I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 14, 1986:
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and greet each of you again in love and light. To finish that which we had begun through the one known as Carla.
We have come to the point in our discussion of the one known as Jesus in which we wish to share some information concerning the perceptions which the one known as Jesus would perhaps make upon the patterns and rituals of observing this occasion that is known as the Mass of Christ’s birth. Indeed, within each entity who seeks answers to the mysteries of life there is a season during which the activities of the entity cease and the focus of attention is pointed inward.
The fruitful time in the sense of experience gained is considered within the inner being to be likened as to a foundation for that which is to come. Within each entity that seeks these truths of experience there comes the time when there will be a new beginning. This is often preceded by the trials which test that which has been known and applied to experience. From these trials, then, the entity moves to the limits of its being, and through a sacrifice of its own knowing and unknowing, and a surrender of these to that force which is paramount in the life pattern, call it the one Creator or Love or the Christ Consciousness, if you will.
With this surrender, then, comes the possibility of a new seeding of awareness and experience within the seeker. As each of your peoples then take part in the celebrations in the name of the Christed Jesus, each then does also partake in some fashion of this ritual of renewal and eventual resurrection of the Christed consciousness within each manifested vehicle which has the Logos as source and motivator in the great experience of evolution which each of you undertakes.
There are, of course, many distractions to any life pattern and celebration, such as the one which this season has provided once again.
At this time we feel that we have shared that which is congruent with our perception of your call. We would then at this time ask if we might speak upon any further topics or attempt clarity with regards to that which we have shared this evening. Are there any queries at this time?
Q’uo began their message by saying that each person moves out of the daily round of activities and partakes in some way in the Mass of Christ, or that which we usually call Christmas, renewal, and resurrection. On February 4, 1996, Q’uo again spoke of the nature of renewal that is available to each seeker of truth:
It is said among your peoples that each day is a new beginning. And indeed this is so, yet some beginnings are larger than others, for as we spoke previously, each entity has cycles and seasons of growth, of harvest, of quiet time, of renewal, of beginning again this great cycle of experiencing the one Creator in many forms and yet seeing how all dissolves to one concept or quality called love.
J: Did I understand correctly that the birth of Jesus occurred in midsummer, or did I hear incorrectly on that?
I am Q’uo, and we spoke thusly, my brother. May we speak in any further fashion?
J: And the birth of Christ was approximately five and one half years prior the time our historians believe to be the actual birth of Christ. Is that correct?
I am Q’uo, and as accurately as we can perceive your measurements of time, this figure is relatively accurate.
May we answer further, my brother?
J: What was the name of the entity that gave physical birth to the baby Jesus?
I am Q’uo, and we find that the literal translation of this entity’s naming, as you call it, is not possible, but is approximated by the sound vibratory complex that is known among your peoples as Mary.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: From tonight’s lesson I think I understood that Jesus, before incarnating in third density, chose to incarnate into third density, but somehow was granted the ability not to go through the veiling process that normally third-density beings go through prior to incarnation into this dimension. Is this correct?
I am Q’uo, and we find that this has correctness to it, though we see some difficulty in a full explication of the nature of the awareness that was experienced by the one known as Jesus. This entity was able to retain pathways of perception, shall we say, in its incarnate state that were easily activated in a sequential fashion according to experience gained throughout the incarnation so that at a latter point within the incarnation this entity was able to channel and experience the Love of the Father which you would call the Logos in a fashion which was in harmonious resonance with the personality, shall we say, of the one known as Jesus without obliterating that per…
[Side one of tape ends.]
(Jim channeling)
I am Q’uo, and am again with this instrument. Since we had completed our response, we shall ask if there might be a further query upon which we could speak, my brother?
J asked if Jesus was able to incarnate without going utilizing the veil of forgetting. Q’uo suggested that Jesus was able to activate various pathways of perception that allowed it, in a later portion of its incarnation, to channel the Love of the Logos or the Father. In John 10:30, Jesus said:
“I and the Father are One.”
J: Why was it necessary tonight for the ones doing the channeling to do a deeper state of concentration, shall I say, in order to bring about this channeling tonight?
I am Q’uo. The reasons were two. Firstly, the topic queried upon was one which is central to the incarnational patterns of some within this group, thus there was some added risk in the possible infringement upon free will. Secondly, the nature of the queries was of a specific enough focus that in order to respond with the appropriate information there was the necessity of the ones serving as instruments to move to deeper portions of the conscious mind so that less static, shall we say, would be likely to interfere with the concepts being transmitted.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: Thank you very much. That cleared that up. I have just one more question. Well, first let me ask you this. Have there been further incarnations of the entity known as Jesus upon the planet Earth?
