
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from January 5:

The question today has to do with the grid of our planet as we are moving from third into fourth density. We are assuming that there are points on this grid that are in need of some attention, some sort of focusing energy which we would like to be able to do in our meditative state and maybe even in general; just the way we are able to live our lives to produce compassion, or love, or mercy, or forgiveness in our daily round of activities. We would like Q’uo to give us some sort of an idea about how we might be able to be of service in this respect: in strengthening the grid, the road to fourth density from where we are in our daily round of activities in dealing with the catalyst of the day, with our own distortions, with our desire to serve and our feeling like sometimes it’s just too much.

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We consider ourselves to be those who are part of what this instrument’s teacher calls the godhead principle, and we speak to that part of you which has called us here, that part of you which is also the godhead principle. It is in the sympathetic vibration of that likeness of focus and polarity that we link and find ourselves in this most agreeable and blessed condition of sharing this time of seeking with you. We thank you for the privilege of being called and for the careful way in which our nature was defined by the parameters of the tuning and challenging of this instrument. We greatly appreciate the care being taken with the tuning of the connection to enable us to experience clear communication with this particular, shall we say, biological instrument; one of the more complicated wind instruments, shall we say, being the human bodily instrument. In this case, the instrument is also the composer of the song which creates a fascinating context for us to work within in shaping these awkward bundles which are called words, to attempt to speak of concepts which exceed the limit of any words. We ask only that each take what seems sensible and helpful, from those thoughts we share, and leave the rest behind, for we are not those who are in authority but rather those who share experiences as your neighbors and co-creators.

We are glad this day to speak with you concerning the metaphysical road-building in which this particular instrument and the one known as Jim have been much interested in late months, as the experience of entering fully into the twenty first century and dealing with the weight of previously known information has brought these two entities to a condition of perception at this juncture which seems to indicate work in the direction of this metaphysical roadbuilding.

Wewould first comment upon the concept of time, for much of what we say has a certain timbre which can create sense only within a limited context, that being the illusory context of space/time. The metaphysical universe is not the space/time universe, and so, consequently, a query concerning the physical aspects of metaphysical work draws a response which must straddle both space/time and time/space considerations. The outer activism which is the interest of this instrument, especially, is dependent upon a network of information and data concerning space/time projections of time/space events. If one focuses upon the space/time continuum and its illusory march of progress, shall we say, the energies of metaphysical structure recede, and the more the effort is made to interact with space/time events and space/time values, the less direct will be the effect of such work upon the time/space or metaphysical continuum, which is a consideration when one is attempting to connect space/time to time/space, insofar as each entity involved is capable of embodying that linkage.

In this regard, we would state our observation that fear and fear-based concern is easily the most challenging foe that stands before the faithful warrior of Light at this juncture. We do not criticize or judge entities for their fear-based responses to the space/time events which unfold as part of the consensus reality of your illusion. There certainly would appear to be concerning and substantial issues which indicate almost certain disaster. From our viewpoint as those observing this global culture from the outside in, we would state another observation, that being that, although it may have escaped your notice, there have been few years in recorded history in which there was not disaster, catastrophe, and war. There also has not been a time within your recorded history when there has not been a wide range of options for solving all perceived problems. That which appears to be worthy of great fear on another level is precisely that which may be embraced with the most surety, because it is in challenging and novel times that one begins, within incarnation, to learn about the self and to be surprised, encouraged, invigorated, and renewed by the experiences one has in learning of the depths of the self, the self’s emotions, and the self’s hopes and dreams.

Is it hunger that is feared? Then, when that time of hunger comes, take what little that you have and give it away to the common good, and you will find that you can create miracles of loaves and fishes. Do you fear the cold? Take heart, and when you are cold, move to the company of others who are also cold and embrace them, and together you may live through the night and know the heart of another. Do you fear having nothing? Take heart, for truly all entities possess nothing, but merely share that which comes their way, that which has been allowed to come their way by circumstance, by pre-incarnational request and by the desire to learn. Do you fear not having enough? Embrace thankfulness and gratitude and count the blessings of what tiny things you may have in the face of deprivation, and you will find yourself endlessly giving thanks.

