
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from April 18, 1999:

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and I greet each of you again in the love and the light of the infinite Creator. At this time it is our privilege to offer ourselves in the attempt to speak to any further queries which those present might have for us. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I have been struggling with a tendency to be angry and go on the defensive, but I don’t know how to get out of that feeling from the inside out. I find it almost impossible to claim myself as anything other than the anger that I feel at that time. Could you make any comments or suggestions?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. We find that we may speak on some aspects of this problem, shall we say, but there is much yet which will need to be discovered through your own efforts. We may suggest that the long-term press of pain upon the physical vehicle wears both upon the physical vehicle and upon the mental support framework, shall we say, the nerves and the nervous system, as you would call them. For as one has the experience of the physical pain repeated in a nearly constant fashion at various locations within the physical vehicle there is the tendency of what we have heard called the transparency of the experience in which there is the response or knee-jerk action, as it has been called, that appears within the behavioral patterns of the entity so experiencing pain. Thus, it is a kind of wearing upon the machinery that has its effect upon you at this time. However, there is the potential of the reprogramming of the system of response so that there is less likelihood of losing one’s center or balance in a mental and emotional sense when one feels the confusion or startled response as a result of interacting with other entities within one’s environment. This is something which takes the conscious attention to reprogram these responses and is nearly as constant in its requirements for application as is the pain which it is seeking to ameliorate.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. I’ll have to read that over.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

T: Keeping free will in mind, how do I recognize the reason for the fears that I experience. Why am I afraid? Why am I uneasy?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We would comment by suggesting that the fears of any moment might best be explored by entering that state of consciousness which is available when one is in the meditative state. That is, to retire upon a regular basis to that inner room where one may look at the environment in which the fear was experienced, the thoughts that accompanied such fear, the responses that arose within one, and so forth, so that one may examine, as well as one can in an intellectual sense, the nature of the experience and how it affects one’s being.

This exploration may best be accomplished while one is in the meditative state, for while one is in this state there is the easier access, shall we say, to the subconscious level of the mind complex, and from this level of being it is possible to make connections between that which is experienced consciously, and the source of such experience, and the response of the self to this experience. Thus, this is a careful study which one may make of the self. This is an enhanced level of seeking or course of experience in that the fears that one may explore also represent some aspect of the primary lessons which one is working upon during the length of the incarnation. Thus, when one is exploring one’s fears one is continuing the exploration that was set forth for the incarnation before it began.

Is there a further query, my brother?

T: No. Thank you very much.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you very much, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

R: As I sit in meditation my mind picks up on a situation or pattern and works with a thought and creates what I call a mind movie that goes on and on. I can consciously stop this and return to silence and then it begins again. I try to allow a place for that pattern, but I still wonder if there is something else that I can do with it, or just leave it?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The minds of most third-density entities such as yourselves are quite stimulated and active upon many levels as a result of the progress, shall we say, of the way of life which is experienced and created as an experience by your peoples. There is the tendency to apply the self liberally throughout the daily experience, to spread oneself thinly, shall we say, to engage the mind often as a means by which one navigates through the cultural experience. This experience has been enhanced by many tools and gadgets that take one quickly here and there and require from one a great deal of information, time, effort, and thought. Thus, the mind is like a plant which has been given a great deal of water, of soil, of sun, of nutrients, and of attention and has grown in large degree as a result of this overemphasis on its functioning into a kind of machine which has a momentum of its own being, we shall say, for we find a difficulty in adequately describing how active the mind complex of your peoples is.

We find that the meditative state is, indeed, that place where one may approach the quieting of the mind yet find time and again examples of its rambunctiousness. That you are able to become aware of this chatter or momentum of the mind and have been able from time to time to be able to displace this chatter with the one-pointed focus upon the silence within is an achievement of note and is the path towards the eventual balancing of this mechanism so that there is the possibility of entering into a sacred place within the mind complex and be unhindered by the activity of the constant stream of thoughts that is the natural concomitant to the kind of style that most of your people find themselves living.

Thus, our suggestion to you is to continue that which you have done tirelessly, and that is to notice when the mind is running and then to place that mental picture aside so that the main focus of the mind may return to that one-pointed focus upon stillness. This is an exercise which does engage the mind upon a simpler level than the normal daily routine. If there is a scent of incense or a sound as of your music or your chanting that you find relaxing, we would suggest that you engage these activities to enhance the process of relaxing the mind process.

There is no easy answer for any entity within this environment who wishes to find the peaceful place within, for each must deal with this mental activity and the tendency to take over the focus. We can only suggest your perseverance and the application of the light-hearted attitude in so doing. For it is the effort that you make, the regularity of your meditations, that is of importance in the real gain from this stage of the meditative practice. As you continue to invest your time and your effort there also is a momentum of this investiture that is made that will eventually take its hold upon the meditative endeavor.

