
I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from January 20, 2006:

(Question chosen by PLW poll) Q’uo, so much of the new age rhetoric that I’ve been hearing on the internet the past few months is very similar to dialog we shared ten years ago on our on-line spiritual study groups. They talk of ascension, dimensional shifts, earth awakening, the arrival of the Aquarian Age, and so forth. There is clearly a cycle to all this and different waves of people appear to be initiated into the ideas annually. I can remember a decade when spiritual brothers and sisters were “ascending” and leaving our study groups to go back into the world and take on new tasks. Please talk about the different waves of ascension and the why and how of the way it affects us all so differently. I am fascinated at the different time-lines to this. I have a sense that ascension of some kind has been taking place since the beginning of time. Please offer any comments that you might have about this.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. We thank the ones known as S1, S2, and Carla for forming this circle of seeking today. It is a great privilege to be asked to join your circle and to speak with you about these buzzwords of the New Age: ascension, dimensional shift, and the Aquarian Age. We are most happy to do so. We ask, as always, that each use their discrimination in listening to our thoughts. If the thoughts seem good to you, please use them. If they do not, please drop them and move on without looking back. We would not wish to create a stumbling block in your own experience. If you will guard your discrimination carefully then we will feel free to share our opinions without being concerned that we might infringe upon your free will. We thank you for this consideration.

Itis an interesting thing to speak concerning this topic, because the surface aspect of the topic is indeed full of clichés and buzzwords. If one moves beneath the surface of this topic, however, one finds an authentic thread of information that is part of what this instrument would call the eternal wisdom. There are indeed cycles upon your sphere, within your solar system, and within your galaxy that are impinging upon your Earth at this time. It is an amazing time of the collection of the old and its eventual disposal and the dawning of a new heaven and a new earth. It is, indeed, that time that has been predicted and discussed for many of your centuries and even millennia. It has been a part of the indigenous culture of several of your religious and cultural systems.

Depending upon the source who is studying these systems, they are classified as either religious or mythical. However, the basic concept, of there being cycles of time that cover thousands of your years and that have to do with the perception of the stars and their courses, is a part of the very fabric of all of the cultures of your planet. There are very few of your peoples that do not have, in one way or another, the stories of large portions of time within which entities proceed until they come to the end of the perceived time of things being as they are. There is at that time a sea change. One tide goes out and another comes in. And there is a new way of experiencing time and space, as we have discussed with this particular group.

The cycle that is now ending is marked as ending approximately at the end of the year 2012. It is indeed, among other things, a cycle that is astrological in nature, where there is a shift in the energy that is at the heart or the womb of the space/time continuum, as this instrument would call it. The energy has shifted almost entirely as we now speak. The departing energy is an energy that has the nature of water, which is the nature of your body and the nature of so much of your planet. It is shifting over to an energy that has to do with air and fire, and these energies are interpenetrating the basic third-density energy, shall we say, of water. This is causing tremendous changes in your planet and in your body systems as that very watery medium, that is the interior of your body, experiences the tremendous interpenetration of the new energies.

This is, in general, the larger cycle about which we would talk at this time. It is, as we said, an authentic change of the way the core of your experience comes to you. You are one of the last generations of those who experience third density in a third-density activated body. There are upon your planet at this time many entities that have a dual activated body, their energy bodies being activated in third density and fourth density. And this brings us to the discussion of a whole different set of cyclic patterns that the questioner has observed, quite accurately we feel. Let us talk about some of these cycles of those who are approaching the information for the first time. This instrument, being in her sixties, is one of the early type of wanderers that no longer are coming among you. This instrument and many, indeed, millions of those who were called to the travail of your planet, came among you as pioneers of a kind. They choose to incarnate in third-density bodies, but they also chose to come into third density with a certain degree of awareness of their home densities, which were mostly of those of fifth-density and sixth-density social memory complexes.

The group question for this session was: “Please talk about the different waves of ascension and the why and how of the way it affects us all so differently. I am fascinated at the different time-lines to this. I have a sense that ascension of some kind has been taking place since the beginning of time. Please offer any comments that you might have about this.” Q’uo began by saying it is an interesting thing to speak concerning this topic, because the surface aspect of the topic is indeed full of buzzwords, but if we move beneath the surface of this topic, we find a thread of information that is part of what Carla would call the eternal wisdom, and there are cycles upon our planet, within our solar system, and within our galaxy that are impinging upon our Earth at this time, and it is an amazing time of the collection of the old and its eventual disposal and the dawning of a new heaven and a new earth, so it is that time that has been predicted and discussed for many of our centuries and even millennia, and it has been a part of the indigenous culture of several of our cultural systems. Q’uo went on to say depending upon the source that is studying these systems, they are classified as either religious or mythical, but the basic concept, of there being cycles of time that cover thousands of our years and that have to do with the perception of the stars and their courses, is a part of the fabric of all of the cultures of our planet, and there are very few of our people that do not have the stories of large portions of time within which entities proceed until they come to the end of the time of things being as they are, so there is at that time a sea change as one tide goes out and another comes in, and there is a new way of experiencing time and space. Q’uo continued by saying the cycle that is now ending is marked as ending at the end of the year 2012, and it is a cycle that is astrological in nature where there is a shift in the energy that is at the heart of the space/time continuum as Carla would call it, so Q’uo said the energy has shifted almost entirely as we now speak, and the departing energy is an energy that has the nature of water, which is the nature of our body and the nature of much of our planet, so it is shifting to an energy that has to do with air and fire, and these energies are interpenetrating the basic third-density energy of water so that this is causing tremendous changes in our planet and in our body systems as that watery medium, that is the interior of our body, experiences the interpenetration of the new energies. Then Q’uo said that this is the larger cycle about which they would talk at this time because it is an authentic change of the way the core of our experience comes to us, and we are one of the last generations of those who experience third density in a third-density activated body, and there are upon our planet at this time many entities that have a dual activated body, their energy bodies being activated in third density and fourth density, and this brought Q’uo to the discussion of a different set of cyclic patterns that the questioner has accurately observed, so they talked about some of these cycles of those who are approaching the information for the first time, and Carla is one of the early type of wanderers that no longer are coming among us because Carla, and millions of those who were called to the travail of our planet, came among us as pioneers which chose to incarnate in third-density bodies, but they also chose to come into third density with a certain degree of awareness of their home densities which were mostly of those of fifth-density and sixth-density social memory complexes. Now Q’uo said this is the larger cycle about which they would talk at this time, and it is an authentic change of the way the core of our experience comes to us because we are one of the last generations of those who experience third density in a third-density activated body, and there are upon our planet at this time many entities that have a dual activated body, their energy bodies being activated in third density and fourth density, and this brought Q’uo to the discussion of a different set of cyclical patterns that the questioner has observed, so let us talk about some of these cycles of those who are approaching the information for the first time, and Carla is one of the early type of wanderers that no longer are coming among, so Carla and millions of those who were called to the travail of our planet came among us as pioneers who chose to incarnate in third-density bodies, but they also chose to come into third density with a certain degree of awareness of their home densities, which were mostly of those of fifth-density and sixth-density social memory complexes. On May 7, 2006, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the dual activated body:

But the dual activated body will unerringly give you the toughness of mind to go for the root and to do the work in a timely manner. In terms of what body will be activated . . .  they are both activated now, but you are in a third-density physical vehicle. You are living on a third-density planet. You are here for a reason. Many, many others are here for the same reason.

Those with dual activated bodies have graduated and have come back. Just as the Elder Race, when it graduated, chose to return, so have you returned. You do not want to go on to the exciting and even thrilling prospect of fourth-density existence, with its greatly enhanced options for learning and for service, until you have done your utmost, not only to help others of the human tribe to move on into fourth density with you but also to restore and reconstitute the health of Gaia, of planet Earth, in her living form.

There are a few fourth-density positively-oriented wanderers among you at this time, but, for the most part, if you are a wanderer you are probably from the density of wisdom or from the density of unity, that density in which wisdom and love are balanced. Indeed, the majority of those who are among you at this time as positively-oriented wanderers are those from the sixth density. And your interest in coming to the Earth at this time was to improve the balance of love and wisdom in your active, conscious personality. The reason this was so attractive to you is that within the boot camp atmosphere of third density you can get a lot done in a short time if you have the dedication of your will to a chosen and carefully manicured or articulated goal. The key is continually to review your goal and dedication so that you maintain a focus over time.

The great difficulty with wanderers of this type is that they may fail to wake up to who they are. Many of those among your wanderer population on this planet have indeed not awakened. However, under the pressure of the increasing dynamic between the new fourth-density energy and the old third-density energy, the polarity that is native to each of your systems is being tweaked and prodded by the dynamic energies so that it becomes more and more obvious to entities that there is something going on to which they need to wake up. That is one large generation of those to whom this information is especially important and attractive.

The next wave of entities which came upon your planet is of those which arrived in births during the 60s and 70s. These were an intermediate type of wanderer whose goals were not so much oriented to work in consciousness within their own personalities. These were personalities who were still hearing the travail of planet Earth as the planet itself became more and more reactive to the energies of hostility and aggression that have been increasing among your global population in response to the increasing dynamic betwixt the light and the dark, that is which is to come and that which is ending. These entities were less concerned with their own studies in learning and more concerned, in a more urgent fashion or more of a feeling of urgency to wake up and create a shift in consciousness among the tribes of Earth. Among these wanderers, there is a tendency to be overly concerned with the urgency of the situation. In so many cases the problem is not waking them up but rather moving them to a more balanced and calm point of view where their very real skills can be used more fully. And so, to this very large bunch of wanderers, we find the challenges of awakening being very slight but the challenges of spiritual maturity to be much larger.

The third generation of those who have moved into the energies of planet Earth at this time from other places in space and time are those pioneers of fourth density who have wandered here with the firm intention of helping not only the planet’s people, but the planet itself. These entities are equipped with the ability to withstand a tremendous amount of disharmony and chaos. They do not do this with a great deal of native joy, but their makeup is such that they are capable of independent action and have little use for the traditional kind of authority which expresses itself in your established religions and those cultural icons such as the classical philosophies and so forth. To these entities, the Earth itself is speaking.

These entities are often called the Indigo Children or the Crystal Children. There are many words that try to describe the difference betwixt this generation of wanderers and previous ones. The hallmark of this breed is an insensitivity to traditional modes of expressing religious dedication while maintaining a great sensitivity and an authentic feeling for the most intensive kind of work in consciousness that is chosen by the self for the self and created as an individual expression rather than there being a great desire to become a part of an already established religion. Nevertheless, in this last generation of wanderers there remains a feeling for the group. So, you will find entities in all three generations whose interest includes the desire to reconnect with their families. This group of large groups constitutes the wanderer population of planet Earth.

Then Q’uo said there are a few fourth-density positively-oriented wanderers among us at this time, but if we are a wanderer we are probably from the density of wisdom or from the density of unity, that density in which wisdom and love are balanced, and the majority of those who are among us at this time as positively-oriented wanderers are those from the sixth density, and our interest in coming to the Earth at this time was to improve the balance of love and wisdom in our personality, and the reason this was so attractive to us is that within the challenging atmosphere of third density we can get a lot done in a short time if we have the dedication of our will to a chosen goal, so the key is to review our goal and dedication so that we maintain a focus over time. Q’uo went on to say that the difficulty with wanderers of this type is that we may fail to wake up to who we are, and many of those among our wanderer population on this planet have not awakened, but under the pressure of the increasing dynamic between the new fourth-density energy and the old third-density energy, the polarity that is native to each of our systems is being tweaked by the dynamic energies so that it becomes more obvious to entities that there is something going on to which we need to wake up, so that is one generation of those to whom this information is especially important and attractive. Q’uo continued by saying the next wave of entities which came upon our planet was of those which arrived in births during the 60s and 70s, and these were an intermediate type of wanderer whose goals were not so much oriented to work in consciousness within their own personalities because these were personalities who were still hearing the sorrow of planet Earth as it became more reactive to the energies of hostility that have been increasing among our global population in response to the dynamic between the light and the dark, that is which is to come and that which is ending so that these entities were less concerned with their own studies in learning and more concerned, in an urgent fashion, to wake up and create a shift in consciousness among the tribes of Earth, and among these wanderers there is a tendency to be overly concerned with the urgency of the situation, and in many cases the problem is not waking them up but moving them to a more balanced point of view where their skills can be used more fully, and for this group of wanderers Q’uo found the challenges of awakening being very slight, but the challenges of spiritual maturity to be much larger. Now Q’uo said the third generation of those who have moved into the energies of planet Earth at this time from other places in space and time are those pioneers of fourth density who have wandered here with the intention of helping not only the planet’s people, but the planet itself, and these entities are equipped with the ability to withstand much disharmony, but they do not do this with a native joy since their makeup is such that they are capable of independent action and have little use for the kind of authority which expresses itself in our established religions and the classical philosophies because to these entities, the Earth itself is speaking. Q’uo said these entities are often called the Indigo Children or the Crystal Children, and the hallmark of this breed is an insensitivity to traditional modes of expressing religious dedication while maintaining an authentic feeling for intensive work in consciousness that they have chosen by themselves and created as an individual expression rather than there being a desire to become a part of a religion, but in this last generation of wanderers there remains a feeling for the group, so we will find entities in all three generations whose interest includes the desire to reconnect with their families, and these large groups constitute the wanderer population of planet Earth. On November 16, 2006, Q’uo gave a detailed description of Indigo Children:

The third generation of wanderers is made up of what this instrument and many others call the Indigo Children. There are many other terms for these children. However, in general, they are the first graduates in this harvest from the third density of planet Earth. These souls have moved through the gates into larger life. They have dropped their physical bodies and entered into a healing process with their guidance and with all of those forces which protect and nurture entities in the inner planes who are moving through the processes of death and rebirth. Further, they have moved through the steps of Light and have passed their graduation test. These are fourth-density wanderers, whose first act, upon choosing what would please them the most to do next, was to return to their beloved home planet in order to assist not only the people of planet Earth, but also, and perhaps more principally, the planet itself.

These entities are characterized by a thinner veil, which enables them to remember more about who they are and why they are here. The sense of mission or destiny is very common in third-generation wanderers. Your son and all of the indigo children like him are people who, when they have achieved a mental and emotional maturity to match their spiritual gifts, will be far tougher by nature than many among your people, able to deal with difficult times and situations and able to absorb rapid change. These abilities are appropriate for these Indigo Children. However, there are side effects to being built in such a way. These side effects are those times of difficulty and difficult emotions upon which you have remarked.

In dealing with Indigo Children—and indeed, most of those being born into your Earth at this time are Indigo Children—it is well to keep in mind that these entities, though wise in their way, are indeed children. There is as much need in them as in any other child for good, stable, consistent guidance. However, you are also correct in noting the extreme interrelatedness of yourself and your son in the terms of the motion and rhythm of your moods and the behavior that stems from such moods.

We naturally encourage all wanderers to awaken and to be aware that entities that they meet may well be entities of their larger group, since there are millions of wanderers upon Earth. They have in common a tremendous love for the planet, for its people and for the Creator and a serene and undisturbed belief and faith in an unconscious and carefully protected part of the personality shell, that they are in the Creator’s service and part of the Godhead principle. There is a small group of entities who are native to the planet Earth. These entities have won through, in some cases, to graduation and have indeed graduated but have decided to move back into third-density incarnation to see what they can do to bring the rest of the people of the planet along with them in embracing the Light.

Then there are people who come from many different places who have entered your planetary system as souls from other third-density planets that have failed to complete their third density. These include entities from the planet you know as Mars, where they were unable to finish out third density because of creating conditions that made their third-density planet uninhabitable. These entities have in common with the Indigo wanderers a great desire to be stewards of planet Earth, to stop the destruction of the planet that your people have thoughtlessly promulgated over the last 200 or so of your years and to restore and constitute a healthy third density to leave behind as third-density as planet Earth closes itself out.

This will not occur suddenly in terms of there being a necessity for a sudden change of third to fourth density. Rather, there will be a time of between one and three hundred of your years, from the probability/possibility vortices at which we now look, where your peoples will be able to continue to incarnate in third density to continue to heal the planet and to harvest those entities who are ready now to choose light over darkness, love over fear, and the lessons of the compassionate heart over the lessons of self interest. These are the cycles that we see at this time. The great cycle is that cycle of almost 76,000 years that coincides with your astrological periods. During this 76,000-year period, your Earth has had three harvests, what this instrument would call three minor cycles. Third density is made up of three of these minor cycles. Your third cycle has now matured. Its patterns are being seamlessly finished. Each of your entities is choosing, at a soul level, their choice of polarity, their choice of service, and their choice of learning.

We are here to speak with those who have chosen at this time to polarize in service to others, to attempt to find out how to open the heart and to seek the truth of that heart. We are here to help you in any way that we can with that task. It is a formidable one. It has been a pleasure to work with groups such as this one for some of your years now. We have seen a tremendous dawn break upon your planet. We realize that the outer picture remains grim. We ask you to look beyond the surface. Those who are in power upon your planet have a great tendency to be oriented to service to self. It is natural for this to be so at this time, as the dynamic between service to others and service to self becomes more and more obvious. However, this does not have much to do with life as lived by the majority of those upon your planet.

Now Q’uo said we encourage all wanderers to awaken and to be aware that entities that they meet may be entities of their larger group since there are millions of wanderers upon Earth, and they have in common a love for the planet, for its people, for being in the Creator’s service, and there is a small group of entities who are native to Earth, and they have graduated, but have decided to move back into third-density incarnation to see what they can do to bring the rest of the people of the planet along with them in embracing the Light. Q’uo went on to say there are people who come from different places who have entered our planetary system as souls from other third-density planets that have failed to complete their third density, and these include entities from Mars, where they were unable to finish third density because of creating conditions that made their third-density planet uninhabitable so that these entities have in common with the Indigo wanderers the desire to be stewards of Earth, to stop the destruction of the planet that our people have created over the last 200 years and to restore a healthy third density to leave behind as third-density planet Earth closes itself out. Then Q’uo said this will not occur suddenly in terms of there being a necessity for a sudden change of third to fourth density, but there will be a time of between one and three hundred of our years where our people will be able to continue to incarnate in third density to heal the planet and to harvest those entities who are ready now to choose Light over darkness and Love over fear, and these are the cycles that Q’uo sees at this time, and the great cycle is that cycle of almost 76,000 years that coincides with our astrological periods, and during this 76,000-year period, our Earth has had three minor cycles, so our third cycle has now matured, and its patterns are being completed, and each of our entities is choosing their polarity, their choice of service, and their choice of learning at the soul level. Q’uo continued by saying we are here to speak with those who have chosen to polarize in service to others, to attempt to find out how to open our heart, and to seek the truth of that heart, so they are here to help us in any way that they can with that task which is a formidable one, but they said it has been a pleasure to work with groups such as this one for some of our years now, and Q’uo has seen dawn break upon our planet, and they realized that the outer picture remains grim, so they asked us to look beyond the surface since those who are in power upon our planet have a tendency to be oriented towards service to self, and it is natural for this to be so at this time as the dynamic between service to others and service to self becomes more and more obvious, but this does not have much to do with life as lived by the majority of those upon our planet. On May 28, 2008, Q’uo described how we can deal with the outer picture when it is difficult:

Faith stabilizes you among the chaos of perceptions. Outer perceptions shall always bring conflict. The truth shall always be elusive. Yet as you have faith in yourself and in the innate goodness of your design, you come through the crisis of not liking aspects of yourself, and you find yourself still standing after the storm has passed. The next time there is heavy weather within your heart and mind and soul, you find it easier to maintain faith regardless of the outer picture. And each time thereafter, you find it exponentially easier to remain stable and faithful and serene.

It is a tremendous faculty that is innate within all third-density entities, this faculty of faith. And we encourage contemplation of the word itself, for in it lie untold mysteries and infinite Light. It is often a great help when developing the faculty of faith to have something to which to cling, whether it be a person, an ideal, or some image or icon that has special meaning to you.

Ingeneral, we see the people of your planet awakening in record numbers all over the globe. It is very exciting to see and feel the energies of the people stir and to become aware of the fact that there is something happening of which they can be a part, that it is truly positive, and that it will truly change the face of the Earth. It is a dim awareness but there is a stirring that cannot now be put back to bed. And those among your people who are indeed service to self are most troubled to feel the muscularity and the power of the awakening of the tribes of Earth. It is occurring. Groups small and large have begun banding together for positive purposes, not to gain power or to maintain power, but to share power with those who are powerless. That time is now arriving when the last shall be first, the hungry shall be fed, and the rich shall be sent empty away.

Itis a time of rejoicing, for it is the herald of a new day. There is a great deal of difficulty that is inherent in the changing of the guard. Your planet will continue to go through difficulties. The weather will be disturbed as the natural processes of your planetary change are pursued in an inevitable and appropriate manner. Do not be dismayed. This is a time that may try you physically. You may be caught in difficult weather or in times of trouble where people are without electrical power and have to respond to the trauma through which the planet itself is going as it releases a good deal of what this instrument would describe as hot air. There is a tremendous amount of heat that has been stored in the planet through its natural process of cooling. As the planet expands, there are bands of points of heating that must come up through the crust of the planet and express the extraneous heat, so that the planet itself does not break apart. This has changed your weather patterns.

The tendencies of your more developed cultures to misuse high technology and create further difficulties with the air, the water, and the earth in terms of its organic balance have accentuated these natural processes of planetary change. So, for you who are in incarnation at this time, these cycles have created an interesting and challenging environment in which you can guarantee that things will not stay the same. There is a feeling of planetary change in the climate as well as in the climate of the emotions of the heart of the people. We would encourage you at this time to realize that you are here, not to be concerned with these changes, not to react in fear of them but rather to lend to this environment, which could be distressing for many, the comfort of your faith. Many are listening and looking for some indication that there is hope and a positive expectation possible for those upon planet Earth at this time. And so, we would say to you that if you are awake and if you wish to serve, you are in an excellent position to do so, simply by being who you are.

Please see yourself as magical, powerful parts of the Godhead principle. You are spiritual entities who have chosen to take flesh for very laudable purposes at this time, and we do praise you for having the courage to come into incarnation at a time that is very challenging to the senses. For those who would wish to remain safe and unchallenged, this is a difficult time. We ask you to respond to these waves of intense energy that you are feeling not with fear but with faith. Take this opportunity to stand on your own two feet and remember who you are and why you are here. As you breathe in and as you breathe out you are little lighthouses, able to take that breath and that energy of life and bless it with your firm intention to serve. The glow and the radiance of your beings shall be a beacon for many. You do not have to explain, or discuss, or do anything to be light workers at this time. You have only to be yourselves and to know yourselves. So, we would ask you to investigate and explore who you are and why you are here.

Q’uo went on to say they see the people of our planet awakening in record numbers, and it is exciting to feel the energies of the people becoming aware of the fact that there is something happening which they can be a part of that is positive, and that it will change the face of the Earth, but there is a stirring that cannot be put back to bed so that those among our people who are service to self are most troubled to feel the power of the awakening of the tribes of Earth, and groups small and large have begun banding together for positive purposes, not to gain power, but to share power with those who are powerless, and that time is now arriving when the last shall be first; the hungry shall be fed; and the rich shall be sent away empty. Then Q’uo said that it is a time of rejoicing, for it is the herald of a new day, and there is a great deal of difficulty that comes with the changing of the guard, and our planet will continue to go through difficulties as weather will be disturbed as the natural processes of our planetary change are pursued in an appropriate manner, but this is a time that may try us physically, and we may be caught in times of trouble where we are without electrical power and have to respond to the trauma through which the planet is going as it releases a good deal of what Carla would describe as hot air because there is a tremendous amount of heat that has been stored in the planet through its natural process of cooling, and as the planet expands, there are bands of heat that must come up through the crust of the planet and express the heat, so that the planet does not break apart, and this has changed our weather patterns. Q’uo continued by saying the tendencies of our more developed cultures to misuse high technology and create further difficulties with the air, the water, and the earth in terms of its organic balance have accentuated these natural processes of planetary change, so for those of us who are in incarnation at this time, these cycles have created a challenging environment in which things will not stay the same, and there is a feeling of planetary change in the climate as well as in the climate of the emotions of the heart of our people, so Q’uo encouraged us to realize that we are here, not to be concerned with these changes, not to react in fear of them, but to lend to this environment the comfort of our faith since many are looking for some indication that there is a positive expectation possible for those upon planet Earth at this time, and they said that if we are awake, and if we wish to serve, we are in an excellent position to do so by being who we are. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that we should see ourself as magical parts of the Godhead principle because we are spiritual entities who have chosen to incarnate for positive purposes at this time, and they praised us for having the courage to incarnate at a time that is challenging to our senses, for those who would wish to remain safe, this is a difficult time, and Q’uo asked us to respond to these waves of intense energy that we are feeling–not with fear–but with faith, and to take this opportunity to stand on our own two feet and remember who we are and why we are here, so as we breathe in and as we breathe out we are little lighthouses, able to take that breath of life and bless it with our intention to serve, and the glow and the radiance of our beings shall be a beacon for many, but we do not have to do anything to be light workers at this time but to be ourselves and to know ourselves, so Q’uo asked us to explore who we are and why we are here. On September 5, 2010, Carla described the power of our intention to serve:

That which you are ready to do, you can do. And you can do it so well. You can do it so beautifully. Always trust yourself. Always listen for your own discernment, not the discernment of anybody else. But, every day, start the day by setting an intention, a polarized intention to serve others in your particular way. Everybody is going to make a different prayer. Everybody is going to set a slightly different intention. But the act of setting that intention creates in you a tremendous awakening of your inner power.

And in a way, the right use of power is heavily connected to polarity and to your moving yourself into a polarized position. When you finally realize that you are a powerful, powerful person and that you are actually magic—you are a co-Creator, actually; to use Ra’s terms you’re a co-co-Creator. That doesn’t matter.

At any rate, the power that you have is awesome and infinite, and when you focus it and when you let loose that focus and you are engaged; and you are paying attention; and you are there; the world becomes an incredible place. And when you realize that with your power, what you forgive is forgiven, that means you can forgive, and it is so. If you judge, it is also so for you. So how do you want to set up your universe? How do you want your creation to run? You want it to run on love probably. That’s the kind of creation you’d like to live in, and you have the power to do that.

We thank you for this question and at this time we would ask if there are any questions with which you would wish to follow up. We are those of Q’uo.


We find that there are no more questions at this time. We thank you for calling this circle. It has been our pleasure to be a part of your meditation, and we have greatly enjoyed the beauty of your vibrations. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning, I shoveled some of the mulch next to the Spirea Bushes in the side yard into four 5 gal. buckets and then dumped then on the top of the Wuthering Heights Mound on the south side of the front yard. Then I did the same for the Flower Fall Mound on the north side of the front yard, and then I used a rake to smooth the mulch out on both Mounds. Then I used my shovel to dig the mulch into the Wuthering Heights Mound.

This afternoon I went back outside and used my shovel to dig the mulch into the Flower Fall Mound. The mulch will help the dirt to hold more moisture when I am able to plant flowers on both Mounds in a couple of weeks.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 28

Only This Love Abides

I am of the Holy Spirit of the consciousness of Jesus Christ. I greet you in unconditional and divine Love.

What does the spirit have to say to the world this day? What comfort and consolation may mere words bring to those who dwell in the shadow of death; who live in constant fear of war and rumors of war?

Only this: Love abides. Where is the Spirit in this chaos of society? Love is in every budding flower; in every passing cloud; in the unfurling leaves of Easter days; in the smiles of children too innocent to know the burdens of intelligence. Love is a comfort within you that dwells in your heart.

As Spirit moves across the waters, so the Spirit of Jesus the Christ moves across the waters of your troubled consciousness, saying, “Peace; be still. Be still, and know that I am the Lord, the Master, the chief of a kingdom not visible upon your Earth, but within each heart that beats.” That is the kingdom of which the Comforter speaks.

Gaze you, then, not upon the works of man to see the kingdom of the Father, but upon the works of the Father: the temples made of wildflowers, and trees, and the temple of your own heart and consciousness.

Enter into that tabernacle and be silent. And in that silence shall you find comfort, strength, renewal, and transformation.

We leave you in the peace of the Love that knows no bounds and is forever near, both now and always. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 19, 2005:

What exactly is a time lateral and how is it created?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. We want to thank you for creating this circle of seeking and for asking us to share our thoughts with you. As always, we would ask that you be extremely vigilant in monitoring your reactions to our thoughts. If there seems to be resonance to what we have to say, please feel free to use our thoughts in any way that seems helpful to you. If there does not seem to be any resonance to our thoughts, please abandon them and leave them behind. This will enable us to speak freely without being concerned with infringing on your free will or the integrity of your spiritual process.

You ask this day concerning the nature of the time lateral that we have talked about previously with this group. The creation of such a shunt or rail for an alternate track along space/time within your local sector, which you call your solar system, was created for the same kind of reason that a railroad switching station would employ shunts or lateral track systems to hold trains that have, for one reason or another, lost their initial engine. The formation of this sidetrack is that which is created to be precisely parallel to the main track of the solar system which is now finishing an important part of its evolution through its own part of the densities of creation. It was intended to last until your year, approximately 1998. It was provided with the opportunity to link back to the main track of your solar system’s development at that time. Because of the energies of groups such as yours and many others across your planetary sphere, the ability of this shunt or time lateral to maintain traffic across the normal boundaries of your solar system’s and your planet’s development has been enhanced.

There have been energies which have been called forth amongst many of those upon your planet who have been inspired to help in the goal of maintaining the openness of this reconnection point which this instrument feels comfortable calling a bridge. It is a bit easier for us to give her images of a bridge and the way that bridges can be closed because of incoming traffic. For instance, if a bridge is across a river and is split in the middle, it may raise up and allow a tall ship to come through. This is the basic situation with your shunt at this time. It is on the verge of becoming time to raise that bridge and to allow other traffic and other energies to pass athwart or in such a way that that bridge cannot endure.

Andlet us be specific concerning the nature of this time lateral. It is not a time lateral that concerns the planet as a whole. The planet as a whole is unimpeded in its entry into fourth density. The energies of a living third-density system have been encouraged to continue for the approximate ten to twelve years further that this shunt can stay physically open in terms of space/time. This is to say that, by the energies of unconditional love which are generated by the prayers, meditations and visualizations of groups such as this one, the bridge or reconnection point has been maintained for those who would wish to awaken and make their choice of polarity by the date which has been set as the last possible date to keep this connection point open, which, as we have said before and still find to be true, is the date of the winter solstice of the year 2012.

This cannot be said to be precise. It is not known to us just when the last entity will be able to cross that bridge. The choice of many entities is involved in maintaining such a bridge. And indeed, the traffic across the bridge of those who awaken and make their choice also has its part in keeping the bridge open until the last possible moment. The more traffic upon that bridge and the more guardians who stand watch along the bridge, holding and anchoring the incoming Light of fourth density on the one hand, and acknowledging, honoring, and blessing the waning Light of third density on the other hand, the fuller the harvest may be. This is the entire core of the exercise of creating this time lateral.

The group question for this session was: “What exactly is a time lateral, and how is it created?” Q’uo began by saying you ask this day concerning the nature of the time lateral that they have talked about previously with this group, and the creation of such a rail for an alternate track along space/time within our local sector, which we call our solar system, was created for the same kind of reason that a railroad switching station would employ lateral track systems to hold trains that have lost their initial engine, so the formation of this sidetrack is that which is created to be parallel to the main track of the solar system which is now finishing part of its evolution through its part of the densities of creation, and it was intended to last until our year 1998, and it was provided with the opportunity to link back to the main track of our solar system’s development at that time because of the energies of groups such as ours and many others across our planetary sphere, the ability of this time lateral to maintain traffic across the normal boundaries of our solar system’s and our planet’s development has been enhanced. Q’uo went on to say that there have been energies which have been called forth amongst many upon our planet who have been inspired to help in the goal of maintaining the openness of this reconnection point which Carla calls a bridge, and it is easier for Q’uo to give her images of a bridge and the way that bridges can be closed because of incoming traffic so that if a bridge is across a river and is split in the middle, it may raise up and allow a tall ship to come through, and this is the situation with our rail at this time since it is on the verge of becoming time to raise that bridge and to allow traffic and other energies to pass in such a way that that bridge cannot endure. Q’uo continued by saying the nature of this time lateral does not concern the planet as a whole because the planet is unimpeded in its entry into fourth density so that the energies of this living third-density system have been encouraged to continue for ten to twelve years further that this rail can stay open in terms of space/time which is to say that, by the energies of unconditional Love which are generated by the prayers, meditations, and visualizations of groups such as this one, the bridge has been maintained for those of us who would wish to make our choice of polarity by the date which has been set as the last possible date to keep this connection point open, as Q’uo still finds to be true, and it is the date of the winter solstice of the year 2012. Now Q’uo said this cannot be said to be precise since it is not known to them just when the last entity will be able to cross that bridge, and the choice of many of us is involved in maintaining such a bridge, and the traffic across the bridge of those of us who make our choice also has its part in keeping the bridge open until the last possible moment, so the more traffic upon that bridge and the more guardians who stand watch along the bridge, anchoring the incoming Light of fourth density on the one hand, and honoring the waning Light of third density, the fuller the harvest may be, and this is the core of the exercise of creating this time lateral. On December 23, 2001, Q’uo described the Light of fourth density:

So, the first entity that you must fall in love with in order to form a social memory complex is yourself. If you can fall in love with the shadow self of your own 360 degree being you have become far, far more vulnerable to the Light that is the new Light of fourth density. So much of the Light that you call to yourself is created by the nexus of desire and emotion within which you are seeking the Light. So, all aspects of Light feed into making third density into fourth density because all aspects of Light can be illuminated by Love. Love makes food taste better. Love makes gardens bloom better. Love makes children grow healthier. Love makes businesses thrive. Love will also make positive fourth density occur because the Love energy within many of your people is now approaching that energy which is the graduated third density, the Christ energy.

Letus talk to a certain extent about this time lateral and how it came to be necessary. As the ones known as P and B are far more aware than this instrument, there is a separation that is inevitable between higher and lower energies. As fourth density has now completely interpenetrated third density and is as active as third density and indeed gaining in energy while third density wanes, the vibration of each of the entities upon planet Earth becomes more and more critical in terms of being able to physically remain viable and functional within the third-density energy that is so heavily overarched and under-girded with the interpenetrating fourth-density energy.

Inthis environment, third-density entities who have not made their choice become buffeted by the energies that are crashing upon your planet in waves at this time. These waves are all perfectly normal and completely benign. They are a part of the awakening of the morning of the fourth-density day. Nevertheless, these energies have the side effect for the people of the planet of encouraging polarity. If there is a slight choice for service to others, it creates enhanced opportunities to make deeper and firmer choices of service to others, and the same is true for those who are service to self. There are increasing and markedly more attractive or seductive opportunities to choose the ways of service to self. For those who do not wish to make either choice, there is the lifestyle lived precisely as the fifth-density entities who are enthusiastic about maintaining this time lateral wish to keep in place.

So, on the one hand you have a well-meaning set of guardians of your planet who, gazing at the difficult time that your planetary tribe has had in achieving graduation, chose to create an enhanced opportunity for a last-ditch effort, shall we say. Wanderers came forward, some of whom have been here for fifty of your years, some forty, some thirty, and so forth. In addition, you have entities who have come in the last twenty years or so who are approaching this problem from the fourth-density angle, sending entities such as the one known as P, who have certain activation within fourth density as well as having third-density activated energy. These entities also are those who would wish to maintain this opportunity for the harvesting of as many entities as possible before the time literally runs out.

On the other hand, you have opportunistic entities of a negative polarity from fifth density who have discovered that there is a characteristic of this planet which is unusual and of which they may take advantage. They are busily doing that and have been doing so for some of your time. The situation about which we speak is this: as we have said before, the planetary population is made up not only of those entities who are native to your planet. For the most part and for the great majority, your planetary population consists of those who have been imported from other failed third-density planetary cycles. Many of those upon your planet, then, are those who have either destroyed their planet completely through acts of war using advanced technology or are those who have for one reason or another been unable to finish out their normal cycles upon their native earths. Therefore, you have adopted each other as a kind of mixed bag, shall we say, of many differing planetary origins.

