01-03-2010, 09:58 AM
as ive been reading a lot of posts and articles on the site one thought
keeps coming back to me, the good shepherd. the vibration im getting is that i want to be a good shepherd for those involved in my life. of course every shepherd has a flock so who is my flock. well my wife my children
our grandchildren is my immediate flock, then friends of the family
people i work with people i run into in daily life, actually every person we
run into could be perceived as our flock. and what is it that a shepherd
does, they protect and love their flock.
when christ spoke to peter he asked him 3 times peter, lovest thou me
finally peter said to him, lord thou knowest i love thee
then christ said to him
if you love me feed my lambs and feed my sheep. thruout the bible
there are many references to shepherds and flocks . king david
was a shepherd boy and when he went to fight the giant goliath
and they offered him armor he refused it. he said the same God
who protects me from the lion and the wolf and the bear shall protect
me from this giant and guess who won that one lol.
the point im making is that from reading here on the site im inspired to
be a better shepherd in my life and to view each encounter i have with
my fellow human beings as an opportunity to act as a shepherd, to put the welfare of others above my own.
just thought i'd share whats running thru my heart


keeps coming back to me, the good shepherd. the vibration im getting is that i want to be a good shepherd for those involved in my life. of course every shepherd has a flock so who is my flock. well my wife my children
our grandchildren is my immediate flock, then friends of the family
people i work with people i run into in daily life, actually every person we
run into could be perceived as our flock. and what is it that a shepherd
does, they protect and love their flock.
when christ spoke to peter he asked him 3 times peter, lovest thou me
finally peter said to him, lord thou knowest i love thee
then christ said to him
if you love me feed my lambs and feed my sheep. thruout the bible
there are many references to shepherds and flocks . king david
was a shepherd boy and when he went to fight the giant goliath
and they offered him armor he refused it. he said the same God
who protects me from the lion and the wolf and the bear shall protect
me from this giant and guess who won that one lol.
the point im making is that from reading here on the site im inspired to
be a better shepherd in my life and to view each encounter i have with
my fellow human beings as an opportunity to act as a shepherd, to put the welfare of others above my own.
just thought i'd share whats running thru my heart