09-19-2012, 01:34 AM
This is a bit of a lengthy narrative of my journey with spirituality up to this point. It's not very dramatic or captivating, but I felt and urge to write it, so here it is.
The first half of my life so far was spent in relative isolation in the desert, outside of a small town in New Mexico. I was raised with very little spiritual influence. Religion was not something talked about much at school or among peers, and my parents did not practice religion at all. However, my mom did get into some New Age/Native American Warrior and Medicine stuff when I was very young, and led a pretty spiritual life. She was always careful not to push her beliefs on to my brother and me, and encouraged us to explore and believe whatever she wanted.
However, she would talk a lot about her beliefs and experiences. Being young, I didn't understand much of what she said, but there was one particular thing she said that stuck: when I was around 6 or 7 years old, she mentioned people “channeling beings from other places, like Ra, Michael, and Seth.” Even at the young age, this concept captivated me. Being so young, I struggled to ask the right questions, and had no real context for understanding what she was talking about, but nevertheless, it stuck. Specifically the part about Ra. My entire life, I wondered what she was talking about. Ra was stuck in my mind. Every so often, throughout my entire life, I would try to look up what she was talking about without having any real clue or context. Any searches for Ra in encyclopedias or online only rendered information about an Egyptian deity, never leading to answers. I didn't relate this to spirituality in any real sense...yet it never left my mind.
Rough catalyst eventually separated my mom from her spirituality and relocated us to an urban area of North Carolina when I was around 12 years old. This was a pretty big culture shock for me, as not only was I raised in a completely different environment, but I lacked any real spiritual grounding. I learned very quickly that the fact I did not attend church made me an outcast among the children of the Bible Belt. I was bullied and ridiculed for being both socially awkward and without Christian beliefs. This caused a lot of pain, and I began to resent the Christians who belittled me every day. In a critical developmental time in my life, I began to build a framework of belief based around a reaction to this pain. I established myself as a staunch atheist, or even further, an anti-theist. I resented religion and spirituality in most every form. I held tight to the belief that any sort of spiritual or religious belief was trickery and exploitation of human insecurity, and that it created narrow-minded lemmings who were coerced into being controlled by a fear of death. I was never a crusading atheist, but I resented spirituality. I claimed to be a true skeptic, though it was probably more true that I was a “debunker,” or cynic.
Growing up out of my socially awkward phase and pulling myself out of the depression caused by the bullying, through the end of my high school years and some time after, I became a pretty happy person. I found meaning in life, marveled and the beauty of nature, and refined a sense of compassion, though these things did not register as “spiritual” to me. I was comfortable with the idea of temporary life resulting from random inexplicable chaos, no real meaning, just existence.
My life delivered me to a very comfortable situation. I was able to secure a job making substantial money working part-time hours, living with my best of friends, no school, no cares, no obligations...just a lot of free time and fun to be had. Of course, with all this free time, I had a lot of time to think. Having no real spiritual or philosophical experience or basis, thinking never got me far, until I started star-gazing.
I would lay on the hood of my car and just stare into infinity for hours, days, weeks, months, years. The longer I did this, the more I sensed that there was a reciprocal depth inside of me equal to the infinity which I gazed upon. I felt it penetrate deep inside of me. Eventually, this cultivated a concept to grasp which could propel me into actual significant thought: infinity.
As I danced with the idea of infinity, I touched on concepts that once seemed insignificant and now seemed incredibly significant. Awareness, consciousness, DNA, the experience and recognition of beauty...particularly the idea of consciousness being an attainable state through evolution within the infinite possibility of our universe. These concepts started to move me in a way I had never experienced, yet still I did not relate any of this to spirituality. Spirituality was still just trickery to me, and I avoided spiritual information loyally.
In true synchronicity, a person was attracted into my life who chose to openly discuss these very concepts around me. I would listen to him talk about these very topics without joining the conversation, just listening. A lot of what he talked about seemed bogus, but I could tell he was aware of that. Then one day he said something that I could not ignore. It was a reference to a Bill Hicks quote, and went something like, “Do you ever think that the universe is a conscious being, experiencing itself through us subjectively?” This kept me up all night. The next time I saw him, I engaged him in conversation, and we stumbled through these cursory philosophical ideas for a while without gaining any real ground.
