
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from May 25, 1997:

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time it is our privilege to offer ourselves in the attempt to speak to any further queries which may yet be upon the minds of those present. Is there another query at this time?

B: Could you explain more about what healing really is?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, the area of healing is that area which encompasses the entire incarnation, for healing of any distortion is the balancing of that distortion in such a fashion that the particles of experience are made whole, that that which has been torn is brought together, and that which has caused injury is found to be a portion of the experience which has taught a lesson that has been planned by the entity itself, either before the incarnation or as a portion of the incarnation.

The apprehension of any experience, the perception of stimuli, are all means whereby the seeker interacts with its environment, with its larger self. Thus, as one perceives in such and such a fashion one prepares the self for experience, for the perception, the apprehension, the experience of an entity is a reflection of the lenses through which the entity sees. By being biased in one fashion or another, the entity in effect throws off a portion of the balanced self so that it spins or pulls the entity into a certain mode of receptivity. There is the phrase, “preconceived ideas,” that is applicable here. As one conceives a thing to be, so it becomes for that entity, and so that entity experiences that which it has conceived previously in a fashion which allows a kind of dance to occur. The entity focuses upon that which it perceives and moves with it in its experience until there is an harmonious blending of entity and experience which you would call healing.

Many times the dance between entity and experience—or to be more precise, between entity and catalyst—is what is often called a disease or a disharmonious experience, for the entity, or some portion of the entity, is thrown off its normal balance and forced by the imbalance to pay attention to the dance it is now engaged in. When this perception and this dance is accomplished mentally and emotionally then there is a reestablishing of the balance, of the harmony, of the seeker. When the perception is distorted enough—or perhaps we should say ignored enough—then it may be that catalyst is given by the mind to the body and physical ailments of one form or another ensue to further guarantee the capturing of the attention of the seeker. This kind of discomfort then focuses the attention of the seeker upon that catalyst that has not been well used. As catalyst is used and the dance is completed, then also is that which is called healing achieved.

Healing, then, is that balancing of distortions so that that which is perceived more closely approaches love, compassion, understanding, tolerance, and so forth rather than the distorted perceptions that come when love is not seen.

B asked Q’uo: “Could you explain more about what healing really is?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that healing was the balancing of distortions that have taught a lesson and have been planned before the incarnation, or which have occurred during the incarnation, so that the experience has been made whole by being balanced. Q’uo continued by saying that the perception of the experience of catalyst by the seeker was a means by which it may interact with the greater self, or the subconscious mind, so that it perceives the catalyst in a way which was “preconceived”, or biased, by the subconscious mind. Then Q’uo said that this perception becomes a kind of dance where the entity feels the balancing of its being and the catalyst of experience that allows healing to occur. Q’uo went on to say that this dance between the entity and its catalyst occurs when a disease is experienced that throws the entity off of its balance in order to cause it to pay attention to the disease, and when this done mentally and emotionally the balance can be restored, and healing is the result. But Q’uo also said that if the disease is ignored, then the disease is given to the body to capture the attention of the seeker so that the catalyst may be balanced, and healing is achieved. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that healing was the balanced use of catalyst so that the distorted image more closely approached the feeling of love, tolerance, and understanding. On November 26, 1991, Q’uo spoke of the value of love in the healing process:

For indeed, each entity upon your planet may be said to be seeking healing, for each is wounded by a perceived lack of love in some degree. And the healing process, in its most basic elements, is that process which introduces love into some portion of the entity’s personality where it has been lacking previously. Thus, as an entity seeks to construct a location that will facilitate the healing process, the entity is constructing a subconscious understanding of the environment of healing within the subconscious mind. There are certain relationships that are brought forth into the conscious mind and therefrom into the physical environment that will, by their placement, inspire this feeling of harmony, wholeness, health, and healing.

Is there a further query, my brother?

B: I am assuming that balance is achieved in relation to the self as well as the other self?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is most emphatically true, for all balance must begin with the self, with other selves simply playing a role for the portion of the self that needs balance.

Is there a further query, my brother?

B: What does the one who serves as healer actually do in the healing process?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The one serving as healer provides the opportunity for the one who has sought healing to open its centers of red and violet ray that hold in place the current level of awareness in its expression in the entity’s incarnation, so that that which has been held in place may for this moment be released, and if it be appropriate for the one to be healed then this entity at that time will release the old manner of being and will accept a new manner or attitude of being, this then being the healing process.

Is there a further query, my brother?

