I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from January 11, 1987:
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet each of you again in love and light through this instrument. At this time it is our privilege to attempt to be of service by asking if there might be any queries?
H: Yes, I have just a small question, you might find, but this aura that keeps coming up, that can be seen with certain photography, is this aura related or connected to the soul as we understand the soul?
I am Q’uo. We might suggest that the aura, as you have called it, is a reflection, shall we say, not only of an entity’s current ability to blend mind, body and spirit in its present incarnation, but is also a reflection of an entity’s seeking throughout its entire series of incarnational experiences so that that quality which you call the soul brings into incarnation certain abilities and propensities that then become the foundation, shall we say, of the current incarnation’s study. Therefore, when one looks upon the manifestation known as the aura, one may see a register of a seeker’s current and previous attempts to blend the evolution of mind, body and spirit.
H asked if a certain kind of photography that shows an aura of a person might be related to the soul, and the type of photography H was talking about was probably Kirlian photography. Q’uo said this photography showed the nature of the spiritual advancement of an entity throughout many lifetimes and was registered in the aura as the present level of seeking for an entity. On January 29, 1989, Latwii gave a detailed description of the aura and its function:
Each moment of your existence there is fed into your energy centers or the system of chakras, as many have called them, a kind of energy which is described in many ways by many of your peoples according to their study of their culture and their religious or spiritual histories. Some would call this energy the prana, the breath of the Creator. Others would call it love, others light. Others a combination of these qualities, a kind of intelligent energy which is the daily and moment by moment gift of the one Creator. This energy enters into the physical vehicle or the electrical energy fields, the aura of the physical vehicle, through the soles of the feet and thereupon through the base energy center located at the foundation or base of the spine, moving upwards through the various centers of energy which represent the qualities of one’s character as a human being, thus allowing one to participate within the realm of the humankind to the degree that one has chosen previous to the incarnation and, increasingly, as the incarnation progress as one has chosen in a conscious fashion to utilize.
May we speak further, my brother?
H: No, that does it pretty good. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query?
R: Yes, if you please. We are learning from various sources that perhaps the end of an age or the end of a civilization could be transpiring, and it seems as though we need perhaps words of encouragement as to how to consider this and how to accept it, not perhaps what to expect as such, as how do we as seekers of light, how do we respond so that we can remain strong, steadfast? What can we do?
I am Q’uo, and, my sister, you have queried upon a large subject which each seeker may find it shares with all others, yet which it might also find is reflected in the personal pattern of experience in a unique fashion. In general, we might suggest that each seeker remember the one Creator in each daily experience by spending time communing in the meditative state with the source of all cycles, all changes, and all movement in the evolutionary process. Such time spent in meditation allows the seeker to fashion a regularized channel, shall we say, through its own subconscious mind to those sources of power, shall we say, which manifest themselves as love and light, or compassion and wisdom in the metaphysical sense, and when contacted in a regular fashion become an unseen foundation upon which each day might be constructed.
For some the meditative state is aided by prayers, by the giving of praise and thanksgiving for that which is the seeker’s to share with others that day, and perhaps with the study of information which the seeker finds of inspirational and instructional value. Thus, with this regularized framework of study and inspiration, the seeker prepares the incarnational self to receive those lessons and to provide those services which are its to experience, and to share, not only for the day, as you call it, but one after the other for the entire incarnational experience.
Thusly prepared, the seeker may move through its incarnational experiences empowered by the faith that there is purpose and direction to the life pattern, and that that which comes before the seeker’s notice is appropriate and full of purpose and opportunity to learn and to serve. Thus, no matter what experience might find its way into the incarnational pattern, the seeker thus empowered by faith and the desire to learn and serve may look upon each experience as being yet another opportunity for the Creator to know Itself and to be served and glorified by the seeker that has the will and faith to penetrate the outer appearance of things and to find at their heart the love and the light of the one Creator.
R mentioned that many seekers were aware that we are coming to the end of an age and asked how best to prepare for this and remain steadfast in experiencing it. Q’uo recommended that meditation be used to construct a path through the subconscious mind to the source of all cycles and changes in order to build a foundation for gathering how such cycles are a unique part of each seeker’s path. This would enable the seeker to discover a purpose for its life experience and to see beyond the outer appearance of this illusion and find that the Creator’s love and light are at the heart of all experiences. On April 6, 2008, Q’uo gave an inspiring description of the end of the third density and the beginning of the fourth density on Earth:
These are wondrous times. For your people approach graduation day, shall we say, that point after which each death from life on planet Earth shall be entirely open to the possibility of moving forward into fourth density. And not only is the planet and the solar system as a whole receiving these incredible waves of energy signaling the end of third density and the beginning of the dawning of a new age of fourth density, but also at this time there is tremendous interest in helping those of planet Earth who wish to move forward in a service-to-others manner to succeed.
So the inner planes are rich with those who come to experience this time of shift with the incarnate entities of planet Earth. Angelic entities are everywhere. Nature devas and nature spirits are everywhere, all wanting to play, to sing, to dance with you, with each, with all, inviting each to dance this dance into the sun, into the light, into the dawning of the new day.
We, ourselves, are among those who have been drawn to your planet at this time so that we may in our humble and modest way offer ourselves to those who might find our information useful or helpful.
May we speak further, my sister?
R: That is very, very explanatory. I’m quite inspired. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
Carla: I’ve got one I’d like to stick in because of hers. I have a theory, which I haven’t asked about yet, that I’d like to, that the reason that the Confederation contacts keep urging us to look on the praise and thanksgiving side of things, and not to go get mountain camps where the disasters won’t happen, is that positive energies go into the planet, just like all of the negative energies went into it that made it what it is today. And if enough people are afraid and start preparing, they might hasten the day. Is that possible? That we actually heal the planet a little by trusting it?
I am Q’uo, and, in general, my sister, we find that you have begun to uncover the basic nature of your illusion, that is, that one within the illusion will perceive the experiences of the incarnation in a manner which is congruent with what one believes about the experience that it has. This is to say that as one moves through the incarnational pattern, all experience that comes before the notice of the seeker has the potential to be viewed in either, what you may call, a positive or radiant fashion, or the negative, magnetic fashion. This assumes that all events contain the unity of the one Creator and therefore will be perceived in the fashion which the perceiver chooses.
Thus, if one’s mind is filled with the fear of a certain event, and this fear has power enough within the being of the entity, it will begin to color, shall we say, the way in which the entity perceives more and more of its illusion and experience within the illusion.
Thus, it becomes necessary at some point for the seeker to choose the manner by which it will view those experiences of which it finds itself a part. These perceptions, then, have the power to transform experience. This is why the messages which we and others of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Creator [offer] always stress the benefit and necessity of regular meditation in order that the nature of the illusion in which each finds itself moving might be made more clear and coherent to the inner eye, and thus be seen as the infinite manifestation of one Being, the one Creator.
So Carla asked about this changing of the times and wanted to know if the way that people looked at the coming movement into fourth density could be influenced by either negative and fearful thoughts or trusting and healing thoughts. Q’uo said that people’ thoughts could influence the nature of the transformation into the fourth density, so they recommended meditation as a means of more clearly perceiving and aiding in the positive nature of the movement into the fourth density. On November 16, 2019, Q’uo described both the positive and negative points of view regarding the coming movement into the fourth density:
On most third-density planetary spheres, such as your Earth sphere, at the end of the third-density cycle, there is a greater harmony in those of the population of the planet than is anywhere evidenced upon your planetary sphere. Unfortunately, this makes the journey more difficult for everyone upon the planet. The population of your planet, as you are aware, is drawn from many other third-density planets which have gone through the 75,000 year cycle of third density with the majority of the population failing to make the harvest and needing to find another third-density sphere upon which to incarnate, [so] that another attempt may be made to achieve fourth-density harvest.
