
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 22:

Question from J1: Can the source of anger, seeming this is the source of the cancer, be inherited? Can it be from past-life programming, or could it be deliberately implanted or consciously created to create a learning opportunity during the incarnation?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you with great joy in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator in Whose service we are. It is a great blessing and privilege to be called to your group this day to join in your meditation and to offer our humble opinion on the subject of the causes or the providence of cancer. We are glad to share our opinions with you with the request, as always, that each discriminate carefully as each listens or reads so that no idea is allowed to take lodging within your value system that is not resonant to you personally. With this in place we feel much freer to offer our opinion without being concerned that we might infringe on your free will.

The circle of seeking this day queries concerning cancer and certainly we may speak concerning this particular distortion or disease. However, our remarks may in general be relevant to other conditions and estates of humankind’s physical vehicle.

We would begin by acknowledging some of the basic structure from which we speak concerning that which is conceived of among your peoples as disease. Since all that has formed is a distortion of the one original Thought, to say that disease is a distortion is not to insult the breed. For, indeed, that which is known among your peoples as disease has its own beauty and function within the system of dynamics of third density. It is a highly convenient and somewhat sensitive means of ending a life span at the just and appropriate time for that entity and, indeed, in many cases the so-called disease comes into play as a result of the filling up of the capacity of the entity’s learning system from the wear and tear of the daily incarnational experience once the vital energies of the entity have expended that amount which they have to offer to the challenges and pleasures of having breath and life within third density which may have ended sooner than was intended before incarnation.

This is impossible to predict before incarnation, either how catalyst will strike the entity within incarnation or to what depth the increased load of unprocessed experience may go. When such bank accounts of undigested experience rest within an entity so that the amount of unprocessed catalyst is over the full line for an entity in terms of incarnational energy then it is that the physical vehicle may gladly accept the disease in order to plead a sensible and timely period upon an incarnational pattern. This is most helpful for the entity so that healing may occur as would be needed to create an atmosphere within which the entity somewhat healed from its travels in its personality shell through the incarnation may recover itself, take thought after its healing, and consult with its higher self and all guides in the construction of a new incarnation which would address those unresolved catalysts. It is for this reason that many entities who find themselves dealing with physical difficulties of one kind or another would then end life experience at a younger age than would be, shall we say, the cultural norm among your peoples. Consequently, whatever the condition or disease that is perceived by those who offer tests with the various measuring devices of your peoples, they have only the outer hints and clues as to the true cause of the condition.

The shape of unprocessed emotion within the incarnational energy vehicle most closely associated with the physical vehicle has a much more accurate and clear concept of where the opportunity of an ending to the incarnation is coming from in terms of cause. Only the entity and, perhaps, sometimes not even that entity is fully aware of what sorrows upon the heart, what unbalanced emotion upon the emotional body, have created a situation of imbalance which has reached the point where the mind complex of an entity cannot balance it. When this occurs the natural evolution of the distortion known as disease is to move from those difficulties within the mind to the more obvious hints and clues offered by the analogous condition which has been given to the body, for it to, shall we say, act out its distress, sorrow, anger, grief, or whatever the imbalanced emotion or unrefined emotion that has been causing the distortion to be chronic within the energy body of the individual.

The query specifically moves to question the three possible causes of the arising of cancer from anger, that is: the predisposition of the genetic makeup of the vehicle, the carryover from past life distortions, and the placing of the illness or condition within the life experience as a response to those things which occur within incarnation, and we would take these one at a time after simply saying that we would agree with the one known as J1 that relating the emotions of unrefined anger to the condition cancer is quite often correct as a solution to the linkage between mind and body in the arising of that particular disease.

