11-11-2016, 02:03 PM
4dphilosophyproject (at) gmail.com
For those with an interest in this topic and also in developing the Infinity Unity Principle/All One Principle (IUP/AOP) in terms of a philosophical treatise and curriculum for a future 4D university, contact at the above email.
The Logic of Love and Hate -- the Love/Hate Dynamic
This is such a deep topic to explore but I will touch on a few theories that are consistent with the Dialectical Monism (Yang/Yin) of the Infinity Unity Principle (IUP) and All One Principle (AOP).
This OP is about the logical derivation and bipolar interaction of the love/hate dynamic. By what is meant by logical derivation is the inferential dynamics of inner/outer and union/separation which induces a universal love/hate dynamic. By what is meant by bipolar interaction is the combination of ways that the love/hate dynamic manifests and evolves through the densities especially the 1st, 2nd and 3rd densities.
So, for example, there is a primitive love/hate dynamic occuring in 1st density as a constructive/destructive dynamic whereby constructive is a positive feedback loop creating order, while destructive is a negative feedback loop creating disorder. They together interact to create rich chaotic order.
The inferential dynamics of constructive/destructive leads to a dynamics of growth/decay which manifests more readily in late 1st density and 2nd density. Again positive and negative feedback loops allow for organization, regulation and diversification of more complex biosystems.
In the Ra Material there is no discussion about hatred or about the love/hate dynamic. They do mention that positive Wanderers who play with 3rd density dramas may lose much positive orientation or may even turn negative by participating in 'unloving acts'.
When you are intentionally 'unloving' towards someone doesn't that mean that you are feeling hatred towards that someone or perhaps a distorted uncaring feeling of objectification like a serial murderer? It probably depends on the ethical orientation and motive of the person in this predator/prey dynamic. In many cases the 'unloving act' of beating on a child or viciously raping a person is a hateful act.
Someone is feeling and expressing hate towards another or projecting hate in an unfocussed form. They may be in a self-serving mode and gaining power or a self-disserving mode and dissipating power as they express and act on this hate.
An example of the later is the case of a rape and murder of someone and then the murderer turns on himself and suicides.
So, imo, Ra's use of the term 'unloving' is code for hating or a distorted uncaring or objectification. "You're just a cockroach to me."
Continuing on, there is one Quo session where the concept of hatred is discussed. They describe it in terms of chakra energy blockage and pertaining to polarization in 3rd density striving towards negative 4th density.
From 1988.10.09 Hatred, Anger, Orange Ray blockages.
I don't know if "love which has been hurt badly" always applies to causing hatred. But Quo was probably addressing this for cases of hatred in positive seekers.
And I think Quo's main theme is relevant psychological and metaphysical information in our 3rd density experience and suggests the love/hate dynamic as being a range of ill and well intention on a sort of color spectrum, and where intention is in terms of focus, care and concern, and service.
Getting back to basics:
What is the nature of hate? How is it derived and from what source? What is the purpose and meaning of hate? How does hate manifest and give expression in 1st density and 2nd density?
In fundamental and universal terms, hate is ill-intentioned will that does violence or harm to self or other. The acts of violence or harm are acts causing blockage and disfunction to expression and growth.
Examples in 1st density
1. A developing 1st density planet that is on course to becoming a 2nd density planet gets hit by a migrating outer planet that knocks it into an unstable "death spiral" or decaying orbit into its sun.
2. A developing 1st density planet that is on course to becoming a 2nd density planet becomes the recipient of the partial nova explosion of its sun which incinerates all the organic volatiles and boils all the water on the surface of the planet. The planet is now a barren and desolate with no chance to evolve to 2nd density.
3. A lake filled with potential life-formng organic molecules and on track to creating the first life forms gets blasted by a nearby volcanic eruption sending hot and toxic embers and lava into it and in a short period completely fills it as a hot inorganic and biotoxic pool with no potential for emerging life.
Examples in 2nd density
1. The "runts of a litter" as with owls or other birds and mammals get beaten on by its siblings and ignored by its mother, especially during periods of feeding. The innocent newborn inevitably dies. Is this a form of 2nd density abuse and an unloving act of uncaring objectification?
2. A baby deer gets discovered by a pack of wolves and gets torn and eaten alive. It undergoes excruciating fear and pain for several minutes before it dies. Is it excruciating pain only from a 2nd density perspective or can be felt in a raw 3rd density form? Remember the movie 'Powder' when there's a transfer of feeling from a dying deer to the gloating hunter? That movie is 4D Wanderers 101.
3. A black ant stumbles upon a colony of red ants and gets swarmed and bitten to its death. A territorial inter-species hate crime? Similar to inter-racial in 3rd density? Are red ants racists and bigots? Red ants seem quite discriminatory and intolerant of the black ants. They're quite prejudiced. Don't black ants lives matter? Not to the red ants.
One last note of a common New Age notion that claims that the opposite of love is fear.
I think the love/fear dynamic is better framed as the trust/distrust dynamic by which love instills and projects trust while hate instills and projects distrust. When someone feels love from others or from self they feel trust and well-being. When someone feels hate from others or from self they feel distrust and ill-being.
It remains as very practical and useful to identify love/fear situations as "love overcoming fear" or "love overcoming distrust" -- and the contrapositive form is also useful as "fearlessness overcoming hate" or "trust overcoming hate".
So love/fear and its cousin trust/hate are valid dynamics for incorporating into our 3rd and 4th density psychology and into the framework of the Logic of the Logos theme.
The Logic of the Logos
For those with an interest in this topic and also in developing the Infinity Unity Principle/All One Principle (IUP/AOP) in terms of a philosophical treatise and curriculum for a future 4D university, contact at the above email.
