
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from September 15, 1996:

The question this week has to do with the feeling that we won’t have enough time to do the work that we came to do. When is this work really done in relation to time? What is occurring when we worry? Talk to us about time, worry, and spiritual work.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet each of you in the love and in the light of the infinite Creator. May we thank each for coming to this circle of seeking. We are so grateful to have been called to your meeting and to speak to you on the subject of time and some of the implications that lie in that concept of time. As we speak we ask each to use his own discrimination, for each of you has the power and the wisdom to recognize the truth that is yours. It is as though your truths lie waiting for you to rediscover them and to remember that which is already known. If some of our thoughts have that ring of remembered truth then by all means we offer them to you with a full and happy heart. If we do not hit that mark, then we ask you to simply drop those thoughts and go on.

Talking about time is talking about one of the prime distortions that makes up your illusion. Let us then start with our concept of time and space. Although we cannot be sure of this, it is our opinion that time is a building block that exists in order for the illusion of sequence to offer the Creator’s children a seeming sequence of events, small and large. It is half the basic building block of your perceived consensus reality, the universe as your culture and science knows it. It is as though the Creator took the Logos, which is Love, and paired that great original creative Force with the means to make it into a perceived illusion. The means of this impregnation of Love to create a kinetic universe is Light, the basic unit of Light. The photon, we feel, is combined with one unit of Love to create space and time. It also creates time and space.

Now, the perceived physical creation about you we have labeled space/time, that is space-slash-time, indicating the apparent ascendancy of space over time. That is the illusion in which you dwell during an incarnative experience. There is a universe which this instrument prefers to call the universe of Spirit or the world of Spirit. This metaphysical universe is created of time/space, or time-slash-space, or time over space. Within this creation it is the illusion of time that has the ascendancy, and in this illusion conditions are much different. However, both the physical universe of space/time and the metaphysical universe of time/space are equally illusory and are created for a combining and overarching purpose, and that is, as we said, to create an illusion of sequence. As far as we know the least illusory state is that state in which there is no space or time. This is the truth in which all are rooted, and all are members of that which lies beyond space and time entirely.

However, without the illusion the Creation rests in unity. It does not dream or talk to Itself. Indeed, one might somewhat whimsically call space/time and time/space as the dream of the one infinite Creator, and in this dream the Creator hopes to know Itself. The Creator hopes that each unit of Itself, each being that is Love, which each of you are, will experience those things which add to the knowledge the Creator has of Its nature, for It has generously given Its complete nature to each co-Creator of the universe. To us, to you, to the highest, and to the seemingly lowest of creatures that has an awareness of the self is given one nature and that nature is Love. Through the machinations of time/space and space/time choices are made. Each unit of Love finds itself progressing, finds itself offered any number of actions and thoughts and avenues and directions. And there is no attempt to control the thoughts and reactions of any, for each is treasured as it is. The Creator loves so completely, so utterly, so purely that It loves each and every tiny thought or kind or state of being whatever, including all of those facets of the self which this instrument often calls the dark side of the personality.

Loved as you are there is nowhere to go, nothing to accomplish that can create between you and the Creator any greater approval or any more vehement or intense love. Before any thought of you was visible to the most metaphysical eye, you were already created and loved, for the units that have been sent out to experience and to come back into unity have gone out and come back many, many times and as far as we are aware this is an infinite universe.

Now, what is the nature of this grand illusion, space/time? How can you use it? What is the nature of time/space, and how can you use that? Firstly, we ask each to consider the possibility that the right use of time is first of all the right use of consciousness or attention. Within your culture the weight of importance is generally given to actions undertaken and completed. There is much spiritual encouragement along the lines of “by their fruits you shall know them,” which entities almost always take to mean the fruits of time and attention which are money or projects completed or services offered in love, and surely all of these achievements are excellent and show that stewardship of talents and gifts that is, as far as we know, the right use of those gifts.

However, what this point of view misses is the far deeper importance of the way your consciousness is aligned with respect to the vibration of the one original Thought which is Love. Indeed, you may grade yourself, firstly, on that tuning with which you meet consensus reality moment by moment. To our mind, we cannot conceive of running out of time to do one’s main job because one’s main job is to experience in as clear and undistorted way all of those catalysts which come before you with that vibration which is most essentially yours which is closest to the tuning of Love. This tuning, which one may think of as a constant such as the speed of light—let us say, the speed of Love—is the same for all entities. However, each entity is unique, and so each entity’s path is unique. And each entity’s way of tuning the self moment by moment must be his own and not something taught to a group by rote, each person doing precisely the same as each other. The path to the clearest self-awareness is unique for each seeker.

