I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from March 21:
Question from J: “Please describe the contractual design and service to the one Creator, service to others, and to Mother Earth which my divine essence through love and service has created, agreed to, and desires to fulfill at this current space-time.”
(Carla channeling)
We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator in whose name we come to you this day, to this part of that which we may call the “Godhead Principle” for all entities are a portion of this Godhead Principle, each splintering as gems from a mother lode or sparking off as sparks from a glorious and sacred place of Creatorship, always and ever retaining, in the microcosm of the macrocosm, a holographic expression of the infinite reaches of the one Creator and Its creative Thought of Love. We are most happy to share our thoughts with you upon this subject and ask only that each thought that we offer be appraised and estimated with quite careful discrimination, seeking and searching always for the personal resonance, for that peculiar sensation of remembering that which you have already known and simply had forgotten. This is the mark of personal truth. All other ideas, be they ever so attractive as toys for the mind, need to be left behind as stumbling blocks, if that essence of remembrance and resonance is not there. With this freedom granted us, we may then express ourselves without being concerned that we, as incorrectly perceived authority figures, might cause any to stumble.
We would then spend the balance of this reading discussing that which you have asked in the light of a point of view which is perhaps broader and less specific than you would prefer. However, we wish very much for you to work on this last puzzle, to experience the faith that springs from the leap into midair, to place the self not only upon the line but happily over the line, because it gives joy, and it expresses the deepest passion of the being. These choices are those which, if relaxed into, seem sometimes to flow with uncanny precision and speed. At other times the lesson includes waiting. And there are both aspects within the present puzzle, those things which need not to be resisted and those times faith alone can express the quality of serenity that does not blink at apparent challenge, difficulty, or lack of manifestation.
What is the shape of service to the Creator? We suggest that the contract that you speak of is a contract that you have attempted to keep for some time. It is a life-long contract. It is elastic. It is in force as long as you breathe. This contact is common to many who at this time express upon the surface of your planet, both those who are in last incarnations, or hopefully last incarnations, as an earth native, and those who have come here from elsewhere from higher densities in order to be of service upon planet Earth at this time. This basic mission which all hold in common is perforce a generalized expression of the essence of the self, for are not all selves part of the infinite Creator? So that there is that spiritual paradox, that is so precious, of the absolute equality of all souls and the absolute uniqueness of each gem of personhood that is the soul stream that is represented so sketchily in the illusion of flesh by the personality shell, which those about you experience as yourself. That which you came prepared to live for and to die for is the cause of Love and Light. The need at this time upon the planet which you now serve is great. The time is Harvest and those who have awakened have awakened to the memory that they are here to serve in a specific way.
This specific way is so completely other than the culture in which your peoples experience life, see contracts and jobs, that it is very different to wrap the mind around the job at hand. However, this job is to live a life which contains as much consciousness and awareness and accurate observance of all that is seen as possible. It, then, requires the instrument that is your soul to aid as a shuttle in bringing into the physical body and out into the metaphysical inner planes of this planet, by intention, the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator which at all times is moving through the openhearted entity and being sent by intention either to the Creator, to the fourth-density grid of this planet, which this instrument is so interested in strengthening, and to the people that one comes in contact with on a daily basis, that can be served and can be prayed for by the simple level of consciousness expressed within, that sanctum sanctorum which is the opened heart wherein the entity is in tabernacle with the one infinite Creator. To carry this persona into the world is to carry peace into the world, to carry Light into the world. To carry this consciousness means that you begin to see yourself as the Christ. You begin to see others as the Christ. You begin to see the creation as an expression of the Father, and you begin to see that in being the most essential self that you can, you are moving closer and closer to the selfhood that is the Christ, that is the “I” of “me.”
