
I would like to let everyone know that because of the devastating war going on in Israel and Palestine we have created a ritual of sending love, light, and peace to all of the soldiers and civilians on both sides of the war. This is the link that will give you the process of this peace ritual: https://www.llresearch.org/news/2023/group-peace-visualization

I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from July 9, 1989:

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo and greet each again in love and light through this instrument. At this time it is our privilege to attempt to speak to those queries which may yet remain upon the minds of those present. We would ask if there might be a query with which we may begin?

C: If the lesson is repeated [inaudible] in the case where the [inaudible] will be passed along to the child [inaudible] that when the child is born [inaudible] that the child is [inaudible] is more difficult [inaudible].

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In many cases, this would be the situation which would pertain, however, in other cases, it is possible that the entity which decided upon the abortion and carried it out to its completion might have what you would call a change of heart and welcome the next opportunity that presented itself within the life pattern to conceive, bear and raise the young entity. The attitude of the parental entity is the attitude that is paramount in importance in this situation. For the entity which resists the lesson which it has placed before itself and resists with great fervor is the entity which will find that lesson somewhat difficult according to the degree of resistance. Therefore, the passing of the opportunity by abortion is a portion of the, shall we say, equation which determines the intensity of the lesson when it does appear again in the life pattern, and we may add that in most cases, the lesson shall appear again within the current life pattern, and if it remains incompletely processed in one life pattern, then it shall be available for future incarnations.

C’s question is confused by many inaudible words, so I will use Q’uo’s reply to attempt to clarify the question. It seems that Q’uo is saying that the mother may have an abortion when first pregnant and then when she became pregnant again have a change of heart in which she agreed to bear the child and raise it. This would allow the lesson of the mother to be undertaken with the child. On July 29, 2022, Q’uo described these lessons:

The producing of the child in third density, then, provides many services which the parents of the child may then find offered to them as they begin to raise the child through the series of stages of growth that each child goes through. Each stage of growth, then, requires a kind of investment of information and opportunity for physical expression to accompany the mental and emotional child-nature that continues to expand as time, as you know it, proceeds.

There is an interaction of the parents with the child that is not only a service to the child in that it provides it a means by which to mature, as you would say, in body, in mind, and in spirit, for each child is indeed a mind/body/spirit complex that has the ability to utilize the functions of the mind, the body and the spirit in ways that continue to proceed in the pattern of growth that you would call the maturation of each complex. As these stages of growth proceed, the parents are tasked, shall we say, with the needs of the child, in order that it may become acclimated to the third-density body and begin to feel the pre-incarnated choices that it made prior to joining with the parents.

Is there a further query, my brother?

C: One further question. Abortion before the current [inaudible]. How, in a situation such as that, that the [inaudible].

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. Each entity within a mated relationship brings, shall we say, the baggage, the lessons which await the learning, the lessons which have been processed to some degree, and the lessons which have been ignored or refused, shall we say. As the couple proceeds in the mated relationship, each shall find that there is the necessity of focusing upon certain lessons that are individual in nature and are shared in nature. Each shall find that it becomes a portion of the other’s incarnational pattern, and must in some way process that other self’s experience in order to find the harmonious or agreed-upon balance in the relationship in each area awaiting the learning. Thus, if an entity has…

[Side one of tape ends.]

(Jim channeling)

I am Q’uo, and am again with this instrument. To continue. If one entity in a mated relationship has chosen previous to the relationship to engage in any action which resists a certain lesson, that entity shall find at some point within the life pattern that the opportunity for learning that lesson shall again present itself in a form which is easier to distinguish, that is to say, which may cause somewhat more difficulty if the entity still presents the resistance to the lesson. If this is the case, then the entity’s mate shall find that there is a further ramification to the relationship that shall also affect it in a manner which is consonant with the overall design or purpose of the mated relationship.

Therefore, each entity brings into the relationship those areas which each shall find the necessity of focusing upon. It would seem at first glance that there could be the possibility of unfairness or an injustice in such a situation, for those areas left undone by either entity would then present both entities with the increased need to focus the attention and to process the catalyst in these areas. We would suggest that in truth there is no injustice or unfairness, for when the mated relationship is entered into, this is a function of preincarnative choices that have set forth the possibility of a relationship which would offer certain opportunities or challenges to each entity within the relationship. The fact that there are certain areas within each entity’s life pattern that may have been less well learned or processed is simply a portion of the overall nature of the relationship and those opportunities that the relationship has presented to each entity.