However, we encourage each when thinking about the right use of time to remember to consider before all else whether the self is tuned to match the vibration of Love. Each feels this constant within, and we would pause for a moment at this time to allow each person to move into the heart, move the attention into that place within that is the metaphysical equivalent of the heart, the green-ray energy center. Here is the seat of Love coming into the created body. Here is that holy of holies where Love dwells fully, undistorted and pure. Moving into this sacred place within, open the heart and feel the Love of the one infinite Creator.

Like the sun lights up the sky, the Creator rests in full strength within you, lighting your way. The key to this door, the key that opens the door into your own sacred heart, is silence, a turning within to listen to the silence. And this habit of turning within, of centering first upon the Creator which is Love, shall stand each in very good stead as each attempts to seek the truth of its own being and its own journey. Thus, one can finish an incarnation and only then realize that one has run out of time for that which one has come to do. Yet that for which one took flesh is available to be done in every living moment.

The group question for this session was: “The question this week has to do with the feeling that we won’t have enough time to do the work that we came to do. When is this work really done in relation to time? What is occurring when we worry? Talk to us about time, worry, and spiritual work.” Q’uo began by saying that the Creator took the Love of the Logos and paired it with Light, or the photon, to create space and time and time and space and the ability to experience the illusion of the sequence of events in the consensus reality. Q’uo continued by saying that the physical universe that we live in is what they call space/time, and the metaphysical universe of the Spirit is called time/space, but both are illusions because the true reality is beyond space and time, and the Creation rests in unity and does not dream or talk to Itself. They went on to say that it could be said that the Creator had a dream—or that infinity became aware–in which It instilled its Love in every living creature in order that It might know Itself through all of the choices that each portion of Itself makes on its spiritual journey which would also include the dark side of the self. Then Q’uo said that this process of having experiences and coming back into unity has occurred many times in an infinite universe where the important thing is the right use of consciousness in the use of catalyst within the consensus reality to make choices that reflect one’s tuning to the nature of Love in a way that is unique for each entity. Q’uo recommended that each entity should see the right use of time as the tuning of the self to the vibration of Love by moving into the open heart where Love dwells fully and to feel the Love of the one infinite Creator. They said that the key to opening the door of the heart is silence where one may seek the truth of its being and its spiritual journey. On November 13, 1994, Q’uo spoke about the value of the right use of time:

You see, beyond any logical, linear plan for improving the flow of events lies a simple attitude that contains more wisdom than all learning placed together. That wisdom is a point of view which includes as its primary relationship a real, living, conversational relationship with the one infinite Creator. The key phrase that addresses the whole array of questions concerning right use of time, energy, and talent is that which the teacher known to you as Jesus stated: “Not my will, but Thine.” You see, you and your consciousness are as the tip of a great iceberg. Your self, that profound and illimitable self that you truly are, has only a small amount of selfhood showing. That selfhood is wrapped within your personality, or your ego, if you will. It is not supposed to show, for indeed that true self is to you a goal towards which you strive in consciousness, for when your consciousness is awakened fully, then you shall see that you have held the truth safely within your deep mind all of your existence. Moreover, this silent wisdom, that spark of Love within, moves into and transforms pain, suffering, misunderstanding and each and every negative emotion.

We would greet the one known as O, as he squeaks happily and high, and assure this smallest of our circle that we rejoice with him.

Moving from that place within which contains truth, which contains love, one may begin to feel an energy—which has nothing to do with how much sleep one has gotten, or how healthy the physical body seems—beginning to enhance and energize not the body but the spirit which moves the body about. Each may find this a very present helper as she goes upon her way. This aid will enable each to know, recognize, and acknowledge those gifts which have been given to each, for each has come with at least three things, at least, to do: to experience, to learn personally, and to use one’s gifts in service to each other, for in serving each other you serve the one infinite Creator.

We ask each to see each other as the hands, the voice, and the face of the Creator. The Creator cannot smile upon any nor reach a hand to any, nor feed nor clothe any. The Creator’s voice, hands, and actions are yours. You represent and give meaning to Love by your service to the Creator within those with whom you share your fragile island in space. It does not matter whether these services are small or great or considered important or unimportant by any society or way of thinking whatever. What matters is that you are attempting to open the heart, are attempting to use your gifts, and are attempting to make what sense you can of your experience. These are your basic commitments in incarnation. These you may do minute by minute and day by day, and to the world you may be doing nothing useful. But each who has come within the glow of your smile, or the friendliness and cheer of an open handshake or hug, knows that more is going on than just passing the time.