I am Q’uo, and we find that there have not been, my brother. May we speak further?
J: Will there be another incarnation of this entity on the planet Earth?
I am Q’uo, and we find that it is not the entity known as Jesus that shall appear again, but the Christed consciousness which shall move through those of your population which have prepared a place for this consciousness.
J asked if Jesus would incarnate again on Earth again. Q’uo said that Jesus would not incarnate again but the Christed consciousness would be experienced by seekers “which have prepared a place for this consciousness” which is somewhat similar to what Ra had to say in 17.22:
Questioner: In our culture there is a great saying that he will return. Can you tell me if this is planned?
Ra: I am Ra. I will attempt to sort out this question. It is difficult. This entity became aware that it was not an entity of itself but operated as a messenger of the One Creator whom this entity saw as Love. This entity was aware that this cycle was in its last portion and spoke to the effect that those of its consciousness would return at the harvest.
The particular mind/body/spirit complex you call Jesus is, as what you would call an entity, not to return except as a member of the Confederation occasionally speaking through a channel. However, there are others of the identical congruency of consciousness that will welcome those to the fourth density. This is the meaning of the returning.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: I’m a little confused. Can you explain further about a place for this event?
I am Q’uo. We began speaking of such a preparation in the final portion of our opening message for this evening when we spoke of those seekers of truth who retire to the inner portions of the self to stand upon the foundation of what has been gained of experience and reach for that which is cloaked in mystery and attempt to bring forth within the incarnational pattern the proper conditions that will allow the same channeling of Love which the one known as Jesus accomplished in its life pattern.
This “ritual of celebration,” as we called the process, is one which each entity observes in some fashion in this season during which the birth of the one known as Jesus is celebrated. The process was demonstrated by the incarnation of the one known as Jesus, eventually culminating in the resurrection of the Christed consciousness within the life pattern of the seeker residing within the third-density illusion. Thus, by such seeking and exercise of faith does the seeker prepare a place within the life pattern for this resurrection, shall we say.
Q’uo attempted to speak to J’s question of whether Jesus might return to this world by using the analogy of each seeker’s attempt to use what it has gained of realization of the mystery of creation to also channel that which Jesus channeled of the Love of the Creator. On December 19, 1999, Q’uo spoke of this process that is available in the season of Advent:
As we begin to look over this interesting subject of energy exchange and blockage we note that it is what this instrument would call the season of Advent, that time in your solar year when darkness claims your Earth plane the maximum amount of time during your days, the time when the light seems farthest. In this darkness the light is born, and into this darkness the light does come, and each of you is a repository of that light, and each of you wears the crown upon your head. And it is heavy. And this is as it should be. As the one known as Jim spoke earlier, from the standpoint of each of you before incarnation, each and every difficulty that you are having, from the depletion of your energy from unwise exchange, with disappointment in yourself for energy blockage, was gazed at with delight, with eager anticipation of running the straight race, serving with gladness and joy, being a light within the darkness of the Earth plane. From that vantage point the perfection of the pattern was seen, accepted and acted upon. It is, indeed, an innocence of soul and spirit that is bound to be lost, that idealistic, optimistic concept that the self has of the self’s coming incarnation.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: No, I think I understand. That’s all the questions that I have. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Are there further queries at this time?
H: I have a couple—maybe just one. Immediately after Christ resurrected from the tomb, was his body solid, or would it pass through doors, like a vapor?
I am Q’uo. The entity known as Jesus, at the time of that known as the resurrection, was able to channel the Love of the Father or the Logos to such an extent that it was able to affect the structure of its physical vehicle in a way which filled it with Light so that it was able to manifest both the characteristics of your third-density illusion when appropriate, and able also to refine its focus of Light to the point of being able to move through what you would see as solid material of your third-density illusion.
May we speak further, my brother?
H: No, that cleared that up quite well, and the second question too. That’s all the questions. Thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. Is there another query at this time?
J: Could you explain the configuration of which you spoke, in the skies, that created the optical illusion of illumination or a cluster of light at the time of the birth of Christ?
I am Q’uo, and we pause in order to allow this instrument to move somewhat more deeply into the meditative state. The patterns of light that became obviously apparent to the physical eye of those within the vicinity of that known as the Holy Land were produced by an unusual alignment of both planets and constellations of stars that seemed to focus their brilliance upon a point which seemed far nearer your Earth planet by far than even your moon, so that there was projected from this alignment of celestial bodies a focus for their light that approached this planetary sphere at a focal point which was seen as a sign to those who studied the skies and more especially the stars.
