
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from March 29, 2001:

What is the nature of the Matrix of the Mind and how is it related to the Potentiator of the Mind? How might we apply this information to our daily lives?

(Carla channeling)

We are of the principle known to you as the Q’uo. We greet you with joy in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are most happy to have this opportunity to speak with this unique group, and we thank the instrument and the group for its dedication in making the sacrifices needed to come together at this point. We greatly appreciate that thirst for truth, that hunger for words of beauty and sustenance, that create the energy of this working and that draw us to you. We will be glad to share some of our thoughts on the archetypes of the Matrix and the Potentiator, as always requesting that each listen with very discriminating ears, taking those thoughts which may have value and leaving the rest behind, for we would not wish our thoughts to be a stumbling block before any.

When the infinite Creator wished to know Itself, Its great heart beat out the next creation with all of its densities and sub-densities and all of the patterns of those densities and creations. Time and space were invoked, and that which before was immeasurable and unknowable became a series of illusions that, paradoxically, were to some degree knowable, and these shadows of knowing were much desired by the Creator. And each of these sparks and shadows became agents of the one infinite Creator, thoughts in and of themselves, thoughts rounded and centered in the one great original Thought which is Love. And so, each of you is a Logos, stepped down and stepped down until you are able to experience the very illusion you now experience. And each of you has come through many experiences and many densities to this particular time, at this particular place, each balanced exquisitely in the present moment.

And as each rests in this present moment, what is the nature of each? Each is Logos and yet not Logos, not fully realized. Each is human, earthly and limited, and yet not fully human, not fully earthly, and not fully limited, for there is the growing awareness of the creatorship within. And so, each is as an entity with one foot in each world, the world of the Earth and the world of infinity; the world of things and the world of thoughts.

Coming into that world of thought, that world of intention and principle, that world of desire, and ideal, and love, moving into the heart, we ask each to let the world of flesh retreat. As each of you rests in this world of the Spirit, you have an unique viewpoint, for you are still within the body, within the incarnation, within the confusion, and yet by resting in the metaphysical, in the spiritual awareness of the heart, you have a release into spiritual things, into those things that can be trusted and depended upon to exist today, tomorrow and forever. The concerns within which you rest are concerns that will matter just as much in a thousand years, in ten thousand years, in a million years.

How easy it is when attempting to understand the archetypal mind to attempt to see that mind in the context of a busy world. And yet it is in the spiritual realm, entirely, that the world of the archetypes moves, feeding, informing, fructifying the structures of the roots of mind that, as the spirit gazes at its evolutionary spiral, it may have tools and resources with which to guide the self in the choices related to its perception of itself as an ethical being. It is in this context that we look at the nature of the Matrix and the nature of the Potentiator and their relationship with each other.

This Matrix/Potentiator axis or dynamic may fruitfully be seen as the two portions of one energy, and yet because of the complexity of these relationships it is also very useful to see these two figures as completely separate. A foundation of your density is polarity. The hope with which each comes into third density is that this thoroughgoing environment of polarity shall create more and more ways to see into the making of the choice of how to serve. And so, these figures within the deep, deep roots of mind, the Matrix and the Potentiator, dwell as sigils of ways of relationship, ways of mutual thirst, mutual help, mutual feeling.