Question from J: “Please describe the contractual design and service to the one Creator, service to others, and to Mother Earth which my divine essence through love and service has created, agreed to, and desires to fulfill at this current space-time.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that any incarnation is brief and full of possibilities so that they could not describe all of the possibilities that J had planned because some were not traveled, and some were left behind for the service and sacrifice that Love requires of those who chose the path that is less traveled, and Q’uo said that there was one path that will come naturally for J that is a roundabout route when seen in hindsight, but that it was a good way to go, and all things would occur at the proper time. Q’uo continued by saying that they would discuss J’s question in a broader sense and be less specific than J preferred because they wanted J to work on this puzzle in order to experience the faith from taking a leap into midair because it gives J joy and expresses the deepest passion of J’s being, and if these choices are relaxed into, they will sometimes flow with uncanny precision and speed, and at other times the lesson includes waiting so that there are both aspects within the present puzzle which are: “those things which need not to be resisted and those times faith alone can express the quality of serenity that does not blink at apparent challenge, difficulty, or lack of manifestation.” Q’uo went on to say that the contract of service to the Creator is one that J has attempted to keep for some time and is in force for the entire incarnation which is common to many on Earth who are in their last incarnations as either natives of Earth or wanderers who have come to be of service on this planet, and this mission which all hold in common is the essence of all selves who are part of the infinite Creator which means that all souls are equal as well as being a unique facet of the gem of personhood, and that which J came to live for and to die for is the cause of Love and Light since the need at this time upon the planet which J seeks to serve is great because this is the time of Harvest, and those who have awakened have awakened to the memory that they are here to serve in a specific way. Then Q’uo said this way of service is different from the cultural norms because it involves J living a life which contains conscious awareness of all that is seen and experienced so that J’s soul might serve as a shuttle in bringing into the physical body and out into the metaphysical inner planes of Earth the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator which is always moving through the openhearted entity and being sent by intention either to the Creator, to the fourth-density grid of this planet, or to the people that one comes in contact with on a daily basis that can be served and J can pray for according to J’s level of consciousness as expressed within the opened heart wherein J is tabernacling with the one infinite Creator. Q’uo said that: “To carry this persona into the world is to carry peace into the world, to carry Light into the world. To carry this consciousness means that you begin to see yourself as the Christ. You begin to see others as the Christ. You begin to see the creation as an expression of the Father, and you begin to see that in being the most essential self that you can, you are moving closer and closer to the selfhood that is the Christ, that is the “I” of “me.”” On October 7, 2007, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the open heart:
It is wonderful to be in the presence of an entity with an open heart. That glow, that radiation is so enjoyable to be near! One can always feel the presence of a truly loving heart. There is excellence there of the highest degree. Yet the energy of one who is making contact with intelligent infinity is as the wise man to the youth. The one known as Saint Paul said, “Now I see through a glass darkly; then I shall see face to face.” That is the difference. In both cases, may we ask, “Who is the ‘I’ who is radiating?” And you shall say to me, “It is ‘I’ myself. It is the person that I am.”
This is the hardest part to perceive. In the case of the opened heart, there is a simple or simplistic degree of selfhood or ego which is an essential part of the radiating form, for it blesses the Light that is radiating forth from your heart. It is a very personal thing, although it has great overtones of impersonality as the open heart makes contact with the presence of the infinite One.
We do not wish to indicate the literal Christ, that body, that personality shell. But we indicate the consciousness that is the Christ within, that consciousness which the one known as Jehoshuah carried so elegantly, and so bravely, and with such tenacity. Yet it was a cloak, and that cloak is the cloak of the Godhead Principle, shall we say, or the divine Spirit, or as this instrument likes to call it, the Holy Spirit, that which is Christ without the body, that divine fire which flows, that wind of Spirit that “bloweth where it listeth.” This is the consciousness that is your basic contract. This is what you came to do, and this is not easy work. For this is a work that exists throughout the day, throughout the waking time that is left to you upon this sphere, and so it is essential, in the practice of those who would maximize their service, that the entity be more and more aware of the thoughts and the feelings that are occurring, of those triggers that pull the self from the self which rests in the great ocean of divine Consciousness into the murk of the archipelago of confusion and chaos that is the usually segmented daily experience.
