
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 27, 1994:

Group question: We’re going to take potluck this afternoon. We have no particular question. We’ll see what Q’uo has to say from what all the information was that we had to offer beforehand.

(Carla channeling)

We are those of Q’uo. Greetings to each in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is, as always, a great blessing to be called to this circle of seeking. We bless and thank each who has so desired to seek the truth that this circle has been formed. We especially greet and bless the one known as D, who is new to this particular group. It is a privilege and a pleasure for us to offer our opinions and thoughts. We ask that each seeker evaluate these thoughts for himself, for many are the personal truths within each entity, and that which does not ring true to an individual may easily be left behind. We are not authorities, and we are fallible. Therefore, we call each to discriminate for the self.

We are those which have been known to your people as the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator. Our desire and purpose for being within your planes is communication, for there is, shall we say, a great call upon your planet at this time for truth. More and more of your planet’s peoples are crying out within, seeking a truth that they cannot find, for all the places which are traditionally considered as sources for spiritual food have, in one way or another, been spoiled and made unpleasant as paths of seeking, and consequently the seeker must seek without the structure created by another and must instead create that structure within which the seeker feels best positioned to accelerate the pace of his own spiritual evolution.

What we have to offer such seekers is at base, as this instrument said earlier, a very, very simple truth. It is in that truth that we greet you, and in that same truth that we leave you each time we visit with your sessions of working. This thought that we bring is a living, creative, and vital force which also encompasses the powers of darkness and death. This force, this one great original Thought, this Logos, is Love. Your word “love” does not in any way fulfill a satisfactory position as a symbol for that which we speak of. However, love is the closest which your language has to describe the nature of the Creator. This Love, this Logos, is that which has created all that is.

In untold amounts of what you call time, each of you has gradually developed as a consciousness, and all that has come before has fallen in such a way that you are experiencing the dance of living, the incarnational experience, together at this precise time and place. Each has walked a crooked path to be in this circle this day. The seeking has largely been isolating, lonely, alienating and difficult. Yet within each seeker’s breast, we are quite aware the hardships have not been counted. The suffering has been accepted, either gladly or with complete resignation.

From this circle each shall again move into what seems to be the ocean without direction. Love creates; Love is; and each is that Love. Yet, you are that Love clothed in flesh. Your heavy, chemical, physical vehicle ensheaths that which is Light, created of Love in such a way that you may walk about within the illusion that is your third density. You gaze about at your second-density friends—the trees, the birds, the grass—and you can see in these simple things clear and lucid examples of Love. The trees offer to the seeker the oxygen which aids that seeker. The seeker itself is offering carbon dioxide to the trees, a food they need to eat. All within this second density tends toward the perfect order. Not that it is neat or tidy, but that it is in balance.

Now, you exist within the sheathing of your physical body, a flower opening toward the sun. You came into incarnation from the seed and as you blossom, so shall you surely perish from this illusion. And that which was earth shall again become earth. Yet the spirit within flies free, both within incarnation and on each side of that parentheses in eternity which is your lifetime.

And if you are creatures of Love and Light, then what shall you do to fulfill the truth of your being? This instrument has worked for the last several of your years to bring itself into the physical condition necessary that it may do physical work within this incarnation. The hunger within, that desire which controls, was that which it was taught, that which the culture teaches: to become worthy is to work. Many among your peoples are moved into the situation of labor not simply for that which is salary, but also to fulfill the desire to seem to be worthy, busy, and productive. We have been glad to see this instrument moving towards a more natural attitude towards right vocation.

Each within this circle searches for that right vocation, but we say to you, and we know this is not at all original, that the first vocation of each of you, by your very nature, is the vocation of living a life of devotion and faith. In this way, the deepest portion of your true nature is also the basic portion of the outer experience. When this attitude of mind, this bias or prejudice, shall we say, is realized within as a true desire, that which is within you of Love has, for the first time, a voice. That voice is a voice which speaks in silence.

Consequently, we encourage each seeker to devise for itself that ritual or period of time which feels most appropriate to each individual seeker for a spiritual practice. We always encourage each to include in that practice a period of silent meditation. If this can be done daily, we encourage each to make that commitment, and turn each diurnal period to that silence within, for within the heart of self, within that vast creation which lies within your consciousness, there is a holy of holies, and within that room waits the Creator. The door is guarded and locked against intruders, and yes, you yourself are an intruder to yourself if you attempt to storm that door, to wring something out of truth. The key to that door is silent meditation. It may take five minutes, it may take years. However, there comes the time when the seeker knows that the door has been opened, for within that entity the incarnational experience becomes transformed.