Then Q’uo said let us talk about this time lateral and how it came to be necessary because there is a separation that is inevitable between higher and lower energies so that as fourth density has completely interpenetrated third density, and is as active as third density, and is gaining in energy while third density wanes, the vibration of each of us upon Earth becomes more critical in terms of being able to remain functional within the third-density energy that is so heavily overarched and under-girded with the interpenetrating fourth-density energy. Now Q’uo said in this environment, third-density entities who have not made their choice become buffeted by the energies that are crashing upon our planet in waves at this time, and these waves are normal and benign because they are a part of the awakening of the morning of the fourth-density day so that these energies have the side effect for the people of the planet of encouraging polarity, for if there is a choice for service to others, it creates enhanced opportunities to make deeper choices of service to others, and the same is true for those who are service to self, and there are increasing opportunities to choose the ways of service to self, and for those who do not wish to make either choice, there is the lifestyle lived as the fifth-density negative entities who are enthusiastic about maintaining this time lateral wish to keep in place. Q’uo went on to say on the one hand we have a well-meaning set of guardians of our planet who, gazing at the difficult time that our planetary tribe has had in achieving graduation, chose to create an enhanced opportunity for a last-ditch effort, so wanderers came forward along with entities who have come in who are approaching this problem from the fourth-density angle, sending entities who have certain activation within fourth density as well as having third-density activated energy, and these entities also wish to maintain this opportunity for the harvesting of as many entities as possible before the time literally runs out. Q’uo continued by saying we have entities of negative polarity from fifth density who have discovered that there is a characteristic of this planet which is unusual which they may take advantage of, and they are have been busily doing that for some of our time so that the situation is that the planetary population is made up not only of those entities who are native to our planet, but our planetary population consists of those who have incarnated from other failed third-density planetary cycles, and many of those upon our planet are those who have either destroyed their planet completely through acts of war using advanced technology, or are those who have for one reason or another been unable to finish their normal cycles upon their native earths, so we have adopted each other as a kind of mixed bag of many differing planetary origins. On August 11, 1985, L/Leema spoke of the many differing planetary origins of the population of Earth:

There is a further point which may be very helpful to those who wish to work with prejudice within themselves in order to become free of prejudice and become free to discriminate more freely and that is this. Prejudice is, to some extent, an instinct based upon the ultimate origin of the various races of your planetary sphere. Because more than one planetary sphere produced third-density candidates which have experienced third density upon this sphere, those of different planetary influences have fundamentally various archetypical minds, that is, part of their archetypical minds, that part connected with the racial consciousness, is in some cases subtly, in other cases widely different from race to race. The instinctive bias is that of the recognition of a difference. This is the fundamental instinctual and root reason for prejudice or prejudgment. It is not, however, valid in the sense that mind/body/spirit complexes are each the Creator, regardless of their planetary origins. Each, furthermore, has put in the span of third density’s space/time attempting to learn the same lessons of Love which each has attempted to learn. Therefore, the racial component becomes less and less as the entity becomes more and more consciously a child of the one infinite Creator.

This means that you have the attempt to integrate many differing subconscious or archetypical systems of looking at and structuring information. You do not have a homogeneous population. You have a population that has enormous difficulty in communicating because of the great variety of those groups, speaking in terms of planetary origins, among its tribe. Nevertheless, the entire gamble of Earth in third density was to see if such a polyglot group of entities could mold themselves into a tribe with all embracing planet Earth, all becoming aware of their true situation as regards the need to make a choice of service to others or service to self, and all having a great desire to restore or reconstitute the planet Earth where there was a group karma, shall we say, to be balanced, as so many entities had been involved actively in previous planets where, by their own choices, the planet was damaged, as in the case of Mars, or completely destroyed, as in the case of Maldek.

The first and perhaps the most disastrous of the experiments of rebuilding the tribe of Earth and creating or recreating a level of technology which was well remembered by many entities from previous planetary experiences was that of Atlantis. In this pattern’s outworking, those within Atlantis came to power at a time when their technology had grown sufficiently to offer the opportunity for advanced applications such as crystal technology. These leaders, instead of embracing the ideals of service to others, embraced what can perhaps be called the path of conditional service. This is a path of service to self which is overlaid heavily by the rhetoric of service to others. It is a situation which initially was innocent. Those involved did not see that rather than polarizing fully service to others there was a good deal of rationalizing and sophistic thinking which justified exceptions to various rules of ethics and which involved infringing upon the free will of entities which were considered less valuable or intelligent than others.

This pattern of exclusion and manipulation of entities considered as lesser is the initial point of departure from service-to-others polarity. Because of these choices, eventually those who had previously created disasters on other planetary spheres created the first disaster upon the sphere of Earth, sinking the continent known as Atlantis. The wise and the clever—that is, those polarized positively and those polarized negatively—managed to remove themselves to other continents in sufficient number that these energies never left your planetary vibration. And if you will examine your written history, you may see a pattern of empire: its building, its maintenance, and its eventual and inevitable destruction, played out again and again.

Into the pattern of this repetitive, self-destructive behavior among the population of planet Earth came those who were watching for the opportunity to present itself to make use of this time lateral. For if entities such as your group are unable to clear the population of your planet from this lateral, there are ways in which the negatively-oriented entities have every hope of keeping the time lateral viable. It would no longer be attached to the main track. That opportunity shall soon be closed. Nevertheless, those that believe that they are in the appropriate place for themselves could choose to remain not polarized either positively or negatively but simply as those who would remain on third-density Earth as it reverts to late second density.

Now Q’uo said this means that we have the attempt to integrate  different subconscious systems of structuring information since we do not have a homogeneous population, but we have a population that has difficulty in communicating because of the variety of those groups in terms of planetary origins among our tribe so that the gamble of Earth in third density was to see if such a diverse group of entities could mold themselves into a tribe with all embracing planet Earth, and all becoming aware of their true situation as regards the need to make a choice of service to others or service to self, and all having a desire to restore the planet Earth where there was a group karma to be balanced, as so many entities had been involved in previous planets where, by their own choices, the planet was damaged, as in the case of Mars, or completely destroyed, as in the case of Maldek. Q’uo went on to say the first and the most disastrous of the experiments of rebuilding the tribe of Earth and recreating a level of technology which was remembered from previous planetary experiences was that of Atlantis, and in this pattern’s outworking, those within Atlantis came to power at a time when their technology had grown sufficiently to offer the opportunity for advanced applications such as crystal technology so that these leaders, instead of embracing the ideals of service to others, embraced what can be called the path of conditional service which is a path of service to self which is overlaid by the rhetoric of service to others, and it is a situation which initially was innocent, but those involved did not see that rather than polarizing fully service to others there was a good deal of rationalizing which justified exceptions to various rules of ethics and which involved infringing upon the free will of entities which were considered less valuable than others. Q’uo continued by saying this pattern of manipulation of entities considered as lesser is the initial point of departure from service-to-others polarity, and because of these choices, those who had previously created disasters on other planets created the first disaster upon Earth, sinking the continent of Atlantis, but those polarized positively and those polarized negatively removed themselves to other continents in sufficient number that these energies never left our planetary vibration, and if we examine our written history, we may see a pattern of empire: its building, its maintenance, and its inevitable destruction, played out again and again. Then Q’uo said into the pattern of this self-destructive behavior among the population of planet Earth came those who were watching for the opportunity to make use of this time lateral, for if entities such as our group are unable to clear the population of our planet from this lateral, there are ways in which the negatively-oriented entities have hope of keeping the time lateral viable, but it would no longer be attached to the main track as that opportunity shall soon be closed, but those that believe that they are in the appropriate place could choose to remain not polarized either positively or negatively but simply as those who would remain on third-density Earth as it reverts to late second density. In 10.15, Ra spoke of the destruction of Atlantis:

Approximately eleven thousand [11,000] of your years ago, the first of the, what you call, wars, caused approximately forty percent of this population to leave the density by means of disintegration of the body. The second and most devastating of the conflicts occurred approximately one oh eight two one, ten thousand eight hundred twenty-one [10,821] years in the past according to your illusion. This created an earth-changing configuration and the large part of Atlantis was no more, having been inundated. Three of the positively oriented of the Atlantean groups left this geographical locus before that devastation, placing themselves in the mountain areas of what you call Tibet, what you call Peru, and what you call Turkey.

These entities would no longer be enlivened by third-density entities who have the power of free will that could make the choice of service to self or service to others. They would be instinctual, great-ape-type beings who look like you do because that is the genetic pool that now exists upon planet Earth. However, these entities would simply be slaves of a kind that spent their lives living a life much as you now experience it: a life without a good deal of variety, a life that is not concerned with coming into harmony as a planetary system but is only concerned with the tribe of its family and its clan, with protecting the resources of that family and clan, and of defending that family and clan.

Whatthe fifth-density entities, which you may call, as this instrument has jokingly done, “space pirates,” have in mind is simply to have a continuing harvest of food, that food being fear. You may see the creation of an atmosphere of fear in your governmental systems in your present culture. Indeed, we find from this instrument’s mind there have been several conversations concerning this precise point recently among those who sit within this circle. The goal, therefore, of those who wish to aid planet Earth at this time is firstly to express the situation of the choice, without concern for numbers but only with concern for making an appropriate effort to, as this instrument would say, get the word out globally; to share the information of the Confederation as regards this being the density of choice and there being time yet for making that choice.

A secondary effort at this time, but one which will grow increasingly stronger and which will, within the next several of your years, become more important by far than alerting the population of this planet, is the concern for the planet itself. For there are many, many entities upon this planet whose route or road to realization of their true situation involves becoming aware of and responsive to the sad plight of the planet itself and the fact that your culture and your way of life are gradually destroying the viability of this planet. The desire to change this pattern is a key to the activation of the will to choose in many entities whose energies are unconsciously but deeply involved with connecting with restitution and the energies of stewardship and unconditional Love, not so much to the people of the planet as to the planet itself.

That is the situation as we know it with the time lateral at this time. It is not a situation that will endure. We would, however, emphasize that there is no serious disturbance that is even possible to be balanced, either of the planet or of the solar system. There is in progress a desperate gamble on the part of negative entities, as we had mentioned before, to attempt to hijack the time lateral. Getting information more globally available is the best means of creating a balance to the situation that makes it impossible for this gamble to work. The best help the negative entities have, however, is not negative entities as much as it is the deep sleep of those who are unawakened at this time. It is to the interest of the negative entities that that sleep be continued as untroubled and peaceful as possible.

Q’uo continued by saying these entities would no longer be enlivened by third-density entities who have the power of free will that could make the choice of service to self or service to others because they would be great-ape-type beings who look like we do because that is the genetic pool that now exists upon planet Earth, but these entities would be slaves that spent their lives living a life much as we now experience it: a life with little variety, a life that is not concerned with coming into harmony as a planetary system but is only concerned with the tribe of its family and its clan, with protecting the resources of that family and clan, and of defending that family and clan. Then Q’uo said what the fifth-density entities, which Carla called “space pirates,” have in mind is to have a continuing harvest of fear that would be their food, and we may see the creation of an atmosphere of fear in our governmental systems in our present culture, and Q’uo said Carla had conversations concerning this point recently with those who sit within this circle so that the goal of those who wish to aid planet Earth at this time is to express the situation of the choice, without concern for numbers but only with concern for making an appropriate effort to, as Carla would say, get the word out globally; to share the information of the Confederation as regards this being the density of choice and there being time yet for making that choice. Now Q’uo said a secondary effort that will become more important by far than alerting the population of this planet, is the concern for the planet itself because there are many entities upon this planet whose road to realization of their true situation involves becoming aware of and responsive to the sad plight of our planet itself and the fact that our way of life is gradually destroying the viability of this planet, and the desire to change this pattern is a key to the activation in many entities of the will to choose to connect with restitution and the energies of stewardship and unconditional Love, not so much to the people of the planet as to the planet itself. Q’uo went on to say that is the situation as they know it with the time lateral at this time, but it is not a situation that will endure, but Q’uo emphasized that there is no serious disturbance that is possible to be balanced, either of the planet or of the solar system, and there is in progress a gamble on the part of negative entities to attempt to hijack the time lateral, so getting information more globally available is the best means of creating a balance to the situation that makes it impossible for this gamble to work, and the best help the negative entities have is not more choices of the negative path as much as it is the sleep of those who are unawakened at this time so that it is to the interest of the negative entities that that sleep be continued for as long as possible. On November 25, 1990, Q’uo spoke of the need for us to provide stewardship of our planet Earth:

Though there are many efforts that have had marked success in attempting the rebalancing and healing of your planet’s ruptures, we find that there shall be for some period of time that is significant in your measure of time, a remaining evidence of this disharmony that will necessitate a continuation of this healing process into the fourth-density experience that has begun upon this sphere at this time. We encourage all such efforts at not only healing that which has been broken, but in ceasing to cause further damage by the conscious application of those principles of stewardship which each entity and culture creates and undertakes as a way of life and realizes as a standard of living, or of relationship, each with the other and with the planet itself.

Energies such as your religious bodies and what this instrument calls the “religious right,” those entities who lean heavily upon dogma and whose teachings are based on fear and judgment, are the leaders of the pack in maintaining the lack of choice among entities who indeed have translated spirituality into a religiosity in which the concern is simply to belong to the appropriate pack and to be a part of that pack by following blindly any directives given by the leaders of that group. We realize that gazing at this situation, there is the possibility of creating within oneself an easy and seductive anger, or even rage. We would encourage each of you to take this entire situation lightly, to let it slide off your back. This is not a burden for you to pick up. This is not something for which you can be responsible or over which you have any control.

Whatyou have, in terms of your ability to serve at this time, is primarily your own deepening awareness of what it is to choose; what it is to choose so deeply that the rest of your life becomes a joy. What it is to choose so completely that there is no longer the need to spend time questioning whether faith is the answer, whether service is the answer, or whether one particular kind of service is better than another, and so forth. When the choice for service to others has been absolute, there is a knowing that comes. It is a knowing that transcends planning. It is a knowing that includes the awareness that you really do not have control over anything but your own desires, your own will, and your own persistence.

We ask you who wish to serve at this time to look to your own self-awareness and self-knowledge and to be aware and trust completely in the fact that you are part of a web of Love. Your work has been effective because you have chosen the very difficult path of working in groups. The energy of the group and the energy of groups of such groups is now that which is challenged to undertake what this instrument has called a new paradigm. What is that new paradigm, you may ask. But it is not for us to answer the question. It is for you. It is certainly not building upon anything that has been seen before, for the old ways have failed. Yet there stirs within the hearts of so many the sure and absolute knowledge that there is a way to create harmony, power, and balance once again at the dusk and the evening of third density. This instrument is fond of saying that she likes to leave a room tidy when she leaves it, as good as it was when she came into it or perhaps even better. That is your work at this time.

You are those who stand as guardians and anchors of Light, holding that bridge open, and, by your vibrations and your thoughts, radiating the Love and the Light of the infinite Creator with your own coloration out into the ambient atmosphere. You are an agent of infection. You are infecting people with the highest and the best of your love. Witness your opportunity to offer your love. You will find, as you attempt to do this, that there is resistance down every path. This is inevitable and ever more inevitable at this fairly radical and extreme point at the end of your cycle that you are now experiencing. We find this to be sufficient information from that question and would ask if there is a further query at this time.

Q’uo said that energies such as our religious bodies and what Carla calls the “religious right,” are those entities who lean upon dogma, and whose teachings are based on fear and judgment, are maintaining the lack of choice among entities who have translated spirituality into a religiosity in which the concern is simply to belong to the appropriate pack and to be a part of that pack by following any directives given by the leaders of that group, and Q’uo realized that gazing at this situation, there is the possibility of creating within ourself a seductive anger, and they encouraged each of us to take this situation lightly because this is not a burden for us to pick up or over which we have any control. Q’uo went on to say what we have, in terms of our ability to serve at this time, is our deepening awareness of what it is to choose so deeply that the rest of our life becomes a joy, and what it is to choose so completely that there is no longer the need to spend time questioning whether faith is the answer, or whether service is the answer because when the choice for service to others has been absolute, there is a knowing that comes that transcends planning, and that includes the awareness that we really do not have control over anything but our own desires and our own will. Q’uo continued by asking us to look to our self-awareness and to trust completely in the fact that we are part of a web of Love, and our work has been effective because we have chosen the difficult path of working in groups where the energy of the group is now that which is challenged to undertake what Carla has called a new paradigm, but Q’uo said it was not for them to answer the question of what the new paradigm was because it was for us to answer, although it does not build upon anything that has been seen before, for the old ways have failed, but there stirs within the hearts of so many the absolute knowledge that there is a way to create harmony and balance once again at the evening of third density, and Carla is fond of saying that she likes to leave a room tidy when she leaves it, and that is our work at this time. Q’uo completed their reply by saying we are those who stand as guardians of Light, holding that bridge open, and by our vibrations radiating the Love and the Light of the infinite Creator with our coloration out into the atmosphere since we are inspiring people with the highest and the best of our love, and when we witness our opportunity to offer our love, we will find that there is resistance down every path, and this is inevitable at this radical point at the end of our cycle. On September 27, 2008, Q’uo described a part of the nature of the new paradigm:

As wanderers have come into Planet Earth for incarnation, and as the population of the planet from whatever source has slowly begun to hunger and thirst for the new paradigm of love and understanding, the Earth has been able to take hold and to respond to this lightening that is ongoing. It is easy to look at the many extreme weather problems that your globe has been experiencing and cry doom, but we would suggest to you that these frequent catastrophes are a very good sign. They are the sign that Planet Earth has regained enough strength to do the balancing that she must do in order to absorb and eliminate this aggressive and hostile energy that has been pumped into her for so long, in stages, rather than all at once.

P: What you were saying sounded a bit synchronistic with Psi-Corps, and I wanted to know, first of all, about the free will aspect. It would seem like a major violation of the distortion of free will for a time lateral to be created. In conjunction with what you were saying about the time lateral being created, it sounded like an experiment almost on planet Earth. Could you elaborate on that?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has indeed experimented repeatedly with the planet which you call Earth and which this instrument calls Gaia. There was a realization that entities would need to begin with an entirely new planetary and solar system if the experiment of Earth did not succeed. And so, it was proposed that this time lateral be created and that what this instrument would call a kind of reform school be instituted upon the planet. The idea was simply to increase the harvest and to break some significant knots of fear that had occurred in unusual quantities within your fairly local area of space/time.

It was felt that there was a lot of risk involved with the experiment, but it was felt that there was the possibility of bringing many, many entities into a configuration where true choice would become possible. And, in terms of this basic intention, the experiment has been a roaring success.

[Side one of tape ends.]

There has been a genuine, authentic time of choice that has been created out of the nothingness of previously impossible lack of time. However, like any experiment, it has a period: a beginning, a middle, and an ending. The beginning was before history began upon your planet. You have a fair view of the history of the middle. You gaze now at the end point of this experiment. It is impossible for us to say how many souls or spirits or beings shall have been harvested that were not harvested before because of the creation of the time lateral. But we can say that there has been an additional harvest because of the efforts of all entities involved, whether they be Earth natives, elder race, walk-ins, wanderer or other categories of those who walk upon your Earth.

The end point is at this time rapidly approaching because the energies are precipitating out of third density, either moving on to fourth density or moving back to late second density, getting ready for removal to another solar system for the beginning of a new effort in moving through third density. The likelihood of the negative entities that this instrument has called the space pirates being successful is almost nil. It is extremely doubtful that they would be able to bring through enough intensity of fear to create, again, such a knot that it would be the choice of those entities remaining to refrain from being at all aware as third-density entities. This would have to be a choice made by each entity. The energy that attracts entities to choices like this is that energy of fanaticism which creates situation in which people would rather die for a cause than live in freedom.

The tendency of your planetary people is not to make such a choice but rather to maintain enough confusion to allow the normal harvesting procedures to precipitate them out of the time lateral and into a beginning class, shall we say, for a new third-density experience. Whenever entities are attempting to serve and lend their aid there is the possibility of infringement upon free will. Looked at from a system-wide point of view, there is certainly the possibility of feeling that the Confederation, choosing to make this experiment occur, was in error. In the ways of all energy, such errors shall and will be balanced, and it is our intention to be part of the energy that loves, accepts, and embraces all of those who are engaged in this experiment on all of the inner and outer planes connecting with this planet.

P’s question was: “What you were saying sounded a bit synchronistic with Psi-Corps, and I wanted to know, first of all, about the free will aspect. It would seem like a major violation of the distortion of free will for a time lateral to be created. In conjunction with what you were saying about the time lateral being created, it sounded like an experiment almost on planet Earth. Could you elaborate on that?” Q’uo began by saying the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator has experimented with the planet which we call Earth and which Carla calls Gaia, and there was a realization that entities would need to begin with a new planetary and solar system if the experiment of Earth did not succeed, so it was proposed that this time lateral be created, and that what Carla would call a reform school be instituted upon the planet so that the idea was to increase the harvest and to break some significant knots of fear that had occurred in unusual quantities within our local area of space/time. Q’uo went on to say that it was felt that there was risk involved with the experiment, but it was felt that there was the possibility of bringing many entities into a configuration where true choice would become possible, and, in terms of this intention, the experiment has been a roaring success, so there has been a genuine time of choice that has been created out of the nothingness of previously impossible lack of time, but, like any experiment, it has a beginning, a middle, and an ending, and the beginning was before history began upon your planet; we have a fair view of the history of the middle; and we gaze now at the end point of this experiment, but it is impossible for us to say how many souls shall have been harvested that were not harvested before because of the creation of the time lateral, but we can say that there has been an additional harvest because of the efforts of all entities involved, whether they be Earth natives, elder race, walk-ins, wanderers, or other categories of those who walk upon your Earth. Q’uo continued by saying that the end point is at this time approaching because the energies are moving out of third density, either moving on to fourth density or moving back to late second density, getting ready for removal to another solar system for the beginning of a new effort in moving through third density, and the chance of the negative entities that Carla has called the space pirates being successful is almost zero, and it is doubtful that they would be able to bring through enough intensity of fear to create, again, such a knot that it would be the choice of those entities remaining to refrain from being at all aware as third-density entities because this would have to be a choice made by each entity, and the energy that attracts entities to choices like this is that energy of fanaticism which creates a situation in which people would rather die for a cause than live in freedom. Q’uo completed their reply by saying the tendency of our planetary people is not to make such a choice but rather to maintain enough confusion to allow the normal harvesting procedures to precipitate them out of the time lateral and into a beginning class for a new third-density experience so that whenever entities are attempting to serve and lend their aid there is the possibility of infringement upon free will, so looked at from a system-wide point of view, there is certainly the possibility of feeling: “that the Confederation, choosing to make this experiment occur, was in error. In the ways of all energy, such errors shall and will be balanced, and it is our intention to be part of the energy that loves, accepts, and embraces all of those who are engaged in this experiment on all of the inner and outer planes connecting with this planet.” On April 14, 2007, Q’uo described the basic function of a time lateral:

However, the work of many groups such as this one has created the possibility of a strengthened and lengthened track in the time lateral so that the maximum number of entities may awaken and choose whether to serve others or to serve the self before the time of such choice has passed. Once again, there will be no physical change when this time has passed. There will only be a change in the core vibration of the atoms of your universe, atom by atom, cell by cell, being by being.

You have asked if the experience of the time lateral is like the holo-deck and we would say that, indeed, whether you speak of the time lateral that you have experienced, with its careful isolation and insulation from the full spectrum of thought available in the infinite creation of the Father, or whether you speak of the main track, you have the same material and one single agenda for moving forward and fulfilling your hopes for progress within your present lifetime within third density.

May we answer you further, my brother?

P: A friend of ours has started hearing voices in his head and is concerned that it might be a sign of schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. Are there any comments you can offer to help him through this process?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We find that this instrument has every intention at the first possible moment of working with this entity by e-mail. And because of the fact that her service is soon to be manifested, it would be our request that the entity to whom you refer read and digest the gist of the material that this instrument will make available. And then, when it has processed that which may considered a starting load of information, which we would as soon not repeat through this instrument at this time, have this entity ask questions of us which we may address at a future session.

If that would be acceptable to you, that is what we would prefer to do, for we would not wish to tire this instrument, whose energy is already waning, with the repetition of information that is readily available. Is this acceptable to you, my brother?

P: Of course.

We are those of Q’uo, and we thank you for this. We find we have energy for one more question at this time.

P: This one concerns how a social memory complex such as yourself would express creativity. How do you express creativity, such as an individual expresses beauty through artistic expression?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We find it most humorous that you would ask this question because of the burden of our comments today. They have been about an experiment in beauty and truth which is called planet Earth. The time lateral experiment, which is your planetary school of learning, was crafted by us with tremendous creativity, love, and caring. The intentions of all of those involved in the creation and maintenance of this planet in its special circumstances is a very good example of the kind of beauty that social memory complexes might create if they have chosen as their role the guardianship of a space/time continuum such as that of your solar system.

In general, let us simply say that when groups of entities create, the energies of creation are very much the same as when individuals create. The time that it takes to create is extended dramatically, for the commonalities of all of those within the group must be gathered and balanced in a continuing cycle of increasing self-awareness and increasing focus so that when choices are made as to how to proceed along the lines of the preservation or the creation of a thing of beauty, or a thing that has form and function, there is the fullest possible realization on the part of all entities involved.

Each entity within a social memory complex is known to the other entities in terms of the contents of that entity’s mind. What is not known until the entities engage at a very deep level with each other is what the dynamics of connection between each and every member of a social memory complex shall create as a pattern. It is from that pattern of commonality that the creations of a social memory complex come. We realize that we have only scratched the surface of any of these questions and are more than happy to continue to offer our humble thoughts through this instrument at a future time. You have only to create the opportunity and we shall make every attempt to be with you.

We thank this instrument and each of you for creating this circle of seeking. It has been our true pleasure to share the beauty of your vibrations and your meditations at this time. Again, we ask each of you to guard your thoughts. We are not perfect, and we have no desire to be an authority among you. But we are most happy to share our humble opinions. We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. We leave you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning I went outside and used the garden hoe to weed the Spirea Bush Garden next to the fishpond because the trimmer didn’t do a very good job yesterday. Then I put four 5-gallon buckets of mulch on the Flower Fall Mound in the front yard, and four 5-gallon buckets of mulch on the Wuthering Heights Mound on the other side of the front yard.

This afternoon I put another two buckets of mulch on both the Flower Fall Mound and the Wuthering Heights Mound with a plan to dig the mulch into both mounds tomorrow morning so that the soil will hold more moisture when it comes time to plant flowers in both mounds next month.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 27

A Nation Of Priests

I am the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of divine Love.

The concept of nations among your people has not been aided by the Holy Spirit’s work within those who long ago formed the nation you call Israel.

Let the spirit of Christ proclaim that humankind is a nation of priests, an order holy to God. The state of Israel was not intended literally, nor do any nations, namings or boundaries form a portion of the full and perfect consciousness which is Love.

Nay! Rather, Love is that city within each which, like Jerusalem of your holy works, shines with the gems, pearls, and precious metals, seas of crystal and Light without limit.

The kingdom of heaven, not the kingdom or nation of Israel or any other place, is the native land of humankind. Its comforts reach out to you. Its beacon calls. And all the memories of home thrill one’s spirit as one gazes about the confusingly alien landscape of the smaller life of Earth-bound things.

Think not that a holy nation must needs conquer or be conquered. For the only nation that shall be holy shall be the nation with open arms and free consciousness to Love all as priests of God in Christ should indeed do. Only in undifferentiated Love may peace come to comfort the pilgrim.

We leave you in peace, now and forever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from December 18, 2005:

(Question chosen by PLW poll) I read Q’uo’s response in PlanetLightWorker magazine to the question about densities and vibrations. The Q’uo group spoke about seven densities in an octave. Others in the esoteric world speak of twelve dimensions. Can you explain the difference?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We come in the Creator’s service to respond to the call of the circle of seeking this day. May we thank each of you for setting aside the time to create a circle of seeking and for calling for us to share information with you. It is our pleasure and our privilege so to do. As always, we would ask of you that you are very careful in your discrimination. Set aside any thought of ours that does not immediately appeal to you. If you will take care to guard the gateway to your own thoughts, then we shall feel free to share our opinions without being concerned that we might infringe upon your free will. It is crucial to us that we share information without such infringement, so we thank each of you for this consideration.

Thequery this day concerns the system of chakras that is used to structure the way that you think about your energy body. The question itself actually used the terms density and dimension. However, we believe we grasp that the actual intent of the query is more in terms of the internal workings of the body system rather than the macrocosmic point of view in which densities of the creation are considered. We apologize if we misunderstand or mis-speak because of this misunderstanding. However, we believe that the point of interest of the query has to do with looking at the system of the physical vehicle and its connections with the metaphysical universe in the form of the energy body that interpenetrates your physical body, and so we shall answer according to our understanding of this question as somewhat revised from the original statement.

We would take note of the way the question was phrased in simply saying that there is no true difference in the way that density and dimension are used, so that whether you are talking about the third dimension or the third density it is, in general, understood by students of metaphysical work that one is speaking of a quantum or certain kind of energy. The more appropriate of the two words for working with the concept of the octave of densities in creation is the word density rather than dimension. However, these two words are used interchangeably for the most part, not only by this instrument but also by many others whose works this instrument has read.

Thedensities, macrocosmically speaking, are reproduced faithfully within the energy of each and every entity that is in incarnation on planet Earth at this time. Each of you has an energy body which contains elements that are as true in pitch as the notes of a scale. The difference between conventional octaves within your Western modalities of physical notation creates a choice of various scales among the twelve notes that make up the diatonic scale, so-called, within one octave of one your musical instruments. In music this twelve-tone scale is a creation whereby in twelve half-tones the tones are created from octave to octave so that the twelfth tone is the same as the first.

That diatonic scale sounds like this.

[Carla sings the twelve-tone scale of one octave.]

In contrast, the major scale chooses eight of those twelve notes and sounds like this.

[Carla sings the octave with an eight-tone scale.]

There is a minor scale, and there are modal scales within the Western system of musical notation, all of which have eight notes. It is to be noted in this regard, still speaking of music, that in the Eastern or Oriental ways of producing tone, there is no precise way of grading notes. Not only are quarter-tones appreciated and differentiated but also those who are gifted musically can produce by their voice or upon an instrument that is unfretted  an infinite number of gradations which have values less than a quarter-tone. This is why Eastern music is fundamentally different in its effect upon the listener than Western music. Western music lives in modular boxes of differentiation that have neat and regular borders, whereas the Oriental approach offers an infinite landscape in which to create tone. If one gazes into the thinking and the culture of the West and the East, we would suggest that many inferences could be drawn by this difference. The tendency of the Western or Occidental orientation of mind is to choose the major scale or one of the eight-tone scales to listen to in music. It is not by chance that this choice is natural to the Occidental culture.

The group question for this session was: “The Q’uo group spoke about seven densities in an octave. Others in the esoteric world speak of twelve dimensions. Can you explain the difference?” Q’uo began by saying the query today concerns the system of chakras that is used to structure the way that we think about our energy body, and the question used the terms density and dimension, but they believed that the intention of the query is more in terms of the internal workings of our body system rather than the macrocosmic point of view in which densities of the creation are considered, and Q’uo apologized if they misunderstood, but they believed that the point of the query has to do with looking at the system of the body and its connections with the metaphysical universe in the form of the energy body that interpenetrates our physical body, and so they answered according to their understanding of this question as somewhat revised from the original statement. Q’uo continued by saying we would take note of the way the question was phrased in saying that there is no difference in the way that density and dimension are used, so that whether we are talking about the third dimension or the third density it is understood by students of metaphysical work that we are speaking of a certain kind of energy, and the more appropriate of the two words for working with the concept of the octave of densities in creation is the word density, but these two words are used interchangeably for the most part, not only by Carla but also by others whose works she has read. Q’uo went on by saying the densities, in their completeness, are reproduced within the energy of each of us that is in incarnation on Earth at this time, and each of us has an energy body which contains elements that are as true in pitch as the notes of a scale, but the difference between conventional octaves within our Western physical way of notation creates a choice of various scales among the twelve notes that make up the diatonic scale within one octave of one our musical instruments so that in music this twelve-tone scale is a creation whereby in twelve half-tones the tones are created from octave to octave so that the twelfth tone is the same as the first.

That diatonic scale sounds like this.

[Carla sings the twelve-tone scale of one octave.]

In contrast, the major scale chooses eight of those twelve notes and sounds like this.

[Carla sings the octave with an eight-tone scale.]

Q’uo continued by saying there is a minor scale, and there are modal scales within the Western system of musical notation, all of which have eight notes, and it is to be noted that in the Oriental ways of producing tone, there is no precise way of grading notes so that not only are quarter-tones differentiated, but also those who are gifted musically can produce by their voice or upon an instrument that is unfretted an infinite number of gradations which have values less than a quarter-tone, and this is why Oriental music is different in its effect upon the listener than Western music since Western music lives in modular boxes of differentiation that have regular borders, whereas the Oriental approach offers an infinite landscape in which to create tone, and if we gaze into the thinking and the culture of the West and the East, Q’uo suggested that many conclusions could be drawn by this difference because the tendency of the Western orientation of mind is to choose the major scale or one of the eight-tone scales to listen to in music, and it is not by chance that this choice is natural to the Western culture. On December 19, 2009, Q’uo spoke of the nature of our energy body:

For a true spiritual seeker, balance is fundamentally that estate which is achieved when each of the chakras of your energy body lies open, so that each chakra may accept and allow through the chakra the full power of the Love and the Light of the one infinite Creator which streams infinitely and eternally from the Logos. That Logos has spoken Its Love, Its nature, and Its will in creating each of you and the environment in which you experience life. That Logos will have given you a fully functional, a fully capable, and competent body of soul and flesh in which to pursue your seeking, and an energy body, in order to give you the best environment in which to learn about yourself, and to learn about your own will, and finally to learn about the right use of will, balanced when the energy body is open and allowing the energy of the One to flow through it and into the opened and fearless heart.

The reason for the use of an eight-chakra system, which is the seven chakras and the octave chakra, or the eighth, being the same as the first, only an octave higher, is that the Occidental culture is like a younger version of the older Oriental twelve-tone system. There are fewer gradations, fewer differentiations, and a clearer, simpler, plainer structure for looking at the self and structuring ways to interact with one’s own energy system. On the other hand, the twelve-chakra system is indicative of the further articulation of energies and the use of energy which is more typical of Asian, Eastern or Oriental thought.

The eight-chakra system has been discussed previously, and so we will very briefly review that system. The red-ray chakra is concerned mostly with survival and sexuality. The orange-ray chakra, located in the lower belly, is associated with issues of personal relationship. The yellow-ray chakra, or the solar plexus energy center, is associated with the energies of interacting with groups. The green-ray or heart chakra is associated with opening the heart and discovering one’s own sacred nature. The throat chakra or blue-ray energy center is connected with communication. The indigo-ray center at the brow is associated with the disciplines of the personality and work in consciousness, and the violet-ray chakra, which is the crown chakra, is associated with that readout of momentary reality that is expressing at any given moment and is a system readout for the entire energy body that is what we would call the Occidental or Western chakra structure.

Thesubtleties of the twelve-chakra system can be very helpful to students of metaphysics. It begins the same way as does the Western system, the first chakra being connected with issues of sexuality and survival. The second chakra, however, is divided in the Eastern system into two energy centers, one of which deals strictly with the self relating to the self. The second of these so-called orange-ray energy centers deals with the self in relation to other selves. The solar plexus chakra remains unified in the Eastern system. However, after the solar plexus is left, and before one reaches what in the Western system is the heart chakra, there is a chakra which this instrument has often spoken of as the outer court of the heart. It is helpful to realize that moving into the heart is not an unalloyed and simple joy. It is a process that in its inception can create a great deal of difficulty for the student and the seeker. The difficulty of moving into the heart is that one must bring all of the self into the heart in order for that space to become truly sacred. Most seekers are quite astonished when they first enter their own hearts to discover that there is a real perceived problem with meeting one’s shadow side.

After all the work of realizing that we are spiritual beings has been done, after clearing issues of personalities, sexuality, survival, personal relationships, and all of the work that each entity is doing with groups, an entity that is seeking feels balanced and eager to enter that spacious holiness of the open heart. However, the first thing that most entities find upon entering this space is that, just as in the story within your New Testament of the entity known as Jesus the Christ walking into the temple and seeing all the sellers of doves and so forth which entities could buy for sacrifice, entities walking into their own hearts find that there are sellers of doves there hawking busily away with their own agendas.