The group question for this session was: “Question from J1: Can the source of anger, seeming this is the source of the cancer, be inherited? Can it be from past-life programming, or could it be deliberately implanted or consciously created to create a learning opportunity during the incarnation?” Q’uo began their response by saying that all things are a distortion of the one original Thought, and that which we call a disease has its own distortions that have their own beauty and function within the third density, and diseases are often the way of ending our life at the appropriate time after we have learned what we came to learn, and the wear and tear of our life of learning has used up our vital energies to meet the challenges and pleasures of learning our lessons sooner than was intended before incarnation. Q’uo went on to say that it cannot be predicted when our catalyst will strike our bodies within our incarnation or how much unprocessed catalyst will remain that could be more that our incarnational energy can process, so then our body may accept a disease in order to gain more time for a partial healing to occur as would be needed so that we may consult our higher self and guides in order that a new incarnation may be planned to deal with our unresolved catalyst, and this is why many entities would have their lives ended at a younger age than would be normal for our culture as determined by our medical sciences. Q’uo continued by saying that when we have unprocessed emotions within our energy body–which is a portion of our physical body–they will give us a clear concept of where the cause of the ending of our incarnation is coming from in the form of sorrows within our heart which we have not been able to balance, and when this happens then the disease will move from our mental difficulties to the clues which have been given to our body for it to symbolically express the imbalanced emotion of sorrow, anger, or grief within our energy body. Then Q’uo said that there were three possible causes of cancer as anger coming from: “the predisposition of the genetic makeup of the vehicle, the carryover from past life distortions, and the placing of the illness or condition within the life experience as a response to those things which occur within incarnation”, and Q’uo said that they would speak about these one at a time after agreeing with J1 that relating his emotions of unrefined anger to his cancer is usually correct as a solution to the link between the mind and the body in the cause of cancer. On March 5, 2016, Hatonn spoke of the process unprocessed catalyst by the mind is given to the body:

We find that in the healing process we look upon the body as the creature of the mind that has expressed symptoms that you may call disease or distortions that exist because the mind itself has not been able to successfully process catalyst. When the mind has not achieved this processing of catalyst, then it is that the catalyst is given to the body complex in a symbolic form with the hope that this form of disease, as you would call it, may attract the attention of the mind to notice this catalyst in another form because it was missed the first time around, shall we say.

Firstly, there is the possibility of genetic predisposition, and while we completely agree that this predisposition is a portion of many entities within your density who do experience the arising of this disease, it is entirely possible for two entities with the same genetic makeup to respond quite differently to stress when it takes the form of the hot and fiery distortions of anger. One entity may be able to allow the refining of that anger by not resisting it or holding on to it but simply sitting with that anger in utter compassion for the reasons for that anger, the hurt, and pain, and sorrow behind that anger, the entity feeling threatened, fearful, abandoned or unworthy and thus creating the experience of a confused anger that then can be placed in the tempering fire of patience and waiting so that that anger is given time to be refined by the enduring fire of experience.

When that which is creating distortion is allowed to express itself completely in the inner energetic system of the vehicle then it is that the physical distortions that might arise, the cause of genetic predisposition, will not arise since there is not an imbalance penetrating or chronic enough to trigger the stimulus to which cancer is a response. Consequently, the thinking system and the perception system of each entity has the responsibility for determining what is the truth of any particular occurrence, and when an entity’s information system is able to deliver, shall we say, a less distorted truth concerning the evolution of the emotion of anger, the skill of this draws the sting out of the otherwise triggering perception that the entity is no longer safe and must become one who is on guard and protecting oneself.

This contracting or defending choice when faced with one’s own anger defines the perception that the cells of the body will receive. If anger is perceived and yet it is perceived from a viewpoint of safety, compassion, and nurturing it will not constitute a trigger for a physical vehicle to produce that which is cancer. Thus, it is exquisitely central for entities to be alert to the actual nature of their allowed perceptions for what is perceived is what the physical vehicle reacts to. Each has seen the demonstration of hypnotism where an entity is informed that being stuck with a pin will not hurt and, sure enough, the hypnotist is able to demonstrate the changed perception of the client which has been hypnotized. This is precisely the nature of perception, and we encourage each always to gaze with a clear eye and an unbiased point of view at the nature of one’s thoughts. For each thought that is processed by the intelligence has its nature, its strength, and its vector in terms of polarity and purity.

