
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the 102 quote comes from the Prologue and the section on how Jim chose to live the Choice in his life:

How Jim Chose to Live the Choice in His Life

Compared to Don’s and Carla’s early beginnings in living the Choice, I was a late bloomer. I was a college graduate with majors in business and economics before I discovered that I did not want to pursue making money as my life’s goal. I graduated in 1969, and by that time I had become a member of the “hippie revolution.” Drugs, sex, and rock and roll became a happy interlude in my life pattern that caused me to think seriously about how I wanted to live my life in a manner that focused on what I perceived as righting the wrongs of the American materialistic way of life.

The first thing that I did as I began to think “outside of the cultural box” was to go back to college to take a solid year of sociology so that I had another major that I thought would be more worth pursuing. After studying sociology, I took a slight bend in the road and joined the National Teacher Corps, a program implemented by Congress to improve education for children in low-income areas of our country.

I was based at the University of Florida in Gainesville. There, the Teacher Corp worked with a program at the University of Florida called “Follow Through” that helped ensure children’s successful transition from the Head Start program into elementary school. I was one of  twenty-two “interns” in this program that came from all over the United States. We took a semester of classes on the campus in Gainesville, and then we moved to Jacksonville, Florida, in order to work with the inner-city kids there.

The program had various advantages for us as interns: we studied and earned a Master’s in Education with a specialization in early childhood development. We got experience in the classrooms in Jacksonville; and we were paid salaries while working in the Jacksonville school system. As many of us were hippies, we also got to protest the way that the public schools functioned in some areas. Our protests resulted in our being able to have our own classrooms that were filled with first through third graders who posed discipline problems for their regular teachers.

Though my heart felt to be in the right place in attempting to be of service to the kids in our classrooms, I did not feel that working with kids was my life’s work. After graduation I followed another course of study which I had discovered in the bibliography section of a book that we had used in our Teacher Corps classes called Raspberry Exercises: How to Start Your Own School and Make a Book. One of the sources that the authors of this book referred to was T.D. Lingo, who headed the Adventure Trails Survival School and was located in the Rocky Mountains forty miles west of Denver, Colorado.

He offered a course in Brain Self-Control that had the goal of allowing students to live in the primal nature environment for a month and to use dream analysis, journaling, and re-enacting the early childhood memories that blocked the brain’s natural function to circuit consciousness into the “dormant” frontal lobes. Each of us would build a lean-to out of sight of anyone else and have that be our base for this study.

Three meals per day were shared together, as were the most recent dreams that we’d had and our interpretations of them. We regarded these dreams as gifts from our subconscious minds providing clues to help us realize our full brain potential. Once we were able to get these messages via dreams, our next task was to write about how these messages and memories from childhood had hindered our spiritual growth.

The last stage in the freeing of our brain energies was to take part in a “neuro-drama” in which we replayed the instant in our childhoods where an adult—parents, teachers, neighbors, etc.—had negatively affected us in some fashion that had stunted our mental, emotional, or spiritual growth.

The idea here was that such negative programming had created “open circuits” in our brain’s neurons which drained away our brain’s energy and kept us locked out of our frontal lobes, the part of the brain associated with the third eye and one’s connection to intelligent energy and eventually to intelligent infinity. When three or four of these memories were enacted, we were able to “therapize” ourselves and achieve the frontal lobes experience of joy and bliss.

On July 12, 1972, in the pre-conscious state that occurs when awakening from sleep, I felt a “click” at my third eye, and I had my first frontal lobes experience, which felt like an orgasm in my brain. This would continue to happen over the course of nine years. Ra would one day speak to those experiences:

I am Ra. We scan the questioner and find some pertinent information already available which regards the physiological disposition of this particular part of the brain. The experiences described and experienced are those distillations which may be experienced after a concentration of effort upon the opening of the gateway, or indigo, mind complex so that experience of a sacramental, or violet, ray may occur. These experiences are the beginnings of that which, as the body, the mind, and the spirit become integrated at the gateway, or indigo, level, may then yield not only the experience of joy but the comprehension of intelligent infinity which accompanies it. Thus the body complex orgasm and mind complex orgasm becoming integrated may then set forth the proper gateway for the spiritual complex integration and its use as a shuttle for the sacrament of the fully experienced presence of the One Infinite Creator. Thus there is much to which the questioner may look forward.[1]

I returned to the survival school the following year as a teacher, and then I purchased land in the woods of central Kentucky where I started my own school: The Rock Creek Research & Development Laboratories, Inc. I lived off the grid on that land for six and one-half years and eventually had two classes of students take the Brain in Nature Course there.

While there I grew most of my own food in a large garden, put in a small orchard, and tended six hives of bees which produced honey that I sold at the farmers market in Perryville, Kentucky. To support myself I also cut tobacco plants for local farmers. My strength and physical energy allowed me to cut thirteen hundred sticks per day, each comprised of six plants on a four-foot wooden stick, at the rate of seven cents per stick—a good living which sustained me in the off-season. I built three other cabins and a root cellar thinking at the time that I would live there for the rest of my life.