The was a significant breaking point for me when he came over to my house one day excited about a news story he just saw about UFO's. I didn't really care about UFO's, I figured any sightings were hoaxes or people exaggerating regular aircraft sightings. I was at a point where it would probably take a NASA astronaut to convince me that there was an inkling of legitimacy behind the UFO phenomenon. That is exactly what he showed me. My jaw gradually dropped as we stumbled upon video after video of military personnel, government officials, politicians, astronauts and pilots all discussing personal experiences with UFO's...some of them in reality-shattering detail. I had no clue why this was so significant for me, but I felt the connection between our philosophical discussions and UFO's. I felt somewhat in a state of shock. Before then I could not remember a particular event shattering my reality like this. The implications of this information for me seemed huge, yet I didn't understand at all.
It was not long afterward that he showed up to my house again with yet another video he was excited to show me. It was a David Wilcock video discussing concepts which “resonated” strongly for me, but the one piece of information that flew out at me was his mention of the Ra material and the Law of One. A gong sounded in my head. There it was. Whatever this was...”Ra,” this obscure, intangible, unrelatable concept which never left my mind and haunted me my entire life...it smacked me in the face. I knew that I had to go home and ask my mom about it.
So I did just that, and my mom took me to their storage room full of boxes, pulled down a box full of books among 30 other boxes full of books, opened it up, and sitting right there on top in the first box we looked in were the first four books of the Ra material. I felt the fire burning inside of me, as if I were on to something major, yet they seemed so alien to me. I read the back of Book 1 and scoffed, I flipped through the introduction, looking at all of the pictures, and almost put the books away for good, thinking this was some weird cultish New Age crap. But that night I started reading, and was captivated by the words. I felt such a strong resonance inside of me that I felt like I was on fire. There was some obvious power behind what I was reading. I got about halfway through Book 1 that night before I closed it, put it down, and thought “I am being tricked. This is no different from any other spiritual information, just playing on insecurities and hopes of mindless drones. I mean, come on...Infinite Creator? Love and light? BS.”
I wasn't able to dismiss it as easily as I wished. I could not get this material out of my mind...everything I had experienced up to that point, from staring at stars, to dipping my toes into philosophy, to learning about UFO's; I knew it was all connected, but I tried to deny it. So I decided I was going to be a loyal skeptic. I would not simply dismiss this based on previous bias. If I was going to judge the quality and reliability of this material, I was going to have to dedicate myself to learning about it. I was going to have to grasp where it came from. I was going to have to completely explore the method of its inception. The only way I was going to be able to satisfy my skeptical mind was to learn how to channel myself.
This happened around 3 years ago.
The next era of my life is what I suppose most people would consider my “awakening.” I read the rest of the Ra material and set out on a journey to absorb and understand every bit of channeled information I could find. On top of this, I established a dedicated meditation routine along with frequent balancing per Ra's exercise, which is the information in the material which stuck with me the most the first time through. I explored other New Age concepts, read a few books about meditation, spiritual philosophy, Buddhism, but a huge part of my time was spent researching channeling and channeled material. My ultimate goal was to channel, but before I was going to take even the first step I wanted to have a solid basis for understanding what channeling was.
Obviously, in spending so much time with channeled material, I was introduced to a massive amount of spiritual information, some gold, some crap...it took some time to figure out which was which. In meditation, balancing, and study, I was able to reach relative balance, purge conditioned thought-forms, realize and break old habits, and transmute much of my old way of thinking into a more spiritually aligned configuration. I decided to release my old inhibitions around spirituality and figured I could consider myself spiritual, but I was still skeptical and took everything I experienced and encountered with a grain of salt. Still, this was a massive period of growth for me. I still had massive amounts of free time, and I spent almost all of it in meditation and spiritual study. As I absorbed this information, integrated catalyst, and meditated routinely, I could recognize an obvious shift in my awareness and perception of reality. The idea that “All is One” was actually starting to gain some traction in the framework of my philosophy.
Around this time I experienced a massive amount of paranormal phenomena, from UFO sightings, altered states, an “abduction experience,” strange sightings, and many types of experiences that I simply have no context to relate them to. These all helped me to release my previous notions of what reality and consciousness is and become flexible in my beliefs.
