05-06-2011, 02:57 PM
Sparked by the other thread about Rays and Vibrations I wanted to see what people thought of this idea, and also wondering if Ra has touched upon this particular concept.
In music there are 12 notes in total, 7 regular and 5 "accidental", the sharp notes. Combined they equal 12, same number as the zodiac. Makes me wonder where these other 5 notes fit in, I've read about secrets surrounding the Unknown 5, but have yet to discover anything particular. From what I've examined the main 7 notes are "solid" notes, the other 5 are more "moving", I've speculated that these notes may very well symbolize the PROCESS of the densities, since they are intermediaries. I believe that the notes "start" with C, so C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. This is based on Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti/Si. Interesting to note there are two intervals, distance between two notes, with no intermediary, B - C and E - F.
I have connected these to the chakras as well in a way I feel most logical, starting with:
C = Root
C# = Elimination (Bowels)
D = Sacral/Sexual
D# = Dissolution (Digestive Tract)
E = Solar Plexus/Emotional
F = Heart
F# = Sufflation (Lungs) (Symbolically an expansion)
G = Throat
G# = Distinction (Hypopharynx/Mouth/Jaw)
A = Third Eye
A# = Generation (Brain)
B = Crown
This is just a system I have found comfortable, that's the thing about systems, they can be re-ordered by anyone.
These other 5 could also be placed on various other organs, and was done so by some I believe, what do you guys think of this connection between music and the octaves/densities and thus our particular creation as a whole? The alchemists did extensive work on this, and Pythagoras would have had a thing or two to say I'm sure.
In music there are 12 notes in total, 7 regular and 5 "accidental", the sharp notes. Combined they equal 12, same number as the zodiac. Makes me wonder where these other 5 notes fit in, I've read about secrets surrounding the Unknown 5, but have yet to discover anything particular. From what I've examined the main 7 notes are "solid" notes, the other 5 are more "moving", I've speculated that these notes may very well symbolize the PROCESS of the densities, since they are intermediaries. I believe that the notes "start" with C, so C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B. This is based on Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti/Si. Interesting to note there are two intervals, distance between two notes, with no intermediary, B - C and E - F.
I have connected these to the chakras as well in a way I feel most logical, starting with:
C = Root
C# = Elimination (Bowels)
D = Sacral/Sexual
D# = Dissolution (Digestive Tract)
E = Solar Plexus/Emotional
F = Heart
F# = Sufflation (Lungs) (Symbolically an expansion)
G = Throat
G# = Distinction (Hypopharynx/Mouth/Jaw)
A = Third Eye
A# = Generation (Brain)
B = Crown
This is just a system I have found comfortable, that's the thing about systems, they can be re-ordered by anyone.
These other 5 could also be placed on various other organs, and was done so by some I believe, what do you guys think of this connection between music and the octaves/densities and thus our particular creation as a whole? The alchemists did extensive work on this, and Pythagoras would have had a thing or two to say I'm sure.