
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from April 6, 1997:

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and I greet each once again in love and in light through this instrument. At this time it is our privilege to offer ourselves in the attempt to speak to any queries which those present may have for us. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I would like to ask for a few words of inspiration for P. You were probably listening to us talk before the meeting and know that she is depressed and under stress. She would appreciate whatever you could tell her.

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your request, my sister. When we observe those of your peoples in difficulty, feeling lost and depressed and without immediate hope for the rescue, we observe those within the depths of darkness living within this illusion and without the guiding star, shall we say. Each entity who enters this illusion does so in the hope that there will be, as a fruit of this effort, a movement along the line of serving others and of realizing the Creator in all that there is. As this is an infinite journey, it is not surprising that there are for many, indeed, at some point for each, a portion of the journey which moves into those kind of difficulties that can sap the spiritual strength of even the strongest seeker of truth. In such times it is well that friends such as are gathered here today remember the entity in need and hold this entity each in his and her heart as each here has done for the one known as P.

The sending of love, whether by phone or by heart, is felt and does its work, for there is nothing in your illusion but Love. The one known as P could at this time testify that this Love has many disguises and there are a multitude of the forms of Love that offer the challenge to the spiritual seeker. When one is challenged as is the one known as P, and can find no easy or obvious remedy or way out of the difficulty, then it is that the inner strength is tested. Then it is that the earth within one’s being is being plowed, shall we say, being made ready for a seeding that will, in its time, produce the flowers, the weeds, and the grasses that are being produced now by your springtime weather and the turning of this planet on its axis.

So, too, must each seeker who finds itself in travail begin to turn the inner self so that this inner self is able to see some light once again, is able to see hope on its path that the journey might proceed with more ease and with more harmony. The inner strength and the seeking for the light within are the rod and the staff which comfort the seeker as the seeker walks in that valley wherein lies many shadows and much darkness—danger it would seem, and confusion it is certain.

The one known as P is a seeker who has a strong inner compass and a great desire to know the Creator’s will for it that it might do what it can to serve the Creator. When all seems to be crumbling in and the ground even gives way under the feet, we encourage each seeker in this situation to remain, to continue seeking, not just for the momentary remedy, but for the part or piece of the puzzle that represents the overall plan for this entity. In each struggle and difficulty there is a pointer, a reminder, a milestone that will illumine a portion of the darkness for the eye that is ever aware, and watching, and waiting. There is much to be said of the difficult times within your illusion, for these are those times in which great strides are made inwardly, metaphysically, though there is little that will show to the outer eye. The seed there planted, nourished by hope, given strength by faith, will crack the hard shell that protects the treasures inside and the seedling will send out roots, will send out leaves. There will be a growth that comes from this difficulty that will be able to provide for the seeker the sense of purpose and certainty that each feels the need for. There will be a progress where the feet will continue moving upon the path though the mind seems confused. At such times it is well to continue those routines that give one strength: the readings of inspirational material, the singing, the dancing, the poetry, all those means by which an entity can reinvent itself, nourish itself, inspire itself, and keep the faith that all is one and all is well.

We encourage the one known as P to remain strong in heart, and dedicated to service, dedicated to learning, and to remember that even in the difficult times such as it now experiences there is much to learn, and much service to be offered. It is also well that each seeker in this position remember that it does indeed have friends which are both seen and unseen who walk with it on its journey. No seeker travels alone. All tears, all bruises, all difficulties are seen, and shared, and treasured, in fact, by those who walk with unseen feet. The time upon this planet may seem interminably long when difficulties are encountered. We can assure each that your time is but the blinking of an eye. Be sure to notice that situation in which you find yourself and to remember that you placed yourself there for a reason. Persevere. The reason is there. It remains. The joy can be found. The purpose is at the center of one’s heart and, all around, friends cheer you on. You are not alone. You shall walk again in sunshine.

Carla wanted to know if Q’uo could give some information to P about P’s feeling depressed. Q’uo began by saying that each seeker enters the darkness of this illusion with the desire to serve the Creator and others, but at some point on the spiritual path each experiences difficulties that can drain their energies as has happened to P, so it would be helpful to send her Love because there is nothing in the creation that is not Love. Q’uo went on to say that P has experienced many disguises of Love that have challenged her inner strength, and such challenges will eventually produce some seeding of the inner light that will help her to move through the darkness of the valley that is filled with confusion and seeming danger. Then Q’uo recommended that P should remain strong on her search for the overall pieces of the puzzle that are basic to her learning her spiritual lessons because the difficulties that she encounters can eventually allow her to make great progress on her spiritual path that may be likened to the seed that is planted and nourished by faith will produce growth and a sense of purpose on her spiritual path. Then Q’uo suggested that P should continue the patterns that give her strength such as: “the readings of inspirational material, the singing, the dancing, the poetry, all those means by which an entity can reinvent itself, nourish itself, inspire itself, and keep the faith that all is one and all is well.” Q’uo completed their reply by saying that P should remember that a great deal of growth can come from difficult times, and that she has friends to walk with on this journey; that all experiences happen for a reason; and the purpose of her life is at the center of her heart. On August 18, 1989, Q’uo spoke of how the reach the center of the heart:

However, upon that journey each shall—even with very pure intentions—find that the effort falls short. This is the way of all learning for there is the attempt to offer the self within an illusion in which the self and other self are seen less distinctly and clearly than truly do they exist. Thus, with such hindrances, shall we say, it is to be expected that there will be the efforts which fall short. However, to be able to reflect upon one’s experience and to see each portion as a puzzle piece and to refine the fitting of each piece in succeeding efforts to serve is the means by which wisdom is gained.