However, there is, upon your planetary sphere, a demonstration of the principle that as there is less and less success at achieving such harvestability, that the opportunities grow more limited for the entire population to make this transition. This makes much more difficult the path of each conscious seeker of truth which wishes to move in harmony with those about it, for when there are more entities making such an effort, there is a blessing to all within the grouping so that there is far more opportunity to achieve the understandings that lead to the opening of the heart energy center in a fashion that allows the harvest into the fourth density light that requires a certain stamina, shall we say, within the heart energy center.
May we speak further, my sister?
Carla: No, that was quite beautiful. I thank you very much.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. Is there another query?
H: I have a query, one more. At the end of [the] cycle we’re in right now, the seventy-five thousand year cycle, just how gradual will it be? Will it really be noticeable among the population, that something is definitely wrong with the world?
I am Q’uo, and, my brother, we might suggest that the transition, as you would call it, has already begun and the perceptive eye may continue to notice that as your time continues to move, and events within the personal environment and the worldwide environment continue to transpire, that the general quality of thoughts having more effect upon the material world will be noticed, for the density of compassion, towards which you now move, is one in which the effect of the mind is immediate upon the personal experience and the environment. Thus, as one thinks, one experiences the effects of thought in a much quicker fashion. The movement has begun toward the vibrational change and is anticipated to continue for a greater portion of your time and experience than many who study this phenomenon have assumed.
We might suggest that it is a process rather than event, and, therefore, due to the cumulative effect of the free will of the population of your planetary sphere, the culmination of this process cannot be ascertained with any degree of accuracy, but may be understood to be expressing itself in each entity and event upon your planetary sphere so that those who have begun to become sensitized to the evolutionary process that each partakes of, each entity then will begin to notice that events and experiences seem to be filled with more intensity and potential for transformation.
H asked since we are at the end of the 75,000 year third-density cycle how gradual will the change be, and will people become aware that there is something wrong with the way people are living. Q’uo said that the graduation had begun for many and that thoughts had become more powerful and transformative. However, the process was taking longer than most who study this phenomenon had anticipated. And I believe that Q’uo was talking about what Ra had said in 40.8:
Questioner: Then what will be the time of transition on this planet from third to fourth density?
I am Ra. This is difficult to estimate due to the uncharacteristic anomalies of this transition. There are at this space/time nexus beings incarnate which have begun fourth-density work. However, the third-density climate of planetary consciousness is retarding the process. At this particular nexus the possibility/probability vortices indicate somewhere between one hundred [100] and seven hundred [700] of your years as transition period. This cannot be accurate due to the volatility of your peoples at this space/time.
May we speak further, my brother?
H: No, that explains that all right. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you once again, my brother. Is there another query at this time?
T: Yes, I have a question, dealing with something a little bit different than the general line of questioning had to do. It has to do with manifesting either things or situations, people, or even a state of mind, a state of feeling about various things in our lives. I’ve been doing some study over the last year about how to manifest various things, various situations that you desire in your life. And most of the things that I’ve studied and read basically agree, and I would just like to get your comments on how we can manifest something in our lives that we desire.
I am Q’uo, and, my brother, we might suggest that desire has brought each into the incarnation. The power of the desire to experience your third-density illusion and the potential for transformation which it provides all within its boundaries is that which [each] present upon your planetary sphere has desired. The power of desire is that which moves each entity through each incarnation and each density or dimension in the eventual returning into unity with the one Creator. For, indeed, it is desire that has set the creation in motion, as the one Creator expressed the desire to know Itself and to do so by sending portions of Itself into the far reaches of what you know as the creation to experience all that may be experienced and to bring this experience as a harvest to the one Creator that It might know Itself in ways not available had it not desired to know Itself through Its many portions.
