
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. The 102 quote today comes from Chapter Eight and the section on the non-local aspect of the Choice:

The non-local aspect of The Choice

There is a continuous flow of living decisions

And in a larger and more general sense, all of you are part of the tribe of planet Earth. Therefore, each time that you achieve more clarity for yourself you achieve it also for the tribe of the peoples of Earth. Realize, then, that your process, your confusion, your changes, your choices, and your decisions are not simply for you. As you do the work that opens up your incarnation to receive more and more light from the Creator, you are receiving more and more light not only for yourself but also for planet Earth. As you do the work to lay aside those stumbling blocks that would keep you from service, you are laying aside stumbling blocks that lie before each and every soul of your tribe. You do not have to say a word or share any concepts in order to do this work. You have simply to do the work.” Q’uo, January 15, 2006

In the quote above Q’uo talked about a “continuous flow of living decisions” that every entity on Earth makes in their life patterns each day that they are on Earth. As we become more conscious of the spiritual aspects of these decisions, we are getting help from the Creator in the form of light or wisdom that enhances the quality of these decisions. It helps if we ask for help, knock on the door, and allow the Creator’s wisdom to flow through us. The Creator’s wisdom that comes through us is also of assistance to our brothers and sisters on Earth and to Mother Earth herself as we are all partaking, in some degree, of the creation of a social memory complex that will truly reveal more of our basic unity with each other. There is a massive amount of growth-enhancing information that can come from such shared decision-making. I would guess that everyone has a range of ability for being able to receive this information that is always available for all to use. The more conscious one is of the process of evolution, the more one is able to perceive this intelligent energy and reflect it to others.

The whole idea of this mass sharing of information is to help remove the blocks within our energy bodies that keep us from realizing our oneness and of being of service to others in the way that we desire to be. Once again, our success at removing these blocks is also shared with every soul on Earth. All we have to do to have this shared consciousness function more effectively is to do our own personal work in spiritual growth. That involves processing our catalyst on a daily basis so that we can continually come to know ourselves as complete beings with our energy centers utilizing the love/light of the Creator to move more and more in unity with the Creator and all other selves on planet Earth. This is the work of the Player on the Enhanced Gameboard of Life.

In the following quote Q’uo refers to another way of looking at the continuous flow of living decisions that each person on Earth can make to enhance the evolution of all people:

However, at this end time of your present third-density cycle it is entirely appropriate that each set the self the task of finding new ways of coming into harmony with other cultures, other races and other structures of thought, logic and being. The end result of this planetary effort to come into spiritual convergence shall be that social memory complex that is the basic structure for fourth-density work. You are attempting to learn how to be one people, sharing each other’s thoughts, hopes and fears, carrying each other’s burdens as naturally as breathing, sharing each other’s joys as if they are your own. Q’uo, October 22, 1995.

Q’uo reminded us that we are at the end of the 75,000 year third-density cycle of evolution, and now we need to set our intentions to coming into harmony with those that might appear to be different from us whether they are of a different race, culture, or way of thinking. These are seeming differences that at their heart of being are merely unique ways of expressing the One Infinite Creator that exists in all beings. The fruit of this effort towards “spiritual convergence” is what Q’uo and Ra called a social memory complex and which is the basic vehicle for doing fourth-density work. As a social memory complex we will have the ability to utilize each entity’s experiences from all previous incarnations to move into our non-local expression of the Choice that we all have made to be of service to others.

This morning I ran a couple of errands with my first stop at Walmart’s to buy a lamp for my living room. My second stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself. When I got home I put the new lamp together and put it in the one corner of the living room that did not have a lamp because the old one broke some time ago. I am glad that I finally decided to get this lamp because the living room looks and feels so much better with lamps in all four corners.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

November 28

Contemplate Freedom

I am the voice of Him who comes in the name of love and I greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.

How many things are before each of you today, things that seem to be cages, traps, limitations and limiters of freedom?

This day, let us contemplate freedom. For what is it to be free?

To be free is to be that entity which realizes itself an actor, an heir of Christ and a son of the Creator, an affirmative and utterly free sensibility and consciousness.

The outer details and conditions of this day need have veritably no relevancy to your self-concept of the joy of freedom. For if, in your heart and in your mind, you are free to think and to choose and to act, then you have found the greater portion of love. For you are then able to act, to love, to comfort, and to seek to understand.

Use the freedom that is yours affirmatively, not against or in spite of people or conditions, but moving always straight as the arrow to its mark, knowing, feeling and being free: free to love, free to understand, and free to console. And as you console, so shall you be comforted.

The spirit of Jesus Christ is with you always in love and peace, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.