I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from January 6, 2002:
For the group question today we are going to take potluck and see what Q’uo might have to say to us.
(Carla channeling)
We are those known to you as the principle of the Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in whose service we are. We thank you for forming a circle on this day of winter. The snow and the difficult roads have kept many of your friends from their activities. We celebrate your faithfulness to these precious times together, and we are most grateful to you for seeking the truth as a group this afternoon.
It is the first time in a long while . . . we do not immediately remember the last time that we had a potluck, and that is a novel thing for us. For we then need to use our own discrimination to the extent which you usually take off our hands. What would we wish to tell you? What would we wish to offer you? Left to ourselves we speak one tune. We tell one story. We tell of Love. And yet we find that even within this small a group of three we would be able to rest within each of your minds to discover the genius that lies in the connections between those minds and to find a completely unique subject at any time that you would ask for potluck. For the energy between even any two people, much less any three people, is a complex and multi-layered thing. The connections are there in so many ways that are difficult to understand in any linear fashion. Each of you is connected to each other by those things which you are working on in common, by those services which you share in common, by the outer gifts which you enjoy in common, and by the desires that resonate between each of you in common.
So that even among those whose path is fairly calm and whose seeking has become silent and only occasionally moving into the new book, the new tape, the new buzz, the new news. Each of you creates constantly the future forks in the road for yourself, those future choices of pathway. It is not only that you are choosing the road that you are on when you come to the moment and gaze at it, for indeed you choose not only the road that you are on in the present but turnings from that road that are implied in the depths of your seeking, in the quality of your attention, and in the sincerity of your humility at asking and knowing that you know not and that you truly wish to know. This desire is not a permanent or a fixed thing in anyone. Rather, it is that commitment that is revisited perhaps each day but certainly from time to time.
So, rather than your life being a clarion call that once begun simply continues speaking we suggest that each of you has a voice, has an energy, has the potential to sing a certain beautiful and complex melody, but each of you, indeed, in the present moment is a sonata under construction, a musical piece that has not yet been finished. And so there is the rehearsal and the playing over of the tunes of self, those leitmotifs of being.
The one known as T said earlier that there was that in him that greatly missed the opportunity last week to come together in seeking in silence and in truth. And we would address this line of thought because there is a very valuable point to be made here, not simply for this group, but in terms of all groups that are seeking to increase the Light upon planet Earth. It is very well to establish a group. It is very well to begin a practice of spiritual seeking. It is excellent to form a plan for seeking the truth, for finding the self, or for discovering one’s service. All of these avenues are worthy. They all lie before each of you. When you come together as a group in a regular and persistent fashion these threads begin to weave themselves without your conscious awareness into a far more coherent and lambent pattern, banked and steeped in Light because of the energy of those companions of the path that have entered the silence together over a period of time.
There was no group question for this session, so the group decided to take potluck and see what Q’uo had to say to them. Q’uo began by saying that their message is always about some facet of Love, and for this session they could speak about the connections between each of the three seekers in today’s group in relation to the services and the outer gifts that they shared in common, and by the desires that resonated between each of them. Q’uo went on to say that each day we travel our spiritual path in a way that can occasionally turn in a different direction according to the depths of our seeking, by knowing that we don’t know, and that we truly wish to know. They said that this desire is not a permanent thing in anyone, and it is a commitment that we revisit from time to time. Q’uo continued by saying that we are like a song with many verses yet to be sung, and it is very helpful if we join together in groups to share our spiritual paths and increase the Light upon the Earth by seeking the truth, finding our true nature, and discovering our services. Q’uo said that these energies will begin to form into a clearer pattern as we continue to meditate together over a period of time. On September 19, 2004, Q’uo said that using our catalyst was a way that we could increase the Light:
One quick way to determine where you are as a person with respect to the catalyst of the day, is to evaluate your emotional set. Has it generated heat, or has it generated Light? Have the emotions of the self been fiery and bright and sharp? Or has it been that emotional set which is as the diamond in taking the incoming catalyst and being with it in such a way that Light is refracted through you from the catalyst to express Light, color, beauty and those ineffable qualities that are part of a system of color and Light. As the one known as T was saying earlier, the effort that this entity is making at this time is to decrease that heat and to increase the Light that is produced in the soul’s response to catalyst. When the self experiences heat, that in and of itself may be a good marker for activating that alarm clock that says, “There is work that I need to do on who I am and why I am here.”