Within this transformation lies a tremendous degree of surrender, and because this surrendering feels like dying, the path of the seeker is often perceived by the self as difficult, painful and awkward. However, we encourage each to consider that there is a natural tendency to resist change. Within each cell of the body and brain there is a tendency towards holding on to the status quo. The spiritually directed life lacks not in joy, however, it does increase suffering as it increases the rate of change within the entity.

There was no group question for this session. Instead, the decision of the group was to take potluck and let Q’uo choose the topic that they wished to speak upon. Q’uo began by saying that they were answering a call for information from seekers of truth that were suffering difficulties in finding any reliable source of spiritual information. They said that they were here to share the simple truth of the Love of the one great original Thought of the Logos, the Creator, which has created all that there is. Q’uo went on to say that through countless eons of time each seeker has developed as a consciousness and walked a lonely path within its second-density body created by Love out of Light, and now Q’uo asked what will be the life’s work of the seeker that fulfills the truth of its being? They answered their question by saying that each seeker must live a life of devotion and faith that reflects the true nature of their being which is the voice of Love that speaks in silence. Then Q’uo suggested that daily silent meditation was the means by which the seeker could, after some period of time, discover that its spiritual journey had become transformed as the seeker’s image of itself suffers its death so that a new self can be born. On April 21, 1995, Q’uo spoke about the process of transformation:

And as one says goodbye to times in one’s life, to things which one has loved, to relationships that have changed beyond recognition, we encourage each to find strength and courage to praise and give thanks for each and every experience that has created within perhaps much pain and suffering. In the process of transformation there is almost always a great deal of sorrow and feelings of loss, for when change is going to occur naturally it simply takes one as destiny will and almost never is it a completely smooth road from that one way which was to that other way which has yet to be worked out. And yet we encourage you to have the faith to praise that which is past and to open the heart to that which is, was, and shall be.

The keeping of silence, the keeping of the listening ear as part of the daily round of activity is always, we feel, an excellent practice, for in the silence, in the listening lies the key that unlocks the door of your own wisdom, that which is within the deep mind, that whose voice is silence, and which can only be heard by the open and listening heart. If you can trust destiny enough to release the attempts to control it the natural waves of energy moving out from the center of that kindly destiny which is each seeker’s will gradually take that seeker upon the path and in the direction which is deeply desired.

Consequently, we ask each who wishes to know the truth, wishes to find true vocation, wishes to truly serve, to gaze unblinking at the cost of walking this dusty seeker’s path, for it shall cost all that you are and all that you have to become that truth which you are seeking. We say to you that as far as we know you cannot know the truth; you can only become true. As each hews as best as he can to the seeking of that one great original Thought, we ask each to realize that each may teach each, each may support and encourage each other. Truly, the seeker’s path is lonely. The hard choices made must be made alone. Yet, how much empowering strength does the fellow traveler give the weary pilgrim?

You each have chosen to be seeking within this incarnation. A destiny awaits you. Your choice of how to fulfill it is always your own, and upon that fathomless, directionless sea of consciousness there remains much confusion. Yet, the love within others shines to light your way, and the light which moves through you from the infinite One is a lighthouse to others. Your being, your essential self, is your main service to the one Creator and to all of those upon your planet. As you enter this silence again and again, as you seek and seek again, you hollow out within yourself an ever smoother channel for Light, for Love, for the Creator, so that what is seen is not you but the Creator which shines through, and when those moments occur in which the self realizes that it has been that lighthouse, then indeed does that entity finally feel the joy of right vocation.

You dwell in a sea of confusion, whose chief characteristics are distraction and sorrow. Yet overarching all the tawdry precincts of your Earth world lie shining—we find we do not have this word within this instrument’s vocabulary, so we shall remake our sentence. This instrument is thanking us for doing that. Know that that which overarches your world is more deeply true than that illusion which you now perceive with your senses. We would indeed liken the truth which overarches and surrounds your illusion to that program within a computer which controls programs which are subprograms to it.

