
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from May 20, 2005:

Carla: The question today, Q’uo, has to do with how to be our best selves as we meet this moment, and especially as we look at the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Any comments or thoughts that you could share with us on the concept of being, and how to be our best selves in times of inconvenience like this, would be greatly appreciated.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. We would thank each of you for the great privilege of being called to this group to speak with you concerning being the best of yourself as you meet the moment and especially, this particular moment, in your awareness of many who suffer at this time from the hurricane you have called Katrina. Your beauty and the care that you have taken to separate out this time and this place and form a circle together for seeking the truth touch our hearts very deeply. And it is, indeed, an honor to be asked to share our humble thoughts with you. We do so with the utmost joy.

But we would ask of you that you use your discrimination in listening to what we have to say. We offer you our opinion. We do not claim that it is free of error, nor do we claim that it is the only truth that there is. It is our humble opinion. And if it happens to be part of your personal truth at this time, it will resonate to you. If it does so, then please feel free to work with our thoughts. However, if there is anything that we say that does not seem resonate to you, that does not seem apt or useful to you, we would ask that you please leave it behind. For we would not wish to constitute a stumbling block in your path, or interrupt in any way the sacredness of your spiritual process. If you will observe your own sense of the truth and be scrupulous about maintaining your powers of discrimination, then we will feel free to speak to you without being concerned that we will infringe upon your free will. We thank you for this consideration.

Thesea spreads out from the land, normally content to keep its boundary and to act like the favored pet coming up to the chair of a beloved human, saying, “Pat me. Pat me.” That is the way that you are used to thinking of the ocean as you rest upon its shores and that is the way the ocean likes to be thought of at a time when there is a hurricane, that model of the relationship between sea and land is completely changed. The sea seems to become a ravaging force that is over against the land, an enemy to the land and to the people who inhabit it. Needless to say, that is not the true model of the relationship between land and sea. Yet, we acknowledge the simple distress that must be felt by those who are used to seeing the ocean as a friend and who suddenly and abruptly must realize that the archetypal energy of water can be destructive as well as constructive, the force of the separation of things into their elements instead of the agent of transformation and healing.

As you face this situation, we encourage each of you to give yourself time to come into relationship with these simple and elemental facts, and before you attempt to do any spiritual work upon the situation, simply to allow yourself the adjustment necessary for realizing that the emotions of the ocean as it moves through the processes which are part of the destiny brought into the present moment by the energies of the planetary sphere and its peoples are condign  and benign rather than evil or being as some force sent by the Creator to punish. This is emphatically not the case. This instrument has, at another time during another hurricane, communicated directly with the ocean and has experienced first-hand the deep sadness and sorrow of the water, of that which is archetypically water, what this instrument would call the “Gabriel Energy.” There is nothing personal or judgmental about the occurrences upon your planet at this time.

As we begin speaking of being your best self at a time of inconvenience, we would prepare the ground in this way by assuring you that you are not in the grip of that which you must fear. Rather, you are part of the people of Planet Earth, and you are all family, children of a mother who is called Gaia or Planet Earth. You are seeing Gaia, your beloved mother, through the birth of her child, fourth-density Earth. Indeed, the birth of both the heaven and the earth of fourth density. May we say that for each of you, having an incarnation that coincided with this time was an object dearly wished. Each of you wanted to make a difference. And so, you came into incarnation with all of the courage and foolhardiness of any knight in shining armor.

The group question for this session was: “The question today, Q’uo, has to do with how to be our best selves as we meet this moment, and especially as we look at the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Any comments or thoughts that you could share with us on the concept of being, and how to be our best selves in times of inconvenience like this, would be greatly appreciated.” Q’uo began by saying the sea spreads out from the land, normally content to keep its boundary and to act like the favored pet coming up to the chair of a beloved human, saying, “Pat me. Pat me,” and that is the way that we are used to thinking of the ocean as we rest upon its shores, and that is the way the ocean likes to be thought of at a time when there is a hurricane, and the sea becomes an enemy to the land and to the people who inhabit it, but that is not the true model of the relationship between land and sea, and yet we acknowledge the distress that must be felt by those who are used to seeing the ocean as a friend and who suddenly must realize that the archetypal energy of water can be destructive as well as constructive, as the force of the separation of things into their elements instead of the agent of transformation and healing. Q’uo went on to say that as we face this situation, they encouraged each of us to give ourself time to come into relationship with these elemental facts, and before we attempt to do any spiritual work upon the situation, to allow ourself the adjustment necessary for realizing that the emotions of the ocean as it moves through the processes which are part of the destiny brought into the present moment by the energies of the planetary sphere and its peoples are benign rather than evil, and Carla has communicated directly with the ocean and has experienced first-hand the deep sadness of that which is archetypically water, what Carla would call “Gabriel Energy,” but here is nothing personal or judgmental about the occurrences upon your planet at this time. Now Q’uo said that as they begin speaking of our being our best self at a time of inconvenience, they would prepare the ground in this way by assuring us that we are not in the grip of that which we must fear, but we are part of the people of Planet Earth, and we are children of a mother who is called Gaia, and we are seeing Gaia through the birth of her child, fourth-density Earth which is the birth of both the heaven and the earth of fourth density so that Q’uo said that for each of us, having an incarnation that coincided with this time was dearly wished because each of us wanted to make a difference, so we came into incarnation with all of the courage of any knight in shining armor. On October 15, 2005, Q’uo spoke of how our Earth is now becoming a fourth-density Earth:

