I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today I start the first of the quotes from Living the Law of One 102: The Outer Work. Carla wrote Living the Law of One 101: The Choice in 2009 with the intention of making the information that we got in the Ra contact easier to understand for the average spiritual seeker of truth as Ra’s concepts and sentence structure are sometimes difficult to grasp. In 101 she mentioned her plans to write 102 and also Living the Law of One 103: The Inner Work, but, as fate would have it, she passed into larger life before she was able to do so. However, she did make outlines for 102 and 103, and I have written first drafts of both of those books using her outlines. Gary and Austin are in the process of editing 102, but a heavy L/L Research work load has slowed that process which means that some of what I will be sharing in these Camelot Journal entries may not be the final version. I should also mention that Carla was able to write the first chapter of 102 and the Preface, so you will at least get a taste of her inspiring style of writing in the next few days. Today I will start with Carla’s Preface to 102 and my introduction to it:
This book has come into being because I was fortunate in finding the outline for it and for 103 a couple of years ago. Carla had written outlines for both Living the Law of One 102: The Outer Work and Living the Law of One 103: The Inner Work back around 2009. She had also made a start in writing the book itself. She was able to complete a Preface and the first chapter of 102. In the intervening years I had forgotten about them, so I was very surprised and grateful to find her initial efforts to write 102. It took me a couple of years to find the desire to tackle the job of actually attempting to write the books.
Carla was such a good writer and had such a personal way of communicating with her readers that I felt it would be hard to duplicate her work or come anywhere close to it. But I finally decided that I needed to give it a try, and the more that I worked on the writing the more excited and inspired I got. It was also good to know that I would have the help of Diana Roy in editing the book as she had done such a marvelous job in helping Gary to edit A Concept Guide. And I knew that Gary and Austin would be very helpful team members in editing the book and undertaking the process of bringing it to publication.
So this book has been a team effort guided primarily by Carla’s outline and her always open heart. I cannot thank her enough for beginning this project over twenty years ago. It is part of a very large living legacy of spiritual material that continues to inspire seekers of truth the world over. I hope that this book makes her smile.
Following is the original Preface that Carla wrote in 2013.
Jim McCarty
Louisville, Kentucky
This report on the philosophy of the Confederation of Angels and Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator is the second volume of the Living the Law of One series. It builds on the first volume’s concepts. Therefore I reproduce here the eleven basic principles of The Law of One which I discussed in the first volume, 101: The Choice:
1.The creation is unitary. Its nature is unconditional love. We are all one. We are all literally created by love. We live in an illusion made of light and energy or vibration rather than the solidity we see with our physical eyes. We are Players on a Gameboard playing a Game of life. We have complete free will. We can always choose how to respond to the things that come our way.
2. Our Earth world’s Gameboard is in an illusion which works by polarity. The two poles are service to others and service to self. We become Players by making the choice to polarize. The first choice we make to be of service to others is our beginning as positive Players. Every succeeding choice increases our polarity. Using a physical analogy, we need to polarize sufficiently to achieve escape velocity.
3. We have minds which belong to our physical bodies. We also have consciousness, which is the environment of our spiritual selves and our energy bodies. We use both our minds and our consciousness as Players. We sharpen our perceptions so that we may make better, more polarized choices every day.
4. As Players we work primarily with our energy bodies. Our goal is to keep their chakras unblocked, letting the Creator’s infinite energy flow through the system freely. The first energy center or chakra is the red-ray chakra. As we deal with red-ray issues like sexuality and survival, we work to keep our red-ray chakras clear.
5. The orange-ray chakra deals with relationships with the self and others. As Players we work with our catalyst to keep distractions such as anger and shame from blocking the orange-ray energy center. Our human, yellow-ray density is nested within, or built atop, the orange-ray density of animals, plants, and all biologically living things. We are stewards of our Earth as well as its beloved children.
6. The yellow-ray energy center deals with formal relationships such as marriage, children, and the work environment. Players work to keep their yellow-ray chakras clear of blockage due to catalyst having to do with these relationships. Often such catalyst has to do with the desire to possess or be possessed.
