03-18-2014, 03:01 PM
Currently I am experiencing an extreme polarity in my life, marked by a complete loss of debilitating fear, and a truly remarkable and passionate pursuit of what it means to love, pursue truth that I once feared, and embrace responsibility.
This is the account of my life as I recognize it pertaining to the Law of One. My first memory of being alive and consciously observing what I define as reality, at the age of 3-4 years old, was a wonderful and enjoyable encounter with a being that was not human. This encounter happened in my room where at first I thought it was either another child, or my only sibling waking me up and wanting to play in the middle of the night. I was not frightened to discover that this being was neither another child or my sibling, but gave me the same feeling of a "family-member". It would be misleading to say I had a razor sharp image of the entire encounter, as I do not, but what I do remember very vividly was this being very peaceful and loving and without instilling even the slightest hint of fear. The one strange thing I do vividly remember with great clarity, was "playing catch" with this being with a spherical light that I would call a "blue light ball" in laymans terms. This game of "catch" lasted for some time, where we would "think" the blue ball back and forth to each other. This blue light ball moved very slowly, at about 1 foot per second, maybe a little faster, but was directly influenced by our "thoughts" of what would be the most enjoyable experience for this game of catch. I maintain to this day that this is my first memory as a child that I ever remember having.
This encounter was always in my mind throughout childhood, and I of course mentioned it to my parents, which I am sure they chalked up to a childs imagination. I grew up with parents who worked with each other in our family business which at that time was run out of our home. Both my parents are accomplished Veterinarians and I truly had a wonderful childhood with many blessed experiences with animals of all kinds. Until the approximate age of 6-7 I had zero fears and felt totally safe and loved.
The next major memory I have is being very aware that I was floating around my house after falling asleep. I now understand that this is OBE and recognize that almost every night as a pre adolescent child I would experience this and had a pretty fun time with the different abilities this afforded me.
It wasnt until I was around 12 years old that I experienced my first completely life consuming FEAR reaction/full blown silent panic attack. While watching television with my parents, the well know episode of "mystery television" (dont want to break any copyright laws) depicting the "greys" and inferring that they are abducting people and children changed my life. Even though I did not relate my earlier experience with fear, or even a being looking like a "grey", for some reason this brought about a paralyzing fear that would manipulate all facets of my life from early adolescence through August 2013, lasting over 20 years. Starting the same night that episode aired, I would be tortured by both real and imagined contacts that I could no longer even gaze upon.
I NEVER had anything hurtful or even scary happen to me that I did not bring upon/imagine myself, and this severe anxiety never had any foundations in the reality of any experiences I had. I truly was completely petrified only because I was TOLD/TAUGHT I should be responding with fear, and fear even kept me from sharing my story until this exact moment.
I was a dedicated athlete throughout school, always being naturally bigger, stronger, and faster than my peers, which was one of my only outlets I felt gave me some peace as well as positive feedback from family and my community when it brought them positive attention. I would lose myself in exercise, and this also helped exhaust my body so at bedtime the terrifying time between bedtime and actually falling asleep was shortened. Despite this, however, I would sneak into my parents bedroom every night and sleep at the foot of their bed until well into my mid 20's, and I remained, at the minimum, scared of the dark until August of 2013. Despite my best efforts, I could always feel an encounter coming, and as embarrassing as it is, I would BEG and PLEAD for them to either kill me, or "knock me out" when they visited. In many later encounters in my late 20's/early 30's I would regain consciousness/awareness but before opening my eyes, I would demand for them to "knock me out" as the fear would completely consume my entire existence.
As an athlete in college, it was quite embarrassing, but very evident that I could not even watch any science fiction movie about extraterrestrial existence, or even be in earshot of any conversation about their existence without a noticeable fear reaction. This of course became the favorite thing I was teased about; "you can lift 400lbs over your head but little green men bring you to your knees".
There are many other differences and experiences I have had but none that is more profound than this latest complete and total loss of fear as it relates to extraterrestrial life, and in fact a focused effort to explore any and all opportunity to find the truth about everything that ET contact has and will do for all of human life, and what I can do at this point in my adult life to be a better person, and be around good people.
