2021-07-23 – Blogworthy Report

6/19 – 7/23

New Intermediate Channeling Circle transcripts: As we’ve kept up our regular meetings to channel every other week, and the transcription team has gotten into the groove, we have four new transcripts to share with the world:

Ra Contact Unified Index: When we published The Ra Contact: Teaching the Law of One, we created a slim companion booklet called The Unified Index. It contains a comprehensive catalogue of around 590 terms found in the Law of One. It is uniquely designed to enable an in-depth study of this inexhaustible material. 

We are pleased to announce that Tobey Wheelock has integrated the Unified Index into his Lawofone.info. Each and every Q&A is now hyperlinked to its place in the material. Check it out here! https://www.lawofone.info/unified-index.php

Youtube: The project to combine the Ra contact audio with text in video format continues on. Primarily a project of archival importance, there are still a number of viewers who seem to listen to and appreciate each new session as it is published. As painstakingly slow as the audio is, listening to it in real time is not the most effecient way to study the material, but for the student interested in an immersive contact with the experience of the contact, it offers a unique opportunity.


  • New website: Things are looking bright for the new site! Right now we are at the very onset of morning when the night’s darkness begins to give way to the faint, advancing light of a sun that hasn’t yet peaked over the horizon. We conducted and celebrated a big milestone by:
    • Launching beta test: After Daniel installed a feedback widget on the site, we put together a plan, drafted an invite, and pinged a list of beta users! A pre-unveiling of the new site! The feedback that came in was so affirming and encouraging, with many things identified in need of either correction, improvement, or further consideration. Subsequently issued a google forms to collect more intensive feedback. Thank you everyone who participated! And a special thanks to the one known as Ian, LLResearch.org’s original creator and webmaster, who took some time to share his feedback – it was extra special hearing from him on the eve of the new site. The website he built has held on for ~25 years.
    • Meeting with Daniel: Met with Daniel to process all the feedback received via email, widget, and google forms, making decisions about what, when, and whether to implement. There was lots of valuable insight from everyone. Then reviewed the website as a whole and planned for the month-long home stretch.
    • Content additions: There was a point a few months ago where Daniel collected all content from the old archive site to build the new site. Since that time, all updates to the old site have not made it onto the new site, with 60+ individual items and updates accumulating during that period. So now that we’re in the homestretch, we’ve started whittling away at that long list, learning more about the publishing process on Statamic as we go.
    • Ra Contact resources: Finalized a couple remaining resources, including working with Diana F. on the illustrations for the “Healing & Initiation Machine.” Thank you, Diana! And putting together a rough draft of a directory of community-generated resources and places of study for the new site.
  • Languages & Peeps: While our translators are still hard at work, we’ve entered a phase where we will pause publishing new translations to the old archive site and instead only add them to the new site, in order to cut down on workload and redundancy as we approach the launch of the new site. But Horia managed to squeak a few in before the cutoff!
    • Romanian – Horia: Thank you, Horia!
      November 1, 1987 – Sunday Meditation in Romanian
      – January 13, 1991 – Sunday Meditation in Romanian
      – January 6, 1991 – Sunday Meditation in Romanian
    • Italian – Gianluca: Just when the search-and-rescue teams were about to give up, he emerged! Gianluca is alive! We made one final attempt after over a year of outreach to get him back on the line. We were wondering if he would want to transfer the many-liked but completely dormant Italian FB page to the present Italian translator, Mauro. Gianluca came through with flying colors! He transferred ownership of the page, relinquishing all translation involvement right now due to life commitments, and gave us a synopsis of the odyssey of his past year plus, which includes a baby. Thank you and congrats to you and Inla!  
    • Italian – Mauro: As if having recently finished the Italian RC was not enough, we received from Mauro the Italian Law of One books. And if that were not enough, with Gianluca’s support, Mauro re-launched the Italian Facebook page. And if that were not enough, we began some preliminary exploration on the topic of licensing partnership for the Italian language. This entity is a fountain of good energy. Thank you, Mauro!
    • German – K: Over several rounds, dialogued with K., and worked with Jochen, on the novel and interesting question of whether to accept machine-assisted translations for the Transcript Library. After consideration, we determined not to support machine-assisted translation at this time. We consider the messages of the Confederation to be sacred. Not in being “better than” other sources of insight, just to say that it is clear that the Ra Contact and the messages of the Confederation constitute a primary source of inspiration and information of and about the Creator for many human seekers. Thus we feel that the transcripts are best served when firstly appreciated and honored by the living intelligence of a human being from start to finish. Indeed, from Jochen’s and Misha’s lifelong, professional perspectives, the transcripts are “incomparably better” when performed by a human, particularly as the Confederation’s message is replete with very unique jargon and English idioms.
  • Das Gesetz des Einen Verlag: Multiple rounds of working with Jochen, first in just enjoying with him his journey to Berlin and the unfolding likelihood of his relocation there and the launch of a German-language center there for the Confederation philosophy! In over six years of working with Jochen, this is the happiest we’ve seen him. | Also learned that he is working with a Turkish translator on the prospect of a Turkish RC. | And held a long video meeting just today to discuss the possibility of Jochen designing a manual and program for future prospective foreign-language licensees, for which he could serve as a consultant. We’ve given him the green light to go ahead and build the how to manual. Thank you, Jochen!