Then Q’uo said the reason for the use of an eight-chakra system is that the Occidental culture is like a younger version of the older Oriental twelve-tone system, and there are fewer differentiations and a simpler structure for looking at ourself and structuring ways to interact with our energy system, but on the other hand the twelve-chakra system is indicative of the further articulation of energies and the use of energy which is more typical of Oriental thought. Q’uo went on to say that in the eight-chakra system the red-ray chakra is concerned with survival and sexuality; the orange-ray chakra is associated with issues of personal relationship; the yellow-ray chakra is associated with the energies of interacting with groups; the green-ray chakra is associated with opening the heart and discovering our sacred nature; the blue-ray chakra is connected with communication; the indigo-ray chakra at the brow is associated with the work in consciousness, and the violet-ray chakra is associated with that readout of momentary reality that is expressing at any given moment and is a system readout for the entire energy body that is what we would call the Occidental or Western chakra structure. Q’uo continued by saying the subtleties of the twelve-chakra system can be helpful to students of metaphysics because it begins the same way as does the Western system with the first chakra connected with sexuality and survival; the second chakra is divided in the Eastern system into two energy centers, one of which deals strictly with ourself relating to ourself; the second of these orange-ray energy centers deals with ourself in relation to other selves; the solar plexus chakra remains unified in the Eastern system, but after the solar plexus is left, and before one reaches what in the Western system is the heart chakra, there is a chakra which Carla has often spoken of as the outer court of the heart, and it is helpful to realize that moving into our heart is not a simple joy because it is a process that can create a great deal of difficulty for the seeker since the difficulty of moving into our heart is that we must bring all of ourself into our heart in order for that space to become truly sacred, and most of us are astonished when we first enter our hearts to discover that there is a real problem with meeting our shadow side. Now Q’uo said that after all the work of realizing that we are spiritual beings has been done, after clearing issues of personalities, sexuality, survival, personal relationships, and all of the work that each of us is doing with groups, and we feel balanced and eager to enter that holiness of the open heart, but the first thing that most of us find upon entering this space is that: “just as in the story within your New Testament of the entity known as Jesus the Christ walking into the temple and seeing all the sellers of doves and so forth which entities could buy for sacrifice, entities walking into their own hearts find that there are sellers of doves there hawking busily away with their own agendas.” On January 22, 1994, Q’uo spoke of the nature of our open heart:

Perhaps we could suggest that the center of the universe is the center of each entity’s heart. The open heart of the great Self which each self is is that center which is a unity. All of the portions of the Creator, shall we say rather misleadingly, seem to themselves to be in time and space each unique, each separate and each apart. Yet, in truth, the center of the constellations is the open heart. All measurement, all numbering, all ways of detailing, and patterning the observed creation fall to dust before the open heart. Love is of a certain nature. The fullness, breadth, depth and height of the nature of Love is both revealed and concealed by its visibility and ready accessibility, for each self contains this center without distortion within the open heart.

Little do most seekers know just how much of their personalities have been subverted and taken over by cultural expectations, parental teaching, and other sources of information which create assumptions and theories of how things are that simply do not meet the standards of purity that the particular space of the open heart requires in order for the seeker to penetrate from the outer courtyard to the inner sanctum. This is related to that concept or idea of that which is called psychic greeting or psychic attack. The outer courtyard of the heart is that place where those portions of your personality shell that have been allowed to express themselves without your being aware of their presence make their presence known.

In many cases, entities will experience these energies as attacks. Perhaps they will feel that there is an entity that is attacking them from the outside, with some sort of overshadowing or attacking going on. Others have more sensitivity in discerning the source of such seeming attack and can pinpoint the energy as being within the system of the self. Whether these attacking energies are seen as part of the self or as coming from outside the self, fundamentally speaking, we may say that in our opinion they are part of the self in that all things are one and you as individual selves are actually tuning into the space and time that is articulated by the parameters of one particular kind of energy. Therefore, that which seems very personal and very threatening in many cases is in actuality not a threat but simply that portion of self which has gone unnoticed and, therefore, undeveloped.

There is great virtue in being willing to spend time in that outer courtyard of the open heart and to see that as a separate chakra or energy center, to spend time with those sellers of doves for sacrifice to discover why your culture felt that sacrifice was necessary, and why certain elements or essences within your personality have been chosen to be sacrificed. We speak in extremely non-literal terms here, and are basically speaking of all of those energies of self that have escaped your attention up until now. Perhaps they did not so much escape your attention as that you felt that they were unworthy of attention. There are energies such as shame, guilt, jealousy, and anger that are systematically and ritually downplayed and discouraged in terms of outer expression within your culture. Nevertheless, these too need to be taken up, brought up into the light of attention, and given respect. These, too, are ways that you feel. These, too, are worthy to be examined, inspected, analyzed, and accompanied in whatever amount of time it takes for you to begin to be able to see their virtue and their value.

Many seemingly rough and negative aspects of character and personality are precisely those energies that create a true depth to understanding any genuine stability and steadiness of attention. The quality of anger, for instance, once translated into unquenchable stubbornness in dedication to service, can become the powerhouse that it was intended to be, but this cannot occur until the virtue of anger is seen straight on, for its own self and its own essence. The outer sanctum of the heart chakra is therefore a really powerful and very hurly-burly sort of energy. And to move from the outer courtyard to the inner sanctum of the heart becomes a much more clear and focused movement when that outer heart is given its own private place.

Then Q’uo said little do most of us know how much of our personalities have been taken over by cultural expectations, parental teaching, and other sources of information which create assumptions of how things are that do not meet the standards of purity that the open heart requires in order for us to penetrate from the outer courtyard to the inner sanctum, and this is related to that concept which is called psychic greeting because the outer courtyard of the heart is that place where those portions of our personality shell that have been allowed to express themselves without our being aware of their presence. Q’uo went on to say in many cases we will experience these energies as attacks, and we will feel that there is an entity that is attacking us from the outside, but others of us may have more sensitivity in discerning the source of such seeming attack and can pinpoint the energy as being within the system of ourself, so whether these attacking energies are seen as part of ourself or as coming from outside ourself, Q’uo said that in their opinion the attacks are part of ourself in that all things are one, and we are actually tuning into the space and time that is articulated by the parameters of one particular kind of energy, so that which seems personal and threatening is not a threat but portion of ourself which has gone unnoticed and undeveloped. Now Q’uo said that there is virtue in being willing to spend time in that outer courtyard of our open heart and to see why our culture felt that sacrifice was necessary, and why certain essences within our personality have been chosen to be sacrificed, so Q’uo said they were speaking of all of those energies of ourself that have escaped our attention until now, or maybe we felt that they were unworthy of our attention because there are energies such as shame, guilt, jealousy, and anger that are discouraged in terms of outer expression within our culture, so these too need to be brought into the light of attention and given respect since these are ways that we feel, and are worthy to be analyzed and accompanied in whatever amount of time it takes for us to begin to be able to see their value. Q’uo continued by saying many negative aspects of our personality are those energies that create a true depth to understanding any steadiness of attention, and the quality of anger once translated into dedication to service can become the powerhouse that it was intended to be, but this cannot occur until the virtue of anger is seen for its true essence, and the outer sanctum of our heart chakra is a powerful kind of energy so that to move from the outer courtyard to the inner sanctum of our heart becomes a more clear and focused movement when our outer heart is given its own private place. On July 2, 2016, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the inner sanctum of our heart:

All entities that you meet and all entities that you will never meet are the One Creator. Each faces challenges—some great, some small, most in between—that keep the One from becoming apparent to the seeker, and yet the One awaits in the inner sanctum for the silent seeking of each entity at some point in any life; and it is that which is possible, probable, and, in fact, will occur at some point in time, for there is enough time for all to seek and find the One.

However long the journey may be, it will have an end, and the Creator is discovered within and seen not only as the self but as every other self. That is why this time is so valuable, why it is the pearl of great price, why it is the holy grail of all who seek. This illusion is not easy, my friend. It was not meant to be easy; it is meant to challenge, for those who come here seek to learn a great lesson, the great lesson of finding the Creator within and choosing to use those energies in service to others, or in service to self.

Another difference between what we would call the Western and Eastern chakra system is that immediately after the heart chakra and before the throat or blue-ray chakra of open communication there is an added energy center in the Eastern system. To explicate why this becomes very helpful, it is well to point out that the green-ray or heart chakra is the first energy center in which the possibility of a true energy exchange exists. The lower chakras, having to do with the self, its survival issues, its sexuality, its relationships with self and other selves personally, and its relationship with groups, are all energies that may seem to be in need of balancing and clearing so that they are neither under-activated nor over-activated. But one cannot share energy between red ray and red ray, or orange ray, or yellow ray.

One may impress those energies upon another self, and because of the strength of your energy system, it is possible for energy to be impressed from you to another person, or for another person to impress you with their energy. It is, however, an overlay. It is time-bound in its effect and will wear off naturally. Many of your faith healers, so called, are those who are healing either from the orange or the yellow-ray chakra, and they are impressing their understanding and their environment upon another. Those who are able to accept those impressions are able to experience quite a bit of release from various ailments for a certain time period. However, in every case where it is at the level below the heart, those energies will not persevere and will fade away naturally. Only when one moves into the open heart can one begin to share energy; to exchange energy with another; to give love and to receive love. The great blessing of opening the heart and keeping it open is that, working from the open heart, all of the functions of the lower energy centers are recreated as sacred.

The chakras above the level of the heart are also energy centers from which energy exchanges can be made. The reason that this information is helpful in discussing the chakras that come after the heart chakra in the Eastern system is that there is this additional energy center which captures a structure that is missing completely from the Western system. There is a subtlety here that can only be appreciated by those who have done quite a bit of work in consciousness. It involves what this instrument has termed a 90-degree phase shift. These are not words that have an objective referent for this instrument, but they represent a phrase she has heard many, many times in speaking with one known as Don Elkins, who was largely working from concepts created by the one known as George Williamson. The key concept of this added chakra is that in this turning after the heart chakra, the turn includes the whole of the unseen realms of the metaphysical of the time/space universe.

It is an energy center that is focused upon right relationship with the extended family that one has in the unseen realms. The greatest part of this family for seekers is that portion that is connected with guidance. Each entity has a guidance system and access to this guidance system is extremely helpful. If one focuses upon this particular energy center, one can do very precise work in opening oneself to the guidance that lies within. The other differences between Eastern and Western chakra systems has to do with subtleties within work in consciousness in communication, which is the blue-ray energy center. There is a division in the Eastern system between the communication of self with self and the communication of self with other selves.

Further, there is a third division which deals with the communication of the self with the extended family of guides, presences, essences, and entities that are connected with the self. We say this realizing that the subtleties are such that we cannot say to you in general what those various essences are. Each individual creates a web of family throughout not only the incarnation which you are enjoying at this time, but also those entities with whom you have worked between incarnations, those entities that you have worked with in past incarnations, and the known planetary, non-local energies which have been drawn to you as a local entity within incarnation because of your work within incarnation and work you have done between incarnations.

Q’uo said that another difference between the Western and Eastern chakra system is that after our heart chakra and before our blue-ray chakra of open communication there is an added energy center in the Eastern system, and to explain why this becomes helpful, it is well to point out that our heart chakra is the first energy center in which a true energy exchange exists, and the lower chakras, having to do with our experience with survival and sexuality, relationships with self and other selves personally, and our relationship with groups and are all energies that are in need of balancing and clearing so that they are neither under-activated nor over-activated, but we cannot share energy between red ray and red ray, or orange ray, or yellow ray. Now Q’uo said that because of the strength of our energy system, it is possible for energy to be impressed from us to another person, or for another person to impress us with their energy, so it is an overlay that will wear off naturally, and many of our so called faith healers are those who are healing either from the orange or the yellow-ray chakra, and they are impressing their understanding and their environment upon another so that those who are able to accept those impressions are able to experience some release from various ailments for a certain time, but in every case where it is at the level below the heart, those energies will fade away naturally, and it is only when we move into our open heart that we can begin to exchange energy with another and to give love and to receive love so that the blessing of opening our heart and keeping it open is that all of the functions of our lower energy centers are recreated as sacred. Q’uo continued by saying the chakras above the level of our heart are also energy centers from which energy exchanges can be made, and the reason that this information is helpful in discussing the chakras, that come after our heart chakra in the Eastern system, is that there is an additional energy center which creates a structure that is missing from the Western system, and there is a subtlety here that can only be appreciated by those of us who have done quite work in consciousness because it involves what Carla has termed a 90-degree phase shift, and these are not words that have an objective referent for Carla, but they represent a phrase she has heard many times in speaking with Don Elkins, who was working from concepts created by George Hunt Williamson, so the key concept of this added chakra is that in this turning after the heart chakra, the turn includes the whole of the unseen realms of the metaphysical universe. Q’uo went on to say it is an energy center that is focused upon right relationship with the extended family that we have in the unseen realms, and the greatest part of this family for seekers is that portion that is connected with guidance since each of us has a guidance system, and access to this guidance system is very helpful, so if we focus upon this energy center, we can do precise work in opening ourself to the guidance that lies within, and the other difference between Eastern and Western chakra systems has to do with work in consciousness in communication, which is the blue-ray energy center, and there is a division in the Eastern system between the communication of ourself with ourself and the communication of ourself with other selves. Then Q’uo said that there is a third division which deals with the communication of ourself with the extended family of guides, presences, and essences that are connected with ourself, and Q’uo said this realizing that the subtleties are such that they cannot say to us what those various essences are because each of us creates a web of family: “throughout not only the incarnation which we are enjoying at this time, but also those entities with whom we have worked between incarnations, those entities that we have worked with in past incarnations, and the known planetary, non-local energies which have been drawn to us as a local entity within incarnation because of our work within incarnation and work we have done between incarnations.” On March 25, 2007, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the non-local energies:

When you are using sacred words and sacred language, and when you produce the sound consciously, aware of the sacredness of that sound, the voice brings to life underlying time/space-oriented or non-local energies that alert certain areas of vibration throughout the infinite universe of the one Creator. You can look at these simply as vibrations or you can look at them as Cherubim, Seraphim, and all of the other designations of unseen but very powerful and very real entities which are involved in the worship of the one infinite Creator. These energies have been built up since the beginning of the energy of this octave of creation, with thousands and thousands of lifetimes and thousands and thousands of repetitions of various sounds.

Each of you within this circle and each to whom we speak in the extended family of internet and listener and reader-ship that is constantly growing contains a large, loving, extended family that awaits your focus and your request for help in order to become more active within your life. It is important to remember, therefore, to request help from your guidance system. The other added chakra in this Eastern system is very difficult for us to express to you. Once the readout of violet ray has been cleared, there is an additional chakra in the Eastern system which is dedicated to that point where the energy of self spirals from the now into the possibilities of the future. It is the point which this instrument would call the gateway to intelligent infinity.

We are aware that this information, by itself, is sterile and barren. We speak here of structures. It is you who draws the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator up into that structure, up into that energy body. It is you, by prayer, meditation and other forms of requesting guidance, insight and vision, who draw from the energies of the one infinite Creator teaching entities such as we and many, many other types of entities that do not speak at all but who stream from the point of entry at the gateway of intelligent infinity down into the energy system that determines what kind of life your energy system has.

Picture with us, if you will, the creature that you are. You receive this information along your spine, in the physical lines of a system of energy, reception and usage. It is fed infinitely, in an unending supply, by the Love and the Light of the one Creator. That Light is literally sent down into the heart of the Earth, your mother, who then pours it from the center of the Earth—or you might even say the womb of the Earth—up through the Earth into the soles of your feet, into your body system, so that it is constantly streaming into your energy system at the red-ray level and rising as it will up and out through the top of your head to the gateway to intelligent infinity.

Meanwhile, according to your desire and will and your requests, guidance and teaching is being pulled into your energy system from the top through the violet ray, then the indigo ray, and so forth, until it reaches the blue ray or the green ray, depending upon whether you are using those energies in communication or whether you are using them in healing, basically. Realize that the point at which those two energies meet is the point at which your kundalini is now focused. If you wish to raise your kundalini you have two things to work on. Firstly, you have the clearing of the lower energies so that you get full creative energy up through the soles of your feet and into your energy body. Secondly, you are attempting to focus your will, discipline your personality, and call forth the most helpful energies that you can to teach and guide you as you seek the truth.

Q’uo went on to say each of us within this circle and each to whom they speak in the extended family of internet, listener, and reader-ship is constantly growing, and contains a large, loving, extended family that awaits our focus and our request for help in order to become more active within our life, and the other added chakra in this Eastern system is difficult for Q’uo to express to us, so once the readout of violet ray has been cleared, there is an additional chakra in the Eastern system which is dedicated to that point where the energy of ourself spirals from the now into the possibilities of the future which is the point which Carla would call the gateway to intelligent infinity. Q’uo went on to say they are aware that this information is sterile, so they speak here of structures, and it is we who draw the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator up into that structure, up into our energy body, and by prayer, meditation, and other forms of requesting guidance we draw from the energies of the one infinite Creator those teaching entities such as Q’uo and many other types of entities that do not speak but who stream from the point of entry at the gateway of intelligent infinity down into the energy system that determines what kind of life our energy system has. Q’uo continued by asking us to picture with them the creature that we are as we receive this information along our spine, in the physical lines of a system of energy and usage that is fed infinitely, in an unending supply, by the Love and the Light of the one Creator, and that Light is sent down into the heart of our Mother Earth, who then pours it from the center of the Earth up through the Earth into the soles of our feet and into our body so that it is constantly streaming into our energy system at the red-ray level and rising as it will up and out through the top of our head to the gateway to intelligent infinity. Q’uo completed their response by saying according to our desire and our requests guidance is being pulled into our energy system from the top of our head through the violet ray, then the indigo ray until it reaches the blue ray or the green ray, depending upon whether we are using those energies in communication or whether we are using them in healing, and realize that the point at which those two energies meet is the point at which our kundalini is now focused, so if we wish to raise our kundalini we have two things to work on, and the first one is our clearing of the lower energies so that we get full creative energy up through the soles of our feet and into our energy body, and in the second one we are attempting to focus our will, discipline our personality, and call forth the most helpful energies that we can to teach and guide us as we seek the truth. On September 5, 2010, Carla described the nature of our energy body:

The fuel, of course, is absolutely infinite in amount. The love and the light of the infinite Creator is moving through our energy body in inexhaustible supply at all times. We can’t run out. By stopping the flow of love through us, by clutching and contracting around our woes and our problems—which we all have—what we can do is stop that flow into the heart, and then we can’t get our hearts open all the way. The fuel is love. It’s right here. It is inexhaustible. We don’t have to hoard it. All we have to do is live in such a way that our energy bodies are clear so that we get that energy through us at all times.

We thank the ones known as S1 and S2 for this query and would at this time open this meeting to other questions. Is there another query at this time?

B: Earlier you mentioned the rise of kundalini. Could you clarify that?

We are those of Q’uo, my brother, and are aware of your query. That which is rising, or not, is the point of contact between the natural energies available to all within creation and the energy of the creative principle called to the self by individual work. That point of contact begins, roughly speaking, within that point where the outer courtyard of the heart yields to the inner sanctum. The kundalini cannot be pulled lower than that as information of the creative principle cannot be understood by any energies lower than that of the heart.

However, the point of the kundalini rising, in terms of entities’ desire to progress spiritually, is that as one begins to be able to pull the full energy of that open heart up into work in consciousness, each place to which it is raised opens up vistas of opportunity for various types of work in consciousness, not simply moving upwards as one aiming directly for the Creator, but, in terms of working at any level—for instance, in open communication—there is the opportunity to spread out one’s discoveries and one’s services by creating more and more layers of understanding or awareness of subtle energies involved in the sub-density, shall we say, of open communication. Once the kundalini has been pulled from the heart up into the throat, then more articulated work can be done in communication. And this is also true as the kundalini continues to be pulled upwards by seeking and the careful development and discipline of the personality.

May we answer you further, my brother?

B: What aspect of the self is doing the pulling?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. The aspect that pulls the energy forward is desire, or as it is sometimes called, will.

May we answer you further, my brother?

B: That covers it. Thank you.

The tape recording ended here.

This morning I went outside and weeded the Yellow Creeping Jenny Garden by hand so that I was able to pull the roots out since we had a couple of rains in the last few days.

This afternoon I went across the road to my neighbor’s yard and scattered bird seed beneath the bird feeders so the deer and squirrels could have some birdseed to eat. Then I came back to my yard and filled the bird bath with water in hopes of seeing a robin take a bath there one day soon because they are so cute when they ruffle all their feathers at once and splash water all around the bird bath.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 26

Bloom In Due Season

I am of the principle of the Most High; of the consciousness of divine Love. I greet you in peace.

The sun shines, beckoning to spring. Spring comes to the sun as a dove to its dovecote or the weary cow to its barn. For one more cycle the travail of Earth is over. And, born anew from the dead and sleeping land, new life appears, shyly peeking from the safety of the soil’s womb but drawn ever onward by the nourishing warmth of the sun and the blessing of the rain.

So, it is with each of you who are seeds. You are planted in the soil of your humanity. What can you do with the seed that you carry within you? Nothing. You may only improve the soil, cultivate that small plot where your spirit may rise in bud and bloom in due season.

If it be wintertime in your heart, it is time to accept that each seed needs times of deep contemplation and the gathering of energy. But when each sees that first glimmer of sunlight, let your spirit be glad. Let your heart leap for joy within you.

May you prepare your soul in all gladness for the beautiful blossom that lies budded and waiting within you.

We leave you in the peace of Christ Jesus, now and evermore. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 21, 2005:

(Question chosen by PLW poll) The Mayan calendar system indicated 2012 as the end of their calendar and therefore the end of time. Please comment in any way you feel helpful concerning this concept of the end of time and why 2012 was chosen by the Mayans as the end of the calendar.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. May we say what a privilege and a pleasure it is for us to blend our vibrations with you at this time! We are extremely thankful, in this season of thanksgiving among your people, for the opportunity to share energy with you and to be asked to share our humble opinions as well. We would ask each of you to use your powers of discrimination carefully in listening to our opinions. They are not intended in any way to represent authoritative statements which you must follow or which contain dogma of any kind. They are our opinions and observations. In order for us to share them without being concerned that we will infringe upon your free will we would ask you to take responsibility for guarding the precincts of your own thoughts. If any thought that we share with you does not seem resonant to you, please drop it and move on. If any of our thoughts do seem to ring a bell, that distant bell of a memory that was half-forgotten, then by all means take it up. It is yours to work with. We thank you for this consideration as it will enable us to speak freely.

It has long been seen among many of your cultures that there is a periodicity to the energies which create the environment for your incarnational experiences. Various cultures and civilizations have categorized and organized these periods, eras, or times within the energetic progression of what this instrument would call the time/space or space/time continuum. The particular age of which you speak is a space/time era primarily, although it certainly has corresponding shadows and equivalencies in time/space. Indeed, in time/space you are already solidly and completely within fourth density. You dwell in a third-density energy that is now completely interpenetrated with unconditional love and complete understanding of your true nature.

You dwell within powerful times in which you, as a third-density entity, dwell in a body that is capable of living and thriving within such fourth-density energy as you can meet with a sense of cooperation, faith, and trust. You cannot, however, join fourth density. Dwelling within your house of flesh and bone, you cannot know beyond a shadow of a doubt that all is one. You cannot know that that one thing is Love. Indeed, you have volunteered for an incarnation at this time because you wished to experience and be a part of the tremendous times that are at hand. These are times when a few people who discipline their minds and their thoughts can make a tremendous difference upon your planet not only in terms of the people of your planet but in terms of the comfort in the planet itself as it moves through the last of this birthing process.

TheMayans are among those civilizations which became aware of a cycle that stretched across long eras of your time. They saw that the planet itself would move through a very decisive change from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. The Age of Pisces is at its end. The Age of Aquarius is in its dawn. Energies are shifting, and the time of energy being as it has been for thousands of your years is rapidly coming to a close. That time will end during what this instrument calls the winter solstice of the year 2012. We would ask each who reads or hears our statements to pause at this time with us and release all fear.

The group question for this session was: “The Mayan calendar system indicated 2012 as the end of their calendar and therefore the end of time. Please comment in any way you feel helpful concerning this concept of the end of time and why 2012 was chosen by the Mayans as the end of the calendar.” Q’uo began by saying it has been seen among many of our cultures that there is a timing of the energies which creates the environment for our incarnational experiences, and various cultures have categorized these eras within the energetic progression of what Carla would call the time/space or space/time continuum so that the era of which we speak is a space/time era although it has corresponding equivalencies in time/space, and in time/space we are already completely within fourth density, so we dwell in a third-density energy that is now completely interpenetrated with unconditional Love and complete understanding of our true nature. Q’uo went on to say we dwell within powerful times in which we, as a third-density entity, dwell in a body that is capable of living within such fourth-density energy as we can meet with a sense of cooperation and faith, but we cannot join fourth density because as we dwell within our body of flesh and bone, we cannot know that all is one, or that one thing is Love, and we have volunteered for an incarnation at this time because we wished to be a part of the tremendous times that are at hand, for these are times when a few people who discipline their minds can make a tremendous difference upon our planet not only in terms of the people of our planet but in terms of the comfort in the Earth as it moves through the last of this birthing process. Q’uo continued by saying the Mayans became aware of a cycle that stretched across long eras of our time as they saw that Earth would move through a decisive change from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, and the Age of Pisces is at its end, and the Age of Aquarius is in its dawn, and the time of energy being as it has been for thousands of our years is coming to a close, and that time will end during what Carla calls the winter solstice of the year 2012, so Q’uo asked each who reads or hears our statements to pause at this time with us and release all fear. On October 14, 2005, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the Age of Aquarius:

First of all, the likelihood of planetary pole shift is nearly certain. The only question is when that shift shall occur. What entities such as L/L Research hope to accomplish with their service is the delaying of such a time of planetary annihilation and, if possible, the softening of that blow so that it is possible to have the shifting occur in stages which the planet and some of its population can survive. This is simply in order to create the continued environment within which third-density entities have the continuing opportunity to make the choice of service to others or service to self.

Secondly, the Mayan calendar and many other systems indicate that 2012, is the end of an Age. Indeed, the Mayans end time is in 2012, at the Winter Solstice. This is an accurate assessment of the movement of the planet itself into the Age of Aquarius. This Age begins a kind of octave and is a tremendous shift. It is occurring very much on time and on schedule. It is, however, to be noted that this event is metaphysical rather than physical. There is nothing inevitable, in terms of physicality, about what is going to occur at the Winter Solstice of 2012.

It is the hope of many entities such as this instrument that in between now and 2012, it will be possible to continue to create an environment in which entities may awaken as to the choice of polarity that they have to make. It is equally hoped by this instrument and many others that they will be able to serve by helping the planet itself, and in this case, we are speaking of the third-density Gaia, after 2012. There is a considerable amount of restitution and rebalancing which entities such as you and this instrument may do in order to help the planet itself to heal after the grievous wounds inflicted upon it by the humankind that dwells upon this planet.

It is easy to fear a concept as powerful as the end of time. We would say several things concerning this concept. Firstly, it is a metaphysical rather than a physical ending of time. Your planet as you know it shall move serenely on. Time will not seem to end to the physical eye. The quality of time shall be different. In third density the differences will be only statistically perceptible. In metaphysical terms, in time/space terms, shall we say, that difference will be far more powerful. For entities who are sensitive to energy, it is already thoroughly apparent that wave after wave of energy is crashing upon the shores of Earth. The planet is changing, and the changes will continue. There is a necessity, having to do with the difference between third-density energy and fourth-density energy, for the planet to realign its magnetic pole. This shift is occurring. Thanks to the many loving efforts of lightworkers such as this group all over your globe, working in relatively unconscious unity, but nevertheless being very effective in increasing the Light on planet Earth by their loving affection for it, it is as though this change in magnetic polarity is being accomplished step, by step, by step, rather than all at once.

Asyou see your planet experiencing many weather-related phenomena, you can see your mother, Gaia, at work, doing what is necessary to shift vibrationally and magnetically in order to align with fourth-density energies. The mother suffers in order that the child may thrive. Such is the labor of Gaia. As these inconveniences continue, we would ask that each of you refrain completely from fear. It will seem to be an increasingly logical response to the news of the day to experience fear. When these natural feelings of fear arise, we would ask you to remember that you are the Light of the world. Each of you, by your very nature, is a crystal that receives, transmits and transmutes energy. That energy is the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator, which streams in infinite supply from the heart of the planet itself into the energy bodies of each of you and out through the crowns of your head, where you function just as does a pyramid.

The energy that you create, bless and give to the Creator by keeping your heart open and your love and faith strong winds itself into a golden net that surrounds the planet with Love. Angels guard this work and join you in weaving this net of Love. This works by blending third-density energies with the fourth density that is birthing at this time. We thank each of you for creating within yourself the capacity for increased faith. We ask you to attempt, in each moment where fear might be a logical reaction, to move into your heart and find that place of faith in which you know that whether you are in life or in death, the Creator is living through you ,and you are the Creator or part of the creative principle within flesh. You are not an entity that shall be stopped by death in any way.

Now Q’uo said it is easy to fear a concept as powerful as the end of time, but it is a metaphysical rather than a physical ending of time so that time will not seem to end to our physical eyes, but the quality of time shall be different, and in third density the differences will be only statistically perceptible, but in metaphysical terms that difference will be more powerful, for entities who are sensitive to energy, it is already apparent that wave after wave of energy is crashing upon the shores of Earth so that the planet is changing, and there is a necessity, having to do with the difference between third-density energy and fourth-density energy, for the planet to realign its magnetic pole, and thanks to the loving efforts of lightworkers such as this group all over our globe: “working in relatively unconscious unity, but nevertheless being very effective in increasing the Light on planet Earth by their loving affection for it, it is as though this change in magnetic polarity is being accomplished step, by step, by step, rather than all at once.” Q’uo went on to say as we see our planet experiencing weather-related phenomena, we can see our mother, Gaia, at work, doing what is necessary to shift vibrationally and magnetically in order to align with fourth-density energies, and our Mother suffers in order that the child may thrive, and as these inconveniences continue, Q’uo asked that each of us refrain from fear even though it will seem to be a logical response to the news of the day to experience fear, so when these feelings of fear arise, they asked us to remember that we are the Light of the world, and each of us is a crystal that receives and transmutes that energy of the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator which streams in infinite supply from the heart of Earth into the energy bodies of each of us and out through the crowns of our head where we function just as does a pyramid. Then Q’uo said that the energy that we create and give to the Creator by keeping our heart open and our love and faith strong winds itself into a golden net that surrounds the Earth with Love, and angels guard this work and join us in weaving this net of Love so that this works by blending third-density energies with the fourth density that is birthing at this time, and Q’uo thanked each of us for creating within ourself the capacity for increased faith, so they asked us to attempt, in each moment where fear might be a logical reaction, to move into our heart and find that place of faith in which we know whether we are in life or in death the Creator is living through us, and we are part of the creative principle of the Creator within flesh, and we shall not be stopped by death in any way. On March 12, 1995, Q’uo spoke of how we all can form a golden net around the Earth:

As each entity awakens at last from winter’s sleep and knows itself once more to be a seed that shall grow, as each decides finally to disagree with the self rather than with others and to work that out in the interior safety of the self, then person by person by person consciousness shall be raised, and the group that is waiting to form shall more and more begin connecting in a golden net of commonality, connection, and communion. Once the desire to disagree within the self has been accepted, grasped and loved, then shall that self be ready to turn outward without fear and, little by little, shall your people take down those bricks which have built such high walls. Peace within your world must start within each heart.

Nor do we suggest for a moment that all of you shall die in one dramatic planetary cataclysm. Indeed, once 2012 has come and gone, we are hoping that third density will have a considerable number of years, perhaps even centuries, in which those who choose to dwell in third-density physical vehicles may see to the continuing restitution or healing of your planet. Many are the entities on your planet who have destroyed other planetary vehicles for existence such as Maldek, Mars, and other planetary entities outside of your solar system. We ask that you become more and more aware that you have the opportunity, at this time, within this incarnation, to turn that energy within yourself around and to become stewards, loving and wise, of whatever little acre or square foot that you may have of planet Earth. What does your space need? If you are one who has property, we would ask you to commune with your land. And not simply with your land, but with your local situation. What local situations having to do with planet Earth have gone awry on your watch, in your neighborhood? And what can one person do to bring them gently into more harmony with those things which the planet itself needs?

Are you waters foul? What can you do? Is there a lack of sustainable practice amongst your businesses? What can you do? We could go on and on, listing the kinds of simple, down-to-earth, human, local problems to which you may address yourself. Whether you do have land or whether you live on the thirty-seventh floor of a high-rise, yet still you are part of planet Earth. What can you do? What are your gifts, and what kind of problems do you see? You are potentially one of those who is able, as one simple, single being, full of flaws, and yet full of good intentions, to join in groups that have a hope of coping with and creating solutions to those imbalances that have resulted in pollution and illness within the planet itself. The healing begins within your own heart whether you live on a large parcel of land, a small parcel of land, or in that high-rise of which we spoke earlier. Heal the pollution within yourself. Love yourself. Be a steward to your own body, your own mind, your own nature and your own advancement.

As you see your own advancement, do not take someone else’s word for what constitutes healing and advancement. Move within your own being where sources of guidance are thick on the ground and begin asking for that guidance to speak to you. Let that guidance spring to life from the world around you. Observe synchronicities and listen to words, phrases, and thoughts that take you and make you imagine, hope, and dream. For your imagination is the key to forming a new paradigm for living in a new time, on a new Earth, and in a new dawning of possibilities.

Then Q’uo said nor do we suggest that all of us shall die in a planetary cataclysm since once 2012 has come and gone, they are hoping that third density will have a few centuries in which those in third-density bodies may continue working on the healing of our planet because many entities on our planet who have destroyed their planets such as Maldek, Mars, and other planetary entities outside of our solar system, so Q’uo asked that we become more aware that we have the opportunity to turn that energy within ourself around and to become loving stewards of whatever piece of land that we may have of planet Earth, and they asked us to commune with our land and with our local situations and what they have to do with planet Earth having gone awry in our neighborhood, and what we can do to bring them into more harmony with those things which the Earth itself needs. Q’uo continued by saying we could look for problems to address such as foul water or the lack of sustainable practices among our business community, what we could do about them, and whether we have land or whether we live in a high-rise, we are a part of planet Earth, so we should see what gifts we have to work on the problems that we see because we are potentially able to use our good intentions and join groups that have a hope of coping with and creating solutions to those imbalances that have resulted in pollution and illness within the planet so that the healing begins within our heart no matter where we live because we need to heal the pollution within ourself, love ourself, and become a steward to our body, our mind, our own nature, and our own advancement. Q’uo continued by saying as we see our advancement we should not take someone else’s word for what constitutes healing and advancement, but move within our own being where sources of guidance are available and begin asking for that guidance to speak to us, and let that guidance spring to life from the world around us, and observe synchronicities and listen to words and thoughts that make us hope and dream because our imagination is the key to forming a new paradigm for living in a new time, and on a new Earth. On October 27, 2007, Q’uo spoke about the nature of a new paradigm:

You have spoken in this group about the creation of a new paradigm, and certainly this instrument is very focused on that creation of a new paradigm of living and being. Realize, when you have good conversations going between those of spiritual consanguinity, that you are creating changes in consciousness that will outlive the present moment and even your own lifetime. The opportunity for creating this paradigm is just as we have described for sexuality: conversation which achieves the penetration of the gateway. It is the thought that is focused when an intention is made to seek and to know this new paradigm. And then it is released into the emptiness of outer form so that it may reach the essence that fructifies your waking, everyday consciousness.

We would ask at this time if there is a follow-up that either the known as S1 or the one known as S2 would like to make in order to further direct our response to this query. We are those known as Q’uo.

S1: There are several variations of the Mayan calendar and the different native tribes that have kept information to be brought forth at this time. They are different perspectives, some seemingly different, some very similar. Could you comment on the similarities and the differences of these different messages?