Then Q’uo said that cancer may come from a genetic predisposition, and that it is possible for siblings with this same genetic make up to respond very differently to fiery anger where one entity may be able to allow the refining of its anger by not resisting it but sitting with it in compassion for the hurt and pain that caused its anger, and caused it to feel threatened or unworthy, which creates the experience of confused anger which can then be placed in the tempering fire of its patience and giving it time to be refined by the enduring fire of experience. Q’uo went on to say that when the stimulus which is creating anger is allowed to express itself completely in the inner energetic system of the body, then it is that the physical distortions of cancer that might arise–which are the cause of the genetic predisposition—or may not arise if there is not an imbalance that is strong enough to trigger the stimulus that will cause cancer, so Q’uo said that the perception system of each entity is responsible for determining what the truth is of any experience, and when their perception is able to see a less distorted truth concerning the evolution of their anger, this removes the sting from triggering perception that the entity is no longer safe and must become one who is on guard and protecting themself. Q’uo continued by saying that if anger is perceived from a viewpoint of safety and compassion it will not become a trigger for the body to produce cancer, so it is important for entities to be alert to the actual nature of their perceptions, for what they perceive is what their body reacts to,  and Q’uo encouraged each entity to gaze with an unbiased point of view at the nature of their thoughts because each thought that is processed by the mind has its nature in terms of polarity and purity. In 46.7-11, Ra described the general situation for positively and negatively oriented entities in dealing with anger in order to keep from getting cancer:

Questioner: I was just wondering, if an entity polarizes toward the service-to-self path, would the anger have the same physical effect that it affects an entity polarized toward the service-to-others path? Would it also cause cancer, or is it just a catalytic effect working in the positively polarized entity?

I am Ra. The catalytic mechanisms are dependent not upon the chosen polarity of a mind/body/spirit complex, but upon the use, or purpose, to which this catalysis is put. Thus the entity which uses the experience of anger to polarize consciously, positively or negatively, does not experience the bodily catalyst but rather uses the catalyst in mental configuration.

Questioner: Not sure that I understand that. Let’s take some examples. If an entity polarizing toward the negative path becomes angry… let’s take the condition where he develops a cancer. What is the principle of that for him?

I am Ra. We see the thrust of your query and will respond at variance with the specific query if that meets with your approval.

Questioner: Certainly.

Ra: The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived, not as folly in itself, but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the randomness of energy being used.

Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began.

The negatively oriented mind/body/spirit complex will use this anger in a similarly conscious fashion, refusing to accept the undirected, or random, energy of anger and instead, through will and faith, funneling this energy into a practical means of venting the negative aspect of this emotion so as to obtain control over other-self or otherwise control the situation causing anger.

Control is the key to negatively polarized use of catalyst. Acceptance is the key to positively polarized use of catalyst. Between these polarities lies the potential for this random and undirected energy creating a bodily complex analog of what you call the cancerous growth of tissue.

Questioner: Then as I understand it you are saying that if the positively polarizing entity fails to accept the other-self or if the negatively polarizing entity fails to control the other-self, either of these conditions will cause cancer, possibly. Is this correct?

I am Ra. This is partially correct. The first acceptance or control, depending upon polarity, is of the self. Anger is one of many things to be accepted and loved as a part of self or controlled as a part of self, if the entity is to do work.

Questioner: Then are you saying that if a negatively polarized or polarizing entity is unable to control his own anger, or unable to control himself in anger, that he may cause cancer? Is this correct?

I am Ra. This is quite correct. The negative polarization contains a great requirement for control and repression.

The second suggestion as to causes of the cancer, that is, the cause of how the anger expresses itself in cancer, is that which is carried over into a present incarnation from a past incarnation. Often there is in the experience of older souls upon your planet—that is, those who have been through multiple lifetimes upon your planetary sphere—that there is a carryover especially of those experiences that have been involved in a previous death: the place of a fatal blow, the chakra involved in a mortal emotional dysfunction, even the primary and secondary energy centers associated with certain relationships distortions and imbalances. When such a relationship is central to the incarnation pattern it may well constitute an imbalance that expresses even through an entirely new body and energy system the cause of the strength of the previous distortion. Often in the case of wanderers this does not apply because such entities have balanced karma moving into the earth plane and therefore have only the energies of the present incarnation to balance.