R asked Q’uo: “As I sit in meditation my mind picks up on a situation or pattern and works with a thought and creates what I call a mind movie that goes on and on. I can consciously stop this and return to silence, and then it begins again. I try to allow a place for that pattern, but I still wonder if there is something else that I can do with it, or just leave it?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the minds of most third-density entities are very active on a number of levels which is enhanced by gadgets such as the televisions, movies, and meetings of different kinds which is like being a plant that has been given a lot of water, fertilizer, and sunshine that results in it becoming like a machine with a momentum of its own that is hard to control. Then Q’uo said that meditation is a good place to rid the self of the chatter that is normal for most people because as one enters the single-pointed focus of silence there is a sacred space within the mind where silence may be found. So Q’uo suggested that R persist in his meditative practice, and if his mind continues to run in mental pictures that he uses the smell of incense, or music, or chanting to put the mental activity of the mind aside and focus on the silence. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that everyone has to deal with the overactive mind in meditation, and R should continue in his effort to find silence in his meditations and utilize the light-hearted approach to create its own momentum in his meditative practice. On February 15, 2004, Q’uo described the value of finding the sacred space within ourself:

Move with us, if you will, in the clockwise motion about the circle, feeling the energy of the group moving, growing and forming a temple of light about you. Now continue that exercise, but move only within the orbit of your being, and feel the part of the temple of the group that you are. Feel that smaller temple whose light moves into the group energy. Now, move deeper and deeper within that holy and sacred space within until you come to the very center of that being that you are and rest there. Stop, and sense into that quiet, living center of self which is your heart. Here is your place of rest, recuperation, and healing. Here is your place to reach out your hand to the Creator and to feel Its hand in yours before the reaching has ever been done. This is the center of your connection to guidance, truth, and stability. Were we never to speak with you another word, were there no perceived authority to offer wisdom, this center of self would be entirely sufficient to guide you, in terms of that which your desires for this incarnation were before you ever came into the experience of life with its hectic breath and its beating heart (and we may say, because of this instrument’s allergies, its itching nose). Before all of the sensations of life, the center is the place of rest and the platform from which one may spring into action, spring into expanded being, spiral into those lessons to be learned and those services to be performed.

Is there a further query, my brother?

R: No, not on this subject. I will have to sit with those suggestions.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: How can R prepare himself for meeting a girlfriend to be a companion?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your queries, my friends. When an entity finds that there is a portion of the self that resides in loneliness and wishes to be accompanied by another it is well to do those things which one would normally and naturally do to make oneself available for the finding of such a friend. We find that this is well-known by the one known as R in that this entity is active in placing itself in its environment in which there is the likelihood of finding the female of the proper persuasion.

However, we would also suggest that there is the possibility of placing oneself in the meditative state upon the regular basis, as is always our suggestion, for the meditative state is a means whereby the subconscious mind and other resources of the entity may be accessed so that the direction or plan may first be formed in this place, then fleshed out, shall we say, within the physical illusion in which each moves.

Within the meditative state it is well to look at the self and to see the self as it is, shall we say, to look at the heart of the self and see where there might be the company provided by the self for the self so that the self is enhanced in its view of itself. This is to say that an entity may find that there is a missing piece, a place, an avenue of interest that, when explored, feels like going home. That there is a completion upon this avenue, that a direction that may be found will allow a certain passion within to be released, from self to self, so that there is the possibility of the completion that occurs first within. Then it is followed within the physical illusion by the physical expression for the self, respect for the self, and excitement of the self for the life experience.

Again, we have not provided a course of study or reflection which is easily achieved, for there is within each entity a place whereby the self may expand in its view of itself, that is to say, a place where a new level of learning, a new level of resonance, may be discovered. When this place is found there is the possibility, then, of having this new level of experience be reflected within the daily round of activities.

Is there a further query, my friends?

R: No. You have given me a lot to think about, and thank you for the words of encouragement. Thanks to Carla as well.

I am Q’uo, and we are grateful that we are able to be of some small service. Is there a final query at this time?

[No further queries.]

I am Q’uo, and as it appears that we have exhausted the queries for the nonce we would take this opportunity to thank each for inviting our presence in your circle of seeking this day. We are most grateful to be able to walk with you for a few steps upon your journey. We would also remind each that each has many such friends that walk with you, and wait with you, and rejoice with you at each step and praise with you the unity of the one Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo, and would take our leave of this instrument and this group at this time, leaving each, as always, in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This Morning I went upstairs and re-recorded the section on Reincarnation from Chapter Three of 103. Then I went outside and used my backpack blower to blow the leaves off of the Moss Garden, and then I used my trimmer to weed the Moss Garden.

This afternoon  I went upstairs and re-recorded the section on The Balancing Exercises from 102.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert

November 6

Offer Sorrow And Thanksgiving

I am the voice of unconditional Love which speaks to the world in the name of Jesus the Christ.

I greet you in the full consciousness of that Love.

How many of you, while aching within the heart, must move through the day attempting to manifest the plenty from which that heartache seems to detract? We focus today upon heartache, upon the sorrows of living.

Within your life, within all life that matures and moves forward, there is a balance of sorrow and joy. Allow a knowledge of the kingdom of the Father to touch that septic sorrow. See that pain as the true, sore ache and agony that it is and offer it to love for love’s nurturing, comforting care.

You who seek so diligently are not alone. The principles of Love and Light are with each at all times. Therefore we say to you, “Take your sorrow, your sadness, as well as your joys and offer them up in thanksgiving to the Father, for all things work together to create a balanced compassion within the faithful seeker.”

May you find that balance this day and every day. Open the self to the power of infinite and unconditional Love. We are with each of you, but though we may knock upon the door of your consciousness we cannot open it. We cannot comfort or aid without the turning of the sorrowful spirit to the door and the welcoming in faith of that positive principle of Love. Then over your threshold shall move peace and confidence and a balance to sorrow.

We leave you in that balance, that pe ace, that wholeness that is love, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.