Weare those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We do not find it useful to comment upon the various differences of stories among your people which attempt to speak of events that beggar the imagination not only of those upon third density but those who have the full potentiality of the one infinite Creator. There is a mystery involved in the way densities change. That way of changing is as the movement betwixt one quantum and another. There is not a direct movement across a quantum boundary. We show this instrument, who knows nothing of science or quantum physics, the image of the meniscus that is liquid in nature. This entity has directly experienced this liquid environment betwixt densities. She has called it the gateway to intelligent infinity, for it is, in the terms of the Law of One material which this instrument has studied, that which she understands as being the point at which one may move from the quantum of third density to the quantum of fourth density.

And she has rested there at times in those moments when she has by unconscious processes been placed in a mystical state of awareness which contains unity. In this environment this instrument becomes aware that all is well, and that all will be well. She sees a perfection of the outworking of the pattern of time and space. She cannot bring any quantity of this awareness back from this state. It is simply a gift. It has been noted by the one known as Saint Paul, in his writings in your Holy Bible, that such gifts as this and so-called speaking in tongues have very little human use. They are gifts only. Nevertheless, because this instrument has been given gifts of this nature in times of vision and awareness that are heightened, she is able to understand what we show her, and that is that there is a very discernible, real place of no-time in which, just as in your dusk and in your dawning, or as in energy shifts as you have just experienced in your All Souls Day, one kind of Light is leaving and another kind of Light is arriving.

The spirits of day and the spirits of night are quite different. In the dusk and the dawning there is a very perceptible shift, and it is a time of waiting and hush. It is an excellent time for doing work in consciousness. The differences between the stories of various cultures are differences related to those cultures’ relationship with the quantum edge that this instrument calls “the gateway to intelligent infinity.” Were we to begin to focus in on specific details of this shift, we would, we believe, be detracting from the intention of the question to discover the heart of what the so-called end of time is about.

What that time is about is spiritual evolution. It is amazing to consider what occurs in any lifetime. From the beginning of your lifetime to this present moment, how many things have changed in your world? What progression has there been? And as you approach this present moment have you not seen how these energies of progression have intensified and speeded up? As this time approaches, these energies will continue to intensify. What we would wish to do, then, rather than focusing on any detail, is to focus on the general nature of this cosmic moment. You dwell in a time that is coming to an end, and yet in your body, in your mind, and in your heart you carry the seeds of the future within you. As live your life, breathe in and breathe out, you are planting seeds that shall be reaped by those that come after you. We ask you to plant the seeds of love and faith with a happy heart and a peaceful mind.

S1 asked: “There are several variations of the Mayan calendar and the different native tribes that have kept information to be brought forth at this time. They are different perspectives, some seemingly different, some very similar. Could you comment on the similarities and the differences of these different messages?” Q’uo began by saying they do not find it useful to comment upon the various differences of stories among our people that speak of events that challenge the imagination, not only of those upon third density, but those who have the full potentiality of the one infinite Creator as there is a mystery involved in the way densities change, and that way of changing is like the movement between one quantum and another, but there is not a direct movement across a quantum boundary, so they showed Carla, who knows nothing of quantum physics, the image of the meniscus that is liquid in nature, and she has experienced this liquid environment between densities which she has called the gateway to intelligent infinity, for it is in the terms of the Law of One material that which she understands as being the point at which we may move from the quantum of third density to the quantum of fourth density. Q’uo went on to say she has rested there at times when she has by unconscious processes been placed in a mystical state of awareness which contains unity, and in this environment she becomes aware that all is well, and that all will be well, so she sees perfection in the pattern of time and space, but she cannot bring any quantity of this awareness back from this state which Saint Paul mentioned in his writings in our Holy Bible that such gifts such as speaking in tongues have very little human use, but because Carla has been given gifts of this nature in times of awareness that are heightened, she is able to understand what we show her, and that is that there is a real place of no-time as in energy shifts as we have just experienced in our All Souls Day where one kind of Light is leaving and another kind of Light is arriving. Q’uo continued by saying that the spirits of day and the spirits of night are different because in the dusk and the dawning there is a perceptible shift, and it is a time of waiting , and it is a time for doing work in consciousness, but the differences between the stories of various cultures are related to those cultures’ relationship with the quantum edge that Carla calls “the gateway to intelligent infinity,” and Q’uo said were they to begin to focus in on specific details of this shift, they would be detracting from the intention of the question to discover the heart of what the end of time is about. Q’uo said what that time is about is spiritual evolution, and it is amazing to consider what occurs in any lifetime: “From the beginning of your lifetime to this present moment, how many things have changed in your world? What progression has there been? And as you approach this present moment have you not seen how these energies of progression have intensified and speeded up?”Q’uo said as this time approaches, these energies will continue to intensify, and what they would wish to do is to focus on the general nature of this cosmic moment since we dwell in a time that is coming to an end, yet in our body, our mind, and in our heart we carry the seeds of the future within us, and as we live our life we are planting seeds that shall be reaped by those that come after us, and they asked us to plant the seeds of love and faith with a happy heart and a peaceful mind. On May 13, 1984, Hatonn described the nature of this present moment:

Turn back then to today, this present moment, and open your senses to the possibilities. You have given them to yourself; you have nurtured each and every possibility, and each day is harvest day. There is no lack or limitation of the original Thought. Therefore, reach out your hands, whether mentally or physically, and accept with praise and thanksgiving and joy the harvest that is yours this day, and let your hearts be happy, for there is a principle which we have found is as steady a rudder for your density as is possibility, and that principle is Love.

There is no farthest and remotest point, no depth or height, no distance whatsoever that you may go by foot or in your mind that is not governed by the laws of Love, and that law is that you are free in Love. You are lovely, you are beloved, and you are loving, all in perfect freedom. This is your rudder, by this you steer. And where shall you steer, my friends, what shall you plant today that you may have a crop tomorrow or, to move backwards to our previous metaphor, what course shall you plot, what vector shall you take from this present moment? Love is not limited, but rather expansive. You may choose freely of those things that are of service, and then you may plant by word, by deed, but most of all by intention. Each day spend some time touching with the center of your being in meditation and sometimes surrounding that planting, and sometimes surrounding that attempting to become aware of the harvest of Light.

Asyou see suffering from the energies of war and from the energies of a planet that is adjusting itself as it must to new energies and new life, we ask you to become ever calmer, reaching deeply down into your store of faith and hope. We do not see at this time the probability of planetary destruction from nature. We do see the possibility of planetary destruction from the toxic nature of the human tribe. If those who have chosen to fear are allowed full sway they may well bring about planetary destruction, as has happened with many of those entities now in power upon your planet on other planets and even on your own planet, to a certain extent, for those who are among your leaders at this time are often those who brought about the destruction of one of your continents, the continent of Atlantis.

If these words resonate to you, my children, pay attention. This is the hour in which you can choose another way. In the face of fear, remember love. In the face of anger, remember compassion. In the face of disunity, remember union, for are you not part of everyone and everything that you meet? In the face of seeming dearth, lack, and limitation of resources, we ask you to dwell in thanksgiving and joy upon the unlimited possibilities that dwell within your imagination. We say to you this: for every problem that faces you this day, there is a solution. We have no way of knowing what you face and what you shall face, but we do know that your peoples have been given not only great challenges but also great gifts and unlimited resources. The challenge that lies before you is not to husband dwindling resources but to begin to see the resources that are available to you that are not now properly valued and to realize that the greatest resource of all is the compassion that lies within your heart.

It is hard sometimes to see how in times of distress the answers lie within you rather than outside of you, for all of the distress seems to be coming from outside of you. However, we say to you at this time that in our opinion that which shall heal you and your planet and bring you through the end of time to greet the dawning of a new day is that which lies within you waiting to be acknowledged. What is in your heart? What lies waiting within that mighty resource? Go into your own heart in humility, on bowed knees and with empty hands, and ask for help. It is waiting for that asking, and the help that comes will be instantaneous. As you ask, so shall help be present. Listen, then, when you have asked, for that still, small voice, as this instrument would call the voice of Spirit, to speak in the power of silence within you. And when you come from that room of prayer in silence and contemplation, may you sing with joy, and may you illuminate your world with thanksgiving, peace, and power.

Now Q’uo said as they see suffering from the energies of war and from our planet that is adjusting itself as it must to new energies and new life, they asked us to become calmer, reaching down into our store of faith and hope, but they did not see the probability of planetary destruction from nature, but they did see the possibility of planetary destruction from the toxic nature of our human tribe, so if those who have chosen to fear are allowed their way they may bring about planetary destruction, as has happened with many of those entities now in power upon our planet, for those who are our leaders at this time are often those who brought about the destruction of the continent of Atlantis. Then Q’uo said that if these words resonate to us this is the hour in which we can choose another way, and instead of fear, remember love; instead of anger, remember compassion; instead of disunity, remember unity, for are we not part of everyone and everything that we meet? So Q’uo asked us to dwell in thanksgiving and joy upon the unlimited possibilities that dwell within our imagination because for every problem that faces us this day, there is a solution, and that our people have been given great challenges and great gifts of unlimited resources so that the challenge that lies before us is not to use dwindling resources, but to begin to see the resources that are available to us that are not now properly valued and to realize that the greatest resource of all is the compassion that lies within our heart. Q’uo completed their reply by saying it is hard to see how in times of distress the answers lie within us rather than outside of us, for all of the distress seems to be coming from outside of us, but they said that at this time that which shall heal us and our planet, and bring us through the end of time to greet the dawning of a new day is that which lies within us waiting to be acknowledged, so we should go into our heart in humility and ask for help because it is waiting for our asking, and the help that comes will be instantaneous, so we should listen when we have asked for that still, small voice, as Carla would call the voice of Spirit, to speak in the power of silence within, and when we come from that room of prayer in silence, may we sing with joy, and we can illuminate our world with thanksgiving, peace, and power. On March 23, 2019, Q’uo spoke of the still, small voice:

The Creator, then, is able to become more available to you, more real to you, more present with you, as you discover that it is that quality within your being that has always been there—that still, small voice within that guides you, that leads you, that inspires you, that comforts you, that is such a companion as you have been dimly aware of throughout your entire experience. As you become more and more familiar with this Creator within that is all things, you remember previous experiences within this life in which this contact was made and magical things begin to occur at the time it was made and throughout your life experience from that point forward.

We would at this time thank each of you and leave you, as we found you, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. If there is a desire to pursue such queries as you have put to us on these details, comparisons, and ways to contrast stories of the end of time, we invite them at another session. But we would ask that you rephrase the query in such a way that we may be speaking of known quantities within your query in order that our response may be clearer. Meanwhile, we thank each of you for setting aside this time in order to seek the truth. We thank you for the beauty of your beings and for the Light that you as a group have created within this circle of seeking. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai. We are those of Q’uo.

This morning I went outside and used my trimmer to weed the Moss Garden again, as the weeding that I did yesterday left a lot of weeds that I thought I had gotten when I looked at them from the second story window of my home.

This afternoon I made an errand run with my first stop being at PNC Bank where I ordered more checks for my checkbook. My second stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market where I bought some food for myself. My last stop was at Walgreen’s Drug Store where I bought some Pepsi-Zero and some non-food items.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 25

Love As Motivation

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the fullness of the consciousness which is divine Love That consciousness is the ground of being of all who may hear our voice.

That single word, Love, created all that there is. The image of Love draws each seeker on; with visage veiled and beguiling; with footsteps infinitely retreating before the advancing soul.

For that consciousness which is pure and creative and all powerful is that consciousness which is its own source; that Light which shines through the ages; that factory of all that there is, and that home to which all that there is shall return.

Do not sentimentalize the Love of Jesus the Christ, for He left His Spirit with you not only to comfort you but to excite and motivate each soul to act in that same consciousness and live in that same Light and energy.

Know that your feet rest upon Love, the ground of your being and that that creative energy is the active principle. The passive principle is peace.

In that peace we leave you, both now and forever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 20, 2005:

We have two questions today for you, Q’uo. Here is the first one: Could you comment on the effective ways of bringing people in their teens and in their twenties physically together to grow into the fourth-density consciousness?

(Carla channeling)

We are those of the principle known to you as Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. It is in the Creator’s service that we come to you this day to share with you our thoughts on the subject of effective ways to invite people to gather together to explore ways of growing in a fourth-density manner. We thank the one known as P for this query and are happy to address it.

Before we begin, as always, we would ask each of you to take full responsibility for listening to our thoughts with careful discrimination. If a thought appeals to you and seems to have use, by all means, work with it. If it does not immediately appeal to you then we ask you to put it aside. Truth is always a personal and even an intimate matter. We would prefer greatly that you were able to do this simple thing for it will enable us to speak freely without being concerned that we might infringe upon your free will. We are not those of authority over you but rather those who share conversation with you at this time as fellow seekers of truth. We thank you for this consideration.

The elements of this query are such that we shall need to discuss some of the words before we can discuss the concept and the question. The first word that we would take up is the word “growth.” What is it to grow? As the one known as P himself said, it is inevitable that entities grow. That growth develops according to the nature of the entity. Each entity comes to life from a seed. That entity has, written in its seed, the nature of its growth and indeed the path of its life through budding and blooming, yielding up its fruit, and dying.

Growth, then, is not simply then becoming ever larger and ever more developed. There is a roundness to growth which involves not simply the growing portion of a cycle but also the ripening, the harvesting, the dwindling, and the dying of the organism that has done the growing. Growth, then, in the physical sense, is bound carefully and specifically by the type of seed which you are and the environment in which you are planted. From the physical standpoint, then, your query involves partially a discussion of the seed and the nature of that type of seed that you are and that entities such as humans are. And partially it involves a discussion of the best environment for growth within incarnation.

Metaphysically, growth may be seen in a far more spacious context. You as an individual have been growing, not simply through one incarnation but through many, not simply in one density but in all of them within your octave. Speaking metaphysically and in a non-local manner, you are growing in all densities simultaneously and creating a non-local harvest which is being developed over a period of billions of your years, speaking from the standpoint of physical terms. It is very difficult to speak of metaphysical-scale growth within your numbering system. However, let us say it is a very large-scale project to grow metaphysically. We would, however, point out that within the context of this infinite environment, growth, again, consists of the seed, the environment, and those cyclical experiences of learning, assimilating the learning, and responding to that which you have assimilated.

In the first case, that of physical growth of a human being through incarnation, the seed is that which is produced by sperm and ovum from the dust, metaphorically speaking, out of which your Earth has created a local habitation of flesh in which you as a metaphysical being have chosen to place your consciousness for that cycle known as an incarnation in order that you may have being within the environment of third-density Earth. We will allow you to name the nature of the seed of flesh, saying only that it is steeped in illusion and rounded in mystery. Each life is a gift, a miracle, an incredible circumstance, which happens only once. The being that you are is unique. This incarnation you experience shall not be experienced again. The song that you sing in flesh shall never be heard again. The colors of your emotions as they flash, and change, and transform are an experiment in beauty and dynamic that shall not recur. You are precious beyond description within the folds of your dailiness.

The first question for this session was: “Could you comment on the effective ways of bringing people in their teens and in their twenties physically together to grow into the fourth-density consciousness?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that the elements of this query are such that they shall need to discuss some of the words before they can discuss the concept and the question, and the first word that they would take up is the word “growth,” and Q’uo asked what is it to grow, and they said it is inevitable that we will grow because growth develops according to our nature, and we come to life from a seed, and we have written in our seed the nature of our growth and the path of our life through blooming, yielding up our fruit, and dying. Q’uo went on to say that growth is not becoming larger and more developed because there is a roundness to growth which involves the growing portion of a cycle but also the ripening, the harvesting, and the dying of our body that has done the growing so that growth, in the physical sense, is bound carefully by the type of seed which we are and the environment in which we are planted, and from the physical standpoint our query involves a discussion of the seed and the nature of that type of seed that we are and that all humans are, and it involves a discussion of the best environment for growth within incarnation. Q’uo continued by saying that metaphysically growth may be seen in a more spacious context since we have been growing through many incarnations and through many densities in our octave, and speaking metaphysically we are creating a non-local harvest which is being developed over a period of billions of our years, and speaking in physical terms it is difficult to speak of metaphysical-scale growth within our numbering system, but Q’uo said it is a large-scale project to grow metaphysically, and they would point out that within the context of this infinite environment, growth: “consists of the seed, the environment, and those cyclical experiences of learning, assimilating the learning, and responding to that which you have assimilated.” Now Q’uo said in the case of our physical growth through our incarnation, the seed is that which is produced by sperm and ovum from the dust, metaphorically speaking, out of which our Earth has created a local habitation of flesh in which we as a metaphysical being have chosen to place our consciousness for an incarnation in order that we may have being within the environment of third-density Earth. Q’uo said they will allow us to name the nature of the seed of flesh, saying  that it is steeped in illusion and rounded in mystery because our life is a gift and a miracle which happens only once, and the being that we are is unique, and our incarnation shall not be experienced again so that the song that we sing in flesh shall never be heard again, and we are precious beyond description within the folds of our dailiness. On February 13, 1988, Latwii spoke of our life as being a gift:

Thus, the deepest goal of one who leaves bliss in order to suffer is to find the joy within the suffering, to find the light within the darkness, to accept and thus solve the riddle of opposites. For if the life is a gift, a holy one, one set apart, then to live, to love, to feel, to be, is the true vocation, and all actions stem then not from the necessities of the employment or the personal situation, but from the inner agenda which is to experiment continuously with the being, seeking always to polarize more and more towards a conscious inner realization of the wholeness and perfection that lie within the illusion that make of the life a beauty and a gift. It is difficult sometimes for one who is suffering to see the beauty within the self, to realize that the self by itself without action is the true gift to the Creator and the true reason for this experience you call living.

As infinite and eternal beings, the seed from which you sprang is the infinite Creator. And in this metaphysical creation, although growth indeed does take place, it is rounded just as a physical incarnation is: in the birth and the death of one beat of the Creator’s heart, one unit or creation of the creative principle. That which this instrument calls an “octave” includes the seven densities moving into the eighth density and therefore back to the first. It is the measure of your measureless life as a metaphysical being. It begins with birth which is a being cast out of the womb of the mother that is the Creator. Not to be abandoned; a mother does not birth a child to abandon it. It does allow the child to grow and in this case the entire purpose that your parent had in mind for you is for you to teach your parent about the nature of itself.

“What seed do I cast forth into beingness?” You are spending your energy and your time exploring at your leisure and at your pleasure the ramifications of this question. In the fullness of this moment within the Creator’s beating heart, you shall return to the infinite Creator with your harvest and your burden of awareness and beingness, and in offering up the essence of all that you are, you shall once again be lost up in the Creator Itself, and the Creator shall be full of all that which it has learned from Its child. And in that diastolic moment, when the Creator’s heart rests between beats, all shall be measureless, unified and without any kinetic component. And then the Creator’s heart shall once again beat, and you and all of the tribe of those who share consciousness shall once again start their immeasurable journeys.

When you asked your query, my brother, you asked what effective ways there may be to bring entities of your age group—you yourself, we find in this instrument’s mind, being 19 years of age—together, physically, in order to seek new ways of relating to each other and to the creation. You spoke specifically of learning to live according to fourth-density ways. And so, we would look secondly at those words, “fourth density.” As we have said, entities grow according to their nature. That which an entity is does not change because of a desire to change. The change that is desired needs to be physically and metaphysically possible for the entity doing the growing. A frog cannot sprout a rose from its head. Your scientist may find a way to clone a frog that grows a rose from its head, but in the natural environment of Earth, this shall not happen.

Therefore, we would say to the one known as P that there is no other way for a third-density entity to grow than to begin to explore elements of the self that will continue to be developed in fourth density. Therefore, we would redirect your query in two ways. Firstly, we would suggest to you the great centrality of grasping polarity. For growth is a matter, within third density, of choosing the manner of its beingness. Shall it be of service to itself, primarily? Or shall it be of service to others? Graduation is possible using either path. Entry into fourth density is possible only through graduation using one of these two paths. Therefore, grasping the importance of polarity and determining to pursue with persistence and devotion the path that you have chosen is very important in accelerating the process of growth. Until this central point is taken and internalized, it will not be at all apparent to you as to what disciplines you need to persist in learning in order to accelerate the pace of your growth.

Then Q’uo said as infinite and eternal beings, the seed from which we sprang is the infinite Creator, and in this metaphysical creation it is rounded just as a physical incarnation is: in the birth and the death of one beat of the Creator’s heart, one unit of the creative principle which Carla calls an “octave” that includes the seven densities moving into the eighth density and back to the first, and it is the measure of our eternal life as a metaphysical being that begins with birth, which is our being cast out of the womb of the mother that is the Creator–not to be abandoned because a mother does not give birth to a child to abandon it—but to allow us to grow, and in this case the purpose that our parent had in mind for us is for us to teach our parent about the nature of itself. Now Q’uo asked “What seed do I cast forth into beingness?” And they said we are spending our energy and our time exploring the ramifications of this question, and in the fullness of this moment within the Creator’s beating heart, we shall return to the infinite Creator with our harvest and our burden of beingness, and in offering up the essence of all that we are, we shall again be lost in the Creator Itself, and the Creator shall be full of all that which It has learned from us, and in that moment, when the Creator’s heart rests between beats, all shall be unified and without any kinetic component so that the Creator’s heart shall once again beat, and we and all of the tribe of those who share consciousness shall once again start their immeasurable journeys. Q’uo continued by saying when we asked what there may be to bring entities of our age of 19 years together physically to seek new ways of relating to each other and to the creation, Q’uo spoke of learning to live according to fourth-density ways, and they would look at those words, “fourth density,” and they said, entities grow according to their nature, so Q’uo said that which we are does not change because of our desire to change because the change that is desired needs to be physically and metaphysically possible for us to be able to grow. Q’uo went on to say that there is no other way for a third-density entity to grow than to begin to explore elements of ourself that will continue to be developed in fourth density, so they suggested to us the importance of considering polarity because growth within third density comes from our choosing whether we wish to be of service to self, or shall we choose to be of service to others since graduation is possible using either path so that grasping the importance of polarity and determining to pursue with persistence and devotion the path that we have chosen is important in accelerating the process of growth, and until this central point is internalized, it will not be apparent to us as to what disciplines we need to persist in learning in order to accelerate the pace of our growth. On September 9, 1982, Hatonn spoke of the process of growth that we go through in the third density:

It is often the case that those upon your planet who have entered the relationships of a family have ties which are quite close in the experience of your illusion. That your daughter sought your comfort in a period of her own discomfort is the expression of the yearning for the love of the parent, and your response was the completion of that cycle of being. That you sought to seal that cycle’s completion was most appropriate, for both of you were engaged in a process of growth which was symbolic in nature, that of the giving and receiving of love. To seal that symbolic learning was indeed to seat it within your being, and was of great aid to your daughter, for she was then more able to feel the love living within her being, and it was then able to provide a new type of perception or energetic being for her.

We understand that there is no equivocation on the part either of yourself speaking personally or of yourself speaking as a representative of the group of which you are a part. As to the polarity you have chosen, you and your group have chosen service to others as your polarity. However, my brother, the progress of a life that is polarized in service to others is measured not by that which you may see, although certainly the results of your efforts to serve are indicative of much and can be assumed to infer progress along the lines of polarization. Habits of thought and ways of relating to yourself and to other entities are infinitely subtle in the lessons that they hide and partially reveal as you experience interaction with yourself and with others. Pure service-to-others polarity is very difficult to achieve within your density. The biases of our culture and those internalized biases that are part of your net of assumptions and things that you feel that you know are incredibly invasive and prevalent within the habitual mindset that you experience as being yourself. Consequently, there is an ever-deeper element of honesty with yourself that is very helpful for you to pursue.

It is well to do this within your internalized self. The more that you work with your own thoughts, the less that you shall need to use what this instrument has often called the hall of mirrors, which is what occurs when you do not do the internalized work of exploring the nature of your thoughts and your being and are instead given projections or images of your being and your thoughts in the face of those about you. When you receive those images from those about you, you may assume that these images are to some extent distorted, just as a bad mirror will make you thinner, or taller, or curvy, and wavy in the way that the image looks back at you. You can do the same endless imaging within yourself or you may choose at any time to pull away masks, attitudes, and assumptions and enter into the present moment and the freshness of now. We realize that this is not exact language but there is a membrane separating you from what this instrument would call the fast track. It is an invisible membrane, a kind of meniscus, which is made up of your self-awareness and whatever energies you have that are holding you to your present way of being.

What hidden resistances do you have to releasing yourself to the possibilities of the present moment? This instrument as a part of a group has found that it is very useful to work with the mirroring effect of being a part of a community. And we are aware that there are others within this group who have also found the mirroring effect very useful, if challenging. And we would suggest to all of you that in order to use this mirroring effect better, you use the internal mirrors of self first. If you can, do this internal analysis each day. We would suggest doing it in a private environment, working with pen and paper or on the computer or in the privacy of your own mind. We have spoken of the nature of growth and the nature of the entity that attempts to grow into fourth density, attempting to draw a three-dimensional picture of the environment which is helpful for growth. You cannot, within third density, be a fourth-density being. You can, however, be a third-density being who has become mature and who is no longer holding onto that which has been assumed to be the limitations of the possibilities of growth within third density.

By the very nature of the being that you uncover by doing spiritual work, you are aware of the direction in which you are going. You know that as you learn the ways of unconditional love, you shall prepare yourself for graduation into an environment in which unconditional love is manifest, obvious, overt and apparent. Can you live in a private universe: the universe inside your own being and inside your own heart where unconditional love has become the order of the day? Can you love without expectation of return? Without blinking at those who detract or scorn or ridicule you? This instrument was speaking earlier of attempting to create a home upon the website which she calls bring4th  for entities who specifically wish to criticize and scorn either this instrument or concepts in which this instrument has had a part in putting forth. This instrument did see the paradox of wanting to give a home to those who would wish to tear her apart and tear her ideas down.

Now Q’uo said that we understand that there is no doubt on our speaking personally or of our speaking as a part of a group, and as to the polarity, we and our group have chosen service to others as our polarity, but the progress of a life that is polarized in service to others is measured not by that which we may see, although the results of our efforts to serve are an indication of our progress along the lines of polarization, and the habits of thought and ways of relating to ourself and to other entities are subtle in the lessons that they hide and partially reveal as we experience interaction with ourself and with others so that pure service-to-others polarity is difficult to achieve within our density, and the biases of our culture and those internalized biases that are part of things that we feel that we know are invasive within the mindset that we experience as being ourself, so there is an ever-deeper element of honesty with ourself that is very helpful for us to pursue. Q’uo went on to say it is well to do this within our internalized self so that the more that we work with our own thoughts, the less that we shall need to use what Carla has called the hall of mirrors, which is what occurs when we do not do the internalized work of exploring the nature of our thoughts and our being and are given images of our being and our thoughts in the face of those about us, and when we receive those images from those about us, we may assume that these images are distorted, just as a bad mirror will distort our image in various ways in how it looks back at us, and we can do the same imaging within ourself, or we may choose to pull away our masks and enter into the present moment, but Q’uo realized that this is not an exact science because there is a membrane separating us from what Carla  would call the fast track, and it is an invisible membrane which is made up of our self-awareness and whatever energies we have that are holding us to our present way of being. Q’uo continued by saying we need to ask ourself what hidden resistances we have to releasing ourself to the possibilities of the present moment, and Carla is part of a group which has found that it is useful to work with the mirroring effect of being a part of a community, and Q’uo said they were aware of others within this group who have found the mirroring effect useful and challenging, and they would suggest to us that in order to use this mirroring effect better, we use the internal mirrors of ourself first each day, and they suggested working with pen and paper, or on the computer, or in the privacy of our own mind, for they have spoken of the nature of growth and the nature of the entity that attempts to grow into fourth density by drawing a three-dimensional picture of the environment which is helpful for growth, but we cannot, within third density, be a fourth-density being, but we can be a third-density being who has become mature and who is no longer holding onto that which has been assumed to be the limitations of the possibilities of growth within third density. Then Q’uo said by the nature of the being that we uncover by doing spiritual work, we are aware of the direction in which we are going, and we know that as we learn the ways of unconditional Love, we shall prepare ourself for graduation into an environment in which unconditional Love is obvious, and: “can we live in a private universe: the universe inside our own being and inside our own heart where unconditional Love has become the order of the day? Can we love without expectation of return? Without blinking at those who detract or scorn or ridicule us?” Q’uo said Carla was speaking earlier of attempting to create a home upon the website which she calls bring4th for entities who wish to criticize and scorn either her or concepts in which she has had a part in putting forth, and she saw the paradox of wanting to give a home to those who would wish to tear her apart and tear her ideas down. On August 3, 1980, Latwii spoke of the nature of our private universe:

You have the free choice at any moment of time to perceive the game, the play, the scenario, and rewrite your lines. This will take a bit of time, some effort upon your part, some well-directed meditation, and contemplation following meditation. However, you will find that it is an unerring fact that all problems are of your own manufacture. The world in which each of you live, my brothers and sisters, is your own private universe. Nothing from the outside may come in to harm you; only your own perceptions and thoughts can harm you. If you are being hurt, you must examine those thoughts and those perceptions and discover the separation that is producing disharmony.

However, in this instrument’s humble opinion, the ideals for which the organization stands and which it holds dear are sturdy and are in no danger of being torn down by criticism. Nor is she overly concerned that ridicule or scorn of her would make any difference in her ability to love the entity who is scorning her. She has earned the right to her opinion. She dares much in attempting to express, awkwardly and in this shadow world, an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance and love.

Howshall you dare this beau geste, my brother? For it begins with you. It begins with this instrument. It begins within each of you as individuals. The manner of your being becomes a seed. At any given moment of Now, you have become a seed to be planted that others may watch you grow, may see you bloom, and as you perish and offer your harvest to the autumn winds and the reapers, others shall be able to use the light that you have gathered within yourself as if it were food, fueling their own growth by the inspiration of your being. You have said that you wished this group to gather physically but we find that effective ways to create physical gatherings are non-physical in nature. It begins with your dedication to being a seed that buries itself in the ground of the group that you wish to create.

This is very resonant for this particular instrument and certainly for the one known as Jim as well, for many years ago they, in moments of deep, personal humility and focus, offered themselves and their entire life, first apart and then together, in an attempt to serve the one infinite Creator by creating, if possible, a spiritually-oriented group. This group is that now known as L/L Research and it is a group with which we have had, in one form or another, a continuing contact to our mutual benefit, we believe, for some of your time. You are not starting from scratch, then. You can build on the work that has bloomed and been given to the environment of L/L Research.

But that which moves your vision into manifestation is not directly under your control. What is under your control is your own integrity and honesty and your persistent effort in seeking to uncover the nature of your true self. As you dig deeper into this supposedly homogenized and coordinated self, you will find that many things fall away, and that you as a person begin to fall apart. This falling apart is a necessary portion of that which prepares you for meeting the essence and core of self. This essence is not trapped in third density or within incarnation. Where is it?

[Side one of tape ends.]

We suggest that you seek it in the sacredness of silence. Within that silence, when you have come to the end of your time with the Creator, round out that time of meditation or contemplation with a visualization of that which you wish to make manifest in your future with regards to this gathering of entities. Do not visualize as one who is attempting or trying or making an effort. Rather, spend time knowing, and praising, and celebrating, and giving thanks for that which is naturally gathering because of the energies of yourself and the infinite One. Spirit has brought you to this moment. It is well to trust both in yourself and in Spirit.

There are many within your age group who are ready to awaken to this common and shared vision of living the ways of love. This is why we said to you that it is well to realize that much of the work of bringing entities together physically is contacting them in ways that are not immediately physical. The technology which your people have created which this instrument calls the internet offers ways to communicate globally. Therefore, we encourage you to use the simple, ordinary and everyday aspects of your life to create ways of communicating via the internet with those entities which you are faithfully and peacefully sure exist, sharing in the ever imperfect ways of words the love that is held in your vision. This instrument is informing us that we must move on and therefore we would ask at this time if there is another query?

Q’uo went on to say that in Carla’s humble opinion the ideals for which the organization stands and which it holds dear are sturdy and are in no danger of being torn down by criticism, nor is she concerned that ridicule of her would make any difference in her ability to love the entity who is scorning her, and she has earned the right to her opinion, and she dares much in attempting to express, and in this shadow world, an atmosphere of unconditional acceptance and Love. Then Q’uo said this beautiful journey begins with Carla and within each of us in the group so that the manner of our being becomes a seed to be planted that others may watch us grow, may see us bloom, and as we perish and offer our harvest to the autumn winds others shall be able to use the Light that we have gathered within ourselves as if it were food, fueling their own growth by the inspiration of our being, and we have said that we wished this group to gather physically, but Quo said that effective ways to create physical gatherings are non-physical in nature because it begins with our dedication to being a seed that buries itself in the ground of the group that we wish to create. Q’uo continued by saying this is resonant for Carla and Jim, for many years ago they offered themselves and their life in an attempt to serve the one infinite Creator by creating a spiritually-oriented group which is L/L Research, and it is a group with which we have had a continuing contact to our mutual benefit for some time, so we are not starting from scratch because we can build on the work that has bloomed and been given to the environment of L/L Research. Then Q’uo said that which moves our vision into manifestation is not directly under our control, but what is under our control is our integrity and our persistent effort in seeking to uncover the nature of our true self, and as we dig deeper into this true self, we will find that many things fall away, and that we as a person begin to fall apart, but this falling apart is a necessary portion of that which prepares us for meeting the essence ourself that is not trapped in third density or within incarnation. Now Q’uo suggested that we seek the essence of ourself in the sacredness of silence, and within that silence, when we have come to the end of our time with the Creator, follow our meditation with a visualization of that which we wish to manifest in our future with regards to this gathering of entities, but do not visualize as one who is making an effort, but spend time praising and giving thanks for that which is naturally gathering because of the energies of ourself, of the infinite One, and because Spirit has brought us to this moment, and it is well to trust both in ourself and in Spirit. Q’uo completed their reply by saying there are many within our age group who are ready to awaken to this common vision of living the ways of Love, and this is why they said to us that it is well to realize that much of the work of bringing entities together physically is contacting them in ways that are not immediately physical since the technology which our people have created, which Carla calls the internet, offers ways to communicate globally, so Q’uo encouraged us to use the everyday aspects of our life to create ways of communicating via the internet with those entities which we are faithfully sure exist, sharing in the ever imperfect ways of words the Love that is held in our vision. On August 15, 1976, Hatonn spoke of how we can live the ways of Love:

So, as you seek, seek to watch the ways of Love as they flow through you. It is important to discriminate, it is important to judge. And yet, as you are functioning, allow Love to flow through you, without judgment and without hindrance. And then it will teach you its ways and it will live your life. You cannot direct the Creator. As long as you attempt to direct Him, He will stand knocking, asking to be let in to your heart. Once you make the connection, then you and the consciousness of love will be together, communing, and living a creative life.

Jim: [Reading P’s question.] Could you discuss ways to decrease distortion within the learning environment based on your experience?

Weare those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Indeed, to decrease a distortion is a thing greatly to be wished for us all. It is to be noted, however, that without distortion there would be no expression. Without distortion, in an absolute sense, there would be no creation. You are necessarily and permanently, as far as we know, dealing with distortion. You yourself are a distortion of the one infinite Creator in that you have been given a locality. Yet within you lies absolute clarity on an unconscious basis or level. Can you accept the paradox of distortion and clarity indwelling, interpenetrating each other and blessing each other with the gifts that each has to offer the other? It is always helpful in attempting to decrease distortion to rest in silence in the environment of your own private time, when you gaze inwardly at the depths of your being and outwardly at the depths of the day or the night sky. There seem to be greatly enhanced opportunities for that seeking self to become able to contact the gateway to intelligent infinity, to come into the present moment, and to rest at last in the peace of no time and no space.

Each moment that you are able to live there fills with you the love and the light of ten thousand years spent in the hurly burly of normal living. And yet it is very difficult, perhaps nearly impossible, to live day to day and moment to moment resting in the present moment. Distortion will call you forward. You will be pulled one way or another, and you will be lost to that clarity that you had when you were undisturbed. My brother, we would encourage you to embrace the colorations of distortion as they pass before you. Love them all. Look at them carefully and let them go. Do not be overly impressed with any of your distortions, be they seemingly negative or seemingly positive. They too are masks and that which you discover when you take that mask off is also a mask. There is no end to the roles that you are playing while upon the stage of what this instrument would call earthly life or third-density existence.