Once again much of the question is inaudible, so I will work with Q’uo’s answer to try to uncover the question. Q’uo said that if one of the entities in a mated relationship resists a portion of its lesson it might affect both in a way that would be more or less difficult to determine, but since there are pre-incarnative lessons at play–that may be less well learned–this is simply the way that any lesson manifests for any entity. On January 30, 1983, Latwii spoke to how missed signposts are often part of our spiritual journeys:

We would simply comment at this time in response to both queries that it is often the plight and pleasure of the seeker to find the opportunities for increasing service and oneness to be presented in situations which provide the trauma, the doubt, the confusion, and the difficulty in perceiving clearly. This is the nature of any exploration into that which may be called the unknown. Rejoice, my friends, in your doubt, in your confusion, in your frustrations, and in your angers. For they are signposts which alert you to the fact that your seeking is increasing, and the opportunities for knowing the love and light of the one Creator are also increased.

Is there a further query, my brother?

C: [inaudible]

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. This occurs with some frequency within your illusion, my brother.

Is there another query?

C: When you talked about mated relationships that in the case where the relationship failed and the parties split, that one of the lessons that were to be learned would come back in an even stronger version. Is there the case where the lesson learned is that it is right for the mated relationship to end?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In this situation, we find that there are those instances in which the lessons which have been set forth by each entity have been learned to the fullest extent that each is able to achieve without some deterioration of the overall purpose of the relationship. In most cases, a relationship which is entered into is that situation which is most appropriate and beneficial for the lessons which remain for each entity. Oftentimes, however, there is a, shall we say, a souring of the catalyst which each feels due to the inability to balance certain distortions within the individual life pattern. In such a situation, the separation of the entities is much like the marathon runner discovering that at the midway point through the race it must stop and catch its breath, so to speak.

In each instance, whether it be the race or the relationship, it is advisable for each entity to consider well the obstacles that caused the need to catch the breath, in order that these might be worked upon as catalysts, so that there is a balancing of distortions that would then allow the beginning again of the race, whether with the same mate or with another is not of the greatest importance as is the beginning again of the race in order that the lessons which have been set forth might be worked upon as much as is possible, for the lessons have been chosen with great care and offer the greatest opportunity for each entity’s personal growth and service to others.

C’s question was: Is it ever possible that lessons in a mated relationship that are missed might be the proper catalyst for the mated relationship to end? Q’uo suggested that the separation of mates from their relationship might be a temporary solution to difficulties that could be solved over time so that the relationship was once again undertaken, or it might also be appropriate that new partners might be joined with to pursue the same lessons. On June 28, 1987, Q’uo described a situation where the mated relationship might end and yet, from time to time, be functional in a lesser way:

I am Q’uo, and as one might expect within a universe of infinite possibility, there is infinite probability that entities which have engaged in the mated relationship for a period of your time and then found reason to end that relationship yet continue in what may be either the conscious or subconscious fashion to share experience and offer a portion of the self to the other even when the relationship has in the physical sense been terminated. In many cases this pathway which each has forged to the other becomes somewhat dusty and falls into disuse, yet from time to time is utilized for the gathering and sharing of experience upon the metaphysical levels of experience.

Is there a further query, my brother?

