4dphilosophyproject (at) gmail.com
If you have an interest in this topic and also in developing the Infinity Unity Principle or All One Principle (IUP or AOP) in terms of a philosophical treatise and curriculum for future 4D study, contact me at the above email. The IUP or AOP in What is Ra's Monism http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=10926
The Logic of the Logos
This title has a nice rhythm and could have been called 'the Creation of the Creator' or 'the Experience of the Experiencer', and so 'logic', 'creation' and 'experience' are analogous, and this, in turn, broadens and deepens the meaning of 'logic' in so many ways.
Why Experiencer? See The Creator/Explorer Dynamic
If the term 'logos' means the "divine organizing principle" or "inspirational guiding force" or "elan vital" then it's a given that "the Universe is alive" and should be considered as an endlessly rich and complex 'logical system'. This 'logical system' is the Logos or Creator/Experiencer that manifests from a nondual state of being as the One Source or Monad.
Now a 'logical system' refers to a 'complex' which defines a combination of aspects, modes and/or parts.
We all know that the Ra group referred to the 'mind-body-spirit complex' as also a 'logos' -- so each of us are a 'closed and open logical system' in that sense. In set theory it's called a 'clopen system' which has a unique closed identity but open to changing and evolving via it's infinite nature.
We also know that planets and suns and galaxies are referred to as greater encompassing types of 'logos' and we are 'sub-logoi' to the Earth. which, in turn, is a 'sub-logos' to the Sun, which, in turn, is a 'sub-logos' to the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is a possible 'sub-logos' to the local Galactic Cluster where it will someday merge with the much larger Andromeda galaxy.
So we have the notions of 'logical system', 'logical complex' and 'logic/creation/experience' that result in 'logical structures and processes' within these systems or complexes. But we aren't just computerized automatons or robots so this notion of 'logic' has deeper meaning as a blend of both philosophical and esoteric.
The notion of 'logic' is derived from 'logos' so it makes sense to understand it's nature and understand how it applies to the greater Logos in terms of how the Creator/Experiencer uses logic to manifest. This manifestation is based on an holistic logical derivation process that I have worked on that begins with the identity principle of the Monad to itself or as M = M.
Now the holistic logical derivation process involves the derivation of the IUP and AOP and their further derivations. But that's long and drawn out material for another post. Btw, remember what the Ra group said about 'identity'? It's essentially the key to everything and was mentioned in my old thread.
4D physics and the Reciprocal System
For this post I want to end by providing a more holistic meaning to 'logic' as it applies to 'logos' and offer some examples.
Logic is designed to seek meaning and purpose via different forms of reference and inference. There are many creative forms of logic besides classical consistent logic, such as nonclassical paraconsistent logic, probabilistic inductive logic, multi-value logic, fuzzy logic, pluravalent logic, modal logic, etc -- and probably an intuitive form of archetypal logic in astrology and the tarot of Ra's Book 4.
These variations of logics can allow for deriving and understanding any scenario of the Creator/Experiencer such as, for example, the state of an extremely distorted unpolarized person addicted to meth-amphetamine and spiraling into extreme levels of disservice to self or DTS. In this case there will be, among others, the logic of ill-intentioned, ill-founded and ill-formed formulations of consciousness that relate to psycho-logics and ethical logics. This gets some attention in the following thread.
A Person's Ethical Focus, Range and Volatility
One final idea is the logic of bipolarity relating to the complementation of inner/outer or Yin/Yang.
The logic of infinity and unity
The logic of creation and destruction.
The logic of love and hate.
The logic of pain and joy.
The logic of sexual dynamics
Also a quick Syllogism or 2 premise formulation.
All entities come from and have properties of the one Source.
The one Source contains all and thus has degrees of both positive and negative orientation.
Therefore, all entities have degrees of both positive and negative orientation.
And a quick inference called obversion or a kind of double negation.
All entities come from only one Source.
Therefore no entities come from other sources.
But that doesn't mean we can't apply 'deviant logics' and 'inconsistency' to refute the above inference and therefore to take the 'deviant path' that allows for exploring STS. In addition 'infinitary logics' implies 'choice functions' and therefore free will.