When such a lack and imbalance does persist from one incarnation to another, we would say that it most generally does not take a certain form in terms of disease but rather constitutes an area of weakness that may be a target of opportunity for those illnesses that are offered to one that is at as toxic state of imbalance. These would then have to do more with the energy center affected by the imbalance than they would have to do with a particular disease. That is, where the imbalance was seen to be a yellow-ray imbalance, shall we say, the disease might be of the organs; it might be cancerous; it might be a nervous disease; it might have various descriptions depending upon the target of opportunity, its timing, and those illnesses available in the surrounding of the [inaudible]. However, such an illness would involve the same basic area of the physical vehicle.

This, then, would not be so much an emotionally caused disease but rather it would be that almost mechanical outworking of previous patterns with the insulating numbness of forgetfulness to ease the outworking of a complex pattern of imbalance from a previous incarnation. The usual expressions of such carryover illness are those expressions such as the colds, the flu, the problems with weight, the problems with the appearance of the skin, those things which are more generalized or simply visit for a time at a time when an entity does present a target of opportunity.

Now Q’uo said the second cause of how anger expresses itself as cancer is that which has come from a past incarnation where there is a carryover of those experiences that have been involved in a previous death such as: “the place of a fatal blow, the chakra involved in a mortal emotional dysfunction, even the primary and secondary energy centers associated with certain relationships distortions and imbalances,“ and when this kind of a relationship is important to the current incarnation it may create an imbalance that expresses itself through a new body and energy system because of the strength of the previous distortion, but this would not apply to wanderers because they have balanced karma as they incarnate on Earth, so they only have the energies of the present incarnation to balance. Q’uo went on by saying that when such imbalance persists from a previous incarnation it usually does not manifest as a certain disease but rather expresses itself in an area of weakness of the energy body which is out of balance such as the yellow-ray imbalance that would have to do with the organs in that area that could become cancerous, or it might be a nervous disease and have various descriptions depending upon the target of opportunity, its timing, and those illnesses available in the surrounding of the same basic area of the physical vehicle, and then Q’uo said that this would not be an emotionally caused disease, but it would be the mechanical manifestation of a previous incarnation, and the usual expressions of such an illness are in the form of: “colds, the flu, the problems with weight, the problems with the appearance of the skin, those things which are more generalized or simply visit for a time at a time when an entity does present a target of opportunity.” On March 4, 2001, Q’uo spoke of our energy body in relation to blockages and our health:

We would begin then by suggesting that it is well, when faced with a perceived imbalance in the energy body, to realize that the situation is non-local, no matter how local it may seem. That is, it may seem that there is a red-ray over-activation or a red-ray blockage and that this is then removing energy from the red ray. In actuality, the energies of the system are seldom blocked in only one ray because of the interrelationships between the rays, especially between the primary rays and also because of the centrality of the heart to those who are working in service-to-others polarity.

In the case of perceived red-ray blockage, for instance, it is well to gaze carefully at the nature of red ray. It is that first gateway of the energetic body. It is that first gateway that allows in the infinite energy of the one infinite Creator. The easy way to gaze at energy systems is to look at the blockages and, one by one, to remove them. However, the subtleties of each chakra move beyond the stated venue or placement of that chakra. That is to say, certainly the red-ray blockage has to do with sexuality in a linear sense, but in a very significant non-linear sense it has far more to do with the processes of love and fear as regards survival. Survival is a vital and hidden issue for an entity that is well fed, decently clothed, warm and with a roof over the physical head. It does not occur to the waking consciousness that there is a survival issue with regards to sexuality, for sexuality is clearly not necessary for survival. However, in the gateway to the metaphysical body or energy body one also is gazing at the gateway to the physical body, and this connection between physical and metaphysical bodies creates the situation in which the instincts of the physical body have a sometimes striking and, again, hidden effect upon the perceived experience of blockage in red ray, so that that which is perceived as sexual frustration is actually the cry of the heart to survive.

