
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the 103 quote comes from the Introduction and the section on thinking:


As third-density beings we have self-awareness, or self-consciousness. In order for us to make any sense of our daily lives, and what our spiritual journeys might offer us, we need to be able to think abstractly, as Ra said. We need to be able to combine rational and intuitive thinking to unravel the tangle of images, interactions, concepts, relationships, and the meaning of the dance. The “dance” is a term that Ra used from time to time to describe our process of evolution from the simple inert awareness of the first density to the Creator who knows Itself in completeness in the seventh density. In 19.11, Ra went into some detail as to how rational and intuitive thinking aids our spiritual journeys:

Questioner: Can you tell me how this new bodily complex was suited to third-density lessons and what those lessons were?

Ra: I am Ra. There is one necessity for third density. That necessity is self-awareness, or self-consciousness. In order to be capable of such, this chemical complex of body must be capable of the abstract thought. Thus, the fundamental necessity is the combination of rational and intuitive thinking. This was transitory in the second-density forms operating largely upon intuition which proved through practice to yield results.

The third-density mind was capable of processing information in such a way as to think abstractly and in what could be termed “useless” ways, in the sense of survival. This is the primary requisite.

There are other important ingredients: the necessity for a weaker physical vehicle to encourage the use of the mind, the development of the already present awareness of the social complex. These also being necessary: the further development of physical dexterity in the sense of the hand, as you call this portion of your body complex.

Because we have the ability to use both sides of our brain and think rationally and intuitively, we have the tools to propel ourselves on a journey of evolution that is millions of years long and which will require that we utilize the tools of will and faith all along the way. We need to exercise our will to do our work in consciousness and the faith that this work will aid us in becoming the Creator. In the following quote Q’uo gives an inspiring and detailed description of how we can use will and faith to become the Creator:

Your life in faith is a life without words, for there are no words to express faith. Faith is a basic attitude that one finds, because one wills it or wishes it to be so, but because as a result of willing to know the truth it comes to you, and the prodigal son and daughter have come home. Faith is simply faith that the Creator that made all that there is, including you, is a Creator of infinite and intelligent love, that it loved you as part of Itself, as a child to nurture, as a personality from which to learn about itself, as all parents learned from their children. Aiming toward living a life in faith is nothing more than releasing fear, and allowing that which is to be, to be.

Oftentimes, that help which you have with you personally at all times, whether you call it spirit, or guidance, or the Higher Self, will give you hints and warnings. Do not ignore them. Ask for help in visions and dreams, and listen to them. Go into meditation, not simply to listen, but with a question asked, expecting not to awaken with one answer, but expecting and knowing that you will eventually know the answer for yourself to your own satisfaction. A great deal of faith is patience. A great deal of will is persistence. We are well aware that these are not the same as the mountain top experiences offered to you by those so-called seers or prophets which make the choosing of a live lived in love seem so very, very easy.

Were it easy, there would be no reason to work through so much of pain and limitation and change, for choice is change, make no mistake. Each choice that you make will change you, and you will feel pain and discomfort, because it is painful to change, and as you meditate, and seek, and live a life in faith, you will change, and change, and change again. Some truths will remain the same forever for you. Some truths will be outgrown, and must be let go. Q’uo, July 15, 1990

This afternoon I went outside and used my trimmer to cut down all of the dead flowers in the front, back, and side yards. Then I used my big mower to mulch the leaves in the area behind the garage that I had blown into position yesterday. My last job was to used my blower again today to blow the leaves on the north side of the garage into the area behind the garage so that I can mulch them tomorrow.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 13

The Personal Nature Of Love

I am the spirit of the full consciousness of Christ. I greet you in His perfect love and in the holy name of the Son of God.

It is through the mediation of Jesus, the man who spells salvation for you, that I speak, and not only from God. For it is the Creator’s desire to personify consciousness into godliness and to generalize personhood into creation itself, so that experience may become infinite and infinity may be experienced.

It is to those who accept the personal nature of love that love shall be given most fully. For it is to the adoring heart that love may speak most clearly.

And how to adore that which is impersonal?

We come in consciousness. We are consciousness. And we speak to consciousness. Know yourself as the personhood of God in Christ and turn your faces in adoration to the person of the Creator, which comes for you and to you and through you.

We are only extensions of the spirit of that great drive of the consciousness of love; only the principle that extends the liveness of the Creator.

In peace we are with you, now and always. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.