C: No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

J: For the entity that was aborted, does that entity prior to conception, does this entity have the choice or is it a part of the process of the choice for abortion, and if so, of what benefit is abortion to this entity?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. In many cases, the entity that wishes to enter the incarnation and which is the focus of the abortion, as you call it, does partake in the making of this decision, but not usually at the level of the decision to abort this particular entity, but rather has made a choice with the parental entities that it shall offer this opportunity and shall take part in the decision to limit the opportunity in order that that which can be learned from the overall process might be offered to those who serve as the potential parental entities. This is in some few cases. However, in the great majority of cases, the entity which has its opportunity to enter the incarnation stopped momentarily by the decision to abort will find that there are other opportunities which are then made available to it, for the experience within the metaphysical realms is more obviously multifaceted than is your own, although your own experience is indeed multifaceted as well, although you are aware that as one choice is made, those other potential choices that could have been made as well are then set aside and do not manifest within your reality. However, within the metaphysical realms, the entity which has had the opportunity ended in one area will find that there are other potential entities with which it has made preliminary agreements, each of course, needing certain conditions or prerequisites to be in place before the entry into the incarnation is complete. Therefore the decision of the parental entities to have the abortion rather than the child is a decision which then offers the aborted entity the opportunity to seek the entry into incarnation with other parental entities.

J asked if the entity being aborted has a part in the abortion. Q’uo suggested that in some situations that this might be the case in order to offer the parents the experience of deciding upon an abortion. But then Q’uo said that in the majority of cases the entity which was aborted has other opportunities to seek entry into an incarnation with other parents. On September 14, 1986, Q’uo mentioned the possibility of an entity that was aborted could find other opportunities for an incarnation:

In yet another case, it might be that the aborted physical vehicle known as the fetus must be abandoned by a mind/body/spirit complex which had hoped that there would indeed be the possibility for a lengthier stay, shall we say, within the incarnative experience. In such a case the entity may seek other parents, as you call them, and find a successful entry into the incarnative process in that manner.

Is there a further query, my brother?

J: At the moment of conception, is the fetus at that point a spirit/mind/body complex, or is it simply physical, at that point lacking spirit and mind?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. There is no general response that is accurate in each instance, for though the entity which is conceived is indeed a live being, at the conception, it is not always the case that the entity contains the mind/body/spirit complex. The very nature of the physical vehicle brings with it a consciousness which is intelligent, however, the entity which will eventually incarnate or desires to incarnate may not enter this physical vehicle which has consciousness until a point later in the gestation period, according to the needs and desires of that entity to experience more of the metaphysical realm prior to the birth or the need and desire to experience that which life within the womb may offer it. It is rarely the case that the entity defers entry into the physical vehicle until after it has been birthed into your illusion. However, this is possible and does occur in rare instances. Therefore, we can suggest that the point of entry into the physical vehicle created by the parental entities is quite various.

J asked if, at the moment of conception, the entity is a mind/body/spirit complex or is it just a body. Q’uo said there was no general response that could be accurate as in some cases even though there is only a body, the body has a consciousness. Q’uo also said that there was no standard time for the entity to enter into the body of the fetus. In 92.18, Ra alluded to this very situation:

The mind/body/spirit complex which is an infant has one highly developed portion which may be best studied by viewing the Significators of Mind and Body. You notice we do not include the spirit. That portion of a mind/body/spirit complex is not reliably developed in each and every mind/body/spirit complex. Thusly the infant’s significant self, which is the harvest of biases of all previous incarnational experiences, offers to this infant biases with which to meet new experience.

Is there a further query, my brother? 

J: No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?

Carla: I’d like to go back and look at what you answered C earlier about when people get together they take on each other’s catalyst and work it as if it were their own. Just before Don Elkins died, I had a complete mental breakdown, and I have had several suicidal attacks since then, and it has occurred to me that what I am doing is getting well from the mental illness that Don had, as well as the one that I had. But I don’t know if that is in any metaphysical way correct. Could you comment?

I am Q’uo, and we shall attempt to speak to this query in two different modes. Firstly, the statement that the mated couple may take on themselves each the other’s catalyst is not exactly correct, for we wished to state in that response that the catalyst of either entity may be enhanced by previous experience which would include the resistance to catalyst. The effect this has upon each partner is to intensify the catalyst which each partner already possesses, for catalyst is of the subconscious mind, that is to say, is personal in nature, so that one entity cannot truly take upon itself another entity’s catalyst unless that other entity’s catalyst is already identical to its own. This is usually the case when an entity has a difficulty that it ascribes to another. It has, in truth, not taken the other’s catalyst, but has used its own in another manner or in a more intense manner.