It is interesting to note, before we move on to fourth density in our discussion, that your third-density world at this time is giving birth to its fourth-density self. The Earth or Gaia is exhausting its third-density identity at this time. And in unseen realms interpenetrating with the third density planet, or Gaia, is a baby Gaia. It is being born full-grown and is swimming into coherence with the inevitability of the striking of the clock upon the hour. It is time for fourth-density Earth to be born.

We are happy to say that the birth is going well, and the baby is alive. The challenges that you experience in your third-density planet at this time, having have to do with wind and weather, are the birth pains of third-density Gaia as she adjusts her rate of vibration in order to bring forth the fourth-density Earth in both its space/time and its time/space aspects. At this time, however, it is a time/space phenomenon, and it will not become a fourth-density space/time entity until the third-density inhabitants have been thoroughly cleared safely from the planet.

There are many in your inner and unseen planes who have also purchased dearly the opportunity to be with you at this time. For the plight and the sorrow of Planet Earth has cried out to the Universe. There are a tremendous number of what you would call masters, angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, devas, and all manner of essences and entities, many of whom have no name, but whose presence within your planetary sphere at this time has constantly mended frayed edges of consciousness. And then that energy has helped so many of you come together and communicate with real authenticity, helping prepare the ground upon which you walk metaphysically during this most precious time of incarnation for each of you.

As this instrument and others within the circle have said in the conversation preceding this channeling, the time of inconveniences has, indeed, begun. Indeed, my friends, it has been going on for decades. If you wish to play with statistics, you may go back approximately forty to fifty of your years and discover the rapid increase in substantial disasters or inconveniences, as those of Ra have called such occurrences, and this build-up of inconveniences has continued to deepen throughout this period. What you have been attempting to do—and by you, we mean this group and many other groups of a similar nature around the globe—has been to energize and lighten the atmosphere of the planet to slow down those things which, if they occurred rapidly, would indeed create a planetary shift, as this instrument was speaking of earlier. It is as though you were attempting to take a rubber band and instead of pulling until it was taut and then allowing it to be released from one hand so that it snaps suddenly onto the other, you are attempting, tiny bit by tiny bit, to lessen the tension on that rubber band until it is at rest without ever snapping that second hand.

The rubber band image only goes so far because we are speaking of the planetary need to realign its skin, which this instrument would call the tectonic plates that underlie the earth beneath your feet. These plates of under-earth, shall we say, have slid over each other, back and forth, readjusting as the planet has come through various adjustments throughout its millions of years of being a sphere within the creation of the Father. Several times it has realigned those tectonic plates with some force and rapidity, and indeed, all life upon the planet has changed and been transformed. The planetary adjustment has two components, to be simplistic. One component is simply physical and you are experiencing in Hurricane Katrina and other disasters that you have experienced the necessary and ultimately beneficial readjustments of those tectonic plates. The planet itself is almost completely through with the birth process. Baby Earth is in good shape. The third-density Gaia, your own mother, is less than calm and in need of much assurance at this time.

Please realize that although you and your individual hearts love your mother and have great respect and admiration for Planet Earth, as a culture you have, for some of your time, been hard appearing where she is concerned. You have taken her circulatory system and altered it in ways which are not helpful to your planet, damming her rivers and polluting her waters. More importantly, the energies which you have allowed to move through hearts as a culture are dark, hostile, and aggressive and Gaia has become increasingly distressed because she cannot make the contact that she would like to make with each heart that beats within her children. And so, you come to this circle of seeking as agents of the divine, and you have a great deal to offer as part of the creative principle.