J asked if the cluster of light at the times of the birth of Jesus was an optical illusion. Q’uo said that this light was a combination of planets and constellations of stars that produced a focus of light that was near to the Earth and visible to those who studied the stars. On April 9, 1985, Laitos spoke of the Star of Bethlehem:
I am Laitos, and we feel that we might best describe the relationship of the so-called Star of Bethlehem and others with the one that has come to be known as Jesus of Nazareth as he entered your third-density physical illusion. The occasion can be seen much as the send-off that a great and varied grouping of friends may give one of its own as it goes off upon a long and lonely journey to a distant land that is in, shall we say, great distress and calls with great intensity for the services that all within this family of entities have to offer, and these services then shall be individualized and manifested by one of the group, and in this case, the one was known and is known among your peoples as Jesus of Nazareth, the Christed One.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: Was this configuration or alignment of the celestial bodies coincidental, or was it to fulfill the prophecy of the birth of Jesus the Christ?
I am Q’uo, and we may note that this alignment was a cyclical event which was an integral portion of the evolutionary cycle of your planetary sphere which provided a doorway of a kind through the metaphysical realms, shall we say, that was the signal for the opportunity for the one known as Jesus to begin its service in the fashion which became known as its incarnational experience.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: If this configuration is cyclical, when will it occur again?
I am Q’uo, and this particular configuration or opportunity for refining the focus of consciousness is that which appears near the ending of what we find many of your peoples call a major cycle of evolution, that which numbers approximately 25,000 of your years. This opportunity allows those of a planetary population who ready for the harvest or graduation, as we find you call it, to begin the final lessons that will allow such graduation. The refining of the focus of consciousness is the general opportunity which is provided to each in a unique fashion for each.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: Thank you. That clears it up. Have we pinpointed the exact spot of the birth of Jesus?
I am Q’uo, and we find that this location remains yet a mystery to your peoples.
May we speak further, my brother?
J: Would it be possible for you to tell us approximately where the exact location is, then?
I am Q’uo, and we are not able to move this instrument deeply enough in its own tree of mind for the transmission of this information, and we apologize for this limitation. Indeed, we find that the focus required for this particular transmission has begun to waver somewhat within this instrument.
May we attempt another query at this time?
J: No thank you, that’s all the questions that I have.
Carla: I’d like to ask one last question and then, with thanks, encourage you to go on, because it does seem like the instrument’s really tired. I know this was tiring for me, too. But I thank you for coming. First of all, two things. Just yes or no. Did you mean a 25,000 year cycle or a 75,000 year cycle, because you said “major cycle”?
I am Q’uo, and we meant to use the term “major” to signify the 25,000 year cycle, reserving the term “master” for the addition of three 25,000 year cycles.
Carla: Okay. The last question is just yes or no, but I have to go on for just a little bit because I’ve been pondering what you said earlier about mysteries. And the real mystery, I mean, you didn’t decline to answer that much, but there was one thing that you hinted at, but it was a real mystery. I mean, it was a contradiction, which of course is the nature of spiritual things, and that was this. That you had me thinking for awhile that Jesus was—well, we’ve gotten in other information—a wanderer that decided he was up to doing this job and came here, and in other information we’ve learned, he was awakened to some lifting of the veil and it kept happening and kept happening until he was real aware. So basically, he channeled the Christ throughout his life, but there’s always a distinction between Jesus the man and the Christ.
Now there was something that you said that hinted at the mystery, and that was, you said ultimately the Christ became Jesus, which would suggest more of like a walk-in situation where the Christ comes in and basically takes over the consciousness. Yet at the same time, you said that the one known as Jesus never forgot that it wasn’t he, it was the Creator that he was channeling. Is this the heart of the mystery that you cannot in any satisfactory way explain to third-density minds?
I am Q’uo. This is indeed the mystery, my sister, for within the third-density illusion, each seeker of what you call the truth places itself in a position of receptivity to that truth by the intensity of the seeking, the strength of faith and will, so that at some point within the cycle of incarnations, it is possible for such a seeker to not only discover that which it seeks, but to become that which it seeks. Thus is the meaning of the resurrection within third density. The seeker builds with mortal hands a manifested life that may be constructed in such a fashion in metaphysical terms that that known as Love may move through the being in such a pure fashion as to shine as that which it is, the pure and virgin consciousness of the one Creator, moving to gain the experience of the creation which It has made of Itself, and doing this within the life pattern of incarnate third-density beings who have prepared this place within their life patterns and, thus, not only receive that which was sought, but become that which was sought.