But you have an incredible amount of power over the situation if you are able to let go of every vestige of control. You have forgotten that you wrote this play. Yet you did, and you can rewrite it as you go. There is nothing holding you or anyone else from rewriting the play that you unfold day by day. You are also the audience and we encourage you to watch with appreciation. And since you are a critic, as well, we ask that you sharpen your wits and review the passion play that unfolds within and around you. Play with your play. Let it become play.

The one known as V spoke to this instrument recently of the story of the Dalai Lama, an entity who is much revered in certain quarters among your peoples as a highly advanced spiritual being. This entity sat down on a tussock that had been prepared for him to sit on and discovered that it was springy and soft. So, this entity, in front of all these people who were waiting for the next pearl to drop from his lips, celebrated the bounciness of this soft tussock and spent a considerable number of seconds enjoying bouncing on his seat. He remembered to take life lightly and to introduce a comedic aspect, something to laugh at, something to enjoy “just because.” Introduce whimsy and lightness and all of the aspects of the fairyland and the kingdom of the devas that you inhabit, as well as the overarching seriousness and driven dedication of your hopes and your intents. It is a matter of staying in balance while moving as fast as you can along the upward spiraling light that is spiritual evolution. We find that the energy begins to wane within this group and so we would ask for one more query at this time. Is there a final query before we leave this instrument?

P’s question was: “Could you discuss ways to decrease distortion within the learning environment based on your experience?” Q’uo began their reply by saying that to decrease a distortion is a thing to be wished for us all, but without distortion there would be no expression and no creation, so we are permanently dealing with distortion, and we are a distortion of the one infinite Creator in that we have been given a locality in time and space, yet within us lies clarity on an unconscious level, and we need to accept the paradox of distortion and clarity interpenetrating each other and blessing each other with the gifts that each has to offer the other so that it is helpful in attempting to decrease distortion to rest in silence in the environment of our private time when we gaze inwardly at the depths of our being and outwardly at the depths of the day or the night sky, and there seem to be opportunities for our seeking self to become able to contact the gateway to intelligent infinity, to come into the present moment, and to rest at last in the peace of no time and no space. Q’uo went on to say that each moment that we are able to live we are filled with the Love and the Light of ten thousand years spent in the rush of normal living, yet it is very difficult to live day to day and moment to moment resting in the present moment because distortion will call us forward, and we will be pulled one way or another, and we will be lost to that clarity that we had when we were undisturbed, so Q’uo encouraged us to embrace the colors of distortion as they pass before us and love them all; look at them carefully; and let them go, and do not be impressed with any distortions, be they seemingly negative or seemingly positive because they are masks, and that which we discover when we take that mask off is also a mask because there is no end to the roles that we are playing while upon the stage earthly life or third-density existence. Q’uo continued by saying we have an incredible amount of power over the situation if we can let go of control, but we have forgotten that we wrote this play, and we can rewrite it as we go because there is nothing holding any one of us from rewriting the play that we unfold day by day, and we are also the audience, and Q’uo encouraged us to watch with appreciation, and since we are a critic they asked that we sharpen our wits and review the passion play that unfolds within and around us, so we should let it become play. Q’uo completed their reply by saying V spoke to Carla recently of the story of the Dalai Lama, an entity who is much revered in certain quarters among your peoples as a highly advanced spiritual being, and he sat on a cushion that had been prepared for him to sit on and discovered that it was springy and soft, so in front of all these people who were waiting for the next pearl to drop from his lips, he celebrated the bounciness of this soft cushion and spent some time enjoying bouncing on his cushion, and he remembered to take life lightly and find something to enjoy “just because,” by introducing lightness and all of the aspects of the kingdom of the devas that we inhabit, as well as the dedication of our hopes because it is a matter of staying in balance while moving as fast as we can along the upward spiraling light that is spiritual evolution. On September 27, 1981, Q’uo suggested that meditation was a good way to advance on our path of spiritual evolution:

There is also another source which you may find that may also be described as the Comforter, spoken of by the entity called Jesus. This source may be found by each entity so seeking in meditation, for as you still your mind, as you open your heart and as you open your innermost being to the Creator in love, there shall you find that small, still voice within, which shall also be of great comfort to you as you proceed on that path of spiritual evolution.

We of Hatonn have through many instruments and in many of your meditations spoken of the necessity for meditation for those who wish to seek the Creator. Within meditation shall you find the Creator. Within meditation shall you find the fruits of your labor of evolution.

We find that the energy begins to wane within this group and so we would ask for one more query at this time. Is there a final query before we leave this instrument?

B: I have one. You referred to “non-local harvest.” I was under the impression that harvest was located in space/time and resulted in physical and environmental change. Could you clarify that?

We are those known as Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We thank you for that question. The non-local harvest is the harvest of the one infinite Creator. The harvest that is non-local is that which is drawn into the Creator Itself through the processes of increasing spiritual gravity and it is a portion of the life cycle of you as a metaphysical entity within this octave of the creation.

May we answer you further, my brother?

B: I understand. I just had not thought of that before. Thank you.

Q’uo: We thank you, my brother, and may we say what a blessing it is to share energy with you at this time. It is a blessing to share energy with all of you. We are aware through this instrument’s mind that you gather together to give thanks at this time and to feast together. May you feast not only on food of the physical kind but on the food of your laughter, your love, and your shared energy, for you are blessings to each other, dear brothers and sisters, and together you truly are beautiful to us. We thank you for your presence, for calling us to you at this time, for enabling us to serve and for the beauty of your being. It humbles us and it blesses us greatly. We leave you as we found you, in the love and in the light, in the power and in the peace of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning I went outside and put netting over the Day Lilies on the south side of the Wuthering Heights Mound to protect them from the deer. Then I went into the back yard and put netting over the Day Lilies that are growing along the south side of the garage to protect them from the deer as well.

This afternoon I went outside and used my trimmer to weed the Moss Garden in the back yard, and then I used my backpack bower to blow the Moss Garden clean.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 24

The Ore Of Humankind

I am of the spirit of Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of Love.

The gem-like quality of the pilgrim’s soul may be seen seldom with your dark physical eyes, for the ore of humankind is rough and the exterior of most gem-like souls is pitted, darkened, and scarred by erosion and age.

It is the function of the Spirit of Love to enhance one’s eyesight when gazing at gold and gems in the rough. There is a vision which comes only to those who refuse to trust their physical eyes.

May you ask this boon of the Spirit of Christ, for each time that you see the Christ in another, you have become Christ to that other, and the gem that is your pilgrim’s soul is polished and faceted by deed and thought.

We leave you in the peace and comfort of love. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from November 6, 2005:

The question today has to do with the kind of problems that we run into in our daily lives that seem to be repeating. After a while they seem to be unsolvable. It looks like the best that you can do is to keep dancing and working with them. We’re wondering if Q’uo has any comment to make that could shed some light on what goes on in a seeker’s life when you run into these problems that may be in relationships and may be with yourself. Is it psychic greeting? Is it something within yourself that wants to show you the dark side so that you can work on it? Could Q’uo comment on these problems that keep recurring in our lives that don’t really seem to go away?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are in the Creator’s service as we speak with you at this time. Thank you for the privilege and the pleasure of being called to your circle this evening. As always, we would ask of you that you employ your discriminatory powers in listening to what we have to say. Use that material that is helpful and seems resonant to you while leaving the rest behind. If you will take responsibility for doing this, it will enable us to speak freely without being concerned that we might infringe upon your free will.

The gaudy jewel and earth tones of your autumn leaves are swirling around in this instrument’s mind as we settle into her question this day. And, indeed, the gaudy and earth tones of your question swirl about as we contemplate our response. We thank you for this query concerning the seemingly insoluble and cyclical challenges of each of your incarnations. It is a characteristic of the density which you now inhabit that nothing is known. Everything is an illusion. The rainbow colors of your supposed problems and challenges have the same seductive value as a display of beautiful clothing in a department store window has to this instrument. The way the human mind works is to gather these garments of thought as if they were apparel and coordinate the garments, one with the other, so that one is wearing a mental and emotional outfit that goes together.

It is to be noted that much of the way patterns of thinking develop is as simple as that habit that entities such as this instrument have of going into the closet and selecting an outfit for the day that coordinates in terms of color and pattern. There is a surreal aspect to reality that cannot be shaken off or gotten rid of. It is part of the human condition. It is a big part of the human condition. It was created that third density be a density in which nothing can be known in order that those who entered into the density would be able to do work intended for this density. That work is the seemingly simple but in fact endlessly painstaking work of choosing what shall be the manner of your being.

Itis a very helpful thing to lose the beliefs of all kinds of thought, feeling, and emotion from time to time and to strip oneself down to the bare branches of one’s true self. This instrument spoke in her journal  recently of this need to be naked of the clothing of those garments of emotion and personality that did not seem to her to be very indicative of any real beingness within herself. She was looking for the bare branches and the roots and trunk of her personality to find out more about who she really is. We would suggest to you that it is well to look at these cyclically recurring thematic challenges in this extended context of that image of the essential tree with its many-colored leaves which must fall and come down from time to time to be lost, in order that change and growth may take place.

This is true for all entities regardless of when they come to third-density incarnation. It is especially true of an entity such as this instrument or those within this group, for each within this circle of seeking has made conscious agreements with the self to accelerate the pace of spiritual growth. Therefore, it is to be expected from such entities that these cycles of the self meeting the shadow self, shall we say, would be intensified. And there is another factor, offering another layer or level of intensification. That extra factor is the times in which you are now living. Let us contemplate the times in which you are now living from our point of view. For we believe that this may add a dimension to your own thinking at this time. We have said before that at this time your Earth is being born as a fourth-density planet and indeed is alive and well.

The group question for this session was: “We’re wondering if Q’uo has any comment to make that could shed some light on what goes on in a seeker’s life when you run into these problems that may be in relationships and may be with yourself. Is it psychic greeting? Is it something within yourself that wants to show you the dark side so that you can work on it? Could Q’uo comment on these problems that keep recurring in our lives that don’t really seem to go away?” Q’uo began their reply by saying the colorful earth tones of our autumn leaves are swirling around in Carla’s mind as we consider her question this day, and the colorful earth tones of our question swirl about as we contemplate our response, so Q’uo thanked us for this query concerning the seemingly insoluble and cyclical challenges of each of our incarnations, for it is a characteristic of the density which we now inhabit that nothing is known since everything is an illusion so that the rainbow colors of our challenges have the same seductive value as a display of beautiful clothing in a department store window has for Carla, and the way our human mind works is to gather these garments of thought as if they were apparel and coordinate the garments so that we are wearing a mental and emotional outfit that goes together. Then Q’uo said that much of the way our patterns of thinking develop is like that habit that Carla has of going into the closet and selecting an outfit for the day that coordinates in terms of color and pattern, and there is a surreal aspect to reality that cannot be gotten rid of because it is a big part of the human condition, and it was created that third density be a density in which nothing can be known in order that when we entered into this density we would be able to do work intended for this density which is the seemingly simple but endlessly painstaking work of choosing what shall be the manner of our being. Q’uo continued by saying it is a helpful thing to lose the beliefs of all kinds of thought and emotion and to strip ourself down to our true self, and Carla spoke in her journal of this need to be naked of the garments of emotion and personality that did not seem to be indicative of any real beingness within herself because she was looking for the roots of her personality to find out more about who she really is, and Q’uo suggested to us that it is well to look at these recurring challenges in the context of that image of the essential tree with its leaves which must fall down to be lost in order that change and growth may take place. Q’uo went on to say this is true for all of us regardless of when we come to third-density incarnation, and it is especially true of an entity such as Carla, or those within this group, for each of us in this circle of seeking has made conscious agreements with  our self to accelerate the pace of spiritual growth so that it is to be expected that these cycles of our meeting our shadow self would be intensified, and there is another layer of intensification which are the times in which we are now living because at this time our Earth is being born as a fourth-density planet, and indeed is alive and well. On January 1, 1989, Q’uo described the way in which we can accelerate the pace of our spiritual growth:

But this evening you have chosen to gaze at the spiritual journey in terms of time commitment, in terms of whether by taking thought one might accelerate the pace of spiritual growth. My children, if we of Q’uo did not believe that it was possible to accelerate the spiritual growth of careful and persistent students by means of inspirational messages, we would not be working with this instrument, for it is no part of our intention to waste our time. However, the truth is that it is extremely possible; that is, it is possible in almost any degree desired by the entity to accelerate the pace of spiritual growth. The difficulty from within the illusion is that a particularly difficult manifestation of accelerated spiritual growth is emotional pain, irritation with oneself for having failed, and other negative emotions.

The extremely simple reason for the seeming paradox is that in times of greatly accelerated growth, large-scale changes are being made in the road map of various portions of the program and metaprogram of the mind, and, especially when these changes have reached the initiatory or metaprogrammic phase, many, many feelings, actions, and so forth will seem to have been those of an oversensitive, immature, and imbalanced person. This person will consider itself the least of all those who seek, for it is not manifesting cheerfulness, gaiety, merriment, and freedom, but, rather, suffering under a burden.

However, when the memory has wound its golden bands about these times, and that which you call time has elapsed so that one may gaze back upon that golden-shrouded memory, one may see again and again the rapidity of growth side by side and inexorably tied to the most nauseating and humiliating of failures. It is for this reason that within the illusion it is most often felt that there are no short cuts, and that one must simply bumble along by trial and error.

Thethird-density planet which gave birth to baby Gaia, that entity which we may call third-density Gaia, has expressed a great deal of her energies in the nurturing of all of her third-density tribe and family. The Earth being that you call Gaia or Terra is a mother in love with her children and blissfully nurturing of them, always protective of them and yet, at the same time, in harmony with the desire for growth and transformation that exists within the heart and the soul of each one of her children. As she has approached this last decade of her appropriate time to be alive, she has seen that the harvest of those who have chosen is still a slender one. Those who have taken incarnation at this time have taken incarnation knowing full well that time is short upon your planet for making the choice of how to be.

There are those of you who traveled from other densities and other planets to this density and planet Earth in hopes of being a part of that energy which would create the expression of light on planet Earth that would help entities to awaken to the realization of who they are as spiritual beings and of what they are here to do in terms of making the choice of the manner of their being. There are other entities whose hope is to wake up, having been unable to do so within third density in other third-density cycles. The thing that each of you has in common with the other is that, whether you are attempting to awaken from within the third-density dream, or whether you have awakened within the dream but now are hoping to help others to awaken, your awakening is precious to you and central to your reason for choosing to take incarnation at this time. It is as if all of you are under pressure to graduate.

Ifyou will cast your minds back to your last graduation, you may remember the kind of pressure that this situation creates. There is the feeling of being tested and wondering if you have the knowledge to answer the questions on that test appropriately. There is that frantic feeling of not having enough knowledge and knowing that you do not have the time that you would like to have in order to organize your thoughts. It seems as if a great deal is compressed into a very short amount of time. Your entire incarnation has this intensity at this time, and as we said, there are several layers to the reason for this intensity. It is intense because you are intense. It is intense because the Earth is at an intense place. And it is further intensified by the great desire of each of you to do well at this time so that you are in effect your own parents, encouraging and urging you to study harder and get good grades.

The one known as C was correct in saying that the cycling, thematic challenges of an incarnation are not intended to be solved. And the one known as Carla was equally correct in describing the condition of being as that of dancing with the situation without any hope of solving or affecting the situation. These are positive and loving perceptions of a situation that might otherwise seem to be very frustrating. It seems frustrating when one attempts to solve a problem that will not solve. There is the natural desire to create order and beauty in any pattern of living or thinking. And we encourage your efforts to beautify your thoughts, your emotions, and your being as you can. We would ask you to remember that your goal is growth, progress, and transformation. You are asking yourself to change and to become that which you do not yet understand.

Then Q’uo said the third-density planet which gave birth to baby Gaia, that entity which we may call third-density Gaia, has expressed her energies by nurturing of all of her third-density family, and the Earth being that we call Gaia is a mother in love with her children and always protective of them and yet in harmony with the desire for growth and transformation that exists within the soul of each one of her children, and as she has approached this last decade of her time to be alive, she has seen that the harvest of those who have chosen is a slender one so that those who have incarnated at this time have taken incarnation knowing that time is short upon our planet for making the choice of how to be. Now Q’uo said there are those of us who traveled from other densities and other planets to planet Earth in hopes of being a part of that energy which would create the expression of Light on planet Earth and would help us to awaken to the realization of who we are as spiritual beings and of what we are here to do in terms of making the choice of the manner of our being, and there are other entities whose hope is to wake up, having been unable to do so within third density in other third-density cycles so that the thing that each of us has in common with each other is that, whether we are attempting to awaken from within the third-density dream, or whether we have awakened within the dream but now are hoping to help others to awaken, this awakening is precious to us and central to our reason for choosing to take incarnation at this time, and it is as if all of us are under pressure to graduate. Q’uo continued by saying if we will look back to our last graduation, we may remember the kind of pressure that this situation creates because there is the feeling of being tested and wondering if we have the knowledge to answer the questions on that test, and there is that knowing that we do not have the time to organize our thoughts, and it seems as if a great deal is compressed into a short amount of time, so our incarnation has this intensity at this time, and there are several layers to the reason for this intensity: it is intense because we are intense; it is intense because the Earth is an intense place; and it is intensified by the desire of each of us to do well at this time so that we are our own parents urging us to good grades. Q’uo went on to say C was correct in saying that the cycling challenges of an incarnation are not intended to be solved, and Carla was equally correct in describing the condition of being as that of dancing with the situation without any hope of solving the situation, and these are loving perceptions of a situation that seems to be frustrating when we attempt to solve a problem that will not solve, so there is the natural desire to create order in any pattern of living, and Q’uo encouraged our efforts to beautify our thoughts and our emotions, and they asked us to remember that our goal is growth and transformation because we are asking ourself to change and to become that which we do not yet understand. On November 26, 1989, Q’uo spoke of how we can obtain growth and transformation:

To see oneself as a cell in the body of creation is a most helpful concept, because as you gaze in thought at your own anatomy and physiology you may see that each cell is equally important. The skin, the muscles, the mind, the simple reaching out of the hands that is possible because you are in physical existence, these are causes for rejoicing, these are causes for thanksgiving and praise, for you have the opportunity to act as a channel, a worthy and loving channel for the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator. Self-acceptance is a good start upon self-forgiveness. To accept one’s faults as they are, paradoxically, is to open oneself up to the possibility of change, growth, and transformation.

When you ask Spirit for the opportunity to grow, change, and transform, Spirit is ever ready to offer you those opportunities. When the opportunities to grow are offered to you, they will tend to express themselves in terms of your thematic, incarnational lessons. It is not that you are getting a direct repetition each time that such cyclical problems come up. Each situation that you experience, no matter how closely you can identify it in kind with previous occurrences with this same theme in your life, the consciousness that takes in this current, fresh, new version of the thematic challenge is a new being facing a new problem. Fortunately, you have the tremendous advantage of having identified the recurring and thematic incarnational lesson or you would not have asked this question. Simply realizing how growth works and what its mechanisms are is an extremely powerful resource.

Becoming comfortable with this discomfort is a very helpful resource as well. We enjoyed the conversation which took place before this channeling session began, for there was genuine laughter as the ones known as Carla and C spoke of their recurring difficulties. That laughter was not angry or hysterical but rather was the relaxed enjoyment of that which is truly funny. One of your most powerful resources in doing spiritual work of this kind is a sense of proportion or a sense of humor. And we are very glad that you are able to relax with each other and feel comfortable in your discomfort. We acknowledge and sympathize with that discomfort.

It is not a comfortable or easy thing to create within the self that environment that welcomes growth. We have talked recently with this group about the tremendous courage it takes to put down the current pattern of one’s life and thoughts, to empty the mental and emotional pockets of all preconceptions and to say, “I am empty, and I would ask what Spirit would like to say to me now. How may I serve? How may I learn? How may I grow?” Casting those requests to the wind of spirit is a wonderfully powerful act. What occurs thereafter is often what this instrument would call the silly season. The sky seems to fall in on one. All patterns seem to fall into chaos. Entities which normally behave in such and such a way suddenly seem to be behaving otherwise.

Whatever the shape and nature of the challenge that you experience because you have asked to grow, it takes you from the precincts of tidy and orderly living into a seemingly darker and much more shadowy atmosphere where it is impossible to see around corners or very far ahead. There is the feeling of being in darkness and unable to discern the shape and true form of the thoughts and feelings of others, and, indeed, of oneself. There are feelings of isolation and even of being stranded in a place far from comfort, with the ghosts of one’s past crowding around, making rude comments upon the current situation. We would ask you to step back when you begin to feel blocked in by this darkness, for help is near. That help does not exist within third density and its world of illusion. That help comes from a world which interpenetrates your third-density illusion. That is a world in which truth, beauty, wisdom, and justice walk as entities. That is the world of time/space or the metaphysical world.

Now Q’uo said when we ask Spirit for the opportunity to grow and transform, Spirit is ready to offer us those opportunities which will be expressed in terms of our incarnational lessons, but it is not that we are getting a repetition each time that such problems come up because each situation that we experience, no matter how closely we can identify it with this same theme in our life, the consciousness that takes in this new version of our recurring challenge, is a new being facing a new problem, but we have the advantage of having identified the recurring  incarnational lesson, or we would not have asked this question, so simply realizing how growth works is a powerful resource. Q’uo went on to say that becoming comfortable with this discomfort is a helpful resource as well, and they enjoyed the conversation which took place before this channeling session began, for there was genuine laughter as Carla and C spoke of their difficulties, and their laughter was the relaxed enjoyment of that which is truly funny, and Q’uo said that one of our resources in doing spiritual work of this kind is a sense of sense of humor, so they were glad that we are able to relax with each other and feel comfortable in our discomfort, and they sympathized with that discomfort. Q’uo continued by saying it is not an easy thing to create within ourself that environment that welcomes growth, and they have talked with this group about the courage it takes to put down the pattern of our life, to empty our mental and emotional pockets of all preconceptions and to say: “I am empty, and I would ask what Spirit would like to say to me now. How may I serve? How may I learn? How may I grow?” Q’uo said that casting those requests to the wind of Spirit is a powerful act, and what occurs thereafter is often what Carla would call the silly season when the sky seems to fall in on us, and all patterns seem to fall into chaos, and people who normally behave in a certain way suddenly seem to be behaving otherwise. Then Q’uo said whatever the nature of the challenge that we experience because we have asked to grow takes us from the area of orderly living into a darker and more shadowy atmosphere where it is impossible to see very far ahead, and we have the feeling of being unable to discern the shape of the thoughts and feelings of others, and of ourself, so we have feelings of isolation and of being stranded in a place far from comfort, with the ghosts of our past making rude comments upon our current situation, so Q’uo asked us to step back when we begin to feel blocked by this darkness, for help is near, and that help does not exist within the third density illusion, but that help comes from a world which interpenetrates our third-density illusion, and that is a world in which truth, beauty, wisdom, and justice walk as entities, and that is the metaphysical world. On October 11, 2008, Q’uo described the nature of the metaphysical world:

We are happy to give you confirmation of that. In the metaphysical world, when people are talking about you, it is known. So, we are all eavesdroppers, shall we say, of a certain type, and when you are working with the thoughts that those of Ra have offered, we are indeed there and are part of the Confederation of Angels and Planets, as we sometimes call the Confederation. The inner and the outer planes work together, my brother, in terms of supporting and being a good guidance system for those that are moving through this school of souls that is Planet Earth.

It is that place from which your inspiration comes. Your heart dwells at all times in this metaphysical world. The safe place that you need in order to move through these cyclical times of difficulty lies within you. And yet you must journey to you as if you were a stranger coming from afar to the city gates of your own heart. Your inner heart is a world unto itself. It carries your truth. It carries your identity. It is the resting place of the one infinite Creator. When you sleep, your personality shell curls up for some rest, and the truth of you comes out to play, to express, to stretch its muscles and its sensings. And in dreams and visions, this true self of yours communicates with its surface self as best it can. When you meditate and enter the silence, you can hope to enter those precincts of sacredness and truth.

Wefind the phrase or the image of dancing with your incarnational lessons very apt because, in a way, your entire life is truth dancing with the illusions necessary to create an environment in which the shadow of truth may be visible. In a way, that is the nature of third-density life. It is a shadow life. And yet that shadow contains as much truth as is bearable in a learning environment. You have placed yourself in an environment which can be anything you wish to make of it. For many people, so great is their desire for comfort that their every concern is simply to seal up any possibility of letting the light in so that they may remain safely asleep. We are not speaking to those who wish to remain asleep, however. We are speaking to those who genuinely, authentically wish to awaken, to greet the day that has been given them and to take hold and make of the incarnation that which they intended before they set out on this journey from birth to death in third density.

We feel the truth of your great desire to fulfill this pattern of growth and service. We cannot find enough ways to express to you how exciting we find your adventures. We see all too clearly the perfection of the Creator’s plan. And we are aware of your blindness. It is therefore very exciting to us to see how you step forth so bravely into the arena of everyday life, armed only with your faith. Certainly, how to find that faith is a question unto itself, for faith is created out of nothing. Perhaps you are aware of the figure of the twenty-second archetype of the tarot deck of The Fool stepping out over the edge of the abyss into nothingness. That is how you find faith, my friends. And so it is with the dance that you do with the incarnational lessons. When you hear the music and recognize that your leitmotif is playing for you once again, we encourage you not to be concerned that you do not know the steps. Arise and join the dance. The steps will come to you as you free yourself to experience them by giving up the safety of your seated position.

Q’uo continued by saying it is this metaphysical world from which our inspiration comes because our heart dwells in the safe place that we need in order to move through these times of difficulty which lie within us, and we must journey to ourself as if we were a stranger coming from afar to the city gates of our own heart, and our heart is a world unto itself since it carries our truth, our identity, and it is the resting place of the one infinite Creator so that when we sleep our personality shell curls up for some rest, and the truth of us comes out to play, to stretch its muscles, and in dreams and visions our true self communicates with its surface self as best it can, so when we meditate we can hope to enter those precincts of sacredness and truth. Q’uo went on to say they find the image of dancing with our incarnational lessons very apt because our life is the truth dancing with the illusions necessary to create an environment in which the shadow of truth may be visible, and that is the nature of third-density life, and that shadow contains as much truth as is bearable in a learning environment so that we have placed ourself in an environment which can be anything we wish to make of it, for many people have such a desire for comfort that their every concern is simply to seal up any possibility of letting the light in so that they may remain safely asleep, but Q’uo was not speaking to those who wish to remain asleep, but they are speaking to those of us who genuinely wish to awaken and to make of our incarnation that which we intended before we set out on our journey from birth to death in third density. Then Q’uo said they feel the truth of our great desire to fulfill this pattern of growth and service, and they cannot find enough ways to express to us how exciting they find our adventures since they see clearly the perfection of the Creator’s plan, and they are aware of our blindness, so it is exciting to them to see how we step forth so bravely into the arena of everyday life, armed only with our faith, and how to find that faith is a question unto itself, for faith is created out of nothing which we could see as the figure of the twenty-second archetype of the tarot deck which is The Fool stepping out over the edge of the abyss into nothingness. Q’uo completed their response by saying that is how we find faith, and so it is with the dance that we do with the incarnational lessons, so when we hear the music and recognize that our melody is playing for us once again, they encouraged us not to be concerned that we do not know the steps, but we should join the dance because the steps will come to us as we free ourself to experience them by giving up the safety of our seated position. On May 20, 2005, Q’uo spoke of the nature of our incarnational lessons:

In general, we may say that within the incarnational lessons that each wanderer chooses for herself, the goal is not simply to learn a lesson. The goal is to practice a kind of lesson in such a way that the soul stream that is practicing this lesson is, little by little, purified and refined in the fire of planet Earth and the incarnation that you are now experiencing, so that that soul’s essence becomes ever more beautiful and is ever more completely dedicated to serving the one infinite Creator. Thusly, it is not so much that you are learning lessons but that you are learning how to give yourself as a gift in every thought and in every action to the Creator whom you love so unconditionally and who loves you so unconditionally.

Is there another query at this time?

[No further queries.]

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware that we seem to have exhausted the supply of questions in the circle of seeking at this time. It has been our pleasure to work with this question, and we thank each of you for putting aside the time and the energy to spend time in seeking and questing of the truth. We hope that our poor thoughts have been of some small value to you, and we can assure you unequivocally that your questions have been very valuable to us, as has been the experience of your beauty, which always takes our breath away. We thank you from the bottom of our heart and we leave you as we found you, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning I ran some errands with my first stop being at Speedway to fill Stanley with gas. My second stop was at PNC Bank to make a cash withdrawal. My last stop was at Paul’s Fruit Market to buy some food for myself.

This afternoon I cleaned Benny’s apartment by using the carpet sweeper on the hall carpet. Then I swept up the kitty litter in the room where Benny spends most of her time in the cat tower, and where she has two litter boxes. Then I used the duster to dust all three rooms and the hall.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 23

Look Again

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of Love.

Divinity may seem to have no part in your experience as you awaken to yet another day of traffic, work, chores to do, and lists to be made and scratched out. Yet it is the prayer of the Spirit of the living Christ that divinity may be at all times in utterly close proximity to each spirit, however concerned with the mundane, however overwhelmed with the everyday chores of a busy life.

You will find the Spirit between the motes of dust, within the glimmer of moisture upon a cobweb, rounding like fog at the corners of the heart.

Our prayer is our presence. Do not turn from dust and chores and dailiness to seek the living waters of spiritual food but, rather, gaze at them more closely, for there is no day so busy nor prison so closely bound that the Spirit is not within each task and each bar.

We would rescue that state of mind, which does not relish earthly things yet sees none other, from inward blindness by saying, “Look again.” For shall not divine Love penetrate and, with your desire, have strength to transform each and every action which you may take this day?

We leave you in that striving which is the peace of Christ, now and ever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from September 18, 2005:

The question today, Q’uo, has to do with the fact that so many of us who are here on Earth at this time wishing to be of service to others have found a great deal to do. We live at the speed of computers, jets, and commuting. The problem seems to be, for many people, how to get everything done that you want to do. It seems like some things have to be left off! There isn’t enough time in the day for one person to do what that person has set beforehand for herself. How do you go about prioritizing your expenditure of energy in the area of serving other people? Do you listen to your heart that says you give everything you have got to each person that comes your way one at a time? Or do you try to use some wisdom; do you try to tear down, logically, the load that you’ve got so that it’s more manageable? We would appreciate any thoughts that you have in this area of organizing our energies, being of service, and not wearing ourselves out with trying to do everything that’s in front of us.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we are privileged to come to you this day. We thank each of you for the beauty of your being and the power of your dedication to seeking the truth. We thank you for forming a circle of seeking and for calling us to speak with you concerning the use of your time in the time of your usefulness. As always, we would ask of you one clarion thing and we would be as clear as a trumpet as we say to you to take responsibility for discriminating as you listen to our thoughts. Do not take them into your being if they do not resonate with you. If you will guard your own temple, then we shall feel free to offer our opinion without being concerned that we may infringe upon your free will. Your process of growth is precious and it needs not to be disturbed but to grow very organically.

Your query this day concerns how to maximize the use of your time. It is understood in this question that you are on the path of service to others and so this is not a talk about how to choose between service to self and service to others, yet it is a talk that encompasses the question of how service to others works. Your group has asked us many questions in the last little while concerning the nature of being, and, as we hear this question concerning the use of time, we find ourselves relating this question to the question of being. In the best of all possible worlds, that which you do flows from the fount of being within you.

The one known as Jim has made a vow to invoke the mantra to “relax and enjoy” whenever he becomes aware that he has lost his balance and is no longer resting in his own peace and power. We would begin by saying that this mantra is very apt for anyone who wishes to serve others well. It is not to the fleet of foot that the race against time goes. The winner of that race is the one who remembers to stop running and to rest. Clearly, we do not mean this literally. Even the most abstruse and abstract work involves movement. Once the choice of tasks is made, the fingers move across the computer keyboard, the mind and the body working together to create patterns, thoughts, and ideas where before there was nothing.

Those who work in more physical ways must do their work working with machines or using their bodies to create more order out of the chaos of nature’s bounty, as the one known as Jim does in his gardening. Certainly, the one known as C must take many steps, climb many ladders, and investigate many malfunctions and difficulties as she goes about creating order and beauty in the pattern of her rental business. Whatever the kind of work that you do is, the gist of your query to us this day concerns not the work itself but your choices of two things: precisely what task you shall choose in any given day or moment, and what attitude or point of view you shall choose as you offer yourself in service.

Energy expenditure is little understood among your people. You do not understand where your energy comes from. There is an abiding belief that energy is personal, and that it belongs to you. When you go to sleep, you are thinking in terms of restoring your energy. When you make an effort you think of it as your effort. This is entirely understandable. Nevertheless, your energy is the energy of the Creator. Your life is the life of the Creator. Your path is the path of the one infinite Creator. You are a miracle, astonishing in your perfection, breathtaking in your brilliance, and unknown to yourself.

The group question for this session was: “We would appreciate any thoughts that you have in this area of organizing our energies, being of service, and not wearing ourselves out with trying to do everything that’s in front of us.” Q’uo began by saying our query concerns how to maximize the use of our time, and it is understood in this question that we are on the path of service to others, and so this is not a talk about how to choose between service to self and service to others since it is a talk that reveals how the question of service to others works, and our group has asked questions in the past concerning the nature of being, and concerning this question about the use of time Q’uo found themselves relating this question to the question of being so that in the best of all worlds, that which we do flows from the fount of being within us. Q’uo went on to say that Jim has made a vow to invoke the mantra to “relax and enjoy” whenever he becomes aware that he has lost his balance and is no longer resting in his own peace and power, so Q’uo began by saying that this mantra is good for any of us who wishes to serve others well, but it is not to the fleet of foot that the race against time goes because the winner of that race is the one who remembers to stop running and to rest, but Q’uo did not mean this literally since even the most abstract work involves movement, but once the choice of tasks is made our fingers move across the computer keyboard, and our mind and body create patterns and thoughts where before there was nothing. Q’uo continued by saying those of us who work in physical ways must do our work with machines or using our bodies to create more order out of the chaos of nature’s bounty, as Jim does in his gardening, and C must climb many ladders and investigate many difficulties as she goes about creating order and beauty in her rental business, so whatever kind of work that we do is the nature of our query to Q’uo this day and concerns not the work itself but our choices of two things: what task we shall choose on any day, and what attitude we shall choose as we offer ourself in service. Then Q’uo said energy expenditure is little understood among our people because we do not understand where our energy comes from, so there is a belief that energy is personal, and that it belongs to us, and when we go to sleep, we are thinking in terms of restoring our energy, and when we make an effort, we think of it as our effort, but our energy is the energy of the Creator; our life is the life of the Creator; our path is the path of the one infinite Creator; and we are a miracle, breathtaking in our brilliance, and unknown to ourself. On March 18, 1990, Q’uo spoke of the nature of how our energy expenditure is part of our spiritual journey:

It is well to remain mindful, as you have put it, during your diurnal cycles, of the one Creator and one’s seeking of the Creator, for your illusion is one which is designed to give experiences that move one in and out of the presence or the mindfulness of the one Creator, for when one seems to move away from this mindfulness, there is created within that likened unto the vacuum which pulls the consciousness back again to the seeking, to the questioning, to the asking. Then that which is learned by such questing again allows one to move outward, as it were, only to return again, and again, in what is an upward spiraling path of energy expenditure. Each entity must needs create the pattern for this spiral. That which you create has significance in your journey as it comes from your desires, rather than being imposed by any outside source such as ourselves, beyond the general recommendation that periodic rituals of remembrance, shall we say, are helpful in each entity’s journey.

You are a nexus, a crossroads, shall we say. You have offered yourself to incarnation in order to create this nexus or crossroads of illusory reality within an environment of third-density existence. You chose to enter third-density existence and create this point of potential because you realized in gazing upon the Earth plane, that you wished to express the Love and the Light of the one infinite Creator within this precise environment.

