I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from January 11, 1987:
“Q’uo: You have asked us to discuss the paradox of opposite emotions. ‘Why,’ you ask, ‘is there both joy and sorrow?’”
(Carla channeling)
I am Q’uo, and I greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is a great blessing to share your meditation with you, and we humbly thank you for allowing us to partake in the vibrations which are so beautiful a part of the creation, for each of you creates a beautiful harmony and symphony with all of the colors and tints, hues and shades of emotion, thought and action with which you weave the tapestry of your lives. In meditation, each energy center, as this instrument calls it, flows more and more, and clearly, colorful and beautiful to our perception, with the aura sharing so beautifully that unique gift which is each entity’s to offer to itself, for each which sees beauty is also of that beauty, and we thank you for the rare privilege of seeing so lovely a reflection of the Creator we are, all as you sit in the light of your circle, radiant and at peace.
Yet, what makes you at peace at this time is not what you have asked us to discuss. You have asked us to discuss the paradox of opposite emotions. “Why,” you ask, “is there both joy and sorrow?”
Q’uo began this session by thanking each person present for sharing their meditation with Q’uo and for being such a radiant and peaceful reflection of the Creator. They could see the aura of each reflected in the energy centers as a unique gift that each entity offered to itself and to the Creator which formed a light of radiance and peace. And then Q’uo said that this peace was not what they had been asked to discuss. Rather, it was “Why is there both joy and sorrow?” On September 4, 1978, Hatonn began to answer this question:
Each of you has been through many cycles, becoming more and more a true reflection of the Creator. It is for this reason that we are. We are here to realize the Creator, to see and to reflect and to share the Creator with each other, and thus we are the Creator. Whenever you realize that great force of love in your dealings with others, you have given love to the Creator. For the Creator is in all that you see. Now how, my friends, can you be expected to know what love is and how to give it? This, my friends, is the question which you bring to the troubles of your life, as you experience it day by day in this physical density that you now enjoy. Each seeming difficulty is, shall we say, a quiz, a test, perhaps even, if it is a very difficult situation, the equivalent of a midterm, as this instrument would call it.
As we gaze at each beautiful glittering aura, at the amazing complexity of shading, shape and brightness, each entity quite perfect and unique, we can only praise the Creator for such spiritually helpful paradoxes, for it is through the stress of unacceptable things that the finest and most extreme emotions, thoughts and actions may be brought out of an entity. And as the Creator can only become Self-conscious by gazing at the infinite numbers of reflections that are the consciousnesses given free choice, the Creator sees brighter, deeper and ever more glorious faces. And once again, each time an entity chooses to use the experience of joy in a productive way or to use a difficult experience productively, the greater self of that entity cheers, knowing that the Creator has again chosen to express Itself in a more coherent and unified manner, for all of evolution in the spiritual as well as in other senses seems to us, in our opinion, to move in a purposefully positive way, each choice for crystallization moving and polarizing the entity more and more.
Q’uo went on to say that when we can use both difficult situations and joyful situations to allow the Creator to express Itself through us as a means of polarizing our choices more and more positively we are giving the Creator more ways of knowing Itself. Once again, those of Hatonn expressed these same thoughts on September 4, 1978:
Thus, our learning comes over long periods of time, as you would call it, simply by sharing that which we know with others. In this we refine and refine ourselves, more and more purely. But it is a slow process. You on the other hand have chosen, and are appropriately placed in, a situation in which love is completely masked in some situation, and you must from your own understanding of reality find the love within each being and within each situation, dwell on it in your heart, and thus correct in your inner picture the errors in your outer picture. Many of those in your world have a strong faith that 2 plus 2 equals 5 in many situations. And you have been taught wrong information as basic as 2 plus 2 is 5, and you have absorbed it into your being. Now in your heart, when all seems awry, it is your lesson to find the harmony, to find that 2 plus 2 is 4 and thus secure in your knowledge of Love.
Allow that Love and that right understanding to illuminate the situation and heal what can be healed. You cannot heal other beings unless they request it or desire it. But you can heal that portion within yourself which may feel pain. And in healing yourself, in truth you heal the universe. Remember, my friends, your basic attempt is to seek for yourself, and then share with others whenever you can. But to seek for others is impossible.
This is our attempt at explaining why there is joy and why there is sorrow, but not why there is a paradox. In order to grasp the necessity of paradox in any limited expression of the inexpressible, one must first realize the profound mystery of the Creation itself. In terms of grasping an ultimate mystery, those who use words, and, to a great extent, those who use concepts to communicate, are completely unable to grasp truth. There is no polarity, nor is there sense. Sense consists of the organization of random effects so that coherence may be established. This is indeed the discipline of the personality.