The group question for this session was: “What is the nature of the Matrix of the Mind and how is it related to the Potentiator of the Mind? How might we apply this information to our daily lives?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the Creator created each of us at the beginning of this octave as a means of knowing Itself throughout all of the octave of densities where we are the Thoughts of the Love of the Logos, and we have come through many experiences to this time and place perfectly balanced in the present moment. Q’uo went on to say that in that present moment that: “Each is Logos and yet not Logos, not fully realized. Each is human, earthly, and limited, and yet not fully human, not fully earthly, and not fully limited, for there is the growing awareness of the creatorship within. And so, each is as an entity with one foot in each world, the world of the Earth and the world of infinity; the world of things and the world of thoughts.” Q’uo continued by saying that as we have incarnated into this world with intention, desire, and moving into our hearts we should remove the thoughts of our flesh, and then we can rest in the spiritual awareness of our heart because we have been released into spiritual things that we can trust and depend upon today, tomorrow, and forever. Then Q’uo said that it is easier for us to grasp the nature of the archetypical mind in the spiritual world because it informs the structures of the roots of our mind that we have tools and resources that we can use to guide ourself in the choices related to our perception of ourself as an ethical being, and it is in this context that Q’uo wanted to look at the nature of the Matrix and the nature of the Potentiator and their relationship with each other. Q’uo continued by saying tat the Matrix and Potentiator were two portions of the mind—the conscious and the unconscious—that they operate in two different ways each helping the other so that we can learn more about how to make the choices that will increase our polarity in the positive way of being of service to others. On May 2, 1993, Q’uo spoke of how the Potentiator of the Mind helps us to make choices:

There is in this first archetype the male entity, the Magician [Matrix of the Mind] standing, and as your cards show in their redesigned form, the entity holds a sphere. This sphere represents the nearness of spirit and the immanence of the archetype of the High Priestess [Potentiator of the Mind], that is much as you would call the force which brings manifested spirit into the illusion as it potentiates thought and action in the conscious mind. The conscious mind has placed itself in this proximity with the hope, shall we say, that such potentiation shall occur. In this placing of itself in this proximity to the subconscious mind there is, indeed, a choice which has been made, much as you would make the choice for experiencing choiceless awareness. However, the choice in this case is made pre-incarnatively so that the Magician that is placed in proximity to the High Priestess has not of its own consciousness chosen, but has been, as are each of us, placed by the grace and creative power of the one Creator. The proximity, however, is that which presents the possibility of potentiation and the gaining of experience.

Matrix is a word that seems not even to indicate a living being but, rather, a structure, a container, a grid, qualities and aspects of self. The basic figure of Matrix is figured forth as royal. And this is not by mistake. For as a spiritual being each seeker is indeed the highest royalty, is indeed prince, and king, and Creator. This figure of Matrix has tremendous potential, for it is empty and waiting. The hunger for evolution is stitched and knitted into every fiber of the carefully articulated web of being that the Matrix experiences as its nature. Possessed of crown and power and royalty, it is a figure with no lack of self-respect, with no concern for being unworthy, with no unhealed issues. And coming to the mind of the Matrix as a human is the work of some time. For much of human sorrow, shame, guilt, low self-esteem, and unworthiness need to be, not denied, but taken off as shoes, as garments that are upon the body of the self, but are not the self.

To enter into the Matrix one must become naked, and it is a powerful thing to accept the self as one is, powerful enough indeed that it is difficult to do. And this is the first gate that we would suggest that each unlock to come into the unfed mind of the deep self. You do not, when you put off the clothing of self-opinion, put off the essence of self. You are not able by any trick of mind, by any cleverness of intellect, to remove from the self the essence of the self. For you are yourself. You cannot escape that energy field that you are. The vibratory nexus that you are echoes from lifetime to lifetime, from density to density throughout the creation of the Father. You are who you are, and your signature is beautiful.

Seldom can the entity within incarnation have a direct experience of the reality of that essence, and so we say to you it is something that you may take on trust. You may become naked of your self-perceptions, and you shall still exist. And you may place that self that the Creator adores, that is the true you, into the Matrix of the unfed mind. And that Matrix can accept all that you are as an essence. This fit is natural and ongoing, and it is helpful to go through the exercise of moving into the unfed mind of the Matrix of the deep mind and to experience at once the royalness of being who you are and the utter humility of being empty. For as the Matrix you know nothing but thirst and hunger. You are a creature yearning and seeking with an appetite that is keen, unending and driven by the wind of spirit from creation to creation. As the Matrix, once settled in that persona, all thought moves to the reaching, the seeking, the hoping for fulfillment.