This is the account of my life as I recognize it pertaining to the Law of One. My first memory of being alive and consciously observing what I define as reality, at the age of 3-4 years old, was a wonderful and enjoyable encounter with a being that was not human. This encounter happened in my room where at first I thought it was either another child, or my only sibling waking me up and wanting to play in the middle of the night. I was not frightened to discover that this being was neither another child or my sibling, but gave me the same feeling of a "family-member". It would be misleading to say I had a razor sharp image of the entire encounter, as I do not, but what I do remember very vividly was this being very peaceful and loving and without instilling even the slightest hint of fear. The one strange thing I do vividly remember with great clarity, was "playing catch" with this being with a spherical light that I would call a "blue light ball" in laymans terms. This game of "catch" lasted for some time, where we would "think" the blue ball back and forth to each other. This blue light ball moved very slowly, at about 1 foot per second, maybe a little faster, but was directly influenced by our "thoughts" of what would be the most enjoyable experience for this game of catch. I maintain to this day that this is my first memory as a child that I ever remember having.
This encounter was always in my mind throughout childhood, and I of course mentioned it to my parents, which I am sure they chalked up to a childs imagination. I grew up with parents who worked with each other in our family business which at that time was run out of our home. Both my parents are accomplished Veterinarians and I truly had a wonderful childhood with many blessed experiences with animals of all kinds. Until the approximate age of 6-7 I had zero fears and felt totally safe and loved.
The next major memory I have is being very aware that I was floating around my house after falling asleep. I now understand that this is OBE and recognize that almost every night as a pre adolescent child I would experience this and had a pretty fun time with the different abilities this afforded me.
It wasnt until I was around 12 years old that I experienced my first completely life consuming FEAR reaction/full blown silent panic attack. While watching television with my parents, the well know episode of "mystery television" (dont want to break any copyright laws) depicting the "greys" and inferring that they are abducting people and children changed my life. Even though I did not relate my earlier experience with fear, or even a being looking like a "grey", for some reason this brought about a paralyzing fear that would manipulate all facets of my life from early adolescence through August 2013, lasting over 20 years. Starting the same night that episode aired, I would be tortured by both real and imagined contacts that I could no longer even gaze upon.
I NEVER had anything hurtful or even scary happen to me that I did not bring upon/imagine myself, and this severe anxiety never had any foundations in the reality of any experiences I had. I truly was completely petrified only because I was TOLD/TAUGHT I should be responding with fear, and fear even kept me from sharing my story until this exact moment.
I was a dedicated athlete throughout school, always being naturally bigger, stronger, and faster than my peers, which was one of my only outlets I felt gave me some peace as well as positive feedback from family and my community when it brought them positive attention. I would lose myself in exercise, and this also helped exhaust my body so at bedtime the terrifying time between bedtime and actually falling asleep was shortened. Despite this, however, I would sneak into my parents bedroom every night and sleep at the foot of their bed until well into my mid 20's, and I remained, at the minimum, scared of the dark until August of 2013. Despite my best efforts, I could always feel an encounter coming, and as embarrassing as it is, I would BEG and PLEAD for them to either kill me, or "knock me out" when they visited. In many later encounters in my late 20's/early 30's I would regain consciousness/awareness but before opening my eyes, I would demand for them to "knock me out" as the fear would completely consume my entire existence.
As an athlete in college, it was quite embarrassing, but very evident that I could not even watch any science fiction movie about extraterrestrial existence, or even be in earshot of any conversation about their existence without a noticeable fear reaction. This of course became the favorite thing I was teased about; "you can lift 400lbs over your head but little green men bring you to your knees".
There are many other differences and experiences I have had but none that is more profound than this latest complete and total loss of fear as it relates to extraterrestrial life, and in fact a focused effort to explore any and all opportunity to find the truth about everything that ET contact has and will do for all of human life, and what I can do at this point in my adult life to be a better person, and be around good people.