08-12-2012, 11:00 AM
do you remember the first time someone recorded your voice, and played it back to you?
sounded weird, right?
I must have been 12 or 13 when this first happened (recording technologies were not as widely available in the 1980's, when I was growing up), and wow, did it come as a shock! The skull acts as a resonance chamber for your own voice, so when you hear yourself speak it sounds uniqely different to you, than it does for ANYONE else hearing it.
I am blessed/cursed with asian genetics, so I am guessing I sound like a soprano at times lol. It is probably the next step in the full acceptance of myself; to love and value the sound of my own voice.
sounded weird, right?
I must have been 12 or 13 when this first happened (recording technologies were not as widely available in the 1980's, when I was growing up), and wow, did it come as a shock! The skull acts as a resonance chamber for your own voice, so when you hear yourself speak it sounds uniqely different to you, than it does for ANYONE else hearing it.
I am blessed/cursed with asian genetics, so I am guessing I sound like a soprano at times lol. It is probably the next step in the full acceptance of myself; to love and value the sound of my own voice.