Thus, each entity within each density of the creation carries within it the same power of motivation and direction that empowers the entire creation—the desire to know, the desire to be, the desire to grow, to serve. This desire manifests itself in a workable fashion within your illusion as the qualities of what we may call will and faith. As an entity focuses the power of the will in any particular direction and empowers that will with the faith that what is willed or desired may be obtained, the entity then unleashes the power of desire to move itself in a certain direction for a certain purpose.
Thus, it is not a question of what is possible, but what one desires, for each entity may utilize the power of the will and the sustenance of faith to move itself in any direction which it chooses by its own free will choice.
May we speak further, my brother?
T: I have a comment—hopefully you’ll comment on it. You’re saying basically, then, that we are all the Creator and that whatever we focus our desire on we can bring to fruition by sustaining that desire…
[Side one of tape ends.]
…a lot of emotion behind a desire for a certain thing or situation or state of mind, then, is that a gauge by which we can gauge our own desire? I mean, I think I want something, but then if I’m not able to sustain a high level of emotion behind wanting it, can I pretty much take that as saying, well, I don’t guess, at another level of my being, that I really do want that? Does that make any sense?
I am Q’uo, and we apologize for the delay, my brother. We might suggest that situation of which you speak is basically perceived correctly, for each entity is a complex expression of a variety of desires both preincarnatively chosen and chosen during the incarnation. These desires may have more or less power or focus of attention for each entity. Thus, if an entity has decided before the incarnation that it wishes to learn a certain set of lessons and provide a certain set of services, shall we say, and during the incarnation by the action of free will choosing decides that there are other areas in which it wishes to move its attention and focus its desire, there may arise a conflict within the subconscious mind of the entity so that that which has been chosen more recently works at cross currents, shall we say, to those basic qualities of choice made previous to the incarnation.
Thus, it is sometimes the case that an entity will find itself somewhat confused and unable to realize certain desires that it has chosen for itself. In such cases, the realigning of the entity’s choices and their priorities is often a process which is speeded by the careful inward searching of what is truly of most value to the entity, for it is indeed so that the power of desire focused through the expression of will and faith provides an entity the ability to move itself as it chooses if its choices are fundamentally in harmony, shall we say, with its truest nature, that which has been brought with it into the incarnational experience.
Thus, for the most efficient expression and fulfillment of desire, it is well to know the self and those qualities which have become the foundation stones of the entity and which provide it a base upon which it might stand as it views the universe about it and chooses its path of moving through that creation.
T asked how people could manifest things, people, or a state of mind that they desired in their lives. Q’uo said that each person has come to Earth to experience certain lessons in the incarnation. This desire is related to the one Creator who desires to know Itself, and each seeker can use this desire in the form of exercising its will to achieve certain goals and have the faith that such is possible in order for the goals to be achieved. Then T added another thought that since Q’uo said we are all the Creator we just need to sustain our desire for what we want, but if it doesn’t happen then does that mean that on some level of his being he really doesn’t want that. Q’uo then suggested that his thought was correct when one considers that much of what we have pre-incarnatively programmed may be at variance with what we want during the incarnation. Then Q’uo suggested he search inwardly to find what he really wanted and seek those more spiritual goals that are part of the plan of the incarnation. On November 3, 2018, Q’uo went into some detail to describe how pre-incarnative choices may be realized within the incarnation and form the true nature of our desires:
We would consider the possibility that an entity who feels that it is not aware of preincarnative choices, may not be aware that it is enacting certain functions or processing of catalyst that does recognize preincarnative choices upon an unconscious level. For most entities within the third-density illusion, this is the case, for it is the subconscious or unconscious mind which is completely aware of all preincarnative choices, and has the function of coloring any catalyst that comes to a seeker of truth in a certain way that allows that seeker to look upon the catalyst in a manner that is congruent with pre-incarnative choices.