The third suggestion of the one known as J1 was that such anger may create opportunities for such a disease as cancer from inside the incarnation or from just prior to incarnation during the planning stages. And we would say that often this is the cause which is the, shall we say, the efficient cause of cancer among your peoples. For many are the people who are very eager to cleanse and purify their energy body of all imbalances and the guidance before incarnation encourages the self to put in place a possibility of illness in order that should the incarnation not be going as planned there may be set in place the predetermined tendency to form illnesses which create the opportunity for inner work. A good example from channeling which we find within this instrument’s awareness is that of the one known as Franklin who programmed into its incarnation the possibility of crippling polio. This did not occur in childhood as that particular disease normally does but rather it was set in place as a fallback strategy in case the one known as Franklin became led astray from its desires prior to incarnation to become more positive, more openhearted, and more service-oriented.

The practice of politics is, shall we say, not designed to create such opportunities for positive polarity but rather such practice as those of a politician may well lead to service-to-self energies being fairly freely encouraged under the guise of helping groups of people for their own good. When this particular imbalance became marked enough within this entity’s incarnation it then chose subconsciously to create for itself a situation within which it would be more able to do inner work and less able to have a breadth and a fast pace of social activity. This did, indeed, in this particular entity’s case work well and created the possibility of much good work and balancing the distortions having to do with the right use of power.

When a severe illness comes to one unexpectedly it certainly is appropriate to question carefully all three of these possibilities and many others not yet thought of. It is well to gaze deeply into the self to see as clearly as possible the distortions and glamours and exaggerations and cruel lacks of self-encouragement and self-validation that may have created such an imbalance that the energies of disease were needed. It is well always to see disease not as an enemy but as that friend which has perhaps come too soon and needs to be asked to move out of the stage of life and back into the wings so that more of this incarnation may be enjoyed.

The solution which the one known as J1 seeks to the riddle of disease and illness is that which we commend for truly all is Love and as each becomes able to see the self with Love and all things outside the self with Love, one is able to create the atmosphere in which healing occurs. It is like giving oxygen to one who is having trouble breathing to give Love to the inner self. It may seem that others should love one and one should love others and that self-love is selfish, but there is a level at which it is not only unselfish but necessary for health, to come into a sense of peace within the self that is beyond explanation that is the result of feeling unthreatened, safe, and nurtured, and there is no one but the self that is able to give that resource to the self on a stable, everyday basis.

Certainly, an entity may feel safer with a certain companion or with a certain group. However, in terms of the innermost workings of an energy system within the human third-density being the setting of the stage for a balanced and even functioning experience of living is what this instrument calls falling in love with the self. The energy of compassion is easy to feel for others. It is easy to open one’s heart when one sees another’s suffering. It is much more difficult to see the beauty of one’s own suffering and to see the heroism of one’s own endurance and determination to survive. It is very easy for an entity to be blind to his own beauty. More than that it is very easy for entities, especially within your culture, to fear and shun the shadow self, thus alienating that dark side of self in which lies so much strength and health when appropriately acknowledged, loved, and disciplined. The one known as John wrote, “Love is all there is.” Others have written similar sentiments such as, “Love is the answer,” and these simple phrases hold a powerful and unified truth.

We would ask each at this moment to rest and to invite the self to move beneath the breathing, the heartbeat, and to the essence of self. Beyond form, beyond function, beyond explanation, can you feel the jewel-like crystal of you vibrating, radiating and being? Experience that beautiful energy that is yours alone, feel it flowing from the root chakra upwards and out the top of the head. Sense into the entity upon your left; now turn your attention to the entity upon your right. Feel the energy fields mingle and cuddle together and feel the energy of the group entwining itself from the energies that have flowed out of the heads of each so that they begin to spin and form a spiral, upward spiraling, moving on into the eternal realms from each pilgrim heart. This is your beauty, and this is the beauty of the group.

