Hello, my names Michael and i am just wondering the point of view all of you have on our current worlds situation and what we should do about it. I am a very open minded person who is also very positive and i am against what i feel is evil. Remember i just want what all you think about this.. I have previously said that every human on this earth is capable of the most sinister evil things imaginable and we are also all capeable of the most righteous good things so if we give some one power it is UP TO US to only giver the good positive ones the power.
So now that i layed down that law of common knowledge id like to say this, as humans together we have choosen leaders, some chose themselvs to be leaders but thats not the point..my point is :the current health of planet eath is bad, rainforrests are being destroyed and our pacific ocean is being filled with extremly radioactive waste killiling ocean life and i am almost sure it will effect our seafood on the west coast eventually, so many nuclear experements have happend that we are tossing around the idea of a nuclear ww3 which could potentially end life as we know it, we have had many many wars over what? power. money.greed.and sometimes religion, the world banks are so twisted in the head, and power and money sick that when a war comes around they do not discourage it in fact they love it! now i would never say that if it were not for the reason that the world banks will loan money to both sides of the war to buy stuff to kill eachother with, and they do this with high interest and it makes me sick how these freaks benifit from death and suffering which all is in war.
Children..alot of cute little innocent children DIE every day because of heart disease in africa and guess what..we have the cure but because these little children do not have an ammount of a paper weird form of currency created by 'the ones who set things up" they end up dead. The same goes for starvation. The children starving to death could be saved if they had an ammount of this sick weird peice of paper(money) but they dont have this little paper so innocent kids starve.People i am telling u, u and i did not set the world up like this! and it does not have to work like this!!! we all deserve to be free and martial law threatens to push us in to a totalitarian police country which we are about to be in the usa, our freedom and free will are so important i feel this from the aliens like they know this as well, because with no free will u are no longer urself u can be made to ccommit evil acts so free will is what makes u have the option to live good and be who u are but we are slowly loosing all our rights and freedoms.
now i ask u why do we stupidly stupidly let our world continue on this path that was made by OUR WORLD LEADERS or whoever the hell is making the desicions, really it isnt even the world leaders any more what it is is this:what do u need to effect how the world works? POWER and right now i have been born into this freak way of life with evil all around and i have realized money=complete and udder power. this is true so whoever has the most money right now obviously doesnt give a s*** about me or u they only care about themselvs and power. My opinion is that if even a 16 year old can see all this curroption and mass minipulation that it is time to change. The older people who have a little bit of power to change things are to stuck in their brainwashed ways of ah money need money to survive and ah yeah war death starvation is totally normal and im gonna sit by and do nothing, yes those people are stuck in these ways! i am telling u now they r idiots and they need to listen!!! why do we go on living where rich and poor still exsists and the way the rich are living and the way the poor are living the difference is sick. If you take a step back and say pretend ur an alien looking down and see how the richest is living and how the most poor is living they would say there is corruption and these people think they have equality but they are not living equal the rich get it better un equal compared to what the poor get.
now here is the other thing if we all choose to keep this idodic system we have of paper currency and debt pretty much u die if u dont have money, let us AT LEAST look at who we have given the ultimate power "money" mainly power though, and say ok we must evaluate this extreemly powerful person and currently if we did that most of the powerfull do not think how u or i do about equality or peace i mean some of those freaks benifit from war and like it!!! so why??? thats what i ask whyy do we allow evil to hold the power! you are all to scared or stupid to realize this. its is literally digging our own races grave by giving evil or greedy people unimaginable amounts of power. and i know how it happend. it was not as bad as it is now when we started setting up how the world functions but now generations have gone by and we are so used to this no 1 thinks of change and we are used to hearing about war starvation as it is getting worse and worse and in doing such we have lost control of our leaders and people with power they make the big desicions, now how could we stop the evil ones with power they are rich enough to have drones fly above us using infared and kill us if they like, yes the same ones who benifit fronm war have the power to get a little army of drones and come kill who they would like, now sure some people ignore this truth but i am saying why give that option and power to a person who uses power for greed and self benifit mainly. Iam only 16 and i can tell you this whoever is in the stars looking down apon us would NEVER choose to live how we are because it is evil. War is so stupid that evan a young person like me can come out and say to the human race what is wrong with all of us why do we live like this with war and destroying our planet etc. the awnser is the ones who have the power to change the world do not want to.
what would happen if i found a source of free energy? well the owners of the gas stations would go bankrupt with the oil owners and that is the last thing they want so when i go to get the new technology out there because we have given power to evil people i have the risk of being killed to stop me from rreleasing the technology because the big companys are scared to go bankrupt but thats another subject, pretty much what i am saying is i feel we r living wrong and i feel we all shoulkd change it! the ones with good hearts at least..but i am scared the ones with power have become to powerful for us to change how they made things.
so that leaves me with this miind set of ok whatever, there is nothing i can do so i am just going to live very good at heart and positive with the good side of the force and whatever happens happens, but i dont know should i live like this or can we actually change it all? oh and i hear rumors of a new world order the same thing applies who ever is the leader of the new world order think of how bad it would be if we let that personhave pure greed and benifit to self mindset make me the world leader ill sure as hell make some changes for the good haha i really would but im just messing around, and please most people who get informed on what i just said are to dam scared to take it seriously because they are to dam scared to accept it and thats the truth so let me know your opinions please. thanks !