Channeling became a reality for me once I found a book called “Opening to Channel.” Around the same time I found this book, two of my roommates started to down their own unique spiritual paths. One was a devout Christian who felt like it was her mission at that point in her life to help me in whatever I was going through, and the other was what I would consider the epitome of a Wanderer. I talked to both of them about channeling a bit, and they both decided that they would like to explore the idea. Neither of them really had any experience with New Age concepts, the Ra material, or any channeling information at all. We practiced the exercises in “Opening to Channel” routinely and spent time meditating together and “calling.”
I won't go into a lot of detail about what we experienced during these times. We had a lot of success with making contact with outer sources, and the experience was almost as significant for me as when I stumbled upon the information about UFO's. While I was able to experience a channeling state myself, I realized at this point that the state could simply be a type of self-induced hypnosis where the subconscious mind flow freely. Luckily, the girl was extremely receptive to contact and had basically no knowledge of these concepts I had previously been exploring. What she offered me was a control for this experiment. Her success in relaying concepts she shouldn't know about was tremendous. I went through the motions of what I considered a skeptical approach, asking vague questions, making false suggestions (I figured, if it was simply hypnosis, suggestion would stick most of the time...which it never did), and attempting false flags. Despite these attempts, she clearly and sharply communicated information which, as far as I knew, she should not have known.
The channeling circle did not last long as the negative attraction proved too difficult for us to handle as a group, but I didn't care. I got into channeling to attempt to satisfy my skeptical side, which had been done by that point.
The story from that point contains little detail. My paranormal experiences have slowed down significantly; I still continue to study channeling and try to understand what happens during this state; I have refined my meditation and balancing exercises to a more ritualistic and crystallized approach; I focus less on exploring spiritual information and more on experiencing. I do still channel for various reasons, but I use the experience differently than most.
However, the Ra material remains the cornerstone of my spiritual framework. No information or experience I have encountered has offered more to me in the way of tools, information, and utility as this material. It seems obvious to me that this material has called to me my entire life. It never left my mind for a reason, and when I was ready to encounter and explore these concepts, it found me, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Thanks for reading.
The first half of my life so far was spent in relative isolation in the desert, outside of a small town in New Mexico. I was raised with very little spiritual influence. Religion was not something talked about much at school or among peers, and my parents did not practice religion at all. However, my mom did get into some New Age/Native American Warrior and Medicine stuff when I was very young, and led a pretty spiritual life. She was always careful not to push her beliefs on to my brother and me, and encouraged us to explore and believe whatever she wanted.
However, she would talk a lot about her beliefs and experiences. Being young, I didn't understand much of what she said, but there was one particular thing she said that stuck: when I was around 6 or 7 years old, she mentioned people “channeling beings from other places, like Ra, Michael, and Seth.” Even at the young age, this concept captivated me. Being so young, I struggled to ask the right questions, and had no real context for understanding what she was talking about, but nevertheless, it stuck. Specifically the part about Ra. My entire life, I wondered what she was talking about. Ra was stuck in my mind. Every so often, throughout my entire life, I would try to look up what she was talking about without having any real clue or context. Any searches for Ra in encyclopedias or online only rendered information about an Egyptian deity, never leading to answers. I didn't relate this to spirituality in any real sense...yet it never left my mind.
Rough catalyst eventually separated my mom from her spirituality and relocated us to an urban area of North Carolina when I was around 12 years old. This was a pretty big culture shock for me, as not only was I raised in a completely different environment, but I lacked any real spiritual grounding. I learned very quickly that the fact I did not attend church made me an outcast among the children of the Bible Belt. I was bullied and ridiculed for being both socially awkward and without Christian beliefs. This caused a lot of pain, and I began to resent the Christians who belittled me every day. In a critical developmental time in my life, I began to build a framework of belief based around a reaction to this pain. I established myself as a staunch atheist, or even further, an anti-theist. I resented religion and spirituality in most every form. I held tight to the belief that any sort of spiritual or religious belief was trickery and exploitation of human insecurity, and that it created narrow-minded lemmings who were coerced into being controlled by a fear of death. I was never a crusading atheist, but I resented spirituality. I claimed to be a true skeptic, though it was probably more true that I was a “debunker,” or cynic.