Then Q’uo said there are many in our inner planes who have taken the opportunity to be with us at this time, for the sorrow of Planet Earth has cried out to the Universe, and there are many masters, angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, devas, and all manner of entities whose presence within our planet at this time have mended frayed edges of consciousness so that energy has helped many of us to communicate with authenticity and helped to prepare the ground upon which we walk metaphysically during this precious time of incarnation for each of us. Q’uo went on to say as Carla and others within the circle have said in the conversation preceding this channeling, the time of inconveniences has been going on for decades, so we may go back forty to fifty years and discover the rapid increase in inconveniences, as Ra has called such occurrences, and this build-up of inconveniences has continued to deepen throughout this period, and this group, and many other groups of a similar nature around the globe, has been attempting to lighten the atmosphere of the planet to slow down those things which, if they occurred rapidly, would create a planetary shift, as Carla was speaking of earlier because it is as though we were attempting to take a rubber band, and instead of pulling until it was tight, and then allowing it to be released from one hand so that it snaps suddenly onto the other, we are attempting to slowly lessen the tension on it until it is at rest without ever snapping that second hand. Q’uo continued by saying the rubber band image only goes so far because they are speaking of the planetary need to realign its skin, which Carla would call the tectonic plates that underlie the earth beneath our feet, and these plates of under-earth have slid over each other, back and forth, readjusting as the planet has come through various adjustments throughout millions of years of being a sphere within the creation of the Father so that several times it has realigned those tectonic plates with some force and rapidity, and all life upon our planet has changed and been transformed, so the planetary adjustment has two components, and one component is physical, and we are experiencing in Hurricane Katrina and other disasters the beneficial readjustments of those tectonic plates so that the planet is almost through with the birth process, and baby Earth is in good shape, but third-density Gaia, our own Mother, is in need of much assurance at this time. Now Q’uo said we need to realize that although we love our Mother and have great respect for Her, as a culture we have taken Her circulatory system and altered it in ways which are not helpful to our planet, by damming her rivers and polluting her waters, and more importantly the energies which we have allowed to move through our hearts as a culture are dark and aggressive, and Gaia has become increasingly distressed because She cannot make contact that She would like to make with each heart that beats within Her children, and so we come to this circle of seeking as agents of the divine, and we have a great deal to offer as part of the creative principle. On December 18, 2005, Q’uo spoke of how the creative principle can work within us:

That which is rising, or not, is the point of contact between the natural energies available to all within creation and the energy of the creative principle called to the self by individual work. That point of contact begins, roughly speaking, within that point where the outer courtyard of the heart yields to the inner sanctum. The kundalini cannot be pulled lower than that as information of the creative principle cannot be understood by any energies lower than that of the heart.

However, the point of the kundalini rising, in terms of entities’ desire to progress spiritually, is that as one begins to be able to pull the full energy of that open heart up into work in consciousness, each place to which it is raised opens up vistas of opportunity for various types of work in consciousness, not simply moving upwards as one aiming directly for the Creator, but, in terms of working at any level—for instance, in open communication—there is the opportunity to spread out one’s discoveries and one’s services by creating more and more layers of understanding or awareness of subtle energies involved in the sub-density, shall we say , of open communication. Once the kundalini has been pulled from the heart up into the throat, then more articulated work can be done in communication. And this is also true as the kundalini continues to be pulled upwards by seeking and the careful development and discipline of the personality.

Let us look a bit at what you do have to offer. For that is essential to realize if you are to do the work that you came here to do—the work of being most authentically and deeply who you are. As you sit in this circle, visualize it if you will. Each of you is a lovely rainbow to us. That is what we see of you. We do not see your face and your form. We are of metaphysical origin, and therefore what we see is your energy signature. Each of you has an energy body and we see some of the colors of that energy body, as if each of you were a prism and we had held you to the sunlight so that all of your colors splayed out in a lovely progression from the red to the violet.

Each of you is unique, a beautiful, individual bloom. Each of you is vibrating at this moment without having any idea that you are doing so. And you are a crystal, yet this is not a crystal such as a gem or a stone. You are the kind of crystal that water is, let us say. As you come into contact with each other, you do not join point to point and form a hard structure that solidifies and cannot change. You join as water joins, drop to drop, not losing your individuality, but blending your rainbow self with all the other magical beings in this circle and creating an absolutely stupendous circle of colored lights that meld one upon another, upon another, and begin to spin an energy that swirls clockwise and creates a pyramid that extends far above the dwelling in which you now rest your bodies.

Your energy moves downward into the very roots of the Earth as well, and each of you is bringing out the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator into your body systems and allowing it to move through that hole, shall we say for simplicity’s sake, that runs right through the energy body so that you are basically instruments that are allowing the Love and the Light of the one Creator to move through your vehicles, to be blessed by your conscious awareness of this process and then to be released as radiation when you are completely filled up with this Love and Light for yourself, so that the two are full of energy and have everything that you need.

The infinite excess of this generous Creator flows out from you as radiation from a lighthouse. As this instrument said earlier, each of you has electro-magnetic energy and is running a weak electrical current that is measurable even in the crude instrumentation of your scientists at this time. The full panoply  of energies is not at this time measurable by your instrumentation, but we assure you that each of you is connecting in subtle ways with each of the other energies that have interpenetrated your aura at this time. And so, your potential as an energy focus, as a group lighthouse, shall we say, is substantial.

Now Q’uo said let us look at what we have to offer because it is essential to realize if we are to do the work of being  authentically who we are, then we can visualize it because each of us is a lovely rainbow to Q’uo, and that is what they see of us, but they do not see our face and our form since they are of metaphysical origin, and what they see is our energy signature, and each of us has an energy body, and they see some of the colors of our energy body, as if each of us were a prism, and they held us to the sunlight so that all of our colors were displayed in a lovely progression from the red to the violet. Then Q’uo said each of us is unique, and each of us is vibrating at this moment without having any idea that we are doing so, and we are the kind of crystal that water is, and as we come into contact with each other, we do not join point to point and form a hard structure that cannot change, but we join as water joins, drop to drop, and: “blending our rainbow self with all the other magical beings in this circle and creating an absolutely stupendous circle of colored lights that meld one upon another, upon another, and begin to spin an energy that swirls clockwise and creates a pyramid that extends far above the dwelling in which you now rest your bodies.Q’uo continued by saying our energy moves down into the roots of the Earth, and each of us is bringing out the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator into our body systems and allowing it to move through that path that runs right through our energy body so that we are instruments that are allowing the Love and the Light of the one Creator to move through our vehicles, to be blessed by our conscious awareness of this process and then to be released as radiation when we are filled up with this Love and Light for ourself, so that the two are full of energy and have everything that we need. Q’uo went on to say the infinite excess of this Creator flows out from us as radiation from a lighthouse, and as Carla said earlier, each of us has electro-magnetic energy and is running a weak electrical current that is measurable even in the crude instrumentation of scientists, and the full range of energies is not measurable by our instrumentation, but Q’uo assured us that each of us is connecting in subtle ways with each of the other energies that have interpenetrated our aura at this time, and our potential as an energy focus as a group lighthouse is substantial. On January 9, 2006, Q’uo spoke of how we can function as a lighthouse:

We ask you to realize what you are basically attempting to do. As a spiritually-oriented group, and one whose dedication to the polarity of service to others is absolute, as a group you are a crystal. And when a crystal is composite, and made up of more than one element, it becomes a very interesting structure. See yourself individually as a lighthouse or that which radiates light, but as well see the group of which you are a part this day as a composite crystal that accumulates power and allows it to shine forth as it will.

It is very difficult to walk that razor’s edge between using your will from the yellow-ray position and making things happen, and allowing the energy to move up into the heart and from that heart into the blue-ray chakra and so forth. For you are attempting to work with blue, green, and indigo in your chakra system in bringing forth and manifesting spiritually oriented information without significant distortion.

Perhaps those within the group who wish to do sums can figure out just what the power of this group is, for each entity doubles the next entity so that you are going from a power of one to a power of 2, to a power of 4 for the next person, to a power of 8, to a power of 16, etc. The simple coming together in groups, indeed, is one very efficient way of maximizing your ability to serve at this time, as the one known as R said earlier. Simply coming together as a group with those of a like mind and resting in the unspoken and spoken support and encouragement of such a group enlivens and encourages the memory of who you are, and why you are here and helps you to be who you are.

We would like to thank the one known as C for investigating our previous comments and looking for those themes of which she felt that perhaps we had offered hints that we would like to pursue in previous sessions. May we say to the one known as C that she was quite accurate in identifying being as a theme that we would like to pursue. It is peculiarly difficult to talk about being, especially because of the fact that we are talking about being in such a way as to penetrate the outer husk of what your peoples consider it to be. So let us look at this just a bit.

When this instrument was five years old, her mother asked her, “Who are you?” This instrument’s mother was a born teacher and enjoyed working with her very intelligent child before schoolteachers got their hands upon her mind. She wanted to explore the world through this young child’s eyes and so she asked the one known as Carla, “Who are you?” and asked her to write down her thoughts. This instrument as a five-year-old industriously sat down and with her childish printing, which is all she had learned up to that point, wrote down that she was a girl and a daughter; that she was a member of society and a citizen of the world, and that she was a child of the Creator.

This is the heart of what we mean by saying that we would like you to penetrate through the outer layers or the husks of what it is to be. You are many things. You wear many masks. And even the deeper ways of being have mask-like components. From the standpoint of waking reality, it is very difficult to gain a direct apprehension of your own presence. But we assure you that the part of you that is in flesh, and is embodied upon Planet Earth is just the tip of the iceberg, if you will, of who you are.