Thus, the entity so utilizing the catalyst, may not be aware, consciously, that what it is seeing, as it looks at its daily round of activities and how it perceives them, is a perception that is, indeed, in alignment with its choices made prior to the incarnation. Thus, if entities will simply, in the meditative state, at the end of the day, observe those activities which made a mark upon the mind that moved the entity to remember in some intellectual or emotional fashion that which occurred, then there may be the perception that a certain amount of experience of pre-incarnative choices has occurred.
As this process of evaluating each day’s activities occurs in meditation at the end of the day, there may seem to be a certain kind of pattern evolving within the experience of such an entity so that the pattern expresses the nature of the pre-incarnative choice that has been experienced by the entity. Thus, paying attention to what is occurring in the life experience is the surest means by which to become aware of those choices one has made with the hopes that the learning of them will move the entity further along the path of the evolution of mind, body, and spirit, eventually resulting in the opening of the heart, and the movement into the fourth density of love and understanding.
May we speak further, my brother?
T: No, thank you very much.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query?
Carla: I’ll give you one last question since nobody else has one. This is from J. I’ll try to paraphrase it from her letter. She said it had occurred to her that the channel seemed a lot like the contact, and she wondered if those who channeled weren’t wanderers channeling their true density selves.
I am Q’uo, and we find that though the supposition is one which may be correct in some cases, yet it is far too general in its application, for many instruments upon your planetary sphere at this time are from densities and portions of densities not available to their present incarnational experience and ability to contact in a reliable fashion. It is more nearly correct to suggest that those who offer themselves in service to others as vocal channels are able to provide information of a nature which is congruent with their own current level of seeking, thus attracting to themselves that which is in harmonic resonance with the nature of information which they have been utilizing within the life experience. Thus, as one learns, one may share that which has been found helpful to the self with others.
The most dynamic type of instruction is the personal experience, thus instruments may find that that which they have to share in the vocal channeling is oftentimes a reflection of the personal experience, and thus becomes a teaching and learning tool not only for the self, but for others within the evident reach of the self which serves as instrument.
Carla asked a question from J who wondered if channels for entities like Q’uo might be wanderers who were channeling information from their home densities. Q’uo began their response by saying that this was true in some cases but not so as a general rule. Q’uo suggested that it would be more likely that channels would be channeling information that was congruent with their own level of spiritual learning so that they would be sharing their spiritual growth with others to help them on their spiritual journeys. On October 11, 2008, Q’uo described the qualities and circumstances which allow a person to become a channel:
The working together, the inspiration together, and so forth does not necessarily predispose you towards being better channels or towards being a particular kind of channel. The help that you receive, however, is in that sense of self that is difficult to quantify but is nevertheless very real. And that, in its turn, predisposes you to have faith in yourself and to release yourself from worries concerning channeling or anything else that you wish to do.
The quality of companionship and mutual support that you are able to experience in a group when you are giving your support to others and they are generously and unstintingly giving it right back to you, has an effect upon the way that you feel about yourself. There is a validation there on a level that does not have words. And this relaxes you and allows your self-confidence to become—not overweening and proud—but this takes away the tendency towards contracting and worrying about things, including channeling.
Rather, we would say that what predisposes one towards being a better channel is gaining clarity within the self concerning the self, so that when you approach learning to channel, for instance, you are aware of why you are here, why you are working on this particular skill and art, and consequently it is much more simple and matter-of-fact.
As to what would predispose one to be a certain kind of channel, that is something that is unique to each person. It is not from the outside in that a person becomes a particular kind of channel—it is from the inside out.
May we speak further, my sister?
Carla: Not any further tonight. Thank you so much. Anybody else have questions?
R: Yes. Q’uo, I have heard and read and chanced to meet an entity by the name [inaudible]. By any chance are you teaching it or know of or of a form of that energy?