The mind of your conscious self is able only to deal with sense. Therefore, it is extremely common among your peoples to see the Deity Itself in a polarized fashion. All of your illusion depends upon polarity, and not yours alone, but a large portion, indeed, a considerable one of the total experience of which we are at this present moment aware. Thus, the physical and metaphysical laws, shall we say, or descriptions of the way things are arranged, must include polarity of all kinds and the concept of oppositeness. The either/or nature of your experience is designed to enable the decision-making process that, as each entity moves through the density of choice, each choice has the chance of being a firm and serious choice, one highly polarized, making one a more conscious person.
Thus, all of the emotions may be found to have the opposite, and, indeed, in some way, include and evoke the opposite shadow, for has there been pure joy without sorrow? Or unadulterated sorrow without some fond or joyful shade?
As the seeker becomes able to grasp the intended use of both joy and sorrow, the seeker may then balance joy with sorrow and sorrow with joy, sickness with health and health with sickness, in all experience of polarized nature whatever, finding in any polarity of seeming catalyst a free choice for the emotion expressed in experience. It is rare for seekers to find it easy to master this discipline, but the problem of polarity being a central lesson for love and wisdom and balance between them shall be with you for a long portion of experience, and it is well to begin the process of either/or so that in each choice you may become a bit more balanced, a bit more compassionate, and a bit more aware of the full consciousness of Love which created both joy and sadness and polarity itself, for in the end, if we can find joy an occasion to worship and sadness an occasion to praise, we shall once and for all have learned a central lesson of consciousness.
Q’uo said that the mystery of creation was contained in the paradox of words and concepts being unable to grasp the nature of reality. Rather the ability to organize random effects to establish a coherence of experience is a helpful discipline of the personality. Within this discipline of the personality is the concept of the polarization of consciousness so that each emotion has its opposite as has been created by the consciousness of Love as being the central lesson of consciousness. On August 23, 1983, Latwii spoke of the discipline of the personality is the great work of all densities which begins in our third density:
The topic of discipline is one which deserves a great deal of attention, and we feel we shall not do it justice in our response but shall make an attempt, for the discipline of the personality is the great work of all densities. It begins within that illusion which you now inhabit. To focus the attention of the mind is to control, to use a poor term, a great power, a creative force of infinite potential. That this force begins in what seems as chaos in undifferentiated focus is fitting, for its eventual goal is to be single-pointed, and to lead the seeker on that path which has been called straight and narrow.
But before such can occur, much exploration must precede that fine focusing. It is necessary for each seeker to shine the light of consciousness in all directions in order that the one Creator which each seeker is might know what resources surround it, what potentials wait, what choices can be made. This is a time within your illusion of the gathering of motivation, shall we say, of the development of the will and the faith to exercise that will as choices in the seeking continue to be made, and as these choices become more and more finely focused and tuned to that straight and narrow path. You will do what you do and choose as you choose for as long as is necessary for your will to finally move in a certain direction.
We leave you, delighting in the joysome and riotous symphony of planets, stars, galaxies and infinite constellations. We are grateful for the intensity of your seeking, and shall be with any which shall request our presence during meditation, that we may in silence kneel within the heart and bow before the perfect whole and unified creation which is All and in All.
We are those of Q’uo. We ask, as always, that you take no thought for any idea which may have been offered by us which you find unhelpful. We are far from infallible, and are imperfect and most humble in our offering to you of our opinions. We thank you again and again, and must reluctantly leave this channel. We would transfer at this time. I am Q’uo.
This afternoon I ran some errands with my first stop being at Kroger’s to buy some granola since my order from Amazon has not come yet. My second stop was at Porter’s Paints to buy white paint for the back of the garage. My last stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy more food.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
September 6
The Strength Of Acceptance
I am the spirit of Jesus the Christ, the Son of Man. I greet you in the full consciousness of love in manifestation.
We hear the voices of those upon your planet who cry, “Woe! Woe! Dark is the day, and dark is the hour!” The railing against fate and the anger against the Father is most understandable and acceptable.
Yet as the spirit of Jesus Christ is the spirit of power and creation, so those who cry woe and feel powerless must needs call to the Holy Spirit. For within each difficulty, within each pain, there lies a peace, an acceptance. The strength to adopt acceptance and to move in acceptance of limitations and difficulties is at least equal to the strength and power to go forth and do battle in the name of Jesus Christ.
Realize that in the center of your being is the power to accept powerlessness and to accept that which cannot be changed. There is the peace in that acceptance which may open into joy. The cross is for all who seek to know Jesus Christ.
We leave you in the peace of the full consciousness of divine, sacrificial and creative love, both now and forever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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