I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today my 102 quote comes from the Forward:
We humans take greater responsibility for our behavior as we mature emotionally and spiritually. This happens earlier for some of us than for others, but there’s no getting around it: at some point in our evolution, each of us begins to notice whether our thoughts and deeds are selfish or unselfish. We become aware of a personal preference to love and serve all others, or to love and serve only the self, and we begin to bend our will toward the chosen path. Every experience becomes an opportunity to polarize our consciousness—to make the Choice between the positively-polarized path or the negatively-polarized path.
The third density of evolution in which we now find ourselves, or the third grade in the school of souls, is a time for awakening to our spiritual nature. Each incarnation is a chance to awaken anew, and to commit ever more strongly to a path of service to the One Infinite Creator. For those of us who wish to serve others—presumably many who read this book—there arises a yearning to peer through the illusion of separation, to begin to grasp the unity of all things, and to love all as One, ourselves included but not set above other-selves. When it is time to move on to the fourth density of love and understanding, each of us will have become conscious of our polarity, or bias, even if we do not call it by one of Ra’s two terms: service to others or service to self. Though there is no universal way of describing this phenomenon, the Choice is the defining feature of our third-density experience. As Ra says, it is “the axis upon which the creation turns,” while “the remainder of the densities is continuous refining of the Choice”. 76.16
Carla, Don, and Jim: Living the Choice
I would like to share some major life events that illustrate how Don, Carla and I chose to be of service to others in our lives. Some of these things happened long before we met one another, but I believe that the choices we made in certain pivotal moments helped bring us together so that the Ra Contact could one day come to pass. It is amazing to look back and see how it all came together. I do believe that in each moment that a seeker makes conscious, polarized choices, a wealth of opportunity to continue along the chosen path is drawn into the life experience. This phenomenon seemed to be at work with Don, Carla, and me.
How Carla Chose to Live the Choice in Her Life
From two to five years of age, Carla had profound mystical experiences. As a toddler she wore glasses that she would hang from the venetian blinds next to her crib at naptime. One day, before falling asleep, she noticed a ray of sunlight that passed between the blinds and through the lens of her glasses. She suddenly found herself transported to a place that she would call her “Magic Garden”.
In this place, Carla watched a rose vine twining around her arm. She “saw” music in the air. Then she found herself surrounded by forest, face to face with Jesus. He looked as though he had walked a long way. His feet and sandals were dusty, his hair somewhat dirty and disheveled. Jesus never spoke a word, but when Carla looked into his eyes, she knew the meaning of unconditional love.
These experiences happened frequently when Carla took her naps, until the age of five when she told her Mom and Dad about them. They laughed and told her that she must have been dreaming because such things could not happen to a little girl. From that moment on, Carla never saw her Magic Garden again, but she was a follower of Jesus for the rest of her life.
Another pivotal moment for Carla came at the age of twelve. Due to her experience with Jesus in her early years she had wanted to be of service to others with all of her heart. Since she was a child prodigy her mother and father thought that the best way to foster her high intelligence was to give her constructive criticism rather than any compliments. Later, Ra would describe this type of incarnational lesson as a kind of giving “without expectation of return”:
“Agreements were made prior to incarnation; the first, with the so-called parents and siblings of this entity. This provided the experiential catalyst for the situation of offering radiance of being without expectation of return.” –50.5
By the time she was twelve Carla had had so much of this constructive criticism that she felt that there was no way that she would ever be able to fulfill her life’s desire to be of service to others. So, she prayed to die and, six months later, her kidneys failed, leading to a Near Death Experience. Once again, she found herself in a wooded setting, walking along a trail and up a hill. Beyond the hill she could see the very top of a temple, where she knew her spiritual family was waiting for her.
Before she could get to the temple a voice came out of the air and told her that it was not her time to leave. She was told that she had chosen a difficult life and that, if she wanted to, she could divide it into two lives to make it easier to provide the service that she wanted so much to provide. That meant that she would have to go through another childhood; but Carla had had enough difficulty in her present childhood and didn’t want to have to go through another one. More importantly, knowing now beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was service for her to give to others, she said that she would go back to her present life and seek that service. And so, she did.
Questioner: You are saying that the instrument itself then created the kidney problem at that time?
Ra: I am Ra. The instrument’s desire to leave this density lowered the defenses of an already predisposed weak body complex, and an allergic reaction was so intensified as to cause the complications which distorted the body complex towards unviability.
The will of the instrument, when it found that there was, indeed, work to be done in service, was again the guiding factor, or complex of vibratory patterns, which kept the body complex from surrendering to dissolution of the ties which cause the vitality of life. –63.3
Thank goodness for Carla’s will to serve!
As a young adult, Carla really followed her heart in ways that brought all kinds of adventure, including some difficult catalyst. Though she would eventually complete her undergraduate studies in English Literature at the University of Louisville and would go on earn a master’s degrees in Library Service, Carla dropped out of college for a period of time, wishing to experience the challenges of giving and receiving love in “the real world”, so to speak. During that time, she actually worked in a sleazy bar, and earned the respect of patrons and coworkers alike by listening to their troubles, offering heartfelt counseling, and entertaining them with a capella songs when the house band would break between sets.
