
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the 103 quote comes from the Introduction and the section on the Spirit:

The Spirit

Our spirit complex is the least distorted of our mind/body/spirit complex natures. Through intuition the mind may be infused with the energies of the unconscious mind, the racial mind, the planetary mind, and the cosmic mind. At this point the spirit may be utilized as a shuttle to connect the roots of consciousness with intelligent infinity after the indigo ray has been activated through the balanced energies of our body and our mind. This process serves as a good example of how our mind, body, and spirit work together in close cooperation in advancing our spiritual journeys as Ra described in 30.2:

Questioner: Thank you. Would you define mind, body, and spirit separately?

Ra: I am Ra. These terms are all simplistic descriptive terms which equal a complex of energy focuses; the body, as you call it, being the material of the density which you experience at a given space/time or time/space; this complex of materials being available for distortions of what you would call physical manifestation.

The mind is a complex which reflects the inpourings of the spirit and the up-pourings of the body complex. It contains what you know as feelings, emotions, and intellectual thoughts in its more conscious complexities. Moving further down the tree of mind we see the intuition which is of the nature of the mind more in contact or in tune with the total beingness complex. Moving down to the roots of mind we find the progression of consciousness which gradually turns from the personal to the racial memory, to the cosmic influxes, and thus becomes a direct contactor of that shuttle which we call the spirit complex.

This spirit complex is the channel whereby the inpourings from all of the various universal, planetary, and personal inpourings may be funneled into the roots of consciousness and whereby consciousness may be funneled to the gateway of intelligent infinity through the balanced intelligent energy of body and mind.

You will see by this series of definitive statements that mind, body, and spirit are inextricably intertwined and cannot continue, one without the other. Thus we refer to the mind/body/spirit complex rather than attempting to deal with them separately, for the work, shall we say, that you do during your experiences is done through the interaction of these three components, not through any one.

In the following quote Q’uo gives a very broad and deep overview of how our spirit complex enlivens our spiritual journeys, which usually begin in the mundane limitations of consensus reality where most people begin their incarnational experiences:

The mind, in and of itself, instinctually cannot move into the area of choice with any realization. It will, left to itself, continue any patterns that have been begun in the early days of the incarnation of that entity. Thusly, the unawakened life path is one of distraction, avoidance and aggression. By these means, the mind controls the environment, and considers itself safe. Fears, and lack of fear, move into the body complex, if there is no intervention either by dealing mentally with outside catalyst or invoking faith. Thusly, the body slowly sickens and dies, because the nature of the illusion is that of steady loss.

However, into this closed and incomplete consciousness moves the voice of that which may be called the spirit complex, although indeed the spirit complex itself is a gateway, or opening, or channel, which is able to transmit into the deep mind, through itself, higher principles and ideals that do not have to do with the illusion, but are, in fact, fixed. Like yourselves, certain principles are imperishable. Thusly, the simplest way, perhaps, to express the nature of the spirit complex is that used by the one known as Ra, the spirit complex as a shuttle, a means of taking the thread through woof and warp to create the tapestry of solidified beingness as experienced subjectively by each entity, each weaver, of the tapestry of an incarnation.

How can one access the spirit? One desires. All entities desire. This is the process of choosing. But what an entity desires is as various as the four winds until faith is invoked by will. We do not speak of beliefs, for beliefs limit, define and solidify into illusory distortions the imperishable truths of which they are the sons and daughters. There are many, many entities among those of your people making this choice at this time who are comfortable in not thinking, in unthinkingness. They wish the structure told to them that they may learn it by rote, and spend their time in devotion. Mistakenly, however, because of the nature of the mind complex, it is felt that one particular story about the Creator is the story about the Creator, and all others are not acceptable stories about the Creator. This is incorrect. However, each story appeals to those of a certain temperament. This entity has a temperament which finds the story of Jesus the Christ most helpful. Thus, it has become this entity’s way to objectify the shuttle of spirit, and to open within the heart and within the consciousness the gateway to Intelligent Infinity. Q’uo, January 6, 1991

This morning I went outside and used my backpack blower to blow all of the remaining leaves in the back yard into position to be mulched into leaf dust tomorrow after all of the leaves have had a chance to dry out from two and one-half inches of rain yesterday.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 15

The Nature Of Love

I am the Holy Spirit of the full consciousness of the principle of love. I greet this child in the vibration which comforts it. Greetings in peace in the name of Jesus Christ, who came to be God in man that men could better know how to love.

It is in loving the God of all things that the first lessons must abide. Whether the object be men or God, it is only God that can be loved fully.

Thus to some it is well that time be given in which the Father is focused upon to the exclusion of all human things. For unless love is bound up in love of the Father it shall sputter and die, as all earthly things do. Confused and sad is the man who attempts to love others without understanding the nature of love.

To others it is more helpful that the face of God be seen among men and that the hand be outstretched among all. To these who are not abstract in mind, the face of God will always wear the face of a human.

Whatsoever your inclination, perceive love in its rightful nature as the love in which the Father created you.

Peace be with you, now and evermore. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.