There is within the deep mind of each of you an archetypical self which often is objectified by your people as the Holy Spirit, or the guide, or the inner teacher. There are many names for this source of wisdom and compassion. When a seeker is able to access this program, then it may do much good work in reordering the priorities with which sense impressions are received. So when there is that time in which the seeker enters meditation and listens to that silent voice within, much is occurring which acts as does yeast within the life experience. Small though that yeast may be within, shall we say, the loaf of life, yet it does create a complete transformation of the dough, and you too are made of a malleable material, which can indeed become [instinct] and honeycombed with life and light.

Then Q’uo said that the seeker who desires to be of service to others must sacrifice all that it has in order to become the truth that it is seeking, and when the journey seems lonely it can share the light of the Creator with other seekers so each may teach each other. Q’uo said that as the seeker continues to feel the presence of the Creator in meditation that the Light and Love of the Creator begins to shine through it in a way that others feel the Creator’s presence coming from the seeker, and the seeker has now found its true vocation. Q’uo completed their message by saying that the third density is full of confusion and difficulty, but when the seeker uses meditation it can listen to the silent voice within it, and it can access portions of its deep mind which could be seen as archetypical and which manifest as the higher self, the Holy Spirit, or a guide that transforms the seeker so that it is filled with light and life. On June 13, 1976, Oxal spoke of how the seeker’s life may become transformed:

The life, my friends, that has power, the life that has begun to spring from the inside, from the core of your being, so that it is an enabling life, so that the person living it is able to give with love and with energy—this life is available to the seeker who has truly sought and found that which transforms his life. Within the religion with which many of you are familiar, this experience has been called “being saved.” And yet the Redeemer is your own consciousness. It is a closer thing to call it the Holy Spirit, as it is also known within the religion which has sprung up after the teachings of the master known as Jesus.

The Spirit, my friends, created all of the creations of the Father, you among them. So, we say to you, yes, find the beauties and see the services but at the very core, after you have observed the laws of the Father, which are beauty and service, observe the true power—Love itself—that has created all this in its perfection.

It is this Spirit that can transform your life. You do not need to struggle from moment to moment, from thought to thought, from action to action. You only think you do, my friends, because you have not been taking your meditation into your life. If you cannot do it all the time, do it once. And then, do it again. Five seconds, one minute of focused concentration in the Spirit to far more beneficial to you than you can imagine.

At this time, having given all of these thoughts to you, we shall transfer to the instrument known as Jim, to continue this contact. We are those of Q’uo, and leave this instrument in love and in light.

This morning I went outside and transplanted the flowers that I bought yesterday into the flower garden in the middle of the Moss Garden. Then I went on an errand run with my first stop at The Home Depot to buy a bag of cement. My next stop was at Bachman Subaru’s Express Lane to get them to show me how to open the hood of my Subaru so I can check the oil. My last stop was at Feeder’s Supply to see if I could find some low-carb cat food for Bosco as my Amazon order is late getting here, and I have just one day’s worth of food left for him. When I got home went outside to refine the work on the fountain in the fishpond yesterday by adding another thin stone on top of the brick I put in yesterday so that the height of the fountain would be higher without hitting the schemer and splashing water out of the pond.

This afternoon I went outside and used my big mower, Venus, to cut the grass. Then I checked the oil in my car and discovered that the dipstick did not register any oil at all, so I went down to AutoZone and bought three quarts of 5W30 oil and eventually put a quart and a half in Stanley that registered full on the dipstick.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

July 25

Peace Is Active

I am of the principle of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in perfect Love.

Peace, I cry to you. Peace, I offer to you.

How shall you find this peace if you believe not that the Spirit of the living God speaks to you this day; is available to you this moment; is a strengthener and a comforter to you in a real way, in an active way, and in a living way?

Peace is, above all things, active, not passive. The peace of the consciousness of Love is an active and surpassing peace, a peace that you may feel as joy as well as peace; as power as well as peace; as harmony as well as peace. There is no such peace without the Spirit of Love.

Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is not the absence of spoken conflict. Gaze within your heart this day and see if you find the peace that passes understanding. If you do not have it, ask for it of the Spirit that dwells within and speaks to each who wishes to hear the voice of Christ in the world today.

We come in peace, and you shall be at peace, insofar as you wish it. We greet you and leave you in peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.