02-12-2012, 07:52 AM
this piece was saved as a draft for a little while, but some encouraging words from Ankh convinced me to post it. If you enjoy it, direct your claps and cheers her way
peace y'all (did I say that right?)
the Life of Plenum; as told in words
I guess I'll start with the Facts, as some people like to have Facts to chew on before they get into the Real Details.
age: 35
gender: male
racial stock: asian
country of birth: australia
country of residence: australia
polarization: STO
density of origin: tentative 6th
star system of origin: indeterminate
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I was born on the planet Earth in the year 1977, and have lived and breathed in the one city for almost all my life. This place would be Sydney.
even in this place, I have not travelled too far; my family's home is in the suburbs about 40km/25miles from the city proper; and I have basically lived at home and in 3 different apartments my whole life. It has been a relatively fixed life, location wise.
from fairly early on, I recognised myself as 'different'. Both my parents are what you would call working class, and have eked out a very modest living in the hospitality business. The highlight of this would have been when they ran their own small chinese takeaway store for about 10 years. I definitely got to eat well when growing up; even if other things might have been lacking/absent.
my mind was fairly agile, and I was drawn to both the fantastic (in comic books) as well as the scientific (I loved loved opening up hardcover books on the Solar System and seeing all the beautiful planets.) This was still the age before mainstream computers, and books were where it was at.
my difference included a sense of 'superiority' at this stage of my life. Asians are brought up believing they are smarter than everyone else, all because they learn how to cram for tests from the age of 4 upwards. But I also guessed I had a sense of 'intelligence' that went beyond scholastic tests, and was more 'integrative' in nature.
I was very much the outsider growing up; I endured a great deal of bullying when growing up, and school life was pretty hellish up until the age of 15, when more asian migrants started appearing. Till then, I was almost the token Asian at school, and when I was bullied, I had no problem returning in kind. I stood up for myself.
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life changed greatly around this time. I got a job at McDonalds, and spent 20 hours a week flipping burgers after school. I got money, and made friends at work; we were a team.
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At 17, I finished High School, and that's when the Awakening happened. I had a friend who still had family in Malaysia, and I went there for 5 weeks during summer.
Malaysia was NOT pretty. It was, in fact, what we would call a third world country at the time. The capital city had open sewers, and smelled of s-hit EVERYWHERE you went. The heat was toxic, and was like being in a sauna 24/7. The food was harsh to my palate, and I was tormended by flies and mosquitoes. But the poverty. You had to see the poverty my friends.
the family that I stayed with had an uncle who was a recently retired government minister. They had a housemaid that was for all intents and purposes, an indentured servant. She was over 60 years old, had wretched teeth, and was small and bent over. Her 'room' was the size of a closet. She never left the residence, and worked from dawn to late evening cleaning, cooking, and attending the 'mistress' of the house. I never saw the slavery of yore, but I saw the slavery of the now. There is no mincing words about it.
you can imagine that this ENTIRE EXPERIENCE destroyed my sense of peace and justice in the world.
during this trip I stumbled across some books on astrology and sufism. The astrology was the most basic kind; Linda Goodman stuff. It was at least written well and entertaining. There was also some chinese astrology.
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when I returned home, my parents thought I was 'possessed'. I suddenly became a new age hippie; no longer respecting the system that had allowed such misery to continue in the place I had just been. I started going barefoot everywhere, shaved my head, became vegetarian, and considered every idea that was NOT mainstream.
this did not bode well for entering into University Studies doing Information Technology. I had earned a $10000/yr scholarship at the time, and they were expecting high performance and respectible attire. I delivered on neither.
it was a painful year that I endured living in two worlds; the world of ideas, and the world of the conventional. They clashed.
I flunked and left of my own accord at the end of the year.
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I spent all of 1996 in public libraries reading every book that I could reach. I read history, biography, literature (Lonesome Dove anyone?), psychology, chess books, etymology books, latin grammars, and who knows what else. My brain had been cracked open like a walnut, and I filled in the space with everything school had NOT taught me.
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after this, I went back to uni (a different uni) studying something else. There is some history there that I won't type up now, but suffice to say, that when the internet truly arrived, I was a big fan.
Skip ahead to the mid 2000's and when streaming video first arrived via youtube and google video. I saw David W's presentation on 2012 when it first hit, and become a big fan. He introduced me to the Law of One.
skip ahead a few more years, and here I am. A Wanderer who has awakened to a sense of self, and is doing their darndest to live the Law of One by its Highest Principles.
I still like to think that I'm on a Mission; and it is made all the easier by knowing that I have comrades like you around the globe willing to discuss/consider/and share these wondrous ideas.