Opening to the silence in a group over a twenty year period that these particular three entities have enjoyed together is opening a very small social memory complex between the three seated within this circle plus the social memory complex existing betwixt each of the two in this group which have a close bonding, plus the social memory complex that exists within fourth density, that one which exists within fifth, and that one which exists within sixth density and which forms the principle which is our voice. Consequently, rather than bringing one entity into the silence, by meeting in a group over a period of time you are beginning to weave for yourself a solid and reliable resource which contains your energy spoken truly and reflected in the mirror of those who love you and those who would wish to help you.
Meeting in trust, coming together in humility and seeking, are motives and energies which ennoble and strengthen that within you which seeks so that you may have the grace to continue to seek. For, indeed, we do not advertise that there are easy answers. Indeed, we do not advertise answers. We urge the questioning. We encourage the hunger, and here we do not speak of intellectual hunger, although certainly that has its place, and books and ideas and all sorts of outer influences are intended to come in and to speak to you and to move you, but beyond all of these things it is the silence, it is the seeking beyond the question where the whole self becomes the question and the only answer desired is wrapped in silence and lifted on the wings of angels so that you, yourself, are wrapped in angels’ wings, those wings which bear one up when one knows nothing, those wings which hide one when the sunlight of pain is too bright, those wings that lift one up above the pettiness and the greed, the sloth, and the laziness of other human beings that come before your eyes, that lift one up beyond the secrets of the heart, that are not worthy, that are error-prone, that mark one as a human that are the hardest of all to lift beyond, to fly beyond, to release from the judgment of one’s self.
We are so pleased that you have sensed the power of simple, error-prone, third-density human beings in a group, dedicated to light, and love, and service. Is there within any of you some bright idea that will instantly change the planet? We do not know. We do not know where your outer gifts lie, where the footsteps of your heart will take you, not tomorrow, not even next year, not in the next decade. We don’t know the final shape of your life but only that there is this moment together in time and in space where these three have come together and sought in silence and in the spiritually lived voice which this instrument has asked for. That which you know not is a great treasure, a great resource within your practice, and we are very, very pleased that you feel its value whether or not it is possible to see into this depth or quality of value in a conscious manner. It is there, and on the incarnational level contracts are being fulfilled. Collaborations continue, and the work that is common to all moves on to a fuller life because each has persisted in good weather and in bad, in good feelings and in difficult times, through all of the thicks and thins of living.
This is a time when your planet roots deep and sleeps. This is a time when many little snows visit the Earth and sink into it very slowly, watering in a much more beneficial way than the dazzling flooding rains of spring. The ground is preparing for its growing season, feeding the deep springs. Slowly, so slowly the energies of the Light begin to strengthen as the day becomes minutes longer each day. Each within this group deals at this time with those difficulties which seem to smack of the cold and the ice of inconvenience, discomfort, and pain. Yet we say to you that within the warm nest of hearth, and home, and heart the balm of Gilead lies sleeping, waiting to be taken up and used, and all of the energies of healing, peace, and new life are upon the wind, harbingers of the spring and the blooming time to come. Know that all is well. Know that all seasons have their beauty, and rest in that faith and hope which inform your heart when it opens to the shining face of the one original Creator.
Then Q’uo said that over the twenty years that the three in this meditation group had shared a social memory complex between them, plus a social memory complex for Carla and me, and the the three social memory complexes of the principle of Q’uo, and together we were beginning to create a reliable resource which contained our energy that was reflected in the mirror of those who loved us and who wished to help us. Q’uo continued by saying that when our group came together in humility and seeking that these energies ennobled that which was within us so that we might have the grace to continue to seek. Then Q’uo said that they encouraged our questioning rather than their advertising of answers, and beyond all of these things that it is the silence and the seeking beyond the question where our whole self becomes the question, and the only answer desired is wrapped in silence. Q’uo went on to say that it was within the silence where we seek beyond the question where our self becomes the question, and the only answer we desire is wrapped in silence so that we are wrapped in angels’ wings which bear us up when we know nothing, that lift us up beyond the secrets of our heart, that mark as a human which are the hardest of all to lift beyond, to fly beyond, to release from the judgment of our self. Now Q’uo said that they were pleased that we have become aware of the power of our being three simple, error-prone, human beings forming a group that is dedicated to light, love, and service, and they did not know what our gifts were or what the final shape of our lives would be but only that we have shared this moment in time and space and using the silence to travel the spiritual journey together. Q’uo said that which we know is not a great resource within our practice, and they were pleased that we felt its value because it was there, and within our incarnations our contracts were being fulfilled, and the work that is common to us all moves on to a fuller life because each has continued in good times and in bad times of living. Q’uo completed their response by using the analogy of the depths of winter that are preparing the ground for growth of plants with the increase of the Light of spring being reflected in each person in the group experiencing the cold and the ice of inconvenience, discomfort, and pain, but Q’uo said that: “within the warm nest of hearth, and home, and heart the balm of Gilead lies sleeping, waiting to be taken up and used, and all of the energies of healing, peace, and new life are upon the wind, harbingers of the spring and the blooming time to come. Know that all is well. Know that all seasons have their beauty, and rest in that faith and hope which inform your heart when it opens to the shining face of the one original Creator.” On February 4, 2001, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the balm of Gilead:
When you are lost, when you are suffering, when you are alone, remember and move into the heart, into the sanctuary and peace of the one Creator’s Love and dwell there as long as you need to, in order to feel that balm of Gilead which is that energy of being loved, being valued, and being understood. These things the Creator does. In fact, the Creator greatly values each and every thought that you have, for it is this way that the Creator learns about Itself.
