I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from October 17, 1999;
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege at this time to offer ourselves in the attempt to speak to any further queries which those present may have for us. Is there another query at this time?
S: I recently purchased an audio cassette device that was to help clear geopathic lines around my home and work with nature spirits. I am curious as to what results, if any, I have been able to accomplish?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As we observe the device and the activity which you have employed in order to work with those more elemental spirits within your home environment we find that your desire to communicate with these entities is that which has been most successful rather than the gadget, shall we say, that you have employed though there is an efficacy attached to this gadget that is powered by your desire and your intentions. For these intentions are from your heart, and it is upon this level that communication may be established with such entities.
Is there another query, my brother?
S: With your communications here, what are some of the things that you have learned?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And we are gratified to say that our learning that has been associated with this group and with this kind of service with other groups has been focused in the area in learning to accept limitations, though they be great, and to persevere beyond the seeming boundaries that are created by one’s own mind. For each of us in this creation—and we speak of all entities of which we are aware—desires to know the one Creator, and yet each of us has put before ourselves various hurdles, shall we say, various levels of lessons that seem to bind us, to keep us from moving in the desired direction. These, however, have the ability to reveal to us the necessary steps to take to move beyond them if we become able to accept that which we are, that is, the one infinite Creator. This ability to accept our nature as the Creator, for each entity, is that which is somewhat beyond the reach and thus propels us onward in our great journey of seeking.
We have also learned that which you call humor, that which we would call the sense of proportion, where it is discovered to be helpful to see the self in a lighter manner. Though the seeking be the sole desire of the entity and the knowledge of truth, love, wisdom, and so forth is that which is sought with every fiber of the being, yet there is the enhancement to the process that humor brings. For if one can lighten the point of view, can lighten the intensity of emotion in even that situation that seems the gravest, then there is the freedom to move more as in a dance, more as with the flow of the universe.
We have learned much of the nobility of the human spirit, the desire to be of service to others beyond all cost to the self. Constantly we see entities who are willing to do whatever is necessary in order to serve their brothers and sisters who suffer within the illusion of this third density. We are most honored to witness this nobility and this humility, for it shows to us the very heart of the one Creator that wishes to love and serve all as the Self.
S asked: ‘’With your communications here, what are some of the things that you have learned?’’ Q’uo began by saying that their learning had been associated with answering the call of groups such as this one and learning how to go beyond the limitations that were created by their own minds. Q’uo went on to say that they wish to know the Creator, and the way that they have chosen to do this was by programming difficult lessons that make knowing the Creator a process of moving through the difficulties step by step and then to accept the fact that they are the one infinite Creator, and that this is a lesson that they are continuing to learn. Then Q’uo said that they also utilized a sense of humor to see the lighter side of any difficulty that they might face so that they may move more in an easy flowing dance with the universe in their desire to learn the lessons of truth, love, and wisdom. Q’uo completed their answer by saying that they have been inspired by the human spirit that is so desirous of serving all who are suffering within the third density as it reveals to them the heart of the Creator that wishes to serve all as the Self. On August 30, 1992, Q’uo spoke of the value of a sense of humor:
The sense of humor that is so valuable an ally upon the spiritual path may be described as a sense of proportion which allows you to see beyond the moment in which you are experiencing one motion, event, experience, or another. This perspective allows you to place each individual experience within the larger continuum that moves ever onward as the river flowing.
Look then at any moment in which your humor has seemingly evaporated, at the entire situation in which you find yourself. Look at the world about you, seeing those entities and events which are momentous and powerful. See yourself placed within the context of a Creator which has made an infinite variety of entities of Itself which seek their identity and the nature of the Creator through myriads of interactions that may or may not make what you call sense, and which may reveal to you the humorous nature of the human creature.
This creature is one full of desire to know the truth, full of the energy of inspiration, full of the confusion of the illusion, and yet which moves valiantly forward, sideways, up, down, and around in order that it might progress yet one step further. See the anguish, the confusion, the joys, the determination, all of the emotions that comprise the resources upon which you draw. See them moving with you as colors of the rainbow. Look at yourself upon this rainbow journey and remember that that which is of value is the love which you create in each moment and all else shall fall away, having little of impact in your future. As time progresses, only the love remains.
Is there a further query, my brother?