Carla asked Q’uo to share more of the mystery of how Jesus was able to channel the Christ, or the Creator, and how this mystery was difficult to explain in words to the third-density mind. Q’uo agreed this was true for Jesus and for each seeker of truth in the third density when the seeker could use the power of its will and faith through many incarnations to not only discover that which it seeks but to become it. In 75.23, Ra described how this process works for the adept:
Each entity is the Creator. The entity, as it becomes more and more conscious of its self, gradually comes to the turning point at which it determines to seek either in service to others or in service to self. The seeker becomes the adept when it has balanced, with minimal adequacy, the energy centers red, orange, yellow, and blue, with the addition of the green for the positive, thus moving into indigo work.
The adept then begins to do less of the preliminary, or outer, work having to do with function, and begins to effect the inner work which has to do with being. As the adept becomes a more and more consciously crystallized entity it gradually manifests more and more of that which it always has been since before time: that is, the One Infinite Creator.
May we speak further, my sister?
Carla: No, that’s food enough for thought. Thank you very much for an elegant answer.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my sister. At this time, we shall ask if there might be a final short query before we close this working?
T: Yes. This is the true meaning, what you just stated is basically to my way of thinking—I’m asking if this is true—the true meaning of achieving Oneness, becoming One, in other words, the physical and the higher self in very simplistic terms, truly become One, when this point is achieved that you just described? Is that basically correct?
I am Q’uo, and this is correct, my brother, for the inheritance of each portion of the one Creator is the one Creator. Much there is that shall be learned during that time of incarnation within the third-density illusion where the veils of forgetting are moved into place to enable that experience within this illusion to be of an intensity that provides each portion of the Creator the fullest range of opportunity to know the power of Love to redeem and resurrect even the tiniest portion of the one Creator. Thus, when each seeker moves to the point at which it may so perfectly channel the one Creator in its Love aspect, then each portion of the life pattern takes on an holy appearance and all is seen as sacred.
T wanted to know more about how we can become one with the Creator. Q’uo said that our third-density illusion provides many intensive experiences that allow such a becoming of One with the Creator to occur. In 81.13, Ra gave a summary of this process:
Questioner: [We have] already discussed the Significator, so I will skip to number thirteen. Transformation of Body is called Death, for with death the body is transformed to a higher-vibration body for additional learning. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and may be seen to be additionally correct in that each moment and certainly each diurnal period of the bodily incarnation offers death and rebirth to one which is attempting to use the catalyst which is offered it.
May we speak further, my brother?
T: No, that was fine, thank you.
I am Q’uo, and we thank you, my brother. At this time, we shall take our leave of this instrument and this group, with our great and joy-filled thanksgiving to each for allowing our humble thoughts to be projected through words to each heart and mind. Again we remind each that we seek as do you, hopefully, faithfully, yet fallibly. Take those words with meaning and use them as you will, leaving those with none. We are known to you as those of Q’uo, and we leave you at this time in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai, my friends. Adonai vasu borragus.
This morning I changed out the sheets on my bed and washed the bed spread and two pillow shams. Then I went outside and completed the digging of the Tiger Lily path and followed that with the use of my garden tiller to be sure that the dirt is free of clods before the transplanting of any shrubs. Then I went over to Thieneman’s Nursery and purchased seven Nandina shrubs.
This afternoon I transplanted the Nandina and got them watered. Then I came inside and did the laundry from the bedding change this morning.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
August 31
The House Of God
I am of the principle which animated Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full consciousness of love.
The basilica of your holy temple is most lofty and grand; the chancel of your cathedral most capacious and elegant, built by man as if to invite hosts of angels to dwell therein.
Yet we say to you that those lofty spaces arching far above the head of the seeker are created of an instinct concerning the inner light of humankind, not the boarding needs of angels.
Let your thoughts and prayers be those which are uplifting and soaring above the common run of human thought and know that if you be not in those houses dedicated to the Lord God, yet still have you a lofty arch into which you may throw your heaving joy and groaning sorrow, for the great circle of human consciousness reaches to the very heart of the Creator regardless of your position in the world.
May your prayers be seen as having wings, not only in the house of God but in the greater house of God which is the world. May all places be holy to you this day.
We leave you in utter sanctity and peace, now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.
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