I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the 103 quote comes from the Preface and the section on Jim’s Story (His Choice in his daily life and business):
Jim’s Story (The Choice in his daily life and business)
In 102 I mentioned how one of my first chances to make The Choice to be of service to others was after I graduated from college I joined Teacher Corps to work with kids from the first through third grades in the low-income areas of Jacksonville, Florida. The University of Florida in Gainesville joined with the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to supplement the education of the kids in Jacksonville who had been through the Head Start Program but who had not been able to maintain their “head start” that was for kindergarten-aged children. So this program was named Follow Through, and we worked with teachers to help the kids in the first through third grades maintain their head start.
The Teach Corps program was a two-year program in which we earned a Master’s Degree in Education. After my Teacher Corps experience I heard about a school in the Colorado Rocky Mountains called The Adventure Trails Survival School. The curriculum of the school was focused around engaging in a course of self-therapy in primal nature called Brain In Nature Course. The theory was that the disharmony on planet Earth was threatening the survival of Earth’s population through wars between countries that could escalate with the use of nuclear weapons. The solution was for students to learn how to release the dormant potential of the frontal lobes of their brains by using dream analysis, journaling, and re-enacting personally limiting thoughts and behaviors that had been programmed by parents, teachers, and friends before the age of seven. The course worked for me as on the morning of July 12, 1972, while in the pre-conscious state of sleep, my frontal lobes came alive and I felt a what amounted to an orgasm in my entire brain.
The director of the School, T.D. Lingo, asked that all students who went through the Brain In Nature Course to begin their own schools and “each one teach one.” So I bought 132 acres of woods in central Kentucky and set in action my own Choice to serve others by starting the Rock Creek Research & Development Labs. Inc. I built a log cabin, lived off the grid for six and one-half years, and conducted two classes of the Brain In Nature Course. However, on the evening of May 30, 1977, I turned on my battery-powered radio and happened to tune into WKQQ Radio Station in Lexington, Kentucky and heard an interview with Don Elkins and Carla L. Rueckert on the topic of UFOs. Their focus was on telepathic contact with these extraterrestrial sources or what became known as channeling. I was fascinated by the philosophy of unity of all people and all of the creation which seemed to be the core of the messages that they received. It took me about six months to meet friends of Don and Carla’s who introduced me to them. I attended their Sunday night channeling meditations for the next year at which time they invited me to join them in their work. I joined them on December 23, 1980, and three weeks later the Ra contact began.
In the nearly three years in which the Ra contact continued Don, Carla, and I made a daily Choice to be of service to others by having 106 sessions with those of Ra. We had such a natural feeling of harmony and love between us that we experienced on a daily basis. Ra credited that harmony with being primary in supporting our contact with them as they mentioned in this quote:
(94.9) This particular instrument was not trained, nor did it study, nor worked it at any discipline in order to contact Ra. We were able, as we have said many times, to contact this group using this instrument because of the purity of this instrument’s dedication to the service of the One Infinite Creator, and also because of the great amount of harmony and acceptance enjoyed each by each within the group; this situation making it possible for the support group to function without significant distortion.
Within the 2,600 questions that we were able to ask Ra emerged the philosophy of the Law of One which it became our great honor and joy to be able to share with the population of planet Earth. Ra succinctly defined the Law of One in this quote:
(4.20) The Law of One, though beyond the limitations of name, as you call vibratory sound complexes, may be approximated by stating that all things are one, that there is no polarity, no right or wrong, no disharmony, but only identity. All is one, and that one is love/light, light/love, the Infinite Creator.
All of this information, and all of the others books that we have at L/L Research is available for free in the form of PDF downloads from our website: www.llresearch.org.
When Don passed away in 1984, Carla and I received the funds from his pension plan with Eastern Airlines. The total was $600,000. We gave $200,000 to the IRS and invested the remainder with a local trust company. In the late ‘80s and early ‘90s interest rates were high enough to easily support us, but as the 90s ended the interest rates on our investments went down dramatically. Carla had been keeping our house books, and when she noticed how the interest rates were trending downward she asked me if our trust fund ever was unable to support us would I be willing to go to work and make up the difference. I said “Sure”.
We met with our Trust officer on December 7, 2001, and she also noted how the interest rates were declining and said that we had cut into the principle of our Trust to the degree that it would soon be gone if we were not able to supplement it. So, Carla and I began to make plans for my getting a job. She thought that I would probably want to use my degrees in Business and Economics and get a job with some company. But I had given up any desire for such a job as soon as I had gotten my degrees in 1969.
For a few years before this time I had been cutting the grass and planting flowers for Don’s aunt and uncle and a couple of their neighbors just to make a little extra money on the side. I liked working outdoors and being my own boss, so I decided to expand my little side line work into Jim’s Lawn Service. I already had—and still have—a 1990 Dodge Dakota pickup truck. So, I bought a trailer that I could use to haul the new 48” cut, 24 hp. lawn mower that had a velke that I could stand on and ride. I also bought a weed-eater, backpack blower, and hedge clippers to help me do my jobs.