The Logic of Love and Hate -- the Love/Hate Dynamic
This is such a deep topic to explore but I will touch on a few theories that are consistent with the Dialectical Monism (Yang/Yin) of the Infinity Unity Principle (IUP) and All One Principle (AOP).
This OP is about the logical derivation and bipolar interaction of the love/hate dynamic. By what is meant by logical derivation is the inferential dynamics of inner/outer and union/separation which induces a universal love/hate dynamic. By what is meant by bipolar interaction is the combination of ways that the love/hate dynamic manifests and evolves through the densities especially the 1st, 2nd and 3rd densities.
So, for example, there is a primitive love/hate dynamic occuring in 1st density as a constructive/destructive dynamic whereby constructive is a positive feedback loop creating order, while destructive is a negative feedback loop creating disorder. They together interact to create rich chaotic order.
The inferential dynamics of constructive/destructive leads to a dynamics of growth/decay which manifests more readily in late 1st density and 2nd density. Again positive and negative feedback loops allow for organization, regulation and diversification of more complex biosystems.
In the Ra Material there is no discussion about hatred or about the love/hate dynamic. They do mention that positive Wanderers who play with 3rd density dramas may lose much positive orientation or may even turn negative by participating in 'unloving acts'.
When you are intentionally 'unloving' towards someone doesn't that mean that you are feeling hatred towards that someone or perhaps a distorted uncaring feeling of objectification like a serial murderer? It probably depends on the ethical orientation and motive of the person in this predator/prey dynamic. In many cases the 'unloving act' of beating on a child or viciously raping a person is a hateful act.
Someone is feeling and expressing hate towards another or projecting hate in an unfocussed form. They may be in a self-serving mode and gaining power or a self-disserving mode and dissipating power as they express and act on this hate.
An example of the later is the case of a rape and murder of someone and then the murderer turns on himself and suicides.
So, imo, Ra's use of the term 'unloving' is code for hating or a distorted uncaring or objectification. "You're just a cockroach to me."
Continuing on, there is one Quo session where the concept of hatred is discussed. They describe it in terms of chakra energy blockage and pertaining to polarization in 3rd density striving towards negative 4th density.
From 1988.10.09 Hatred, Anger, Orange Ray blockages.
Quote:That which is hatred and that which is anger, and all of those emotions which may be called negative, are distortions of love. These emotions manifest through the distorted individual by blocking energy and trapping this energy in the center involved in the changing, confusing difficulty which is catalyst for distorted love. This catalyst may be extreme.
(paraphrasing further) A full intensity of hatred is sought by achieving a purity of negative emotion which is necessary for those which wish to polarize negatively.
(in terms of distorted love) ...hatred is love which has been hurt badly. Anger is that which comes of hatred.
I don't know if "love which has been hurt badly" always applies to causing hatred. But Quo was probably addressing this for cases of hatred in positive seekers.
And I think Quo's main theme is relevant psychological and metaphysical information in our 3rd density experience and suggests the love/hate dynamic as being a range of ill and well intention on a sort of color spectrum, and where intention is in terms of focus, care and concern, and service.
Getting back to basics:
What is the nature of hate? How is it derived and from what source? What is the purpose and meaning of hate? How does hate manifest and give expression in 1st density and 2nd density?
In fundamental and universal terms, hate is ill-intentioned will that does violence or harm to self or other. The acts of violence or harm are acts causing blockage and disfunction to expression and growth.
Examples in 1st density
1. A developing 1st density planet that is on course to becoming a 2nd density planet gets hit by a migrating outer planet that knocks it into an unstable "death spiral" or decaying orbit into its sun.
2. A developing 1st density planet that is on course to becoming a 2nd density planet becomes the recipient of the partial nova explosion of its sun which incinerates all the organic volatiles and boils all the water on the surface of the planet. The planet is now a barren and desolate with no chance to evolve to 2nd density.
3. A lake filled with potential life-formng organic molecules and on track to creating the first life forms gets blasted by a nearby volcanic eruption sending hot and toxic embers and lava into it and in a short period completely fills it as a hot inorganic and biotoxic pool with no potential for emerging life.
Examples in 2nd density
1. The "runts of a litter" as with owls or other birds and mammals get beaten on by its siblings and ignored by its mother, especially during periods of feeding. The innocent newborn inevitably dies. Is this a form of 2nd density abuse and an unloving act of uncaring objectification?
2. A baby deer gets discovered by a pack of wolves and gets torn and eaten alive. It undergoes excruciating fear and pain for several minutes before it dies. Is it excruciating pain only from a 2nd density perspective or can be felt in a raw 3rd density form? Remember the movie 'Powder' when there's a transfer of feeling from a dying deer to the gloating hunter? That movie is 4D Wanderers 101.
3. A black ant stumbles upon a colony of red ants and gets swarmed and bitten to its death. A territorial inter-species hate crime? Similar to inter-racial in 3rd density? Are red ants racists and bigots? Red ants seem quite discriminatory and intolerant of the black ants. They're quite prejudiced. Don't black ants lives matter? Not to the red ants.
One last note of a common New Age notion that claims that the opposite of love is fear.
I think the love/fear dynamic is better framed as the trust/distrust dynamic by which love instills and projects trust while hate instills and projects distrust. When someone feels love from others or from self they feel trust and well-being. When someone feels hate from others or from self they feel distrust and ill-being.
It remains as very practical and useful to identify love/fear situations as "love overcoming fear" or "love overcoming distrust" -- and the contrapositive form is also useful as "fearlessness overcoming hate" or "trust overcoming hate".
So love/fear and its cousin trust/hate are valid dynamics for incorporating into our 3rd and 4th density psychology and into the framework of the Logic of the Logos theme.
The Logic of the Logos