Wedo not have to paint the stark picture of your environment. For all of the surpassing beauty of the world of nature that makes up the vast majority of this environment, the passion play of humankind has created a drama that unfolds before you in details and patterns of outworking expressions of the distress and confusion of a lost humanity. You did not come to add to the sorrow and the distress of this environment. Rather, you entered incarnation with a firm intention of being a part of the lightening of planet Earth at this time. You came to offer a local habitation to the ineffable and illimitable values of compassion, wisdom and unconditional Love. It could be said in a way that you came to save the world, and yet you did not in any way say to yourself, “I have to come to save the world.” What you said to yourself, was, “I come to bear witness to the Light and the Love of the One whom I follow, that Logos that is the Creator.”

What is it to bear witness to the Light? What is it to follow the embodiment of Love? It is certainly no tangible thing. It is, however, more real to you than your body and closer to you than your breath. Energy expenditure is only possible, in terms of your present illusion, when there is a local habitation for that energy. Thusly, have you come into manifestation as a mind, body, and spirit which serves the Creator. To move to the depth of such energy expenditure and to investigate its source, one must apply to the Creator Itself.

This instrument has been studying the nature of the archetypal mind as set forth by those of Ra in Book IV in the Law of One series in order to respond to questions in one of her forum e-mail groups. She is aware of the Ra’s statement that the archetypical mind is the blueprint or builded structure of all energy expenditures within incarnation in this local habitation of third density. Therefore, logically, an investigation of the most appropriate choices of energy expenditure would turn to the study of the archetypes.

Then Q’uo said we are a crossroads, and we have offered ourself to incarnation in order to create this crossroads of illusory reality within the third-density, and we chose to enter third-density to create this point of potential because we realized in gazing upon the Earth plane, that we wished to express the Love and the Light of the one infinite Creator within this environment. Q’uo went on to say they do not have to paint the dark picture of our environment, for all of the beauty of the world of nature that makes up the majority of this environment is the passion play of humankind that has created a drama that unfolds before us in patterns of expressions of the confusion of a lost humanity, but we did not come to add to the sorrow of this environment because we entered incarnation with an intention of being a part of the lightening of planet Earth at this time, and we came to offer ourselves to the infinite values of unconditional Love, so it could be said that we came to save the world, and we did not say to ourself, “I have to come to save the world,” but what we said to ourself was, “I come to bear witness to the Light and the Love of the One whom I follow, that Logos that is the Creator.” Q’uo continued by asking: “What is it to bear witness to the Light? What is it to follow the embodiment of Love?” They said it is no tangible thing, but it is more real to us than our body and closer to us than our breath, and energy expenditure is only possible when there is a local habitation for that energy in third density, so we have come into manifestation as a mind, body, and spirit which serves the Creator, and to move to the depth of such energy expenditure and to investigate its source, we must apply to the Creator Itself. Now Q’uo said Carla has been studying the nature of the archetypal mind as set forth by those of Ra in Book IV in the Law of One series in order to respond to questions in one of her forum e-mail groups, and she is aware of Ra’s statement that the archetypical mind is the blueprint of all energy expenditures within incarnation in the third density so that an investigation of the most appropriate choices of energy expenditure would be to turn to the study of the archetypes. In 91.37, Ra spoke of the archetypical mind as the blueprint of all energy expenditures in the third density:

Questioner: So for an individual who wishes to consciously augment his own evolution, an ability to recognize and utilize the archetypes would be beneficial in sorting out that which he wished to seek and that which he found— and that which would be found then as not as efficient a seeking tool. Would this be a good statement?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a fairly adequate statement. The term “efficient” might also fruitfully be replaced by the term “undistorted.” The archetypical mind, when penetrated lucidly, is a blueprint of the builded structure of all energy expenditures and all seeking, without distortion. This, as a resource within the deep mind, is of great potential aid to the adept.

Dear brothers and sisters, we realize that the depth of the gap between your present ability to contemplate the archetypical mind and a skillful use of that vast and powerful resource is tremendous. You may perhaps even feel that it is impossible to bridge that gap. We would say to you that in some ways it is literally impossible for you, within incarnation, to be able to have a grasp of archetypal processes, especially as they are ongoing within your energy system. However, the gift of story and myth is that, without knowing what you know or how you know it, in telling each other your story you inadvertently touch upon various aspects of your archetypal mind. It is very helpful, for instance, that this group met today, not simply to ask us a question but also to tell each other your stories.

The listening ear and the understanding heart of those who hear your story create resonances that support and validate your archetypal process. You are not aware that you have solved any problems by sharing your stories, yet you have expended the Creator’s energy in ways that have built up each of you as well as building up the adhering and abiding energy of the group itself in sharing your essence. Moreover, you have alerted vast sources of energy which are unseen within your plane of existence, yet which add tremendously to the available energy within the system that this group creates as it sits in this circle. Any two entities listening to each other in an atmosphere of support have much the same dynamic. Any entity conversing with its guidance system, moreover, creates this same dynamic if the guidance that is requested is then listened to, heard, and responded to within the context of the ongoing, daily life. You do not pray into a void. There is in every prayer a conversation with the divine within you.

We realize that your query is about how to choose what tasks to accomplish in any one day. Perhaps you may begin to see that, to our way of thinking, that question lacks priority. To our way of thinking, the priority in any day needs to be first, “What is the Creator’s will for me this day?” We wish to move your thoughts away from the specific and into the underlying nature of your being who is the self that comes to the moment and begins to do the work of the day. Look deeply into this question in order to retrieve your self in your entirety and wholeness from the shredding influence of detail. When you begin to work, let the self that begins that work be that self which has come to bear witness to the Light. Let that self rest in its own nature. Indeed, dear ones, be intransigent in your determination to retain your identity. Then, that which you do shall be flowing through you and not from you. Your personality may flow and bubble along behind the essential self that you are and enjoy the Light.

But that personality shell needs not to be the one doing the work. Know that the Creator is working through your nexus. This instrument, as part of her tuning process, prays, “Fill the heart of your faithful and kindle in her the fire of your Love. Send forth Your spirit and she will be created and You shall renew the face of the Earth.” Whether you work at mowing a lawn, writing a paper, fixing a window, or responding to a correspondent, you work as an agent of the transformative power of the one infinite Creator. You are magical. And what you do is effortless when you remember that you are only here to bear witness to the Light. You are here to dance, to play the pipe and timbrel and to be a part of the whirling, rhythmic pattern of all that there is.

Now Q’uo said we realize that the depth of the gap between our present ability to contemplate the archetypical mind and our skillful use of that powerful resource is tremendous, and we may feel that it is impossible to bridge that gap, and they said that in some ways it is impossible for us to be able to have a grasp of archetypal processes, especially as they are ongoing within our energy system,  but the gift of our story, without knowing what we know or how we know it, is in telling each other our story we accidentally touch upon various aspects of our archetypal mind, and it is helpful that this group met today, not simply to ask Q’uo a question but also to tell each other our stories. Q’uo went on to say that the listening ear and the understanding heart of those who hear our story create resonances that support our archetypal process, and we are not aware that we have solved any problems by sharing our stories, yet we have expended the Creator’s energy in ways that have built up each of us as well as building up the abiding energy of the group itself in sharing our essence so that we have alerted sources of energy which are unseen within our plane of existence which add to the energy within the system that this group creates as it sits in this circle, and any two entities listening to each other in an atmosphere of support have the same dynamic, and when we converse with our guidance system we create this same dynamic if the guidance that is requested is then listened to and responded to within the context of our daily life, and we do not pray into a void because there is in every prayer a conversation with the divine within us. Q’uo continued by saying they realized that our query is about how to choose what tasks to accomplish in any day, and we may begin to see that question lacks priority, and the priority in any day needs to be first, “What is the Creator’s will for me this day?” So Q’uo wanted to move our thoughts away from the specific and into the basic nature of our being that is that comes to the moment and begins to do the work of the day, so we should look deeply into this question in order to retrieve ourself in our entirety and wholeness from the shredding influence of detail, and when we begin to work, let the self that begins that work be that self which has come to bear witness to the Light, and let that self rest in its own nature, so we should be steady in our determination to retain our identity, and then that which we do shall be flowing through us and not from us because our personality may flow behind the essential self that we are and enjoy the Light. Then Q’uo said our personality shell needs not to be the one doing the work since the Creator is working through our connection and, as part of her tuning process Carla prays: “Fill the heart of your faithful and kindle in her the fire of your Love. Send forth Your spirit and she will be created and You shall renew the face of the Earth.” So, Q’uo said whether we work at writing a paper or responding to a correspondent we work as an agent of the transformative power of the one infinite Creator, and what we do is effortless when we remember that we are here to bear witness to the Light; we are here to dance;  and to be a part of the rhythmic pattern of all that there is. On July 16, 2005, Q’uo said that we all bear witness to the Light and Love of the one infinite Creator:

Each of you, then, represents not only the self but an extended family, as it were, of beings that have allied themselves in various partnerships for this period of time and space. There is a time upon your planet that is ongoing wherein all of your energies have been called to bear witness to the Light and the Love of the one infinite Creator.

Ifyou can retain this basic remembrance of your point of view, then we do invite you to use your conscious, intellectual, analytical mind to make those choices of what task you shall pick and how you shall proceed. As you make those choices, open yourself to those sacred impulses within you which sense the rightness of the present moment. This instrument, for instance, has expressed her feeling that each entity that contacts her is a spirit which has a need to be heard.

[Side one of tape ends.]

Yet, as this entity becomes aware of the cry for help of that one who wrote in to her, she is that entity which is bearing witness to that help that has already been received, not because she responded but because the universe itself responds to every cry for help. The act of asking this instrument for validation activates for the one asking for help a chain of events that is completely independent of her and whether or not she responds to the correspondent.

In the moment of asking, that correspondent has created channels for energy to move within him or her from the guidance system within him or her and from the environment, spiritually speaking, which surrounds that correspondent. Things are not as they seem to be. They are not linear, nor are they bound by space and time. However, it is because each of you has become a location in space and time by virtue of incarnating that these non-local processes may work. We would suggest to each of you that you breathe deeply, in and out, knowing that life is one breath at a time; yet it is infinite.

We suggest that you look at yourself with that same double realization that you are local, flesh, and blood, a gathering point at a crossroads through which Spirit may speak and move and, at the same time, you are all that there is: non-local, not bound by selfhood, bound only by the awareness of the harvest of all the energy that you have processed, harvested and developed into the flower that you are at this moment.

Q’uo continued by saying if we can retain this basic remembrance of our point of view, then they invited us to use our analytical mind to make those choices of what task we shall pick and how we shall proceed, and as we make those choices, open ourself to those sacred impulses within us which sense the rightness of the present moment, so Carla has expressed her feeling that each entity that contacts her is a spirit which needs to be heard. Then Q’uo said that as Carla becomes aware of the cry for help of that one who wrote to her, she is bearing witness to that help that has already been received, not because she responded, but because the universe responds to every cry for help, and the act of asking her for validation activates, for the one asking for help, a chain of events that is independent of her and whether or not she responds to the correspondent. Q’uo went on to say in the moment of asking, that correspondent has created channels for energy to move within him or her from the guidance system within him or her and from the environment, spiritually speaking, which surrounds that correspondent because things are not as they seem to be since they are not linear, nor are they bound by space and time, but it is because each of us has become a location in space and time by virtue of incarnating that these non-local processes may work, so Q’uo  suggested to each of us that we breathe deeply, in and out, knowing that life is one breath at a time, yet it is infinite. Q’uo completed their reply by suggesting that we look at ourself with that same double realization that we are flesh, and blood, a gathering point at a crossroads through which Spirit may speak and move and, at the same time, we are all that there is: “non-local, not bound by selfhood, bound only by the awareness of the harvest of all the energy that you have processed, harvested and developed into the flower that you are at this moment.” On September 19, 1993, Q’uo spoke of how we can become a seeker through which Spirit may speak:

We recommend meditation often, and our reason for doing so is precisely its effect upon the spiritual seeker, for the incarnational experience is one of action, and yet, if there is constant action, how can the fundamental nature of the pure self be felt or perceived? And without that self-knowledge, how then can the seeker move skillfully back into action in ways which address the deep concerns of seeking? How can one become more aware of one’s true nature unless one is willing to sit with the self, listening to that inner silence through which spirit and guidance speak to the conscious mind?

We would at this time ask if there are any further queries from this group? We are those of Q’uo.

[No further queries.]

My friends, it is rare when there is no question at the end of our speech! But we hear only silence through this instrument’s hearing apparatus, and so we assume that the fund of questions for this day has been exhausted. May we say what a privilege and pleasure it has been to share our humble thoughts with you at this time and to rest with you upon the waves of consciousness as they flow from the Creator to the Creator. We leave you as we found you, in the Love, the Light, the power, and the peace of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai, Adonai.

This morning I went into the living room and placed the new white chairs in their proper locations for our attendees for the public channeling session that we will have this afternoon.

This afternoon we had twelve seekers of truth attending our public channeling meditation. We had some new friends join us from Detroit and from eastern Kentucky, and during our round robin we were able to feel the open hearts of each seeker sharing the most important recent part of their spiritual journeys. Q’uo channeled answers to five questions, but I don’t remember more than the question of how to blend the spiritual journey with consensus reality. I enjoyed the conversation after the channeling that went back and forth from each seeker to another that shared more of the spiritual journey of each seeker.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 22

Your Inner And Outer Universe

I am the spirit of the living Christ. I greet you in the name of Jesus the Christ, in the full consciousness of divine Love.

We ask you to consider your environment at this moment. Each of the stars in your night sky careens in perfect balance along its cosmic track and about your sun your planet travels in that self-same regularity, all elements harmonizing into the divine plan which affords opportunity that spiritual consciousness may grow in you.

Contemplate, within, that universe of cells which makes up each organ and member of your physical body. Know and feel the utter harmony and regularity of those infinitesimal galaxies as in their whirling they create bases for that energy field which you experience as a living body.

Is any member or organ of that body seemingly out of harmony? If so, allow the Spirit to offer instruction as, in your knowing and inner faith, in a deep way, you speak to your own body, telling it of the wonder and perfection of the creation of the Father.

Each of you has within you the means whereby to call bodily, mental, emotional, and spiritual harmony to you. If such be your need this day, do so and be merry, resting in the vibrant peace of the Father.

We leave you in that peace, now and forever. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from May 20, 2005:

Carla: The question today, Q’uo, has to do with how to be our best selves as we meet this moment, and especially as we look at the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Any comments or thoughts that you could share with us on the concept of being, and how to be our best selves in times of inconvenience like this, would be greatly appreciated.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo, and we greet you in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in whose service we come to you this day. We would thank each of you for the great privilege of being called to this group to speak with you concerning being the best of yourself as you meet the moment and especially, this particular moment, in your awareness of many who suffer at this time from the hurricane you have called Katrina. Your beauty and the care that you have taken to separate out this time and this place and form a circle together for seeking the truth touch our hearts very deeply. And it is, indeed, an honor to be asked to share our humble thoughts with you. We do so with the utmost joy.

But we would ask of you that you use your discrimination in listening to what we have to say. We offer you our opinion. We do not claim that it is free of error, nor do we claim that it is the only truth that there is. It is our humble opinion. And if it happens to be part of your personal truth at this time, it will resonate to you. If it does so, then please feel free to work with our thoughts. However, if there is anything that we say that does not seem resonate to you, that does not seem apt or useful to you, we would ask that you please leave it behind. For we would not wish to constitute a stumbling block in your path, or interrupt in any way the sacredness of your spiritual process. If you will observe your own sense of the truth and be scrupulous about maintaining your powers of discrimination, then we will feel free to speak to you without being concerned that we will infringe upon your free will. We thank you for this consideration.

Thesea spreads out from the land, normally content to keep its boundary and to act like the favored pet coming up to the chair of a beloved human, saying, “Pat me. Pat me.” That is the way that you are used to thinking of the ocean as you rest upon its shores and that is the way the ocean likes to be thought of at a time when there is a hurricane, that model of the relationship between sea and land is completely changed. The sea seems to become a ravaging force that is over against the land, an enemy to the land and to the people who inhabit it. Needless to say, that is not the true model of the relationship between land and sea. Yet, we acknowledge the simple distress that must be felt by those who are used to seeing the ocean as a friend and who suddenly and abruptly must realize that the archetypal energy of water can be destructive as well as constructive, the force of the separation of things into their elements instead of the agent of transformation and healing.

As you face this situation, we encourage each of you to give yourself time to come into relationship with these simple and elemental facts, and before you attempt to do any spiritual work upon the situation, simply to allow yourself the adjustment necessary for realizing that the emotions of the ocean as it moves through the processes which are part of the destiny brought into the present moment by the energies of the planetary sphere and its peoples are condign  and benign rather than evil or being as some force sent by the Creator to punish. This is emphatically not the case. This instrument has, at another time during another hurricane, communicated directly with the ocean and has experienced first-hand the deep sadness and sorrow of the water, of that which is archetypically water, what this instrument would call the “Gabriel Energy.” There is nothing personal or judgmental about the occurrences upon your planet at this time.

As we begin speaking of being your best self at a time of inconvenience, we would prepare the ground in this way by assuring you that you are not in the grip of that which you must fear. Rather, you are part of the people of Planet Earth, and you are all family, children of a mother who is called Gaia or Planet Earth. You are seeing Gaia, your beloved mother, through the birth of her child, fourth-density Earth. Indeed, the birth of both the heaven and the earth of fourth density. May we say that for each of you, having an incarnation that coincided with this time was an object dearly wished. Each of you wanted to make a difference. And so, you came into incarnation with all of the courage and foolhardiness of any knight in shining armor.

The group question for this session was: “The question today, Q’uo, has to do with how to be our best selves as we meet this moment, and especially as we look at the disaster of Hurricane Katrina. Any comments or thoughts that you could share with us on the concept of being, and how to be our best selves in times of inconvenience like this, would be greatly appreciated.” Q’uo began by saying the sea spreads out from the land, normally content to keep its boundary and to act like the favored pet coming up to the chair of a beloved human, saying, “Pat me. Pat me,” and that is the way that we are used to thinking of the ocean as we rest upon its shores, and that is the way the ocean likes to be thought of at a time when there is a hurricane, and the sea becomes an enemy to the land and to the people who inhabit it, but that is not the true model of the relationship between land and sea, and yet we acknowledge the distress that must be felt by those who are used to seeing the ocean as a friend and who suddenly must realize that the archetypal energy of water can be destructive as well as constructive, as the force of the separation of things into their elements instead of the agent of transformation and healing. Q’uo went on to say that as we face this situation, they encouraged each of us to give ourself time to come into relationship with these elemental facts, and before we attempt to do any spiritual work upon the situation, to allow ourself the adjustment necessary for realizing that the emotions of the ocean as it moves through the processes which are part of the destiny brought into the present moment by the energies of the planetary sphere and its peoples are benign rather than evil, and Carla has communicated directly with the ocean and has experienced first-hand the deep sadness of that which is archetypically water, what Carla would call “Gabriel Energy,” but here is nothing personal or judgmental about the occurrences upon your planet at this time. Now Q’uo said that as they begin speaking of our being our best self at a time of inconvenience, they would prepare the ground in this way by assuring us that we are not in the grip of that which we must fear, but we are part of the people of Planet Earth, and we are children of a mother who is called Gaia, and we are seeing Gaia through the birth of her child, fourth-density Earth which is the birth of both the heaven and the earth of fourth density so that Q’uo said that for each of us, having an incarnation that coincided with this time was dearly wished because each of us wanted to make a difference, so we came into incarnation with all of the courage of any knight in shining armor. On October 15, 2005, Q’uo spoke of how our Earth is now becoming a fourth-density Earth:

It is interesting to note, before we move on to fourth density in our discussion, that your third-density world at this time is giving birth to its fourth-density self. The Earth or Gaia is exhausting its third-density identity at this time. And in unseen realms interpenetrating with the third density planet, or Gaia, is a baby Gaia. It is being born full-grown and is swimming into coherence with the inevitability of the striking of the clock upon the hour. It is time for fourth-density Earth to be born.

We are happy to say that the birth is going well, and the baby is alive. The challenges that you experience in your third-density planet at this time, having have to do with wind and weather, are the birth pains of third-density Gaia as she adjusts her rate of vibration in order to bring forth the fourth-density Earth in both its space/time and its time/space aspects. At this time, however, it is a time/space phenomenon, and it will not become a fourth-density space/time entity until the third-density inhabitants have been thoroughly cleared safely from the planet.

There are many in your inner and unseen planes who have also purchased dearly the opportunity to be with you at this time. For the plight and the sorrow of Planet Earth has cried out to the Universe. There are a tremendous number of what you would call masters, angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, devas, and all manner of essences and entities, many of whom have no name, but whose presence within your planetary sphere at this time has constantly mended frayed edges of consciousness. And then that energy has helped so many of you come together and communicate with real authenticity, helping prepare the ground upon which you walk metaphysically during this most precious time of incarnation for each of you.

As this instrument and others within the circle have said in the conversation preceding this channeling, the time of inconveniences has, indeed, begun. Indeed, my friends, it has been going on for decades. If you wish to play with statistics, you may go back approximately forty to fifty of your years and discover the rapid increase in substantial disasters or inconveniences, as those of Ra have called such occurrences, and this build-up of inconveniences has continued to deepen throughout this period. What you have been attempting to do—and by you, we mean this group and many other groups of a similar nature around the globe—has been to energize and lighten the atmosphere of the planet to slow down those things which, if they occurred rapidly, would indeed create a planetary shift, as this instrument was speaking of earlier. It is as though you were attempting to take a rubber band and instead of pulling until it was taut and then allowing it to be released from one hand so that it snaps suddenly onto the other, you are attempting, tiny bit by tiny bit, to lessen the tension on that rubber band until it is at rest without ever snapping that second hand.

The rubber band image only goes so far because we are speaking of the planetary need to realign its skin, which this instrument would call the tectonic plates that underlie the earth beneath your feet. These plates of under-earth, shall we say, have slid over each other, back and forth, readjusting as the planet has come through various adjustments throughout its millions of years of being a sphere within the creation of the Father. Several times it has realigned those tectonic plates with some force and rapidity, and indeed, all life upon the planet has changed and been transformed. The planetary adjustment has two components, to be simplistic. One component is simply physical and you are experiencing in Hurricane Katrina and other disasters that you have experienced the necessary and ultimately beneficial readjustments of those tectonic plates. The planet itself is almost completely through with the birth process. Baby Earth is in good shape. The third-density Gaia, your own mother, is less than calm and in need of much assurance at this time.

Please realize that although you and your individual hearts love your mother and have great respect and admiration for Planet Earth, as a culture you have, for some of your time, been hard appearing where she is concerned. You have taken her circulatory system and altered it in ways which are not helpful to your planet, damming her rivers and polluting her waters. More importantly, the energies which you have allowed to move through hearts as a culture are dark, hostile, and aggressive and Gaia has become increasingly distressed because she cannot make the contact that she would like to make with each heart that beats within her children. And so, you come to this circle of seeking as agents of the divine, and you have a great deal to offer as part of the creative principle.

Then Q’uo said there are many in our inner planes who have taken the opportunity to be with us at this time, for the sorrow of Planet Earth has cried out to the Universe, and there are many masters, angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim, devas, and all manner of entities whose presence within our planet at this time have mended frayed edges of consciousness so that energy has helped many of us to communicate with authenticity and helped to prepare the ground upon which we walk metaphysically during this precious time of incarnation for each of us. Q’uo went on to say as Carla and others within the circle have said in the conversation preceding this channeling, the time of inconveniences has been going on for decades, so we may go back forty to fifty years and discover the rapid increase in inconveniences, as Ra has called such occurrences, and this build-up of inconveniences has continued to deepen throughout this period, and this group, and many other groups of a similar nature around the globe, has been attempting to lighten the atmosphere of the planet to slow down those things which, if they occurred rapidly, would create a planetary shift, as Carla was speaking of earlier because it is as though we were attempting to take a rubber band, and instead of pulling until it was tight, and then allowing it to be released from one hand so that it snaps suddenly onto the other, we are attempting to slowly lessen the tension on it until it is at rest without ever snapping that second hand. Q’uo continued by saying the rubber band image only goes so far because they are speaking of the planetary need to realign its skin, which Carla would call the tectonic plates that underlie the earth beneath our feet, and these plates of under-earth have slid over each other, back and forth, readjusting as the planet has come through various adjustments throughout millions of years of being a sphere within the creation of the Father so that several times it has realigned those tectonic plates with some force and rapidity, and all life upon our planet has changed and been transformed, so the planetary adjustment has two components, and one component is physical, and we are experiencing in Hurricane Katrina and other disasters the beneficial readjustments of those tectonic plates so that the planet is almost through with the birth process, and baby Earth is in good shape, but third-density Gaia, our own Mother, is in need of much assurance at this time. Now Q’uo said we need to realize that although we love our Mother and have great respect for Her, as a culture we have taken Her circulatory system and altered it in ways which are not helpful to our planet, by damming her rivers and polluting her waters, and more importantly the energies which we have allowed to move through our hearts as a culture are dark and aggressive, and Gaia has become increasingly distressed because She cannot make contact that She would like to make with each heart that beats within Her children, and so we come to this circle of seeking as agents of the divine, and we have a great deal to offer as part of the creative principle. On December 18, 2005, Q’uo spoke of how the creative principle can work within us:

That which is rising, or not, is the point of contact between the natural energies available to all within creation and the energy of the creative principle called to the self by individual work. That point of contact begins, roughly speaking, within that point where the outer courtyard of the heart yields to the inner sanctum. The kundalini cannot be pulled lower than that as information of the creative principle cannot be understood by any energies lower than that of the heart.

However, the point of the kundalini rising, in terms of entities’ desire to progress spiritually, is that as one begins to be able to pull the full energy of that open heart up into work in consciousness, each place to which it is raised opens up vistas of opportunity for various types of work in consciousness, not simply moving upwards as one aiming directly for the Creator, but, in terms of working at any level—for instance, in open communication—there is the opportunity to spread out one’s discoveries and one’s services by creating more and more layers of understanding or awareness of subtle energies involved in the sub-density, shall we say , of open communication. Once the kundalini has been pulled from the heart up into the throat, then more articulated work can be done in communication. And this is also true as the kundalini continues to be pulled upwards by seeking and the careful development and discipline of the personality.

Let us look a bit at what you do have to offer. For that is essential to realize if you are to do the work that you came here to do—the work of being most authentically and deeply who you are. As you sit in this circle, visualize it if you will. Each of you is a lovely rainbow to us. That is what we see of you. We do not see your face and your form. We are of metaphysical origin, and therefore what we see is your energy signature. Each of you has an energy body and we see some of the colors of that energy body, as if each of you were a prism and we had held you to the sunlight so that all of your colors splayed out in a lovely progression from the red to the violet.

Each of you is unique, a beautiful, individual bloom. Each of you is vibrating at this moment without having any idea that you are doing so. And you are a crystal, yet this is not a crystal such as a gem or a stone. You are the kind of crystal that water is, let us say. As you come into contact with each other, you do not join point to point and form a hard structure that solidifies and cannot change. You join as water joins, drop to drop, not losing your individuality, but blending your rainbow self with all the other magical beings in this circle and creating an absolutely stupendous circle of colored lights that meld one upon another, upon another, and begin to spin an energy that swirls clockwise and creates a pyramid that extends far above the dwelling in which you now rest your bodies.

Your energy moves downward into the very roots of the Earth as well, and each of you is bringing out the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator into your body systems and allowing it to move through that hole, shall we say for simplicity’s sake, that runs right through the energy body so that you are basically instruments that are allowing the Love and the Light of the one Creator to move through your vehicles, to be blessed by your conscious awareness of this process and then to be released as radiation when you are completely filled up with this Love and Light for yourself, so that the two are full of energy and have everything that you need.

The infinite excess of this generous Creator flows out from you as radiation from a lighthouse. As this instrument said earlier, each of you has electro-magnetic energy and is running a weak electrical current that is measurable even in the crude instrumentation of your scientists at this time. The full panoply  of energies is not at this time measurable by your instrumentation, but we assure you that each of you is connecting in subtle ways with each of the other energies that have interpenetrated your aura at this time. And so, your potential as an energy focus, as a group lighthouse, shall we say, is substantial.

Now Q’uo said let us look at what we have to offer because it is essential to realize if we are to do the work of being  authentically who we are, then we can visualize it because each of us is a lovely rainbow to Q’uo, and that is what they see of us, but they do not see our face and our form since they are of metaphysical origin, and what they see is our energy signature, and each of us has an energy body, and they see some of the colors of our energy body, as if each of us were a prism, and they held us to the sunlight so that all of our colors were displayed in a lovely progression from the red to the violet. Then Q’uo said each of us is unique, and each of us is vibrating at this moment without having any idea that we are doing so, and we are the kind of crystal that water is, and as we come into contact with each other, we do not join point to point and form a hard structure that cannot change, but we join as water joins, drop to drop, and: “blending our rainbow self with all the other magical beings in this circle and creating an absolutely stupendous circle of colored lights that meld one upon another, upon another, and begin to spin an energy that swirls clockwise and creates a pyramid that extends far above the dwelling in which you now rest your bodies.Q’uo continued by saying our energy moves down into the roots of the Earth, and each of us is bringing out the infinite Love and Light of the one Creator into our body systems and allowing it to move through that path that runs right through our energy body so that we are instruments that are allowing the Love and the Light of the one Creator to move through our vehicles, to be blessed by our conscious awareness of this process and then to be released as radiation when we are filled up with this Love and Light for ourself, so that the two are full of energy and have everything that we need. Q’uo went on to say the infinite excess of this Creator flows out from us as radiation from a lighthouse, and as Carla said earlier, each of us has electro-magnetic energy and is running a weak electrical current that is measurable even in the crude instrumentation of scientists, and the full range of energies is not measurable by our instrumentation, but Q’uo assured us that each of us is connecting in subtle ways with each of the other energies that have interpenetrated our aura at this time, and our potential as an energy focus as a group lighthouse is substantial. On January 9, 2006, Q’uo spoke of how we can function as a lighthouse:

We ask you to realize what you are basically attempting to do. As a spiritually-oriented group, and one whose dedication to the polarity of service to others is absolute, as a group you are a crystal. And when a crystal is composite, and made up of more than one element, it becomes a very interesting structure. See yourself individually as a lighthouse or that which radiates light, but as well see the group of which you are a part this day as a composite crystal that accumulates power and allows it to shine forth as it will.

It is very difficult to walk that razor’s edge between using your will from the yellow-ray position and making things happen, and allowing the energy to move up into the heart and from that heart into the blue-ray chakra and so forth. For you are attempting to work with blue, green, and indigo in your chakra system in bringing forth and manifesting spiritually oriented information without significant distortion.

Perhaps those within the group who wish to do sums can figure out just what the power of this group is, for each entity doubles the next entity so that you are going from a power of one to a power of 2, to a power of 4 for the next person, to a power of 8, to a power of 16, etc. The simple coming together in groups, indeed, is one very efficient way of maximizing your ability to serve at this time, as the one known as R said earlier. Simply coming together as a group with those of a like mind and resting in the unspoken and spoken support and encouragement of such a group enlivens and encourages the memory of who you are, and why you are here and helps you to be who you are.

We would like to thank the one known as C for investigating our previous comments and looking for those themes of which she felt that perhaps we had offered hints that we would like to pursue in previous sessions. May we say to the one known as C that she was quite accurate in identifying being as a theme that we would like to pursue. It is peculiarly difficult to talk about being, especially because of the fact that we are talking about being in such a way as to penetrate the outer husk of what your peoples consider it to be. So let us look at this just a bit.

When this instrument was five years old, her mother asked her, “Who are you?” This instrument’s mother was a born teacher and enjoyed working with her very intelligent child before schoolteachers got their hands upon her mind. She wanted to explore the world through this young child’s eyes and so she asked the one known as Carla, “Who are you?” and asked her to write down her thoughts. This instrument as a five-year-old industriously sat down and with her childish printing, which is all she had learned up to that point, wrote down that she was a girl and a daughter; that she was a member of society and a citizen of the world, and that she was a child of the Creator.

This is the heart of what we mean by saying that we would like you to penetrate through the outer layers or the husks of what it is to be. You are many things. You wear many masks. And even the deeper ways of being have mask-like components. From the standpoint of waking reality, it is very difficult to gain a direct apprehension of your own presence. But we assure you that the part of you that is in flesh, and is embodied upon Planet Earth is just the tip of the iceberg, if you will, of who you are.

Q’uo went on to say those within the group who wish to do sums can figure out just what the power of this group is, for each of us doubles the next one of us so that we are going from a power of 1 to a power of 2, to a power of 4 to a power of 8, to a power of 16, etc., and coming together in groups is a way of maximizing our ability to serve at this time, and coming together with those of like mind and resting in the support and encouragement of such a group enlivens the memory of who we are, and why we are here, and it helps us to be who we are. Then Q’uo said we would like to thank C for investigating our previous comments and looking for those themes which she felt we had offered hints that we would like to pursue in future sessions, and we say to C that she was accurate in identifying being as a theme that we would like to pursue, but it is difficult to talk about being because of the fact that we are talking about being in such a way as to penetrate the outer husk of what your people consider it to be, so let us look at this. Q’uo went on to say when Carla was five years old, her mother asked her, “Who are you?” So Q’uo said Carla’s mother was a teacher and enjoyed working with her very intelligent child before schoolteachers got their hands on her mind, so she wanted to explore the world through her child’s eyes, and she asked Carla, “Who are you?” and asked her to write down her thoughts, so Carla, as a five-year-old, sat down and with her childish printing wrote down that she was a girl and a daughter, that she was a member of society, a citizen of the world, and she was a child of the Creator. Q’uo continued by saying this is the heart of what they mean by saying that they would like us to penetrate the outer layers of what it is to be because we are many things, and we wear many masks, and even the deeper ways of our being have mask-like components so that from the viewpoint of waking reality, it is very difficult to gain a direct perception of our own presence, but Q’uo assured us that the part of us that is embodied upon Planet Earth is just the tip of the iceberg of who we are. On December 19, 1995, Q’uo gave a general description of who we are:

The truth, the reality, of who we are, who you are, and what your basic nature is, is beyond mental acquisition. Those who seek the truth of being are those who are destined to follow a mystery, and much is gained by the entity who simply decides to trust that mystery, to trust the basic nature of the self, and to ask not to become something he is not, but rather to become that which he most truly is, for each of you has the pure and perfect light within. Each of you dwells in a state of grace at a very deep level at all times in all places whatsoever.

As a body, mind, and spirit dwelling in flesh, you are a doorway through which you have been able to bring, out of all that you are, a little suitcase-full of personality traits, gifts and limitations, which you have chosen very carefully and with exquisite thought. You wished to bring those gifts that you would use to offer your outer service. As well, you wished to bring blockages and limitations that you felt would enable you to be confused in certain helpful ways that would lead you to question your suffering. For indeed, the blockages and limitations are brought through specifically in order to offer you a catalyst, and therefore, what you normally conceive of as suffering, that would bring you face to face with those parts of yourself that you have not yet, in your own estimation, brought into perfect balance.

You are a spark of the Creator. We can only describe this to you in terms of a hologram. You are not part of the Creator. You are the Creator. But you are a spark of that Creator that, from the beginning of this creation, has been on its own journey, doing its own observation and research, culling out for yourself from all of the information and feelings that you have been through the winnowed treasure and harvest of your experience thus far. You come to this present moment having come through experience after experience, incarnation upon incarnation. You have been through many worlds. You have been all things. And in that part of yourself that is not limited by flesh, you are everything you ever were and everything that you ever will be, all rolled up into the present moment, this precise point at which you are vibrating and experiencing the now. That is the extent of being you. You are all things.

Yet, you are also that which completes the pattern in a way that no one else can. No one else has had your experiences or your reactions to those experiences. Even the worst of those things about yourself that you could tell is a gift to the one infinite Creator, for it is an authentic realization, albeit colored and distorted as all things are within the illusion of your truth. Part of what you are here to do is to learn to honor those parts of yourself that you now see as unredeemed, unforgiven, or unacceptable. This instrument studies, and for her lifetime has studied, a book called the Holy Bible. It consists of two groups of documents, which are called Testaments, The Old Testament and the New Testament. In the Old Testament, the Creator is seen as an agent of judgment. In the New Testament there are attempts made to see the Creator as an agent of redemption.