The Potentiator is cast also as a royal being. And it is perhaps efficacious in terms of what we would give to this entity at this time to figure forth this Potentiator as the guardian angel, the guidance, the guru, the agent of divine change. This is an entity royal with that same creatorship, full of the essence of that great Self which is the one original Thought which is Love. Although each may fruitfully at other times see this agent as the self, yet in this discussion we will allow the seeing of this agent as a gift-giver to one who opens the hands without knowing what it has. For as the Matrix reaches to the Potentiator, the need of the Matrix creates the gifts of the Potentiator. It is not that spiritual evolution consists in step A, step B, step C and so forth, a lesson plan and a linear set of things to learn, things to do, things to encompass with the mind, but, rather, it is as though the unfed mind, by its thirst, by the intensity of its thirst, and by the direction of its seeking, creates an unending grove of trees whose fruits drop into the hands of the seeker, who then eats that fruit and receives knowledge peculiar to the soil in which that fruit grew, the soil of that particular seeking, the soil of that particular response from Spirit.

Then Q’uo said that the Matrix is a structure that describes the royal nature of the Creator that we contain as spiritual seekers, and the Matrix is empty, awaiting potentiation, and is possessed of the crown of royalty with no feeling of being unworthy and no unhealed issues. Q’uo said that it will take us a great deal of time to attain these qualities of the Matrix because we do have sorrow, shame, and guilt that are not a part of our true self but garments that we can remove. Q’uo went on to say that we must remove the garments that we wear as our opinion of ourself in order to enter into the Matrix of the unfed nature of our deep mind where we will see that our true essence is one that we have been for all of our lifetimes and densities, and that we are beautiful beings. Q’uo said that we will have to have faith that we are such a beautiful being, but the Matrix will accept all that we are as an essence, so Q’uo suggested that we move into the unfed mind of the Matrix and experience the royalty of being who we are and the humility of being empty because we are seekers who have a strong desire to grow, and once the Matrix has settled into our desire to grow all of our thoughts move to seeking fulfillment. Then Q’uo described the Potentiator of the Mind as a royal being full of the essence of that great Self which is the one original Thought of Love, and as the Matrix reaches to the Potentiator, the need of the Matrix creates the gifts of the Potentiator, and it is as though the unfed mind, by the intensity of its thirst and the direction of its seeking, creates an unending amount of spiritual food which drops into our hands, and we eat that food and receive spiritual inspiration from the soil of the response from Spirit. In 92.20, Ra gave the basic definition of the Matrix of the Mind and the Potentiator of the Mind:

Questioner: The Matrix of the Mind is depicted seemingly as male on the card and the Potentiator as female. Could Ra state why this is and how this affects these two archetypes?

I am Ra. Firstly, as we have said, the Matrix of the Mind is attracted to the biological male and the Potentiator of the Mind to the biological female. Thusly in energy transfer the female is able to potentiate that which may be within the conscious mind of the male so that it may feel enspirited.

In a more general sense, that which reaches may be seen as a male principle; that which awaits the reaching may be seen as a female principle.

The richness of the male and female system of polarity is interesting, and we would not comment further but suggest consideration by the student.

There is a constant organic and mutual back and forth of information between the Matrix who reaches and the Potentiator who awaits the reaching. And all that is hidden within the Potentiator changes every time the Potentiator releases fruit from behind that veil. That is the hidden nature of things unknown. One person on one day shall receive fruit from Spirit. That same person on another day with just the tiniest change in seeking, in attitude, in state of mind, shall receive an entirely different fruit. So, we cannot offer the comfortable assurance that all is in safe hands, that all is prepared, that all will go one way. The archetypal journey is far more creative and far more plastic.

What can be trusted beyond all telling is the protected nature of this work in consciousness. It is as though, as the seeker dedicates itself to the seriousness of its desire, it alerts a large body of discarnate protection which this instrument would probably call inner-planes or angelic. Whatever the description of this energy, it is devoted to being sure that, whatever the incarnational situation, whatever the physical situation doing this seeking, this work shall be protected. This thirst and its fulfillment shall be blessed.