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I skimped over the second half of my life fairly quickly, but there are some very interesting stories in there too! But this piece is already too long, and I don't want to monopolise your day with these words.
all the best, and I hope you can appreciate a bit more of my 'soul vibration'.
peace y'all (did I say that right?)
the Life of Plenum; as told in words
I guess I'll start with the Facts, as some people like to have Facts to chew on before they get into the Real Details.
age: 35
gender: male
racial stock: asian
country of birth: australia
country of residence: australia
polarization: STO
density of origin: tentative 6th
star system of origin: indeterminate
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I was born on the planet Earth in the year 1977, and have lived and breathed in the one city for almost all my life. This place would be Sydney.
even in this place, I have not travelled too far; my family's home is in the suburbs about 40km/25miles from the city proper; and I have basically lived at home and in 3 different apartments my whole life. It has been a relatively fixed life, location wise.
from fairly early on, I recognised myself as 'different'. Both my parents are what you would call working class, and have eked out a very modest living in the hospitality business. The highlight of this would have been when they ran their own small chinese takeaway store for about 10 years. I definitely got to eat well when growing up; even if other things might have been lacking/absent.
my mind was fairly agile, and I was drawn to both the fantastic (in comic books) as well as the scientific (I loved loved opening up hardcover books on the Solar System and seeing all the beautiful planets.) This was still the age before mainstream computers, and books were where it was at.
my difference included a sense of 'superiority' at this stage of my life. Asians are brought up believing they are smarter than everyone else, all because they learn how to cram for tests from the age of 4 upwards. But I also guessed I had a sense of 'intelligence' that went beyond scholastic tests, and was more 'integrative' in nature.
I was very much the outsider growing up; I endured a great deal of bullying when growing up, and school life was pretty hellish up until the age of 15, when more asian migrants started appearing. Till then, I was almost the token Asian at school, and when I was bullied, I had no problem returning in kind. I stood up for myself.
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life changed greatly around this time. I got a job at McDonalds, and spent 20 hours a week flipping burgers after school. I got money, and made friends at work; we were a team.
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At 17, I finished High School, and that's when the Awakening happened. I had a friend who still had family in Malaysia, and I went there for 5 weeks during summer.
Malaysia was NOT pretty. It was, in fact, what we would call a third world country at the time. The capital city had open sewers, and smelled of s-hit EVERYWHERE you went. The heat was toxic, and was like being in a sauna 24/7. The food was harsh to my palate, and I was tormended by flies and mosquitoes. But the poverty. You had to see the poverty my friends.
the family that I stayed with had an uncle who was a recently retired government minister. They had a housemaid that was for all intents and purposes, an indentured servant. She was over 60 years old, had wretched teeth, and was small and bent over. Her 'room' was the size of a closet. She never left the residence, and worked from dawn to late evening cleaning, cooking, and attending the 'mistress' of the house. I never saw the slavery of yore, but I saw the slavery of the now. There is no mincing words about it.
you can imagine that this ENTIRE EXPERIENCE destroyed my sense of peace and justice in the world.
during this trip I stumbled across some books on astrology and sufism. The astrology was the most basic kind; Linda Goodman stuff. It was at least written well and entertaining. There was also some chinese astrology.
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when I returned home, my parents thought I was 'possessed'. I suddenly became a new age hippie; no longer respecting the system that had allowed such misery to continue in the place I had just been. I started going barefoot everywhere, shaved my head, became vegetarian, and considered every idea that was NOT mainstream.
this did not bode well for entering into University Studies doing Information Technology. I had earned a $10000/yr scholarship at the time, and they were expecting high performance and respectible attire. I delivered on neither.
it was a painful year that I endured living in two worlds; the world of ideas, and the world of the conventional. They clashed.
I flunked and left of my own accord at the end of the year.
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I spent all of 1996 in public libraries reading every book that I could reach. I read history, biography, literature (Lonesome Dove anyone?), psychology, chess books, etymology books, latin grammars, and who knows what else. My brain had been cracked open like a walnut, and I filled in the space with everything school had NOT taught me.
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after this, I went back to uni (a different uni) studying something else. There is some history there that I won't type up now, but suffice to say, that when the internet truly arrived, I was a big fan.
Skip ahead to the mid 2000's and when streaming video first arrived via youtube and google video. I saw David W's presentation on 2012 when it first hit, and become a big fan. He introduced me to the Law of One.
skip ahead a few more years, and here I am. A Wanderer who has awakened to a sense of self, and is doing their darndest to live the Law of One by its Highest Principles.
I still like to think that I'm on a Mission; and it is made all the easier by knowing that I have comrades like you around the globe willing to discuss/consider/and share these wondrous ideas.
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I skimped over the second half of my life fairly quickly, but there are some very interesting stories in there too! But this piece is already too long, and I don't want to monopolise your day with these words.
all the best, and I hope you can appreciate a bit more of my 'soul vibration'.