For once the eyes of gratitude, of thankfulness, have been opened, it may more and more easily be seen that all circumstances are those for which one may give thanks with a true, honest, and cheerful heart, for insofar as circumstances seem difficult, just so far shall they later be revealed as the healers of those deeply buried sores that must be lanced. Each entity has placed in its own path those things which look remarkably like stumbling blocks and sources of great suffering, and they can be seen that way with perfect logic and sanity. We do not suggest that losing fear is a logical process; we suggest rather that the way the process of living has its impact upon a given soul is dependent upon that soul’s point of view and attitude. We are suggesting that the point of view or attitude is powerful and central to the goal of becoming a working crystal which is indeed sending blessed and transmuted Light received from the infinite Creator by personal intention into the planetary fourth-density/third-density connection, creating the lighting up of the fourth-density grid.

The group question for this session was: “We would like Q’uo to give us some sort of an idea about how we might be able to be of service in this respect: in strengthening the grid, the road to fourth density from where we are in our daily round of activities in dealing with the catalyst of the day, with our own distortions, with our desire to serve and our feeling like sometimes it’s just too much.” Q’uo began their reply by saying that they were glad to speak about metaphysical road-building that Carla and Jim had been working with lately as a means of entering fully into the twenty-first century to build upon previous information they had gathered on this topic. Q’uo continued by saying that they wanted to comment on the concept of space/time because the metaphysical universe is not the space/time universe, and a question about the physical nature of metaphysical work requires that the answer include both space/time and time/space considerations because as more effort is made to interact with space/time events and space/time values, the less direct will be the effect of such work upon the time/space or metaphysical continuum which must be taken into consideration when one is attempting to connect space/time to time/space, as each of us of expressing that linkage. Q’uo went on to say that fear-based concern is the most challenging foe that stands before the faithful warrior of Light at this time, but they did not judge people for their fear-based responses to the space/time events which are part of the consensus reality of our illusion even though there were concerning issues which indicate almost certain disaster in the future. Then Q’uo said that in observing our global cultures that throughout the history of Earth there were few years when there was not a disaster of some kind as well as options for solving all of these problems so that it could be said that these disasters can be embraced on a higher level with surety because challenging times within our incarnations give us the opportunity to learn more about ourself and to be encouraged by these experiences that we have in learning the depths of our self, our emotions, and our dreams.  Now Q’uo asked: “Is it hunger that is feared? Then, when that time of hunger comes, take what little that you have and give it away to the common good, and you will find that you can create miracles of loaves and fishes. Do you fear the cold? Take heart, and when you are cold, move to the company of others who are also cold and embrace them, and together you may live through the night and know the heart of another. Do you fear having nothing? Take heart, for truly all entities possess nothing, but merely share that which comes their way, that which has been allowed to come their way by circumstance, by pre-incarnational request and by the desire to learn. Do you fear not having enough? Embrace thankfulness and gratitude and count the blessings of what tiny things you may have in the face of deprivation, and you will find yourself endlessly giving thanks.” Q’uo said that when our eyes of gratitude and thankfulness have been opened we can see that all experiences are those for which we can be grateful for with a cheerful heart so that later we can see that they will be revealed as the healers of our deeply buried sores that must be lanced because each of us has placed in our path those things which look like sources of great suffering, and Q’uo suggested that the way the process of living has its impact upon our soul depends upon our attitude which is central to our goal of working as a crystal which can send the transmuted Light of the Creator by our personal intention into the planetary fourth-density/third-density connection and lighting up the fourth-density grid. On January 9, 2006, Q’uo spoke of the value of gratitude and thankfulness:

But when those times come for you, when you have moments of clarity, find the discipline, and remember to dwell in thankfulness for the gifts that you have received. As you dwell in gratitude and thankfulness, you create an atmosphere or an environment within your electrical body, within your chakra system, as this instrument would say, that encourages further awareness. And just like your Earth, you are an ever-expanding organism. However, you are expanding into the metaphysical realm, rather than into the physical realm.