The deep waters that surround each moment are not apparent to one skating upon the surface of life. It is those who are brave enough to dive into the present moment and to gain its fruits by thirst and hunger, seeking like the hart that “pants after the water brook” as this instrument would quote from her Bible, that the self becomes a honed instrument, a crystal radio, that is waiting silently, empty handedly, to receive the information that comes through the shuttle of the gateway to intelligent infinity that is the spiritual body.
The strategy that we would recommend for working upon this primary contractual obligation or what the Ra group called “honor/duty” is that heart-opening discipline, for which the one known as J has so richly prepared himself by many resources and many experiences that hone and refine the strategies and processes that this entity may bring to bear upon that seed that is within that blooms in the spring of awakened consciousness. The seed has fallen in good ground and there is every hope of a good spring and we just encourage the one known as J to bend to the Earth of its planting, to tend the buds that come, with great love, with great awareness of the sacred honor in drawing breath at this time, in this place. We encourage the openhearted attempt in each day to gaze at the household of the self with first interest upon the lowest of the floors, that level of survival and sexuality that perhaps the cave and the more primitive parts of a house would suggest, the first floor, a ground floor of personal relationships and the family and group relationships that are intimate in the personal life. These small concerns, these incidental chores and experiences of day-to-day life contain most of the grist for the mill of the metaphysical learning which you indeed did come to do.
Thelearning will take place whether or not all relationships are used that have been prepared. And indeed, in most incarnations many relationships are allowed to lapse, or may not even occur simply because of the road not taken—so that there is no way of exhausting the possibilities of any incarnation. The gift that you give in this contract is the enormous gift of a life that is lived for the Creator, a life that is lived in remembrance of the Creator, a life that is lived in devotion to the mystery of Deity, a life that is lived in faith that all is well, and that all will be well. These energies are the energies which allow the heart to open when the entity is comfortable in its own skin, when it has a home life in which it is functional and content, when it has obtained some grasp of the good and the seeming challenge inherent in the worldly work of gaining supply, then can the heart begin to open and feel safe in an undefended and relaxed state. And in that state full energy begins coming through the heart and according to the will of the entity which is the crystal being doing the work, that energy then can then move in to work in consciousness, for the self, for the planet, for entities about the self or for, indeed, the Creator Itself.
Then Q’uo said that they were not speaking of the literal body of Christ, but they were speaking of the consciousness that is the Christ within that Jesus carried so elegantly and so bravely which was a cloak of the Holy Spirit which is Christ without the body and that wind of Spirit that is ever present, and this is the consciousness that is J’s basic contract which is not easy work because this is a work that exists throughout all of his days of the life on Earth, and so it is essential that J be more aware of the thoughts and feelings that are pulling the self from the self which rests in the great ocean of divine Consciousness into the murky waters of the archipelago of confusion that is a part of the daily experience. Q’uo went on to say that when J is skating on the surface of life that he has no awareness of the deep waters that surround each moment, and it is by gaining this awareness that J can become a crystal radio that is waiting silently to receive the information that comes through the spiritual body which is the shuttle to the gateway to intelligent infinity. Q’uo recommended that J’s strategy for working upon this primary “honor/duty” is that heart-opening discipline that J has prepared for himself by many experiences that he may bring to bear upon that seed that is within him that blooms in his awakened consciousness, and Q’uo encouraged his openhearted attempt each day to look at the household of himself with his first interest being upon the lowest of the floors of survival and sexuality that are the more primitive parts of a house, and then look at the first floor of personal relationships and the second floor of group relationships because these small concerns and experiences of day-to-day life contain most of the grist for the mill of the metaphysical learning which he came to do. Q’uo continued by saying that J’s learning will take place whether or not all relationships are used that he has prepared so that in most incarnations many relationships may not occur because their being the road not taken, so there is no way of exhausting the possibilities of any incarnation, and the gift that J gave in this contract is the gift of a life that is lived for the Creator and a life that is lived in faith that all is well, and that all will be well. Q’uo said these energies are the energies which allow J’s heart to open when he is comfortable in his own skin; when he has a home life which is functional and content; then his heart can begin to open and: “feel safe so that in this state full energy begins coming through his heart and according to the will of the entity which is the crystal being doing the work, that energy then can then move in to work in consciousness, for the self, for the planet, for entities about the self or for, indeed, the Creator Itself.” On August 22, 2004, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the crystal being:
It is a delicate thing to change the point of view from third-density consensus reality to fourth-density perceived reality; to switch from living by fear into living by love; to move from a point of view in which one defends and guards into a point of view in which one sees oneself as a crystal being that is able to receive the Love and the Light of the one infinite Creator, bless it and allow it to go forth from the open heart without distortion. As you are able to express the unconditional Love that fuels your Light and that is the source of your Light, you become the Light of the world.