We stand, in speaking of the Matrix and the Potentiator, at the beginning of a deep, deep road, a very fruitful road, a most promising road that shall be wended not just within your present lifetime or your present density, but through several densities to come. You are at the beginning of a journey of self-knowledge that shall bring surprise upon surprise, awareness upon awareness, and yet we say to you that at each of the spirals of awareness, including that one at which you now are, you are already that being which you hope to become. And by the bare attempt to seek within the archetypes you bring resonances of that being to your waking personality which strengthen and have a tendency to heal the waking personality. We would thusly encourage each to do this work in consciousness. Not hastily. Not without respect. And certainly not without preparation.

For doing this work without preparation can be unbalancing to the energetic body. And so, we would caution each before doing such work in consciousness, always to begin with the meditation, with the balancing of the energy system, with the clearing of the lower to the higher energy centers to a minimal degree so that the energy system that is doing this work is without significant imbalance. For when there are shadows that block energy into the heart, then it is that there is not energy coming through into the green, blue and indigo-ray energy centers where this work in consciousness is taking place. Consequently, we do encourage that work, before a session of meditating upon the archetypes, where there is the attempt to balance the energy system and to settle it so that not only the physical body but also the metaphysical body is rested and balanced and ready to receive those piercing energies which flow from the roots of mind and fructify the waking consciousness.

Now Q’uo said the relationship between the Matrix that reaches and the Potentiator that awaits the reaching is constantly changing as to what the Potentiator will reveal to us according to what we are seeking, so our archetypal journey is variable.  Q’uo continued by saying that this work in consciousness was protected by inner guides or angelic presences, and this work with the Matrix and Potentiator will become a long journey through many densities that will give us a great amount of information about the nature of our spiritual journey and how to heal our waking personality, so they said that we should do this work very carefully. Q’uo continued by saying that before doing this work in consciousness we should meditate and balance our lower three energy centers so that energy can reach into our heart center to allow work in consciousness in the green, blue, and indigo centers of our physical body and our metaphysical body, so they are rested and balanced and ready to receive those energies which flow from the roots of our mind and fructify our waking consciousness. On November 6, 2005, Q’uo spoke of the nature of work in consciousness:

As far as we know it is not possible intellectually to conceive of infinity. It is, however, possible to experience the infinite. The infinite is that world in which you exist without masks. You have journeyed to the world of finity in order to do work in consciousness that must be done without recourse to that point of view that is full of love, wisdom and knowledge.

So, we would say to you, my brother, that the value of the infinite can only be known by you in experiencing the infinite directly. That is what work in consciousness concerns itself with. You are a living and breathing meeting place of the finite and infinite, in every cell of your body. There is that aspect which experiences life and death, and there is that aspect which was never born, and which shall never die. That infinite aspect does not know itsel, for it is wrapped up and lost in the Creator itself. You, as a finite being, are the place where great truths and infinite values meet; that environment which creates form and gives shape to the dance of the Creator learning to know Itself.

We would at this time transfer this contact to the one known as Jim. We thank this instrument and leave it in love and in light. We are those of the Q’uo.

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and greet each again in the love and the light of the one Creator through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to ask if there might be any further queries from those gathered here to which we may respond.

S: Yes, I have a query. First, I would like to thank those of Q’uo and both instruments for what I consider to be heroism above and beyond the call of duty. This has been very, very helpful to me, and I appreciate it. My question brings in the concept of the Significator as this relates to the coming together of the Matrix and Potentiator. I am particularly interested in the concept of sacrifice and whether it would be useful to see it in relation to the Significator and the coming together of the Matrix and Potentiator?

I am Q’uo, and we are aware of your query, my brother. We are also grateful for this opportunity to blend our vibrations with the vibrations of those present today.

