01-29-2011, 12:11 AM
(This post was last modified: 01-29-2011, 12:14 AM by turtledude23.)
According to numerous statistics:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_Freedom_Index (freedom of the press correlates to democracy)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gini_C...t_2009.png (Gini is a measurement of wealth distribution)
Scandinavian countries, mainly Sweden, Norway, and Finland, also to a lesser extent Iceland, Denmark, seem to be better to live in in almost every imaginable way. Why? The source of all inequality and mass suffering would be a high ratio of selfishness in the power structure so these countries must have less very selfish people running the governments and corporations. Why? I think temperature might have something to do with it. Very selfish people would probably prefer to live in a warmer country. My friend's theory is that in cold countries people had to work harder in order to survive, my addendum to this would be that working hard would create real benefit to a society (as apposed to fake wealth created by financial games) and would keep one more focused on the more real parts of life like harmonious social interactions and time for contemplation. Your thoughts?
I'm watching the new Zeitgeist movie and all this is making me consider moving to Norway, Finland or Sweden, I'm even more disgusted by the society I live in now. I'm also considering living in Yogaville (http://yogaville.org/) or some kind of community like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbutz
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_Freedom_Index (freedom of the press correlates to democracy)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gini_C...t_2009.png (Gini is a measurement of wealth distribution)
Scandinavian countries, mainly Sweden, Norway, and Finland, also to a lesser extent Iceland, Denmark, seem to be better to live in in almost every imaginable way. Why? The source of all inequality and mass suffering would be a high ratio of selfishness in the power structure so these countries must have less very selfish people running the governments and corporations. Why? I think temperature might have something to do with it. Very selfish people would probably prefer to live in a warmer country. My friend's theory is that in cold countries people had to work harder in order to survive, my addendum to this would be that working hard would create real benefit to a society (as apposed to fake wealth created by financial games) and would keep one more focused on the more real parts of life like harmonious social interactions and time for contemplation. Your thoughts?
I'm watching the new Zeitgeist movie and all this is making me consider moving to Norway, Finland or Sweden, I'm even more disgusted by the society I live in now. I'm also considering living in Yogaville (http://yogaville.org/) or some kind of community like this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbutz