02-01-2012, 11:31 AM
i am reading the book practicing peace by catherine whitmire a practicing quaker.
there is one story in there that i want to share. david n. was teahing at a quaker school in burundi in 1993 during the hutu tutsi conflicts. his school was attacked by soldiers and their collaborators. he managed to escape and he hid for one week. he returned to the school to find it full of flies feeding on the dead bodies of his former students. he sat down and cried , fell into a deep depression and was on the verge of asking god to take his life. he said he then received this spiritual message
come to terms with what has happened and offer forgiveness to the men who have committed this atrocity. he struggled with this message wondering if this was what christ really expected of him , to forgive in the face of this great evil. a short time later he encountered a man in the street who had collaborated with the soldiers in this act of incredible evil. to his surprise he found himself taking the mans hand and saying "by gods power i forgive u for your part in this massacre " he says upon doing this he experienced a deep sense of peace and he realized that he , thru his forgiveness had helped to bring gods love into this world. might i add also that he freed himself from the slavery of desiring vengence upon the perpertrators of this foul deed. his life was transfomed by his act of forgiveness on that day and he freed himself to become a positive force on this planet.
i personally have never add anything occur in my life such as what he experienced . but the truth is that as long as we live in a state of unforgiveness we are imprisoned by that very same unforgiveness. so the thought of vengence is most definitely sweet i will not lie about that but that same desire for vengence locks us into a prison of our own making. so even though i most definitely feel passionately about the injustices of this world i do not hate those who commit these acts. that is between them and god. and will stand up and speak out and let my voice be heard but i will not hate and be imprisoned by the very act that i abhor