05-21-2019, 05:17 AM
There are some people that you know that have the gift of being. And whoever they are, and whoever type of being that they show, they show it in such a way that the love of the Creator shines through. And they become windows in which is reflected the fire of love. Yes, my friends, love is a very intense fire. Love is that which you experience when you experience all that you experience. You yourself are love. All that you experience is love. The creation is a creation of love, love impressed upon waves of light in many, infinitely many combinations, giving the universes infinite densities, and giving the entities that dwell in those universes their infinite varieties. But all, my friends, all are varieties of love. Who are you, my friends? What variety of love have you experienced this particular day? What love did you see today? What love showed through you today? We ask you these questions.
We ask you these questions because there is a point in your seeking at which these questions will become very, very important. And that is the point at which you decide that you want to take responsibility for yourself. Your life in this particular experience is short. And each experience that you have is fleeting. And if you know that each experience is one of love, you then, my friends, are in command over that experience. You know what to look for. You know what you are seeking. You are seeking to understand the love that created the observer in yourself that is observing the experience. And you are seeking through that observer to find the love in your experience. You are love and you are waiting to be reflected. - Hatonn
We ask you these questions because there is a point in your seeking at which these questions will become very, very important. And that is the point at which you decide that you want to take responsibility for yourself. Your life in this particular experience is short. And each experience that you have is fleeting. And if you know that each experience is one of love, you then, my friends, are in command over that experience. You know what to look for. You know what you are seeking. You are seeking to understand the love that created the observer in yourself that is observing the experience. And you are seeking through that observer to find the love in your experience. You are love and you are waiting to be reflected. - Hatonn