Q’uo went on to say those within the group who wish to do sums can figure out just what the power of this group is, for each of us doubles the next one of us so that we are going from a power of 1 to a power of 2, to a power of 4 to a power of 8, to a power of 16, etc., and coming together in groups is a way of maximizing our ability to serve at this time, and coming together with those of like mind and resting in the support and encouragement of such a group enlivens the memory of who we are, and why we are here, and it helps us to be who we are. Then Q’uo said we would like to thank C for investigating our previous comments and looking for those themes which she felt we had offered hints that we would like to pursue in future sessions, and we say to C that she was accurate in identifying being as a theme that we would like to pursue, but it is difficult to talk about being because of the fact that we are talking about being in such a way as to penetrate the outer husk of what your people consider it to be, so let us look at this. Q’uo went on to say when Carla was five years old, her mother asked her, “Who are you?” So Q’uo said Carla’s mother was a teacher and enjoyed working with her very intelligent child before schoolteachers got their hands on her mind, so she wanted to explore the world through her child’s eyes, and she asked Carla, “Who are you?” and asked her to write down her thoughts, so Carla, as a five-year-old, sat down and with her childish printing wrote down that she was a girl and a daughter, that she was a member of society, a citizen of the world, and she was a child of the Creator. Q’uo continued by saying this is the heart of what they mean by saying that they would like us to penetrate the outer layers of what it is to be because we are many things, and we wear many masks, and even the deeper ways of our being have mask-like components so that from the viewpoint of waking reality, it is very difficult to gain a direct perception of our own presence, but Q’uo assured us that the part of us that is embodied upon Planet Earth is just the tip of the iceberg of who we are. On December 19, 1995, Q’uo gave a general description of who we are:

The truth, the reality, of who we are, who you are, and what your basic nature is, is beyond mental acquisition. Those who seek the truth of being are those who are destined to follow a mystery, and much is gained by the entity who simply decides to trust that mystery, to trust the basic nature of the self, and to ask not to become something he is not, but rather to become that which he most truly is, for each of you has the pure and perfect light within. Each of you dwells in a state of grace at a very deep level at all times in all places whatsoever.

As a body, mind, and spirit dwelling in flesh, you are a doorway through which you have been able to bring, out of all that you are, a little suitcase-full of personality traits, gifts and limitations, which you have chosen very carefully and with exquisite thought. You wished to bring those gifts that you would use to offer your outer service. As well, you wished to bring blockages and limitations that you felt would enable you to be confused in certain helpful ways that would lead you to question your suffering. For indeed, the blockages and limitations are brought through specifically in order to offer you a catalyst, and therefore, what you normally conceive of as suffering, that would bring you face to face with those parts of yourself that you have not yet, in your own estimation, brought into perfect balance.

You are a spark of the Creator. We can only describe this to you in terms of a hologram. You are not part of the Creator. You are the Creator. But you are a spark of that Creator that, from the beginning of this creation, has been on its own journey, doing its own observation and research, culling out for yourself from all of the information and feelings that you have been through the winnowed treasure and harvest of your experience thus far. You come to this present moment having come through experience after experience, incarnation upon incarnation. You have been through many worlds. You have been all things. And in that part of yourself that is not limited by flesh, you are everything you ever were and everything that you ever will be, all rolled up into the present moment, this precise point at which you are vibrating and experiencing the now. That is the extent of being you. You are all things.

Yet, you are also that which completes the pattern in a way that no one else can. No one else has had your experiences or your reactions to those experiences. Even the worst of those things about yourself that you could tell is a gift to the one infinite Creator, for it is an authentic realization, albeit colored and distorted as all things are within the illusion of your truth. Part of what you are here to do is to learn to honor those parts of yourself that you now see as unredeemed, unforgiven, or unacceptable. This instrument studies, and for her lifetime has studied, a book called the Holy Bible. It consists of two groups of documents, which are called Testaments, The Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the Creator is seen as an agent of judgment. In the New Testament there are attempts made to see the Creator as an agent of redemption.

As so-called holy works go, it is mixed in its polarity, and we do not encourage any to study it literally. However, it is very informative to look within at the internalization of the voice of that holy work, which for so many of you in this circle has been part of the formation of the public or cultural part of your beingness. There is within you a culturally approved and societally practiced urge towards judgment. And as you internalize that voice of Yahweh or Jehovah or the judgmental god, so you condemn yourself to a continuing internalized judgment of self by self. While there are some benefits to this mode of observation of the self, we would say that it has obvious limitations.

Q’uo continued by saying as a body, mind, and spirit dwelling in flesh, we are a doorway through which we have been able to bring, out of all that we are, a suitcase-full of personality gifts and limitations, which we have chosen very carefully because we wished to bring those gifts to offer as our outer service, and we wished to bring blockages and limitations that would confuse us in helpful ways that would lead us to question our suffering, for the blockages and limitations are brought through in order to offer us the catalyst of suffering that would bring us face to face with those parts of ourself that we have not brought into balance. Q’uo went on to say we are a spark of the Creator, and they can only describe this to us in terms of a three dimensional being that is a spark of the Creator that, from the beginning of this creation, has been on its own journey of observation and research, and we are choosing from all of our experience the treasure of our thoughts and feelings thus far, and we come to this present moment having come through many incarnations on many worlds where we have been all things, and in that part of ourself that is not limited by flesh, we are everything we ever were, and everything that we ever will be, all rolled up into the present moment, and this point at which we are vibrating and experiencing the now, we are all things. Now Q’uo said we are also that which completes the pattern in a way that no one else can because no one else has had our experiences or our reactions to those experiences, and even the worst of those things about ourself that we can see is a gift to the one infinite Creator, for it is an authentic realization which is distorted as all things are within the illusion of our truth so that part of what we are here to do is to honor those parts of ourself that we see as unforgiven, and Carla has studied a book called the Holy Bible which consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and in the Old Testament, the Creator is seen as an agent of judgment, and in the New Testament there are attempts made to see the Creator as an agent of redemption. Q’uo said as holy works go, it is mixed in its polarity, and we do not encourage any to study it literally, but it is helpful to look within at the influence of the voice of that holy work which has been part of the formation of the cultural part of our beingness because there is within us a culturally approved tendency towards judgment, and as we internalize that voice of the judgmental god, so we condemn ourself to a continuing internalized judgment of ourself, and while there are benefits to this observation of ourself, Q’uo  would say that it has obvious limitations. In October 17, 1988, Q’uo gave a general definition of an agent of redemption:

Upon another level, we address the query concerning our relationship to Christ. Our faith differs somewhat from this instrument’s, which is not surprising, considering that our experience is somewhat better realized within our manifestation. Nevertheless, when any seeking entity discovers compassion, that is to say, unconditional Love, that entity has discovered and defined Christ.

We come from a race which worships the Christ in a somewhat different way, having, however, the understanding, if we may use that term, that the agent of redemption, be it the Christ principle or such an one as Jesus the Christ, is indeed Lord and one with the Father and Creator, Mother, and Nurturer of all that that there is.

Less limited, though still quite colored and distorted, is the internalized voice of the New Testament, or that agent or Son of the Creator which is called the Christ or Jesus the Christ. This is a voice which does not deny error upon the part of all of those who draw a breath. It simply invokes that illimitable force called compassion or forgiveness. It does not suggest that there is no such thing as a mistake or so-called sin.

[Side one of tape ends.]

But it does suggest that when such an error is perceived within the self, it be viewed with an eye not only to understanding this error but also to accepting it, loving it, balancing it, becoming friends with it, telling it your story, allying it to yourself and thereby integrating it into your being. One thing you are attempting to do while you are here is to gather up the “lost sheep” of yourself, those elements of yourself that have been unredeemed because you have not been pleased with them. You have seen them as the wolf, the vampire. You have seen these undeveloped portions of your own light as unworthy, and you have shut yourselves out of your heart.

Part of the work that you can only do in flesh. Part of this valuable experience of being in incarnation and blind as a bat to the ways of spirit is to put yourself in the position of needing to abandon yourself at last to faith. Can you believe that you are perfect? Can you believe that you are whole? We say to you that these things are true. They are not true in a localized sense or in a literal sense. They are not true upon the surface of your life or your perception. But in terms of getting to the heart of your being, getting to the “I” of you, it is central to see all that comes before your face, which you would judge, as that which is to be accepted, forgiven, redeemed and at last, loved.

Who are you, and what do you have to offer in a time of inconvenience? You are a magical and sacred part of the one infinite Creator. Certainly, your creatorship is young. You are a very young god or goddess. You are a toddler. Yet, you have in this system of illusion hands with which to offer help, a mouth with which to speak, and a heart that is willing to love and understand. These are the aspects of your beingness that your fragile, small bodies contain. All of spirit is pouring through you at this moment. And you may choose to offer words or to reach out a hand as part of the good, part of love, that in this moment.

You will notice that we have been speaking of you as if you were not really a personality. And the truth of it is that your personality is the very least of who you are. Beingness at first is a process of individuation and that is the beginning of maturity. But when you have conquered that first slope and stand upon the peak of that mountain and can say, “I am myself. I am not my mother or my father or my job, etc.,” you have cleared a very small mountain, shall we say, compared to the rocky crags in front of you yet to climb. For all of creation lies before the one who is able at last to penetrate into the heart of I AM. Sense your beingness at this moment, and know that you are at the beginning of a fantastic and powerful story. May you enjoy the drama that you have chosen to unroll for yourself. May you ride it well! May you act with passion! May you be true to the desires that brought you to this present moment. And as the energies of this time and your evolvement unfold before you, may you be fearless. For you shall inevitably be transformed. And in your transformation, your light and your love will bless all whose lives you touch.

Q’uo said that the Son of the Creator, which is Jesus the Christ, is a voice that does not deny error upon the part of any one of us, but it simply invokes that force called forgiveness, and it does not suggest that there is no such thing as sin, but it does suggest that when such an error is perceived within ourself that we view it with an eye not only to understanding this error but also to loving it, balancing it, telling it our story, and integrating it into our being because one thing we are attempting to do while we are here is to gather the “lost sheep” of ourself that have been unredeemed because we have not been pleased with them, and we have seen them as the vampire, as undeveloped portions of our light as unworthy, and we have shut ourselves out of our heart. Q’uo went on to say part of this work we can only do in the flesh, and it is part of this experience of being in incarnation to put ourself in the position of needing to abandon ourself at last to faith so that we can believe that we are perfect and whole, so Q’uo said that these things are true, but they are not true in a literal sense or upon the surface of our life, but in terms of getting to the heart of our being it is central to see all that comes before our face, which we would judge, is that which is to be forgiven and  loved. Q’uo continued by saying we are a sacred part of the one infinite Creator, and we are a young god or goddess, but we have in this illusion hands with which to offer help, a mouth with which to speak, and a heart that is willing to love and understand, and these are the aspects of our beingness that our small bodies contain, and all of Spirit is pouring through us at this moment so that we may choose to reach out a hand as part of the love that is in this moment. Q’uo completed their reply by saying you will notice that we have been speaking of you as if we were not really a personality because the truth of it is that our personality is the least of who we are, and at first beingness is a process of individuation, and that is the beginning of maturity, but when we have conquered that first slope and stand upon the peak of that mountain and can say, “I am myself. I am not my mother or my father or my job, etc.,” we have cleared a small mountain compared to the rocky crags in which we have yet to climb, for all of creation lies before us if we are able to penetrate into the heart of I AM, so we should sense our beingness at this moment, and know that we are at the beginning of a powerful story, so may we enjoy the drama that we have chosen to unroll for ourself, and as the energies of this time and our evolution unfold before us, may we be fearless, for we shall be transformed, and in our transformation, our light and our love will bless all whose lives we touch. On October 15, 1995, Q’uo spoke of our process of individuation:

Being is your great gift and your first occupation. It is the hardest job you shall have within your incarnational experience, and again the group together aids each in that process of individuation. Here are hearts that wish for you to be who you most deeply are. Here is where there is a lack of fear for the you that may emerge as transformations occur. Here is a home which one needs not to be at in order to feel at home. The spirit of a spiritual group is enormously powerful, metaphysically speaking, and each senses this. As this instrument has often said, no individual is the reason that a light group such as this offers a magical place, a metaphysical home that works and functions, but rather the faith of all who have come to such a place, the knowledge within those that come that this is a safe place. This is what makes the power of such a light center

This instrument is telling us that we must move on and so we shall, noting once again that there is much depth to this material of beingness which may fruitfully benefit from further questioning. We again thank the one known as C for attempting to deepen the questioning process, for it is of great help to us to find this kind of focus in the questioning. May we ask if there are any further questions at this time?

Questioner: Yes, I would like to ask a question. Can weather conditions be manipulated by mankind?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. Because of the fact that this instrument is totally aware of information and research that indicate without question that such manipulation is, indeed, taking place, we may confirm that this is so.

Is there a further question, my sister?

Questioner: No, thank you.

Q’uo: Is there another query at this time?

Questioner: Q’uo, I have a question. Although it has to do with me, it is a general question. Can you tell about working with dreams and offer any advice and suggestions on how best to work with dreams? And the second part is about a dream I had about a month ago talking to a little boy. I felt that was a negative experience. Are you able to comment on that at all? Thank you, Q’uo.

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your queries, my brother. You are correct in assuming that we would have difficulty in speaking specifically about the dream concerning the small boy, and whether or not there was negative polarity in that dream. We have this difficulty, my brother, because of the fact that you have not come to a settled conclusion concerning the message that this dream offers to you. When you have come to such a conclusion and are able to state the truth that this dream has offered to you, we may again examine your query with perhaps more fullness of information. For now we will simply confirm that such dreams are extremely useful and helpful as a part of the process of coming into full awareness of your own self-dynamics and would encourage you to pursue the investigation of such striking and provocative material.

