Quote:Questioner: I assume that the reason that the rituals that have been used previously are of effect is that these words have built a bias in consciousness of those who have worked in these areas so that those who are of a distortion of mind that we seek will respond to imprint in consciousness of this series of words. Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is, to a great extent, correct. The exception is the sounding of some of what you call your Hebrew and some of what you call you Sanskrit vowels. These sound vibration complexes have power before time and space and represent configurations of light which built all that there is.
Questioner: Why do these sounds have this property?
Ra: I am Ra. The correspondence in vibratory complex is mathematical. At this time we have enough transferred energy for one full query.
Questioner: How did the users of these sounds, Sanskrit and Hebrew,determine what these sounds were?
Ra: I am Ra. In the case of the Hebrew that entity known as Yahweh aided this knowledge through impression upon the material of genetic coding which became language, as you call it. In the case of Sanskrit the sound vibrations are pure due to the lack of previous, what you call, alphabet or letter-naming. Thus the sound vibration complexes seemed to fall into place as from the Logos. This was a more, shall we say, natural or unaided situation or process. We would at this time make note of the incident in the previous working where our contact was incorrectly placed for a short period and was then corrected. In the exercise of the fire you may see the initial spiral clockwise from the green-ray energy center, through the shoulders and head, then through the elbows, then to the left hand.
I recently have been studying the bhagavad gita and hanging out with some krshna devotees. bhakti yoga is the study and practice of devotional service. service to the creator and service to others. I highly recommend any wanderers who believe themselves here to serve to check into the practices.
i must say, after doing their mantras for a while, the realizations and synchronicities have been coming to me very rapidly!
it is said that the creator is present within his name. in hebrew we might observe the vibrations of yahweh, adonai, ahih, and agla
the movement taking place at iskcon temples, puts more emphasis into performing 1 mantra, over all other practices that are recommended. most of us have already heard
hare krshna hare krshna krshna krshna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
the meaning of this mantra, is to say in a pure language that you are asking the energy of the creator to be with you. it is said to reach this channel, it must first come from the bottom of the heart. 'like a baby crying out to its mother' there are many other great mantras in the sanskrit vedas and i have only began to scrape the ice in my understanding.
is there anyone here that studies the kabbalah or sanskrit vibrations that would like to share more information?
"We would leave you now, my friends, in the love and in the light of the one infinite Creator. Go forth, then, glorying and rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the one infinite Creator. Adonai"
to me it would seem in the like Ra is telling us to chant, dance, whatever expression helps you glorify and rejoice in the creation! so i say, hare krshna!