All of these energies are part of a life lived in faith and in gratitude if it can be remembered to give praise and thanksgiving for all that occurs. The resources which the one known as J has so ably stacked up in the years of experience, of service, and in devotion will be able to come into play as they are needed, not because of the cudgeling of the brain or the intellectual sophistry of thinking, but those things which point, and hint, and suggest shall be bubbling up from dream, vision, bird, bush, sky, and unusual, unexpected synchronicity. We encourage, then, the attention to the information that flows from the devas of second density who are in complete harmony with the needs of your soul stream. We encourage those awarenesses of synchronicities and of good words spoken that are given from the actions of angelic aid in fourth density, of higher teachers in fifth density and sixth density and of the Creator’s whimsy, which operates at an even higher level than even these teachers. Indeed, many times the Creator’s dry and attic wit has salted the sad and sorry earthly tragedy with ironic yet bittersweet humor. This too is a teaching of a very deep kind.
You are a crystal that has the entire spectrum of energy. You can generate and focus upon any of these colors. And by the responses that you give to catalyst—in the daily life especially, in the small life—you can refine, articulate, purify, and crystallize these colors that are your emotions. There is such beauty in the human heart and, as you give yourself to the Creator day by day, you are as the flower in the field that shines with your very own array of colors. These are the palette that you have created to give praise and honestation to the one infinite Creator. What then are your thoughts this day? What then are the feelings that you have produced?
This instrument was saying earlier about itself that in a recent situation it had, on the worldly level, a great success, but on the personal level felt disappointed with herself, for she had not taken the opportunity in every case to see new people, or that is, people new to her, as souls, but rather personalities, becoming involved in the intricacies of very social rituals and aggravation that is inherent in these to this particular entity. Why did this choice get taken? Why was the attention straying from the center of devotion, which this instrument hopes is lit as the lighthouse upon the hill at all times? Nay, this lighthouse sometimes seems to get very faint and seems not to shine very brightly. These are the times that are precious for learning, these moments of awakening awareness that one has been drifting off of one’s focus.
Then it is that it is time— not to discipline the self, rebuke the self, or scold the self—but rather to correct the error of thought, speaking out loud perhaps the principle involved in seeing entities as the Creator, seeing the self as the Creator, and seeing the creation as the Creator’s world. These are those things which you have contracted to do. It is very easy and completely understandable within the culture that you enjoy that you would equate contractual missions with outer gifts. And yet we may say without any feeling of personal wrongness that were this instrument never to have channeled, to have written, or to have sung in this incarnation, this instrument would still be appropriately and properly pursuing that which she calls the King’s Highway.
There is nothing of outer gifts that is contractual but rather the contractual obligation, the honor, and the duty is to the being that you hope to allow to flower within this density and within this lifetime specifically. There was a hope of one who would come to the Harvest, harvestable and shining as brightly as the sun, and thus harvesting those about it as the radiance lights other people and begins other people’s journeys toward awakening simply by the radiance of being that they experience. This is a very subtle, a very hidden service. It is one which takes tremendous discipline yet gives great joy and is actually what this instrument would call the fast track to inner learning. For in this particular state of mind you are as the tuned instrument that is able to observe, from a standpoint of compassion and thankfulness, the unfolding plan of the one infinite Creator.
