of the seeds of the full consciousness of the Love of Christ.

May peace be born in you this day and evermore. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.