Despite my solitary homestead, I got to experience interdependence and service to others in the form of two cooperative groups. One was a collection of food co-ops that spanned fives states, called the Federation of Ohio River Co-ops. In this organization each coop sent two representatives to bi-monthly meetings in Columbus, Ohio, and everyone had an opportunity to create and refine policies or to be in a representative role for their own local co-op. Together we practiced clear communication and representation, discussing each issue to arrive at a consensus vote. No action was taken on any issue until a consensus had been achieved. One of our meetings was held on my homestead, where 150 people trekked up my rocky creek bed, which was the access road to my land, to sleep in tents for three days. My co-op prepared and served everyone three meals a day during that long, joyful weekend.

The other organization I belonged to was called The Community Group. This was a cooperative of people in my area of central Kentucky who met one day each week, aiding one another in tasks such as digging gardens, building and painting homes, harvesting crops, or whatever other jobs needed to be done.

However, in May of 1978, I was listening to my battery-powered transistor radio and was tuned into WKQQ Radio Station in Lexington, Kentucky. They were airing an interview with Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert, and the topic was UFOs. Don and Carla were sharing some of the channeled information that they had received in the last couple of years as well as some data on UFO abductions that they had gathered in the twelve years they had been together.

They were sharing the philosophy of these UFO beings who said that we all were part of One Great Original Thought, or the One Infinite Creator. This great Thought not only produced the infinite creation that we all find ourselves in, but It included the idea that each of us contains the One Creator within our beings as we travel our spiritual journeys back into unity with the One Creator. These ideas shot  [G2] through me like bolts of lightning revealing what felt like the truth of my being.

I really had a strong desire to meet Don and Carla but had no idea how to go about it until an amazing synchronicity occurred. One day, at a meeting of my food-buying co-op, I was talking to a couple that lived on the other side of the same county that I lived in. Our conversation at this meeting, about five months after I’d heard the interview on the radio, was taking a spiritual turn and I mentioned the information I had heard Don and Carla talking about. In one of the happiest coincidences of my life, they said that they were part of Don and Carla’s meditation group and would be glad to introduce me to them.

For the next year I drove to Louisville every Sunday night to attend Don and Carla’s channeling meditation. At that time, they were channeling those of Latwii, a fifth-density planetary mind, and after the main message there was always a chance to ask questions. I was full of questions and became most impressed with the answers that Carla channeled.

I became good friends with Don and Carla, and in the summer of 1980, Morris Hoagland, a friend of Don and Carla’s, and I helped them  move from their apartment in the Highlands area of Louisville to a new location on the outskirts of Louisville that eventually became the house that we three would share during the Ra contact. After the move was complete, they asked me to join them in their work. However, I had been planning for a couple of years to move out to Yamhill, Oregon, to join Paul Shockley and the folks there who were channeling a source called Cosmic Awareness. I chose to move to Oregon due to my desire to further explore the high-quality information coming through the channel, but also because I was interested in conspiracy theories being discussed by the group at that time. It took a while for me to discover that conspiracy theories only served to distract me from the heart of my spiritual journey.

I had a good time out there, but when a chance to earn a lot of money came from one of the members of that group I took the weekend to meditate on what I should do. The money would come if I took the manager’s position in this fellow’s company that mined diatomaceous earth. I was concerned that this work would take me away from my spiritual path, and I hoped that meditation might help me to take the best path available to me at that time. That wish was certainly granted; it took only thirty seconds of meditation for a message to blaze across my inner field of vision like a comet: “Return to Louisville and join Don and Carla.”

I arrived back in Louisville on December 20, 1980, and three weeks later, on January 15, 1981, the Ra contact began. For the next three years and two months we had the joy, honor, and adventure of communicating with those of Ra who could answer any spiritually-oriented question we could ask as long as it didn’t infringe upon our free will. We knew without doubt that this contact with those of Ra was the pinnacle of our lives’ work.

This afternoon I drove over to southern Indiana to visit my good friend, Connie, who has been living in a care home for the last three and a half years due to two strokes she suffered in the summer of 2019. I always come half an hour or so after she has had lunch so we can share some cake and ice cream that I bring with me. Then I read Carla’s A Wanderer’s Handbook to her, and we stopped now and then to talk about one concept or another and had some good laughs at some of Carla’s humor. We always finish our time together with some meditation since Connie was a member of Carla’s and my meditation group for many years before she had the strokes.

From A Channeling Handbook, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 18

Dwell Upon Your Christhood

I am the spirit of the living Christ and I greet you in the name of Jesus, that which is so evocative of the full consciousness of love.

Dwell upon your Christhood this day. For the Son of Man invited all to partake in the suffering, renewal, resurrection and transformation that lies beyond the point of deepest suffering, of completest loss.

Gaze within in awe and wonder at the Star of Hope lying above your own stable, that heart’s manger wherein lies the tiny, infant Christ within, that Christ which is powerful enough even in infanthood to raise all within to glory.

Rest back, out of the surface illusion of your daily life. Dive beneath those murky waters and find and acknowledge today your nature and your destiny. Then know that Christ has given into your hands the companion of that infant Christ within, and seek the grace and the peace of the living spirit of Christ in each and every day.

We leave you in the peace of Christ, both now and forever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

[1] The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One, 49.2.