Losing fear is therefore a tremendous and powerful resource to pursue. The ways of losing fear often have to do with more and more becoming aware of how fear has embedded its trigger points within the network of antennae which your personal structure of perceptive priorities presents to you: first, second, third, fourth and so on. A great deal of what is gained from the input of data into the mind and the consciousness has to do with how items are prioritized in the consciousness. The process of perception is far other than the way it seems, entities neither hearing with their ears nor seeing with their eyes, but rather forming a digitized information grid from not only the present moment grid but previously organized grids of expectations. Changing the expectation grid of one’s prioritizing software, shall we say, changes the information package that one receives from oneself as it inputs the data.

In a way, we are speaking very mechanically and yet the mind works along logical, mechanical, and habitual routes, taking shortcuts when it can once it has decided upon the priorities. Moving into the prioritizing mechanisms within the self is deep work and takes a good deal of self-awareness that can usually be achieved only through time. Consequently, this is a long-term goal, for fear is not an absence of love; it is not what is left over when love is ended. Fear is the dark side of love. Fear has its legitimacy and must indeed be embraced within the self and asked to avail its gifts to the use of the Light. Fear becomes courage when the fear is faced, and the wolf that has caused the fear, rather than being fled or being slain, is invited into the heart to be loved, understood, accepted, and charmed.

We ask you to become storytellers to yourselves, telling yourself the story of the hero or the heroine that you are, the warrior of Light who makes so many mistakes and must iron its costume daily, and yet somehow, though the costume is baggy and the efforts are unavailing, this story of the self moves on as one of the fighter that will not quit but never fights against but only for. Gaze upon those fear reactions and ask your most intelligent and clever self what creative things that you can do to target, come to understand, and come to have sympathy for each direction of fear-based thought; not rooting it out, not judging the self for fear, but having compassion upon the entity that is involved in a flesh, blood, and bone illusion.

Each entity will perish from the third-density experience. This source of fear is, shall we say, the parent of all other fears, that fear of ceasing to be. We would ask through faith that the entity posit to itself whether it is worthwhile to fear death or whether it might not be more skillful to see the inevitability of that, and rather than shrinking from that inevitability, to turn that story from that fear of death to the love of each and every day and hour that remains to you. Time, in terms of space/time, is an illusion, yet it is within this illusion that each of you dwells; it is within this incarnation that each of you now acts; and within your continuum and your illusion it is indeed a very intense time of transformation and change for the planet upon which you live. Consequently, there are indeed aspects of the metaphysical transformation of the planet’s population and its very global entity that poke up rather abruptly as mountains on the topography of the present time and space. Many catastrophes have already been seen of the natural kind and of the, shall we say, human, or political kind, and you may see that these forces and energies become more sharply delineated, more clarified and more obvious.

Then Q’uo said that losing fear is powerful resource to pursue,  and a great deal of what we gain from the input of data into our mind and consciousness has to do with how we prioritize what we perceive, which does not involve hearing with our ears or seeing with our eyes, but involves forming a digitized grid of information from the present moment and also previously organized grids of our expectations, and changing the expectation grid of our prioritizing software changes the information that we receive from ourself as we input the data. Q’uo went on to say that they were speaking very mechanically because our mind works along logical and mechanical ways and takes shortcuts when it can after it has decided upon its priorities, and moving into the prioritizing mechanisms within our self is deep work that takes a good deal of self-awareness that we can achieve only as a long-term goal because fear is not an absence of love; fear is the dark side of love, and we must embrace it within ourself and ask it to use its gifts to the sharing of the Light so that our fear becomes courage when it is faced, and the wolf that has caused us fear, rather than being slain, is invited into our heart to be loved and understood. Q’uo continued by asking us to tell ourself the story of the hero or the heroine that we are, the warrior of Light who makes so many mistakes, but this story of ourself moves on as the fighter that will not quit but never fights against but only for, so we should look at our fear reactions and ask ourself what creative things we can do to understand and have sympathy for each of our fear-based thoughts; not judging ourself for them but having compassion upon ourselves because we are involved in a flesh, blood, and bone illusion. Now Q’uo said each of us will perish from the third-density experience, and this is the greatest of all of our fears, so Q’uo suggested that we ask ourself whether fearing death is worthwhile or whether it might more skillful to move from the fear of death to the love of each hour that remains for us because space/time is an illusion, and it is within this illusion that each of us dwells; that each of us acts; and within our illusion it is an intense time of transformation for the planet upon which live, so Q’uo said that: “there are indeed aspects of the metaphysical transformation of the planet’s population and its very global entity that poke up rather abruptly as mountains on the topography of the present time and space. Many catastrophes have already been seen of the natural kind and of the, shall we say, human, or political kind, and you may see that these forces and energies become more sharply delineated, more clarified and more obvious. On May 25, 2019, Q’uo spoke of various kinds of catastrophes and how they affect us and our planet:

The difficulty with the delivery of the new fourth-density planet and its population comes not from either the planet or the fourth-density potential population, but from those entities that are engaged in disharmony and bellicosity of one nature or another, creations of disharmony, disease, confusion, and agitation. There is much division between the various cultures, entities within cultures, and entities within families, that there is the possibility of further enhancement of this disharmonious relationship, so that the warring factions of one group pitted against another could potentially cause difficulties of not only the mental, psychic, and physical nature, but of the potential for planetary catastrophes that are well-documented within the history of your planetary experience. For there have been thousands of years of the warring efforts of many peoples that has embedded the anger of separation within the crust of the planet, so that there is the need at this time to release this heat of anger in a controlled fashion, so that there is necessarily a finite amount of heat that is released at any one time, thus reducing the possibility of planetary annihilation.

There is much difficulty at this time, as you are aware, in the various divisions that exist within the cultures of your planet, so that this birth is occurring in an environment of great angst and hostility that must needs be dealt with in one fashion or another by those entities that are experiencing such disharmony.

It is hoped that through the efforts of your adepts, of your wanderers, and of those Confederation entities that send Love and Light to your planetary sphere, that these efforts at reducing the disharmony may indeed do so, and allow the birth of this planet to occur along with its population in a less difficult situation, shall we say.

Embrace this time as a time when those who are steadfast shall be those who are able to function as Light transducers, keeping the energy moving into that grid which is made up of Love. When an entity’s heart has been able to relax and free itself from fear and from the need to protect, it becomes soft, and fertile, and yeasty with the food needed for the seeds of Love to blossom into those beanstalks that truly do constitute a ladder between earth and heaven. Each is aware of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. This entity gave away its cows in exchange for magical seeds, and the entity came home and planted these seeds and grew itself a beanstalk that reached into another world. It is having the faith, in very non-physical ways, to sell the cows that gives to the Light worker the ability to grow beanstalks between third density and fourth. The beanstalk is a seed of faith, and each of you is one who gently and sometimes unknowingly cradles that seed. When you birth it, that is the beginning of the self as an impersonal portion of the Godhead principle. When one can see oneself as, shall we say, a priestly or a magical figure, one then is able to move from a metaphysical position, from a position of embracing time/space and time/space values. This is the other side of releasing fear; that is, the discipline of continuing in remembrance of Love, continuing in remembrance of who the self is, continuing in remembrance of why the entity is here.

We would close this discussion or, shall we say, this primary discussion by touching upon those interests that this instrument has in more specific details of ways to have organization come to a physical effort to support the concept of helping the fourth-density or Christ grid become stronger, helping the connection between this world and the next to solidify. You may tell from the balance of our cosmic sermonette that most of the work has to do with state of mind, for Love and all of the energetic essences which underlie and create your space/time reality have to do with the energies of Love, those energies which created you and which you now can focus as co-Creators, allowing your will and your desire to direct those healing and infinitely beneficial energies of unconditional Love that flow through each entity ceaselessly from the Creator. This state of mind is always the choice of the entity and indeed constitutes the greatest and most continual choice of the incarnation. Where shall the thoughts settle down? In love or in fear?