I am Q’uo, and as a grouping of entities into what you would call a social memory complex, we are of an origin which is exterior to your own planetary sphere. We are aware of many of the nature of the one of which you speak which have successfully moved through the various planes of experience which your planetary sphere offers as its third-density illusion. Many are those such as this entity who have learned well what is within this illusion and now offer themselves as teachers and guides, as you would call them, who are able to be of service by making contacts with vocal channels similar to the experience which each within this circle of seeking shares this evening.
R asked Q’uo if they were familiar with or teaching a channel that R had met. Q’uo said that they knew of entities who were of this planetary sphere who had learned the lessons of third density and then offered themselves as teachers and guides much like Q’uo did. On August 9, 1978, Hatonn gave the general principles which would allow entities to become channels for any higher source of information:
We have a great need for channels. But it is not in a sense of an attempt to start, shall we say, an organization, which grows in numbers and converts as with the church. There is a need for the truth on your planet, a dire need which is expressed by many. The truth has in many cases become distorted by those who are the most ignorant to offer it. We ourselves are aware that we distort the truth by speaking in verbal communication rather than allowing only silence [instead of] thoughts. But we feel that you, too, see, shall we say, an archetypical method of communication, which we employ and which uses a “now” organization, or shall we say geometry, 1 [so] we possibly have less distortions in our discussion of true understanding. A great part of our truth lies in the fact that we do not claim to be telling the entire truth, for it is our humble feeling that we do not know the absolute truth.
May we speak further, my sister?
R: No, thank you. That answers it.
Carla: Is there any intention to the similarity of the two names. I noticed it too. Is there some sympatico vibe between you?
I am Q’uo, and there is no conscious intention upon our part to emulate or simulate the vibratory sound complex of another, yet all who seek to be of service in this manner share the desire to give that of love and light which it has been our privilege and honor to gain in our own journeys of seeking the truth. Thus, we find that the naming, as you call it, is a process by which we make ourselves more comfortable to those whom we contact, and do so in a manner which in some fashion represents our nature of being. Thus, the nature of our beingness may be similar to many who choose to be of service by establishing the mind-to-mind contact which is known among your peoples as the vocal channeling.
May we speak further, my sister?
Carla: No thank you.
I am Q’uo, and again we thank you, my sister. Is there another query at this time?
I am Q’uo, and we find that we have exhausted the queries at approximately the same time as we have exhausted this instrument. We are greatly appreciative at the opportunity to blend our vibrations with your own in this circle of seeking. We again remind each that we are but your fallible brothers and sisters who walk the same path as you, and we do not wish our words weighted overmuch. Take those which ring true and leave those that do not. We shall take our leave of this group at this time, leaving each as each is in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are those of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus.
This morning I went to an appointment with my orthopedic surgeon to took an X-ray of my right hip which he replaced last October, and he found that all looks well and that I don’t need to come back to see him for another year and another X-ray.
This afternoon I painted the back of the double car garage with white paint from the triangle under the roof to just above the ground where the concrete foundation for the garage is. Now there is just the back of the single car garage to paint tomorrow. The single car garage was built a hundred years ago, and then the double car garage was built onto the front of it many years later.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
September 7
Truth Renews The Senses
I am the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ, the principle of unconditional love and the encourager of grace amidst paradox.
I come to this instrument in that glad paradox of eternity and dust which is the spirit in manifestation. The spirit speaks as an echo reverberating that which the heart of man already knows. Where the heart lies open, each moment may disclose a new heaven and a new earth.
See the paradox of your soul’s striving amidst the celebration of perfection which is the essence of the nature of the reality hidden in manifestation. Let the spirit of love conquer the eye that sees the mask of things. Through the spirit apprehend the inner core of perfection in each and every circumstance.
For by this willingness to trust in the spirit of love, by this choosing of a consciousness of love, you may view each desert as a garden and each garden as a desert, gaining for yourself the full picture which the true heart may paint of the paradoxes of divine love.
Release the need to make sense and allow truth to renew your senses.
In peace we leave you, now and ever.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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