Q’uo said that all of these energies of work in consciousness are part of a life lived in faith and in gratitude if J can remember to give praise and thanksgiving for all that occurs, and the resources which J has accumulated in the years of his service and devotion will come into play as they are needed–not because of exercise of the intellect–but because of dreams, visions, and synchronicities, so Q’uo encouraged J to pay attention to the information that comes from the devas of second density who are in harmony with J’s soul stream as well as the words of angelic being in fourth densities, teachers in the fifth and sixth densities, and the Creator’s dry sense of humor which is a teaching of a very deep kind. Q’uo went on to say that J was a crystal that contained the entire spectrum of energy, and he could generate and focus upon any of these colors of his emotions, and by the responses that he gave to catalyst in his daily life that he could refine these emotions. Then Q’uo said that there is beauty in the human heart, and as J gave himself to the Creator every day he was like a flower in the field that shined with his unique array of colors which are the palette that he had created to give praise and honor to the one infinite Creator, so Q’uo asked: “What then are your thoughts this day? What then are the feelings that you have produced?” Q’uo continued by saying that Carla said that recently she had a great success in the worldly sense, but on the personal level she was disappointed with herself for not taking the opportunity to see people that were new souls, but, instead, she had gotten involved in social rituals, and she didn’t know why she had made this choice that was not the heart of her devotion where she hoped to be a lighthouse upon the hill, so she hoped to use this time of straying from her path as a way of learning more about herself. Now Q’uo said that it was not the time that Carla should scold herself but, rather, to correct her error of thought and speak out loud the principle of seeing entities as the Creator; seeing the self as the Creator; and seeing the creation as the Creator’s world; and these are those things which J had agreed to do so that it was understandable within the culture that J enjoyed to equate his mission with outer gifts, so Q’uo said that without any feeling of personal wrongness that if Carla had never channeled, never written, or never had sung in this incarnation, she would still be properly pursuing the King’s Highway. Then Q’uo said that outer gifts are not contractual, but the contractual obligation is to the kind of being that J hoped to allow to flower within this density and within his lifetime so that there was a hope that he would make the Harvest and shine as brightly as the sun, and thus harvesting those about him as the radiance of his being lights other people’s journeys toward awakening. Q’uo said that this was a subtle and hidden service and one which takes discipline, and yet it gives great joy and is actually what Carla would call the fast track to inner learning, for in this state of mind J is the tuned instrument that is able to observe, with compassion and thankfulness, the unfolding plan of the one infinite Creator. On April 18, 2004, Q’uo described the nature of the fast track:
The choices made by entities striving as this group is striving become more intense and more capable of making powerful changes in consciousness in the process of their being made because of the purity of the desire to stand in the Light of Love and be unified with the higher forces of Love. This also creates an atmosphere in which experiences which are garnered from the ambience of such an atmosphere are very sharp and often painful. It is, as this instrument would say, a very fast track, one that enables one to lift up and bring the self into an atmosphere of change and learning and energizing of that learning by conscious dedication. It is that which tests the mettle and the determination of the seeker. Any time an entity attempts to do what this instrument would call light work, to better the planet and its people, to serve as a beacon, and so forth, that choice brings into being a time of testing. And the more there is the desire to serve and to learn, the more the testing shall occur. It is a self-governing system that must operate as it does in order for free will to be preserved and in order for choices to be tested, refined and evolved. For a choice tends to move to another choice, to another choice, and so forth, so that it is a spiraling system that builds upon itself; each choice building upon itself or working to correct a previous choice made. Again, this is always at the discretion of the individual.
Wedo bless and encourage you to follow those paths which lead to outer service as well. These are less central to the energy which causes you to ask these questions, yet we feel that you will be feeling delighted as well as in some consternation as things unfold. There is much of interest to come so we simply encourage the feeling that all is well, the feeling that the road is beneath the feet. That which this instrument calls the King’s Highway, that Tao, that Way is beneath the feet, and you are on the road. This is the bulk of that which we would say to respond to your query with one more thought concerning the work with the environment that you mentioned.