However, within your illusion the intention, the desire, the motivation, the passion to serve is that which is of most importance, for it is the nurturing of this passion that opens the center of the heart that one may give in an universal and unconditional sense and by so giving express most purely the compassion and unconditional love which are the foundation for all of creation.

Is there another query at this time?

B: I have a tendency to take your words and the words of other authorities and run with them. Everything is so subtle and related, and I get blind-sided often by something from another front. Would you have any suggestions for me in my confusion?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. We are aware that you utilize the tools of persistence and faith to a great degree. It cannot be overemphasized to any seeker how persistent and yet how, shall we say, relaxed in that persistence it is necessary to be over the long run of the life experience, for as you have mentioned in your query, to run wholeheartedly with each idea can be wearing upon the vehicle—physical, mental and emotional—of the spiritual seeker. Thus, there is a kind of balance, as in all things, between the kind of persistence that needs to be exercised upon a continual basis and the attitude of mind that exercises this persistence without, shall we say, a wholehearted dedication to the outcome, an effort which is much like the one known as Jesus mentioned in the casting of the bread upon the water. That the effort is made to the best of one’s ability, and then one gives oneself permission to rest, to relax, to allow the fruits of this effort to manifest that they, in their own time, may be noticed.

We know that the illusion in which each entity moves upon this planet is difficult and confusing, full of what seem to be mistakes or missed turns. And yet we would suggest to each that there are, indeed, no mistakes, even being over-dedicated to an outcome, being hard on oneself, failing to forgive oneself, all of these actions and efforts designed by oneself to move one forward do, in their own way, that very thing. However, each entity, being fully apprised of free will at each moment, is free to choose how to place the feet upon the path.

When we are asked for advice as we are this day, we give advice in a way which allows each seeker the freedom to accept or refuse that which we give, for we are well aware that the only true authority for any seeker resides within that seeker. What may be appropriate at one moment may not be so at another. This is the fluid nature of the experience that you have as conscious beings in a heavy chemical illusion. When we give advice, when you seek advice from a book, from a friend, from whatever source, we are aware that that élan vital, that energy of life within you, will take that advice and move with it in whatever manner is appropriate. If you in the moving decide that there is something that is yet to be realized in your choice of moving then we applaud you in your second choice, in your third, and your fourth, and so forth.

We do recommend that you move with those feelings that grow from within and that you move with them until you feel another feeling; that you continue in this fashion for as long as you feel the motivation to do so. Continue to gather information. Continue to seek from every source that which it has to offer. In this way you constantly reevaluate, reposition and take yet another step in the dance. When it is said that there are no mistakes it is truly said, for the dance you do is just for you, and you do it well, no matter what you think.

We hope that we have not confused you. Is there another query?

B: No, thank you.

Q’uo: Is there another query at this time?


I am Q’uo, and as it appears that we have exhausted the queries from those present we would take this opportunity to thank each again for inviting us to join your circle this day. We are aware that the season of spring indeed fills every portion of air. We hear through this instrument the wind that moves pollen through the air, the sound of the cutting of your new spring grass, the movement of entities to and fro in your world, and we are also aware that the seasons of your world greatly affect each entity upon your planet, and we hope that with this new season of growth that each will find within its heart a new spring bursting forth with love and joy in full bloom, for in your springtime there is much of joy that can be rekindled in every heart that feels any opening at all—just a crack will do.

There is inside of each of you a seed that will send forth its roots, and stem, and leaves, and flowers. Nourish that seed, my friends. It is the seed of love, the seed of hope and faith, the seed of unity, the seed of whatever quality you feel is highest and best in your experience at this time. We feel through each here a feeling of renewal, a feeling of rededication, of purpose and place, a centering within all that is. We encourage each to be the gardener: to pull the weeds, to water the seeds, to give praise and thanksgiving to the One who provides all that is necessary for this growth and movement through this illusion.

Remember, each, that you do have friends. They are here with you. They are always with you. They are legion. At this time we shall take our leave of this group. We leave each, as always, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I was a guest on the Law of One Gathering in Berlin where I participated in a Q & A session via a Zoom Meet. It was an hour long and was filled with some of the most open-hearted questions that I have ever heard. It was a great honor for me to try to give answers that were as inspiring as the questions. Gary, Trish, and Austin helped to facilitate this Gathering just a few days after helping to facilitate a similar type of Gathering in Prague.

This afternoon I went outside and used my chainsaw to cut up some tree limbs from my neighbor’s yard across the street, and I was able to fill a garbage can with the limbs. Then I went around the yard and picked up a few more small limbs and put them in another garbage can.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

October 5

The Sense Of Inner Blankness

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the ineffable Love of divine Consciousness.

When the world seems to make no sense, when the skies are blank of being and the landscape bare of meaningful detail for you, then it is time to turn inward and avoid the distraction of the self in meaningless pursuit.

If there is only a small amount of time to be spent inward turned, it is enough. For the sense of inner blankness is the sense of being lost from the self, not of being lost from the world.

To find the self, one must turn to the Christ within and ask that the great story of selfhood be expressed in yet another way, that you may understand your nature and your birthright and know who you are: sons and daughters of the Divine; those who give meaning to sky and earth.

In your troubled spirits lies the dance of the present. May you be at peace within your trouble as you turn within to Christ.

In that peace we leave you, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.