7. We enter our green-ray chakra, our hearts, when we come to know ourselves, accept ourselves and fall in love with ourselves just as we are. This gives us the eyes of love we need to accept, forgive and love others. If we can love unconditionally while making choices for service to others, we will graduate at Harvest.
8. Our blue-ray chakra concerns true communication. Communication is a sacred activity. To keep our blue-ray energy centers unblocked, we get real with ourselves and others, telling our truth with honesty and compassion. Listening is a blue-ray skill, and we as Players strive to hear each other with respect and accuracy.
9. The indigo-ray energy center is the home of faith. Players keep this chakra open by refraining from self-doubt. The indigo- and blue-ray centers are also used by Players to access the gateway to intelligent infinity to do Lighthouse-Level work. We keep the whole energy body clear by doing balancing exercises daily.
10. We Players doing such types of Lighthouse-Level work as meditation, prayer, journaling and increasing our faith employ the discipline of our personalities. We learn to see all of life as sacred and all of our actions as potentially magical. We develop the ability to set our intention and to create changes in our level of consciousness.
11. Players can use the gateway to intelligent infinity for advanced Lighthouse-Level work such as channeling, healing and sacred sex. Working with the light so closely, Players may experience psychic greetings. We can protect ourselves by closing the circuits in our energy bodies and by asking for help from spirit.
With Living the Law of One 102, we take up a more detailed discussion of how to work with our energy bodies as we deal with the catalyst of the first three chakras. That catalyst is the “grist for the mill” of our experience, as we deal with the lower chakras’ energy expenditures.
If at any time I refer to a concept which baffles you, please refer back to this Preface, and if you are still puzzled, seek within the pages of 101 for the information you need.
I hope you enjoy the ride through this look at our catalyst, our emotions and the wide world of our outer work.
Carla L. Rueckert
Louisville, Kentucky
August 3, 2013
This morning I did some laundry and then ran some errands to pick up meds at the vet’s for Boscoe, and then I got some greenie pouches at PetSmart for the cats upstairs. I also renewed my driver’s license by mail after discovering that the old office for doing so in person is no longer in existence. My last stop was at Kroger’s to pick up a couple of food items for myself.
This afternoon I use my garden hose and watering wand to water all of the flowers in the front, side, and back yards as it has been so dry recently. I also watered the small forsythia bushes on my north and south borders. My last job was to clean the filters for the fountain in the fish pond as I could see that the fountain was running at only a quarter of its usual height. After the filters were cleaned it ran to its normal four feet in height.
From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:
September 23
It Is Your Dance
I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ and I greet you in the full consciousness of divine love.
Let your spirits rise! Let your laughter sound forth! For there is a great victory in realizing that, truly, you are improvising upon the stage that is so seriously called life. You are an artist, a comedian, a tragedian, a philosopher, and a fool. You are any part you wish to play. It is your improvisation; it is your dance; it is your day and your life.
Take nothing to be troublesome, but gaze at it as though it were in a play. How shall you amuse yourself, beautify that which is not beautiful, or glorify that which is mundane in the situation you see? To you come the improvisational opportunities to change the atmosphere, the tone and the very plot of your improvisational life.
Because that play is so dear to you, you hold it too close and see it not well. Back away in love, in total engagement, with the attempt to be the best, the finest, and, hopefully my friends, the one with deep, strong humor.
To see life too seriously is to miss the comedy and the merriment, to feel that joy may not be appropriate although it always is. And as you have this point of view, so shall you radiate it, for it is the point of view of the living Christ: total compassion, total unity, and merry, merry laughter.
See the comedy on your stage and make it graceful, dancing through it with the skill of those born of light and love.
We leave you in the peace of Jesus the Christ, both now and ever. Amen.
I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:
We come in the name of Love and open our hearts, our minds, and our souls to send love, light, and healing energies to Mother Earth as she brings forth a New Earth in fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energies of the One Infinite Creator heal the heart of each soul in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energies in their hearts, in their minds, and in their souls. Amen.
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