She had a lovely singing voice, and her first marriage was to a man who wished to marry her only so that they could take a job as the opening act for Peter, Paul, and Mary, traveling and living together without being viewed as “immoral”. Though Carla herself said, “my motivation for marriage was not love but ambition”, she chose to keep her promise to her husband despite his many affairs. It was a difficult time during which Carla navigated the catalyst offered by this situation and made every effort to open her heart and give love without any expectation of return. As it turned out, her husband eventually asked for a divorce in 1968—under one condition: that she would return to Louisville, KY, and “be with her people.” Carla obliged—though she did not heed his mother’s encouragement to “take his credit card and run up as much of a bill as you want!”
By that time Carla had completed her education and, sadly, her husband was having his final affair. He also had chosen to move to Vancouver, British Columbia to evade the Vietnam War draft and his girlfriend had come along. To add insult to injury, when he was unable to find a job, he asked Carla to support him.
Carla believed in the notion that one’s marriage vows really were “for better or for worse”. To this end, she left Louisville to be near her husband and to attempt to honor those vows. She took a wonderful job as Head Librarian at Vancouver’s Frazier University, where she had thirteen employees to supervise.
And then, out of the blue, her husband asked for a divorce and insisted that Carla return to her hometown “to be with her people”. Coming to terms with the situation, Carla obliged. Though she left her cherished job reluctantly, she soon found herself relieved to be back in Louisville, no longer bound to an unhealthy relationship.
Eventually Carla rejoined Don’s weekly meditation group. The two grew closer, and the day after her divorce was final, Don moved into her apartment near downtown Louisville. All these rocky years had led her back home to Don, but this time Carla was sure of where she belonged.
Within a couple of weeks of their living together Don and Carla began to write their first book, The Crucifixion of Esmerelda Sweetwater. It was a magical experience in that they saw the characters and plot develop in their minds as they sat together on the couch, Carla’s head on Don’s lap as he held a tape recorder in his hand to record the plot and characters.
As they would one day realize, this book was prophetic regarding many people that Don and Carla would meet and various activities that they would be involved in throughout their sixteen years together. Ra later confirmed this during the contact:
“When the commitment was made between two of this group to work for the betterment of the planetary sphere, this commitment activated a possibility/probability vortex of some strength. The experience of generating this volume was unusual in that it was visualized as if watching the moving picture.
Time had become available in its present-moment form. The scenario of the volume went smoothly until the ending of the volume. You could not end the volume, and the ending was not visualized as the entire body of the material but was written or authored.
This is due to the action of free will in all of the creation. However, the volume contains a view of significant events, both symbolically and specifically, which you saw under the influence of the magnetic attraction which was released when the commitment was made and full memory of the dedication of this, what you may call, mission restored.”—68.14
By 1974, most of the fellows from Don’s meditation and channeling experiment had graduated college and left the group in order to get married or get jobs. It was at this time that Don asked Carla if she would be willing to learn how to channel so that the experiment to receive better and better spiritually-oriented information through channeling could continue. She agreed, and it was actually Hatonn that taught Carla how to channel as Don channeled Hatonn’s instructions to her. Hatonn was the fourth-density planetary mind that had begun channeling to Don’s experimental group in 1962. These channelings eventually attracted a number of folks to join in Sunday night meditations which then became another service of L/L Research. Later, Carla would channel another planetary mind by the name of Latwii that was of fifth-density origin.
Carla would also travel with Don to investigate UFO abductions as he flew a small plane to any new cases that he heard about. In 1976 they self-published Secrets of the UFO, and in 1980 they published a cassette tape of recorded messages from supposed extraterrestrials called Messages From the UFO. This was the major work that Don and Carla did in the twelve years that they were together before I joined them in December of 1980.
Throughout her early life, Carla had to experience many roles—student, stage performer, devoted wife, and career librarian—in order to heed each desire and call to service, answering always to the heart of her being. Her passionate heart and her faith in humanity led her on all kinds of adventures. Some were difficult and disappointing, but, in each case, she applied herself to seeing love in those around her, and to viewing these experiences as precious opportunities to grow and to become more loving by the day.
The early challenges she faced, combined with the choices she made to love with abandon and keep going wherever her heart led her, eventually led Carla to Don. She was able, in love and faith, to embark with him upon an unusual journey, living more and more into her mystical nature, and venturing into the unknown. This would lead not only to the Ra Contact and to our partnership, but to a lifetime of living and sharing the Law of One.
This morning I began to place the chairs that we used for the Homecoming Gathering in the little room beside the furnace in the basement. Then I ran some errands to get cat food, a new litter box for Boscoe, and a 3-ring notebook to keep my new Camelot Journal entries in that deal with Living the Law of One 102: The Outer Work. I need the litter box in my current process of getting him to come downstairs and eventually see the first floor of the house as his home so that the two feral cats upstairs can have the entire second floor as their home. Then all three kitties can have a better life.
This afternoon I brought a few chairs from Homecoming into the basement and combined them with all the other chairs.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
September 24
Laughter And Quiet
Greetings in the love of Jesus the Christ. I am the spirit of the consciousness of Christ in the vibration which comforts this instrument.
We noted the surprise which this child showed when we joked at the challenge she offered to us. This is no cause for surprise. Jesus’ love is based upon a consciousness in which ecstasy is the steady-state experience and laughter as natural as breathing.
Do you distract yourself so that you cannot feel this joy? Quiet yourself, then, until the tides of ease and laughter inundate you and offer blessing in your experience.
Peace be with you. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.
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