When entities attempt to think of time as a value, inevitably they become completely frustrated. The reason for this is that time is illusory. It is tied into space as space is tied into time to create the illusion that something is happening, that there is a past and a future. In actuality, it is our understanding that we are all without space and time, without separation. All is occurring within this one instant that ever has or ever will occur. It is one whole. It is Love. Through the illusion of time Love is articulated and mirrored back to its Source, and this is deeply, deeply satisfying to the infinite Creator.

So when you think of how you spend your time release yourself from the judgments of those who have strictures of what constitutes service and love, for by the way your being meets the world that it perceives through its senses each of you is giving the greatest gift of all to the Creator, to each other, and to the planetary vibration, and we feel this is worthy of being emphasized. For as your planet and as the entire solar system of which your planet is a part rotates into a never before entered part of time and space, it is nearing, closer and closer, true fourth-density space/time.

The nature of space/time is beginning to alter. The nature of the way each perceives time and space is slowly altering. Even values that your physicists attempt to understand, subatomic particles and new—we cannot find the word for this instrument, but those things which are newly discovered by your scientists—are various new particles which are part of space/time in fourth density. Your planet is being prepared to enter this environment as are all of the global inhabitants, and at this time we are very pleased to say that much progress has already been made in lightening the planetary consciousness.

Wanderers who come to this planet from other densities have served as beacons of light through song, and art, and government and through all of the little-known and seldom understood ways in which simple vibrations aid the planet. And each of you is as a beacon of light. That light will grow dim or grow bright as you allow the infinite Love that comes from the Creator to all to move freely through the ever-opening heart and out into the world. You cannot love, for your human love will be very limited. There comes a time when the effort must cease and no matter how firm the intention, Love cannot any longer be expressed in a human sense. It is only when one quits trying to be Love and allows Love to come through the self from infinity that one becomes able to withstand that great force and to be able to offer it on a continuing basis.

So, each is encouraged to think of the self as a kind of light house or radio station with the light being brighter or the tuning being higher the more one’s heart is stayed in Love, and is open to Love, and is open for loving. All of these things are yours to give before you rise from your bed to begin the busy day. And no matter what gift you give the world during those daylight hours of commerce and satisfying accomplishment, that which is the deepest service shall always be your vibration, your signature that we would recognize from any other entity in the creation, no matter in what density or under what circumstances we met you. You are yourself, full of glory and full of a life that is unending.

Then Q’uo said that there was an energy within us that contains truth and love that will energize our spirit to learn and to use our gifts to serve each other, which is also serving the Creator, and we can do this by opening our hearts to be the hands of the Creator and make sense of our lives in each moment as we smile with the glow of Love to those around us. Q’uo went on to say that time is an illusion as all is happening in the present moment, and it is through the illusion of time that Love is perceived and mirrored back to Its Source which gives the Creator great satisfaction, so we should spend our time in any way that feels right as this is a service to the Creator, to others, and to the planet as it and the entire solar system move into the fourth-density vibrations. Then Q’uo said that wanderers have incarnated to become beacons of light and can help to lighten the planet’s vibrations by opening the heart and allowing Love to come through the heart from infinity and to offer it to all on a constant basis. Then Q’uo encouraged us to begin our days by tuning our selves by focusing on Love that will become our unique vibration and the signature of our being which is full of unending life. On June 6, 1982, Q’uo spoke about how we can become beacons of light to aid our planet’s evolution into the fourth density:

The vortex of energy which you now speak of is one which may be taken in many different ways, but which can be seen as the coming of the light, ever brighter, as the fourth-density experience increases upon your planet, and the entities upon its surface obtain greater degrees of harmony and shine this light within their beings, so that indeed, beacons of light begin to appear in various places upon the surface of your planet and light the way for those who still exist within the darkness.

There were concerns about the use of time and the use of energy and what effect worrying would have upon the service that one offers in time, and we can say to each that there is no need to worry about using time poorly. If one worries, if one frets and takes up the time in the mind, then one is vibrating at a certain rate. Perhaps it may be true that worry affects the open heart to some extent, contracting it, holding some of the light within because of over-concern. But this is acceptable. It does not alter the basic vibration.

What alters the basic vibration of any entity are those thoughts that one has and that one moves back into time and time again. Thoughts of “not enough.” Thoughts of “unworthiness.” Thoughts of “fear.” These keep that heart closed. However, when one gazes at whether one who does great things in the world is superior to one who does nothing greater than re-diaper the baby or take care of a pussy cat or simply get through a difficult day without complaint, one finds they are doing completely congruent acts because what is important with any act is the love with which it is done.