We would, if the instrument known as Jim is willing, to exercise this instrument briefly as this is a good opportunity, since there is no message, to work with this instrument in a more general and creative way. If this instrument prefers, it is perfectly all right not to speak. We would at this time offer to transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We are those of Q’uo and leave this instrument in love and light.
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and we greet each once again in love and in light through this instrument. We have at this time spoken about the process of evolution that each entity undergoes, both as an individual and as members of a group of individuals. The process of seeking the direction of one’s path is a process which is chosen not only upon the conscious level of each individual seeker but is a process which is, you might say, encoded into the very cells of your bodies. For all of life which has been created is made of the same Creator, and this Creator of us all seeks to know of Itself what can be known, and seeks as well to return to a state of being in which there is a complete stasis for but a short while in which the knowledge of being is fully assimilated. As this is a dynamic energy there is in fact no true stasis, for that which is garnered from knowledge is almost immediately put to use as a kind of fuel for the engine of beingness. There is always a use or burning of the fuel of knowledge which can be focused in an individualized sense so that there are infinite possibilities for those portions of the Creator which are able to individualize to do so. Thus, are each of you, and all of the sentient beings who are children of the one Creator, fitted with a kind of homing device. For the portions of the one Creator who wander far, it would seem, from unity are in fact voyaging into those areas of unity which are yet unknown or unexplored until some portion of the seeking Creator moves into these areas, much as the–we search this instrument’s mind–various expressions of biological life flourish in a pattern dance, growing ever more intricate patterns of life forms to once again express another facet of the one Creator being explored through free will.
We are those of Q’uo. We feel that we have taken this instrument far a field in this particular expression and would at this time ask if there might be any queries that we may attempt? Is there a query at this time?
Carla: I don’t have a question, but I would just like to ask that you be with Jim and me as we go through these two procedures in January and February. I would appreciate your help.
I am Q’uo, and we feel your desire for assistance, and this is of course an area in which we are most happy to join you in the healing efforts. For the energies which we have to offer are of a very basic level of vibration in accordance with the third-density requirements for expression. We are with you, my sister, and would be glad to join you in any meditative endeavors which would assist in the relaxation and healing process.
Is there any query at this time?
Carla: No. Thank you very much.
T: No. Not from me. Thanks.
I am Q’uo and we thank each once again for inviting our presence this day. Again, we would express our great joy at each opportunity to join this group in its seeking. At this time, we would take our leave of this instrument and of this group. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.
This morning I went outside and used my backpack blower to blow the remaining leaves behind my home into a pile, and then I blew the leaves behind the garage into another pile. It took two garbage cans to hold the two piles of leaves.
This afternoon I went on an errand run with my first stop to get a haircut from a good friend of Carla’s and mine who owns a shop called Absolutely Nails. My second stop was at Feeder’s Supply to buy some bird seed and some food for Bosco. My third stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
January 2
The Joy In Labor
I am the Spirit of the full consciousness of Christ, the principle expressed by Jesus Christ. I greet you in the Love that creates, sustains, renews and transforms all of creation.
We see that your minds are much bent upon the prosecution of worldly duties. We suggest to you that all employment is gainful if it be centered on the Love of the Creator, expressed in any way whatsoever that seems most fitting to you.
However, there is no employment which is gainful if there is removed from the doer of such work the consciousness of the true motivation of all labor; that is, the glory, the worship, and the rejoicing in the presence and the power of the Love of Christ which lies behind and is the motivation for all labor.
There is no less joy in working over columns of figures or recalcitrant earth than there is in studying the most exalted thoughts and sayings, if both tasks be done in equal consciousness of the end of all labor. Be you, therefore, mindful, as you work and as you rest from work, that all things adumbrate to the glory of the Creator, or the hollow echo of your weary soul shall fail to satisfy, whatever your labor.
We leave you in the peace of the mind that dwells in Love, now and evermore. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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