Growing up out of my socially awkward phase and pulling myself out of the depression caused by the bullying, through the end of my high school years and some time after, I became a pretty happy person. I found meaning in life, marveled and the beauty of nature, and refined a sense of compassion, though these things did not register as “spiritual” to me. I was comfortable with the idea of temporary life resulting from random inexplicable chaos, no real meaning, just existence.
My life delivered me to a very comfortable situation. I was able to secure a job making substantial money working part-time hours, living with my best of friends, no school, no cares, no obligations...just a lot of free time and fun to be had. Of course, with all this free time, I had a lot of time to think. Having no real spiritual or philosophical experience or basis, thinking never got me far, until I started star-gazing.
I would lay on the hood of my car and just stare into infinity for hours, days, weeks, months, years. The longer I did this, the more I sensed that there was a reciprocal depth inside of me equal to the infinity which I gazed upon. I felt it penetrate deep inside of me. Eventually, this cultivated a concept to grasp which could propel me into actual significant thought: infinity.
As I danced with the idea of infinity, I touched on concepts that once seemed insignificant and now seemed incredibly significant. Awareness, consciousness, DNA, the experience and recognition of beauty...particularly the idea of consciousness being an attainable state through evolution within the infinite possibility of our universe. These concepts started to move me in a way I had never experienced, yet still I did not relate any of this to spirituality. Spirituality was still just trickery to me, and I avoided spiritual information loyally.
In true synchronicity, a person was attracted into my life who chose to openly discuss these very concepts around me. I would listen to him talk about these very topics without joining the conversation, just listening. A lot of what he talked about seemed bogus, but I could tell he was aware of that. Then one day he said something that I could not ignore. It was a reference to a Bill Hicks quote, and went something like, “Do you ever think that the universe is a conscious being, experiencing itself through us subjectively?” This kept me up all night. The next time I saw him, I engaged him in conversation, and we stumbled through these cursory philosophical ideas for a while without gaining any real ground.
The was a significant breaking point for me when he came over to my house one day excited about a news story he just saw about UFO's. I didn't really care about UFO's, I figured any sightings were hoaxes or people exaggerating regular aircraft sightings. I was at a point where it would probably take a NASA astronaut to convince me that there was an inkling of legitimacy behind the UFO phenomenon. That is exactly what he showed me. My jaw gradually dropped as we stumbled upon video after video of military personnel, government officials, politicians, astronauts and pilots all discussing personal experiences with UFO's...some of them in reality-shattering detail. I had no clue why this was so significant for me, but I felt the connection between our philosophical discussions and UFO's. I felt somewhat in a state of shock. Before then I could not remember a particular event shattering my reality like this. The implications of this information for me seemed huge, yet I didn't understand at all.
It was not long afterward that he showed up to my house again with yet another video he was excited to show me. It was a David Wilcock video discussing concepts which “resonated” strongly for me, but the one piece of information that flew out at me was his mention of the Ra material and the Law of One. A gong sounded in my head. There it was. Whatever this was...”Ra,” this obscure, intangible, unrelatable concept which never left my mind and haunted me my entire life...it smacked me in the face. I knew that I had to go home and ask my mom about it.
So I did just that, and my mom took me to their storage room full of boxes, pulled down a box full of books among 30 other boxes full of books, opened it up, and sitting right there on top in the first box we looked in were the first four books of the Ra material. I felt the fire burning inside of me, as if I were on to something major, yet they seemed so alien to me. I read the back of Book 1 and scoffed, I flipped through the introduction, looking at all of the pictures, and almost put the books away for good, thinking this was some weird cultish New Age crap. But that night I started reading, and was captivated by the words. I felt such a strong resonance inside of me that I felt like I was on fire. There was some obvious power behind what I was reading. I got about halfway through Book 1 that night before I closed it, put it down, and thought “I am being tricked. This is no different from any other spiritual information, just playing on insecurities and hopes of mindless drones. I mean, come on...Infinite Creator? Love and light? BS.”