When one sees the self in fear, do not abandon the self, do not correct the self, but sit with the self and look at the fear. Let it be. Let it wash over and through one seeing the self as permeable, as healable, as fallible but also as a shining hero dealing with the most amazing adversity. This is your story; we ask you to stick to it; we ask you to think well of yourself. The one known as S, in channeling, enjoys creating a common ending for these channelings just as this instrument enjoys closing with those words which mean farewell and peace in the Creator. This entity closes its channelings with the thought, “Play well together.” This is a great road-building statement. Those who play well, with themselves and with each other, are honoring the Creator and the forces of unity that will release fear and open the heart.

There is some science which can be applied to a linear calculation of those plans which entities may create for themselves in order to give more shape and focus to what may otherwise seem an amorphous goal; that of lighting the planet and creating that solid connection to the next world which is at this time attempting to be born and certainly having its own difficulties. We commend all and any efforts to serve. Needless to say, we must leave plans which have to do with physical calculations in the hands of those in whose free will these plans are being tossed about as dreams, hopes, and visions. We commend the group effort suggested for exploring such services and would echo the sentiments of this instrument as spoken prior to this channeling having to do with being willing to rest in mystery and resonance to a certain extent in feeling one’s way towards the blending of the physical and metaphysical in service.

Now Q’uo said that we should embrace this time as a time when we who are steadfast shall be those who are able to function as Light transformers, keeping the energy moving into that grid which is made up of Love, and when our heart has been able to relax and free itself from fear it becomes fertile and contains the food needed for the Light worker to use faith in non-physical ways as seeds of Love to create a path between the third density and the fourth density, and each of us is one who gently and sometimes unknowingly utilizes faith, and when we birth it, that is the beginning of the self as an impersonal portion of the Godhead principle. Q’uo said when we can see ourself as a magical figure we are then able to move from a metaphysical position and time/space values, and this is the other side of releasing fear and the discipline of remembering that we are a being of Love and why we are here. Q’uo went on to say that they would complete this primary discussion by speaking about the interests that Carla had in more details of having organization come to the physical effort to support the concept of helping the fourth-density or Christ grid to become stronger and help the connection between this world and the next to solidify because most of this work has to do with our state of mind, for Love and all of the energetic essences which create our space/time reality have to do with the energies of the Love which created us and which we can focus on as co-Creators, allowing our will to direct those healing energies of unconditional Love that flow through each of us ceaselessly from the Creator, and this state of mind is always our choice and constitutes the greatest and most continuous choice of the incarnation: where shall our thoughts settle down, in love or in fear? Q’uo continued by saying that when we see ourself in fear that we should not abandon ourself but sit with ourself and look at the fear; let it be; see ourself as healable and as fallible but also as a hero dealing with amazing adversity because this is our story, and we should think well of ourself just as Carla enjoys closing her channeling with those words: “Play well together.” Q’uo said that this is a great road-building statement because those who play well, with themselves and with each other, are honoring the Creator and the forces of unity that will release fear and open the heart. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that there was some science of a linear nature for those plans which we may create for ourselves in order to give more shape and focus to what may seem an unclear goal of lighting the planet and creating a solid connection to the fourth density, which is attempting to be born and is having its own difficulties, and they commended all efforts to serve, but they felt it was necessary to leave plans which have to do with physical calculations in the hands of those in whose free will these plans are seen as dreams, hopes, and visions, and they suggested the group effort to be focused on being willing to rest in mystery and resonance to a certain extent in feeling our way towards the blending of the physical and metaphysical in our service. On May 25, 2003, Q’uo spoke of the birth of the fourth density upon Earth at this time:

Entities shall move into early fourth density no matter what happens to your sphere as the density changes, and they will repair the planet with the planet’s cooperation. Indeed many entities even now are repairing their little bit of the planetary surface by loving and talking to the Earth, by cooperating with what this instrument would call nature deities or divas, by relating to the surroundings of self with the understanding that all things are alive, all things work in rhythm and in harmony, and all things except those sunk in the mire of third-density forgetting not only love each other but know that they are one. In this atmosphere, the possibilities of becoming a powerful, magical person are great, and as the time sharpens the focus right unto the moment of birth of fourth density, there is in effect a fourth-density energy that is now as real upon your sphere as the third-density energy. It shows up within the physical world only by creating anomalous effects in terms of physics’ sub-atomic particles but it shows up within the inner life of that wonderful multilayered being that each of you is in a much more clear and obvious way, as the interpenetration of the two densities becomes such that it is much easier for nature, or for the forces of coincidence, to work in order to bring things to your attention which you have asked to be brought to your attention. That is why, in the midst of such challenging times, such times of transformation and change, yet still each of you has had the feeling of entities helping along the way, unseen hands giving a boost and angelic guidance coming through unexpected and unusual means.