The one known as Gaia, or the Earth, or Terra groans in a despairing labor at this time. She has become somewhat encouraged as more and more entities send light and begin to grieve for the suffering and feeling of fear that is being cast about the surface of your globe like a pall. This is encouraging to Gaia, yet she needs ever more reassurance that her children love her and wish her well and assist her in the travail of the birth of her fourth-density self. Entities such as this instrument and its group and other groups like it have begun to become aware of ways to intensify and strengthen the one known as Gaia and especially that fourth-density labor. The tool, as is so often the case, is the human crystal placed in visualization or meditation at a particular time, thus joining wills into a more and more giant and strong will that may bring many others to it by the sheer energy of its light.
There is, inherent in the attempt of Wanderers to, shall we say, infect the Earth with heightened awareness of Love, that dependency upon what this instrument would call the One Hundredth Monkey Effect, the hope being that eventually more and more entities are forming lighthouses, light groups, study groups, meditation groups, groups of all shades of devotion and way of expressing devotion to the infinite Creator, yet groups that harmonize in wishing Light and Love to planet Earth and its people. These goals are moving along with speed, and we see many more places of Light coming to be where entities may come into small groups and form spiritually oriented friendships, fellowships, and families. These possibilities for increased Light at this time are great blessings, and we encourage those opportunities that come one’s way for these are opportunities to add one’s light to the light of many others. And these opportunities are occurring with greater and greater frequency for those of your peoples who have awakened.
Know that the Earth will be fine. It is the sadness and the sorrow that shall occur if the Earth must give up upon humankind that is the tragedy here. Therefore love the Earth, express that love by direct relationship with the Earth, spending the time with the nature and the state of nature and simply sharing love with the Earth, experiencing loving and being loved as you breathe the carbon dioxide for the trees to inhale and as the trees exhale their oxygen so that you may have life, rest in the harmony of the one infinite Creator, and be healed.
Now Q’uo said that this is the time where many are called to awaken and help in building a road to fourth density that is a safe road for those who come after this generation upon planet Earth, and Q’uo’s work with third density human beings is nearly over with few to harvest in Love & Light, and yet these appearances have no substance because it is only energies that have substance in the metaphysical world so that the energy of intention and the focusing upon the center of J’s desire are the basic prerequisites for the work ahead. Q’uo encouraged J to follow those paths which lead to outer service as well even though they are not as important as his spiritual questions, yet they felt that he will be delighted as well as be in some confusion as things unfold, but there was much of interest to come in the future, so Q’uo simply encouraged J to know that all is well and to feel that the King’s Highway is beneath his feet, and he is on the road. Q’uo went on to say that Gaia is in painful labor at this time, and she has become encouraged as seekers send her light and grieve for the suffering and feeling of fear that is being cast about her surface like a dark cloud, and this is encouraging to Gaia, yet she needs more reassurance that her children love her and will assist her in the travail of the birth of her fourth-density self. Q’uo said that Carla, her group, and other groups like it have discovered ways to strengthen Gaia in her fourth-density labor by using a crystal placed in visualization or meditation at the same time by joining wills into a more powerful will that may bring many others to it by the sheer energy of its light. Q’uo continued by saying that as Wanderers seed the Earth with greater awareness of Love by forming light groups, meditation groups, and study groups that they are calling upon the One Hundredth Monkey Effect to increase devotion to the infinite Creator by sending Light and Love to planet Earth and its people, and these goals are moving along with speed, and Q’uo said that they: “see many more places of Light coming to be where entities may come into small groups and form spiritually oriented friendships, fellowships, and families. These possibilities for increased Light at this time are great blessings, and we encourage those opportunities that come one’s way for these are opportunities to add one’s light to the light of many others. And these opportunities are occurring with greater and greater frequency for those of your peoples who have awakened.” Q’uo completed their reply by saying that Earth will be fine, and it is the sorrow that shall occur if Earth must give up upon humankind that is the tragedy here, so Q’uo suggested that we should express our love by spending time within her state of nature and simply sharing love with the Earth, experiencing loving her and being loved as we breathe the carbon dioxide for the trees to inhale, and as the trees exhale their oxygen so that we may have life, rest in the harmony of the one infinite Creator, and be healed. On March 2, 2003, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the increased light as we move towards the fourth density:
The third-density kind of light casts a certain construction upon events which transpire within the day-to-day living. The same events gazed at from the standpoint of the next density are seen in a fuller and more generous Light. The key to adapting to this time of increased Light, increased transparency between third density and fourth density, and increasing amounts of the light of honesty within the self as it matures and grows, is to offer that which is wrapped up in the fuller and more generous light. The information coming into your very body, into the energy system of the body, at this time is information that is Light, that is the limitless Light of the one infinite Creator, carrying with it overlays of the increasing fourth-density energy which is, as this instrument said in the discussion prior to this “cosmic sermonette,” bringing things to the surface that were hidden and making the rough places plane.
