
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. The 103 quote today comes from the Introduction and the section on morals-religion:


When we talk about concepts like opening our hearts in unconditional love, about clear and honest communication that opens our eyes to a new world, and about contacting intelligent infinity and experiencing the sacramental joy of communing with the One Infinite Creator, many people would say that we are also speaking of a certain kind of moral behavior or religion. In some ways that can be true as we do utilize our spiritual journeys to provide us the most service-to-others type of behavior, and as we seek to do the Creator’s will, and as we love the Creator in all people. In the following quote Q’uo describes how we may do the Creator’s will:

When considering the milieu in which you live, move, and have your being, the third density is where you make the great choice as to how you shall extend your energies for the rest of this density, and the rest of the octaves of densities, that will lead you home to the One Infinite Creator.

And yet, that home is also firmly embedded within your own vehicle. For the Creator has made you, every entity on the planet, the planet itself, and all of the creation out of itself in order that it might know itself better, with more variety, or vividness, or power, or purity. This is your great journey as one who is the Creator in miniature, shall we say, seeking the Creator of all that is within all.

Your will, as you exercise more and more effectively, becomes as though a muscle in your physical body. It becomes stronger. It can become more focused. It is that which is the fuel of your journey of seeking. It is the most important tool that you have in your spiritual toolkit, shall we say. It is that which you may exercise as often as you wish, as often as you can, in order to continue to move forward in your positive polarization of service to all, and to others, to the One.

These choices that you make, however small or large, in every moment that you exist, can offer you a perpetual path of power, of the will to travel for the rest of your incarnations upon this earth, within the third density, the fourth and so forth so that you continue to ride the power of the will. As you move in harmony with the One, this movement is likened to a path, a conduit whereas, the energy of choice, the power of purpose, moves you in a rhythmic manner, a dance, shall we say, that brings you more and more in harmony with the Creator in all about you, the Creator within yourself, within the universe itself, so that you begin to blend your desire, your will to seek the Creator, to become the Creator with the Creator’s will, so that eventually you do the Creator’s will. For you have become the Creator having discovered who you are through all your choices and exercise of the will to seek the positive path of polarity in union with all. This exercise on a moment-by-moment basis is that which makes it possible for you to move into harmony with the One which is within you, without you with everyone, everywhere at all times. June 8, 2022.

However, I believe that there is a salient omission in our spiritual journeys that would keep us from being classically religious in that most Players on the Enhanced Gameboard do not have dogmatic beliefs that would separate them from any other person. In the following quote Q’uo described the problem with dogma:

For many people, the only way that they have found to approach their love of the one infinite Creator is to buy, as this instrument would say, hook, line and sinker, the dogma of a particular sect of a particular religion. For those entities who wish to do this, we may say that it is a valid path to the one infinite Creator. We would point out, however, that it is trammeled and slowed by the dogma which it carries and by those entities which are excluded from the love and the light of their Creator, in their story of the Creator, by judgment. June 24, 2005.

Rather, the spiritual concepts contained in the Law of One, by definition, bring us all together—unique as we all are—as one being as Hatonn said:

My friends, we are one being. We are not two, we are not several. Whatever the difference is in our condition, those differences are an illusion. For we are all one being formed in love. Like rays of an infinite and everlasting light, we have shot out through the prisms of our hopes and our dreams, and we are each in a unique vibratory position, relative to that great central sun of being which we call the Creator.

In meditation, my friends, you can begin to take the prism effect away. When a prism is removed from a light source, the many, many colors and shades of your rainbow become one white light. And so it is with each of you, my friends. It is as though as if you sat in love and contemplation together. Your vibrations shoot off into infinite space as a collection of harmonizing colors and yet, remove that understanding one dimension closer to the Creator, and one sees only the white light of all embracing love. August 9, 1978.

This afternoon I went outside and used my big mower to mulch the rest of the leaves in the back yard into fertilizer for the trees that they came from. Then I used the hose and sprayer to clean my mower as I don’t plan to be using it again until the spring. My last job was to go into the house and vacuum the first floor.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

December 16

Must You Deserve The Word?

I am the spirit of the full consciousness of love, and I greet you in the name of the Christ.

We pause to await this instrument’s perfect readiness and surrender to the voice of love which speaks to those who need not deserve such a gift. It is written that Jesus Christ came to save sinners, as if there were within humanity a pristine and spotless category of those who do not sin. We, too, who are of the principle of the love of Jesus Christ, come only to those who do not deserve to hear our words, for by no means can one earn love or the consciousness of love.

Whatever your confusions or distresses, know, each of my children, that the Father has sent a living Redeemer, a living love and a living spirit among you, one that does not gauge what each soul has earned, but, rather, observes the place which each soul has made within the heart to grasp and yearn for our words and thoughts.

The concepts of holiness can never be bought with any price except that of surrender to faith, the faith that love, by means of love, shall bring each iota of consciousness at last into love.

Love and peace, then, be with you at this moment and always. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.