S; Concerning past inventions in this world. One was the eternal candle, how that was constructed and made, and the second one was the Bessler Wheel constructed in the 1700’s. How were these constructed?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. It is our purpose as members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator to speak upon those topics of a philosophical nature which entities who are desirous of moving their evolutionary process along may be able to utilize in so doing. We are marginally able to speak upon areas which lie outside of the philosophy of being, shall we say. The topics that you have mentioned are somewhat removed from our main desire or purpose, and in utilizing an instrument such as the one we now utilize, that is, in the conscious meditative state, we are unable to access the necessary terms to give technical descriptions such as the ones which would be necessary this case. Therefore, we must apologize for our lack of breadth and our lack of words upon this particular topic.
Is there another query, my brother?
S: There seems to be a life-long strife between my wife and her mother. It seems hurtful to my wife, with the strange and bizarre behavior from her mother. She was asking me what she should do, and I would like to help. How can I help her?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. As is oftentimes the case, entities who are of what you call a bloodline relationship are of such a relationship for in such relationships lessons of a most intensive nature may be undertaken that would not be possible with other entities that would not be in one’s proximity for the length of time and the intensity of experience that one would have, in this case, in the mother and daughter relationship.
We would recommend, as we would in many such instances, that the loving acceptance of the process is the first foundation stone to lay in the attempt to serve another entity. For if one is able to see that the difficulties shared in such a relationship that are also offering opportunities for the opening of the heart, each to the other, then the proper valuing of the experience may be appreciated. When one sees that such a relationship is sacred in its nature and fertile in the possibility of producing the open heart, then it is possible to see the interrelationship of the entities as that which will eventually produce the desired opening of the heart. As one supports each in the process one may retire periodically to the meditative state to look more deeply at that which occurs in the daily round of activities, for those experiences which, shall we say, push the various buttons, each of the other, and result in the heated words, the hurt feelings, and the overall confusion as regards the entire situation, one may begin to see a pattern in the relationship where there is the possibility of progress as each is able to accept what previously seemed unacceptable. Each is able to love what previously was seen as unloveable. The process of being able to see and accept more and more of the other self as whole and perfect allows the self to do the same with the self. For in each instance it is a process of learning that occurs within each individual entity and then is offered in love and service to the other.
Tolerance, the light touch, the sense of humor, the acceptance of the process, all of these are ways in which you may serve an entity in such a relationship.
Is there another query, my brother?
S: No. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again. Is there another query at this time?
D: Is it useful or wise for me to use the analogy of sun, earth, moon, and universe to define the nature of the self as a constructed being?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And we would suggest that this is indeed efficacious for it is a system of construction which not only draws its usefulness from the nature of the qualities you have invoked, but also draws its efficacy from your very effort at constructing this analogy. For each seeker of truth constructs a personal mythology, or means by which the universe is viewed as well, as the entity’s journey through it. Thus, you are as the magician who is able to gather the tools for its working and by arranging them in such and such a fashion is able to build a useful channel for information and inspiration to move through.
Is there a further question, my brother?
D: Is there truly a distinction between the allness of God, the embodying of the Creator, and the enlightening of the Father?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Again, we would suggest that those distinctions which have value to you with these terms and phrases are those which will allow you to experience a greater revelation and be able to experience this as one who can share it with others. Thus, that which you do in the use of these terms is that which makes plain to you the goal of your understanding.
Is there another query, my brother?
D: Does one ever lose the incredible sense of loneliness?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And we are aware of this loneliness of which you speak, for there are many such as yourself who have removed themselves from other realms of clearer experience and understanding and have chosen to enter this illusion of separateness, of seeming separateness, each from the other, in order that those who are seen as brothers and sisters of sorrow may be served with all one’s being. In this service there is the distant memory of those realms from which one comes, of those friends which one has agreed to work with, and of the purpose of the incarnation which is seen to be the pearl of great price, the service of others, no matter the cost to the self. And the cost to many such selves is that feeling of alienation, of isolation, of loneliness, of being cut off from that which is of the most worth to the self, of being away from home, of not being able to return home. This is a feeling which each entity shall live with for the entire incarnation, for it was seen previous to the incarnation as that which was necessary to endure, yet that which was possible to endure, and that which, indeed, may even aid in the achieving of the service to others. For it is a way of propelling the self, shall we say, upon the subtler, more spiritual realms so that the desire of the heart to serve others and to know the one Creator might be realized.