  • Transcription Crew: Two of the original four found that life pulled them in directions that did not support their volunteer service. So, we reached out to the remaining two to ask if they would be okay tackling with one channeling session per month. Fortunately they said yes, and did not require begging or pleading. Thank you, Suzanna and Wen!
  • Light/Lines Newsletter: We issued the Summer 2021 edition of the Light/Lines Newsletter, containing some brief L/L updates and a channeling session examining Ra’s statement, “Things come not to those positively oriented, but through such beings.” Check out the newsletter on our newsletter archive page, or sign up to receive newsletters on our subscription page.
  • Gatherings Newsletter: We also issued a brief Gatherings Newsletter, giving updates on the channeling meditations, new website, the Community Stewardship Circle, and a new homeschooling initiative from our friends at the Temple of the Open Heart. Though upon writing this blogworthy, we’re just realizing it is not in a form accessible via browser. Oops! You can sign up for future editions on our subscription page.
  • Bring4th and the CSC: Worked with the CSC to revise and refine the guidelines related to health, mental health, and diet, putting the changes into effect. They’re small changed that probably won’t affect discussion much, but they will hopefully reinforce the desire to approach these topics with respect when discussing them on the forums. You can read the announcement here.
  • Seeker Ministry: Though not quantified, it feels like seeker email is gradually growing. Focusing our attention with the intention to be of some help, the three of us may each spend up to half a day or more each week replying to the various emails that arrive from around the world with questions, insights, confusions, and stories.
  • Archetypes Android app: We have been communicating with a talented and motivated mobile app developer, Josh, who has been working on creating a mobile app to help with the study of the archetypes. We’ve been working with him to give small points of feedback and guidance, and the project is coming together nicely. You can check it out on his website.
  • AWH Audiobook Updates: Received word from Julianne that her computer woes may soon be over and the work to edit the AWH audiobook can resume.
  • Archetypes workbook handout: Worked with Joseph Dartez to support the updating of the archetypes workbook he created for a 2014 gathering that we will be sharing in our Archetypes & Tarot resources on the Ra Contact page of the new site.
  • Jim interview with Olga: Got Jim set up with Olga to conduct his first interview using a translator go-between! She hailed from Siberia and from what we can tell of the Russian pages, seems something of a new age lightworker in those parts.
  • Sharing the Confederation’s Message:
    • Created proposal for extending L/L Research’s social media presence to include its first official Instagram account
    • Updated Facebook and Twitter with Confederations quotes, and updated Patreon with L/L news and offerings.
    • Continuing working on producing the Ra Contact YouTube Videos.
    • Processed and shipped book orders to recipients around the world!
    • Continued digitizing channeling tapes
  • Catalyst: Issues of interpersonal friction, organizational politics, and public relations will always be present in any organization or business. With an organization like L/L Research doing spiritual work and service, these issues will always carry a different kind of flavor, since the very foundation of the organization is centered on spiritual principles. We’ve had some difficulties bubble up in this arena lately, asking for our attention in both official and personal capacities. The Law of One offers a framework for meeting these issues that can be both stabilizing and challenging, asking us to approach such challenges with open hearts of love. The main challenge with this is that vague notions of love and acceptance can be incredibly difficult to put into word and action when a situation is mired in deeply tangled interpersonal and organizational energies. The complexity of even small portions of our third-density experience can be astounding and baffling sometimes. Though we may stumble, sometimes gloriously, we always attempt to bring our focus to the heart when meeting these types of challenges. Whether there is healing or not, whether the practical needs of the issue are met successfully or not, catalyst is always generated. And we do our best to recognize that this catalyst like this is not simply a challenge to overcome, but an essential ingredient for our spiritual growth as individuals and as an organization. “Fun” is not a hallmark of these types of experiences, but they are ultimately a boon upon our path, even if they don’t seem that way at the time.
  • Smatterings: Began collecting and editing photos of Jim’s garden for a potential photo album. | Created individual PDFs of all the terms from Adept – Will in A Concept Guide.
  • Nuts ‘n Bolts
    • European Union shipping: In quite unfortunate news, the EU has decided to enforce some pretty strict VAT regulations for shipments coming into EU countries from international sources, which would include shipments from our online store. The new regulations are unfortunately too much overhead and complication for us to implement into our processes, so we have had to cease shipping to the EU completely. We placed proper notice in the associated places on the Online Store and directed seekers to the UK or DE Amazon sites.
    • Stereo system: The stereo system at Jim’s house, used primarily for tuning during the channeling circles, decided to retire its service to our circle. So a new one was sought out and installed, with much improved sound quality, and potential for utilizing a Bluetooth upgrade.
    • CPA: Worked with the CPA on an annual survey required of NPOs.
  • Intermediate Channeling circles: Held a couple channeling circles. However, due to recent catalyst, we repurposed the second channeling circle into a silent meditation, and we doubled the length of the opening round robin in order to process and share together. We found it was quite helpful in coming together and releasing some energies. (As always, these channeling are on our personal time.)