The energies of fourth density are those energies which look at distortion with full awareness of the beauty of each distortion and awareness also of those harmonics and harmonies of undertone and overtone that create avenues of progression in which the biases, which may seem less than harmonized, may blossom and open in the sunlight of compassion until a fuller view is seen, a larger area constituting a point of view in which not only can a distortion be seen but also the surrounding energy that creates the distortion and that place which seems to be blocked.
We would at this time ask if there are any follow-up queries that we may help you with at this time?
Jim: I would like to know about that tone that he has experienced in his right ear for a number of years, a very light tone, what that tone might be for, what it might be a symbol of or a result of?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. This tone is that confirmation of a positive conclusion that you have set for yourself. The similar tone upon the left side would then be the indication of a negative response to a conclusion that had just been reached. This is not a fast rule, for other causes can produce tones within the ear. However, it is helpful when such a tone is perceived to think back upon that which was the issue upon the mind at the time the tone was heard and see if there might be some information within that sound that is perceived within the inner ear.
Is there another question, my brother?
Jim: When J does breathing exercises he goes into a certain state of suspended animation where he hears another tone. Could you explain what that tone might be?
We are those of Q’uo. The one known as J has the separation of a slight nature of the inner bodies from the physical body as the complete cessation of the respiration occurs. The inner bodies are lifting somewhat up into the gateway and moving up, shall we say, the silver cord or the spiritual shuttle resting in the information stream that is down-pouring from the one infinite Creator. This indeed does alter the consciousness, and the noise is as if the car window were cracked a bit allowing the universe of airflow outside to enter the protected shell of the physical vehicle.
May we answer you further, my brother? We are those of Q’uo.
Jim: J feels a connection with those of Ra, with the Great Ones of the Central Sun, and with those of Metatron. How can he make that connection more apparent, and how can he use it in his own spiritual journey?
We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The precise status of connection to entities with these names is…
[Tape ends.]
This morning I ran a couple of errands with my first stop being at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself. My second stop was a Walgreen’s Drug Store where I bought some Pepsi-Zero and some non-food items.
This afternoon I went out to Bosco’s grave site and took the gravestones off of his grave because the heavy rains last night seemed to cause the stones to move further into the ground on the right side of the grave. I am assuming that the box that I put his body in collapsed because of the rain, so I raked some dirt into the right side of the grave and replaced the big stone first and then put the smaller stone with Bosco’s name on it on top of the big stone.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
February 6
I am the Comforter, and I speak to you in the wholeness of the Love of Jesus the Christ.
Today is a word which means “the present.” Yet how little time each may spend in peaceable, comfortable thought concerning today! Many hark back to yesterdays which seem unsatisfactory and experience emotions negative and sorrowful. Many more gaze into tomorrow with fear and apprehension.
Yet it is today that the Father watches and sets His angels to guide and guard each of you. It is in the present that situations and relationships belong and in the present that help needs be asked.
Yes, it is well to pray for forgiveness of yesterday’s sins and for peace of mind concerning an uncertain future. But the Spirit of the living Christ urges you to release all and focus upon the moment at hand. For in this moment lies the wholeness of creation, the energy of goodness, the Love of Christ, the sacrifice of crucifixion and the sure knowledge of resurrection from any crucified pain or trouble.
Speak in your soul and heart this day of today and, as you ask for comfort, it shall rain upon you in a gentle, peaceful rain. There is help and comfort today.
May your joy be complete in the present moment. And in that moment may you find the peace of the consciousness of Love, now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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