As so-called holy works go, it is mixed in its polarity, and we do not encourage any to study it literally. However, it is very informative to look within at the internalization of the voice of that holy work, which for so many of you in this circle has been part of the formation of the public or cultural part of your beingness. There is within you a culturally approved and societally practiced urge towards judgment. And as you internalize that voice of Yahweh or Jehovah or the judgmental god, so you condemn yourself to a continuing internalized judgment of self by self. While there are some benefits to this mode of observation of the self, we would say that it has obvious limitations.

Q’uo continued by saying as a body, mind, and spirit dwelling in flesh, we are a doorway through which we have been able to bring, out of all that we are, a suitcase-full of personality gifts and limitations, which we have chosen very carefully because we wished to bring those gifts to offer as our outer service, and we wished to bring blockages and limitations that would confuse us in helpful ways that would lead us to question our suffering, for the blockages and limitations are brought through in order to offer us the catalyst of suffering that would bring us face to face with those parts of ourself that we have not brought into balance. Q’uo went on to say we are a spark of the Creator, and they can only describe this to us in terms of a three dimensional being that is a spark of the Creator that, from the beginning of this creation, has been on its own journey of observation and research, and we are choosing from all of our experience the treasure of our thoughts and feelings thus far, and we come to this present moment having come through many incarnations on many worlds where we have been all things, and in that part of ourself that is not limited by flesh, we are everything we ever were, and everything that we ever will be, all rolled up into the present moment, and this point at which we are vibrating and experiencing the now, we are all things. Now Q’uo said we are also that which completes the pattern in a way that no one else can because no one else has had our experiences or our reactions to those experiences, and even the worst of those things about ourself that we can see is a gift to the one infinite Creator, for it is an authentic realization which is distorted as all things are within the illusion of our truth so that part of what we are here to do is to honor those parts of ourself that we see as unforgiven, and Carla has studied a book called the Holy Bible which consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament, and in the Old Testament, the Creator is seen as an agent of judgment, and in the New Testament there are attempts made to see the Creator as an agent of redemption. Q’uo said as holy works go, it is mixed in its polarity, and we do not encourage any to study it literally, but it is helpful to look within at the influence of the voice of that holy work which has been part of the formation of the cultural part of our beingness because there is within us a culturally approved tendency towards judgment, and as we internalize that voice of the judgmental god, so we condemn ourself to a continuing internalized judgment of ourself, and while there are benefits to this observation of ourself, Q’uo  would say that it has obvious limitations. In October 17, 1988, Q’uo gave a general definition of an agent of redemption:

Upon another level, we address the query concerning our relationship to Christ. Our faith differs somewhat from this instrument’s, which is not surprising, considering that our experience is somewhat better realized within our manifestation. Nevertheless, when any seeking entity discovers compassion, that is to say, unconditional Love, that entity has discovered and defined Christ.

We come from a race which worships the Christ in a somewhat different way, having, however, the understanding, if we may use that term, that the agent of redemption, be it the Christ principle or such an one as Jesus the Christ, is indeed Lord and one with the Father and Creator, Mother, and Nurturer of all that that there is.

Less limited, though still quite colored and distorted, is the internalized voice of the New Testament, or that agent or Son of the Creator which is called the Christ or Jesus the Christ. This is a voice which does not deny error upon the part of all of those who draw a breath. It simply invokes that illimitable force called compassion or forgiveness. It does not suggest that there is no such thing as a mistake or so-called sin.

[Side one of tape ends.]

But it does suggest that when such an error is perceived within the self, it be viewed with an eye not only to understanding this error but also to accepting it, loving it, balancing it, becoming friends with it, telling it your story, allying it to yourself and thereby integrating it into your being. One thing you are attempting to do while you are here is to gather up the “lost sheep” of yourself, those elements of yourself that have been unredeemed because you have not been pleased with them. You have seen them as the wolf, the vampire. You have seen these undeveloped portions of your own light as unworthy, and you have shut yourselves out of your heart.

Part of the work that you can only do in flesh. Part of this valuable experience of being in incarnation and blind as a bat to the ways of spirit is to put yourself in the position of needing to abandon yourself at last to faith. Can you believe that you are perfect? Can you believe that you are whole? We say to you that these things are true. They are not true in a localized sense or in a literal sense. They are not true upon the surface of your life or your perception. But in terms of getting to the heart of your being, getting to the “I” of you, it is central to see all that comes before your face, which you would judge, as that which is to be accepted, forgiven, redeemed and at last, loved.

Who are you, and what do you have to offer in a time of inconvenience? You are a magical and sacred part of the one infinite Creator. Certainly, your creatorship is young. You are a very young god or goddess. You are a toddler. Yet, you have in this system of illusion hands with which to offer help, a mouth with which to speak, and a heart that is willing to love and understand. These are the aspects of your beingness that your fragile, small bodies contain. All of spirit is pouring through you at this moment. And you may choose to offer words or to reach out a hand as part of the good, part of love, that in this moment.

You will notice that we have been speaking of you as if you were not really a personality. And the truth of it is that your personality is the very least of who you are. Beingness at first is a process of individuation and that is the beginning of maturity. But when you have conquered that first slope and stand upon the peak of that mountain and can say, “I am myself. I am not my mother or my father or my job, etc.,” you have cleared a very small mountain, shall we say, compared to the rocky crags in front of you yet to climb. For all of creation lies before the one who is able at last to penetrate into the heart of I AM. Sense your beingness at this moment, and know that you are at the beginning of a fantastic and powerful story. May you enjoy the drama that you have chosen to unroll for yourself. May you ride it well! May you act with passion! May you be true to the desires that brought you to this present moment. And as the energies of this time and your evolvement unfold before you, may you be fearless. For you shall inevitably be transformed. And in your transformation, your light and your love will bless all whose lives you touch.

Q’uo said that the Son of the Creator, which is Jesus the Christ, is a voice that does not deny error upon the part of any one of us, but it simply invokes that force called forgiveness, and it does not suggest that there is no such thing as sin, but it does suggest that when such an error is perceived within ourself that we view it with an eye not only to understanding this error but also to loving it, balancing it, telling it our story, and integrating it into our being because one thing we are attempting to do while we are here is to gather the “lost sheep” of ourself that have been unredeemed because we have not been pleased with them, and we have seen them as the vampire, as undeveloped portions of our light as unworthy, and we have shut ourselves out of our heart. Q’uo went on to say part of this work we can only do in the flesh, and it is part of this experience of being in incarnation to put ourself in the position of needing to abandon ourself at last to faith so that we can believe that we are perfect and whole, so Q’uo said that these things are true, but they are not true in a literal sense or upon the surface of our life, but in terms of getting to the heart of our being it is central to see all that comes before our face, which we would judge, is that which is to be forgiven and  loved. Q’uo continued by saying we are a sacred part of the one infinite Creator, and we are a young god or goddess, but we have in this illusion hands with which to offer help, a mouth with which to speak, and a heart that is willing to love and understand, and these are the aspects of our beingness that our small bodies contain, and all of Spirit is pouring through us at this moment so that we may choose to reach out a hand as part of the love that is in this moment. Q’uo completed their reply by saying you will notice that we have been speaking of you as if we were not really a personality because the truth of it is that our personality is the least of who we are, and at first beingness is a process of individuation, and that is the beginning of maturity, but when we have conquered that first slope and stand upon the peak of that mountain and can say, “I am myself. I am not my mother or my father or my job, etc.,” we have cleared a small mountain compared to the rocky crags in which we have yet to climb, for all of creation lies before us if we are able to penetrate into the heart of I AM, so we should sense our beingness at this moment, and know that we are at the beginning of a powerful story, so may we enjoy the drama that we have chosen to unroll for ourself, and as the energies of this time and our evolution unfold before us, may we be fearless, for we shall be transformed, and in our transformation, our light and our love will bless all whose lives we touch. On October 15, 1995, Q’uo spoke of our process of individuation:

Being is your great gift and your first occupation. It is the hardest job you shall have within your incarnational experience, and again the group together aids each in that process of individuation. Here are hearts that wish for you to be who you most deeply are. Here is where there is a lack of fear for the you that may emerge as transformations occur. Here is a home which one needs not to be at in order to feel at home. The spirit of a spiritual group is enormously powerful, metaphysically speaking, and each senses this. As this instrument has often said, no individual is the reason that a light group such as this offers a magical place, a metaphysical home that works and functions, but rather the faith of all who have come to such a place, the knowledge within those that come that this is a safe place. This is what makes the power of such a light center

This instrument is telling us that we must move on and so we shall, noting once again that there is much depth to this material of beingness which may fruitfully benefit from further questioning. We again thank the one known as C for attempting to deepen the questioning process, for it is of great help to us to find this kind of focus in the questioning. May we ask if there are any further questions at this time?

Questioner: Yes, I would like to ask a question. Can weather conditions be manipulated by mankind?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. Because of the fact that this instrument is totally aware of information and research that indicate without question that such manipulation is, indeed, taking place, we may confirm that this is so.

Is there a further question, my sister?

Questioner: No, thank you.

Q’uo: Is there another query at this time?

Questioner: Q’uo, I have a question. Although it has to do with me, it is a general question. Can you tell about working with dreams and offer any advice and suggestions on how best to work with dreams? And the second part is about a dream I had about a month ago talking to a little boy. I felt that was a negative experience. Are you able to comment on that at all? Thank you, Q’uo.

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your queries, my brother. You are correct in assuming that we would have difficulty in speaking specifically about the dream concerning the small boy, and whether or not there was negative polarity in that dream. We have this difficulty, my brother, because of the fact that you have not come to a settled conclusion concerning the message that this dream offers to you. When you have come to such a conclusion and are able to state the truth that this dream has offered to you, we may again examine your query with perhaps more fullness of information. For now we will simply confirm that such dreams are extremely useful and helpful as a part of the process of coming into full awareness of your own self-dynamics and would encourage you to pursue the investigation of such striking and provocative material.

This instrument is most interested in the gifts of the archetypal mind. One of the ways that is safest for the individual to use in exploring the deeper reaches of the unconscious or subconscious mind is an investigation of one’s dreams. Such an investigation may begin very modestly, but it is a type of investigation, which if pursued with persistence and stability, tends to deepen and begin to yield insight and an ever enlarging and more sturdy point of view from which to look at the self and creation in general.

In terms of the mechanics of working with dreams, we would encourage the habit of keeping a small flashlight of some kind, a pad of paper, and a writing instrument at hand before going to bed. If one does awaken during the night with the memory of a dream, one is able, without waking oneself up totally, to turn on this small and non-intrusive light that gives one the opportunity to write down one’s memories.

It is not necessary at the time of writing those memories down to work with them. It is enough simply to record the thoughts and then to turn off the flashlight, put down the paper and pen, and go back to sleep. It is, however, helpful at some point during the next waking period to go back over these hastily jotted notes, perhaps typing them into a more lasting record and journaling about them in any way that you find yourself wishing to do.

It is perfectly acceptable to use the rational, intellectual mind with its analytical capabilities. It is equally acceptable, and to be encouraged, to help the mind to run off of the logical tracks on which it so often stays due to old habit, and to invite the quirky combinations of thoughts and the insights that come at one from sideways when one allows what this instrument calls the “mind sagging in the middle,” so that points that seemingly are far distant from each other are suddenly brought close and new connections are made. We speak specifically of that seeming dichotomy between the so-called left brain and right brain.

Allow the dreaming process to create opportunities for you to link those two ways of thinking as you contemplate your dreams with insight as well as logic. Encourage your mind to become more and more integrated with itself and able to move with more and more facility between that logic of space/time and that insight of metaphysical space or time/space. You are a dweller in two worlds and the dreaming process helps you to investigate that second world, which is not easily available to be seen in the haunts of humankind.

May we answer you further, my brother?

Questioner: No, thank you very much, Q’uo.

Q’uo: We thank you, my brother. As this instrument’s energy is waning, we would ask for a final query at this time.

Questioner: I would like to ask Q’uo if it is so that I am truly a wanderer. Am I where I need to be in this point in time? Do I have a lot of work to do?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. Because this question is part of your active process at this time, my brother, we are not able to speak with you concerning validating whether or not you are a wanderer. At a time when you have concluded that you are or are not a wanderer, if you ask this question again with the true conviction of your certainty, we then shall be able to offer more substantial information. But at this point, my brother, we would be interfering with your own learning and for us to do your learning for you is an infringement upon your free will.

We can say that all of those who are wanderers are also people of Earth. In a sense all who draw breath have wandered far from their native land. All are “strangers in a strange land” as the one known as Robert Heinlein said. All are spirits which have come into flesh, and are having a physical experience. Yet your physical beingness is one more mask, which you are wearing with style and grace, we may add.

We thank each of you for being bold enough to enter the valley of the shadow of death. It is an interesting perspective, is it not? It does encourage fear in entities to perceive that they have been born and that they will die. And yet we say to you that that which is born and that which will die is a portion of yourself that is easily shed, as your coat and your hat are unimportant to who you are. Know yourself as people of Earth and be very, very proud to be called such.

At this time, we would leave you in the love and the light of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai, my friends. Adonai.

This morning I vacuumed the first floor of my home.

This afternoon I went outside and weeded around the stone walk surrounding the fish pond, the driveway and parking areas in front of my home, and the Little Locust Creek in the back yard.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 21

The Building Block Of Faith

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ. I greet you in the full consciousness of Love divine, unending, and eternal.

How brave an instrument who admits it needs the practice! How brave any seeking entity who admits the need for constant improvement, for constant mindfulness, and for constant seeking.

How firm the faith of one who knows that the gift of the Spirit of Jesus the Christ is given to those who are humble as dust before it. Such humility will not be scattered to the winds. Such humility cannot be trampled upon. Such humility is the building block of faith. Such determination is the foundation of will.

Let each day be a day in which you are prostrate before the infinite love of Jesus the Christ. For it was in humility to the physical death that Jesus the Christ expressed Love, not in bragging or boasting but in opening the self completely to the will of the one God of all.

Open yourself to that will. Be humble as dust before it. Yet know that you carry it within you, if you are mindful of it.

Let your light shine through your humility; through your humanity; through the ashes of the life of the mundane world. Heaven may shine through your eyes! The kingdom is that near.

Yet the kingdom shall never shine through the eyes of one who boasts that he knows of the kingdom and has no more to learn. Be humble and faithful and bow before the Lord God, that, as you rise, you may shine with the eternal Light of unity, Love and peace. 

We leave you in the eternal Love and peace of Jesus the Christ, now and forever. May you be saved by an awareness of this holy Love. Peace be with you. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from April 17, 2005:

Today we are going to take potluck.

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. May we say what a privilege and a blessing it is for us to join your circle of seeking. We thank each of you for taking that precious commodity of time and using it to form this circle, to make use of the sacred space of this place and this time and the combined energies of all of you, where you have created a temple of light. And into this temple we pray that all of our thoughts may combine to form an offering and an honestation to the one infinite Creator.

It is a privilege to respond to your question and, as we always do, we would ask that each of you be very careful in listening to what we have to say, being very ready to reject anything that does not ring true to you, for we would not be a stumbling block before you or interfere with your process in any way. Your free will is very precious to us, and if you will take responsibility for discriminating between those things that ring true to you and resonate to you and those things which do not, we will feel much more free to express ourselves without worrying that we have infringed upon your free will. For we are no authority, but only seekers such as are you.


We paused so that this instrument could rearrange her microphone system. We felt that it would be on her mind throughout the session if she did not do that, and so we appreciate your pausing with us.

We have little to say but we would say a bit before we ask for the first query. First of all, this instrument was concerned earlier because the one known as Hatonn, which is part of our group, had expressed itself in that she had caught the quality of the word, “Hatonn” when challenging, and we would express that there is within this group the calling for unconditional Love in its purity and that is the service which the one known as Hatonn so joyfully provides. We would at this time pause that the one known as Hatonn may express its nature in the silence between all of you and ourselves.


We are those of Q’uo, and are again with this instrument. May we say that the one known as Hatonn expresses that which is truly unconditional. It is pure presence. This instrument often prays, “Be present, be present.” And yet, love is always present. It is your minds which are distracted from that presence. That presence is the heart of who you are, and we hope that you will stoke up on those energies as you rest in unconditional Love. For truly the days are here for each of you to experience incredible waves of energy. Some of the energy is what this instrument would call the highest and best, and it enlivens and energizes you. Others of the waves of energy are those which are shrinking from the Light and the Love of the one infinite Creator, energies that are fleeing from the lucidity and the clarity of these times that are among you now. The new heaven and the new earth lives upon the planet Earth. It is being born, more and more. And so, there are retroactive energies that are shrinking away from this clearer and brighter Light, shall we say, not very accurately.

When these waves of energy hit you, it will feel to you as if all things are resisting and are failing. We ask you to know that this is baffled and confused energy that does not tell you the truth, for you are succeeding. You are thriving. You are growing. And in that growth, things must fall away so that new things can emerge. We can only say to you: let it flow through you; let it fall away as it will; cling not and do not reach; but be. And allow the energies that are yours to come to you. Your desire is honed. Your focus is becoming more and more clear. Trust yourself. Trust the system of guidance that surrounds you. Trust the Earth beneath your feet which is learning little by little to trust you. You are becoming creatures of love involved in a loving environment, and from the earth to the sky, from the East to the West, and the North to the South, your planet is coming alive with love. Can you hear it in the politics of the day? Only if you listen carefully and with selective ears. Know then that this which is unseen has a power and that you are part of the web of love. Open yourself, therefore, to those energies of love that are awakening within you, more and more.

Today we are going to take potluck. Q’uo began by saying that Carla was concerned earlier because Hatonn, which is part of our group, had expressed itself in that she had caught the quality of the word, “Hatonn” when challenging, and there is within this group the calling for unconditional Love in its purity, and that is the service which Hatonn so joyfully provides, and we would pause that Hatonn may express its nature in the silence between all of you and ourselves. Then Q’uo said we are again with this instrument, so may we say that Hatonn expresses that which is truly unconditional, and it is pure presence, and Carla often prays, “Be present, be present.” Q’uo said that Love is always present, but it is our minds which are distracted from that presence which is the heart of who we are, and they hoped that we will increase our energies as we rest in unconditional Love because the days are here for each of us to experience waves of energy, and some of the energy is what Carla would call the highest and best, and it energizes us, but other waves of energy are those which are shrinking from the Light and the Love of the one infinite Creator, and are energies that are fleeing from the clarity of these times that are among us now as the new heaven and the new Earth lives upon the Earth, and it is being born, more and more so that there are retroactive energies that are shrinking away from this clearer and brighter Light. Then Q’uo said that when these waves of energy hit us, it will feel to us as if all things are failing, so they asked us to know that this is confused energy that does not tell us the truth, for we are growing, and in that growth, things must fall away so that new things can emerge, so they suggested that we allow the energies that are ours to come to us because our focus is becoming more clear, and we should trust ourself, the guidance that surrounds us, and the Earth beneath our feet which is learning to trust us because we are becoming creatures of Love involved in a loving environment, and from the Earth to the sky that which is unseen has a power, and we are part of the web of Love, and we can open ourself to those energies of Love that are awakening within us, more and more. On March 11, 2004, Q’uo described the web of Love that we all are part of:

There are many about you in the unseen world and some of those in the seen world who are angels and who wish only to help you. There are many ways of giving messages and leaving one’s opinion to mix into the thinking process, and those who are in that web of Love about you are actively attempting to find ways to send a symbol, a hint, an inkling, or even something very obvious to let you know that they are supporting, encouraging, and attempting in all ways to help bring you into alignment with those things which are most deeply within your heart and within your incarnational plan. We would say to you, simply, “Take heart.” Rest in quietness and confidence in that peace that the world knows not of. And from that consciousness know that all is well, and all will be well. That which you need shall come to you, and you shall, no matter what it looks like from the outside, be making those choices which help.

We would at this time ask if there is a query?

V: Thank you, Q’uo. We do have three queries from the Rangers. The first of them is: “What is the nature of that pairing between two beings who find in each other that love and wisdom that connects them not for a day, a week, or even a year, but for all eternity?”

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. May we say that the nature of the energy betwixt two entities which have penetrated the veil of forgetting and have become able to experience each other as true beings, shall we say, as souls, is that energy which we would call selfhood. It is an awareness of unity. It normally comes wrapped in some clothing, and that clothing tends to be partially that of sexuality and partially that of personality. The heart of a connection between two entities that have been able to form a bond that is eternal, however, is one of unity.

It is interesting to view the ways in which entities within third-density consensus reality are able to penetrate the masks or the costumes, shall we say, of appearance, personality, and sexuality. Very often, it is the trigger of a sexual attraction or the attraction of intellect for intellect, or goodness for goodness, shall we say, heart for heart, that will trigger the opening of the space in which two entities may begin to create a unity between them. When entities attempt to move from sexuality, shall we say, from the red-ray attraction, into a soul-to-soul relationship, there are boundaries which appear impossible to cross. For sexual relationships are based upon a self and an other-self and the connection between. When that dynamic remains as a central motif in a relationship, in its own way it delimits and describes the circumference of that particular relationship. And many are the couples that have been drawn together sexually and that express the chemical attraction of the polarity between those two entities for some time before finally discovering the country that lies beyond polarity. Similarly, many triggered bondings have to do with the nature of the orange-ray chakra, shall we say, the chakra that has to do with subtler aspects of interpersonal relationships. And again, until the dynamics betwixt the personalities have to some extent been explored and released, the very thing that brought two entities together becomes that which limits that relationship.

And so it is as entities move upwards through the dimensions of relationship, exploring the aspects of relationship which have to do with becoming a family and then exploring the aspects of relationship which have to do with opening the heart to each other’s humanness. There is almost always a delimiting factor involved in this opening of the heart. It would seem, once an entity has climbed up through the first three concerns of relationship into the open heart, that the way would be free and clear. And yet this is not so. When one at last enters that sacred precinct of the open heart, and one rests together in that place of clear light, one views in the other the beginnings of great knowledge. And with this great knowledge comes a great price. That price is the shadow of all that is true about one. When one is heart to heart, when at last one is exposed and the humanness of the self is undefended, not simply from the other self, for the other self is ready to love unconditionally, that other self becomes a mirror which then reflects back to you for the first time, so that you can see it yourself, the picture of your own shadow.

The first question for the Rangers was: “What is the nature of that pairing between two beings who find in each other that love and wisdom that connects them not for a day, a week, or even a year, but for all eternity?” Q’uo began by saying that the nature of the energy between two entities which have penetrated the veil of forgetting and have become able to experience each other as true beings is that energy which we would call selfhood, and it is an awareness of unity that comes wrapped in some clothing that tends to be partially of sexuality and partially of personality, and the heart of a connection between two entities that have been able to form a bond that is eternal and one of unity. Q’uo continued by saying it is interesting to see the ways entities within third-density consensus reality are able to penetrate the masks of personality and sexuality, and often it is the trigger of sexual attraction or the attraction of heart for heart that will trigger the opening of the space in which two entities may create a unity between them so that when they attempt to move from sexuality into a soul-to-soul relationship there are boundaries which appear impossible to cross because sexual relationships are based upon a self and an other-self and the connection between them, and when that dynamic remains as a central theme in a relationship,  it describes the nature of that relationship, and many are the couples that have been drawn together sexually and that express the chemical attraction of the polarity between them for some time before finally discovering the country that lies beyond polarity, and many triggered bondings have to do with the nature of the orange-ray chakra that deals with subtler aspects of interpersonal relationships, but until the dynamics between the personalities have been explored and released, the thing that brought two entities together becomes that which limits that relationship. Q’uo concluded by saying that as entities move upwards through the dimensions of exploring the aspects of relationship which have to do with becoming a family, and then exploring the aspects of relationship which have to do with opening the heart to each other’s humanness, there is a limiting factor involved in this opening of the heart, and it would seem, once an entity activates the first three chakras into the open heart, that the way would be free and clear, but this is not so because when one at last enters the sacred precinct of the open heart, and one rests in that place of clear light, one views in the other the beginnings of great knowledge, and with this great knowledge comes a great price which is the shadow of all that is true about one, so when one is heart to heart and the humanness of the self is undefended–not simply from the other self–for the other self is ready to love unconditionally, that other self becomes a mirror which then reflects back to you for the first time, so that you can see the picture of your own shadow. On March 3, 1985, Latwii spoke of the nature of our own shadow:

Therefore, you must in some degree fashion a framework of faith in a larger, broader, deeper, richer, purer reality, or else the life in which you move has no meaning. As you fashion this greater reality within your own mind, and attempt in some means or manner to reflect it in your life, this attempt then generates or is generated by, we should say, the exercise of will. You take that which is unknown and you fashion that which is not apparent. You take the illusion, the manifestations in which you move, and in some way attempt to transmute it by your own will and faith into a greater reality.

These are together woven into the fabric of any seeker’s journey. They are as the rod and the staff that comfort the seeker in what has been called the valley of the shadow of death. As you find yourself passing through this valley with shadows of death, know that your own shadow is upon that wall as well as are the shadows of all seekers, for to this life, truly one day each shall die. Yet it is not this life that is the great treasure to be clung to with all the effort and fiber of being. Yet it is that which this life can provide, the learning of the Creator, the serving the Creator, the welcoming of those opportunities to do both, the accepting of the outcome of any opportunity, the praise and thanksgiving to the one Creator for being provided such opportunities, and the moving forward with the will and the faith intact to continue the journey.

It is a great knowledge, and you are as naked as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, standing before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Are you good? Are you evil? No. You are human: you are all that is. This is a great crux in the development of an eternal friendship, shall we say. If you shrink from the mirror of your shadow in the open heart, you then are forced back, past the lions at the gate, out into those lesser fields, plains, and meadows of the one infinite Creator in which play the dynamics of personality.

Onceyou have faced yourself squarely in the mirror of the other, sitting together in the lap of the Creator, surrounded with arms of love, tickled by the beard of the Almighty, blessed upon the breast of the Mother, loved at last for all that you are, then at last you are free to begin what is sometimes a lengthy process but a joyful one. And that is the moving on from the open heart to the articulated heart. That is what this entity would describe as the energy of the blue ray or the throat chakra. Once you have begun the process of open communication with another, you find that miraculously that which used to divide you now begins to unite you. You find that the truth which seemed before to beat you down and to make you feel less now blesses and redeems, and heals and clears, the way for you to be.

Let us take a moment and look at that verb, to be. It is so underappreciated among your people. And yet this is what you came to do. You came to do something that has no doing to it, for being is more than anything else a matter of allowing yourself not to act but to express as an essence beyond thought, beyond deeds. What is the scent of a flower? What value can you say it has? It is beyond words. Can you see that? And can you see that the bouquet of your being is the most precious gift that you will ever have to give? It is your gift to the other, to the creation, and to the Creator. And what but the forces of great Love can give you permission within third-density beingness to explore that essence of self?

So we would say that the nature of the quality of companionship that lasts not for a day, or for a month, or for a year but for eternity is that quality which has been formed in the fire of moving through tremendous amounts of dynamics: sexual, sensual, physical, emotional, mental, intellectual and finally into the area of the spiritual, into the area where two hearts can touch and become one, not because they are the same but because they are sparks of the same fire that are sharing with each other the incredible gift of their unique essence so that each is teaching each, each is healing each, and each fulfills the larger desire of each to become a flame of spirit.

Then Q’uo said that we are as naked as Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, standing before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and we are neither good nor evil because we are human and all that is, and this is a great point in the development of an eternal friendship, but if we shrink from the mirror of our shadow in the open heart,  then  we are forced back, past the lions at the gate, out into those lesser fields of the one infinite Creator in which play the dynamics of personality. Q’uo went on to say once we have faced ourself in the mirror of the other, sitting together in the lap of the Creator, surrounded with arms of Love, tickled by the beard of the Almighty, blessed upon the breast of the Mother, loved at last for all that we are, then at last we are free to begin what is a lengthy process but a joyful one, and that is moving on from our open heart to the articulated heart which is what Carla would describe as the energy of the blue ray, and once we have begun the process of open communication with another, we find that which used to divide us now begins to unite us, and we find the truth which seemed to make us feel less now heals and clears the way for us to be. Q’uo continued by saying let us take a moment and look at that verb, to be, because we came to do something that has no doing to it, for being is a matter of allowing ourself to express as an essence beyond thought and deeds, and our essence of our being is the most precious gift that we will ever have to give because it is our gift to the other, to the creation, and to the Creator, and what but the forces of great Love can give us permission within third-density beingness to explore that essence of ourself? Q’uo completed their reply by saying that the nature of the quality of companionship that lasts for eternity is that quality which has been formed in the fire of moving through tremendous amounts of dynamics: sexual, emotional, intellectual, and finally into the area of the spiritual, into the area where two hearts can touch and become one because they are sparks of the same fire that are sharing with each other the gift of their unique essence so that each is teaching each; each is healing each; and each fulfills the larger desire of each to become a flame of Spirit. On May 4, 2003, Q’uo described how each of us contains the flame of Spirit:

Picture the surface of your life as the choppy waves that seem to crash upon the shore, and know that deep within you, the truth of your being is as the liquid core of the Earth itself: calm water, quiet, deep, powerful, infinite and strong. This is your nature. This is your very essence. You are Love. As you allow the surety of this one Thought to pervade your being, feel all concerns drop away leaving only the flame of Spirit, only that Love which created all the worlds that are and all that shall ever be.

Is there another query at this time?

V: Thank you Q’uo. The Rangers’ next query asks, “In the higher densities, how does sexual attraction and companionship play out?”

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. There are some limits to that which we may say about this question, but in general we would say that the sexuality which is so much a part of third-density entities has all of the aspects which higher densities’ sexual energy transfers contain. However, within third density, as we have said, there is the beginning of sexual attraction that rests within the second-density physical vehicle within which you enjoy moving about the Earth at this time. The expression of sexual energy within this animalistic body is simple. It is a natural function which is uncomplicated, and which calls body to body, depending upon the dynamics of sexual polarity.

This instrument has often described the basic sexual attraction as chemical, and we would agree that it is a matter of the chemistry between two entities. Within third-density acculturation, the simple chemical attraction between two entities within red ray becomes overlaid with expectations and culturally-oriented standards of attraction which work not according to the ways of the body but according to the ways of the mind. And you must realize that within third density, the body is the creature of the mind. So very often there is a substantial amount of fairly shallow and inauthentic attraction concerned with sexual expression within third density.

Now, within fourth density these layers of acculturation fall away. Fourth-density entities, as well as fifth and sixth-density entities, have physical vehicles of a type. Each higher density’s physical vehicle is, shall we say, more refined in type yet there is a physicality to it. Consequently, the nature of the physical vehicle determines the entry level of sexual attraction. It is difficult for you, perhaps, to imagine a sexual attraction that is based on the truth of each entity as seen by each other entity. And yet we would ask you to imagine a creation in which all entities are attracted to all other entities based on the truth of their beings. Higher-density bodies are attracted to truth in the harmonics of the truth within themselves to which they have the most commonality and from which they have the most to learn. So, there is still a bi-polar aspect to higher-density sex within fourth density, but it is the near pole of commonality, and the far pole of a mutual desire to learn from each other the mysteries of the essence, the fragrance of the being of each other. It is sexuality and teach/learning.

The second Ranger question was: “In the higher densities, how does sexual attraction and companionship play out?” Q’uo began by saying there are limits to that which we may say about this question, but we would say that the sexuality which is a part of third-density entities has all of the aspects which higher densities’ sexual energy transfers contain, but within third density there is the beginning of sexual attraction that rests within the second-density body within which you enjoy moving about the Earth at this time, and the expression of sexual energy within this body is simple because it is a natural function which is uncomplicated, and which calls body to body, depending upon the dynamics of sexual polarity. Q’uo went on to say Carla has often described the basic sexual attraction as chemical, and we would agree that it is a matter of the chemistry between two entities so that within third-density the chemical attraction between two entities within red ray becomes overlaid with and culturally-oriented standards of attraction which work according to the ways of the mind, and you must realize that within third density the body is the creature of the mind, so very often there is a substantial amount of shallow and inauthentic attraction concerned with sexual expression within third density. Q’uo continued by saying within fourth density these layers of acculturation fall away, and fourth-density entities, as well as fifth and sixth-density entities, have bodies of a type, and each higher density’s body is more refined in type, yet there is a physicality to it so that the nature of the body determines the entry level of sexual attraction, and it is difficult for us to imagine a sexual attraction that is based on the truth of each entity as seen by each other entity, but Q’uo would asked us to imagine a creation in which all entities are attracted to all other entities based on the truth of their beings so that higher-density bodies are attracted to truth in the harmonics of the truth within themselves to which they have the most commonality and from which they have the most to learn, so there is still a bi-polar aspect to higher-density sex within fourth density, but it is the near pole of commonality, and the far pole of a mutual desire to learn from each other the mysteries of the essence, the fragrance of the being of each other because it is teaching and learning sexuality. On September 14, 2019, Q’uo spoke of the basic nature of sexual attraction in third density:

The red-ray activation is that which occurs between two entities who are sexually polarized in a manner which is, shall we say, available for interaction, or interplay. This meaning that the attraction is that which finds a polar opposite, whether the entity be biologically male or biologically female. The physical attraction is that which is congruent with each entity’s individual and unique natures. This operates without conscious control. This operates more accurately as an unconscious reflection of the nature of each entity’s basic quality of sexual polarity.

Thus, there is, as a result of this attraction, a kind of fellowship of a basic nature that becomes the foundation of an addition to this basic quality, as the interaction between the two entities commences and continues. Therefore, each entity is offered the opportunity to be of service to the other, in one manner or another, as it begins with the sexual attraction being added unto by the intense red and orange-ray quality of individual beingness, moving further along to the yellow ray, that places each entity within the group situation of the mated pair ideally. However, this is always due to and processed by individual freewill. Thus, the basic pattern of energizing and promoting the relationship value of the two entities is that which is the propelling function of the red-ray excitation.

Within fourth density, the casual sexual expression is not simply common but is as much a part of courtesy as shaking hands is within your density. It is as if when entities meet, they have sex. That is the way that you would describe it within your density. The potential difference between the two entities is expressed naturally and without any shame, removal of clothing, or the exchange of bodily fluids. It is an energy exchange. The children produced of this energy exchange are those opportunities for souls who wish to learn from the two entities which exchanged energy in such a way as to make an opportunity. The bodies are more refined. Sexuality does not have those physicalities of third density. And yet there is the possibility for enormous love. And when it is seen between two entities that there is this unique potential for teaching and learning together, a mating is formed.

So, you see the processes of the energy body continue to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo. And relationships continue to be refined through the interactions of two entities who have joined together. Yet, the work is subtler and deeper and, in its own way, narrower. We who speak are those of fifth density and we carry the energies and the information of those within fourth density and within sixth density. In each density of those three, the physical bodies become more refined and in sixth density the bodies are what you would call photons. You are moving from heavy chemical bodies to lighter energy bodies to bodies of a certain type of light to bodies of limitless Light, shall we say. This is very inexact and while we apologize for the inexactness, we can only express that there is information that would infringe upon your free will involved in attempting to explain to a more precise degree the evolution of mind, body and spirit.

We would ask in general that you simply consider the direction to be that of the refinement of the energy exchange between two entities. Your entity-ness shall not change. You shall continue to be you. As you form relationships within higher densities, your opportunities for learning and service shall be lifted and refined. This is not a difference in kind, but only a difference in quality. You are on the track which you shall continue upon. Of seventh density, we cannot speak, for we have not yet experienced the density that is drawn directly back into the Creator to create the next octave of experience. We stay within this heartbeat of the one infinite Creator.