Carla and I lived in a part of Louisville where most of the people paid to have their grass cut. The salesman who sold me my mower said that where we lived was the “Mecca of Lawn Services”. So, I took the phone book for our little village of 775 families, and wrote a form letter that I sent to half of household introducing myself as a neighbor who would be glad to cut their grass. I promised to treat their yards as if they were my own. Soon I had twenty customers and decided to let that be enough for my first year to be sure I could handle that work load before I added any more jobs. Carla added keeping the books for my lawn service to her work on the house books, so I was ready to rock and roll at the age of 54!
The great majority of the work I did was to simply cut the grass with my mower that I named Susie, do the trimming around the yard with my weed eater that I named Whiplash, and blow all walkways and driveways clean of grass with my backpack blower which I named Huff & Puff. As time went on many of my customers asked me to do other work around the outside of their houses like cleaning leaves out of the gutters, spreading mulch around trees and flower beds, planting flowers, trimming hedges, and clearing areas of honeysuckle bushes which were considered large noxious weeds.
Over the eleven years that I ran my lawn service I also did a few more unusual jobs for some of my customers who had become friends. I helped an older woman learn how to pump gas into her car when the last full-service gas station closed in her area. For another older woman I fed her cats when she was out of town and also took her to Indianapolis one January to visit her aunt, who was in poor health, before she passed away. For another customer each year I put the Christmas lights up on the spruce tree that was growing in her front yard and wreaths on the windows on two sides of her house which faced streets. I also did some stone work for a couple of customers building a retaining wall out of creek stone.
That first year I made $35,000 and decided to take on more customers the next year by sending out more form letters to the folks in my little village. I increased my work load to thirty customers and from that point on took on new customers from time to time as word spread that I did good work and was very dependable. As time went on I bought a couple more mowers to use when Susie was in the shop for repairs and for Fridays when Gary would help me. Friday was my busiest day because some of my customers liked to throw parties at their houses over the weekend and wanted their yards to look the best then. Slowly my earnings went up until in 2008 I had my peak year and earned $80,000. $12,000 of that came before the grass cutting started as in January we had Hurricane Ike come through and blow down a massive amount of tree limbs that gave me more than enough work to do in the off season.
In the first couple of years I bid jobs at $35 an hour, which went up to $40 an hour in the middle years, and then Carla recommended $50 an hour in the last years. I have always enjoyed doing physical labor, so I bid according to how long I thought any particular job would take me to complete. My customers were glad to get their jobs done for what I bid because I simply gave them a price for their job without letting them know what I was making per hour. I could get more work done in an hour that most people could because, as I said, it was fun and I was in good physical shape in those days.
I was able to retire from the lawn service in 2012 as a good friend of L/L Research, who loved the Law of One, asked Carla what he could do for her. She said “Get Jim off the lawn mower.” So, he made a most generous donation that allowed me to retire and become Carla’s full-time care-giver since she had her first back surgery in 2010 and her second one in 2011. All totaled I made $600,000 in the eleven years that I ran Jim’s Lawn Service. However, in the lawn service business half the money that you make goes to repairs and gas, so I was able to contribute $300,000 to help support us in those eleven years. And I made a lot of friends that I still have to this day because I was dependable and I treated their yards as if they were my own.
This morning I completed the cleaning of the silver-plated dishes and got them all back in their proper positions in the kitchen, the living room, and the office.
This afternoon I went to the driver’s license office at Bowman Field and was able to get my “real ID” driver’s license after showing them various forms that proved who I am like a birth certificate, a Social Security card, and bills from AT & T with my name and address on them. On my way home I stopped in at Paul’s Fruit Market to get some food for me, and then I stopped in at Walgreen’s Drug Store to get some ice cream and Kleenexes. When I got home I decided to use my backpack blower to blow the leaves in the back yard into position so that I could use my mower to crunch them into leaf dust.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
December 6
You Must Wait In Faith
I come in the name of Jesus Christ, the consciousness of love in that vibration peculiarly apt for this instrument. I greet you in Jesus’ name.
We perceive that there are many doubts as to the efficiency of prayer even among those who believe most fervently in prayer and follow its ways, for you do not feel that your prayers are always heard. Yet you ascribe to us the deafness of your own ears.
It is said that in everything there are seasons, and, indeed, you who dwell in the desert of Earth will experience many, many seasons of loneliness and desolation. For your ears are stopped against the words offered, which are always there. The hand of Jesus touching yours cannot be felt by your numb fingers. And the truth that is offered is not seen because you are blind.
Then it is that you must wait in faith, in the blankness of the desert sun, for the oasis of grace that will unstop your ears and enliven your fingers, open your mouth to praise and free the eyes of the scales of doubt.
It is truly said that you do not know the day or moment wherein the Son of Man cometh. Jesus stands, awaiting the season of your open heart. You cannot force it but must await it. When it comes, will you be ready to acknowledge, accept and be transformed by it?
We commend you to watch and wait in patience and faith, offering your agony to Christ with the same praise that you offer your joy. Thusly you shall find peace, now and always. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.
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