I wasn't able to dismiss it as easily as I wished. I could not get this material out of my mind...everything I had experienced up to that point, from staring at stars, to dipping my toes into philosophy, to learning about UFO's; I knew it was all connected, but I tried to deny it. So I decided I was going to be a loyal skeptic. I would not simply dismiss this based on previous bias. If I was going to judge the quality and reliability of this material, I was going to have to dedicate myself to learning about it. I was going to have to grasp where it came from. I was going to have to completely explore the method of its inception. The only way I was going to be able to satisfy my skeptical mind was to learn how to channel myself.
This happened around 3 years ago.
The next era of my life is what I suppose most people would consider my “awakening.” I read the rest of the Ra material and set out on a journey to absorb and understand every bit of channeled information I could find. On top of this, I established a dedicated meditation routine along with frequent balancing per Ra's exercise, which is the information in the material which stuck with me the most the first time through. I explored other New Age concepts, read a few books about meditation, spiritual philosophy, Buddhism, but a huge part of my time was spent researching channeling and channeled material. My ultimate goal was to channel, but before I was going to take even the first step I wanted to have a solid basis for understanding what channeling was.
Obviously, in spending so much time with channeled material, I was introduced to a massive amount of spiritual information, some gold, some crap...it took some time to figure out which was which. In meditation, balancing, and study, I was able to reach relative balance, purge conditioned thought-forms, realize and break old habits, and transmute much of my old way of thinking into a more spiritually aligned configuration. I decided to release my old inhibitions around spirituality and figured I could consider myself spiritual, but I was still skeptical and took everything I experienced and encountered with a grain of salt. Still, this was a massive period of growth for me. I still had massive amounts of free time, and I spent almost all of it in meditation and spiritual study. As I absorbed this information, integrated catalyst, and meditated routinely, I could recognize an obvious shift in my awareness and perception of reality. The idea that “All is One” was actually starting to gain some traction in the framework of my philosophy.
Around this time I experienced a massive amount of paranormal phenomena, from UFO sightings, altered states, an “abduction experience,” strange sightings, and many types of experiences that I simply have no context to relate them to. These all helped me to release my previous notions of what reality and consciousness is and become flexible in my beliefs.
Channeling became a reality for me once I found a book called “Opening to Channel.” Around the same time I found this book, two of my roommates started to down their own unique spiritual paths. One was a devout Christian who felt like it was her mission at that point in her life to help me in whatever I was going through, and the other was what I would consider the epitome of a Wanderer. I talked to both of them about channeling a bit, and they both decided that they would like to explore the idea. Neither of them really had any experience with New Age concepts, the Ra material, or any channeling information at all. We practiced the exercises in “Opening to Channel” routinely and spent time meditating together and “calling.”
I won't go into a lot of detail about what we experienced during these times. We had a lot of success with making contact with outer sources, and the experience was almost as significant for me as when I stumbled upon the information about UFO's. While I was able to experience a channeling state myself, I realized at this point that the state could simply be a type of self-induced hypnosis where the subconscious mind flow freely. Luckily, the girl was extremely receptive to contact and had basically no knowledge of these concepts I had previously been exploring. What she offered me was a control for this experiment. Her success in relaying concepts she shouldn't know about was tremendous. I went through the motions of what I considered a skeptical approach, asking vague questions, making false suggestions (I figured, if it was simply hypnosis, suggestion would stick most of the time...which it never did), and attempting false flags. Despite these attempts, she clearly and sharply communicated information which, as far as I knew, she should not have known.
The channeling circle did not last long as the negative attraction proved too difficult for us to handle as a group, but I didn't care. I got into channeling to attempt to satisfy my skeptical side, which had been done by that point.
The story from that point contains little detail. My paranormal experiences have slowed down significantly; I still continue to study channeling and try to understand what happens during this state; I have refined my meditation and balancing exercises to a more ritualistic and crystallized approach; I focus less on exploring spiritual information and more on experiencing. I do still channel for various reasons, but I use the experience differently than most.
However, the Ra material remains the cornerstone of my spiritual framework. No information or experience I have encountered has offered more to me in the way of tools, information, and utility as this material. It seems obvious to me that this material has called to me my entire life. It never left my mind for a reason, and when I was ready to encounter and explore these concepts, it found me, and for that I am eternally grateful.
Thanks for reading.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.
The only frontier that has ever existed is the self.