03-22-2016, 03:39 PM
Quote:Ra: I am Ra. As you observe Archetype Six you may see the student of the mysteries being transformed by the need to choose betwixt the light and the dark in mind.
![[Image: wmQZiqc.jpg]](http://imgur.com/wmQZiqc.jpg)
![[Image: ktKRinH.jpg]](http://imgur.com/ktKRinH.jpg)
Quote:Ra: Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind, seeing it in the guise of the maiden, go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.
The Transformation of the Mind is the meat and potatoes of the Mind cycle and consequently, polarization. A male figure stands between two females, who each are pointing in opposite directions. He holds both of their hands. His eyes are closed and his arms are crossed. Each female eagerly holds the hand of the male figure, but both have their own path of direction. The females are the personification of polarization. Who do you desire, and how will you pursue her? And not just her (the High Priestess, your own subconscious), but how will you pursue your experiences with others?
There are two options. You can take the path of courting the maiden. The maiden is pure, virginal, sweet, and therefore everything you can imagine: A pure mirror upon which to see your best self. To court her requires, primarily, patience and acceptance, and the light touch. This extends to the self and others. Even if you aren't entirely in love with her yet, you are in love with the idea of being in love with her, and through the process of courtship will fall in love with her. In return, she courts you back by offering you that which you so desire: satisfaction, validation, completion, marital fulfillment, unification. It is the perfect union of the Matrix of the Mind (will) and the Potentiator of the Mind (subconscious) - both are working together in harmony for the benefit of both/all. The union causes the sum to be greater than its parts.
Sometimes, while courting the maiden, she will ask you to do things that seem... strange. Or out of your element. Or maybe even just unpleasant. If you are sincerely courting her, you should, with faith, listen to her wishes. She is, of course, the High Priestess, She of the Infinite Pools. She knows everything that you don't. If she says run outside and play in the rain, you do it. If she says smile at the random stranger, you do it! You trust her. She is you. If you are sincerely courting her, she will, more and more often, respond purely with love. Of course, at the beginning she may be finicky. This is part of the trust and faith of courting her. Ra says that the way to stop the flow of karma is forgiveness of the self and other self - can you perpetually forgive your maiden, even if she seemingly leads you on a goose chase?
The other path would be personified as plundering the prostitute. Do you see yourself, your subconscious resources, and/or the resources of others/the earth/Creation as a thing to be plundered? Do you take, take, take, without giving, in any of these areas? Do you feel as if the infinite bounty should supply you without question or effort? This is the path of plunder. Taking without giving back is absorption. This is a valid path, though Ra says that this path offers fruits that are "rough, prostituted, and without great virtue", and that "That which is magical in the negative experience is much longer coming, shall we say, in the third density." It is strongly hinted that cooperation with others yields fruits at a greater rate. However, the genie protects the path of plunder, because the negative path is intent on separating itself from others into its ultimate potentiation. The positive path, seeking unity at all expenses, is much more exposed to, let's say, empathizing with other entities on our conjoined journey. When the maiden cries, you cry with her. When the prostitute cries, you implore her to stop, or delight in her misery.
There is another level to this card, and it is represented by the many triangle shapes. The two paths diverge, and get further apart than they even are in 3D. You MUST let go of one of the maiden's hands to follow the other maiden on her path - you cannot follow both maidens at once. You will stand in place. Ra says courting the maiden has "nothing of plunder in its semblance, yet the treasure gained by such a careful courtship is great." It is a careful, deliberate courtship that allows one to activate the Transformation of the Mind at a greater pace. Each seeking of love and courtship of the maiden in the moment builds upon itself, laying the path for the Great Way who reaches for this Transformation.
I'll end this with two quotes from Q'uo on Transformation. These thoughts can be applied to mind, body, and spirit.
Quote:Q'uo: There are models of transformation which are helpful in thinking about times of change within the self as it undergoes realizations of accumulated information which have precipitated change. One model is the much clichéd butterfly. And there is some advantage to thinking of transformation using this model. The unawakened pupae and larvae go about their routines, eating and becoming ready to enter into a phase of development that is transformative in a way that changes the form of life from that which crawls to that which flies. And you may see that time of transformation as precipitated by the going into the cocoon of dealing with new thoughts and letting those thoughts marinate within your consciousness.
For transformation is a cycle. It is an inevitable cycle. You will transform. You shall become a new creature. The only question is whether or not you wish to accelerate the process of your own spiritual evolution. Those who are listening to these words and those who read them are those who wish to become more than they have been. That wish, in and of itself, will hasten the rate of speed of change in your life. For by wishing to be transformed and by being willing to be transformed, you make the space for being transformed.