To speak to the specificity of your query, we would suggest that the relationship which existed between the one known as Don and yourself was a relationship anomalistic enough in its nature that it would be quite difficult and indeed quite inadvisable to apply what might be learned from it to another relationship. For that bond which existed between the two of you was unique in that it had been tempered by many, many previous experiences. Thus, we may agree in general with your supposition that you have been completing much of that which was begun during the life of the one known as Don, however we would not extrapolate from that experience and suggest that this is common amongst entities within the third-density illusion.

Carla said that just before Don Elkins died she had a complete mental breakdown, and after he died she had several suicidal attacks, and she was wondering if she was getting well from the illness that both she and Don had before he died. Q’uo began the first part of their answer by saying that mates may share catalyst and use it in their own way which would be different for each. Then in the second part of Q’uo’s answer they said that Carla and Don had a unique relationship with each other that spanned many incarnations that did, indeed, allow Carla to work through the same lessons for both of them. In 106.13, Ra spoke about this unique relationship:

Questioner: Could Ra recommend what I should do to improve my state of health?

Ra: I am Ra. We tread most close to the Law of Confusion in this instance but feel the appropriateness of speaking due to potentially fatal results to the instrument. We pause to give the questioner and the scribe a few moments of space/time to aid us by stepping away from those distortions which cause us to invoke the Law of Confusion. This would be helpful.

[A few moments pause.]

I am Ra. We appreciate your attempts. Even confusion on your behalves is helpful. The questioner has, in the recent past, allowed a complete transfer] of mental/emotional pain from the questioner to the instrument. The key to this deleterious working was when the instrument said words to the effect of the meaning that it would be the questioner and be the strong one. The questioner could be as the instrument, small and foolish. The questioner, in full ignorance of the firm intent of the instrument and not grasping the possibility of any such energy transfer, agreed.

These two entities have been as one for a timeless period and have manifested this in your space/time. Thusly, the deleterious working occurred. By agreement in care and caution it may be undone. We urge the attention to thanksgiving and harmony on the part of the questioner. We may affirm the previous recommendation in general of the skills and the purity of intention of the one known as Bob, and may note the sympathetic illness which has occurred due to the instrument’s sensitivities.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: I have one on another subject. Thank you for that. That’s very interesting and informative. I observed two coincidences tonight. One was that while I was cleansing and doing my prayers, I did something I hadn’t done for a long time. I invoked the archangels, whom I’ve always loved. And when I sat down here and took a look around the watchtower—is the way I call it—took a look around the mental atmosphere in here, I saw the usual white, green far away of entities that are not good that would like to come in, and I got rid of them in an instant. But there was over arching all of this circle a beautiful golden dome, except that it did not have any end to it, it just went up and up and up. And it is very beautiful and I just wonder if that had anything to do with the archangels?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my sister. We might suggest that you have perceived that which has always been so as a function of your own desire and invocation within your own being that this circle of seeking receive the added blessings of those who always watch from some distance, as you would say, such proceedings.

Is there a further query, my sister?

Carla: No, thank you, Q’uo.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?

T: This question doesn’t follow the line of thinking we’re pursuing this evening—yes, I guess it does in a way. When you have a relationship, specifically with a child/parent relationship, spouse type relationship, if you have a relationship where seemingly at a conscious functional level, one person in the relationship does not seem to be willing to face up to or even acknowledge that there is a problem or lesson to be learned or problems to be worked out in this relationship between the parents. Can this carry over for the half of this relationship that is trying, say it’s the child that is trying to work out the parent and they’re not acknowledged, does this carry any karmic problems into later lives for this child where this child, where what he is, is trying to work out the problems because the other entities would not agree to work out their problems, at least on a conscious level?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my brother. The lesson, whatever its nature, may be ignored in any degree by either entity, in which case this lesson shall be again chosen and faced and worked with to the point that it has offered complete harmony and balance, whether in this incarnation or another. For the entity that has given its fullest effort and has received little effort in return in the processing of the catalyst, the intention to process the catalyst fully will serve that entity well in that it shall find alternate opportunities, shall we say, to specifically apply that desire to learn and utilize that particular lesson or set of lessons. This is to say that the entity shall not find its opportunity ended or diminished because of the unwillingness of the other entity to engage in the processing of the catalyst, but shall instead find that there are other means by which this particular lesson might be learned, and the desire to learn this lesson will then, shall we say, ease the processing of the catalyst, whether that catalyst might be discovered within the current incarnation, which is most likely, or in a further incarnation where it shall be joined again with yet other catalyst.