We would respond to your query by suggesting that the concept of sacrifice, the giving of the self for the benefit of another or for the benefit of a principle, shall we say, is indeed a salient feature of the blending of the Matrix and Potentiator so that the fruits of this blending, the stuff of your third density, may become a portion of the quality known as the Significator or the significant self. For it is the Significator that is the actor upon the stage of creation that is able to become more than it is because of the efforts of those qualities known as Matrix and Potentiator. That there is the sacrifice of comfort, of convenience, of opportunity, of any quality that gives stability and assurance to the entity, is significant and is registered as a great desire that seeks fulfillment by the significant self. The self of each seeker desires union with the Creator, desires knowledge of the Creator, of the self and of the creation. This knowledge, passionately sought, willingly sacrificed for, may only be obtained when one is willing to give of the self in a degree which is reflective of this great desire. Thus, the experiences that each so eagerly seeks within each incarnation are dearly bought. The greater sacrifice purchases, shall we say, the greater knowledge, experience, union and presence of the one Creator. Is there a further query, my brother?

S: Yes, thank you. That too is very good. One other, and this is one that I feel comes from my beloved M. It is very difficult to feel one’s self to be one for whom sacrifices are made and to feel a sense of self-worth and to try to keep one’s head high and to feel that one too is making a contribution. Can you give us some words of encouragement that speak to that issue?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would respond by suggesting that in the relationship in which you are so completely engaged with the one known as M, that there are sacrifices upon both parts which are most courageous for we see that it is in your illusion so easy to mistake that which is of value. There is the worldly measure of accomplishment and potential for accomplishment that is in truth only of peripheral value, for it is the heart of desire in each entity as each entity seeks the Creator within which is of most importance. The one Creator has flung from Its being the infinite creation and all entities that populate it in the attempt that It might know Itself in ways unavailable to It before such creation came about. When one, especially within the third-density illusion, sets one’s self the task of seeking this Creator within the self as purely and as passionately as the one known as M has done, this reverberates to the heart of the one Creator in a manner which is most significant. For by removing the ability to work in the worldly sense one has set the challenge before one’s self that is as focused as is possible within this illusion. All of the mundane world, shall we say, has been set aside for the single purpose of opening the heart in love and service to others. This, done as the one known as M has accomplished it, will achieve the metaphysical polarity in a significant sense, in a most efficacious sense, and all who touch this entity’s being are aware of the brilliance of the light within.

Is there a further query, my brother?

S: No. Thank you very much.

Is there a final query at this time?

[No further queries.]

I am Q’uo, and we would again thank each present who has joined this circle of seeking this day. We are most grateful to be with you and at this time we would take our leave of this instrument and this group. We leave each, as always, in the love and in the ineffable light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I went on an errand run with my first stop at Feeder’s Supply to buy some bird seed. My second stop was at Kroger’s where I bought some Pepsi-Zero and some bananas. My third stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market where I bought some food for myself. When I got home I vacuumed the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I went over to visit Connie at the care home in southern Indiana with a friend. We shared some snacks with Connie, and we talked about what we have been doing lately. Then I read more of the book The Things We Don’t Forget, by Dianne Aprile.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 20

Hollow A Place For Love

We are those of the full principle of the Love of Jesus the Christ and we greet you in that divine consciousness.

This instrument, like so many, has over-concern for the events of the day, not seeing the magic, the ambience and the comfort of every passing moment. For did not the Spirit of Love come into the things unseen, unformed and unknown, to create patterns of Love and power and wisdom, not by moving to those who are over-concerned but by flowing through channels which Love has been allowed to hollow within the breast of humankind?

Thus we ask you to be unconcerned on a deep level, regardless of the busyness and the difficulty of the day ahead. Rest, rather, in the extraordinary comfort offered by universal, all-powerful and all-present Love. Rest. Be comforted. And know that if you but hollow out the space and time within you, Love shall do its perfect work through you, not as you imagine it should be done in every case, but as Love itself requires.

We leave you in the peace of the knowledge of divine Love. It is a peace which, though unpredictable in its mechanisms, is infinitely predictable in the standard of Love which it bears proudly. May peace and Love ride into your life and fill that hollow place where trouble dwelt, now and always. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.