B: At the deeper levels is healing simply the realization of the perfection of the entity?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This is indeed so, for each entity is a portion of the one Creator, whole and perfect, with the free will to choose the path of its seeking. The third-density portion of this experience, and, indeed, the higher densities as well to a lesser extent, is a process whereby an entity has forgotten a portion of its perfection, has forgotten its unity with all creation, has forgotten these foundation stones of being in order that it might provide the Creator with experience that will enable It to know Itself. Such experience cannot be gained when each portion of the Creator knows itself to be the Creator, whole and perfect. Thus, it is what you may call a great service and sacrifice for an entity to engage in the forgetting in order to voyage forth into the creation with the desire to serve the Creator.

Is there another query, my brother?

B: As you answer these questions I feel a tightening in my lower energy centers. Does this affect the contact in any way?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The impact is to intensify seeking, and thus aids in the overall experience of each in the circle of seeking. The manner and reasons for this action and occurrence within the energy centers described we must leave to your own discrimination.

Is there another query, my brother?

B: No. Thank you very much.

Q’uo: Is there another query at this time?

Carla: What is the best way of thinking about people’s emotional pain? I have trigger points in my body that are very painful, but it feels good to release it by pushing on it. Do people have such trigger points to release emotional pain? How to handle it?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The points of pain that trigger the emotional response are those areas that may be seen both physically and metaphysically as a knotting or tying into knots of portions of the physical and metaphysical vehicles so that when one is able to find such a point one may focus the attention upon the untying or releasing of pain.

In this experience lies an entire field of discovery, for each entity has woven into the life pattern a number of these points which may then lead to a greater and greater understanding of the nature of the entity, leading eventually to the fully experienced presence of the one infinite Creator, many steps along this path.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: Do you have any suggestions how a listener like myself can support this process?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. To listen with the compassionate ear, accepting that which is heard without judgment, is the most nurturing attitude that one may assume in such a relationship of entities. The answers to the puzzle, the untangling of the pain, is a process which can only be accomplished by an entity for itself in the ultimate sense. Other entities such as yourself may provide the listening ear, the compassionate heart, and occasionally the insight or wisdom to direct the entity where one’s intuition discerns that motion and movement may take place profitably, shall we say. It is the seeker itself that must engage the listener, that must engage the self, that must search relentlessly for the clues in this untangling process. It is this experience of untangling that which has been tied and fused together that provides the means whereby the entity will eventually find the Creator within, and the Creator within will come to know Itself more fully because of the experience of the seeker.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: Just one more. You have talked about untangling, but you have not talked about cutting the knot out like a mother will often do with a child’s hair that is tangled beyond untangling. You can’t just cut it out, can you?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister, and would agree wholeheartedly, for each portion of the knot is a portion of the self and of the one Creator. If the surgery is attempted, another knot will grow.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No. Thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you again, my sister.

[Tape ends.]

This morning I went outside to work on the fountain on the fishpond that I had gotten into such a perfect configuration yesterday, and then when I went out to feed the fish this morning the fountain was hardly running, and about 300 gallons of water was gone from the fountain. So, I filled the pond with water to about the correct level, and when I turned the fountain back on it was running the way that it should have been. So, the mystery remains. Then I went back inside and vacuumed the first floor of my home. A little later I went back outside and used my backpack blower to blow the leaves in the front yard into the area between the fishpond and the pet cemetery where I will mulch them with Venus this afternoon. Then I ran a couple of errands, and I stopped at the vet’s to pick up some meds for Bosco. I also went to Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for my self.

This afternoon I used Venus to crunch the leaves and turn them into mulch which I can use on my flower gardens next spring to help hold more moisture in the soil.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

October 11

Newness And Clarity

Greetings in the consciousness of the Love of Christ. We are the Spirit of that Love in the vibration which comforts this instrument.

We find this instrument’s vocal apparatus ready to serve and her desire strong. And we find one more element which improves this child’s opportunities for being of true service. That is that there is little preparation made beforehand as to what this moment of contact will bring.

It is an uncomfortable way to enter into acts of communication, and yet it bears the stamp of the consciousness of Christ. For the essence of Love is freedom. The less guessing that you offer about what shape the communication will take, the greater scope the mind has to accept information.

Seek, then, to put on the nakedness of no expectation, and remove from yourselves the clumsy, heavy shoes of fantasy and design and feel the burst of newness and clarity spring through into your conversations.

Peace be with you, now and always.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.