There are many, my brother, who walk with you in an unseen fashion so that in truth one is never truly alone. There is a goodly company of such angelic presences that is with each such entity within this third-density illusion. There is much of hope and sustenance that can be gained from attempting to speak to these entities within one’s daily meditations, to become more aware of their walk with one in the daily round of activities. For truly, the efforts of each within this third-density to serve those brothers and sisters of sorrow are recognized and great praise and thanksgiving is given for each such effort. There is, indeed, my brother, a heavenly choir that accompanies you upon this great journey of seeking and service.
Is there another query at this time?
D: Is the path that we walk simply God’s individuation of Itself seeking to know Itself, unify Itself, and simply create ideals of Itself that incorporate or encompass infinite opportunities, possibilities, gestalts, and so on, and is there tension that is created within this vast array of experiences that we have in which simply those who serve others and those who serve themselves are a catalyst for this process to unfold individually, relationally, socially, planetarily and so on?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And we would respond by saying that we could not have said it better. For, indeed, all of the experience of the one Creator in all densities of illusion is the Creator knowing Itself through infinite means, infinite entities, and the polarity of the light and the dark, that which you have called service to others and service to self. Thus, the creation itself is held in place by this dynamic tension. And thus the Creator is able to play in those fields of flowers that It has created for Itself.
Is there another query, my brother?
D: Is the opportunity available for us, and is the role that we play in serving others simply assisting in everyone knowing themselves, establishing rules and ideas so that from self-knowledge collective ascension transpires within the context of a social group of people through time?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. And we would respond by saying once again that you have eloquently stated your perception and an accurate perception of that which is. There are many, many entities that move upon this great journey of seeking, that move as in a dance, in a harmony that is unseen by those who do not look, and yet they dance to the tune, to the beat of the heart of the one infinite Creator. Yes, all dance and move in rhythmic patterns. The balance in all of the creation is one and is perfect. That which each does as his or her own contribution to this great dance and journey of seeking is that which has been planned aforetimes, shall we say. There is a pattern to movement, a pattern to thought, a pattern to seeking, a pattern to suffering, a pattern to all that is.
Is there another query, my brother?
D: I am done. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?
[No further queries.]
I am Q’uo, and as we observe the last inchoate queries fading from the minds we have once again come to an ending to a session of working with this group, and we are most grateful to each for inviting us to your circle of seeking this day. We are always honored to be able to share our thoughts and humble opinions with those who call to us. And we would suggest to each gathered today that we have been especially honored to join each this day and would greet those who are new to this circle, yet not new to this group, and remind each present that we are available upon your mental request to join you in your personal meditations in order that we might help to deepen those meditations without any spoken words or thoughts. Just our vibrations moving in harmony with yours. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. At this time we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group, leaving each, as always, in the love and in the light of the infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.
This morning I re-recorded the section on Politics from Chapter Four of 102. Then I took Bosco to the vet to have more caps put on his rear claws where the old ones had come off. The caps keep him from doing more damage below both ears because he seems to be allergic to the mirtazapine appetite enhancer that I rub in one ear per day because he won’t take the pill in the greenie pouch. Then I ran some errands with my first stop being Feeder’s Supply where I bought some bird seed. My second stop was at PNC Bank where I made a cash withdrawal. My third stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market where I bought some food for myself. My last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store where I bought some hair thickener and a box of trash bags.
This afternoon I re-recorded the section on Service to Country, Armed Forces, and Peace Corps from Chapter Four of 102. Then I went outside and blew the leaves in half of the yard behind the house into two piles for eventual pickup by David’s Lawn Service.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert;
November 15
How Precious You Are!
I am of the principle of the Love of Jesus the Christ, the Spirit and consciousness of divine Love. In this great peace and power we greet you.
How special each of you is. How precious! Perhaps you are undervaluing yourself. Perhaps you accept the yardsticks of a foolish and materialistic world and judge yourself to be other than acceptable to the Father.
It is inevitable to experience in oneself the exceeding of limitations; that which aids the growth but is painful to the emotions. Attempt not to lose courage as you learn and change and transform, for you are indeed special, unique, whole, and worthy.
It is within this illusion that you fight the shadow battles that bring the spirit to choice; the choice of love for others or of self. May you love, forgive and value your unique being, for so does the Father do.
We leave you in this divine love and peace, both now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight;
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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