Now Q’uo said within fourth density the casual sexual expression is as much a part of courtesy as shaking hands is within your density, and when entities meet, they have sex, and the potential difference between the two entities is expressed without any shame because it is an energy exchange, and the children produced by this energy exchange are those opportunities for souls who wish to learn from the two entities which exchanged energy in such a way as to make an opportunity, but the bodies are more refined, and sexuality does not have the physical nature of third density, yet there is the possibility for enormous love, and when it is seen between two entities that there is this potential for teaching and learning together, a mating is formed. Q’uo continued by saying you see the processes of the energy body continue to be red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, and relationships continue to be refined through the interactions of two entities who have joined together, yet the work is subtler and deeper, and we who speak are those of fifth density, and we carry the energies and within fourth density and within sixth density, and in each of those three densities, the physical bodies become more refined, and in sixth density the bodies are what you would call photons so that you are moving from heavy chemical bodies to lighter energy bodies to bodies of a certain type of Light to bodies of limitless Light, but this is inexact, and while we apologize for the inexactness we can only express that there is information that would infringe upon your free will involved in attempting to explain to a more precise degree the evolution of mind, body, and spirit. Q’uo completed their reply by asking that we consider the direction to be that of the refinement of the energy exchange between two entities because our entity-ness shall not change as we shall continue to be as we form relationships within higher densities our opportunities for learning and service shall be lifted and refined, but this is not a difference in kind, but only a difference in quality since we are on the track which we shall continue upon, but Q’uo could not speak of seventh density because they have not yet experienced the density that is drawn directly back into the Creator to create the next octave of experience, but they stay within this heartbeat of the one infinite Creator. On March 3, 2018, Q’uo spoke about the general nature of the sexual energy exchange:

When the sexual energy exchange is completed between the male and the female entities, or those expressing the male and female principles, the energy exchange is from red to red, from orange to orange, from yellow to yellow, from green to green. If there is the ability of each entity to experience higher energy center exchanges, this will also proceed in like manner. For there to be an energy exchange, there must be at least the activation of the green ray energy center. Is there a follow-up query, my sister?

Is there another query at this time?

V: Yes, the Rangers’ third query reads, “Of the worlds Q’uo evolved from, how did they typically enter into fourth-density service? Namely, what cultures and sociological constructions did they move through on their way towards living in Love?”

Weare those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my sister. We find that we are up against the full stop of the Law of Free Will when it comes to describing experiences that are common to us, experiences which would pull you into a false place where you were hoping to be like us. We would instead say a few words about the opportunities that lie before you at this time. For you are those with third-density bodies and fourth-density hearts—yearning with every fiber of your beings to live a fourth-density life, by fourth-density values, and with fourth-density qualities. The Earth does not hold you back, for the Earth is vibrating fourth density. Your own inner nature does not hold you back, for you hold within you the energies of the universe. All of nature is willing for you to grow.

Then what holds you within the density of your choice? Certainly, you incarnated in a third-density body, but your very DNA, in every cell of your body, is waiting for you to remember who you are. And in the quality of your remembrance comes the opportunity to form new strands of fourth-density DNA. And this is happening among your peoples at this time. It is possible for you as well. What shall you have to do to avail yourself of this remembrance? My friends, you shall have to allow the pain and the sorrow that you hold so dearly within you at this time to die, not simply to forgive it, but to allow it to fall away. Are you ready to die to this hard-won suffering that has soaked up a portion of your identity? Are you ready to be a creature of joy?

Thisinstrument has talked about letting the sorrows and the sufferings of herself and others flow through her, but she does not do it. Oh, she is in love with suffering; she is ready to give up her life! Yet, when she can do that, then she is free within incarnation. And to some extent, little by little, she has let portions of herself fall away. She is ready not to hold on to difficult energies; here and there, now and again. And so, we say to each of you, “Awake to love and joy and allow the dead self to bury itself, dust to dust, and ashes to ashes.” We speak now not of the dust of the body, which is easily seen, but the dust and the ashes of old emotion held in their imbalance as if they were treasures.

What is the crucible and the refining fire all about but the taking of dead ash and dust and the compression of it into jewels? You carry coal within you. Let it become a diamond. And if the pressure is fierce, embrace it and do not be afraid of the transforming and refining.

[Side one of tape ends.]

It is a condign and just process.

The third question from the Rangers was: “Of the worlds Q’uo evolved from, how did they typically enter into fourth-density service? Namely, what cultures and sociological constructions did they move through on their way towards living in love?” Q’uo began by saying that we that we do not want to break the Law of Free Will by describing the experiences that are common to us which would put you into a false place where you were hoping to be like us, but we would say a few words about the opportunities that lie before you at this time, for you are those with third-density bodies and fourth-density hearts, yearning to live a fourth-density life, by fourth-density values, and with fourth-density qualities, and the Earth does not hold you back, for the Earth is vibrating fourth density, and your own inner nature does not hold you back, for you hold within you the energies of the universe, and all of nature is willing for you to grow. Then Q’uo asked what holds you within the density of choice because you incarnated in a third-density body, but your DNA is waiting for you to remember who you are, and in the quality of your remembrance comes the opportunity to form new strands of fourth-density DNA, and this is happening among your peoples at this time, and it is possible for you as well, and you shall have to allow the pain and sorrow that you hold within you to die and fall away in order to awaken this remembrance, so are you ready to die to this hard-won suffering that has soaked up a portion of your identity to be a creature of joy? Q’uo continued by saying that Carla has talked about letting her sufferings and others flow through her, but she does not do it because she is in love with suffering, and she is ready to give up her life, but when she can do that, then she is free within incarnation, and little by little she has let portions of herself fall away, so she is ready not to hold on to difficult energies again, and we say to each of you: “Awake to love and joy, and allow the dead self to bury itself, dust to dust, and ashes to ashes.” Q’uo spoke now of the dust and the ashes of old emotion held in their imbalance as if they were treasures. Q’uo completed their reply by saying that is the refining fire is about the taking of dead ash and dust and the compression of it into jewels, and you carry coal within you, so let it become a diamond, and if the pressure is fierce, embrace it, and do not be afraid of the transforming because it is a condign and just process. On May 17, 2005, Q’uo spoke of the nature of the refining fire within us:

All that you are, all that you have been, and all that you will be is of one piece. As you drop away things that seem to be you, we ask you to realize that you are not dropping away the identity of that unique being that is yourself. You are refining that identity in the refining fire of the furnace of third-density Earth. It is fairly said that your Earth is as the athanor, and you are as the magician that places base elements into the athanor in order to make gold. It is not that you are altering beyond recognition your identity in refining yourself, but rather that you are burning away those things which you perceive as being no longer necessary to bolster or support your identity. Transformation, then, can be seen not so much as a dropping away of one whole identity and the picking up of another, as it can be seen to be a process of simplification where you are cleaning away the crumbs of self that have been used up, brushing the garment of self to remove these crumbs from your invisible and shining self so that the clothing which you wear before the one infinite Creator is ever more truly a representative of your heart and your soul.

Is there another query at this time?

V: Q’uo, that’s all from the Rangers.


We are those of Q’uo, and because of the energies within the room, we would ask one more time, is there another query at this time?


We are those of Q’uo, and we do feel the strength of unasked questions within this group, and that is perfectly acceptable to us. We are happy to let them be and to express to those with issues upon their hearts at this time our absolute and unwavering love for you and our gladness at any time to respond to any questions that you do have. We are always with you if you request our presence, that we may underline and underscore the stability of your own silence. We thank you so much for the great privilege of being allowed to speak with you and to share what humble information we may have. At this time, we would leave you as we found you, in the love, the light, and the unity of the one infinite Creator. We are known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning I went outside and weeded the two gardens in front of the fishpond by hand since we had enough rain over night to make the ground wet enough so that the weeds came out of the ground with their roots intact.

This afternoon I was on a zoom meet with a group in Alabama facilitated by Nandhini who asked me questions that her group had collected that focused on a number of areas of the Ra contact with the energy centers being primary among them. I always enjoy speaking about the Ra contact to spiritual seekers like those in this group, and I look forward to our next zoom meet.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 20

Run With Love

I am of the principle of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full and divine consciousness that is Love.

How shall the Holy Spirit appear to you this day? What are your needs? For as you express and inwardly feel those spiritual needs, so is the Spirit called to appear, to strengthen, to comfort, and to enable.

Is it energy and will that you need? Then experience the force that produces these words as flames of divine and enabling fire, energizing and enlivening.

Must you run the straight race very quickly today? Must you hasten and hurry? Crowd your day, then, but open your heart that Love may run with you; that Love may hasten, and hurry, and worry, and fret in comfortable companionship with that state of mind you choose for yourself.

Are you in grief, in sorrow, and in despair? Call, then and open within to the divine Comforter, to the nurturer and Lover of all souls.

There is no condition in which the Spirit of Love cannot enter and heal. There is no activity in which the Spirit of divine Love and compassion cannot enable, enliven, and strengthen.

The Spirit of Love is an active, plastic, malleable, universal expression of the absolute presence of divine Love in each soul, everywhere, always, in every moment.

May you find peace that you are not alone, be you hastening, resting, or weeping. Always there is the Comforter.

We leave you in this reassurance, this knowledge, of Love and peace unending. Amen.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.


I did the Morning Offering and then got myself ready for the day. Today the Q’uo quote comes from April 3, 2005:

The question today has to do with the concept of how inspiration works in our group as we come together, share our week with each other around the circle, look for a question, determine a question, and then Q’uo speaks upon this topic. In one way or another, the information moves into different levels of our consciousness, and as we come out of meditation and speak with each other afterwards, it seems to get seated in our consciousness in some way. We were wondering if Q’uo could give us some information about how this quality or principle of inspiration works in a group and for each of us as individuals?

(Carla channeling)

We are those known to you as the principle of Q’uo. Greetings in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator, in Whose service we come to you this day. We thank each of you for the beauty of your vibrations, the pleasure of your company in this circle of seeking, and for the question that you offer as a group. As always, we would ask for your cooperation in listening to those things that we have to say with a careful ear, ready to forget any thought of ours that does not seem helpful to you. We would greatly appreciate this as it will give us the opportunity to speak freely, knowing that we are not infringing on your free will or looming over you as some sort of perceived authority. With this freedom, we are much more able to feel free to speak our thoughts, person to person, shall we say, Creator to Creator.

The song that the one known as Jim chose for the tuning song that opens this meditation was most apt to the query which concerns inspiration and the group process. It is interesting to us that two words in your English language are pronounced the same and have related meanings. In terms of your springtime, which you are now enjoying the very beginnings of in your area, it is the sun, s-u-n, that is shining ever more brightly and ever more immediately upon your faces. In terms of this instrument’s distortion of religious seeking, she has entered the season of Easter which is the season of the son, s-o-n, and His seeming loss to the world and immediate reappearance within it as the risen Lord.

In a group such as yours, my friends, each of you is the sun/son. You cannot see yourself shining; you cannot see your risen aspect; you cannot see the radiance of your being for, from within your system of awareness, many things are upon your minds, many sorrows are upon your heart, many burdens are upon your shoulders. Your thinking processes are devious and multiple. Your emotional life, as this instrument was saying earlier, ebbs and flows. And there are many times of the most solemn and serious contemplation of the nature of the self, of the worth of the self, of the value of self-perceived processes. Is the attempt to accelerate the advent of spiritual evolution within the self efficient? Is it moving forward? Is the refining process ongoing? How difficult it is to answer any of these questions from within the system of the self. And when one bumps up against other-selves in the everyday and ordinary life, how clearly can we either perceive other-selves or perceive their reflections of ourselves as we interrelate?

The value of coming together, knowing ahead of time that there is a sacred space that has been prepared by intention, is great. For it allows the self in the midst of its everyday aspects to enter into a transformational space, a potentiated time, a dedicated nexus of opportunity. How humbly each of you brings yourself to this time, this space, and this nexus! Each of you knows the self to be unworthy. A glory of the decision to enter this opportunity is that you have come anyway. You have chosen freely and firmly to give yourself the opportunity for transformation. You have not judged yourself and found yourself unworthy. Faith lives within you: faith in your own self, bare of any pretension, faith in the value of sacred spaces and times, and faith in the group.

How the heart opens, given such an opportunity! And when you have formed the intention of becoming part of a circle of seeking, something happens to the way in which you listen to each other. It is as if, like a shaggy dog, you have shaken yourself off and all of the thoughts and feelings that have been clogging the system have been released. Your energy system clears. Your mind sharpens. And your heart feels at home at last within you. Light begins to gather. It is not light from without you. It is light from within you. The power within you, that has been slumbering, awakens, and you minister to each other. Love that is beyond words flows from every fiber of your being as you listen to each other. Even if you cannot say one word, your heart is radiating the infinite Love and Light that lies within you. Tongues of fire, as this instrument would describe the action of Spirit, pour down upon you as your heart goes out, literally, to each other’s spoken and unspoken feelings and thoughts. And within this potentiated space and time, peace descends, that peace which, indeed, passeth all understanding, and power flows, and sparkles, and dances as each cares for each.

The group question for this session was: “The question today has to do with the concept of how inspiration works in our group as we come together, share our week with each other around the circle, look for a question, determine a question, and then Q’uo speaks upon this topic.” Q’uo began by saying that the song that was chosen for the tuning song to begin this meditation was appropriate to the query which concerns inspiration and the group process, and it is interesting that two words in our English language are pronounced the same and have related meanings, and in our springtime it is the sun, s-u-n, that is shining more brightly and more immediately upon our faces, and in terms of Carla’s love of religious seeking, she has entered the season of Easter which is the season of the son, s-o-n, and His seeming loss to the world and immediate reappearance within it as the risen Lord. Q’uo went on to say that in a group such as ours each of us is the sun/son, and we cannot see ourself shining or see our risen aspect because from within our system of awareness many things are upon our mind, and many sorrows are upon our heart, and our thinking processes are multiple so that our emotional life ebbs and flows, and there are times of serious contemplation of the nature and worth of ourself, so we wonder if our attempt to accelerate our spiritual evolution within ourself is efficient, and it is difficult to answer any of these questions from within ourself, so when we bump up against other-selves in our ordinary life, we wonder how clearly we can perceive other-selves or perceive their reflections of ourselves as we interrelate? Q’uo continued by saying that the value of our coming together, and knowing ahead of time that there is a sacred space that has been prepared by intention is great, for it allows us to enter into a transformational space, and each of us humbly brings ourself to this time, and we know that we are unworthy, but we have chosen freely and firmly to give ourself the opportunity for transformation, and we have not judged ourself because faith lives within us: faith in ourself, faith in the value of sacred spaces and times, and faith in the group. Now Q’uo said that our heart opens because of this opportunity, and when we have formed the intention of becoming part of a circle of seeking, something happens to the way that we listen to each other because we have released all of the thoughts and feelings that have been clogging our system, and our energy system clears; our mind sharpens; and our heart feels at home within us so that light from within us begins to gather, and  power awakens within us, and we minister to each other so that love that is beyond words flows from every fiber of our being as we listen to each other, and even if we cannot say one word, our heart is radiating the infinite Love and Light that lies within us, and the tongues of the Spirit’s fire pour down upon us as our heart goes out to each other’s spoken and unspoken feelings and thoughts, and within this potentiated space and time the peace which passes all understanding descends upon us, and power flows and dances as each of us cares for each other. On January 14, 1996, Q’uo spoke of the peace which passes all understanding:

Each seeker of truth will find that the path it travels is one which has those places which are wide and through which passage is easy and those places which are more narrow, making passage difficult. When you find your practice of seeking in the way of meditation beginning to flag, you may be aware that the faith and will, which are the rod and staff of each seeker, may need reinforcing, for there is much to distract an entity from completing the practices that it has set for itself, and these distractions are also a part of your journey. As you are able to see afield and redirect the changing energies of your own commitment, your own faith, and your will to persevere in the face of distractions and difficulties, you will be learning the kind of perseverance that will give you that peace which passes understanding at some point in your seeking, for if the journey were always easy then the pearl of great price would be much devalued and easily acquired by all.

What is the nature of Spirit? It can certainly be seen as a rain that falls, as a blessing. In another way, it can be seen as that force not only from above but also from below that connects the infinite Creator in its undifferentiated and universal expression as infinite energy with the very articulated and very specific tongues of flame that are drawn into your body system and that subtle body system that this instrument would call the energy system or the chakra system by the nature, the color, the brilliance, and the balance within your very distorted and biased and yet innerly-balanced energy system.

As this process occurs, a focus develops within you. It is not only unique to you, but it is unique to you in this moment. And so, each of you becomes a focused flame of Spirit. You have been transfigured. The highest and best within you has found a point of eloquence within the silence of this nexus, and your mirroring capabilities and capacities organize and become lucid. You become more and more helpful to each other and you spark each other so that each becomes more skillful, and more inspired, and more inspiring. And again, this may or may not have anything to do with what is said. It has to do with your essence, with that which is far beyond words or expression of any kind. Each of you is an energy. This energy has taken all of the infinite reaches of your every experience to come into manifestation at this moment. And this moment becomes a gift that you give to each other, freely, unthinkingly, for you have been renewed, and therefore your creation has been renewed.

Itis not that one person cannot do this alone, for one person can. But one person is a small group: there is you, and there is spirit. The mirroring process is lacking. You are, as it were, upon the stormy sea but without lighthouses, or, to put it another way, you are upon that stormy sea but without the buoys that ring that peculiar ring to let you know where the shore is, where home is, where the reefs and the perils may be that may keep you from that shore and from that home. Each of you becomes the lighthouse for each other person. When we say to you that there is tremendous value in the very distortions that you so bemoan when you speak of your failings, we realize that it is difficult for you to understand this. And yet if you think of the wind chime that makes beautiful music in the wind, and then you think of the effect of the sounds of the buoys that float upon the ocean and warn of peril and sing of home, perhaps you can begin to see how much of a blessing it is to create the harmony of all of each of your very personal and unique sounds coming together in the harmony of the expressions of love in one sacred space. Can there ever be a disharmony in such a choir of individual and authentic bells ringing because of the rocking of the waters of manifestation and the wind of spirit?

The word, “inspiration,” is a word that is literally talking about breath, wind—and when one speaks of breath or wind, one is speaking of the Spirit. It is said in your holy work, the Bible, the wind blows where it will, and no one can bid it. When the breath goes out of the body and does not return, the Spirit has left the physical vehicle and what is left is dust. You have been raised into manifestation from the dust, and the Spirit has breathed into you, and as you breathe in, you breath in the one infinite Creator, and as you breath out, you breath out that which you have made of that creative inspiration. In and out: this is the rhythm of your living. You are never still. You do not arrive at some sort of stasis in which all has been accomplished. If each breath is a question and each out-breath an answer, then the process may be seen never to end. You know not what you breathe in, and you know not what you breath out. You can never know the extent to which your answer is useful to yourself or others. What you can know is that the supply of inward and outward motion is infinite.

That is why we say to you again and again, my friends, how precious is this moment, how dear is this breath. Feel, in this moment, how beautiful, how profound, is the quality of your love. Feel the devotion that lies beneath the roiled and stormy surface of the everyday. Feel at this moment the truth of the essential self. Feel the beauty of it trembling within you, too precious to express. And then breathe out and know the power of your every intention, thought and expression. Each of you comes to this moment as a point of flame, that flame of spirit that shall renew the face of the Earth. Know your adequacy. Know yourself, and rest between each breath. Rest in the essence of the self. What shall you do with this moment? Do not be self-conscious. Do not begin to analyze the process. It is impossible to unplait the braids of Spirit, and self, and dust, and interrelationship. It is enough to know that all of you and we are one. And in the combination of essences lies discovery, healing, and growth.

Then Q’uo said the nature of Spirit can be seen as a blessing of rain that falls, or it can be seen as that force not only from above but also from below that connects the infinite Creator in its universal expression as infinite energy with very specific tongues of flame that are drawn into our body system and that subtle body system Carla would call the energy system by the nature and the balance within our distorted and innerly-balanced energy system. Q’uo went on to say that as this process occurs, a focus develops within us which is not only unique to us, but it is unique to us in this moment, and each of us becomes transformed as a focused flame of Spirit, and the highest and best within us has found a point of eloquence within the silence of this nexus, and our mirroring capabilities to organize have become lucid so that we become more helpful to each other, and we spark each other so that each becomes more skillful and more inspiring, and this may or may not have anything to do with what is said because it has to do with our essence which is beyond words of any kind, and each of us is an energy, and this energy has taken all of the infinite reaches of our every experience to come into manifestation at this moment so that this moment becomes a gift that we give to each other freely, for we have been renewed, and our creation has been renewed. Q’uo continued by saying that it is not that we cannot do this alone, for we can, but one person is a small group: there is us, and there is Spirit, and the mirroring process is lacking so that we are upon the stormy sea without the buoys that ring us to know where the shore is, where home is, and where the perils may be that may keep us from the shore and from home, so each of us becomes the lighthouse for each other, and when they say that there is value in the distortions that we bemoan when we speak of our failings, they realize that it is difficult for us to understand this, but if we think of the wind chime that makes beautiful music in the wind, and then we think of the effect of the sounds of the buoys that float upon the ocean and warn of peril and sing of home, perhaps we can see what a blessing it is to create harmony of our unique sounds coming together in the harmony of the expressions of love in one sacred space, so can there ever be a disharmony in such a choir of individual bells ringing because of the rocking of the waters of manifestation and the wind of Spirit? Now Q’uo said the word, “inspiration,” is a word that is talking about breath or wind, and when we speak of breath or wind, we are speaking of the Spirit because it is said in our Bible that the wind blows where it will, and no one can bid it, so when our breath goes out of our body and does not return, the Spirit has left our body, and what is left is dust, and we have been raised into manifestation from the dust, and the Spirit has breathed into us, and as we breathe in, we breath in the one infinite Creator, and as we breath out, we breath out that which we have made of that creative inspiration so that in and out is the rhythm of our living, and we do not arrive at a point of stasis in which all has been accomplished, so if each breath in is a question and each out-breath an answer, then the process may be seen never to end so that we know not what we breathe in, and we know not what we breathe out, and we can never know the extent to which our answer is useful to ourself or others, but what we can know is that the supply of inward and outward motion is infinite. Q’uo completed their response by saying that is why they say to us how dear is this breath, so we should feel how beautiful and profound is the quality of our love, and then breathe out and know the power of our every intention, thought and expression because each of us comes to this moment as a point of flame, that flame of Spirit that shall renew the face of the Earth, and it is enough to know that all of us are one, and in the combination of essences lies discovery, healing, and growth. On May 4, 2003, Q’uo spoke of the flame of Spirit that is within us all:

When an effort to serve seems amiss, we simply suggest that the self take a very deep breath, in and out, in and out, and begin coming back from the details of the tangle to the truth that lies beneath the tangled surface of the waves of life. Picture the surface of your life as the choppy waves that seem to crash upon the shore, and know that deep within you, the truth of your being is as the liquid core of the Earth itself: calm water, quiet, deep, powerful, infinite and strong. This is your nature. This is your very essence. You are love. As you allow the surety of this one Thought to pervade your being, feel all concerns drop away leaving only the flame of Spirit, only that Love which created all the worlds that are and all that shall ever be.

We would at this time open this session to further questions. Are there further queries at this time?

V: Q’uo, we have some questions from the group we call the Rangers. One of them is: “Could you comment on this question: If one cannot be a monk of just one thing, can one be a monk of all things?” This question is really about how to deal with the desire to live in a spiritually potent manner without leaving society.

Weare those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We believe that we understand this question and would begin the answer by defining, in some general way, the term, monk. The monk is an entity which has dedicated its life to a discipline which has as its purpose the simplifying and the deepening of the course of a life so that, like a creek that has been brought into one channel, it may be more powerful to express devotion and service. It is entirely possible to be such a dedicated entity with or without the group which has formed itself around one religious system. It means, however, that such an entity must choose the rule of its life for itself, without the aid and, shall we say, the crutch of an established practice, a carefully articulated rule of life.

In light of the preceding discussion of the nature of such a group as this present circle of seeking, it becomes obvious that any rule of life is easier to think about, articulate and explore when there is a group of like-minded entities which creates that sacred space where each is helping each to bring each other home. A group such as the Rangers has indeed the potential for creating such a group without the necessity for being in one place at one time, for the communication system of your internet and e-mail creates another kind of immediacy in which questions common to all can be explored.

The key to being such a dedicated entity, however, lies in the continuing devotion to the development of and the living out of a rule of life. This transforms the everyday into the sacred. In the life of a monk, devotion is expressed by every action, not just those times which are sacred in definition according to some practice, like the gathering for religious services or observances. Every aspect of the life of a monk is offered sacredness by the dedication of the entity to the rule of life of that particular monastic order. In such an entity’s life, cleaning the house is equivalent to cleansing the Spirit of imperfections. Washing the clothing, the body, and the dishes becomes equivalent to dipping one’s seemingly soiled self, in aum and essence, into the transforming water that creates healing and cleanliness within. The preparation of the food necessary to feed the body becomes equivalent to the preparation of the sacrificed and dedicated self to the service of the one infinite Creator. Each thing that is done with the intention of expressing devotion to the one infinite Creator becomes sacred. Thusly, there is nothing in the everyday and ordinary life that is not sacred.

The first Ranger question was: “If one cannot be a monk of just one thing, can one be a monk of all things?” This question is really about how to deal with the desire to live in a spiritually potent manner without leaving society.” Q’uo said they would begin the answer by defining the term monk which is an entity which has dedicated its life to a discipline which has the purpose of simplifying and deepening the course of its life so that it may be more powerful to express devotion and service, and it is possible to be such an entity with or without the group which has formed itself around one religious system, but it means that such an entity must choose the rule of its life for itself without the aid of an established practice or rule of life. Q’uo went on to say in light of the preceding discussion of the nature of such a group as this present circle of seeking, it becomes obvious that any rule of life is easier to explore when there is a group of like-minded entities which creates that sacred space where each is helping each to bring each other home, and a group such as the Rangers has the potential for creating such a group without the necessity for being in one place at one time, for the communication system of our e-mail creates another kind of connection in which questions common to all can be explored. Then Q’uo said the key to being such a dedicated entity lies in the continuing devotion to the living out of a rule of life since this transforms the everyday life into the sacred so that in the life of a monk devotion is expressed by every aspect of the life of a monk that is offered sacredness by the dedication of the entity to the rule of life of that particular monastic order, and in such an entity’s life, cleaning the house is equivalent to cleansing the Spirit of imperfections, and washing the clothing, the body, and the dishes becomes equivalent to dipping one’s seemingly soiled self into the transforming water that creates healing and cleanliness within so that the preparation of food to feed the body becomes equivalent to the preparation of the dedicated self to the service of the one infinite Creator, and each thing that is done with the intention of expressing devotion to the one infinite Creator becomes sacred, so there is nothing in the everyday life that is not sacred. On November 24, 2007, Q’uo described the purpose of the life of a monk:

Once an entity has reached the point where the heart is open and energy is flowing freely, he may then choose to move into the higher chakras. If he wishes to do work in consciousness such as meditation, healing, prayer, or inspirational reading and reflection, he moves very consciously and deliberately into the indigo-ray chakra, the home of faith.

Here, one is always dealing with unseen things. In the indigo ray, one has left the physical body behind. The indigo ray is physically placed at the third eye position at which the Hindu monk will place a red dot, for in the Hindu system of belief there is a great appreciation of this chakra and it is believed by them, as well as us, that it is the gateway, the door, to direct contact with intelligent infinity, or as they would put it, the Creator.

Dwelling in indigo ray, the seeker begins to approach the gateway by the use of silence. It is necessary that the mind be still to a great extent so that the inspiration which is being sought may have room to flow into the chakra body through the violet ray, and then the indigo, and then to be seated in the heart.

Once that connection has been made and there is a downflow of inspiration and information matching the upflow of the Creator’s energy, it is possible to work in consciousness simply by allowing that flow to occur and being aware consciously of that flow. For indeed you are seated in the midst of a beautiful fountain of light when the gateway is open, and inspiration is moving in.

It is within the blessing of that presence that one takes up the work of that beau geste of seeking to know the truth, seeking to feel the insights that only come to a faithful and listening heart.

We welcome further questions upon these points from those known as the Rangers, but shall not attempt to anticipate them.

Is there another query at this time?

V: There are two further queries from the Rangers. One of them asks if Q’uo would comment on any connections between counter-culture movements of various decades such as the 50’s beat generation, the 60’s flower children and the 80’s techno-rave movement?

Weare those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. We would suggest two points of connection among many. The first connection is the one of the Spirit and flesh. In each generation, the yearning for that which is beneath the surface expresses itself in ways both negative and positive in terms of what this instrument would describe as negative or critical expression and positive or radiant expression. The connection between these generational terms and their expressions, both critical and radiant, is the connection of the Spirit within the boundaries of flesh yearning to express that “something more” that is felt, yet often cannot be found, in the everyday.

That quality that is so blessed within the young within incarnation is the quality that sees clearly the hypocrisy and the tomb-like structure of indifference that has been created by those whose hope has fled. And whether it is the critical and dark energy of the beat generation, the transcendent joy of the flower children, or the very mixed darkness and lightness of the techno-rave sorrow and joy, all expressed together, the energy is that of transformation, and this is that which wrenches Spirit into flesh.

Those who are outside of the energy of these movements within the young are distracted, oftentimes, by the collateral images, icons, and accessories, if you will, of such movements. Those who have experienced, from the inside out, these energies, know beyond any doubting the validity and the rightness of the Spirit. And if it must be pulled or tugged or wrenched to appear within flesh then these energies are accepted and even welcomed. It seems as though there is violence involved in such movements. And perhaps we would say that insofar as this may be so, it is due to the violent nature of the wind of Spirit when it is called into a space that has not been prepared as a sacred space. However impure that energy seems, it is a true blessing not only to those who feel it and express it, but to the world which has been changed by its inclusion.

The other aspect that we would point out, in terms of the commonality of these movements, is that they have in common being much more native to and obvious to the nature of those who are awakening as wanderers or as those who are ready to be wanderers; that is, who are ready to graduate from third density into fourth; who are ready to drop the flesh and live in love. In a sense, this is about the release of fear. Love and fear cannot co-exist, and the expression of love is the release of fear. It is the movement from death to larger life.

The second Ranger question was: “One of them asks if Q’uo would comment on any connections between counter-culture movements of various decades such as the 50’s beat generation, the 60’s flower children and the 80’s techno-rave movement?” Q’uo began by saying they would suggest two points of connection, and the first connection is the one of the Spirit and flesh because in each generation, the yearning for that which is beneath the surface expresses itself in ways both negative and positive in terms of what Carla would describe as negative or critical and positive or radiant, and the connection between these terms is the connection of the Spirit within the boundaries of flesh yearning to express that “something more” that is felt, yet often cannot be found, in the everyday life. Q’uo continued by saying that quality that is so blessed within the young is the quality that sees the hypocrisy and the rigid structure of indifference that has been created by those whose hope has fled, and whether it is the critical energy of the beat generation, the joy of the flower children, or the mixed darkness and lightness of the techno-rave sorrow and joy, all have the energy of transformation, and this is that which pulls Spirit into flesh. Q’uo went on to say those who are outside of the energy of these movements within the young are distracted by the secondary images and accessories of such movements, and those who have experienced these energies know the validity of the Spirit, and if it must be pulled to appear within flesh then these energies are welcomed, but it seems as though there is violence in such movements, and we would say that this may be so, and it is due to the violent nature of the wind of Spirit when it is called into a space that has not been prepared as a sacred space, but if that energy seems impure, it is a blessing not only to those who feel it and express it, but to the world which has been changed by its inclusion. Q’uo completed their reply by saying the other aspect that they would point out is that they have in common being more native to those who are awakening as wanderers or who are ready to graduate from third density into fourth, and who are ready to drop the flesh and live in love so that this is about the release of fear because love and fear cannot co-exist, and the expression of love is the release of fear and the movement from death to larger life. On September 3, 2006, Q’uo described the nature of sacred space:

Firstly, it is well, when the outer circumstances of one’s life militate against the outer expression of seeking, to build an ivory tower, shall we say, within one’s heart of hearts that is a safe place in which one may seek the Creator. It is well to keep this place a secret and to cherish it as a treasure deep within one’s hidden treasure house. There is no one to ridicule or disturb that entity who has built for himself a sacred space within.

Once that sacred space has been built according to the precise desires of your heart, then it is available for you to go to, to enter, and to rest. If you are too tired, spiritually and emotionally speaking, to seek further than simply basking in the presence of the Creator then you may rest and be fed, and this is a positive step. Perhaps it is all you may do for a while, but you are gaining in battery strength, shall we say, until you reach a point where your light is able to be switched on, and in that light you are able to see some of the mystery you seek. Even a tiny rune of the great tablet of wisdom and love available to the seeking soul is often enough to recharge the inspiration that has gone lacking for lack of exposure to the process itself.

Is there another query at this time?

V: The third Ranger question is whether you would comment on the architect, LeCorbusier? I suspect he is of wanderer origins and would like to know if it is possible to share why his work manifested through architecture?

We are those of Q’uo, and are aware of your query, my brother. In terms of specifics, it is not possible for us to discuss one entity such as LeCorbusier. However, it is interesting to look into the nature of how creativity works within a life experience. The same creative wind blows for all, and on that wind lie melodies, themes, motifs, and other avenues of intelligent expression of the fire of Spirit. The energies of suffering and learning catch the facets of personality uniquely for each unique entity. And as an entity awakens within incarnation to the truth and beauty of its own being, possibilities open up in this and that way, unique to each entity.

One entity may express creativity by growing a family and helping the young souls within that family to flower. Another entity may hear the call of a certain kind of expression of devotion and become a guardian of truth, an upholder of justice, or an agent of the healing power of human love. All professions call with the song of the muse to those entities whose personalities are shaped so that those structures hold their passion and give them avenues of expression. Every artist catches the wind of Spirit and finds ways to draw images that catch the light and share the vision. Every musician hears those melodies that are drifting from angelic essences embedded within the inner planes and responsive to the winds of the times and the energies of the generation now alive. And so, it is with those who see the value of shape and ratio and wish to create places for the heart and the Spirit to thrive.

Is there another query at this time?


We are those of Q’uo, and since we seem to have exhausted the queries within the circle this day, we would leave you, as we found you, in the love and the light, the peace and the power, of the one infinite Creator. Adonai. Adonai.

This morning I went outside and pumped half of the water out of the fishpond, and then I cleaned the filters for the fountain, put the water lilies back up on their stone pedestals, and put two fertilizer tablets in each of the five water lilies. Then I put the garden hose in the fishpond and began refilling it with fresh water. While the pond was being filled I used my  trimmer to trim back the liriope on the west side of the fishpond, as well as the liriope next to the cross area in the back yard, and the liriope on both sides of the sidewalk in front of my home. When the pond was full of water I added some Aquasafe to neutralize the chlorine in the water, and then I fed some fish food to the fish.

This afternoon I blew the liriope leaves along the sidewalk into a pile and put it into a garbage can. Then I blew the liriope around the fish pond and the area around the cross in the back yard into the surrounding grass.

From A Book of Days, channeled by Carla L. Rueckert:

March 19

Instead Of Judgment

I am of the consciousness of Jesus the Christ, and I greet you in the full consciousness of Love.

The tongue of the pilgrim is often swift to judge the thoughts and actions of the self and others. This is understandable because the pilgrim is greatly concerned with distinguishing true paths from false leads which seem promising at first, yet meander off in unhelpful directions.

However, judgment creates a relationship which is not of the spirit of Love between the one who judges and the one who is judged. Love does not cause such a separation and such a relationship.

And thus, it is that the pilgrim may find himself much confused in attempting to place the moral impulse into logical settings. The Spirit of Christ would offer, instead of judgment, a warm compassion and gentle mercy which acknowledges the infinite mystery of the pilgrim’s heart and the infinite mystery of Christ’s Love.

Seek first compassion and mercy, and by the time these attitudes have furnished the pilgrim with information concerning a situation, the pilgrim may well find that even the impulse to judge has been healed and the pilgrim is at peace, resting in mystery and Love.

Judgment there shall be, but not as the pilgrim may think. For judgment shall be a peaceful thing and no pilgrim shall feel slighted or bruised by the compassionate and merciful judgment of the Creator, who wishes only to bring all things into unity once again, a unity bonded and bounded in Love and peace.

In that happy estate we leave you, now and always.

I said the prayer at the Gaia Meditation tonight:

We come in the name of love and open our hearts, minds, and souls to send love, light, and healing energy to Mother Earth as she brings forth a new Earth in the fourth density. We ask that the infinite love, light, and healing energy of the One Infinite Creator heal the hearts of all souls in pain on Earth tonight. May all souls on Earth feel our love, light, and healing energy in their hearts, their minds, and their souls. Amen.