We thank this instrument for its service at this time and would transfer this contact to the one known as Jim, leaving this instrument in love and in light. We are those of Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and we greet each of you in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there may be any other queries to which we may speak at this session of working.

S: I have questions with me. In each meditation we have with you, we offer the lives of those friends and family who may be in need, but, since we may not always ask specifically to do that for them, would that be considered any violation of free will, per se?

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. There is the gift of the one Creator which is the prana, the love energy which is available to all entities as a source of the life-giving qualities of the one Creator. It is to these energies that one adds when one prays for the wellbeing of another. Thus, the entity has the free will to work with these energies as they are given in the daily round of activities, perhaps enhanced by those who pray, by those who wish the entity well, but these energies are added to those which are usually utilized without one’s being aware of them.

Is there another query, my brother?

S: The last one is, I seem to have a great affinity for quartz crystals and points, and I was wondering if there is any other light that you could shed on why that might be so, whether it’s past incarnations or just the energies they allow or anything like that that I could contemplate on?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We find that there is some general information of this nature which we may share without infringement. We would suggest that there has been within your pattern of incarnations a great predilection towards these means of communication and healing which you have utilized in various ways in different incarnations. Thus, there is within your being a portion of your learning and service which resonates to these crystalline entities and their abilities to enhance one’s wellbeing, one’s level of élan vital, shall we say, the energy which powers one in the daily round of activities and in the geometric precision with which these crystalline entities may be utilized for healing, for communication and for the far-seeing, shall we say.

Is there another query, my brother?

S: Not from me, thanks.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I’d just like to ask, since it was my question and also my channel about the grid, if there was anything that you could channel through the one known as Jim that you couldn’t get through me because of my biases? If so, I’d be glad to hear it.

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. No, we do not wish to be overly generous in our compliments to your abilities as an instrument. We would suggest that there is a clear entry into your being which we may utilize in speaking our thoughts through your instrument. We feel no distortion or hesitation or bias that would hinder our ability to communicate that which we wish to communicate.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No, thank you, thank you very much. Thank you for the invitation. I’ll look at it very carefully.

I am Q’uo. Again, we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

[No more queries.]

I am Q’uo. We are most grateful for each entity’s participation in this circle of seeking, and we thank you for inviting us once again to join you as you walk this path of meditation, of service, of intensification of desire, and of open-hearted sharing, each with the other.

We are known to you as those of Q’uo. At this time, we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group. We leave each in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I vacuumed the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I ran some errands with my first stop at Feeder’s Supply where I bought some cat food. My second stop was at PNC Bank where I made a cash withdrawal. My third stop was at Walgreen’s where I picked up a couple of prescriptions and some paper plates.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

January 31

The Arid Seedcases Of Words

I greet you in the consciousness of the Love of Jesus Christ.

I am the Spirit of that love among the nations of the world, the force which carries the single concept of Love in the clumsy containers of words to all who may have ears to hear.

Yet how can words wake up to the aliveness of the Spirit, which cannot be contained within the arid seedcases of words? It is a great temptation to speak only in poetry, only in stories, to attempt to evoke feelings beyond words, emotion beyond concept.

For though we offer knowledge, it is not knowledge of words but knowledge of faith. For the full consciousness of Love evokes an assurance and a delight. If you feel not these things, ask again for the spirit’s comfort, that you may know the Love of Jesus Christ and reflect it in your life; that you, too, may carry in awkward seedcases the living and fructifying Love of Christ to all who have ears to hear.

In peace I leave you, now and always. I am the Holy Spirit of Jesus the Christ.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.