So now that i layed down that law of common knowledge id like to say this, as humans together we have choosen leaders, some chose themselvs to be leaders but thats not the point..my point is :the current health of planet eath is bad, rainforrests are being destroyed and our pacific ocean is being filled with extremly radioactive waste killiling ocean life and i am almost sure it will effect our seafood on the west coast eventually, so many nuclear experements have happend that we are tossing around the idea of a nuclear ww3 which could potentially end life as we know it, we have had many many wars over what? power. money.greed.and sometimes religion, the world banks are so twisted in the head, and power and money sick that when a war comes around they do not discourage it in fact they love it! now i would never say that if it were not for the reason that the world banks will loan money to both sides of the war to buy stuff to kill eachother with, and they do this with high interest and it makes me sick how these freaks benifit from death and suffering which all is in war.
Children..alot of cute little innocent children DIE every day because of heart disease in africa and guess what..we have the cure but because these little children do not have an ammount of a paper weird form of currency created by 'the ones who set things up" they end up dead. The same goes for starvation. The children starving to death could be saved if they had an ammount of this sick weird peice of paper(money) but they dont have this little paper so innocent kids starve.People i am telling u, u and i did not set the world up like this! and it does not have to work like this!!! we all deserve to be free and martial law threatens to push us in to a totalitarian police country which we are about to be in the usa, our freedom and free will are so important i feel this from the aliens like they know this as well, because with no free will u are no longer urself u can be made to ccommit evil acts so free will is what makes u have the option to live good and be who u are but we are slowly loosing all our rights and freedoms.
now i ask u why do we stupidly stupidly let our world continue on this path that was made by OUR WORLD LEADERS or whoever the hell is making the desicions, really it isnt even the world leaders any more what it is is this:what do u need to effect how the world works? POWER and right now i have been born into this freak way of life with evil all around and i have realized money=complete and udder power. this is true so whoever has the most money right now obviously doesnt give a s*** about me or u they only care about themselvs and power. My opinion is that if even a 16 year old can see all this curroption and mass minipulation that it is time to change. The older people who have a little bit of power to change things are to stuck in their brainwashed ways of ah money need money to survive and ah yeah war death starvation is totally normal and im gonna sit by and do nothing, yes those people are stuck in these ways! i am telling u now they r idiots and they need to listen!!! why do we go on living where rich and poor still exsists and the way the rich are living and the way the poor are living the difference is sick. If you take a step back and say pretend ur an alien looking down and see how the richest is living and how the most poor is living they would say there is corruption and these people think they have equality but they are not living equal the rich get it better un equal compared to what the poor get.
now here is the other thing if we all choose to keep this idodic system we have of paper currency and debt pretty much u die if u dont have money, let us AT LEAST look at who we have given the ultimate power "money" mainly power though, and say ok we must evaluate this extreemly powerful person and currently if we did that most of the powerfull do not think how u or i do about equality or peace i mean some of those freaks benifit from war and like it!!! so why??? thats what i ask whyy do we allow evil to hold the power! you are all to scared or stupid to realize this. its is literally digging our own races grave by giving evil or greedy people unimaginable amounts of power. and i know how it happend. it was not as bad as it is now when we started setting up how the world functions but now generations have gone by and we are so used to this no 1 thinks of change and we are used to hearing about war starvation as it is getting worse and worse and in doing such we have lost control of our leaders and people with power they make the big desicions, now how could we stop the evil ones with power they are rich enough to have drones fly above us using infared and kill us if they like, yes the same ones who benifit fronm war have the power to get a little army of drones and come kill who they would like, now sure some people ignore this truth but i am saying why give that option and power to a person who uses power for greed and self benifit mainly. Iam only 16 and i can tell you this whoever is in the stars looking down apon us would NEVER choose to live how we are because it is evil. War is so stupid that evan a young person like me can come out and say to the human race what is wrong with all of us why do we live like this with war and destroying our planet etc. the awnser is the ones who have the power to change the world do not want to.
what would happen if i found a source of free energy? well the owners of the gas stations would go bankrupt with the oil owners and that is the last thing they want so when i go to get the new technology out there because we have given power to evil people i have the risk of being killed to stop me from rreleasing the technology because the big companys are scared to go bankrupt but thats another subject, pretty much what i am saying is i feel we r living wrong and i feel we all shoulkd change it! the ones with good hearts at least..but i am scared the ones with power have become to powerful for us to change how they made things.
so that leaves me with this miind set of ok whatever, there is nothing i can do so i am just going to live very good at heart and positive with the good side of the force and whatever happens happens, but i dont know should i live like this or can we actually change it all? oh and i hear rumors of a new world order the same thing applies who ever is the leader of the new world order think of how bad it would be if we let that personhave pure greed and benifit to self mindset make me the world leader ill sure as hell make some changes for the good haha i really would but im just messing around, and please most people who get informed on what i just said are to dam scared to take it seriously because they are to dam scared to accept it and thats the truth so let me know your opinions please. thanks !