Q’uo said that the third suggestion of the one known as J1 was that such anger may create opportunities for such a disease as cancer from inside the incarnation or from just prior to incarnation during the planning stages, and they said that often this is the cause of cancer among our people because before incarnating many people wish to purify their energy body, but their guidance encourages them to put the potential for illness in place so that if our incarnation is not going as planned there may be the tendency for an illness to occur that would create the opportunity for inner work, and a good example was Franklin Roosevelt who programmed polio to set into his body if he failed to follow his pre-incarnative desires to be openhearted in seeking and using power. Q’uo went on by saying that when a severe illness comes to one unexpectedly it is well to look at all three of these possible causes of cancer and any others that can be thought of and to look for them deeply within the self to see where if there are any distortions of self-aggrandizement or lacks of self-validation that may have created an imbalance that resulted in a disease, and any disease could then be seen as a friend which has appeared too soon and needs to be asked to move out of the body so that the incarnation may be longer. Q’uo continued by saying that the solution to healing disease is Love, and as each of us sees ourself with Love and all things with Love, we can create an atmosphere in which healing occurs, and there is a level at which it is possibe for our health to come into a sense of peace within ourself that is beyond explanation and is the result of feeling safe and nurtured, and there is no one but ourself that is able to give that resource of peace to us on a stable, everyday basis. Then Q’uo said that we may feel safer with a certain companion or with a certain group, but as third-density beings, in order to set the stage for having a balanced experience of living, we need to fall in love with ourselves by seeing the beauty of our suffering and our determination to survive, and we also need to learn how to love and accept our dark side which contains so much strength and health when we acknowledge, love, and discipline it. Q’uo asked each of us to rest and to invite ourselves to move beneath the breathing, the heartbeat, and to the essence of ourself and experience that beautiful energy that is ours flowing from our root chakra upwards and out the top of our head. Q’uo completed their reply by asking us to sense into the person on our left and on our right and feel their energy fields mingle together and: “feel the energy of the group entwining itself from the energies that have flowed out of the heads of each so that they begin to spin and form a spiral, upward spiraling, moving on into the eternal realms from each pilgrim heart. This is your beauty, and this is the beauty of the group.” On September 4, 2010, Carla said that we need to love and accept our dark side:

We need our dark side. We need to love our dark side. We certainly don’t need to exercise it, but we need to appreciate it, to accept it, and to ask it to work for us instead of against us. And I think we can do that. We can learn to play this piano. Not just chopsticks. We can be good. We can be really good!

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim that we may answer any shorter queries that this group may have at this time. We thank the one known as Carla and leave this instrument in love and light. We are those of Q’uo.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop being at the vet to pick up some meds for Bosco. My second stop was at PNC to make a cash withdrawal. And my last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store to pick up two prescriptions and some paper plates.

This afternoon I went over to my neighbor’s house and used some packing tape to tape a third bird feeder pole to the shorter of the two bird feeder poles in her front yard so the deer won’t be able to reach it and empty it in a day.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

January 30

The Presence Of Heaven

I am of the principle manifest in the Love of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of divine Love.

Where is the keeper of the keys to your idea of heaven? Indeed, what is your idea of heaven? Within the infinity behind the closed eyes, consider this: how far lies heaven or how near? What holy ground is nearest to your own situation?

The Spirit of Love is that which is the essence of heaven and that heaven is available within each spirit that abides in faith.

Pause within this moment to feel the great galaxies of inner space that lie within the silence behind closed eyes. Sense the divinity of this space. Sense that floor of heaven out of which each entity and all of its experiences grow.

Yes, my friend, your roots are in heaven. That is your native land, and you carry it with you, within yourself. It is not to be put off so that you may suffer now. Allow your suffering to lift long enough to sense the blessed presence of Love within. This presence is that which you call heaven, whatever its manifestation.

Do not submit to misery when there is, to the faithful seeker, the certainty of heaven. Allow the heaven within to speak to the misery within. Allow the eyes of that consciousness to find for you the peace within suffering, the options not noticed before that may alleviate this suffering and above all the greater point of view which glories in the challenges of lessons learned and heaven recognized within.

We leave you in love and peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.