T asked if a parent and child were working on the same problem in their relationship but only the child was actually working on the problem and the parent ignored it, would this create any karmic problem for the child. Q’uo said that in this case both the parent and the child would find other opportunities to work with this catalyst either in this life or in future incarnations. On November 11, 1984, Latwii used Don Elkins as an example of having missed signposts during his life which would be fulfilled in a future life:

But we may assure each that the transition shall be completed well and there shall be the clear experience of the one known as Don of his being the one Creator. This point of view shall so illumine the beingness of the one known as Don that the experiences of the previous life now ended shall be seen in a way that shall expose those signposts missed and shall offer the one known as Don the opportunity and the privilege of setting those signposts right by renewing the experience at another of what you call time.

Is there a further query, my brother?

T: So, just to take it a little further. One of the other entities recognizes that this is just a seemingly impossible situation, where the other will not do anything, and if he was trying to learn something to work this out, he’d probably be better off just dropping it than to try to get the other the other entity to work with him. Is that correct?

I am Q’uo and am aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest that it would be most appropriate not to cease the attempt, but to leave the door, as you would say, open so that if there is a change of heart or attitude upon the part of the other entity, that the processing of the catalyst might begin again. However, we would suggest that the entity continue in its desire to learn this particular lesson and make itself available, perhaps upon a more passive level if it feels that it is presenting a stumbling block to the entity which refuses to share the catalyst.

Is there a further query, my brother?

T: No, thank you.

I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there a final query at this time?


I am Q’uo, and we would take this opportunity to thank each for offering us the blessing of joining your circle of seeking this evening. We cannot thank each of you enough for this blessing, for we learn as you do within these sharing and blendings of vibrations. We learn of your great desire to know more of that which you call the truth, and we learn of your courage in persevering under circumstances which are obviously quite difficult to comprehend and to harmonize within the life pattern. And we learn that the desire to know the Creator grows strongly and brightly within each heart, as it does within our own. We thank you for sharing with us that which is of utmost importance to you, and we look, as you would say, forward to those opportunities when we again have the opportunity to blend our vibrations with yours.

At this time we shall take our leave of this instrument and this circle of seeking, leaving each, as always, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning I made an errand run with my first stop being at PNC Bank where I made a cash withdrawal. My second stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market where I bought some food for myself. My third stop as at Walgreen’s Drug Store where I bought some ice cream and non-food items. When I got back home I vacuumed the first floor of the house.

This afternoon I went outside and used my backpack blower to blow the leaves in the front yard into the area between the fish pond and the pet cemetery and covered them with a tarp to keep them from blowing away since all my garbage cans are already full of leaves from yesterday’s work.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

November 10

The Inner Room Of Thanksgiving And Prayer

I am the spirit of the consciousness of Christ and I greet you in the full consciousness of that love.

We move through timelessness to the point of entry which is the opening of this instrument’s spirit to the inner room of thanksgiving and prayer. And we find that within the inner room of this child are many things that do not belong in such a holy closet.

Why is your meditation not set apart from the things that distress and worry you? When you enter the house of prayer, why do you not shut the door upon the tatters and barking dogs of mundane concern? Think you that by carrying them upon your back into holy places, you shall bless and sanctify petty concerns? Petty concerns shall never be sanctified but only transformed by a simpler and stronger understanding of the value and importance of love.

If you come to listen, to ask, and to be fed with holy things, then come with a light heart, empty arms, and no burden upon your back. For that which is spiritual will not grow in the soil of familiar problems but must have the soil of quiet, darkness and patience.

How patient is the King of Love! Though His heart is full, His empty hands stretch out to the spirit of one who prays in the house of silence.

Let your inner room, then, be such a house and let your opening into the realm of spiritual things be uncluttered by the concern that you are not wise enough to observe as a being under the dominion of a powerful and triumphant love. May you triumph by becoming less than your concerns, a humble and silent servant, open to love.

May that love bring you peace, now and always.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.