01-03-2010, 01:49 PM
The Great Pyramid
The base covers over 5000 square meters ( 5 979 square yards).
There are more than 23 million stones
The average stone weighs 40 tons
Some of the single slabs of stone weigh 200 tons
The peak is less than 6 cm (Just over 2") off the exact center of all four bottom corners alignment.
It is said to have been built in 20 years, which would mean one stone/slab was placed to within less than a hairs distance of perfection each two minutes. You can't slide a piece of paper between many stones still, thousands of years after their placement.
We can, today, with the most modern cranes, move a 200 ton anything from one place to another over a short distance (dock to boat/boat to dock). These stones were moved from quarries where? and rolled on logs? except Egypt is and was a desert, and where would these logs have come from? the number of logs to have been able to roll 23 million stone slabs on....? 50 logs? to move one slab? 50 x 23 million logs?
If we were ask any engineering company in the world TODAY to duplicate this pyramid, irregardless of the cost, there is not one that could do it. If we can't do it today, how was it done then? Ra told us. I accept that as truth.
The base covers over 5000 square meters ( 5 979 square yards).
There are more than 23 million stones
The average stone weighs 40 tons
Some of the single slabs of stone weigh 200 tons
The peak is less than 6 cm (Just over 2") off the exact center of all four bottom corners alignment.
It is said to have been built in 20 years, which would mean one stone/slab was placed to within less than a hairs distance of perfection each two minutes. You can't slide a piece of paper between many stones still, thousands of years after their placement.
We can, today, with the most modern cranes, move a 200 ton anything from one place to another over a short distance (dock to boat/boat to dock). These stones were moved from quarries where? and rolled on logs? except Egypt is and was a desert, and where would these logs have come from? the number of logs to have been able to roll 23 million stone slabs on....? 50 logs? to move one slab? 50 x 23 million logs?
If we were ask any engineering company in the world TODAY to duplicate this pyramid, irregardless of the cost, there is not one that could do it. If we can't do it today, how was it done then? Ra told us. I accept that as truth.