
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the 103 quote comes from the Introduction and the section on ethics:


In general, we can look at ethics as a set of general rules that would define acceptable behavior. Philosophy is the area of study which deals most with ethics as different people can have differing ideas as to what appropriate behavior is. A variety of philosophies can evolve out of these different ideas. On our spiritual journeys we could see both of the service-to-others and service-to-self paths of polarity being ethical choices. They are so general as to include many unique interpretations of what might or might not be ethical behavior within these two polarities. It is very likely that each polarity would look at the other polarity as being totally unethical. In the following quote Q’uo discusses the ethics of the positive and negative polarities:

To define this choice is a deceptively simple thing, for the choice is that either/or of morality and ethics that seems straightforward. We have called it service to self as opposed to service to others, negative as opposed to positive, following the way of attraction and control over others as opposed to following the way of radiation and the releasing to all others of that which flows through. The creation of third density gives evidence, again and again and again as one observes the natural world about one, that this is a world of duality—of light and dark, heat and cold, and so forth.

. . .

When entities consciously choose the service-to-others option in a difficult situation because of pure awareness of the purity of self within the heart, this takes the clay of flesh and shoves it aside until the light begins to shine through. The more deeply the entity knows his own heart, the more pure that choice can be made; and in the world of time/space, this movement of light is an energy flow that automatically triggers the attention of what this instrument has often called the loyal opposition, for there are those forces within the dualism of third, fourth, and fifth densities that appeal to entities who wish to take the path of service to self. And they hunger for the light that they may use that light for their own purposes. Attracted by this light, entities move, looking interestedly to see what they might see: Where is this light coming from? What is this entity’s weak points? How can we put this light out? Q’uo, April 26, 1997

Various political beliefs would also fall into such categories as being acceptable or unacceptable depending on one’s party affiliation. Economics and one’s political beliefs would also blend into the soup of ethical choices and further confuse people’s ethical choices. As we dip further and further into the social/political/economic realms of daily life it becomes more and more of a challenge to maintain the purity of one’s spiritual journey. For the Player on the Enhanced Gameboard of Life it may eventually come down to loving everyone equally and not be concerned about how to “rearrange people and political structures.” In 34.9, Ra gives us an overview of how the “social/political/economic realms of daily life” may take the back seat to the concept of how to “rearrange people and political structures:”

Questioner: Thank you. Would you give me the same type of information about the self in relation to the societal self?

Ra: I am Ra. The unmanifested self may find its lessons those which develop any of the energy influx centers of the mind/body/spirit complex. The societal and self interactions most often concentrate upon the second and third energy centers. Thus those most active in attempting to remake or alter the society are those working from feelings of being correct personally or of having answers which will put power in a more correct configuration. This may be seen to be of a full travel from negative to positive in orientation. Either will activate these energy ray centers.

There are some few whose desires to aid society are of a green-ray nature or above. These entities, however, are few due to the understanding, may we say, of fourth ray that universal love freely given is more to be desired than principalities or even the rearrangement of peoples or political structures.

Ra said many times that “this is not the density of understanding,” so in many cases we are left on our own to make decisions as to what may or may not be of service to others. Ra said that one way we could solve that problem is to become the other self whom we wish to serve and then do that which it, itself, would wish to have done for it. So as seekers of truth many times our own interpretation of ethics will need to be that standard of excellence that we express in our thoughts and actions that we have gleaned from our experiences with others throughout the years as Ra said in 17.30:

Questioner: Well, if an entity wants to learn ways of it, wants to be of service to others rather than service to self while he is in this third density, are there best ways of being of service to others, or is any way just as good as any other way?

Ra: I am Ra. The best way to be of service to others has been explicitly covered in previous material. We will iterate briefly.

The best way of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as it is known to the inner self. This involves self knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other-self without hesitation. This involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.

Speaking to the intention of your question, the best way for each seeker in third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind/body/spirit complex. This means that the mind/body/spirit complex must then seek within itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it may best serve other-selves. This will be different for each. There is no best. There is no generalization. Nothing is known.

This afternoon I ran a couple of errands with my first stop being at AT&T where I upgraded my current iPhone 8 to an iPhone 14 because the screen and protective case on my old phone were both damaged. I was amazed at how the contents of my old phone were automatically transmitted to the new phone simply by setting them close together. Then I stopped in at Kroeger’s to pick up a couple food items.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 18

The Weather Of Your Journey

I am the spirit of the living Christ and I greet you in the full consciousness of that love.

How easy it is to gaze upon the face of your existence and find difficulties and disharmonies. What is not generally known is that it is just as satisfactory to appreciate the beauty around one. The deeper point that we are trying to make is that daily bread is a modest request, yet of the most deeply intuitive and magical substance that can be given to humankind.

With the mind centered and resting in a place of peace and power, confidence and trust, that person need not experience traumas in the same way as an excitable person. Look at the day outside. Some skies are sunny and some a beautiful pearl gray of winter days without storms.

Whatever your environment, you are there as a kind of pilgrim or missionary, ready to help those around you and of a substance entirely your own, as you have begun to find your authentic self. We wish you a persistent and strong heart and a will that does not stop to move ahead with this pilgrimage of the learnings of the spirit.

We hope you may ask us to be with you.

We are those who come to you in the name of love and of light. Adonai.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.