01-14-2010, 03:28 PM
First of a series of metaphysical questions I'd love to explore with you all this year. What is Reality? What is Truth? As I understand these concepts:
Reality is All That Is. What Is? Various waves that occur in space and time, sometimes close enough in space and time to interact with one another. Each of these interactions is a one of a kind situation. These are what we perceive as events.
Occasionally the interactions repeat, because the proximity and frequencies involved are close enough to provide another opportunity for the wave patterns to meet each other again. These are what we perceive as recurring events. Ultimately, these waves originate from, travel through, and return to the ultimate substance of the Creator.
![[Image: 13_aqueduct.jpg]](http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall07/cos323/13_aqueduct.jpg)
The waves go out because of the original Source's desire for expansiveness and experience. The waves come back because of the original Source's desire for unity and inclusiveness. As the waves interact, they make persistent patterns we can identify as the fundamental building blocks of Nature. These particles seem to have their own solid identity, but they are actually merely an ongoing interaction of waves.
![[Image: big-joe-francais_2.jpg]](http://www.tourisme-montreal.org/TMImages/03800-03899/03875/big-joe-francais_2.jpg)
As Bucky Fuller put it, in his typical way of condensed words for expanded thoughts:
Some of these waves may come from different directions, and go in different directions, compared to other waves. That being said, there are no contradictions in Reality.
As a simple example, consider a traffic jam. Traffic as a whole may not be going anywhere in particular. However, each individual car is going in a particular direction, with a direction and speed, at each instant. That direction is the composite total of all the forces acting on the car, including gravity, momentum, road friction, air resistance, and the work of the engine.
Even if the car was to be in a collision, each individual piece would trace its own path through space and time based on all the forces involved in its cause and effect. Each car, and each piece of each car, is true to its own nature as it moves in its own path.
In the same way, each person's own conscious awareness is the sum total of all the waves that are accessed by that consciousness, some integrated with awareness, some not.
![[Image: wq-iceberg-underwater.jpg]](http://express.howstuffworks.com/gif/wq-iceberg-underwater.jpg)
An individual human mind can only comprehend some portion of Reality. As we ourselves are a collection of waves in space in time, there are some other waves we resonate with, and some we don't. There are some other waves that we can be aware of with consciousness. Of those waves in our awareness, we can communicate some of them. As Bucky put it:
This means that Universe may well be smaller than Reality. For today's discussion, I'd like to refer to an accurate perception about a wave pattern within Reality as a Truth. There are infinite ways to accurately understand any particular Wave, such as knowing its source, direction, frequency, amplitude, phase, and its history of encounters with other waves. Any one such understanding has only one accurate statement from any one point of view, and this is the Truth from that point of view. From another perspective, additional Truths may be observable about the same wave or events.
Reality is like events that occur in the dark. Truth is a light that shines on some of these events, making them visible to us.
![[Image: keyhole-742659.jpg]](http://www.bathtalkweekly.com/uploaded_images/keyhole-742659.jpg)
![[Image: 6a00e551f9630d883301157112f4ad970c-pi]](http://mrsponsorpants.typepad.com/.a/6a00e551f9630d883301157112f4ad970c-pi)
As we ride through life, we are able to perceive some of Reality: we perceive as much of the Truth as we can.
![[Image: space-mountain.jpg]](http://www.thevarguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/space-mountain.jpg)
The Real picture may be more, less, quite a bit different than our peephole's worth of Truth.
![[Image: wm_space1wtmk.jpg]](http://whateves.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/wm_space1wtmk.jpg)
Truths never contradict each other. The only place a contradiction can exist is inside the mind of a confused person.
If we add up Truths that different human minds have perceived, we gain a more integrated, more holistic, larger view of Reality. This is turn is what makes possible the scientific method; due process in justice; debate; and, ultimately, recognition of the love inherent in each moment. In this way our comings and going can light each others' paths.
![[Image: dismalite_light_trails_zoom.jpg]](http://www.dismalscanyon.com/graphics/index/dismalite_light_trails_zoom.jpg)
Your thoughts?
Reality is All That Is. What Is? Various waves that occur in space and time, sometimes close enough in space and time to interact with one another. Each of these interactions is a one of a kind situation. These are what we perceive as events.