The one known to you as Khalil Gibran, in one of this instrument’s favorite quotations said that work is Love made visible. Whether your love is invisible, except when you smile, or whether your love is incredibly visible with a thousand accomplishments, that love is that love and it is that vibration, not the acts which accompany it, that are your true gift to the infinite One.

So, if you worry, by all means get it all out of the closet. Number your worries. Revel in them. Roll in them as Scrooge McDuff in his money piles. Do that which concerns you to do whether it seems foolish or wise, whether it seems useful or useless. Your intuition may sometimes suggest to you odd things. To the extent that they do not interfere with your health or another’s freedom, by all means do those things which you have a hunch which are the right things for you. And worry not about whether you are centered if you are worrying, for truly we say to you that if you are a loving person worrying, then your vibration is very little affected by worrying or by anything else that does not close the heart. Each of you remembers a better way, and we would call that way the way of the open heart. Compassion opens the night and makes it daytime. Seek always, then, to center in Love, to revel and enjoy being loved by the infinite One. And that which your love is to do, those places where your love is to shine, will come too and you will know them.

We would end this instrument’s part of this first larger question with a look at faith which is simply that quality that enables those who cannot see into the metaphysical world to act as though they could. In the metaphysical world which your spirit rests in at this precise moment and at all moments, you are a larger being by far. You have chosen many, many things about your present experience that have deep reasons for being as they are. Faith is a matter of trusting that this experience is on the track that you intended it to be before you came. But you will never receive an objective proof of any of the thoughts that we are sharing because it is essential that each entity within these illusions make the choices that they make without the advantage of knowing that they are right. It is always your free choice to love and serve the infinite Creator and to do it in this way or that.

So, know that you are underpinned, bolstered by a Self that is as sturdy as you are frail and as wise as each of you feels foolish. When one feels secure in one’s moments, when one feels that one is on the track, is in the right place and so forth, then a great weight is lifted off the attention, and one is not nervous or concerned that one has missed the boat. Allow little seeds of faith to grow in your garden of thought. Invoke faith without knowing that it is reasonable to do so. Live as though you had perfect faith, that your destiny will come to you, and all that is for you will simply be attracted to you as it is time for it to appear. Live as though it were true and notice those subjectively interesting hints and suspicions and suggestions and synchronicities that say to you, “Yes, you are on the right track.” Each of you will have various experiences that, for you, grow to be the signal for, “Yes, you have got it right. Yes, this is what you should be doing.” And you will find greater and greater satisfaction in these subjectively interesting coincidences.

Now Q’uo said that occasional worry about the use of time and energy might close the heart momentarily, but it does not change one’s basic vibration. They said that what does change this basic vibration are persistent thoughts of not being enough and being afraid, and these thoughts can close the heart, so they said that what keeps the heart open is simply doing whatever we do with the feeling of love as our gift to the Creator. Then Q’uo said that if we do have worries we should work with them in an open and obvious way and let our intuition guide us in being foolish or wise, without injury to others, and we should do so as a loving person keeping centered in feeling the Love of the Creator as this is the way that we will be able to serve others with our love. Then Q’uo said that faith enables those of us who cannot see into the metaphysical world to act as though we could, and that in the metaphysical world we are a greater being that has chosen our experiences as the destiny of our life and as our means of being of service to the Creator in our own way. Q’uo completed their response by saying that we should live as though we always have the perfect faith that our destiny will manifest for us, and that we are supported by a greater Self that will bring synchronistic experiences into our life that will let us know that we are on the right path and doing what we should be doing. On August 24, 2005, Q’uo spoke of the value of synchronicities:

As you continue on your path, we would encourage you simply to continue to follow the threads that are offered to you in the moment, whether they be treats of the eye, visitations by, shall we say, your totem, or those many synchronicities of number, name and word that one discovers in moving through the normal day-to-day experiences of, as this instrument would say, the street signs, the billboards, and the conversations with strangers as one goes about one’s chores.

We thank this instrument for the services which it has provided and would leave this instrument in love and in light and would transfer to the one known as Jim. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. We would ask at this time if there are any other questions from this group that we may speak to?

P: Concerning the change to fourth density on our planet. How is it affecting the lives of the children?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The young entities upon this planetary sphere are those who have by seniority of vibration chosen to enter incarnation at this time of harvest. Thus, these are entities who are old upon this planetary sphere for the most part although there is a great influx of those you have called wanderers. So that those who are taking incarnation at this time are those who are full of the essence of life, shall we say. These entities have come with a full agenda, with much history, with great expectations, with talents both active and latent that will add to the richness, and the variety, and the intensity of experience upon your plane for many of your years to come. These are entities who will seem to many to be of another breed, a different race, as it were, for the energy awareness at their disposal is great and is like the sack of seeds that is ready to be sown by the great Sower. The harvest, indeed, draws nigh, and many are those who shall partake in it.

Is there another query, my sister?

P: What can we do to ease and aid their work? There seems to be a discrepancy between the old mindset of the world and the work that they are to do.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We would recommend that interaction with these entities is most important, that the relationships of the family be emphasized and be supported in all their many expressions of excitement, interest, and dedication. These entities, as each generation notes, seem to be of another order so that the ways of the culture, though providing many foundation stones for the new building, yet do not fit in every instance, so that there is the need for the individuality of each entity to be recognized, nourished and directed with a means of giving praise and thanksgiving to the one Creator in a regular fashion and in a way which gives the young entity a sense of wonder for the immensity and the infinity of all creation. The young entity needs to find his or her place within this infinite creation, and as the family and friends of each young entity provides support, the young entities are able to test their new legs in a safe and supportive environment. Give each entity those values which are most important to you, those means of discipline that show it that there is a way to approach any situation that takes into account the individuality of the entity and the rights of others as well. Make your discipline that which is both loving and firm that the young entity be made aware that it is indeed surrounded by those who care.

Is there a further query, my sister?

P: From my classes I was shown a picture of a race in Egypt with larger craniums and I wondered about their history. Could you comment on them?

I am Q’uo, and we would need more information as to the time and the place of any entities that we would attempt to identify for you.

P: I’m not certain of the time. The place of Egypt and time of the pharaohs at least 6000 years ago. They seem to have a skull about three times larger than ours.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. There are among the Egyptian peoples the interbreeding and intervention of other sources and places of origin that are other than this planetary sphere. Many have referred to these entities as being those who were representing the sun and have made drawings and statues of these entities and passed these records as lore to succeeding generations so that there is a mixture of places of origin for these particular entities of whom you speak. Thus, the folk traditions and historical records are mere remnants of the appearance of these entities amongst the Egyptian peoples a great portion of your time in your past. These entities have been known by various names, the name most similar to this group being that of Ra. However, we again caution that there has been much cultural overshadowing and infusion of sources, shall we say.

Is there another query, my sister?

P: Not at this time. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another question?

Carla: Yes, O’B’s friend, R, who has just had had a kidney transplant. Could you give her a special message?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query and the request. We would say to the one known as R that the surgery and transplantation which has been effected is that which is designed to lengthen the span of life in this incarnation, for this entity is yet full of that which is the desire to serve, to know the Creator, and to learn that known as love. We would assure this entity that there is no power upon this planet that can remove it before its time,, and when its time has come, with rejoicing it shall go. It is also appropriate to inform this entity of that about which it is already aware, and that is that there are many upon the inner planes that move in rhythm with this entity, lending assistance where necessary, inspiration where asked and guidance at all times.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. Thank you, Q’uo.

Q’uo: I am Q’uo, and we thank you. Is there another query at this time?


I am Q’uo, and we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group at this time, leaving each, as always, in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning Anna and I synchronized our computers and listened to Carla channel Ra while being able to read the words in Session #49. The topics were the nature and function of the human brain, the kundalini experience, and meditation.

This afternoon I took Bosco to the Metropolitan Veterinary Specialists because he had been throwing up for most of the morning. They ran a number of tests on him, and one problem that they found was pancreatitis and suggested that he stay with them overnight so that more tests could be run to see if there are further problems. So I came back home and got all of his meds, his syringes, and a number of kinds of foods that he likes and took them back to the vet. I hope that they can find whatever problem that caused him to throw up so much, and I look forward to getting him back home tomorrow.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

September 15

The Desire To Dwell In Love

I am a voice speaking with the full consciousness of Love. I greet you in that Love manifested by Jesus the Christ to all of humankind.

At your prayers and meditations we find you relaxing and resting the body and yet not relaxing and resting the mind. How fretful is the mind of humankind, steeped in everyday concerns!

Can it not be perhaps possible that the mind also might rest, relax, find comfort, and open the doors within in seeking? For those doors reveal Jesus the Christ and those qualities of consciousness which were manifested unto you and may again and always be manifested unto you if there is a pure and profound desire to dwell innerly in Love. These gifts are yours if you can but make room for them. There is no hurry. These gifts are eternal.

Peace be with you now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.