So with that, I wonder what Star Trek's Mr Spock would think of this? Probably something like this. "It's totally illogical. Get a life." ;-O
If you have an interest in this topic and also in developing the Infinity Unity Principle or All One Principle (IUP or AOP) in terms of a philosophical treatise and curriculum for future 4D study, contact me at the above email. The IUP or AOP in What is Ra's Monism http://www.bring4th.org/forums/showthread.php?tid=10926
The Logic of the Logos
This title has a nice rhythm and could have been called 'the Creation of the Creator' or 'the Experience of the Experiencer', and so 'logic', 'creation' and 'experience' are analogous, and this, in turn, broadens and deepens the meaning of 'logic' in so many ways.
Why Experiencer? See The Creator/Explorer Dynamic
If the term 'logos' means the "divine organizing principle" or "inspirational guiding force" or "elan vital" then it's a given that "the Universe is alive" and should be considered as an endlessly rich and complex 'logical system'. This 'logical system' is the Logos or Creator/Experiencer that manifests from a nondual state of being as the One Source or Monad.
Now a 'logical system' refers to a 'complex' which defines a combination of aspects, modes and/or parts.
We all know that the Ra group referred to the 'mind-body-spirit complex' as also a 'logos' -- so each of us are a 'closed and open logical system' in that sense. In set theory it's called a 'clopen system' which has a unique closed identity but open to changing and evolving via it's infinite nature.
We also know that planets and suns and galaxies are referred to as greater encompassing types of 'logos' and we are 'sub-logoi' to the Earth. which, in turn, is a 'sub-logos' to the Sun, which, in turn, is a 'sub-logos' to the Milky Way galaxy. The Milky Way galaxy is a possible 'sub-logos' to the local Galactic Cluster where it will someday merge with the much larger Andromeda galaxy.
So we have the notions of 'logical system', 'logical complex' and 'logic/creation/experience' that result in 'logical structures and processes' within these systems or complexes. But we aren't just computerized automatons or robots so this notion of 'logic' has deeper meaning as a blend of both philosophical and esoteric.
The notion of 'logic' is derived from 'logos' so it makes sense to understand it's nature and understand how it applies to the greater Logos in terms of how the Creator/Experiencer uses logic to manifest. This manifestation is based on an holistic logical derivation process that I have worked on that begins with the identity principle of the Monad to itself or as M = M.
Now the holistic logical derivation process involves the derivation of the IUP and AOP and their further derivations. But that's long and drawn out material for another post. Btw, remember what the Ra group said about 'identity'? It's essentially the key to everything and was mentioned in my old thread.
4D physics and the Reciprocal System
For this post I want to end by providing a more holistic meaning to 'logic' as it applies to 'logos' and offer some examples.
Logic is designed to seek meaning and purpose via different forms of reference and inference. There are many creative forms of logic besides classical consistent logic, such as nonclassical paraconsistent logic, probabilistic inductive logic, multi-value logic, fuzzy logic, pluravalent logic, modal logic, etc -- and probably an intuitive form of archetypal logic in astrology and the tarot of Ra's Book 4.
These variations of logics can allow for deriving and understanding any scenario of the Creator/Experiencer such as, for example, the state of an extremely distorted unpolarized person addicted to meth-amphetamine and spiraling into extreme levels of disservice to self or DTS. In this case there will be, among others, the logic of ill-intentioned, ill-founded and ill-formed formulations of consciousness that relate to psycho-logics and ethical logics. This gets some attention in the following thread.
A Person's Ethical Focus, Range and Volatility
One final idea is the logic of bipolarity relating to the complementation of inner/outer or Yin/Yang.
The logic of infinity and unity
The logic of creation and destruction.
The logic of love and hate.
The logic of pain and joy.
The logic of sexual dynamics
Also a quick Syllogism or 2 premise formulation.
All entities come from and have properties of the one Source.
The one Source contains all and thus has degrees of both positive and negative orientation.
Therefore, all entities have degrees of both positive and negative orientation.
And a quick inference called obversion or a kind of double negation.
All entities come from only one Source.
Therefore no entities come from other sources.
But that doesn't mean we can't apply 'deviant logics' and 'inconsistency' to refute the above inference and therefore to take the 'deviant path' that allows for exploring STS. In addition 'infinitary logics' implies 'choice functions' and therefore free will.
So with that, I wonder what Star Trek's Mr Spock would think of this? Probably something like this. "It's totally illogical. Get a life." ;-O