Occasionally the interactions repeat, because the proximity and frequencies involved are close enough to provide another opportunity for the wave patterns to meet each other again. These are what we perceive as recurring events. Ultimately, these waves originate from, travel through, and return to the ultimate substance of the Creator.
![[Image: 13_aqueduct.jpg]](http://www.cs.princeton.edu/courses/archive/fall07/cos323/13_aqueduct.jpg)
The waves go out because of the original Source's desire for expansiveness and experience. The waves come back because of the original Source's desire for unity and inclusiveness. As the waves interact, they make persistent patterns we can identify as the fundamental building blocks of Nature. These particles seem to have their own solid identity, but they are actually merely an ongoing interaction of waves.
![[Image: big-joe-francais_2.jpg]](http://www.tourisme-montreal.org/TMImages/03800-03899/03875/big-joe-francais_2.jpg)
As Bucky Fuller put it, in his typical way of condensed words for expanded thoughts:
Quote:The comprehensive fact, however, is that nothing in Universe touches anything else. There are no solids. There are, in fact, no things. There are only complex critical-proximity and -frequency, unique event aggregates interoperative in pure principle.
Some of these waves may come from different directions, and go in different directions, compared to other waves. That being said, there are no contradictions in Reality.
As a simple example, consider a traffic jam. Traffic as a whole may not be going anywhere in particular. However, each individual car is going in a particular direction, with a direction and speed, at each instant. That direction is the composite total of all the forces acting on the car, including gravity, momentum, road friction, air resistance, and the work of the engine.
Even if the car was to be in a collision, each individual piece would trace its own path through space and time based on all the forces involved in its cause and effect. Each car, and each piece of each car, is true to its own nature as it moves in its own path.
![[Image: comp-vectors.jpg]](http://www.physics.brocku.ca/~aknigavk/1P21/Kinematics/comp-vectors.jpg)
In the same way, each person's own conscious awareness is the sum total of all the waves that are accessed by that consciousness, some integrated with awareness, some not.
![[Image: wq-iceberg-underwater.jpg]](http://express.howstuffworks.com/gif/wq-iceberg-underwater.jpg)
An individual human mind can only comprehend some portion of Reality. As we ourselves are a collection of waves in space in time, there are some other waves we resonate with, and some we don't. There are some other waves that we can be aware of with consciousness. Of those waves in our awareness, we can communicate some of them. As Bucky put it:
Quote:Universe is the aggregate of all humanity's consciously apprehended and communicated nonsimultaneous and only partially overlapping experiences.
This means that Universe may well be smaller than Reality. For today's discussion, I'd like to refer to an accurate perception about a wave pattern within Reality as a Truth. There are infinite ways to accurately understand any particular Wave, such as knowing its source, direction, frequency, amplitude, phase, and its history of encounters with other waves. Any one such understanding has only one accurate statement from any one point of view, and this is the Truth from that point of view. From another perspective, additional Truths may be observable about the same wave or events.
Reality is like events that occur in the dark. Truth is a light that shines on some of these events, making them visible to us.
![[Image: keyhole-742659.jpg]](http://www.bathtalkweekly.com/uploaded_images/keyhole-742659.jpg)
As we ride through life, we are able to perceive some of Reality: we perceive as much of the Truth as we can.
![[Image: space-mountain.jpg]](http://www.thevarguy.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/space-mountain.jpg)
The Real picture may be more, less, quite a bit different than our peephole's worth of Truth.
![[Image: wm_space1wtmk.jpg]](http://whateves.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/wm_space1wtmk.jpg)
Truths never contradict each other. The only place a contradiction can exist is inside the mind of a confused person.
If we add up Truths that different human minds have perceived, we gain a more integrated, more holistic, larger view of Reality. This is turn is what makes possible the scientific method; due process in justice; debate; and, ultimately, recognition of the love inherent in each moment. In this way our comings and going can light each others' paths.
![[Image: dismalite_light_trails_zoom.jpg]](http://www.dismalscanyon.com/graphics/index/dismalite_light_trails_zoom.jpg)
Your thoughts?