Personal sharing & Announcements:

Asheville Law of One Study Group: Trish and I (Gary) were on a weekend, dog-centric camping trip in Nantahala National Forest of western North Carolina a few weeks ago. Our two pups were stars. As we were 1.5 hours west of Asheville, and as it was a Sunday, the time for their weekly Law of One study group meeting, we made the journey and surprised the study group. It so happened that this week they began on the Kundalini section of A Concept Guide.  (They integrate ACG into every fourth week of their meetings.) It was great to study with them in person and share energies!

Love to our dear friend Steve E. who recently said goodbye to his 96-year old grandmother. After receiving all her family for her birthday in the New England area, she passed while everyone was on their way home. One wonders if she held out long enough to see her family one more time. And love to everyone affected by the terrible flooding in Belgium and Germany.

And a message we shared from our friends in the recent Gatherings Newsletter from our friends in Asheville:

Starseed Homeschooling

The Law of One community in Asheville has birthed a micro-homeschool collective called Starseeds which has been a great success for over a year now. It is a spiritual education for children grounded in the Law of One principles. We are expanding and starting a Teen program (ages 13-18) this coming fall, which will be based here in our village. Who doesn’t wish they were introduced into this culture when they were a teenager?

One of our village members, Karin Petersen, has been exploring boarding a few students in her home to offer them housing to attend our teen program. It would be a cultural immersion into our village life. The Law of One community here, built upon the principles of the positive polarity, has a small village of 5 homes in the Swannanoa River valley outside of Asheville, NC. We share meals and gather regularly. We have woods to roam, gardens to soak up, a river to swim, and 4 children who already live here, 2 of whom are teenagers.

Our purpose is social harmony and raising children in love and light. We have deep commitments to work through conflict, track impact on each other, and do repair. We are learning and growing and making our share of mistakes, and striving nonetheless to move towards a social memory complex.

We want to share our riches, which is our culture. Living with others who are committed to being service to other is magical. Even better, practicing the tools to harmonize is a privilege. 

Do you have any fellow Law of One family who are blessed with teenagers who may be interested in a spiritual education?

Would you be willing to put out the word to your Law of One community and help us find these teenagers who call to us? 

If so, please contact karin@totoh.org for more info. And check out our website, www.totoh.org.

Our hearts warm as we think of each of you. We hope you are nurtured and steeped in the love and light of the Creator!

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