This instrument is most interested in the gifts of the archetypal mind. One of the ways that is safest for the individual to use in exploring the deeper reaches of the unconscious or subconscious mind is an investigation of one’s dreams. Such an investigation may begin very modestly, but it is a type of investigation, which if pursued with persistence and stability, tends to deepen and begin to yield insight and an ever enlarging and more sturdy point of view from which to look at the self and creation in general.

In terms of the mechanics of working with dreams, we would encourage the habit of keeping a small flashlight of some kind, a pad of paper, and a writing instrument at hand before going to bed. If one does awaken during the night with the memory of a dream, one is able, without waking oneself up totally, to turn on this small and non-intrusive light that gives one the opportunity to write down one’s memories.

It is not necessary at the time of writing those memories down to work with them. It is enough simply to record the thoughts and then to turn off the flashlight, put down the paper and pen, and go back to sleep. It is, however, helpful at some point during the next waking period to go back over these hastily jotted notes, perhaps typing them into a more lasting record and journaling about them in any way that you find yourself wishing to do.

It is perfectly acceptable to use the rational, intellectual mind with its analytical capabilities. It is equally acceptable, and to be encouraged, to help the mind to run off of the logical tracks on which it so often stays due to old habit, and to invite the quirky combinations of thoughts and the insights that come at one from sideways when one allows what this instrument calls the “mind sagging in the middle,” so that points that seemingly are far distant from each other are suddenly brought close and new connections are made. We speak specifically of that seeming dichotomy between the so-called left brain and right brain.

Allow the dreaming process to create opportunities for you to link those two ways of thinking as you contemplate your dreams with insight as well as logic. Encourage your mind to become more and more integrated with itself and able to move with more and more facility between that logic of space/time and that insight of metaphysical space or time/space. You are a dweller in two worlds and the dreaming process helps you to investigate that second world, which is not easily available to be seen in the haunts of humankind.

May we answer you further, my brother?

Questioner: No, thank you very much, Q’uo.

Q’uo: We thank you, my brother. As this instrument’s energy is waning, we would ask for a final query at this time.

Questioner: I would like to ask Q’uo if it is so that I am truly a wanderer. Am I where I need to be in this point in time? Do I have a lot of work to do?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Because this question is part of your active process at this time, my brother, we are not able to speak with you concerning validating whether or not you are a wanderer. At a time when you have concluded that you are or are not a wanderer, if you ask this question again with the true conviction of your certainty, we then shall be able to offer more substantial information. But at this point, my brother, we would be interfering with your own learning and for us to do your learning for you is an infringement upon your free will.

We can say that all of those who are wanderers are also people of Earth. In a sense all who draw breath have wandered far from their native land. All are “strangers in a strange land” as the one known as Robert Heinlein said. All are spirits which have come into flesh, and are having a physical experience. Yet your physical beingness is one more mask, which you are wearing with style and grace, we may add.

We thank each of you for being bold enough to enter the valley of the shadow of death. It is an interesting perspective, is it not? It does encourage fear in entities to perceive that they have been born and that they will die. And yet we say to you that that which is born and that which will die is a portion of yourself that is easily shed, as your coat and your hat are unimportant to who you are. Know yourself as people of Earth and be very, very proud to be called such.

At this time, we would leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I vacuumed the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I went outside and weeded around the stone walk surrounding the fish pond, the driveway and parking areas in front of my home, and the Little Locust Creek in the back yard.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 21

The Building Block Of Faith

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of Love divine, unending, and eternal.

How brave an instrument who admits it needs the practice! How brave any seeking entity who admits the need for constant improvement, for constant mindfulness, and for constant seeking.

How firm the faith of one who knows that the gift of the Spirit of Jesus the Christ is given to those who are humble as dust before it. Such humility will not be scattered to the winds. Such humility cannot be trampled upon. Such humility is the building block of faith. Such determination is the foundation of will.

Let each day be a day in which you are prostrate before the infinite love of Jesus the Christ. For it was in humility to the physical death that Jesus the Christ expressed Love, not in bragging or boasting but in opening the self completely to the will of the one God of all.

Open yourself to that will. Be humble as dust before it. Yet know that you carry it within you, if you are mindful of it.

Let your light shine through your humility; through your humanity; through the ashes of the life of the mundane world. Heaven may shine through your eyes! The kingdom is that near.

Yet the kingdom shall never shine through the eyes of one who boasts that he knows of the kingdom and has no more to learn. Be humble and faithful and bow before the Lord God, that, as you rise, you may shine with the eternal Light of unity, Love and peace. 

We leave you in the eternal Love and peace of Jesus the Christ, now and forever. May you be saved by an awareness of this holy Love. Peace be with you. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.