I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 13, 1994:
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet each again in love and in light through this instrument. It is our privilege to be with this group this day, and we are most grateful to be invited to join you in your seeking for truth. At this time we would ask if there might be any other queries that those present would have for us.
E: I’d like to ask if it is possible to stay with another by leaving this incarnation when they do.
I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my brother. We are aware of many of your peoples who do this very thing. The process of evolving in mind, in body, and in spirit is a process that is much aided by groupings of entities undertaking this effort together so that there is the sharing of many, many life experiences that together are able to offer the appropriate circumstances for pursuing the balances that each entity is desirous of achieving. It is often helpful for such grouping of entities to exchange the positions within your illusion that have been shared in previous incarnational experiences, so that in one experience there is the assuming of the identity of perhaps a sibling to another, and in a further incarnation, these entities shall perhaps be friends or mates, or be related in another fashion that has meaning to each that is relative to previous experience and also to the present objective of learning.
Indeed, we find that it is more nearly the common case for clans or groups of like-minded entities to move together through the third-density illusion and those which follow it. Oftentimes these groupings will enlarge themselves as further contact is made with other entities that will enhance this process for each grouping. It is well for those entities comprising the groupings to be able to rely upon fellow travelers, shall we say, to provide the appropriate assistance, catalyst, challenges, and support for this process of discovering the heart of love within each entity and to enhance the expression of this love in each succeeding incarnation.
E asked: “I’d like to ask if it is possible to stay with another by leaving this incarnation when they do?” Q’uo began by saying that often groups of entities reincarnate together many times to help each other learn the lessons of the evolution of the soul. Then Q’uo said that the like-minded entities within these clans would assume different roles in each incarnation within the third density and higher densities as well to assist each other in meeting the challenges of learning of the lessons of love. On December 14, 2019, Q’uo spoke of how spiritual families aid the evolution of the members of the spiritual family:
Indeed, this is a great likely outcome of such a relationship, for within the entire octave of densities that are traversed in order to move back into unity with the One Infinite Creator there are levels of experience that may be shared by the various entities within the spiritual family, as you call it, or the clan, or the group which has evolved as a kind of family that sees incarnations as opportunities to experience a variety of roles or types of learning that may be shared within the family grouping. This is what we were referring to previously when discussing the narcissistic entity and those around it that would incarnate in order to help it and them move along the path of evolution. There are always opportunities for entities to join spiritual families of this kind when they are able to incarnate in a situation in which their talents and desires are mixed into the blend of that of the group so there is the chance that a certain role may be played by an entity of the second density that is just joining the third-density experience, that being a more basic role, utilizing the more fundamental abilities and desires of the new third-density entity. There is a vast panoply of differences and qualities that each spiritual family may contain so that each entity has those abilities and desires that enhance the personal growth and the overall growth of the group as well as individual entities within the group so that there is a constant blending and interbreeding, shall we say, of abilities and desires that aid each within the group in the evolutionary process.
Is there a further query, my brother?
E: No.
I am Q’uo. Is there another query at this time?
P: Yes, I want to ask about the point of surrender. How to know when to remain in control and when to surrender?
I am Q’uo, and I am aware of your query, my sister. We feel it is an important point that one be aware that though one might give great value and effort to the quality of control, that it is not possible to retain control in the ultimate sense within your illusion, for there is the necessity to offer oneself to the moment of inspiration. This is to say that surrender in the fullest sense will prove to be a far, far better friend than any ability to control events or entities about one. It is even difficult, my sister to be in control …
[Side one of tape ends.]
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and am again with this instrument. Again, we would thank the one known as P for the assistance with the recording device.
The surrender of the self at each opportunity is far more helpful than attempting control, though we do understand the need to feel that one has a definite effect upon the surroundings and the situations that one finds oneself in. However, it is more helpful to examine and experience the spontaneous responses to each situation, rather than to construct the desired outcome and then attempt to cause the situation to fit into this desired outcome.
The reason that surrender has far more value to the seeker than does control is that in surrender to the spontaneity of the heart one may get a truer reading, shall we say, as to the true nature of that portion of the self that one is attempting to balance. As one allows the spontaneity and love within to express itself outwardly to others, one is able to feel and experience a fuller and truer representation of one’s position, shall we say, upon any particular point that might be of any importance to the self, this being the greater self or the soul which inserts a personality into each illusion and experience.
Thus, though each might feel that a certain amount of control is necessary in order to give coherence to one’s experience, we would suggest that one always be open to the surrender of the moment as the moment requires. In this way one moves more in harmony with those lessons and balances which are being pursued for the purpose of the evolution.
P asked: “I want to ask about the point of surrender. How to know when to remain in control and when to surrender?” Q’uo began by saying that it is not possible to control situations within the third density, and that the best opportunity for spiritual growth comes with the spontaneous response within the present moment. Q’uo went on to say that allowing the spontaneity of the heart gave one the opportunity to become more aware of the lessons that one is attempting to balance according to the pre-incarnative lessons chosen by its soul. On October 27, 1985, L/Leema spoke of the value of being spontaneous in the moment:
To conceive of what shall be the course of action with too much emphasis upon thought, shall we say, is to proceed in a manner which does not include the spontaneity which is the great enabler of lessons and services within your illusion. To examine the actions so closely as to rob them of the natural spontaneity which wells up from your own deeper self, shall we say, is to put limitations upon the possibilities of the moment. Thus, when one is puzzled as to what to do or how to do it, it is best for the moment to do nothing and to once again move into the current of your existence and be somewhat taken by it and to allow the channeling of this current to move through your thoughts and your actions and to later examine the results in order that the fruits of these labors might be harvested. To attempt to visualize the fruits before the harvest frequently affects the harvest in a deleterious manner.
Is there a further query, my sister?
P: No, thank you, Q’uo.
I am Q’uo, and I thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
R: I don’t have a question, but I want to thank you for being a source of inspiration to me. Again, you did it.
I am Q’uo, and we are grateful to you as well, my brother, for the response to that opinion which we have offered. We are grateful to have been of service and can assure you that you have served us just as certainly. Is there another query at this time?
I am Q’uo, and as we observe the exhaustion of the queries we shall again …
[The last page of the transcript is missing.]
This morning I went outside and put the Quickfix solution in the fishpond to enhance the water clarity. We got four inches of rain yesterday, which was a real blessing for all of my flower gardens, but it also put so much water in the pond that the fountain is only reaching half of its normal height. So, I used a pump and hose to pump out enough water that the fountain could get back to its normal height. Then I changed out the sugar syrup in my three hummingbird feeders and the two feeders for my neighbor across the street. While I was there, I also weeded her flower garden since weeding is so easy when the ground is wet.
This afternoon I weeded the Morning Glory garden in the middle of the cross area in the back yard, and then I walked around the yard and picked up the small tree limbs that came down in the two thunderstorms yesterday and put them in a garbage can for yard waste pickup this Thursday.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
July 23
The Day To Forgive
I am of the principle of Love, and I greet you in the full consciousness of Christ.
This is the day to forgive. Select someone, another or yourself, whom you have not forgiven and bring to bear the Love of Christ which, seeing all, forgives all. Christian compassion does not deal in halfway measures but forgives utterly, so that a new life may be born where hardness of heart had created a death. Open your heart to creative and divine Love this day and let it pour through you to cleanse and purify your heart.
We leave you in the Love and Peace of Christ, now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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